Enjoy Magazine: Northern California Living — February 2021

Page 37







C H A N G I N G H OW W E S H O P W I T H O N E H E A R T C O L L E C T I V E THERE’S AN OLD saying you may be familiar with: It is better to give than receive. Well, imagine if you could do both at the same time – shopping while also giving back. There are many ways in which you can give back and help those who need it most. One Heart Global Collective is a marketplace for more than 20 ministries to sell their handcrafted items, made mostly by women who have been rescued from trafficking, are widowed or are in an otherwise at-risk situation. You get to shop for gorgeous, handcrafted, ethically made items while also creating a cycle of sustainable income for families worldwide.

Terina Dutton, founder of One Heart Collective, had the vision for this global collective when she returned to America after living in Ethiopia. Terina and her husband, Kevin, saw the way people spent money, especially during the holidays, and knew they wanted to channel their resources and create a positive change in the consumer culture. They had started a nonprofit in Ethiopia while they lived there. The Duttons prayed and asked God to show them where the need was – and He did, they said. “Prostitution Row” is a wellknown area where girls are sold at night.4 continued on page 38





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