Dear Readers,
s we approach the end of our first year of recognizing so many great Entrepreneurs, we want to thank you, our readers for your support. What an extraordinary year it has been! We’ve worked hard and sacrificed many hours to bring some amazing Entrepreneurs to this Platform. In this issue we travel to Chicago to meet the money man himself, Mr. Brandon Ellington. If you’re an entrepreneur in need of funds for your business, Brandon is your man. His proven, non-traditional ways of getting the banks to say, “You’re Approved” are mind blowing. Then you’ll meet Ms. Zandra Cunningham, a Teen Entrepreneur who hit the TARGET earlier this month literally. Read all about her innovative plant-based
skin care products. How she took the answer “no” from her father who got tired of, well I won’t tell it all. Read her story on page 22. Truly and AMAZING young lady. Finally, we head to Paris, France by way of the youngest CMG Paris Fashion Top 10 Model – Runner winners ever, 6-year old Shahadah Bryant. This young entrepreneur is taking the model industry by storm. Shahadah is serious business on the runway. Enjoy, Learn, Laugh and Share!! We look forward to serving our global audience of entrepreneurs in 2020. Have a Wonderful & Prosperous New Year!!! Publisher
Kelli M. Williams
Disclaimer: The written and video content, views, suggestions and advise expressed in this magazine are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions or advise of Entrepreneur Platform Magazine, LLC, its parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies.
4 | S oft Skills Produce Hard Bottom Line Results Meridith Elliott Powell
6 | B usiness Growth, Sales, Leadership Strategies Meridith Elliot Powell
7 | H ow Strong Is Your Foundation? G. Brian Benson
8 | Living The Life of Abundance The Entrepreneurs Blueprint Chaplain Ophelia Nixon Uke
11 | Belinda Salley 12 | H ow To Combat The Ferris Wheel Syndrome Elinor Stutz
14 | Personal Branding And
The Impostor Syndrome Rhoda Johnson
15 | Entrepreneur
Platform Magazine
16 | 10 Facebook Marketing Tips For The Holiday Season Karen Albert
17 | Shahadah Bryant
20 | Katie O’s Food Carnival
44 | Raising A Mogul
22 | Bad Credit Ruins Lives
47 | Western & Southern
24 | YOUNG
48 | The Unstoppable Millionaire
Katie O’Reilly
Paranda Davis
ENTREPRENEURS Shahadah Bryant “Shahadah in Paris” -- iMovie (Watch in Digital Version)
26 | CMG Paris Fashion Week
Promotes Economic Development & Cultural Exchange Among Countries Gunter Duvall
Zandra Beauty -The Innovative Teen Behind The Product Terri King Hunt
Tamar a Zantell
Life Insurance Tahir Hussain
49 | Maximize Your Credit Score! Paranda Davis
50 | Ripple 51 | CK Marketing & Q-Bella-V 52 | Entrepreneur Books Of The Month
53 | The Millionaire Maker Game 54 | Created4u 55 | Walking In Boldness Ophelia Nixon Uke
55 | EPM/Get Featured
37 | Darryl Murrill/Jazzpel
56 | Entrepreneur Consultants
38 | Teen Entrepreneur Lands
58 | Sterling Wellington
Permanent Shelf Space With Major Retailer
40 | Brandon Ellington/
59 | Entrepreneur
Platform Magazine
Mo’ Money Angel A. Wellington
Soft Skills Produce Hard Bottom Line Results MERIDITH ELLIOTT POWELL
es, it is true, I am a fan, a believer, a devotee of the soft skills. If it were up to me, we would update school curriculums to include the art of speaking, the skill of writing, and the science of how to engage and really connect with people. Again, if it were up to me, organizations and
It makes what we sell or offer a commodity, but how we sell or offer it, that is now our competitive advantage. companies would have at least one-half of their learning and development budgets set aside for leadership, networking, building relationships, communication courses, and hands-on training. The result, I believe, would be less stress, more engaged students and employees, and most importantly hard, tangible and positive bottom-line results. Why am I such a fan of the soft skills? Well, there are a number of reasons; I mean who doesn’t enjoy working and engaging with someone who understands how to hold a two-way conversation, 4 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
or reading a well-written article, or working for a leader who really understand how to listen, engage and develop people? But, if I had to keep my answer short and simple, I would say I am a fan because I believe the soft skills are the fastest route in this economy to profitability. In fact, in today’s world I believe that soft skills are the only real competitive advantage that we have. These are very different economic times. This is not an economy that is up, not an economy that is down, it is an economy that is different, radically changed and it is never, I mean never going back to the way that it was. Think about it; with globalization, advancements in technology, increased competition, we could all sit around in our underwear for weeks on end and google until our hearts are content, and have everything we want, need and desire delivered right to our front doors – everything. We have become the kinds and queens of Amazon Prime. We can order food, products, services; we can meet new people, date, make friends, attend events all online. We can do almost anything we want without ever talking to or speaking with another individual, without ever having to leave the comfort of our own home. That fact right there changes everything! It makes what we sell or offer a commodity, but how we sell or offer it, that is now our competitive advantage. And how we offer it –
– that has everything to do with our ability (and our employees’ abilities) to deliver the soft skills. If you want to succeed in this economy, an economy that I have come to call the trust and value economy, then you need to invest in getting yourself, your team, and your entire organization up-to-date on the soft skills! As a leader, you need to understand how important these skills are in attracting new customers, the value of them deepening and expanding existing relationships, and the role they play in attracting, retaining and developing talented employees.
Success today is about embracing and then mastering your touchy-feely side. You have to invest in developing and delivering on the soft skills. Understanding that what you offer in this economy is not nearly as important as how you offer. And how you offer it, has everything to do with how well you and your team are executing on the soft skills. To learn more about soft skills and how to master these skills to produce hard bottom line results, check out Meridith’s Linked In Learning Course Soft Skills For Sales Professionals learning/soft-skills-for-sales-professionals/what-ittakes-to-become-an-amazing-salesperson
Here are five must-have soft skills for today’s economy: 1. Flexibility – how stretchy are you? How willing are you to bend to accommodate a customer, a co-worker or the marketplace. Yes, the hard skills tell us exactly the rules, policies and procedures we need to follow to be successful. And while those serve as a good guide, success in this economy is all about your ability to stretch, bend and change. Customization is key when it comes to adding value to the customer relationship, and you need to invest in helping your team understand how to deliver the customization, how to be flexible without breaking the bank. 2. Communication – the business professionals who can communicate with customers in a way that ensures understanding, buy-in, and then ultimately action, is the person who wins in this new economy. Your ability to communicate your vision, exemplify your values, and match your actions to your words will have a great impact on the success of your company.
Communication is a powerful soft skill that helps customers and employees understand who are you, what you are about, and the value they gain from doing business or working with you. 3. Connection – your ability to emotionally engage with other individuals, build bridges, and create cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships is a skill you need in a shifting, uncertain economy. Connection in this economy is how we emotionally bond with our customers and employees. It is how we establish trust and win their permission to take the relationship to the next level whether that means getting a customer to buy a product or service, or an employee to truly engage with our organization. Your ability to connect will greatly increase your chances to win customers and retain talented employees.
4. Attitude – this economy is tough enough, no one and I mean no one, most of all a consumer with a lot of choices, wants to be around anyone with a negative, defeated, or just plain rude attitude. Consumers who are willing to do business and spend money are looking for companies and individuals that are a pleasure to be around, fun to engage with, and leave them feeling good about the experience. The attitude of not only you but your team set the tone in your company, and positive attitude shouts confidence and success. 5. Team Player – the more people who succeed in your organization the better off you are – employees and customers alike. You need to be a leader that inspires, trains, and rewards teamwork. As a leader, you need to act as a team player and reward those that exhibit those traits – someone who is collaborative, someone who works to put the success of the whole ahead of the individual win. ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | 5
Click to watch video
How Strong is Your Foundation?
hen we think of a foundation, we typically envision a building of some sort, perhaps a house or a skyscraper. When a house is built, the strength of its foundation is key. This is the anchor that supports the entire structure, preventing it from blowing
Begin to incorporate positive habits and life balance techniques that will get you headed in the right direction! away and holding it strong and steady despite potentially changing climates and conditions. You wouldn’t think of building a house or a skyscraper without putting that essential first layer into place, would you? Well, the same is true for us. If we want to live authentically and be the best versions of ourselves and accomplish our goals and live out our dreams, the first thing we need to do is build a strong foundation. It may seem like a simple part of the overall construction process, but getting the foundation right is incredibly important. Our “house” sits on top of it! And since the main purpose of the foundation is to hold the structure above it and keep it upright, a wellbuilt foundation keeps the building standing while
the forces of nature potentially wreak havoc. It keeps its occupants safe during calamities such as strong winds and earthquakes. Well, the same thing applies to us as well. If we don’t properly build our foundation, we open ourselves up to all types of forces boldly wreaking havoc on us. Forces like judgment, low selfesteem, fear, untruths, inaction, jealousy, resistance, apathy, and imbalance, just to name a few. Our foundation should be built with care because it determines how strong and firm our “house” will stand. And how strong our “house” will stand determines how fulfilling, authentic, and successful our lives will be. Take, for example, all of those creative folks who enter sand castle building competitions. They make building their incredible creations look so easy. If only that was so. I once read where an awardwinning castle builder explained her process. She mentioned that interested onlookers often complimented her on the creative details of her work, but what those onlookers don’t realize is that her most diligent efforts were spent on the building of a solid foundation first. Generally, the first two hours of her process were spent analyzing the sand content, digging until the most ideal grains are found, then saturating the sand and applying pressure to compact it into a solid formation. And then, and only then, can she get to work on the impressive detailing of her sand creation. But without those initial steps and a solid Continued on page 21
Living The Life Of Abundance -The Entrepreneurs Blueprint
uite often we allow negative happenings to stop us from excelling or walking in that place of abundance in our personal and professional lives, until ultimately we are hindered from seeing the visions we have for ourselves manifest. To achieve anything in life that is worth having, the work required
Your business must present some form of positive gain for those whom you are seeking to impact. must first be put in. Your mindset must also be in a place of oneness with your hearts desires and the goals you’re wanting to achieve. This life we are living is not a magical show wherein you snap your fingers, and success is brought to fruition. If this is what you have tricked yourself into believing, then your reality is going to present some very harsh disappointments that you just might really find yourself struggling to bounce back from. Walking in abundance is not a popularity contest for us to showcase the amounts of money we 8 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
may have, the number of degrees held, the expensive name brands worn or the size of our homes. This type of abundance is tied to morals and humility. Without those two things we are merely building empty businesses, which ultimately will reveal inadequacies when it comes to the values they are built upon. Just as we know, every house is not a home if there is no happiness or love within the four walls, as it is the foundation of what must be built upon for everyone to feel valued. So it is the same with our businesses. Those we’re seeking to provide services for should be able to feel the love we’ve invested as it makes them know how much they are appreciated as individuals, and not as a dollar figure. Many people who have chosen to jump ship, in the sense of giving up their ‘Corporate America’ status, to become an entrepreneur are definitely wanting to have contentment and some form of security in their lives. However, what many have missed in discovering what they want to do is, taking the appropriate time needed to figure out if in their decision will there be contentment. Contentment is not about status, it’s a heart attitude. A heart attitude that’s attached to something and someone bigger than ourselves.
CONTENTMENT The word content means: being completely satisfied with self and life wherein not even disappointments can affect or influence your space negatively no matter what, yet still not sitting complacent whereby you would
never seek change. But, if your true desires are to experience something different, then change is an absolute must as it will most certainly lead you to your place of To walk in that true place of abundance for the things you’ve dreamt of accomplishing you have to visualize the results you’re wanting. Without proper planning and clarity you cannot be effective. When we base success upon who we know, and the social circles we tend to gravitate towards, it signifies that we’re hiding from facing the truth of what lies before us. If you were to take a long hard look at what you have done thus far and what it says about you and your life goals, would you honestly say your reflections reveals someone who mirrors the true definition of success? The way in which some of us have measured success shows that we really have no clue as to what success should look like. To some success is fame and materialistic gains. But guess what, there are many rich people who are unhappy despite the fancy clothing, the big house, the fast cars, and the tons of faux friends they have tricked themselves into believing is the real deal. So, until we learn to look past monetary gains and search our hearts to figure out what we are wanting to create and why we are wanting to venture out on our own to be that change agent, then we will always find ourselves stuck in a place of not knowing who we are or how much more we could have been.
EFFECTIVENESS Effectiveness comes down to producing desired results. The most successful entrepreneurs have mastered being effective because it makes them work smarter, eliminating unnecessary effort and wasted time. Success cannot happen without consistency. It is not achieved when approached in a lazy, haphazard, hit-or-miss fashion. Effectiveness is rooted in discipline and routine, not talent or genius. Successful entrepreneurs make sure to be detailed, organized and fully prepared before executing on any goals or plans. They make sure they have a well constructed blueprint that coincides with their
visions, dreams, and passion but most of all their heart. Successful entrepreneurs spend a significant amount of time thinking, creating and visioning. Being innovative comes naturally to all of us if we can discipline ourselves to enjoy the process of being in constant discovery. The use of imagination is a successful entrepreneur’s most powerful asset. The most effective entrepreneurs dare to dream, take action and turn their dreams into a reality. This visionary quality sets them apart from those who do not dare to dream as big. Stand out entrepreneurs do not see a limit to their creativity, success, ability to make money, have a positive and lasting impact on others, or to involve themselves in new ventures.
Successful Entrepreneurs…
KNOW YOUR SKILLS: Identify it, God will perfect it!
Successful Entrepreneurs have…
KNOWLEDGE: Do you know how to handle what you have?
Successful Entrepreneurs understand the importance of…
PRODUCTS: Is there quality to it, because people are looking to see the greatness of it… • Don’t get stuck on the quantity because if the number is there and the quality is lacking then you’re going to be stuck with a whole lot of nothing that promises people something it will never produce. There’s a difference between your job and your work. Your job is the position you were hired to sit in, but your work is tied to your worth. • Your worth is that thing that nobody can do like you no matter how much they try. A lot of people have been called to fulfil the job, but not everyone is qualified to do the work because their worth is not linked to it, therefore they struggle to do what the task requires. In example - people trying to do hair, makeup or Continued on page 10
OPHELIA UKE NIXON Continued from page 9
painting. This is where that term comes into play, jack of all trades and master of none. Partner with Faith so your blessings can manifest. Until you execute your Faith, fear will continue to pimp you because you’ve refused to use what God has given you. He didn’t give that unique gift to you for you to sit on it, He entrusted it to you so His name would be Glorified. If you refuse to use it, He will find and qualify someone else who is willing to partner with Him. The Steps of a Successful Entrepreneur are not ordered by the directives of others. They are exclusively reliant upon the creation of your own blueprints that you have taken the necessary time needed to strategically map out for yourself, which should be in no way complex unless you’ve chosen to make it so. Let’s look at some basic principles of figuring out what success would, could or should look like for you as an entrepreneur no matter what stage you’re currently at. Remember, as mentioned before the magnitude of your success is dependent upon your efforts and willingness to accept nothing less than what you want for yourself. 1. A sk yourself exactly what it is that you are passionate about? This is something you must figure out, because if you’re not sure, then how different will what you’re planning on doing be from what someone else already has going on. When you are passionate, you are excited and when you’re excited you ignite a certain type of fire that drives you to never stop. “You Win”!! 2. K now your why. If you don’t have a “why” then what is the purpose of you wanting to be an entrepreneur or any type of business owner. 3. What are the benefits that can be gained from your business or Who would your business serve? Your business must present some form 10 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
of positive gain for those whom you are seeking to impact. Also, what makes your business the ideal one that others should be interested in hearing about? 4. You need to make a list of what the takeaways are going to be for your potential clients, patrons or consumers of which they have never before experienced. Now, on a more personal self reflecting level that will serve to aide you in your growth, as a person and not just the entrepreneur you must… ➢ Release fears. Don’t give it access to grow because if so, it will grow until it hinders you from accomplishing tasks ➢ Learn to Challenge yourself, never accept no as a definite. Let it be the thing that pushes you from good to better, and from better to best. You have got to become your biggest cheerleader. Push yourself no matter what because you won’t always have celebrators in your corner. ➢ Understand the attitude that you possess, is it one of a “go getter” or is it of one that flees in the face of adversities? You’ve got to be able to stand tall despite the condition of the situation. ➢ Never become too comfortable, because it’s in the comforts that we cease to grow.
To sum up the Blueprints of an entrepreneur… ✓ Positive Attitude ✓ Proactive ✓ Resilience ✓ Perseverance ✓ Most of all PASSION…which is the key to unlocking our purpose
he hardest job in the world truly is #raisingamogul. Now you have the manual to guide you. We searched extensively for thought-leaders who slay parenting, influencing, leadership, entrepreneurship, and Raising A Mogul!
This manual provides a full resource on inspirational parenting why the old mindset towards children’s futures is obsolete. Practical examples of daily life with kidpreneur methods to overcome situations to propel your child. These parents have proven that children don’t have to be adults This manual provides: • A full resource on inspirational parenting • Why the old mindset towards children’s futures is obsolete • Practical examples of daily life with kidprenuer • Methods to overcome situations to propel your child.
These parents have proven that children don’t have to be adults to begin contributing to and changing the world. Their children have successfully moved from ideas into successful businesses. Wondering what it’s like to parent a self-made child millionaire? Wonder how you can balance work, laundry, school, and siblings while your child builds an empire? These families pushed through trauma, divorce, single-parenting and other obstacles which could’ve blocked their child’s dream. The Raising A Mogul Manual is here!
How To Combat The Ferris Wheel Syndrome
ntrepreneurship and the Ferris Wheel both provide you with their ups and downs. Our anticipation of the highs, and how we deal with the lows, are quite similar for both experiences. A new client or an advance in business will have you excited and on a high.
Occasional help from a coach or taking a formal class will launch you into your next desired phase. Similarly, the anticipation and experience of being on top of the Ferris Wheel are exhilarating. But the high is only a quick instant in time. People new to entrepreneurship are initially excited and filled with enthusiasm about the idea of being in business. However, they soon see the need to dig in and begin from the bottom. The feeling of exhilaration includes only a tiny percentage of time spent working on the business. Reality provides the lowest of lows. As you begin, there is grand 12 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
anticipation of landing the first few clients. The excitement comes to a frenzy. Once business is finalized, deep concern about remaining in business can take over. A majority of start ups have to close shop before the end of their first year. Occasional calculated risk is necessary for potentially landing further up the mountain of success. At the same time, there is a need to remain current with the news and developing trends. The more challenging learning curve is to find your sweet spot for clientele. Knowing who you serve best, and how to attract that audience are essential factors for increasing business. Relentlessly working your plan and focusing on client care will attract a broad audience. Over time, you will build a stand out brand that differentiates you from your competitors. The final test is to see if you can widen your scope by varying communication and adding to your repertoire of services. Review each revenue stream. As you add new components, verify that they all work well together. You can combat the forever Ferris Wheel cycle by keeping your pipeline of opportunity full and flowing. A daily commitment to seeking out new potential clients contributes to maintaining a full sales funnel. Within a few months, the business begins to trickle and then flow through. The stress lessons as new clients become routine. And the stark contrast of highs and lows slowly begins to disappear. Photo by Matheus Frade on Unsplash
Should you be frustrated by the Ferris Wheel syndrome, take time to consider where adjustments will assist your future moves.
Do you:
• Withdraw from follow-up believing the effort is of no use • Shy away from getting help preferring to remain in your comfort zone • Overlook development of a returning and referring clientele? Occasional help from a coach or taking a formal class will launch you into your next desired phase. In the meantime, continue experimenting with what may or may not work. In either case, view all of the outcomes as being good. If a trial doesn’t work out well, you know to drop it and not waste time. When a test works out well, you know to continue with the
strategy. When you can, leverage the better approach for a greater variety of opportunities. As you advance, a new set of highs appear on a steadier basis. The most important goal is to aim toward nurturing a happy clientele. Happy clients provide repeat business, referrals, and testimonials that you desire. The process repeats as it feeds into maintaining a full pipeline. Moving into the role of leader, share your best lessons with peers and community. You will no longer have to combat the Ferris Wheel syndrome. Satisfaction becomes a varying type of high that lasts long into the future. 408-209-0550
For real life examples of how all the above is done, read the International Best-Selling Book,
Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results; click here
If you would like to share your story about your personal, inspirational entrepreneurial journey with our digital issue reader and advertise your products and services to a global audience, then please submit your interest to:
Personal Branding and the Impostor Syndrome
any high performing professionals struggle silently with the “Impostor Syndrome”. According to the May 7, 2008 Harvard Business Review, “the Impostor Syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success. Impostors suffer from chronic self-
I have seen several of my clients soar in their careers by showing up the best version of themselves as a daily high performance habit. doubt and a sense of intellectual fraudulence that override any feelings of success or external proof of their competence.” It is my personal experience and professional observation that the lack of self care and a support system, burnout and following the latest trends are big contributors to the Impostor syndrome. All these have in common the focus on outside influences. In time they create the perfect internal storm resulting in the anxiety of people pleasing and self betrayal. Self care and self awareness are key to shift from an external perspective to an internal one. When this shift to self care and self awareness includes the intention of being compassionate to others,
14 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
it helps to create meaningful connections that often become a great support system. Self care, self awareness and intention inform my approach to Personal Brand Development. My approach emphasizes the daily self care habits of wellness, skincare, grooming and a polished image. I help my clients understand that their personal brand is a reflection of their personality, skill sets and goals while respecting the social constructs of their desired social circles. When your personal brand consistently reflects these, an authentic self confidence exudes in an impactful presence that has the ability to access new opportunities to elevate your professional and personal value. I have seen several of my clients soar in their careers by showing up the best version of themselves as a daily high performance habit. Dr. Albert Mehrabian, author of Silent Messages conducted several studies and discovered the most crucial aspect of communication is non-verbal; only 7% of any message is conveyed through words. What does your non-verbal message say about you and your brand? Here’s one of our tutorial videos that demonstrates the impact of grooming, makeup, color analysis and wardrobe development: v=FXJPvIqyR2Y&t=215s Join our mailing list for information and events to support your success by signing up for our newsletter at: Happy Holidays, Rhoda Johnson Image Brand Strategist, Rhoda Design Group
10 Facebook Marketing Tips for the Holiday Season KAREN ALBERT
Plan Your Holiday Marketing
Before you utilize the power of Facebook, take the time to plan your promos and content.
reate a Content C Calendar With Key Dates
Looking to increase holiday sales? Make sure you know the key dates. Note the shopping holidays following Thanksgiving: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, as well as Christmas, Chanukah, and other celebrations. Create a word document or spreadsheet or use a project management tool to keep track of what holidays you want to cover on social media. Remember, you can play off all of the holidays, not just the traditional ones. Look at the special month holiday celebrations.
Emphasize Strong Visual Elements in Your Content
When planning your holiday posts, keep in mind that Facebook is a visual platform. Use videos, animated GIFs, and images to grab attention. As it gets closer to the end of the year, users’ news feeds will 16 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
be bombarded with a lot of holiday content. Facebook recommends using motion to grab attention during the holidays. Use visuals to stand out, catch eyes, and stop your readers’ thumbs.
Share Your Brand’s Story
Use the end of the year as a time for your fans to get to know your business and the people behind it. Invite people into your business’s world. Take the opportunity to share a milestone with your audience, do a series of posts showcasing your employees, or success stories. It’s all about storytelling and doing it in a personal way.
Connect Emotionally Through Content
There’s a reason Facebook added reactions (love, laugh, wow, cry, and angry) to the Like button. People want to express their emotions when a story evokes different feelings. Your business content has to compete with posts from your audience’s friends and family.
Engage your audience by creating highly relatable, emotional, human-interest content that will tug at people’s heartstrings, draw them in, evoke sentiment, or make them laugh. You want your audience to see a post and think, “Hey, that’s me, too!” People check Facebook to see what’s happening in their friends’ lives, so when you create posts or ads, make sure you’re contributing positively to their day and their Facebook experience.
raft Content for C Maximum Shares
The goal of any post is to get a lot of engagement since engagement (especially shares) leads to even more comments, likes, and shares. Be intentional with the content you create. Ideally, I recommend you craft content that’s worthy of amplifying with paid reach. In other words, whether you choose to put budget into a post or not, each piece of content you publish should pass your “boost-worthy” test. Before publishing, ask yourself these questions:
• I s this post potentially “thumb-stopping” for my audience?
•D oes it capture their attention sufficiently to want to stop, read/watch, engage, and/or share the post?
• I s this post in context within the news feed? In other words, while Facebook users’ friends are sharing warm personal stories and fun videos, does this post fit in, yet still stand out?
•D oes it offer educational and/or entertaining content?
•D oes it meet the needs of your audience and their audience?
ost Virtual Events via H Facebook Live
With the growing popularity of Facebook’s Live video broadcast feature, now you can easily host virtual events such as a virtual office party or customer appreciation party via Facebook Live. Create a Facebook event on your business page and invite your friends and fans. Facebook recently started rolling out a new feature that allows businesses to hold a live screening of pre-recorded videos that are publicly available on Facebook. Your followers can all watch and comment on the videos at the same time to create a shared viewing experience. If you plan to host an in-person holiday party, why not invite fans into your world by broadcasting via Facebook Live video? It will give people a taste of offthe-clock fun at your business.
reate Facebook C Holiday Offers
Facebook enables you to create an online or instore offer to share on your business page. Click Offer in your status bar. Next, choose Online or In Store, and then select an option from the Offer Type list, which can be Percent Off; Amount Off; Buy One, Get One; or Free Stuff. For an online offer, include the URL. Then enter the details of your deal. Add a title (up to 50 characters), description (up to 500 characters), and up to five photos. You’ll see a preview for desktop or mobile view as you add information. Facebook offers are an easy way to share special bundles, discounts, and incentives with your audience all year long. However, it’s even more relevant during the holidays.
Continued on page 18
KAREN ALBERT Continued from page 17
ater to Mobile Audiences C With Facebook Ads and Posts
Most people are on mobile so be sure your ads, posts, and any related landing pages are optimized for it. Mobile ads are important for targeting people shopping on the go. However, they’re also valuable for directing people to your brick-and-mortar business. Use the Local Awareness feature to target audiences when they’re near your business. You can even give them directions to your location right on their phones. Facebook ad units that tend to perform well on mobile include video, slideshow, carousel, and canvas. Make sure the web page your audience lands on after clicking your ad is fast-loading and quick and easy to understand. Remember, mobile-friendly does not apply only to Facebook ads. Make sure that all of your content is designed for people browsing Facebook on their mobile devices.
Use Engagement Custom Audiences
A strategic type of audience that you can reach with Facebook ads is called engagement custom audiences. These are people who have already shown an interest in you by watching your videos, interacting with one of your other ads, or sharing your website links on Facebook. You can draw engagement custom audiences in further by placing additional paid content in their feeds. Here are the targeting options currently available for creating engagement custom audiences that you can use for your Facebook holiday ads: Video Views: Create variations of audiences comprised of people who have already viewed one of your videos, whether the video was organic or promoted. Views are at least: 3 seconds, 10 seconds, 18 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%. The longer your video, the less likely people will have watched to the end, so it’s better to select 25%, for example. Lead Ads: Someone may have looked at your lead ad but didn’t complete the form (enter their email address). Target people who’ve interacted with your lead ad since they’re already familiar with you and have cared enough to click once. Instagram Business Profile: People who have visited or interacted with your profile or ad on Instagram Events: People who have interacted with one of your events Facebook Page: People who have interacted or follow your page Instant Experiences (improved version of Facebook’s Canvas ads): People who have opened your Instant Experience on Facebook or Instagram Anyone who has interacted with your Facebook content is likely already familiar with you. Target them further through custom audiences, especially the new engagement variables.
Re-target Your Website Visitors
It can take many touches for a prospective customer to get familiar enough with you to take the next step. People don’t always make a purchase decision on the first visit, so remind them who you are through re-targeting. Your ad performance and conversion will be much more effective when you use the Facebook pixel and re-target potential customers who already visited your website. In fact, Facebook is now beginning to give priority to ads that are connected to a properly installed Facebook pixel, even including boosted posts. First, ensure you have the Facebook pixel installed on your website. Go to the Pixels section in Ads Manager and select View Pixel Code from the
Actions menu. Copy and paste the code to your website. Also, use the Facebook Pixel Helper browser extension to double-check that the pixel is correctly installed and firing properly. The icon on your browser should light up. Now you can go into your Ads Manager and create a variety of website custom audiences based on time on site. The choices are most active users: top 5%, top 10%, and top 25%. Someone who spends 2 minutes on your site is a hotter prospect than someone who visited for just 10 seconds.
In Conclusion:
The period leading up to the holidays is the largest consumer spending time of the year. People buy gifts for others and themselves. Since they don’t always know what they’re looking for, help them.
Use the holidays as an opportunity to shine a light on your business. When you understand and integrate what Facebook offers in terms of ad tools into your marketing campaign, it can make the difference in having a successful holiday season.
About the author:
Karen Liz Albert is the founder of Behind Your Curtain and has 20+ years marketing experience providing impactful social media marketing consulting, training and services to hundreds of business owners, real estate professionals and authors. She is the host of her show, “Behind Your Curtain” and is a regular guest on some of the top radio & podcast shows for entrepreneurs. Download her free guide “10 Ways To Boost Your Business Using Social Media”:
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Say Cheese to Wilmingt Favorite Family Photographer
NET WORTH How To Communicate To Influence
Katie O’Reilly and
“Katie O’s Food Carnival” TV Show
20 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
G. BRIAN BENSON | KATIE O'REILLY Continued from page 7
How Strong is Your Foundation G. BRIAN BENSON
foundation, the entire structure could collapse. When we have a solid foundation under us, truly anything is possible. How do we solidify our foundation? Start by becoming more self-aware.
As you implement these changes into your life, be patient. Some things will be subtle and feel effortless; others will require work on your part to rewire some of the habits that have anchored themselves into your life. You will find that having a strong foundation gives you energy, drive, and a sense of purpose. You got this! G. Brian Benson Award-Winning & #1 Best-Selling Author, Coach, Creative, TEDx Speaker, Radio Personality, Actor, 4x Ironman Triathlete Author of Award-Winning Book Habits For Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar
Pay attention to what works for you and what doesn’t work. Pay attention to what brings you joy and what causes you pain and problems. Begin to incorporate positive habits and life balance techniques that will get you headed in the right direction! h ttps:// gbrianbensonmedia/ h ttps:// UCnaFBdEW0Rq1Fgq4qlxV9iA h ttps:// gbrianbenson/?hl=en
Katie O ’Reilly
Bad Credit Ruins Lives PARANDA DAVIS
Are You Living or Struggling?
The difference between living life and struggling to survive is based completely on credit quality. Let’s look at a car as a simple example. Most people in today’s society need a vehicle to get around. A $20,000 car loan with good credit will cost approximately $322 monthly. This is based on a 5% interest rate for 72 months. The exact same $20,000 car loan with bad credit will cost approximately $541 monthly. This is based on a 21% interest rate for 60 months (bad credit means a higher rate and shorter term). This is the same car, but one is costing $219 more EVERY month. The person with good credit will pay $23,184 for their car. The consumer with bad credit will pay $32,460 for the same car. That’s a $9,276 difference. This means the same car will cost the consumer with bad credit 46% more than the one with good credit. These examples are not extreme. These are based on common interest rates you will actually see on a $20,000 auto loan.
22 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
Rent and home expenses are another area where you could get taken for great amounts of interest. A $100,000 mortgage costs a good credit consumer $577 monthly and $207,720 over 30 years. The same home would cost a family with challenged credit $841 monthly and $302,760 over 30 years.
Good Credit Pays
If you have good credit you will pay $264 less per month and save $95,040 over the lifetime of the loan. That means if you have bad credit, you will pay $95,040 more in interest for a $100,000 loan, due to your credit. Credit cards might cost $116 more monthly based on credit. Utility payments are higher, insurance payments are more, and so are many other regular family expenses. Most people know credit has an adverse effect on their life. But the truth is, bad credit controls your life. Outrageous amounts of extra interest are being charged each and every month. That debt and those higher payments strap most families, forcing them to live paycheck-to-paycheck. Bad credit ruins lives. You must realize that bad credit can be controlled and will ruin your score if not controlled. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals, and provide better opportunities for you and your family. Give us a call. We are standing by, ready to help!
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Shahadah Bryant
hahadah Bryant is a 6yr old, young Model & aspiring Actress who resides in Newark, NJ and attends Spark Academy Charter School. Shahadahs favorite subject is Science. She aspires to become a Veterinarian Doctor when she graduates from college. Shahadah has walked in several local and international Fashion Shows. She began her Modeling Career at age 2, when she was invited to walk in YoDenim Fashion Show on January 6th, 2015. She then modeled for the Walk With Me Lord Foundation Cool Kidz Fashion Show from ages 4 to 6. Shahadah was invited to USA Youth Top Modelz Winter Wonderland in Pennsylvania on December 8th, 2018. In October 2019 Shahadah walked in CMG Paris Fashion Week where she was voted one of the Top 10 Models and will be featured in Amazing Fashion Magazine, San Francisco and four Paris Magazines. Shahadah was also invited to walk in CMG LA fashion Week, Dubai Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week 2020. Shahadah would like to thank her mom, dad and her family for always supporting her. Click to watch video
Each Top Model shall engage his/her social media supporters (friends, family, friends, followers etc.) on Facebook & Instagram to vote as follows: 1) LIKE Cupani Fashion @ cupanifashion #cupanifashion & CMG Paris Fashion Week #cmgparisfashionweek on Facebook & Instagram; 2] SUPPORTERS may assist the Top Model by providing additional votes by purchasing a voting ticket(s) at https:// Supporter%27s_Voting_Ticket.html if they wish to promote you further in your modeling career nationally and internationally! Supporters should mention MODEL’s NAME to whom he/she is giving vote(s) in the message to sender when purchasing a voting ticket online.
24 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
OVERALL CMG Paris Fashion Week MODEL 101 WINNER & 2020 CMG is expected to earn the highest scores by 1) CMG Judges; 2) Spectators; 3) Supporters, and 4) LIKEs/ FOLLOWs Cupani Fashion @cupanifashion, and CMG Paris Fashion Week #cmgparisfashionweek on Facebook and Instagram; 5) the most “LIKES” and “VIEWS” for his/her video. 2019 MODEL 101 WINNER & 2020 CMG TRAVEL AWARD WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED on November 5, 2019! Registered Hairstylist & Makeup Artist will win automatically when their Model wins! WINNERS will be invited to participate at CMG Dubai Fashion Week #cmgdubaifashionweek, April 17-19, 2020 or CMG New York City Fashion Week @ cmgnycfw #cmgnycfw, September 11-14, 2020 or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week #cmglafw, October 9-12, 2020.
Support Shahadah! / f/shahadah-modeling-campaign
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CMG Paris Fashion Week Promotes Economic Development & Cultural Exchange Among Countries.
Young as well as Experienced are Most Welcome to Join! GUNTER DUVALL
Worldwide Fashion Weeks, including but not limited to, CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, and CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week presented by Dr. Lacie Cupani with Cupani Fashion and Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) continue to actively build bridges to countries all over the world. In October of 2019, CMG Paris Fashion Week was held again in Paris, France. Worldwide participants from various backgrounds were invited to present collections, modeling, photography, hairstyling, makeup artistry, and entertainment talents. We believe that the sheer participation at CMG Paris Fashion Week constitutes an excellent platform for exposing and advertising participants’ brand to the public, fashion industry, media, and press, both domestically as well as abroad! Globalization of education, fashion, entertainment and all associated businesses will lead to a more open society, will promote economic development and cultural exchange among countries.
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CMG Paris Fashion Week fosters talents of young as well as experienced participants, such as designers and models. CMG offers “Design Your Brand Perfume” workshops; Press-Conferences for Designers; “Why do I want to be a Winner” Press-Conferences for Models; CMG Paris Fashion Week Shows; CMG-Show Fundraising Lottery; CMG Paris Fashion Week Bus Tours with Promotional Video and Photoshoots for Top Ten (10) Model-Winners; “20th Century Art and Modern Artistic Fashionable Art” Designer by Designer Session, as well as Art Tour at the Centre Georges Pompidou during CMG Paris Fashion Week on October 11-14, 2019 in Paris, France. CMG Paris Fashion Week Show was held at HYATT Regency Paris CDG (4 Stars Hotel) on October 12, 2019. Models from UK, Denmark, Italy, France, Kyrgyzstan, French Polynesia, Australia, and United States modeled and demonstrated 2020 Spring/Summer Designers’ Collections from South Africa, Australia, and United States. Spectators and participants enjoyed not only fashion collections but also the performance by Ms. Teresita Vasquez (FL, USA), Mr. Max (CA, USA), and Musician & DJ
Click to watch video Sweet Victory! Congratulations CMG Paris Fashion Week Top Ten (10) Model-Runners Winners ! Congratulations CMG Paris Fashion Week Model 101 Winners: Iyana Lynese Taylor, Model 101 Winner (3rd Place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to CMG New York City Fashion Week; Talya Monique Hagans, Model 101 Winner (2nd Place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week; and Agnes Gomes Wade, Model 101 Winner (1st Place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to CMG Dubai Fashion Week Event: CMG Paris Fashion Week Show -- Dr. Lacie Cupani, CEO and Designer with Cupani Fashion, Founder and Producer of The CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Venue: HYATT Regency Paris CDG Hotel, Paris, France Models (from left to right): Agnes Gomes Wade, London, UK (1st Place); Eunice Rose, London, UK (8th Place); Maimouna Diarra, Copenhagen, Denmark (5th Place); Iyana Lynese Taylor, NJ, USA (3rd Place); Shahadah Bryant, NJ, USA (6th Place); Khyanah Harley, NY, USA (7th Place); Performer Teresita Vasquez, FL, USA; Timothy Robinson, London, UK (9th Place); Talya Monique Hagans, MD, USA (2nd Place); Aiperi Kulmurzaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (4th Place); with Dr. Lacie Cupani, Founder and Producer and Mr. Mani Kongo, CMG Judge. Design: Jacka Saldana, CMG Paris Fashion Week Line 101 Winner (2nd Place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week. Design has been presented by Performer Teresita Vasquez, FL, USA Hair and Makeup: Gabriela Jimenez (NJ, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup, and Lisset Pacheco (NY, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup Photo: Liz Photographer Makeup, and Lisset Pacheco (NY, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup Photo: Liz Photographer
Al3xAndrovA with I stand with Amazon Tour DJ set. Ms. Juanita Wilson (New Brunswick, Canada) and Duvall (USA) emceed The CMG Paris Fashion Week Show in English and French languages. Guests and participants have enjoyed the famous French bakery and pastries by Simon Havage, and Thierry Richomme, the Pastry Chef with HYATT Regency CDG Executive Chef, fruits and soft drinks (refreshments, courtesy of Dr. Lacie Cupani). Mr. Kereem Vargas (NY, USA), 2019 Mister United States and CMG New York City Fashion Week Model 101 Winner and 2019 CMG Travel Award Winner and Recipient for CMG Paris Fashion Week was among Celebrities and Prominent Figures! Mr. Vargas
was interviewed, modeled, and demonstrated the Improvisational Fashionable walk with Model Talya Monique Hagans, Model 101 Winner (2nd Place) (Photo 1). At the venue, the CMG Judges Mr. Mani Kongo, Ms Kymlove Lebon Lebon, Ms. Sylvanie Velvendron, and Mr. Brazil Gabbana (France) selected the Most Outstanding Designers and Top 10 Model-Winners with the highest scores (Photo 2 and Image 1). All were invited to join CMG Paris Bus Tour with Promotional Video and Photoshoots for Top Ten Continued on page 29
Event: “Why do I want to be a Winner” Press-Conferences for Models CMG Paris Fashion Week Dr. Lacie Cupani, CEO and Designer with Cupani Fashion, Founder and Producer of The CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Venue: HYATT Regency Paris CDG Hotel, Paris, France Model: Shahadah Bryant (NJ, USA), CMG Paris Fashion Week Top 10 Model-Winner (6th Place) Hairstyling of Shahadah Bryant: Creativehandz Makeup of Shahadah Bryant: Intisar Muhammad Hair and Makeup: Gabriela Jimenez (NJ, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup and Lisset Pacheco (NY, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup Photo: Liz Photographer
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Models: Mr. Kereem Vargas (NY, USA), 2019 Mister United States and CMG New York City Fashion Week Model 101 Winner and 2019 CMG Travel Award Winner and Recipient for CMG Paris Fashion Week was among Celebrities and Prominent Figures! Mr. Vargas was interviewed, modeled, and demonstrated the Improvisational Fashionable walk with Model Talya Monique Hagans, Model 101 Winner (2nd Place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week Event: CMG Paris Fashion Week Show Dr. Lacie Cupani, CEO and Designer with Cupani Fashion, Founder and Producer of The CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Venue: HYATT Regency Paris CDG Hotel, Paris, France Design: Cupani Fashion Hair and Makeup: Gabriela Jimenez (NJ, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup, and Lisset Pacheco (NY, USA) CMG Paris Fashion Week, Executive Director for Hair and Makeup Photo: Duvall Productions
Winner Speech! Learn from Winners! Model: Mr. Kereem Vargas (NY, USA), 2019 Mister United States and CMG New York City Fashion Week Model 101 Winner and 2019 CMG Travel Award Winner and Recipient for CMG Paris Fashion Week Event: “Why do I want to be a Winner” Press-Conferences for Models CMG Paris Fashion Week Show Photo: Duvall Productions
Click to watch video 28 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
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Congratulations Designers! LuseExclusiveStyles (Australia) is The CMG Paris Fashion Week Line 101 Winner (1st place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to The CMG New York City Fashion Week, September 11-14, 2020! Jacka Saldana (FL, USA) is The CMG Paris Fashion Week Line 101 Winner (2nd place) and 2020 CMG Travel Award to The CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week, October 9-12, 2020. Continued from page 27
CMG Paris Fashion Week Promotes Economic Development & Cultural Exchange Among Countries. (10) Model-Winners (October 13, 2019) and “20th Century Art and Modern Artistic Fashionable Art” (October 14, 2019) at the Centre Georges Pompidou. We provide opportunities for cutting edge talents who have not yet made it into the commercial world to showcase their latest collections, model, compete and win travel awards to join next The CMG Fashion Week in the High Fashion Industry cities such as New York and Los Angeles, US; Dubai, UAE; and Paris, France. As little as 10% from all ticket proceedings go to the CMG award vouchers to support five (5) prospective winner/s: CMG Paris Fashion Week Line 101; Model 101;
The Makeup Artists 101; The Hairstylist 101; and The Photographer 101. Proceeds from Fundraising Lottery go to support 36 orphans, Orlovskii Orphage, Kyrgyzstan. 36 orphans is our CMG Charity since 2015 html. We are very thankful for the generous support and donations during The CMG Paris Fashion Week Show! Gifts for The Fundraising Lottery were provided by Cupani Fashion and Duvall Productions. About the Show: In 2013, Cupani Fashion and Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) founded “Cupidon is inviting You!” International Contests and Fashion Shows worldwide. Working with international and domestic fashion brands, CMG and its partners provide featured fashion designers / brands, models, hairstylists, makeup artists, emcees, performers, and entertainers exposure, showcasing opportunities, networking, promotion, and publicity in the US, Continued on page 46
a r d Zan Beauty The Innovative Teen Behind the Product BY TERRI KING HUNT
hile most teen aged girls spend their days lost in thought or trying to figure out what they’ll be when they grow up, this young lady is inspiring women of all ages through her entrepreneurship, vision and community activism. Meet 19-year-old Zandra A. Cunningham. Zandra is one of the youngest internationally recognized formulators and plant-based skincare moguls. Zandra has grown her self-titled beauty brand, Zandra, from a kitchen table hobby into an international, million-dollar brand. Looking through her social media you quickly get the sense that though Zandra is a brilliant and gifted young woman, she is also a vibrant young lady who is truly living her best life. In addition to living her best life she is also encouraging her peers to be everything they can be. “My mission is simple, says Zandra, to educate and empower girls and women across the globe via STEAM and entrepreneurship.” This mission is deeply rooted
30 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
in the foundation of the Zandra empire. Zandra is an author, international speaker, consultant and trainer. She travels the country teaching and hosting community girl empowerment/entrepreneurship events via her Zandra TLC Foundation. It is because of this work and her mission that she was recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as one of the youngest millionaires in America. Zandra’s fascination with entrepreneurship began when she was 9 years old “I was obsessed with makeup and shiny lip glosses” So obsessed, her father refused to buy anymore and suggested she make her own. Inspired by this simple “no” she set out to make her own lip balm. “My mom ordered me a kit and together we made 12 of the worst bubble gum lip balms to ever exist” but even unsuccessful lip balm did not deter her passion. Eventually, that “no” sparked what is now a full line of plant-based skincare products which can Continued on Page 32
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Teen Takes The World By Storm With Her Plant Based Skin Care Beauty Brand BY TERRI KING HUNT
be found on the shelves of major retailers such as Target. On October 27, 2019 Zandra’s Treat Yo Self gift box was launched in 200+ Target stores across the nation. When asked about the force that motivates her to keep striving for new heights she admits that it truly comes from her love of all things beauty and her desire to help others live their best lives, “I love formulating and making new products. In the beginning, my plan was to make products that were free of harmful chemicals and give them away, but I soon realized I could help more people if I made a profit and that became my motivation.” Zandra has built a brand that is committed to giving back. As a TEDx speaker, Zandra is a recognized entrepreneur due to her work in the Buffalo community and beyond. “It is all about building confidence and inner beauty” Zandra believes that young ladies should be confident in their own skin and learn what beauty is from the inside out. Her hope is to inspire youth to take action and make things happen for themselves and their communities. Zandra is an agent of change, donating up to 10% of all net profits to support girl’s education. She has also founded Day of the Girls Buffalo, an international movement. This girl-powered all expenses paid day for girls has one goal: connect girls with their community and provide educational options and ideas. The most beautiful characteristic about Zandra is her willingness to mentor and encourage those coming along behind her. When asked questions about business she always takes time to share her expertise. “The best way to build a customer base is 32 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
to show up. When I first started, I was everywhere I could be. I was constantly pitching myself, my brand and my services.” Great advice as Zandra has been featured on several news outlets such as Black Enterprise, NPR, Seventeen Magazine, Teen Boss, Girls Life Magazine, Teen Boss, Forbes, INC, USA TODAY, Nickelodeon, The TODAY Show, Steve Harvey’s Funder dome, The Harry Connick Jr. Show, Good Morning America and ABC Nightline in addition to facilitating many workshops/presentations for well-known organizations like BALLE, United Nations, State Colleges, Universities, Girls Scouts USA, Boys and Girls Club, Buffalo & Jackson Public Schools and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta Sororities just to name a few. Family plays a very significant role in the Zandra empire. “Even though I am the boss, she says with a laugh, my mom has always been there to help me manage the basics. Once I became incorporated, my dad stepped in as CFO.” Zandra is very proud of her hiring practice. Currently, she has 3 part-time production employees and 3 assistants who assist with various day to day tasks. “I am very intentional about hiring teens from my community during summers and holiday seasons” Zandra, who has been named the 2017 Small Business Administration Young Entrepreneur of the Year and Teen Vogue’s #21u21 class of 2019, is the youngest to ever win an Etsy Open Call Golden Purchase order. As a trained maker and proud member of the Indie Business Network and Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild, she facilitates workshops on natural product creation and formulation. Her “Science Behind It” Product and Business Formulation Program has been taught to young people all across the nation. While all of that is impressive Zandra says that her greatest success is being able to say “I did what I said I was going to do.” When asked about the one piece of advice she gives to the young women she mentors, she says it is to “ignore everything that doesn’t matter. Stay focused on your dream, create a plan and do the work!”
Zandra Beauty
ineteen-year-old Zandra A. Cunningham has been recognized by Entrepreneur magazine as one of the youngest millionaires in America. Zandra’s fascination with entrepreneurship began when she was 9 years old; inspired by a simple “no” from her dad. That “no” sparked what is now a full line of plant-based skincare that can be found on the shelves of major retailers such as Target. Zandra is one of the youngest internationally recognized formulator and plant-based skincare moguls. She has grown her brand Zandra from a kitchen table hobby into an international brand. Her mission is simple, to educate and empower girls and women across the globe via STEAM and entrepreneurship. Zandra is an author, international speaker, consultant and trainer. She travels the country teaching and hosting community girl empowerment/ entrepreneurship events via her Zandra TLC Foundation. Zandra is the youngest to graduate from The Allstate Minority and Women Entrepreneurial Program at the University at Buffalo School of Management at the age of 13. Zandra is also a graduate of Lucky Break University and a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she teaches classes on entrepreneurship,
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advising youth and adults on how they too can get started early building their dreams. As a TEDx speaker, Zandra is a recognized entrepreneur due to her work in the Buffalo community and beyond. She has been featured on several news outlets such as Black Enterprise, NPR, Seventeen Magazine, Teen Boss, Girls Life Magazine, Teen Boss, Forbes, INC, USA TODAY, Nickelodeon, The TODAY Show, Steve Harvey’s Funderdome, The Harry Connick Jr. Show, Good Morning America and ABC Nightline in addition to facilitating many workshops/ presentations for well-known organizations like BALLE, United Nations, State Colleges, Universities, Girls Scouts USA, Boys and Girls Club, Buffalo & Jackson Public Schools and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta Sororities to name a few. Zandra started her creative journey mixing up lip balm in her home kitchen, today she has a GMP compliant manufacturing and distribution facility. As an eco-friendly social good company in Western New York, Zandra is committed to sustainable practices with a priority on how gentle and sensitive teen skin can be. The mission is to create high quality, fun + fresh products that smell amazing but don’t have all the unnecessary yucky stuff + chemicals. Zandra, who has been named the 2017 Small Business Administration Young Entrepreneur of the Year and Teen Vogue’s #21u21 class of 2019, is the youngest to ever win an Etsy Open Call Golden Purchase order. As a trained maker and proud member of the Indie Business Network and Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild, she facilitates
workshops on natural product creation and formulation. Her “Science Behind It” Product and Business Formulation Program has been taught to young people across the nation. Zandra has built a brand that gives back, it is about confidence and inner beauty; she believes that young ladies should be confident in their own skin and learn what beauty is from the inside out. Her hope is to inspire youth to take action and make things happen for themselves and their communities. Zandra is an agent of change, donating up to 10% of all net profits to support girl’s education. She founded Day of the Girls Buffalo, an international movement. This girl-powered all expenses paid day for girls has one goal: to connect girls with their community, provide educational options and ideas.
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M U R R I L L Darryl Murrill knows no boundaries when it comes to saxophone excellence. Murrill masters the alto, soprano, and tenor saxophones to the delight of his following. He began playing saxophone at age 13 and has morphed into a sensational musician, minstrel, and songwriter. He plays with such intensity that the sounds penetrate even the faintest of hearts. Sharing the stage with greats like Tom Brown and Marcus Anderson, Darryl knows the ins and outs of his woodwind instrument. He heads Darryl Murrill and Jazzpel which is a collection of fine gentlemen who play multiple instruments, sing, and compose in the fusion of the Jazz and Gospel genres.
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Darryl Murrill and Jazzpel travel throughout spreading the message of a wholesome sound which soothes the soul. Darryl’s roots are musically inspired and began in the church. The uniqueness of his musicality is credited to that early exposure to hymns, negro spirituals, and Gospel music. Murrill loves to share his passion of music. He continues to scale his musical repertoire with a soon awaited debut of his latest album, “My Heart is Yours!“.
Teen Entrepreneur Lands Permanent Shelf Space with Major Retailer Nationwide, November 2019 – Zandra Cunningham, the teen founder and CEO of Zandra, a leading plant-based bath and beauty company for pre-teens, teenagers and the premier young professional, has been offered permanent shelf space in Target. The 19-year-old has already sold more than a million dollars worth of products since she started the company at age nine, firmly sealing her spot in the beauty industry which is valued at an estimated $532 billion according to a report from retail analytics firm Edited. The Target/Zandra partnership comes as Cunningham’s company released two new custom gift boxes that will be made available in select Target locations nationwide around October 27, 2019; adding to her ever-expanding product line. The exclusive gift box which will include Zandra hand and body lotion - a moisturizing, nourishing and repairing formula made with skinloving whipped butters and oils; an exfoliating sugar scrub - designed to exfoliate the body for a natural glow; and the
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famous lip and body balm - the ultimate moisturizer on the go. All products are free of chemicals. “To have this key partnership with Target is a big milestone for the business; our team has worked very hard and I am very proud of this accomplishment. However, we understand this is just the beginning of our rise and not the summit. As we are in our Series A round of funding, potential investors will now take my business seriously; despite my age. This accomplishment is also huge win for the millions of girls across the globe who may also have a huge dream. When they see me win, they will know they can win too. I am proud to pave the way for other young African American brands who also seek to obtain major retail partnerships, this task alone seemed impossible before my inaugural launch this past February.” said Cunningham. “I will never stop working to secure a spot in all rooms and at all tables for girls and women who are often left out. My journey has been about creating my own normal, as I am on a mission to shatter the glass ceiling and create a new status quo. I would like to thank Target for helping me help so many others”. The award-winning brand continues to expand its offerings with the introduction of the Zandra XVIII Line; set to be officially released by the end of 2019 along with a hair care line and CBD products slated for spring 2020. From its Buffalo-based lab, Zandra combines the art of STEAM (Science,
Click to watch video Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) to create 50 nutrient-rich, chemical-free, skincare products; each naturally proven to nourish, heal and improve sensitive skin. Plant-based ingredients are the bedrock of Zandra skincare products and a lasting alternative to commercial products with damaging unhealthy ingredients. Zandra offers DIY STEAM beauty & entrepreneurial programming and has national distribution reaching over 900 locations across the country. As CEO and Founder, Zandra is an accomplished girls’ education advocate, business mentor, international speaker, and philanthropist. She leads a number of philanthropic initiatives that support the Zandra philosophy to educate and empower girls on the move through advocacy, community-building, and inspired leadership. For Media Inquiries: Tamara Zantell @zandrabeauty
BACKGROUND Zandra Azariah Cunningham is a 18-year-old entrepreneur from Buffalo, NY. Her fascination with entrepreneurship began when she was 9 years old, as a result of her dad’s refusal to buy her beloved lip balm. His “NO” forced her to do the work and make her own. With the assistance of her family, her new found appreciation for entrepreneurship, and focus, she started her business, Azariah’s Innocence, a few days shy of her 10th birthday. Her first products, lip balms, and whipped shea body butter were sold at local farmer markets in the summer of 2010. She started with lip balms and body butter because those were products that she frequently used. However, she discovered that most of the products she purchased at the mall would leave her skin dry, itchy and unhappy. Zandra made it her mission to make products that smelled good and kept her skin soft without irritating it. She wanted to give girls a natural alternative to commercial products with yucky unhealthy ingredients. Today, Zandra offers natural bath and body for the educated and empowered girl on the move! Photo: Alan Diaz/Associated Press
ne of the sages of the ages assigns money the duty of answering all things. Restated: any man-made thing that exists, at some point, involves the acquisition and exchanging of money in order to attain it. The “stuff” all people in all places possess is the result of some form of giving and receiving. And although money cannot answer all issues or better any person, having it gives access to things we might otherwise not enjoy. Abodes and transportation, garments and shoes, water and food, healthcare and childcare all demand payment. Education, recreation, and beautification all count on money. Matrimony, alimony, and patrimony are all costly. There is even a charge for the air your tires require...air! Another sage, of sorts, suggests that “for a small piece of paper, it carries a lot of weight.” But whether coins or bills, the “Benjamins, dead presidents, duckies, dough, chips, cheddar, moolah, or mean, mean, green” is wanted or warranted. All business professionals comprehend the vital place money has on local and global levels. Most are committed to keeping currency flowing, if no more than for selfpreservation. Some, believe that their depth of financial literacy and “deep-pockets” were not merely given to create a better life for themselves, but feel the onus to be generous with their sustenance and knowledge. A responsibility rests on them to help feed, clothe, and house the disadvantaged, build community, fund projects, transform nations, and be the financial “answer” to those things money can buy. In many regards, education is key to assisting individuals in improving their conditions. Within communities of color, in particular, unfair beliefs and practices once blocked the paths to wealth that were paved for others by the G.I. Bill, “redlining,” gerrymandering, reservations, internment camps and discrimination. There were no bootstraps to tug on, because no boots were evenly distributed. Years after “privilege” placed some in generational wealth-security, ignorance kept many from information on how to escape systemic wealth gaps. Continued on page 40
40 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
Continued from page 42
Brandon C. Ellington is committed to bridging that divide. He is the entrepreneurial face behind Access Capital Today, a full-service money management and lending establishment. Born into a family of self-taught professionals and an already thriving business-savvy mother, he developed an affinity for numbers and appetite for how money works. The real estate investor
Giving others access to some of what we have and how we received it, is life well spent. mom, who also owned a printing company, passed-on invaluable tools of making and maintaining funds. In her store he learned basic work principles, but greater emphasis was placed on building relationships with the people relying on his family’s services. The ones who frequented often spoke of dreams, goals, or ideas far beyond their grasp due to a lack of capital or lack of facts. Brandon believed he could mend the breach, finding finances where some might fail to look. When he took over the primary responsibilities of the printing shop, he used the skills and pay checks from there to build credit. Other jobs enabled him to save more and improve an already good score. Reading, observing, and learning from accomplished profit-minded people pushed Brandon to begin offering what he knew to those who knew less. Before long, his business was taking shape, helping others so that they, in turn, could pay it forward.
Access Capital Today is Mr. Ellington’s brand. It offers an extensive range of financial assistance to people and workplaces. There are over 60 lending programs available, covering a plethora of scenarios, since needs vary. Honoring his mother’s first passion, residential and commercial real estate also fall under the business’ umbrella. Churches may utilize the company to borrow funds or seek aid for the most efficient means of fund-raising. Neighborhoods look to Brandon’s team for the best revitalization strategies. In addition, “Access” walks people through the process of polishing and distinguishing personal credit from business credit in order to create a sustainable separate profile. Wealth building is what they do! People often misquote a verse from the Bible and therefore diminish the meaning of its most well-known money principle. It is missaid that MONEY is the root of all evil. But to leave-out the scriptural reference to the “LOVE of money” misses the entire point. Contrary to popular belief, what is imperative is where a person’s heart lands when it comes to money matters. By nature, or nurture, entrepreneurs already have a “thing” about accumulation. A sure way to consistently monitor one’s own heart is by practicing sharing out of your abundance (that being, more than you have than someone else). What we love, we tend to hold. Loving a thing, like money, can cause a person to be willing to do anything to gain and maintain it. That is serious! Giving others access to some of what we have and how we received it, is life well spent. 312-407-6433
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Speaker | Author | Mentor Parent Manager Visionary and Brand Strategist CEO/Founder Raising A Mogul, LLC COO, Zandra
amara Zantell is an expert brand strategist. As an official corporate dropout, Tamara has helped her teenage daughter, Zandra A. Cunningham turn her kitchen table hobby into a multimilliondollar brand. In addition, Tamara Zantell has grown the Zandra brand internationally into markets such as Central America, South America, Africa, and Asia. As a result of her success with the Zandra brand
and her advanced knowledge in launching young mogul brands, generating revenue, partnership development, and preparing young moguls for success, she founded Raising A Mogul, LLC, the largest Parent Manager platform on the planet! Raising A Mogul helps parents transform into parent managers, so they can help their child build an empire while positioning them to be seen, heard and paid. As the mother to 5 superstar changemakers and a licensed mortuary scientist with a degree in business management, she worked for over 10 years as a management consultant and small business strategist in both the medical and restaurant fields. In addition, Tamara worked 15 years as the Chief Operating Officer for the largest medical specialty practice in Western New York. She helped clients build strong community relationships, deliver excellent service while building well managed diverse environments via culture, goals, and structure.
Join The Raising A Mogul Community The #1 Parent Manager Community on The Planet!
44 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
4 Tips To Turning Your Childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Idea Into A Sustainable Business.
CMG PARIS FASHION WEEK Continued from page 46
CMG Paris Fashion Week Promotes Economic Development & Cultural Exchange Among Countries. Asia, Europe, UAE, and other nations worldwide. Promotions and CMG Travel Awards are sponsored by Dr. Lacie Cupani, CEO and Designer with Cupani Fashion, Founder and Producer of The CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks. CMG is promoting a wider range of participants from various backgrounds worldwide. Designers, models, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, performers, entertainers are invited to join, to demonstrate their talents, and promote their own brand. The Most Outstanding Participants were awarded and invited to join the CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks. Designer, models, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, performers, entertainers are invited to register at www. to participate at our scheduled CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks: CMG New York City Fashion Week, September 12, 2020; CMG Dubai Fashion Week, April 18. 2020; CMG Paris Fashion Week, September 26, 2020, and CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week, October 10, 2020.
46 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
CMG Travel Award for each Overall Winner/s (i.e., designer, model, hairstylist, makeup artists, and photographers) amounting ~$3,000 (including CMG Voucher* and CMG Services to the Winner [~$2,500**], (check details at will be rewarded to the most Outstanding participant in order to provide the tools and platform needed to make the winnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brand known and evolve. *Note: Vouchers will only be redeemed at the show where the winner was invited to participate at to present his/her modeling or creative work. If the Winner chooses not to participate at the next fashion event where he/she has been invited to, CMG reserves the right to invite the winner next in ranking. For partnership, sponsorship opportunities, registration and participation or for all other inquiries, please feel free to contact / text us at +1-501-749-9479 or email at Follow, like, and share Cupani Fashion @cupanifashion #cupanifashion and CMG sponsored events @cmgnycfw #cmgnycfw @cmgparisfashionweek #cmgparisfashionweek, @ cmgdubaifashionweek #cmgdubaifashionweek; and #cmglafw on Facebook and Instagram.
worked for anyone else in his entire life and does not want to – ever. Packed with over eighteen years of real-life experiences in the business world, he helped thousands of people come out of their day to day job and taught them how to become successful entrepreneurs.
Tahir has an impressive background in the world of business and technology. He was brought up in Dubai, UAE, and although he came from a very humble family, he was able to start his business at age seventeen. At twenty-one, he already had a million-dollar business. By the time he was twenty-seven, Tahir had earned his first million, leading him to become a multi-millionaire just one year later.
Tahir knows the importance of giving back and paying it forward, which is why he shares his success principles with others by being a life coach, a motivational speaker, an author and a personal development trainer to them.
Over the years, Tahir has become qualified as a software engineer after studying in the U.S. He distinctly rose in the field of business, became a financial planner, entrepreneur and peak sales performer. He took start-up businesses and turned them into multimillion-dollar businesses. In addition, his substantial achievement in the real estate industry gained Tahir an award by the Ruler’s Office of Dubai. Throughout his success and immense wealth creation, Tahir is proud to say that he has never
He is the owner of the Unstoppable Millionaire Academy, where individuals can learn more in depth strategies about how to truly focus on and achieve their life-long dreams. The academy has created thousands of entrepreneurs in various countries around the world including Malaysia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, Romania, Germany, United Kingdom and more.
“HE IS UNSTOPPABLE. HE IS UNBELIEVABLE. HE IS A GREAT GUY ACHIEVING GREAT GOALS.” Tunku Adj Prof Dato’ Sr Dr Fauzi Bin Tunku Dat’ Abdul Malek Al Haj Certified English FA Football Coach
48 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
Andrew Eaton Master Distributor Skill Dragon, South Africa and owner of giHUGEness Mentorship and Training Brand
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50 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
Photo by Brad Pouncey on Unsplash
Entrepreneur Books of the Month
52 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
MILLIONAIRE MAKER “Experience Your Fastest Path to Cash!” by Loral Langemeier PURCHASE LINK:
54 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
t Res Recovery Confidently
My Little
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If you would like to share your story about your personal, inspirational entrepreneurial journey with our digital issue reader and advertise your products and services to a global audience, then please submit your interest to:
Your email should include the following: • A brief bio about you and the history of your company • Why you believe our readers want to know about you • Your contact info (email, phone, etc.)
Entrepreneur Consultants
Rhoda Johnson
The Rhoda Design Group
Professional Business Image Consultant P: 303-755-2345 FREE CONSULTATION
Ophelia Nixon Uke Soul Empowerer, LLC
“Discovering The Author Within” Book Writing & Publishing P: 845-244-0510 FREE CONSULTATION
Tria Brown Created4U
Graphics & Services P: 910-632-4654
56 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019
Karen Albert
Behind Your Curtain
Social Media Consultant - Business & Personal Digital Strategy Expert FREE CONSULTATION
Paranda Davis
Davis Future Planning, LLC
Credit Repair - Personal Build Business Credit - Business Loans P: 800-239-1493 FREE CONSULTATION
Anina Parker
iMovie Video & Slideshow Editor
Entrepreneur Consultants
Tamara Zantell
Parent Manager Visionary and Brand Strategist CEO/Founder Raising A Mogul, LLC COO, Zandra
Meridith Elliot Powell
Motivational Keynote Speaker & Business Growth Expert
Wendy Turrentine
Visual Communications & Graphic Design Services
Kelli Williams
Western & Southern Life Insurance | Retirement| Investments Financial Representative Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Fixed Annuities, Critical Illness Insurance P: 910-233-8038
Belinda Salley
The Belinda Salley Talent Consulting Agency, LLC
Glenice Grady McNeal Videographer
58 | ENTREPRENEUR PLATFORM MAGAZINE | November/December 2019