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AUGUST 8, 2018


Madison Avenue Church of the Brethren, 645 Madison Ave., York, will continue its Fresh Fruit Fridays in August and September. As part of the program, the public is invited to receive fresh fruit on the second Friday of each month during the summer months. Fresh, local peaches, picked by the church’s youths and members, will be distributed on Aug. 10 from 9 to 11 a.m. or while supplies last. Apples will be given away in September. Past distributions included strawberries in June, with 100 quarts distributed by 10:30 a.m., and blueberries in July.



Fair Will Showcase 4-H Opportunities The York County 4-H Fair will be held on Saturday, Aug. 11, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 12, from noon to 4 p.m. at the York County 4-H Center, 771 Stoverstown Road, York. Admission and parking are free. The York County 4-H Fair is open to the public. The theme for this year’s fair is

“Join 4-H and Launch Your Future.” The 4-H Fair will showcase many of the opportunities 4-H provides to youths and families. Attendees may view more than 500 projects that have been made and exhibited by 4-H members, and they may also learn about new projects 4-H offers. Projects are available in a broad range of

areas, including robotics, foods and nutrition, wildlife, and conservation. Food will be available for purchase, and all proceeds will benefit the York County 4-H Program. Many additional activities and events have been scheduled. For more than 100 years, 4-H clubs have been teaching youths the

basics of agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry. For more information on the York County 4-H Fair or the York County 4-H program, readers may visit or contact the office of Penn State Extension in York County at 717-840-7408 or


Surviving Spouse Socials will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 6 p.m. at Faith United Church of Christ, 509 Pacific Ave., York. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. The group will host its annual picnic at Lehr Park on Saturday, Aug. 11. In addition, the group sponsors a variety of social activities, including dinner at local restaurants on Thursdays at 6 p.m. All widowed men and women are welcome to attend. Readers may call 717-266-2784 or 717-434-5470 for details, including for the name of the restaurant on Thursdays.

Youths’ projects related to agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry will be showcased during the York County 4-H Fair on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 11 and 12.

History Center Plans Book Blast

Firefighter Organizations Schedule Celebrations


Thousands of titles will be available at the York County History Center’s annual Book Blast on Aug. 9 to 11. The York County History Center will hold its 18th annual Book Blast from Thursday to Saturday, Aug. 9 to 11, at the Agricultural and Industrial Museum, 217 W. Princess St., York. Book Blast will feature thousands of donated, gently used books in a wide variety of categories. The event will kick off with a membersonly night on Aug. 9 from 4 to 7 p.m. The remainder of the event is open to the

public. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 10, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Aug. 11. Saturday will be Buck-a-Bag Day. Admission is free. Proceeds will benefit the collections, programs, and educational activities of the History Center. For more information, readers may contact Lila Fourhman-Shaull at 717-848-1587, ext. 223, or

The Firefighters Association of York County and the Alert Fire Company No. 1 of Manchester Township have announced anniversary events on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 17 and 18. The association will hold its 106th annual Meeting and Convention, and the Alert Fire Company will celebrate its 100th anniversary. The celebration will begin with the association’s 106th annual dinner and meeting on Aug. 17 at the Alert Fire Hall, 3118 N. George St., Emigsville. A social hour will be held from 6 to 7 p.m., and

the meal will be served at 7 p.m. After the dinner, a memorial service will take place in honor of the members who passed away during the past year. A business meeting will follow the memorial service. During the festivities, the association will install new officers for the 2018-19 term and present the Senior and Junior Firefighter of the Year awards. The Old Fire Farts of York County will award three scholarships to current first responders who are going to school to enhance their skills. See Firefighters pg 2

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invite past and present military women to the group’s bimonthly luncheon on Saturday, Aug. 18. Guests are invited to attend, as well. The luncheon will be held at Hoss’s Steak and Sea House, 2175 White St., York, beginning with a social time at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will begin at noon, and attendees may purchase their own meal from the menu. Guest speaker Larry Hodges will share a presentation about the Manhattan Project and how the United States built the atomic bomb that ended World War II. To make reservations, readers may call Kitty Smith at 717-569-9353.

The Firefighters Association of York County and the Alert Fire Company No. 1 of Manchester Township will hold anniversary events on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 17 and 18. A parade on Aug. 18 will feature antique and new fire trucks, as well as bands, patriotic floats, and more. The anniversary events will also include the association’s annual dinner and meeting on Aug. 17 and a community celebration on Aug. 18 after the parade.

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Agency On Aging Honors Volunteers

September House Senior Center, 1251 W. King St., York, has posted its schedule of activities. On Wednesday, Aug. 15, at 12:45 p.m., the senior center will present a video titled “Super Market Marketing.” The video will discuss how to avoid making bad decisions. On Thursday, Aug. 16, from 9 to 11 a.m., Sue will lead a pine cone owls craft. The center will also host its “Now You Have It” exchange game. Interested attendees must bring a wrapped gift to participate in the swapping game. On Friday, Aug. 24, the senior center will host a country hoedown with music provided by Tall In The Saddle, special food and fun. For more information or to register, readers may call 717-848-4417. The senior center will hold an informal amateur/ham radio

Susan Paglia, Zach Valentine, and Pamela Monk are York County Area Agency on Aging’s spring volunteers of the month for their service and dedication to York’s older adults. Paglia, of Hopewell Township, volunteers as an APPRISE receptionist, AARP tax scheduler and general office assistant. Paglia said her previous work life also involved helping others. She likes to stay active and volunteering fulfills that role for her. Valentine, of Conewago Township, helps out as an APPRISE counselor. He started volunteering with the agency during high school and has continued while attending York College, where he is studying human services. Valentine says that he enjoys picking apart the complicated Medicare network. Monk, of York Township, currently serves as an APPRISE

counselor. She has also volunteered as a longterm care ombudsman. As an APPRISE counselor, she provides information about Medicare benefits, Medicare Advantage plans and Supplemental Health plans.

Zach Valentine

Pamela Monk

study group on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 p.m. Members will learn about the requirements needed to obtain a technician’s license. The group’s goal is to help participants acquire licenses and continue learning about ham radio. The senior center offers cards and games throughout the week. Pinochle is played on Mondays from 1 to 4 p.m., chess is played on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and the bridge club meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Fridays. All are welcome. The senior center also offers a variety of board games, cards, and jigsaw puzzles. For more information, readers may call 717-848-4417 or email September_House2

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Dover Women of Today will host Meat and Seafood Bingo on Sunday, Aug. 12, at the Dover Community Center, 3700 Davidsburg Road, Dover. Doors will open at 12:30 p.m., and games will begin at 2 p.m. Tickets will be discounted when purchased in advance and full price at the door. The event

will feature 20 games as well as special games, door prizes, and refreshments. Proceeds will benefit the Dover Women of Today and the LuAnne Shaffer Memorial Scholarship program. For tickets and information, readers may call Jerri Miller at 717818-6640.


Valid for up to four field box or lawn tickets Based on availability. Advanced redemption preferred, but not necessary.


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*Bring this coupon to the ticket office at PeoplesBank Park to redeem. Offer valid in-person only. Valid August 14, 2018 only.

Increase your chance to win prizes from York area businesses by donating food for the York County Food Bank. Expired food not accepted. Visit for a list of acceptable donations.

The Thimble and Thread Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America will meet on Tuesday, Aug. 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Faith United Church of Christ, 509 Pacific Ave., York. Members meet to stitch and learn new and simple variations of needle art. Stitchers of any skill level are welcome, and visitors are invited to bring a project to work on. Everyone is welcome to attend two meetings before deciding whether to join. For more information, readers may call 717-848-9352 or 717-235-0898.

End Of Summer Sale Announced



Susan Paglia

Meat, Seafood Bingo Planned

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Senior Center Posts Programs

The Northeastern Clothing Bank, 4326 N. George St., Manchester, will hold an End of the Summer Sizzling Sale from Tuesday, Aug. 14, through Thursday, Sept. 6. Prices will decrease as the sale goes on. The clothing bank is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m., Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. For details, call 717-266-8460 during business hours.

Firefighters from pg 1 The Alert Fire Company will host the 106th Firefighters Association of York County Parade on Aug. 18 at 1 p.m. The pre-judging of equipment will be held from 8 a.m. to noon at Hayshire Elementary School, 2801 Hayshire Drive, York. The parade will form on Masonic Drive and proceed north on North George Street for 1.6 miles to the other end of town. North George Street through the village of Emigsville will be shut down for the parade. The parade will have seven divisions and approximately 200 units. It will feature more than 10 bands, including the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum from Fort Myer, Va. The nationally recognized group will lead the second division, which will honor York County military veterans and fire, emergency medical, and law enforcement personnel. The division will include vintage military vehicles, antique and new fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, and motorcycles. The parade will also include patriotic and fire prevention floats, antique and classic cars, and antique fire

apparatus. It will be led by the Pennsylvania State Police mounted patrol, and a flyover will start the parade. The event will last approximately two hours, according to parade chairman Robert Straw. After the parade, a community celebration will take place behind the Alert Fire Company station. Young children may participate in firefighter skills games. The event will feature bounce houses, carnival games, and food trucks. Three bands from the parade will provide entertainment, and Tanner Mountain Band will perform on stage. Attendees will have opportunities to win fire extinguishers, gift cards, food baskets and more. Parade prize winners will be announced at approximately 5 p.m. The fire company will offer commemorative shirts, glasses, and mugs for purchase. Attendees may purchase commemorative cups that will entitle them to nonalcoholic beverages throughout the event while supplies last. For more information, readers may search for “Alert Fire Company 100th Anniversary Celebration & Community Day” on Facebook.

COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition -

August 8, 2018 - 3

Garden Open House Slated An open house will take place at the gardens of John Rudy County Park, 400 Mundis Race Road, York, on Saturday, Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The gardens and the open house are a project of the York County Penn State Extension Master Gardeners and York County Juvenile Probation, in conjunction with the York County Parks and Recreation Department. The open house will be held rain or shine. Free refreshments will be served. Admission is free. The gardens are located adjacent to the stone house that serves as York County Parks’ administrative headquarters, just west of the park entrance on Mundis Race Road. The gardens were awarded first place in the Demonstration Garden category of the Search for Excellence Awards program for 2014 at the state’s Master Gardener Convention. The gardens include annuals, perennials, herbs, natives, and cultivars, as well as container gardens, water gardens, a garden of grasses, and a raised bed to demonstrate an adaptive approach for people with physical challenges. The gardens also feature fruit, including apples, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Each year, the vegetable garden yields more than 6,000 pounds of produce, which is donated to local food banks. During the open house, Master



Center Cut Pork Chops ............... 3.29 Lb. Pudding .............................................. $2.55 Lb. Country Style Ribs ......................... $2.79 Lb. Loin End Roasts............................... $1.79 Lb. Sliced White or Yellow American Cheese Sliced Sirloin ..................................... $4.19 Lb. $ 5 Lb. Pack................................................... 13.60 $ Sirloin Pieces .................................... 3.99 Lb. Or Lesser Amounts ....................................... $3.39 Lb. During an open house on Saturday, Aug. 11, community members may stroll in the gardens of John Rudy County Park. The event will also include exhibits, demonstrations, children’s activities, and more. Gardeners will be stationed throughout the gardens to answer attendees’ questions. Attendees may participate in a tomato tasting and hear a talk about tomatoes. They may also purchase fresh-picked produce and make a free flower-and-herb tussie mussie to take home. Children may participate in a scavenger hunt and other activities. Attendees may bring samples of problematic plants or insects and soil samples for free soil pH testing by the Master Gardeners. The open house will also include exhibits on pollinators, growing garlic, invasive plants,

rain barrels, Keep York Beautiful, “Pests Bothering People, Pets, and Property,” Horn Farm, and the Audubon Society, as well as garden talks and demonstrations by Master Gardeners. The talks and demonstrations will be as follows: “Preserving Herbs” by Carol McDonald at 9:15 a.m., “Insects in the Garden” by Tim Abbey at 9:45 a.m., “Selecting and Growing Garlic” by Steve Harman at 10:15 a.m., “Growing Tomatoes” by Jerry Cook at 10:45 a.m., and “Butterflies” by Deb Carmen at 11:15 a.m. For more information, readers may visit http://extension.psu .edu/york or call 717-840-7408.

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4 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition - August 8, 2018

Gardening Tour, Seminar Planned Bowlers Raise Funds The Master Gardeners of York Host Plants� from 11 a.m. to County will host the 13th annual noon. Carman is a Penn State For Organization Gardening with Natives seminar Master Gardener, York County MAEscapes Advisory Committee president and a Butterfly and Moth Habitat educator. Registration and a continental breakfast will take place from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Lunch will be held from noon to 1 p.m. The field trip to the gardens will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. The registration deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 8. There is a registration fee which includes continental breakfast and lunch. To register, readers may visit and search under “events.� Limited van transportation is available on a first-come, firstserved basis. Carpooling is encouraged. To register for the van, readers may call 717-840-7408.

and tour on Saturday, Aug. 18, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Penn State Extension York County, 112 Pleasant Acres Road, York. Attendees will learn the secrets of creating a wildlife habitat for both birds and butterflies and tour two properties in York County that have what it takes to attract both creatures. Master Gardener Tom Smith will present “Creating a Bird Friendly Habitat� from 10 to 11 a.m. Smith is a West Nile Virus Program administrator for York County, former president of the York County Audubon Society, and the executive director of Keep York Beautiful. Deb Carman will present “Common Butterflies of Pennsylvania: Creating Habitat by Planting Larval

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2018 Kids.


s 101 DalmatianTheatrical May 19. Disney's Pennsylvania Presented by film. The ns. Exhibit:

25. Generatio Matthew Director Through May York College Gallery

Generations Co-curated by ages. artist Ophelia Chambliss, Clay-Robison and from local artists of different will display work downtown York. Marketview Arts, e: Part of Academy. Performanc pm. May 16. Logos series. 11:30am-1:30 7, Revue concert York. 717-849-221 the Box Lunch Park, downtown Cherry Lane nchRevue

Performance: classic animated Vil and is based on the Cruella de Arts, the show features villain on to set their paws fur-raising adventure adorable heroes Arts Center, 101 of the most Eichelberger Performing stage. 7pm. Adm. 6, Hanover. 717-637-708 wn. Sale. Stewartsto

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Railroad Club

of York Open

the third May 19. Miniature open house on celebraclub will host an

the year in month throughout Saturday of the of continuous operation. Miniature 9, tion of 75 years of York, York. 717-430-612 York Halloween Parade cy/ Railroad Club, Antique and and Firearms. through the In 19. Fashion County, up MayYork from the 1700s firereproduction fashions as will a display of antique The display, t Shop. 1940s will be on the Wheelwrigh in arms and accessoriescollectors will be present throughC. 9am-5pm. April fashion and firearms answer questions. the historical fashout the day to about lecture a Tavern, Thomas will present11am and 3pm. Adm. Dill’s Noble Kinsmen. collection at 0, www.northe 25-27. The Two ’s final play brings ion May 18-19,William Dillsburg. 717-502-144 Shakespeare with characters the Ballet. Performance: and Gretel “A Knight’s Tale� unique tale of together Chaucer’s May 20. Hansel Pennsylvania Theatrical to create a truly Presented by of Hansel dance, hilarity, from Greek mythology Performance: and destiny. Music, the exciting adventures good Arts

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2pm. The York Saint Patrick's Gretel. athletic tournament highlight OrangeMite and 6, www.theeic

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Everyone Loves A

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Music Departme 11:30am-1:30 Classics. Performanc with a color guard 0 concert series. military include , www.yorkcity. Lunch Revue to the country’s orchestra’s season finale will York. 717-849-2217 it The Lane Park, downtown Gershwin, and Forces Salute.

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7:30pm. 100th birthday. for the Performing






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During a recent Wii Bowling competition among the residents of Letort Manor at Church of God Home in Carlisle, organizer Helen Milliron and a group of like-minded neighbors raised $6,643 for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BB/BS) of the Capital Region. The funds brought the group’s two-year total to nearly $14,000. Approximately one dozen bowlers participated each

The Arc Recognizes Donors

year. This year’s competition kicked off in late May at Church of God Home, a StoneRidge Retirement Living Community. Through BB/BS of the Capital Region, mentors provide youths with support and encouragement. Mentors offer advice, help with homework, and take mentees on excursions, such as trips to the movie theater.

Donors gathered by the Philanthro-Tree during The Arc of York County’s donor recognition reception on June 21.

Celebrating a $6,643 donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters (BB/BS) of the Capital Region were (from left) Jean Adams, Joe Bistline, Phyllis Frederick, Ellsworth Miller, Alma Stewart, BB/BS Capital Region director Barrie Ann George, Helen Milliron, John Durnin, Joan Wolfe, Louise Makowski, Eileen Allison, and Jeanne Milesend. The funds were raised through a Wii Bowling competition among the residents of Letort Manor at Church of God Home in Carlisle. The competition was organized by Milliron.

Evaluations Set For Upwards Sports New Creation Community Church, 3005 Emig Mill Road, Dover, will extend its evaluations for Upwards sports programs due to inclement weather.

Flag football and cheerleading evaluations will be extended to include Friday, Aug. 10, from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, readers may email Chip Foeks at or call the church office at 717764-0252.

Library Fundraiser Planned Friends of the Dover Area Community Library will hold a fundraiser on Wednesday, Aug. 22, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Friendly’s Restaurant, 423 Loucks Road, York. The Friends will provide face painting, a free book, and activity sheets for children. No form is needed for the fundraiser. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the library. The public is invited to attend.

The Arc of York County recently recognized a new class of donors who have contributed significantly to its efforts of bringing respect and independence to individuals with intellectual disabilities. The donors were invited to a reception on June 21 at The Arc of York County’s Camp Pennwood, where each selected a leaf on the Philanthro-Tree mural. The name of each donor was permanently placed on the selected leaf to commemorate contributions made during the 2017-18 program year. This year’s leaves were claimed by various businesses and groups, including Members 1st Federal Credit Union, South End Democratic Club, and the Walmart Foundation. One leaf was claimed in memory of Dudley and Sylvia Kramer. Present for the reception were representatives from

Members 1st Federal Credit Union and PCBH, along with members of the staff and board for The Arc of York County, including executive director Josh Leik and board president Ray Kraft. In order to receive a leaf on the mural, businesses, organizations or individuals must contribute $1,000 or more in a program year. The Arc of York County is dedicated to improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and their families by promoting and providing supports and services. The organization also fosters research and education regarding the prevention of intellectual disabilities in infants and young children. For more information on The Arc of York County, readers may call 717-846-6589 or visit

Area Partners Receive Funds The Cultural Alliance of York County recently announced the allocation of $597,780 to be distributed to its eight partner agencies in 2018. These dollars were raised in the 18th annual “Bringing Arts and Culture to Life� campaign that funds eight partner agencies and the Creative Impact Awards that bring arts, history, and culture to the people of York County. The funds they receive are unrestricted funds and are based on the scores of an all-volunteer review panel made up of contributors. Every year, the Allocations Panel reviews each partner and scores its organizational and fiscal strength, leadership,

and support of the cultural sector. As a result, the agencies receive constructive suggestions and recommendations as well as the unrestricted cash. The funding allocated to each partner includes Appell Center for the Performing Arts, $286,089; Creative York, $45,278; Greater York Dance, $10,777; York Art Association, $7,033; York County History Center, $209,316; York Junior Symphony Orchestra, $7,813; York Symphony Orchestra, $27,047; and York Youth Symphony Orchestra, $4,427. For more information, readers may call the Cultural Alliance at 717-812-9255 or visit

York Springs Plans Back-To-School Event Event Planned Pleasant Grove Church, 850 Pleasant Grove Road, York Haven, will host a Back-toSchool 2nd Saturday event on Saturday, Aug. 11, at 11 a.m. For full details on 2nd Saturday event, visit www.face Connection.

The Borough of York Springs will host its 150th celebration on Saturday, Aug. 25. The event will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude with a fireworks show at 10 p.m. The family-friendly event will offer a variety of activities, including a petting zoo, yard sale, exhibits, food, crafters, bingo, a soup cookoff, cake walk and auction, entertainment by Borderline from 7 to

10 p.m., and more. A 5K run will step off at 9 a.m., and an Old Tyme Baseball game will begin at noon in Griest Memorial Park. The community is invited to attend. For more details, including a full schedule of activities and registration for the 5K, readers may visit www.york or contact

COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition - August 8, 2018 - 5

Foundation Awards Grants The York County Community Foundation’s (YCCF) Fund for York County, Beautiful York Program Fund, Children’s Program Fund, and White Rose Foundation Fund recently awarded grants totaling $111,000 to 12 programs designed to improve the quality of life in York County. The Fund for York County is the foundation’s fund for high-impact initiatives that support quality education, workforce development and revitalizing downtowns and neighborhoods. It comprises nearly 60 funds designated to meet the community’s most pressing needs. The Beautiful York Fund aims to help ensure that the beauty of York city lasts forever. The Children’s Program Fund is a field of interest fund for programs that improve the lives of York County’s children. The White Rose Foundation Fund was created when the White Rose Foundation dissolved and moved its assets to YCCF. YMCA of York and York County received $3,000 to support the New American Welcome Center. The center will work to strengthen immigrant access to social services and strengthen bridge-building and community integration

strategies to advance newcomer inclusion. SpiriTrust Lutheran received $6,000 to support the Educating the Next Generation of Certified Nursing Assistants program. SpiriTrust Lutheran plans to test a workforce development program that would help part-time personal care aides become full-time certified nursing assistants. Mason-Dixon Business Association received $10,000 to support Delta Borough Revitalization. A third annual contract for Delta Borough revitalization with Pennsylvania Downtown Center will continue efforts to create economic vitality, promotion, town improvements and marketing. Philanthropic Endeavors, fiscal sponsor for Oliver Bliss Designs, was awarded $8,000 to support Community Murals and Arts Program on Demand in three York City neighborhoods. The program is designed to allow community residents to create public murals in city neighborhoods. Northeast Neighborhood Association received $17,000 to support the Chrystal’s Place Rehab demolition project. The project’s goal is to increase safety and clean,

green space by removing several unsuitable buildings from the property at 216 Chestnut St. York Academy Regional Charter School received $10,000 to purchase software that will be used to store the school’s child accounting information. The software gives parents the ability to monitor their children’s academic achievement. Philanthropic Endeavors, fiscal sponsor for Studio 117, was awarded $6,000 to support the Mobile Music Lab (MML), a traveling music production teaching lab. The MML will operate within York County and beyond to provide instruction in the areas of musical production and technology to students of all ages. PA Child was awarded $9,000 to support Jook University 101. The program aims to provide youth program leaders throughout York city with training in a core of fundamental values and best practices in building relationships. York County Bar Foundation received $10,000 to support Hard Bargains 1777. A dynamic mix of art and history, the public art installation will celebrate the adoption, in York, of the Articles of

Confederation, the precursor to the U.S. Constitution. The YCCF Beautiful York Program Fund also awarded $10,000 to York County Bar Foundation to support Hard Bargains 1777. The YCCF White Rose Foundation Fund announced a $6,000 grant to City of York-Bureau of Health to support Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Read Together. The Bureau of Health’s nurse home visiting program strives to promote literacy and the love of reading from pregnancy through kindergarten. Big Brothers Big Sisters received a $10,000 grant from YCCF Children’s Program Fund to support the Kindred Spirit program. Kindred Spirits is an outreach campaign to recruit volunteers from the minority community to be mentors for children in Big Brothers Big Sisters’ programs. The Children’s Program Fund also awarded $6,000 to WITF to support a Media Literacy program that provides a hands-on learning opportunity to teach Middle School students how to comprehend, create and challenge media. For more information about YCCF, readers may visit

Come To Our House Of Worship CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH: 2740 Roosevelt Ave., York, PA 17408. The pastors & people of Calvary Baptist Church invite you to join us in worship as the Bible is presented & preached in all of our services. Sunday morning classes for all ages at 9:30.Sunday worship services at 10:45am & 6pm. Wednesday services at 7pm include “Calvary Clubs” for Grades 1-6, a ministry to help build character in the life of our children, as well as “Youth Chapel” to minister to the needs of our teens. Nurseries provided. Faith Bible Institute meets on Mondays. Details can be obtained by calling the church office at 717-764-1440 or visiting Greg Wahlberg, Rich Hall & Cameron Raber serve as pastors. FRIENDSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dover, 3380 Fox Run Road (Near McDonald’s) is a casual dress, contemporary, and welcoming church. We feature practical, biblical messages, live music, and children’s classes during worship. We offer small groups and fellowship for all ages! Worship services: Sat. 6 PM, Sun. 9 AM & 10:45 AM. Visit us online: or call (717) 779-0400

Attend Church this Sunday

GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod, 2121 Roosevelt Ave York, PA 17408. The Pastor and the people welcome you to worship and celebrate the living Christ in a very friendly and casual atmosphere. Bible studies for all ages are at 9:45 AM and worship at 11:00 AM. We look forward to meeting and greeting you. Visit us online at or contact us at 717-764-4746 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION OF YORK: 925 S. George St., York. Come nurture your spirit & help heal the world! In our inclusive congregation, we welcome questions, explore answers & support you on your journey for truth & meaning. You are welcome here, no matter your religious beliefs, age, ability, race, ethnicity, or gender identity. Join us to further your spiritual growth, work for a more just society & find your home within an open, accepting community. Sunday worship & religious education classes for children & youth: 10am. Dress is casual. Find us Facebook Contact us at 717-845-8212, Hear recent sermons YORK MARANTHA SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Meeting Saturday mornings- 60 Canal Rd. Ext., York, PA 17406 (Quickel Evangelical Lutheran Church). Join us for Sabbath School 9:30am, classes from toddlers through adults & Worship 11am. Lunch provided. Visit our websites- & (717) 855-3619 for a FREE DVD explaining Bible Prophecy.

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Elyse Pollick Byrnes (second from left) from York County Community Foundation (YCCF) presented a check for $6,000 to Kendale “Dell” Harris (far left) and Albert “Lee” King Jr. (second from right) of Studio 117 and Jeffrey Zunic of Philanthropic Endeavors. YCCF funds recently awarded grants totaling $111,000 to 12 programs in York County.

PSBA Safety Grants Posted Winners of the Keystone /Pennsylvania School Bus Association (PSBA) Safety Grant were announced at the PSBA’s Annual Conference on June 24. Winners included John Polli with Reliance Student Transportation of York, Lea Newcomer with F&S Transportation of York, and Fred and LeeAnn Kline with Allegheny Transportation of Aetna. Keystone and the PSBA partnered in 2018 to offer the first annual Safety Grant as an opportunity to improve safety of fleet operations or services provided to employees or students. The grant offers up to $30,000 for winners to implement proposed safety initiatives throughout the course of a year, with the opportunity

to showcase their efforts during the next year’s annual conference. Reliance Transportation proposed the installation of electronic “child check” units in their passenger vans to minimize the chances of a child being left in a van. F&S Transportation proposed creating an ecofriendly driver simulator for new and seasoned drivers to test skills in real-world environments while saving on fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Allegheny Transportation proposed a mascot, Gus the Goose, to minimize injuries by helping students remember safety rules in videos, school appearances, and signs on the bus. For more information, readers may visit




ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Visiting Angels, 717-751-2488

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LIVE-IN COMPANION NEEDED for elderly man, needs light health care. Free room & board plus small salary. Only honest & reliable people need apply. References req’d. 717-266-5587 or 717-266-1071 lv. msg.

FOR SALE Antiques AUTHENTIC GERMAN 5 piece Shrunk and corner bar for sale. Great condition, must see! Call Tammy at 254-423-2519 for info

Appliances REFRIGERATOR, STOVE, WASHER, DRYER, $150 & up; STACKABLE WASHER & DRYER, $350. Delivery available. Call 717-392-9513

Collectibles BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 717-329-8167 • Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/ Memorabilia, Movie/ Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

6 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition - August 8, 2018


Lawn & Garden




Immediate Openings in Thomasville

CRONE’S LAWNCARE & LANDSCAPING Spring Cleanups, Edging, Mulching, Mowing, Field Mowing. Serving York & Dover areas. Call 717-292-9290 or 717-880-7203.

LOVE ANIMALS? Turn Your Passion into Profits. Now Accepting Pet Grooming Students. 717-933-1333

HOME SECURITY- LEADING smart home provider Vivint Smart Home has an offer just for you. Call 1-888-508-5259 to get a professionally installed home security system with $0 activation. (NANI)

FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call Jim 717-940-9029

MINI SCHNAUZER/ MINI Poodle Cross Puppies, shots, wormed, vet checked, $900 each. Call 717-327-1377

A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 1-855-741-7459. (NANI)

2184 WHITE ST., YORK, PA 17404 717-610-3335


• ALL Shifts – FT & PT • $12.00/Hour • Background & Drug Screens required


LANDSCAPE, LAWNCARE, TRIMMING, Edging, Weeding, Mulching. VALLEY OUTDOOR SERVICES 717-428-3875; OASIS LAWN SERVICES: Clean Up, Mulching, Full Property Restorations, Bush/Tree Removal, Hedge Trimming. Free Est. Reliable, Honest. Dave @ 717-424-3459



Full-Time Position, Experience in Customer Service, Computer Skills, Polite, Friendly & Professional.

BROWN EGG LAYER CHICKENS? We have Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds & more! Open by appointment. 12558 Waughtel Road, Felton, PA 717-9276705 R015022

To see job description go to Send resume or pick-up employment application at 1409 S. George St. York, PA 17403 or e-mail to

FREE: WILL LEND Nice Riding Horses and Large Ponies until June 2019. Call Andy or Bill at 717-394-7865 HORSE RETIREMENT & BOARDING, Manheim, PA .”We help your retired equine friend live the good life”. • 717-665-0864

Pets IN AN EFFORT to protect the lives of animals, and for the protection of our readers, we will no longer accept “PETS OR PUPPIES WANTED” classified ads. We will, however continue to accept household pet “For Sale” ads. When purchasing a pet, please make certain animal is healthy and has been properly cared for. When selling or giving away a pet please screen respondents carefully. Pets deserve a loving, caring home. R014891

AA RIDGEWOOD KENNELS. Yorkiepoo, Maltese, Poodle, Shichon, Shihpoo, Shimorkie, Yorkichon, Yorkie, more. Lifetime war. 717-235-2205

NOW HIRING! CNC Machine Operators

AKC CHOCOLATE LAB Pups, vet chk’d, shots, wormed, raised on farmette w/both parents. $550. 717-442-4883


3 and 4 Day Work Weeks

AKC ENGLISH CREAM Golden Retriever Puppies, 2 males, shots, vet checked, wormed, ready now. $550. 717-847-6467

Take ownership of your career...become an owner of R015860

ay! Apply Tod khagarman@ 4387 Run Way • York, PA 17406 • 717-755-1900

AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, vet ckd, shots, wormed, good sized healthy litter, $400. Ready Now. 717-656-4786 AKC LAB PUPPIES, fox red & silver, mother is Charcoal, 1 family dog, $950. Call for newspaper discount. 717-305-0183 AKC VIZSLA PUPPIES, Shots, Wormed, Vet Checked, Family Raised. Ready Now, $1075. Call 717-768-8348


AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Mini & toys, health guaranteed, all colors. Call Jenn 610-488-6914

Wednesday, August 15

BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, 2 males, 4 females, nice markings, good disposition, shots & wormed. Call 717-354-8363

10am-2pm • On-site Interviews for Personal Care Aides & Dietary Aides • No experience necessary. We will train! For information about our careers, please see our website at

Come join our team at

Autumn House West

Look In The Classifieds For Your New Best Friend! GERMAN SHEPHERD HUSKEY Puppies, Shots, wormed, vet checked, $600. Avail. 8/16/18. Call 717-278-4582


914 West Market Street York, PA 17401

AKC BEAGLE, FEMALE, 1-1/2 years old, spayed, Playful & Affectionate, York County. $200 OBO. 410-952-2845

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES Ready 8/20/18, wormed, vet checked. Come pick yours now. 717-682-3027

TOY FOX TERRIER Puppies. Very cute &playful, ready now. Family raised. $300; 717-862-1091 YELLOW LAB PUPPIES, ACA Reg, vet checked, shots/wormed. Come pick yours out. F - $500; M - $450. 717-284-0841

YELLOW LAB PUPPIES, Family raised, shots, wormed, Ready 8/16/18, $350. 610-932-3875

Sporting Goods GUN BUNKER Buy-Sell-Trade. Top $$ Paid 717-495-0131 GUNS WANTED INSTANT PAYMENT 1 gun or collection- Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524 HUNTING & FISHING FLEA MARKET Saturday, Aug. 11, 9am-1pm. Lancaster Farm & Home Center 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster, 17601 Rt. 72 South off Rt. 30 & Rt. 283. 120 Tables. Admission $5.00. or $4.00 WITH AD! Children Free. Early Bird Admission 8am $10. Info. 717-371-0395 Buy, Sell or Trade


A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted local experts today! Our service is FREE/ no obligation. CALL 1-844-722-7993. ADVERTISE TO 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Call Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc, Classifieds, a member of Independent Free Papers of America- IFPA, at 1-800-428-4211 for more information. AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING. Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866453-6204 AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students- Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-686-1704. (NANI) BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 1-888-912-4745 (NANI) CALL EMPIRE TODAY® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824 CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!! All makes/ models 2000-2016! Any condition. Running or not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re nationwide! Call now: 1-888-985-1806

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FOR SALE 2 Cemetery Lots in Mount Rose Ave., in the garden of the Well Area. $2,400 For both. Call 717-755-4412

CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pickup! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960


CROSS COUNTRY MOVING. Long Distance Moving Company, out of state move $799, Long Distance Movers. Get free quote on your long distance move, 1-800-511-2181

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HARRIS 5 MINUTE BED BUG KILLER! Professional Exterminator Formula. Available: Hardware Stores; BUY ONLINE:

CENTRAL BOILER OUTDOOR Wood Furnaces with instant rebates up to $1500. Lawn Care Distributors. 717-445-8431


COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition - August 8, 2018 - 7


Mechanical Trades

COAL/ WOOD/ PELLET Stoves and Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/ Sell/ Trade. Call 717-577-6640

MASONS, $49-$70/hr TENDERS, $38-$54. Health insurance. Clearances required. B & D Masonry, Inc 717-397-1689

SALE: Up to $1,500 off Select Stoves. 717-872-6416. See our Clearance Page at

WINDOW INSTALLERS NEEDED. Door & siding exp. also helpful. Must have transportation & exp. Call 717-855-7139, lv msg



CAREGIVERS NEEDED: CNA’s, HHA’s, retired nurses, make a difference in the life of a senior and put your caregiving experience to work. All shifts available. Call Visiting Angels at 717-751-2488.

FOLTZ’S HANDROLLED SOFT PRETZELS. Central Market, York. Tues, Thurs, 717940-9947

LABORERS WANTED, FULL Time/ Part time. York Area. Call 240-508-6046

LOOKING FOR AN ADVENTURE? Do you have a CDL? We want YOU to DriveAway our box trucks to dealerships nationwide. 5yr active DL required, SAME day pay! Please call 1-833-43-DRIVE or visit

Find It In The Classified Section

Medical DIRECTOR OF NURSING NEEDED for 30 bed private pay facility. RN with strong clinical and managerial skills who understands the challenges of working in a long term care environment. Send resume to or call 717-244-2295. NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS in LANCASTER COUNTY. ENJOY FLEXIBLE HOURS, PAID TRAININGS AND MANY GREAT BENEFITS. NO EXPERIENCE OR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIRED. CALL US AT 717-286-0266 WALK-INS ARE WELCOME AT 1325 ELM AVE. LANCASTER, PA 17603 OR FILL AN ONLINE APPLICATION: WWW.INDLIVINGSERVICES.COM

Professional HAIRSTYLIST AND NAIL TECH OPENINGS. Exp. with following. Good Rates. Call 717-845-6514

PT DISHWASHER NEEDED at St. Joseph School, York. 11:30am-1:30pm M-F during school year. To apply contact Beth at

SHUTTLE BUS DRIVERS at York College of PA. PT evenings/nights. PA CDL Class B License req’d. To apply visit York College of PA website at or use the link: tic/clients/514YCM1/index.jsp


AMISH MOVING COMPANY Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301

ANDY’S DRYWALL Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Textured Ceilings & Walls. Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102

BACKHOE SERVICES: Footers, Ditches Water & Sewer Lines Repaired & Replaced, Drain Fields, Etc. Stump removals. Hauling. 24hrs, 7 days/wk. Free est. 717-578-3101

BUILDING & REMODELING BASEMENTS, GARAGES, BATHS Decks, Roofing, Siding Windows, doors and more! Call Steven 717-478-5993 PA HIC 101073 Free Estimates

CLOCK DOCTOR All Fine Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-Up & Delivery! Call: 717-768-3844

CONCRETE: STAMP, DECORATIVE, Affordable prices. Free Estimates. Call 717-283-7764 or or


LOST & FOUND NOW HIRING ASAP. Lawn Care Technician and Lawn Mowers. Drivers license a must, experience a plus. Call Trump Lawn and Land 717-873-8545.

NOTICE Ads submitted to us that begin with A-1, 1-A, AAA, etc for position purposes, will No Longer Be Accepted This Way, unless proven that it is part of your Registered Business Name.

A&L TRIMMING, Interior Triming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring 717-529-9017 Leave Message

General ACE DISTRIBUTING IS seeking candidates in a number of departments, including CDL Drivers, Sales and Mechanics. Please take a look at our Careers page for more details on our current openings or to apply.


DEALING WITH WATER DAMAGE requires immediate action. Local professionals that respond immediately. Nationwide and 24/7. No mold calls. Call today! 1-800-730-9790.

FOUND AN ITEM...? Place a FREE 15-20 word ad in the next available issue to locate the owner of your found item. Call our Classified Dept. 1-800-428-4211




SPECIAL NOTICE KEYSTONE RECORD COLLECTORS MUSIC EXPO. EXPO East Petersburg, PA 17520 Spooky Nook Sports Lanco, 1901 Miller Rd August 12, 2018, 9am-3pm, Dealers BUY, SELL, TRADE. Albums, 45s, CDs, DVDs. Reasonably Priced. All Music Styles. FREE ADMISSION. Info? 610-932-7852.

EMA BUILDING & Remodeling LLC. Residential remodeling, small pole buildings. Licensed & insured. PA140214. Contact Keith 717-724-7321

HEINER’S ROOFING 20+ yrs exp. Free estimates. Residential & commercial. Best rates. 717-793-0548


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Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD REACH CHESTER, LANCASTER, YORK, AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES? Reaching over 432,000 households every week with your advertising message is significant. Call 1-800-428-4211 and ask for the "360 SPECIAL" to find out how.

PA law requires Home Improvement contractors with annual billing of over $5,000 to be registered with the Attorney General’s office. This registration enables consumers to trace contractors should issues arise between you and a contractor. We encourage readers to acquire references for any contractor you consider hiring.


SELL YOUR HOME for Cash. Free Consultation. Call 717-779-1188


ITEMS WANTED 0 CHECKS/ ALL CASH PAID 1st Ad to Call. Gold, Silver, Coins, Jewelry, Antiques, Anything Old, Guns, Whole Estates. ** I Will Beat Anyone’s Prices. ** 717-968-9917 AMERICAN & FOREIGN CARS $$ PAYING CASH $$ for Classic & Collector Cars. 717-577-8206 AMERICAN FLYER, Lionel, Marx, toy trains, old toys. Cash paid. 717-586-8768 BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime. BUYING HEATING OIL at .30¢ a gallon. Also remove heating oil tanks and furnaces. Call Ed 717-587-7315. ELECTRONIC VACUUM TUBES, VNTG HIFI-STEREO, ANTIQUE/HAM RADIO717-515-5753 LV MSG/TEXT PICS WANTED TO BUY: OLD GUITARS & OLD COINS. Also other instruments. Call for details & further information, 717-650-2007

REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Sale LOTS & ACREAGE. BUY A LAKE! 35 acres - $149,900. 5 acre lake, gorgeous views, old barns & sheds! Quiet town road, guaranteed buildable. Financing available. Call 888-431-7214 or go to for video and photos.

Manufactured Housing BUY DIRECT Modulars - Doublewides - Singlewides Starting at $29,900. Our prices wont be beat We Move Mobiles, Buy Homes, Sell Parts. 717-875-1288

FOR SALE- MOVE IN READY. New Singlewide. 3BR, 2 BA in a park. 717-442-1149

CLASSIC CARS WANTED Sports cars, Muscle cars, Classic cars, Pick-ups, etc. Jeff Gast 717-575-4561 (WANTED) CARS/ TRUCKS WANTED!!! All makes/ models 2002-2018! Any condition. Running or not. Competitive offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-368-1016

AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES $100-$800 For Your Unwanted Junk Cars-Trucks- Vans- SUVs. Prompt, Honest Service. Call 717-847-6083 PA0002 $50-$1000 CASH PAID ON ALL VEHICLES Serving York & Lancaster. 24/7 service. Call anytime, 717-515-2607

FOR SALE. MOVE IN READY. Multiple New Doublewides. 3BR, 2 BA in a park. 717-442-1149

HOMESITES FOR YOUR MANUFACTURED HOME FOR RENT! Looking for a nice place for your new or preowned home and family? 24 Hour on call service, professionally managed and maintained Communities that "Feel like Home". Available lots within Beautiful Communities in York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Lancaster, Luzerne and Perry Counties. Select communities are offering FREE RENT; 3 TO 12 MONTHS FREE! Call today for details! 717 730-4141

PEQUEA MOBILE HOME Service, Remove Old Homes, Relocate, Skirting. Certified & Insured. 717-464-4461


AUTOS FOR SALE 2011 FORD E250 Van, super duty, flex fuel, ladder & storage racks, new tires & inspection, 75K mi., $16,000. Call 717577-7552

ADVERTISE IN THE Community Courier Automotive #1 One-Stop-Shop State Inspection & Emissions All Makes & Models REPAIRS: Complete • Full Service BODY: All Major & Minor Repairs EXCELLENT: Savings, Sales, Svc $10 off any service w/this ad. Excludes other offers. Expires 12/31/18 WEIKLE’S SPECIALTY 287 Main St, Felton • 717-417-2726 PARTS: NEW • USED • AFT

BUYING JUNK CARS, $50 to $100. Call Schell’s Towing. 717-840-8211 CASH 4 JUNK CARS Free Removal Doughboy Hauling, 717-891-2934 GOT TOYOTA? ALL TOYOTAS Parts, Repairs, Sales, Srvc. New, Oem, Used, Aftm. Weikle’S + save 717-417-2726

CYCLES BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.


LOTS & ACREAGE. FARM LIQUIDATION! 42 ACRES. ABUTS STATE LAND $69,900. 3 hours NY City. Big views, woods, pond, meadows! Town road, utilities. Owner terms. 888-738-6994


Decking, Vinyl Siding, Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling, Roofing, Plumbing, Electrical, Drywall, Painting. Licensed & Insured, 717-858-4776


TREE SERVICE: Removal, pruning, stump removal, storm damage. Fully ins. Free est. MC/Visa/d/Amex 717-887-3339; 384-8507



LIKE TRAINS? Steam Into History is currently recruiting volunteers to serve as flaggers for the train and gift shop assistants. Must be over 16 years of age and background check required. Benefits include training, free train rides (as seating is available), gift shop discounts and admission to the summer speakers’ series. Join our excellent team today! Call 717-942-2370 or email Jenna at for more information.


Heating, Cooling, HVAC, Electrical, AC, Boilers, Furnaces, Leaks, Clogs, Water Heaters, Pumps. 24/7 Service. 717-654-2433

STUMP GRINDING Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347

LOTS & ACREAGE. PRIME LAND, BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF BLUE MOUNTAINS! Tilden Township, Berks County, PA. 20.451 acres. Ideal for farmette, development. $15,000 per acre. SEAFORD, DELAWARE NEW MOVE-IN READY HOMES! Low Taxes! Close to Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. Model Homes from the low 100’s. Brochures. 1-866-629-0770 or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 5BR, 2 Story, 2BA, Cedar closets, hdwd flrs, FP, brick home, garage, Commercial property, but residential home, 2600 Sq. ft. $169,900. No Realtors, Call for appt. 717-927-6784, Red Lion, PA

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8 - COMMUNITYCOURIER - 17404 Edition - August 8, 2018

Community Events

Slovenian Club Will Meet

Easterseals Staff Members Attend Training

The next Slovenian Friends of Central Pennsylvania lunch is scheduled for noon on Tuesday, Aug. 14, at Round the Clock Diner, 145 Memory Lane, York. Meal purchase is optional. The club is open to anyone who has Slovenian ancestry, has traveled to the area, or has an

The York Division of Easterseals Western and Central Pennsylvania held its annual staff training at the York Alliance Church in York on May 31 and June 1. Therapeutic recreation staff members participated in adapted daily living skills training and behavior management training. The two-day training

interest in the heritage of that area of Eastern Europe. Topics of discussion include foods, customs, and traditions. All are welcome. There are no dues or obligations. For more information, readers may call Kim Whitely at 717764-6313.

For Ticket Information, Call (717) 309-3035


UPCOMING BINGO EVENTS! ALERT FIRE CO., 3118 N. George St., Emigsville Doors Open at 12:30, Pre-Games start at 1:45pm (unless otherwise noted) No holds for discounted tickets. You must pay in advance for a discount! “EVERYTHING GOES” BINGO • SUN., AUG. 12 Tickets $10 in advance, $15 at the door. 27 Games of Bingo, 50/50, Cash Games, Raffles, Specials, Gift Cards, Thirty-One, etc. Benefits: Kids with Cancer CASH BINGO EVENT • SUN., AUG. 26 Tickets $5 until 8/23/18, $15 at the door. 20 Games of Bingo, 50/50, Cash Games, Raffles. Benefits: Next Level Enterprise PURSE BINGO EVENT • SUN., SEPT. 9 Tickets $25 in advance or $30 at the door. 20 Games for designer purses: Coach & Michael Kors. Vendors will take cash & carry orders. Raffles, Special Games, 50/50, Door Prizes. Benefits Local Veterans Groups “EVERYTHING GOES” BINGO • SUN., SEPT. 23 Tickets $5 in advance, $15 at the door (while supplies last) 20 Games of Bingo that include Cash, Tupperware, Gift Cards, Thirty-One, etc. 50/50, Cash Games, Raffles, Specials, Door Prizes. Benefits: Toys for Tots

Easterseals therapeutic recreation staff members Zack (left), Taylor (middle) and Craig took turns learning three different ways to safely transfer someone from a wheelchair.

Community Progress Council WIC Program WIC offers families: Free healthy foods • Nutrition counseling/tips • Breastfeeding support • Referrals to other services You may qualify for WIC if you: • Are pregnant or have recently had a baby • Have a child under the age of 5 • Are the guardian for a child under the age of 5 WIC benefits can help your family save an average of $

60 a month

on your grocery bill per participant!

session is designed to help staff members improve their communication with and compassion for individuals with disabilities and to help staff members provide an enjoyable and safe environment for their campers and community-based program participants. Guest speakers included Greg Anderson, a local principal with expertise in behavior management, and Regi Theodore-Wise, a local adult who has autism. Theodore-Wise shared about her own challenges and perspective. The York Division of Easterseals specializes in therapeutic recreation camping programs and community-based programs for individuals with any disability or special need. The camp offers a sense of independence while helping participants improve their social, emotional, and physical well-being. The annual twoday event provides comprehensive training, and routine training sessions are held throughout the year for incoming staff and volunteers. For information about becoming

Special Starwatch Event Scheduled

Therapeutic recreation staff members Karsyn (standing) and Morgan took turns learning how to safely dress someone who has a limited range of motion. a therapeutic recreation staff member or volunteer, readers may contact Virginia Anderson, director of therapeutic recreation, at 717-7413891 or vanderson@easterseals

Mobile App Aids Mothers-To-Be WellSpan Health offers a new mobile app to help expectant mothers more easily follow their care plan and access customizable resources and educational content during their pregnancy. In addition to the latest resources and educational content, the Babyscripts app allows expectant mothers to access their prenatal health care professional’s care plan through simple, weekly tasks, and tracking. The app is the latest way WellSpan supports soon-to-be

mothers and their families. This new mobile platform will serve as a complement to the care provided by the women’s health team at WellSpan in a way that keeps patients engaged while reducing the number of checkup appointments needed. WellSpan launched the Babyscripts app to pregnant patients in WellSpan OB/GYN practices across the region. For more on maternity care at WellSpan, readers may visit

Compare Our CD Rates

Support Group Meeting Planned

Bank-issued, FDIC-insured

2.30 % 3.00 % 3.30 %

1-year 3-year 5-year


Minimum deposit $1000 Minimum deposit $1000 Minimum deposit $1000

* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 07/31/2018. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).

PA WIC is funded by the USDA. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Call or visit your local financial advisor today.

To view the WIC Income Guidelines and get started online, visit or call 717-843-7942 to schedule an appointment. R014987

Bob Halbert, CRPS® Financial Advisor .

528 Greenbriar Road Suite B York, PA 17404 717-764-2725

The York County Astronomical Society (YCAS) will host a public Starwatch and Perseid Meteor shower observing event at its observatory at John C. Rudy County Park, 400 Mundis Race Road, York, on Saturday, Aug. 11. The evening will begin at 8 p.m. with a screened astronomical presentation on the current night sky and a variety of astronomical topics. Guests will then be guided on a tour of the August sky through one of the club’s telescopes. Attendees will ex perience the “train of planets” as Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars will all be visible in the evening sky. As an added bonus, attendees are invited to stay late and witness the Perseid Meteor shower. Individuals who remain for the meteor shower are encouraged to bring a blanket or chairs to set up on the field outside the observatory. Light refreshments will be available. The event is free and open to the public; however, donations will be accepted. If it is clear, all activities will occur as scheduled. If it is completely cloudy or raining, the indoor astronomical presentation will occur as scheduled. When arriving at John C. Rudy County Park, drivers should use the main park entrance, not the Administrative Office entrance, and follow the signs and lights to the event. More information on planetarium shows, special classes, and other YCAS events can be found at /astroyork. Member SIPC


Dover Bethany United Methodist Church (UMC), 4510 Bull Road, Dover, will host a dementia/Alzheimer’s support group meeting on Monday, Aug. 13. The group meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Individuals who are interested in learning more about dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as how to care for loved ones who have these diseases, are welcome to attend. Readers with questions may call the church at 717-292-2716.

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