The Restaurant Customer Record Data Specification and related technical documentation was created to alleviate complications related to challenges identified here:
Restaurants are dealing with fragmented, non-uniform customer profiles, along with disparate systems that create even more complexity when trying to manage this data. Owning the customer is table stakes for cultivating loyal fans, understanding customer behavior and sparking repeat business for restaurants, and it’s becoming increasingly important, given the challenge of data capture by third-party solutions. In addition, maintaining integrity when collecting and handling customer data is a growing concern. This workgroup aimed to
VP and Brand Director, HT Co-Founder, RTN 973.607.1358
ANGELA DIFFLY Co-Founder, RTN 404.550.7789
ROBERT FIRPO-CAPPIELLO Editor in Chief, HT 917.208.7393
Senior Editor, HT 207.773.1154
Senior Account Executive, HT & RTN 785.424.7392
Account Executive, HT & RTN 973.607.1370
standardize the structure and communication of customer profiles, enabling restaurants to create a competitive advantage with the customer data they own.
Brand Marketing Manager, HT & RTN 908.433.2796
Membership Manager, RTN 314.570.4798
Director of Marketing, Communications and Membership, RTN
ANGEL Senior Director, Technology & Information American Hotel & Lodging Association Copyright 2022 Restaurant Technology Network (RTN). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or information storage and retrieval systems, without express written permission from the publisher. RTN is a wholly owned subsidiary of EnsembleIQ, with principal headquarters at 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60631.
| 3 | RTN’S CUSTOMER RECORD DATA SPECIFICATION Table of Contents Introduction 2 Key Contributors ..............................................................................................................................................................3 Customer Record Data Specification At A Glance ............................................................................................ 4 Customer Data Record Specification 4 Phase 1: Use Cases Companion Documentation 6 • Create Profile 6 • Get Profile ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 • Update Profile 7 • Merge Profiles 7 Phase 2: Customer Segmentation 8 • Demographic 8 • Geographic ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 • Psychographic 8 • Technographic 8 • Behavioral 8 • Needs Based ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 • Value Based ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 • DataSource 8 Phase 2: Customer Dietary Requirements 10 • Allergens 10 • Lifestyle Choices ............................................................................................................................................. 10 RTN Mission The Restaurant Technology Network (RTN) is a membership community solely dedicated to the restaurant technology industry. Through access to valuable benefits and powerful connections, our members shape industry standards and share technical guidance to help restaurateurs run successful businesses and better serve their customers. Key Contributors
Sr. BI Developer MOD Super Fast Pizza
Information Security Program Manager P.F. Chang’s MARK MULLINAX Sr. Business Development Manager ConsultR ROBERT PETERSON Area VP, New Business, North America, Oracle Food & Beverage
RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGY NETWORK | 4 | Customer Record Data Specification At A Glance Used together, RTN’s Customer Record Data Specification and companion documents enable brands, restaurant operators and solutions providers to integrate restaurant technology systems. Customer Record Data Standard Profile ProfileID 1 UserID 0..1 Status 1 ProfileStatusHistory 0..n Associated Profile 0..n ProfileEntity 0..n BusinessEntity LastUsedDateTime 1 Brand BrandID 1 BrandName 0..1 BrandDescription 0..1 PreferredBrandInd 0..1 PreferredBrandDescription 0..1 Location 0..n Privacy 1 CommunicationMethod 0..1 PreferredOrderChannel 0..n TermsAndConditions 0..n PortfolioHoldingCompany HoldingCompanyName 1 HoldingCompanyID 1 Brand Privacy Communication Method TermsAndConditions Description ProfileStatusHistory Status 1 ChangeDate 0..1 ChangedBy 0..1 SystemName 0..1 Comment 0..1 AssociatedProfile ProfileID 0..1 UserID 0..1 RelationshipType 0..n Description 0..1 Location LocationID 1 URI 0..1 Address 0..1 Position 0..1 LocationStatus 0..1 OperationSchedule 0..n Description ChannelEffectivity Phone PerferredStoreInd PreferredStoreDesc Privacy 0..1 CommunicationMethod 0..n PreferredOrderChannel 0..1 TermsAndConditions 0..1 OpenDate 0..1 ClosedDate 0..1 SocialMedia URL 0..1 Platform 1 Handle 1 UserName 1 Verification VerifiedInd 0..1 VerificationCategory 1 VerficationType 0..1 VerifiedBy 0.1 VerificationSystem 0..1 Description 0..1 BusinessEntity ChoiceObject PortfolioHoldingCompany Brand Location ProfileEntity ChoiceObject Person Company KEY = Existing Object = New Object Red Text = Object
| 5 | RTN’S CUSTOMER RECORD DATA SPECIFICATION Person PersonName 0..n Email 0..1 birthday 0..1 Phone 0..n Address 0..n SocialMedia 0..n CommunicationMethods 0..n ThirdPartySystem 0..n Verification 0..n Company 0..n Gender 0..1 PreferredPronoun - Enum 0..1 SignificantDate 0..n Description ThirdPartySystem ThirdPartySystemID 1 Type Enum 1 SystemName 0..1 CustomerID 0..1 ThirdPartyProgramID 0..1 RTN Customer Record SignificantDate Date 0..1 Description 0..1 DateType Enum 0..1 TermsAndConditions acceptanceInd 0..1 IssuerID 1 IssuerDescription 1 Description 1 DateTime 1 CommunicationMethods primaryInd 0..1 CommunicationMethodType Enum 0..1 PreferredLanguage 0..1Privacy shareMarketInd Enum 0..1 shareSyncInd Enum 0..1 PersonName First 0..1 Last 0..1 Middle 0..1 primaryInd 0..1 language 0..1 Prefix 0..1 Suffix 0..1 NameType Enum 0..1 Title 0..1 LastNamePrefix 0..1 Email EmailAddress 1 EmailType 0..1 primaryInd 0..1 Phone PhoneNumber 1 Type Enum 0..1 Capabilities Enum 0..n primaryInd 0..1 Address StreetAddress 0..1 CityName 0..1 PostalCode 1 Country 0..1 CountryCode 0..1 StateOrTerritory 0..1 AddressType Enum 0..1 Company Name 1 Address 0..n Phone 0..n Contact Person 0..n Description 0..1 TimeZone 0..1 WebsiteURL 0..1 IndustryClassificationName 0..1 IndustryClassificationCode 0..1 IndustryClassificationStandard 0..1
Phase 1: Use Cases
This section describes four end-to-end use case scenarios utilizing the customer data message. The use cases contained here are not exhaustive, but are meant to provide implementing companies and developers additional guidance.
Use Case 1: Create Profile
A customer creates a profile within a restaurant loyalty system.
• The system enables the customer to create a profile.
• An existing profile for the customer does not exist.
• The customer is able to create all required fields.
• A customer creates a profile for themselves on a restaurant website. The customer inputs required data and submits the information, utilizing the Create message within the Customer Data Resource.
• The receiving system creates a profile record with a newly created ProfileID and returns the profile to the customer.
Use Case 2: Get Profile
A customer retrieves their profile from a restaurant loyalty system to review their loyalty point total.
• The customer has logged into the system.
• The customer has privileges to retrieve their profile.
• A profile exists for the customer.
• A customer enters the UserID for the profile they wish to retrieve utilizing the Get message within the Customer Data Resource.
• The receiving system returns the profile matching the UserID to the customer.
Use Case 3: Update Profile
A customer updates the address information on their profile in a restaurant loyalty system.
• The customer has privileges to update a profile.
• The customer has retrieved their profile.
• A customer updates the address information on their profile and submits the update utilizing the Update message within the Customer Data Resource.
• The receiving system returns the profile with the updated information.
Use Case 4: Merge Profiles
A customer has two profiles in a single system. The primary profile is identified, and the secondary profile data is merged with the primary profile. The primary profile ID is maintained.
• The guest has multiple profiles in a single system.
• The merging entity has privileges to merge profiles.
• A customer data management system has multiple profiles for the same customer in its database. A user identifies which profile they would like to retain. The customer-facing ID is passed in the UserID field within the Profile object, and the customer-facing ID for the secondary profile is passed in the UserID field within the AssociatedProfile and the mergeInd is set to true. The profiles are merged utilizing the Update message within the Customer Data Resource.
Note: The receiving system determines how to handle the secondary profile once the records are merged. For example, they may choose to delete it, mark it for deletion, or change it to inactive status.
• The receiving system merges the records maintaining the Primary Profile for the customer profile and returns the merged profile to the customer.
RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGY NETWORK | 8 | Phase 2: Customer Segmentation Phase II of the Restaurant Customer Record Data Specification expanded upon the existing customer data record to include: Customer Record Data Standard Profile ProfileID 1 UserID 0..1 Status 1 ProfileStatusHistory 0..n Associated Profile 0..n ProfileEntity 0..n BusinessEntity LastUsedDateTime 1 Brand BrandID 1 BrandName 0..1 BrandDescription 0..1 PreferredBrandInd 0..1 PreferredBrandDescription 0..1 Location 0..n Privacy 1 CommunicationMethod 0..1 PreferredOrderChannel 0..n TermsAndConditions 0..n PortfolioHoldingCompany HoldingCompanyName 1 HoldingCompanyID 1 Brand Privacy Communication Method TermsAndConditions Description ProfileStatusHistory Status 1 ChangeDate 0..1 ChangedBy 0..1 SystemName 0..1 Comment 0..1 AssociatedProfile ProfileID 0..1 UserID 0..1 RelationshipType 0..n Description 0..1 Location LocationID 1 URI 0..1 Address 0..1 Position 0..1 LocationStatus 0..1 OperationSchedule 0..n Description ChannelEffectivity Phone PerferredStoreInd PreferredStoreDesc Privacy 0..1 CommunicationMethod 0..n PreferredOrderChannel 0..1 TermsAndConditions 0..1 OpenDate 0..1 ClosedDate 0..1 SocialMedia URL 0..1 Platform 1 Handle 1 UserName 1 Verification VerifiedInd 0..1 VerificationCategory 1 VerficationType 0..1 VerifiedBy 0.1 VerificationSystem 0..1 Description 0..1 BusinessEntity ChoiceObject PortfolioHoldingCompany Brand Location ProfileEntity ChoiceObject Person Company KEY = Existing Object = New Object Red Text = Object • Demographic • Geographic • Psychographic • Technographic • Behavioral • Needs Based • Value Based • DataSource *New objects on page 10 Customer dietary needs information allowing a customer to share specific dietary requirements: • Allergens • Lifestyle Choices Customer segmentation information enabling restaurants to create customer personas to enhance marketing initiatives and capabilities to drive loyalty. The customer segmentation includes:
| 9 | RTN’S CUSTOMER RECORD DATA SPECIFICATION Customer PersonName 0..n Email 0..1 birthday 0..1 Phone 0..n Address 0..n SocialMedia 0..n CommunicationMethods 0..n ThirdPartySystem 0..n Verification 0..n Company 0..n Gender 0..1 PreferredPronoun - Enum 0..1 SignificantDate 0..n Description ThirdPartySystem ThirdPartySystemID 1 Type Enum 1 SystemName 0..1 CustomerID 0..1 ThirdPartyProgramID 0..1 RTN Customer Record SignificantDate Date 0..1 Description 0..1 DateType Enum 0..1 TermsAndConditions acceptanceInd 0..1 IssuerID 1 IssuerDescription 1 Description 1 DateTime 1 CommunicationMethods primaryInd 0..1 CommunicationMethodType Enum 0..1 PreferredLanguage 0..1Privacy shareMarketInd Enum 0..1 shareSyncInd Enum 0..1 PersonName First 0..1 Last 0..1 Middle 0..1 primaryInd 0..1 language 0..1 Prefix 0..1 Suffix 0..1 NameType Enum 0..1 Title 0..1 LastNamePrefix 0..1 Email EmailAddress 1 EmailType 0..1 primaryInd 0..1 Phone PhoneNumber 1 Type Enum 0..1 Capabilities Enum 0..n primaryInd 0..1 Address StreetAddress 0..1 CityName 0..1 PostalCode 1 Country 0..1 CountryCode 0..1 StateOrTerritory 0..1 AddressType Enum 0..1 Company Name 1 Address 0..n Phone 0..n Contact Person 0..n Description 0..1 TimeZone 0..1 WebsiteURL 0..1 IndustryClassificationName 0..1 IndustryClassificationCode 0..1 IndustryClassificationStandard 0..1
RESTAURANT TECHNOLOGY NETWORK | 10 | Phase 2: Customer Dietary Requirements Customer Record Data Standard KEY = Existing Object = New Object Red Text = Object Customer PersonName 0..n Email 0..1 birthday 0..1 Phone 0..n Address 0..n SocialMedia 0..n CommunicationMethods 0..n ThirdPartySystem 0..n Verification 0..n Company 0..n Gender 0..1 PreferredPronoun - Enum 0..1 SignificantDate 0..n Description DietaryNeeds AdditionalCustomerSegmentationInfo DietaryNeeds LifestyleChoice - 0..n AllergyInformation 0..n LifestyleChoices LifeStyleChoiceType - Enum medicalNeedInd - boolean AllergyInformation AllergyInformationType - Enum medicalNeedInd - boolean AdditionalCustomerSeg mentationInfo Demographic 0..n Geographic 0..n Psychographic 0..n Technographic 0..n Behavioral 0..n NeedsBased 0..n ValueBased 0..n DataSource - Reference
| 11 | RTN’S CUSTOMER RECORD DATA SPECIFICATION Demographic DemographicType Value - String Geographic GeographicType Value - String Psychographic PsychographicType Value - String Technographic TechnographicType Value - String Behavioral BehavioralType Value - String NeedsBased ProductMustHaves - String ServiceMustHaves - String ValueBased EconomicValue – String Description - String
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