E N V Y issue 4 0

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E n v y


8 Lola Sanchez Interview

14 Tegin Serin Interview

By: Sin





Alora Henry Intervie

By: Si

Issue 4.0



Amalia Rainwood



y-Theory ew


By: Sin



President & CEO: Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer: Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Editor-In-Chief : Arianna Jasmine Content Director: Zoria Marino Model Manager: Saori Kido Rey

MODEL/PHOTOGRAPHERS Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Onix Noir Maxtor Frisk * Saori Kido Rey * Arianna Jasmine * Kijote Rockinman1 * Alex Avion * Cereza Chan * JenniferDolci Piaggio

CONTENT WRITERS Vee Blackwell * Sin Revenge


COVER E N V Y Raffle Winner: Lola Sanchez

Visit E N V Y Offices Here A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan


Editor’s Notes Love is in the air!! This issue of E N V Y has not one but two themes! Our E N V Y Models have a special treat for Valentine’s day with “An affair to remember” as well as Black History Month! So sit back and throw your petals and become empowered at the same time by our models!

In this issue we have a good number of interviews which include our E N V Y raffle winner Lola Sanchez, Tegin Serin of Floorplan, and Alora Henry-Theory, the Senior Manager of IN | EX Décor. You will learn so much about these wonderful people so grab your tea and favorite blanket and enjoy this issue of E N V Y Magazine!

Enjoy VB

Lola Sanchez “E N V Y Magazine Raffle Winner”

By: Vee Blackwell

Vee Delgotti Blackwell: Good Even- don't give up. ing Lola! Congratulations on winning a featured ad in our magazine! Vee Delgotti Blackwell: Your pictures and blogs are very unique and Tell us about yourself. creative. How do you come up with Lola Sanchez: Let’s see, I'm 21, soon to be your concepts? 22 in a couple months. I'm a pisces. I used to blog sometimes, I still do when I actual- Lola Sanchez: Finding the right pieces to ly feel inspired to do a post. Right now I'm fit together, and then just finding or setfocusing more on learning the designer ting up a scene that would be the right fit side of sl. I have 9 sl kids. I like to decorate, for the outfit I currently have on. play games, explore the different areas of sl. Vee Delgotti Blackwell: What can you say are your goals for 2017? Vee Delgotti Blackwell: What do you like doing the most on Second Life? Lola Sanchez: To continue learning how to mesh & hopefully open a store one of Lola Sanchez: Exploring random sims, I these days. like seeing the creativity others have to put sims & ideas together. Vee Delgotti Blackwell: That is a Vee Delgotti Blackwell: You do shapes for catwa.... what all goes into making them and do you make customs?

great craft to learn here in Second Life, I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavours and hope to sit down with you again when you open up your store. (Smiles)

Lola Sanchez: Patience, being able to Lola Sanchez: Thank you very much and look from all angles of the shape to tell if that would be great! they are proportioned right.I’m not doing customs, only my own. Vee Delgotti Blackwell: What do you think someone new to making shapes should take into consideration? Lola Sanchez: You won't get it right the first time you try, you will continuously tweak things, have a lot of patience &

I had so much fun interviewing Lola. Her style was so on point that day and she is a sight to see. I hope that once she learns all that she can and get to open up her first store that I will be there to cover it. All around she was such a sweetheart and very respectable. Until next time E N V Y readers. ♥

Tegin Serin Owner of floorplan By: Sin

Tegan Serin of Floorplan. and Brocante. began creating years ago when sculpties were the next big thing.Thru patience, and trial and error, she found her creative niche’ with home decor items. Floorplan. and Wavie Haller, of Consignment, came together to create brocante. which is the brand they collaborate together. In the years since, she has brought many wonderful items into SL with her unique style and ever evolving skills. Tegan never expected Floorplan. to take off as it did, and despite its huge success, she remains a humble, gentle spirit. She recently took time out of her insanely busy schedule to answer a few questions for ENVY, allowing us an inside look at her creative growth, accomplishments, and her hopes for the future.

of creator friends who are always willing to answer any questions I might have or even take the time to teach me anything I'm struggling with! It's really a remarkable community, I'm beyond lucky to have such generous friends as my sort-of co-workers! What is your signature style? If I had to pick for myself, I'd say nautical- but overall I think the best way to describe floorplan. and brocante. creations are second-hand, re-purposed decor. What does a successful project mean to you? A successful project would be something that, when I'm finished with the item, I think to myself- oh man I wish I had this in RL!

What has been your favorite creation to date? Why would you label it your favorite? How did you begin creating in SL? What made I love all of my collaboration projects under the you ultimately decide to do decor? brocante. label (a collaboration between myself and I actually began creating in 2009 with my thenWavie Haller of Consignment), but if I had to pick partner, we opened a shop called Reek that made all sorts of fun accessories, and from there I opened one item it would be the linen and leather sofas and chairs- it's absolutely my dream furniture! my own pre-fab business, all right around the time that sculpties were the new, big thing! While I had What advice would you give to up and coming seen success at running a business, I never truly designers out there in SL? thought of it as anything other than a fun hobby- a I would say don't start a business expecting an imway to be creative and not have to buy linmediate profit- it takes time to build up a following dens! Then in 2012 as mesh was just taking off, and get invited to participate in events. Create what some creator friends urged me to try to learn and you love or feel excited about, because then you'll took the time to show me the programs I'd need to learn, and within 6 months I was able to quit my RL WANT to work, you'll want to learn more, you'll want to improve yourself and try new things- and people job and make SL my sole means of income- which still amazes me to this day! Originally I had planned take notice of that. And I'd also say open your mainstore or a satellite store on a sim with other shops on taking up my pre-fab business again, hence naming my store floorplan.- but the more I learned, that compliment your own the more I liked decor and knick-knacks, little things What is your greatest hope for this coming year? to rez in your home to make it feel more authentic, To have continued success with floorplan. and more lived-in. I like to think of it as organized clutbrocante. in Second Life and to make a successful ter! transition into Sansar, as well! Where do you find inspiration? All over! I think my style evolves with current trends Floorplan. and Brocante. offer truly unique pieces that one can utilize in making their home a reflecbut also somehow maintains consistency. I really like rustic, farmhouse, and nautical styles- and living tion of themself. From furniture, to artwork, one can find those special little “clutters� that make your on the east coast of the US I see a lot of those house, a home. Stop by in-world at the stores, or styles just in day-to-day life. I love going to flea markets and seeing unique, vintage antiques or ac- one of the many events they are a part of! cent pieces. I adore worn leather, warm woods, and http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ galvanized metal, and I think those textures can be floorplan/184/63/28 found in excess at my shop! How do you stay up to date with current trends & technology with designing? I love HGTV! And as far as technology, I have a lot


Suit:DEADWOOL - The Dandy Suit|Accessories: CHOP ZUEY - Men's French RiNG|Hair: DESIGNER - HAIRART - Tom


GNER: PIXICAT - Thorn Dress|Accessories: DESIGNER: CYNFUL - Heartfelt Necklace MAXI GOSSAMER- Twin Hearts Necklace DESIGNER: LODE - Southern Magnolia DEARAMBA SHOP - Valentine Card|Shoes :DESIGNER: PURE POISON - Isahara SanDESIGNER: PHOENIX - Description: Gracia


Outfit BLUEBERRY - Angelberry outfit sugar|Accessories: AISLING - Mon bel amour set AISLING - Spring Roses Crown|Shoes :BLUEBERRY - Angelberry - common - shoes - sugar|Hair: TRUTH HAIR - Josette

Suit: LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD- Modern Open Tuxedo|Accessories: GUMI'S FLOWER SHOP- Two Dozen Roses. MADE FOR YOU- Huggable Valentine teddy Bear|Shoes : LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD- Buckled Loafer|Hair: DURA- Boy 31 Black

Dress:GHEE - Eva Cocktail Dress|Bottoms: IZZIE´S - Heart Tight|Accessories: HNS - V-Day Ban with Hearts|Shoes : GHEE - Extreme Heels|Hair: RUNAWAY - May Hair


Dress:SAKURA KISS - Sara Gown silver|Accessories: SAKURA KISS - Sa jewelry set SAKURA KISS - Sara vintage mask|Shoes :SAKURA KISS - S silver shoes|Hair: ARGRACE - Chikai

ara Sara

What is it like being a Senior manager for an established company like In I Ex Décor?

Decorating Discounts!!! LOL no really I enjoy working with a growing company, and watching it go from an idea to a success.

Senior Manager for In|Ex Decor has been both challenging and rewarding. With freedom to voice my own creativity used in various forms within the Have you ever gotten so busy to where you company as well as managerial, marketing, advertis- had to just sit down and say “wait a minute” I ing, and organizational skills. I have a lot of fun, and need to think! Lol like me… lol truly enjoy the experience. ALL THE TIME!! lol but thats also is because my RL is very very busy and my SL life keeps me occupied. Being that you are a Senior Manager do you So with my duties at In|Ex Decor I have found myself have personal time for yourself or is it pretty feeling a little flustered. Nothing a simple deep much work work work work lol? breath and quick regroup can’t fix. lol oh no, Even with In|Ex remaining busy I do not an overly constant work flow at all, I very much have Can you tell everyone where they can find you time for my own personal life within SL as well as my or how they can contact you to get one of the RL. best interior/exterior designing ever? What’s it like working with your team? Is it just like Yes! Please feel free to message me on fb @ Alora family or is it they work for you they do their job Henry-Theory https://www.facebook.com/ alora.henrytheory and then go home?

or Inworld @ Alora Taurus. We have more of a friendly environment vs family. However we have fun and we make sure to maintain a professional demeanor throughout our business. Please view and follow our Flickr as we frequently upload new projects we have completed. Like our How did you get into managing an Interior/ page on Facebook so that you can stay updated Exterior designing business? on any upcoming promotions. There is a "Book Now" *smiles* The CEO of the company Bryce Knoxx be- feature so you can easily receive a consultation and quote from us! lieved in me. What type of goals do you set for your team members to accomplish?

Bryce Averie Knoxx (Micah Forsythe) CEO & Founder of In|eX Decor Co.

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/inexdecorco/ The only goal I set for our decorators is to ensure that every clients feels like the received the full In|Ex albums experience and fully satisfied with a job well done. What’s the best thing you loooove about your job?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InEx-DecorCo-1214969141884392/?ref=bookmarks

Amalia Rainwood “The Face Behind Addams” By: Sin

Addams rose to SL fame by providing quality fashions for both male & female avatars. Always staying on top of the most current trends and continuously perfecting her skills, Amaliarainwood, owner, is an extremely busy lady. On top of creating for various top name events such as C88, she also does frequent in-store releases. I was both ecstatic and honored upon hearing she had agreed to meet up with me to answer a few questions about herself. How would you describe your personal style? I am a very observant person, and I am in the details all the time. I love going down the street looking at people's clothing and creating new styles. Personally speaking, I am a very fun person and I try to give the necessary time to my loved ones. What sparked your interest in fashion? Since I was little I was interested in the world of fashion. I studied fashion design since I was a teenager. Today, my best way to show the world my creations is a 3D journey. Why did you decide to choose fashion designing as a career in your SL?

The greatest lesson is to have respect and love for what I do. The same with my clients, I try to always listen to their opinions and thoughts so I can improve every day. What advice would you give to aspiring fashion designers in SL? Have consistency and faith in your creations. They will always have a place if they follow their convictions. What can the grid expect to see from Addams in the future? We are preparing many surprises for this year. We want to expand the market and not just stay in clothes. But! for the moment, I can not say much more lol. Is there anything else you would like to add? I am very happy to be part of a world as wonderful as Second Life, not a single day goes by without my being thankful to life for giving me this opportunity to show my art.

Thank you also for giving me this space so important I love how I can convey my ideas and creations in to me. Second Life. I have always had positive feedback from my clients, and the love they give me is incompa- And many thanks to my usual clients, so faithful and rable to anything else. beautiful that without them [I] would not be who I am now. What has been your favourite part of designing for I look forward to continuing to innovate and create betSL? ter and better things. Much Love. What I like most is the beautiful community that has been formed around the designers of SecondDespite her success and notoriety in SL, Amalia reLlife. We are all friends and there is not competition, mains such a humble and appreciative soul, one canbut support. I am also enamored with my clients, who not help but to be mesmerized. Her creations are covgive me so much love every day. ering the grid with amazing styles and top notch quality. Supplying current trends and magnificent color palettes, one can find the perfect fit for nearly any life Where do you draw your inspiration from while de- event! On behalf of E N V Y, and SL’s residents, I signing? would just like to say a big thank you Amalia, for all you do! I look all around me...on the street, on the internet, in the clothes shops. Then I mix the ideas in my head http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Addams% and try to make my own creations. 20Land/134/11 What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since you started?

Please join in the next styling challenge on Feb 15th, 2017

The Single Gal’s Survival Guide to Valentine’s Day By: Sin

With the big day of love fast approaching, social media is filled with holiday specials and post after post declaring the most epic of love imaginable to those around you. It can be tough to embrace Valentine’s Day, especially when you find yourself suddenly solo, like me, or you have been a “party of one” for a while now. I began to find myself having bitter thoughts toward all the love proclamations and happy couples around SL, it seems as everyone but I has a significant other to spend this day with! Since finding myself newly solo, I have been determined to remain positive however, so, welcome to “The Single Gal’s Survival Guide to Valentines Day”, SL edition! Valentine’s Day is all about love, who says it has to be for couples alone? Why can we not simply embrace this holiday at it’s core...love? Love of self, Love of family, Love of friends, Love of pets, heck, Love of life! Let's take back this holiday, regardless of our current ‘ship statuses! After speaking with single friends, I compiled a list of things we can do to turn Valentine’s Day back to a positive occasion, for us all. Not to be dreaded simply because we haven’t a date for the night. Love Yourself! This is probably the biggest and the best tip of all. Step one always begins with you, so claim this holiday as the day you begin to love yourself again! If you are hurting from a bad break, declare February 14th your personal “Independance Day” by letting go of any reminders that bring you pain. Face it, that cute little stuffed pug they gave you from a gacha re-sale a month ago, isn’t going to magically bring them back. Especially since it feels like pugly is driving a blade deep in your chest each time you look at him. Let it all go. If you have been a member of the singles club for a while now, treat yourself. Use Valentine’s Day as you own personal excuse to spoil you! Get a makeover, grab that new wig you had your eyes on for a while! Visit a spa or explore a new place. But make time for you! Have a Sleepover! Grab all your closest friends in SL, throw on your jammies and rent something hilarious for the night! What more could you ask for than to be surrounded by those who care for you, pigging out on fabulous snacks while you laugh you but off? I suggest anything with Seth Rogen or Adam Sandler, but sappy chick flicks are totally barred for this night! Throw a Singles Soiree! Plan a fun night of music, dancing and socializing for you and your friends. Keep it positive! Play upbeat dance hits, dance as a huge group so no one feels secluded. Set up some “get to know you” games and let everyone answer. Everyone will feel better by the end of the night, and have made some new friends as well! Share the Love! Take time to make valentine’s cards for the special people in your SLife. Make some for your parents or Godparents, siblings and friends. These are the peeps who will love you unconditionally, and taking the time to let them know just how much they mean to you, will refocus your attention to how blessed you really are! Stay focused on the positive and let go of the negative, and you will begin to see a big difference in your life and those around you too! Lets all try to spread a little love this holiday, SL desperately needs more!

JenniferDolci Piaggio

As Josephine Baker

Outfit: MOON ELIXIR- Sinful Sequin Dress|Accessories: CHOP ZUEY - Baixa de Cassanje Fascinato BOKEH - Royal EarringsWICCA'S WARDROBE - Elowen Necklace and Arm Parts|Shoes: WICCA'S WARDROBE - Elowen Heels|Hair: BLIENSEN + MAITAI - Josephine

Outfit: DAMIEN FATE- Fergy Coat Hair: ALLI&ALI DESIGNS HAIR- Jones

Outfit SAKURA KISS - Marina tuxedo set| Accessories: B&W - Divina Sunglasses|Shoes :SAKURA KISS - Marina oxford heels| Hair: HEAD DESK Gale

Kijote As pele

Top: LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD - Classic t-shirt Graphics Edition

Bottoms: LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD - Patrol Denim Jeans Accessories: MANDALA - Sankara bracelet set Shoes :LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD - Patrol Boots Hair: DURA - Dura boy 49

Coat: EMERY - San Junipero Coat|Dress: THE SECRET STORE - Annabelle Dress|Eyewear: TBF - Soho Wayfarer Glasses|Shoes : SONATTA MORALES Marion Shoes|Hair: A&a - Yvgenia Hair


Jacket: ADRIATIC LINE- LS Military Shirt w. Undershirt. Pants: LAPOINTE & BASTCHILD- Classic Jeans Accessories: GLINT- Strength Necklace. IPROZ- Les Paul (Guitar) Shoes : PHUNK- Lowtop Sneakers Hair: NO MATCH- Manhattan

OutfitSAKURA KISS - Leopard Purple Swinsuit GIZZA - July Group Gift [Female] skirt|Hair: TABLEAU VIVANT - Healy - Browns II

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