Tips for CISOs to enable better business experiences and outcomes in 2023 The role of a CISO now consists of much more than just risk management and compliance. CISOs are now routinely consulted on business issues because digitized business processes are critical to any enterprise’s success, so cybersecurity is therefore a board-level concern.
Tip 1: Consolidate to Drive Responsive Operations
ybersecurity is at the heart of most enterprise businesses because of e-commerce and the digital marketplace. For example, e-commerce, whether business-to-business or businessto-consumer transactions all depend on consistently good user experiences to deliver business outcomes. And this requires consistently good networking, security, and computing performance. Many organizations’ leadership teams recognize the business value of cybersecurity that comes from its ability to enable trusted communications and better user experiences. It’s now clear that enabling responsive computing operations is key to ensuring consistently good user experiences. In short, today’s CISO’s role is no longer just about protecting the organization from cyber threats. The CISO is now a key business enabler and leader, tasked with managing risk and delivering business value. Below are suggestions for how CISOs can help generate better business outcomes for their organizations.
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There’s widespread agreement that more tools from more vendors is not a viable approach to addressing today’s broad array of cyber risks. Indeed, in most cases, multiple vendor relationships with the associated multiple training requirements, license management issues, consumption models, management consoles, and integration requirements, only add greater complexity and costs. Today, most CISOs are rationalizing their legacy investments from several dozen vendors, down to six to eight platforms around which their teams will build the automation for identification, protection, prevention, detection, response, and recovery. Vendor consolidation drives more consistent and responsive networking, security, and computing performance creating better user experiences.
Tip 2: Digital Experience Monitoring for Better Performance As mentioned above, a key way CISOs can enable the business is by creating exceptional user experiences. A digital experience monitoring (DEM) solution provides IT teams with end-to-end network and application performance monitoring that helps improve digital experiences. Because of the increase in remote work and the migration of applications to the cloud, many organizations are struggling to identify the root cause of application performance issues and traditional monitoring tools simply aren’t up to the task. This is where a DEM tool can add significant value as it unifies data and helps teams to better understand networking, security, and cloud issues that may create latency in
J U N E 2023
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