Year in Review 11-12, Engineers Australia South Australia Divsion

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Engineers Australia South Australia Division 2011-2012

Year in Review

Image: ‘Razed in Flames’ entertained over 360 guests at the 2011 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards held at the Adelaide Oval.

MESSAGES Image: Operations Manager of Country Fire Authority, Stewart Kreltszheim, engaged with guests at the Sir Eric Neal Address held Wednesday 22nd February 2012.

What a year it has been. Personally I have thoroughly enjoyed being your President and have been delighted with the activity that occurs within the Division. This year has been the Year of the Regional Engineering Team and a challenge that has often been put to me is to re-establish a regional engineering presence within South Australia. Having met with regional engineers in Whyalla and Mt Gambier there is some interest in those areas and a group of engineers in Roxby Downs are taking up the challenge and have established a group up there. I am confident we are on the right path to reconnecting with regional engineers in this state. We have had some wonderful activities and events during the year, of which I will highlight three. The Sir Eric Neal Address was one of the most inspiring presentations about leadership and the courage it takes to lead. Those who attended heard from Stewart Kreltszheim, a Regional Commander with the Victorian CFA who was in charge of a large area affected by the Black Saturday bushfires. Stewart’s story of taking on challenges and learning from the experiences you have was quite remarkable and set the scene for a year where leadership was a major focus. The Engineering Leadership Conference was held in Adelaide in late May and was another display of how engineers influence and lead. There were some remarkable stories of challenge, perseverance and determination to succeed that I heard through those few days and I have taken away some fantastic perspectives which I am sure I will use in the future. My congratulations go to the organising committee of this conference on a job well done. A major night in the Engineering calendar each year is the Engineering Excellence Awards and it was a fantastic night celebrating the achievements of engineers in this state. I was delighted to see a joint project from the University of Adelaide and Flinders University, “Six Degrees of Freedom Hexapod Robot for Biomechanical Research”, receive the Malcolm Kinnaird Excellence Award on the night. For me this was a real highlight in demonstrating how engineering impacts more than infrastructure. My congratulations to all projects and individuals who received excellence awards, commendations and were finalists on the night. My sincere thanks to all the volunteers involved in the South Australian Division - it is your tireless efforts that make being part of Engineers Australia such a rewarding experience. My thanks to all on Division Committee and Division Staff, you have all been a fantastic support to me and I leave this position with many wonderful memories. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their ongoing support.

Gerry Doyle FIEAust CPEng President, 2012 2012 continued on from the great outcomes achieved in 2011. Our membership has grown and the Division delivered a large program of activities over the 2011/12 financial year. These outcomes are not possible without the efforts of our members, sponsors and staff. One of the highlights of the South Australia Division Program is Australian Engineering Week which took place during 1st – 7th August 2011. Throughout the week the Division held 15 site visits and workshops and had a booth at Science Alive! from 6th to 8th August 2010 at the Adelaide Showgrounds. Science Alive! again reached fantastic attendances with over 30,000 people over the three days. The Sir Eric Neal Address took place on Wednesday 22nd February 2012 at the Sebel Playford with over 130 guests in attendance. The keynote speaker was Operations Manager of Country Fire Authority, Stewart Kreltszheim. Stewart delivered an address about his experiences as Incident Controller on Black Saturday 2009. During the year President Gerry Doyle and I met with all Group, Branch and Special Interest Group Chairs and discussed objectives for the coming year. These meetings have proved to be an important communicative tool and will continue under President John Olson in 2013. The division hosted numerous technical events throughout the year and again the efforts of our volunteers are to be congratulated in organising the continuing professional development on offer to the membership. These presentations can only be delivered through the efforts of volunteers who contribute their valuable time for the benefit of the profession. The Engineering Excellence Awards program culminated with the Black Tie Ball that was held on 16th September 2011 at the Adelaide Oval. There were a total of 25 submissions judged and over 350 attendees at the presentation dinner. The South Australian Division Committee developed three portfolios: Continuing Professional Development, Membership and Year of the Regional Engineering Team. The portfolios developed aims and members of Division Committee worked towards delivering outcomes during the year. Our communication channels with our members continue to evolve ensuring that all members have access to the most up to date information from Engineers Australia. On the staffing front the Division welcomed Member Service Officers Sam Arnold and Tom Brereton and Member Service Coordinator Darren Harvey. Our experienced staff team of Deputy Director Sarah Carey, Events Coordinator Sharryn Fensom and Member Service Coordinator Ashlea Klingberg again performed above expectations in providing services to our members. I would like to recognise and thank all members in particular President Gerry Doyle FIEAust CPEng for his contribution and leadership throughout the year. Best wishes for the upcoming year and we look forwarding to seeing you at the many events that will be on offer in 2013.

Caroline Argent MAICD Executive Director


Division Committee Attendance (2011-2012) 9

8 7

6 5

4 3

2 1

Steve Ludlam

Steve Brown

Michelle Shi-Verdaasdonk

Mark Jones

Mark Brownley

Lachlan Kinnear

Greg Walters

Fernando Gonzalez

Dr Cris Birzer

Anh Tran

Immediate Past President Dr David Cruickshanks-Boyd

President Gerry Doyle

Deputy President John Olson


Resigned due to relocation

Total Total Membership: Membership: Engineers Engineers Australia Australia South South Australia Australia Division Division

6600 6600

6489 6489

6500 6500 6400 6400 6300 6300

6262 6262

6261 6261

6238 6238

6200 6200 6100 6100

6189 6189

6148 6148 6029 6029

6000 6000 5900 5900 5800 5800 5700 5700

2005 2005--06 06

2006 2006--07 07

2007 2007 -- 08 08

2008 2008 -- 09 09

2009 2009 -10 -10

2010 2010 -- 11 11

2011 2011 -- 12 12

Membership Membership Statistics Statistics (2011 (2011 -- 2012) 2012) 2500 2500

0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2

2000 2000

00 -0.2 -0.2

1500 1500

-0.4 -0.4 1000 1000

-0.6 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8

500 500

Student -- Free Free Student

Student Student

Officer Student Student Officer

Officer Grad Grad Officer

Officer Fellow Fellow Officer

Tech Student Student Tech

% % Change Change Per Per Year

Officer Member Member Officer

Membership Membership Total Total

Tech Member Member Tech

Tech Graduate Graduate Tech

Tech Fellow Fellow Tech

Affiliate Affiliate

Graduates Graduates

Companion Companion

Member Member

Senior Senior

Fellow Fellow

Hon Fellow Fellow Hon


-1 -1 -1.2 -1.2

INTRODUCING THE 2013 DIVISION COMMITTEE Division President Deputy President Deputy President Immediate Past President

John Olson RFD FIEAust CPEng EngExec FAICD Dr Cris Birzer MIEAust Fernando Gonzalez MScMESE(EW) MIEAust CPEng Gerry Doyle FIEAust CPEng

Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member Elected Member

Greg Walters FIEAust CPEng EngExec Michael Scott MIEAust CPEng Phillip Campbell FRAes CEng FIEAust CPEng Stephen Ludlam FIEAust CPEng Niki Robinson MIEAust Mark Brownley FIEAust CPEng EngExec

Appointed Member Appointed Member Appointed Member Appointed Member

Lachlan Kinnear MIEAust CPEng Sarah Hughes MIEAust CPEng Prof Karen Reynolds FIEAust FTSE Andy Milazzo MIEAust CPEng

Image: A great moment for the history of Engineers Australia as CEO Stephen Durkin FIEAust presented Dr Ron Fitch OBE FIEAust CPEng (Ret) with a certificate recognising his 80 years of Engineers Australia membership.

CONTACT US Our team are more than happy to answer your questions. We look forward to speaking with you soon! Free Call:

1300 653 113


(08) 8202 7100


(08) 8211 7702

E: W:



Image: Australian Engineering Week was held Monday 1st - Sunday 7th August 2012. A number of presentations and site tours were conducted, including one at the Adelaide Desalination Plant.


Caroline Argent Executive Director

Sarah Carey Deputy Director

Jason Thornhill Industry Relationship Manager

Darren Harvey Member Relationship Coordinator

Sharryn Fensom Events Coordinator

Sam Arnold Member Service Officer

Ashlea Klingberg Member Programs Coordinator

Tom Brereton Member Service Officer

Dr Eric Hobson FIEAust CPEng National Manager Articulation

Maurice Berry FIEAust CPEng National Assessor (SA)

Ewan Hazeldine FIEAust CPEng National Assessor (SA)

THANK YOU Engineers Australia South Australia Division would like to thank our generous supporters in 2012: DIVISION PARTNERS Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Sinclair Knight Merz DIVISION SUPPORTERS Aurecon GHD Parsons Brinckerhoff SA Water Tonkin Consulting

Image: The Past Presidents’ Lunch held on Tuesday 5th June 2012 provided an opportunity to meet and share ideas for the present and future of Engineers Australia.

ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIA DIVISION | Level 11, 108 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 | (08) 8202 7100

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