E N V Y Magazine v3.6

Page 1

The Autobiography of Temper B. Portofino Bryce Knoxx ngels in


E N V Y Models “Native American” An Interview with a Vampire And More!

06 Q&A New Hires The most common questions our Human Resources department receive from Applicants



Editor’s No

A message from publishing editor




SWANK Stylin

Temper Bandera Portofino the most interesting woman in the world. Read to see why we think she is truly a force to be reckoned with



Dravenhorse Darklore


All about the community, E N V Y interviews Vampire Dravenhorse for more on her store, lycans and vampires

We couldn’t keep it secret longer




Angels in Heaven

m Kiett Prince, this issue’s

Don’t miss this angelic event. Teleport directly from their ad to the event


t from you much

42 Bryce Knoxx In|Ex Décor Co. More about the inner workings of the popular Interior Exterior Design Company founder

56 The Witches Wear Prada Event Stylings E N V Y Models dress it up with Marquesse and The Witches Wear Prada Event happening from Nov 13th—27th

96 What’s Happening Around the Grid


Aubrey Ricci CEO & President

Analena M. Darkbyrd

Kiett Prince

Chief Operating Officer

Executive Editor in Chief


Zoria Marino Executive Content Director

Arianna Jasmine

Arie Lexico Sparta

Executive Fashion Editor

Marketing Manager

President & CEO: Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer: Analena M. Darkbyrd

Executive Editor-In-Chief : Kiett Prince Executive Fashion Editor and Department EIC: Arianna Jasmine Content Director: Zoria Marino Marketing Manager: Arie Lexico Sparta Photographers Scott Nobody * Kiett Prince * Saori Kido Rey * Aranel * Arianna Jasmine * Lis Darkfold Models Cherry London * Vann Underwood * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Amity Sorbet * GiGi Hausner Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm * Falina Katze-Elmer * Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Devonshire * Suzie Coba * Maxtor Frisk * Sarah Elisabeth Brenham * Arianna Jasmine * Veronica Sinclair * Rockinman1 Content Writers Paid Positions Available * Sales Paid Positions Available * COVER Model-Photographer : Veronica Sinclair

Visit E N V Y Offices Here A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans from Spain, India, California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan Publishing Editor 3.6 ~ Kiett Prince VISIT US AT OUR CORPORATE OFFICES IN Downtown Vista Del Rey

COMMON Q&A FOR NEW HIRES What if I have ZERO experience? We will provide you one on one training with experienced, and patient staff.

My photography is decent, but I don’t know if I’m good enough. You are your worst critic. We will train you to become an editorial fashion photographer or photographer-reporter.

What’s the pay like and can I do more than 1 job at E N V Y Magazine? How does the pay compare to other magazines? Yes, you can hold more than one job here at E N V Y Magazine or train for other positions like Executive level positions. We encourage and promote from within. The increase of pay for Writers and pay for E N V Y Models will be announced in January 2017. 2016 pay for Writers was $1000L per week. Editor in Chiefs (publishing the magazine) is $2500L per week. Sales makes the most of any of the positions. Administrative Assistants make the least at $50L per hour. We don’t keep up with other magazines’ pay rates. We are a community magazine, and support other magazines & organizations.

I like that about E N V Y! Where can I apply? You can apply HERE or click the red push pin below! Thanks!



Editor’s Notes The United States presidential elections are finally over. Regardless of whether you shuddered in terror or cried in triumph at the outcome, the journey for the next leader of the United States will always be an uphill battle to please everyone all of the time.

At E N V Y Magazine, we hope we have that balance of making you, our Readers, excited to see what community events, interviews, fashion and more are in store for you each and every issue. We love you and thank you for supporting E N V Y Magazine! I am excited to introduce to you the Autobiography of Temper Bandera Portofino in this issue. Temper is intriguing and has a magnetism that is powerful enough to pull you in, pixel by pixel. Happy reading with this very cool, and intriguing woman. We also received Reader fan m,ail about popular and talented interior designer extraordinaire Bryce Knoxx! Because of Reader’s requests, Bryce is inside waiting for you! Don’t miss November 19th’s “Angels in Heaven” presented by The Fantasy Angels at 3:00 pm SLT! If you’ve never been to one of The Fantasy Angels glam events, it is an experience not to be missed! For my vintage shopaholics, The Old Fair is still open and will run thru November 25th! And The Witches Wear Prada Event thru November 27th! Teleport directly to all events from inside the Magazine! E N V Y Models give homage to the ancestors of the First Peoples of the Americas with their interpretations of traditional dress. Of course, as the E N V Y Models do every issue, they style and rock hard SWANK and Witches Wear Prada Event featured designers! The Models did a bonus theme inside! Take a peek! By the way, the photograph of me here is the work of E N V Y Photographer Scott Nobody! Thank you Scott for capturing my funky cat-lady look! We also say a temporary farewell to E N V Y Photographer Maiya Gant as she focuses on her RL of becoming well and whole. We love you Maiya!

With Fierce Love,

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By Zoria Marino

would like to first thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity to be interviewed. My initial experiences on Second Life have to be credited to a woman I met 5 years ago. Levon met me at a time in my SL where I had nothing, no goals, no dreams. I was totally lost as to who I was and what role I wanted to play on Second Life. continued on page 24

Please join in the next styling challenge on Nov 16th, 2016

At the time, Levon was President of Delta Theta Nu. I was not full[y] aware of what the Greek community was, so with her guidance she pushed me to join Beta Omega Iota.

This opened so many

doors for me, and helped me to become more successful and work harder. I had a breakthrough moment when I first heard the [real life] lesbian stud rapper Temper. I was so amazed by her lyrics and swag, that I took on her personality in Avatar form. At that moment, Temper was born, the iconic idol. I even got a chance to speak to the

real Temper via Instagram. I have also been contacted by her team in regards to my many videos I have made. Being Temper helped me in so many ways I never thought possible. It gave me the confidence I needed to be outgoing, supportive of many charities, such as Autism, Breast Cancer Awareness and Relay for Life. I have become social to also help promote my craft in Second Life which includes making custom collars, paddles, jewelry and tip jars. Second Life has given me so many opportunities over the years. I have been featured in Greek Mag on several occasions. Recently, I have started

“Being Temper helped me in so many ways I never thought possible.”

DJ’ing, this has become my new found passion. I hope to continue my craft and improve on my DJ’ing and helping and supporting people and being that beacon of life, love and music for everyone. Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

Two greatest people [who] influenced my life I would say my Founders

Switchblade and Bipie. They are the most smart nerds I know. ~laughs~ [They are] great, [and] positive minded. It’s hard to find great people in this so- called Second Life.

When did you first discover you had a talent for music?

Well, I love to listen [to] all kinds of music. I didn’t know how far it would of took me, but I wanted something new too. What is one thing your fans, family or friends would find surprising about you?

Umm, to be honest they not surprised to what I do because I’m always doing things. Name something you're really proud of and why.

I’m so proud of being loyal to BOI Beta Omega Iota For 4 years and going strong Brotherhood Unity. What is a goal you're still working toward career wise?

Damn, the most memorable moment is my first time getting Chair President in Beta Omega Iota. It meant so much that I’ve made it that far in being a President, it was all I enjoy… Temper is there anything in life you feel you want to do over again?

Yes, of course I would love to correct mistakes in past relationships, sometimes just wish it would be different. At what age did you decide to take your career to the next level in DJ’ing?

About 5 months so far.

Working in becoming a better DJ remix and becoming a RL DJ.

Last question... when people look back at your life, how do you want to be remembered?

Tell the world about a memorable moment you've had in SL that you would never forget.

Successful, dedicated, loving, caring, guidance.


Dress:TASHI - Mindy Dress | BOOM - booN QPT129 Hair

Photographer : Lis Darkfold

Scarf:TASHI - Mindy Scarf | Jewelry: [HJ] - The Ice Queen Gold (Ring - Earrings and Nose piercing) | *ScS* Magdaline Boots


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

Black Special Furball Boots | HEAD DESK! - Gale

VIP´S CREATIONS - Female Coat Zebra | LUMINESSE - Nishanti Blue Topaz Champagne Darkt Set | MOIMOI - Elegant Bag Black | HOLLY MESH -



“Native Ame

Y Models SENTS

erican Heritage�

Head Feathers & Headress : Nudzahui Bow & Arrow Back Pack : Nudzahu

Top ~ ~ Soedara Nudzahui | Skirt ~ 8 + PIERO + Indian Skit Gacha Item | {MANDALA} Soul Jewlery CELTIC MYST : Jewlery Wolf Moon Necklace

Exile .: Rising Tides

16+ PIERO+ Leather bracelets Gacha Item OWL : Great Horned Owl Boots ~ Maitreya Moccasin Boots *

JONELLE DEVONSHIRE Photographer : Scott Nobody

EMO-TIONS- Cry Wolf Outfit | MAD- Sioux Face Tattoo | WASABI PILLS- Magnus Mesh Hair


Photographer Saori Kido Rey

SHOENIQUE - Sheya | Outfit Sheya by Shoenique (including boots)


Photographer: Saori Kido Rey

More On Our Favorite Interior|Exterior Designer by Zoria Marino

~she extends her hand for Bryce to shake as she meets her to the door‌ she walks into her office holding the door open for Bryce as she smiles brightly and gestures for her to have a seat on the sofa‌. She opens her laptop and press record on the recorder as she places it on the side of her desk near Bryce so every word could come out nice and clear~ Zoria: Bryce I want to thank you so much for meeting with me tonight I know you are a very busy woman. ~she smiles

brightly as she sits in a typing gesture at her desk while placing all attention on Bryce~

In what ways, do you get the client motivated and excited for the upcoming project? And why is that important?

Bryce: Well, they get to see my previous work, and i allow them to pop in during renovations so that they can see progress. I contain my excitement until they pop in that first time and see for themselves my work, they gush about how much they love it and it motivates me to keep up the good work. Zoria: I can definitely relate to that because when I walked into my department's office I almost fainted I was so shocked and amazed at how fascinating and detailed your work is. I loved it. And I also saw that with many others of your previous jobs you've done when I was looking at your portfolio. Your work describes your passion you have for decorating and you are great at what you do!

Bryce: Aww thank you so much...it truly is the BEST feeling to know that my clients not only like, but LOVE my work.

Zoria: How well do you collaborate with a team on ideas? Is it just you know what you want so you're going to do it your way type of thing

or are you more of a collab type of person and listen to other team mates ideas as to how ones project should look?

Bryce: Well ,we make a group chat with the


client, myself and whatever other team members will be on the project as well as my manager. I do this so that everyone is on the same page. We discuss with the client about

what they would want. Then the team will have a lead decorator, if I'm on the team, it will be myself. The lead will ask for ideas and kind of guide how the project comes along, making sure everyone stays on task as well.

on the team? Bryce: Yes.. it wasn't always like that.. trial and error however proved we needed a system like that.

Zoria: Yea, same here lol!

Zoria: Oh okay ,that's very smart sort of like what we do at E N V Y by us having so many departments it's easier to have a group team chat for each department to communicate better with one another, so I know exactly what you mean by that.

Bryce: I would ask them why they chose to do something the way they did, then after they respond, I would offer some other alternative ways that it might work better.

How would you voice your opinion if you were working on a project and disagreed with someone

Zoria: Right, exactly. I agree. So! I have to ask because when one has an outstanding talent like yourself more than likely YOU are your biggest critic right?

It's all about the flow of the room. Feng shui.

~she laughs as she ask the next question~

Zoria: Has there been a time when you were dissatisfied with a project that you had done or have there ever been a time when you finished a project and said I should have done it this way or I could have done it that way?

Bryce: -chuckles lightly - Honestly, I critique myself so hard that I don't allow the clients to even see something that MAY be considered "mediocre." I will re-do the space until I'm happy with it to just avoid any unsatisfied clients. Zoria: ~she lets out a big laugh~

Magazine in December! Also, I'd like everyone to know that if you would

like to see more of Bryce’s work you can find her portfolios, Flickr, and Facebook along with any other links inside of E N V Y Magazine.

~she saves her works closes her laptop and stops the tape recorder~ That was an awesome interview Bryce thank you!

I KNEW IT! Only the best do that and that’s why you are the best! ~she smiles very big as she closes the interview~ Well, Bryce I thank you so much for coming out tonight and I look forward to seeing you on the cover of our

Bryce: Ah it was honestly my pleasure! I can't wait for December, thank you so much Zoria!


PURPLEMOON - Wanda Skirt, | ZIBSKA- Gautier Donna, Aisling Fangarth shoulders, bracer and legs, | BGC- Indian Headdress | LITTLE BONES - Feline

SAORI KIDO-REY Photographer: Saori Kido Rey

Photographer: Saori Kido Rey

Ghost'Ink :: Baka Tattoo :: Brown | PFC~ Furboots | no.match - NO.NAME

MINIMAL - Barrow bracelet LightGold | Astralia - Apache Headdress, [EZ] Guilded Bow of Jie, RO - Zombie Axe, .Identity. Body Shop - Ethnics 9 A,

::GB:: Chino Boots in pants Dark khaki | *LODE* Head Accessory - Boohoo feather (red), [MANDALA] SINRA piercings, CODEX Feather Necklace,



VERONICA SINCLAIR Photographer: Veronica Sinclair

EMO-TIONS- Cry Wolf Outfit | RONSEM- Leather Bracelet | FOLK- Indian Headdress, MAD- Sioux Face Tattoo

ROCKINMAN1 Photographer: Saori Kido Rey

Top: VIESSENCES - POCAHONTASTOPtext2 | Skirt: MELY IMAKO - MI86962 Fringe Skirt Cover Up. | Jewelry: Earrings: LEGAL INSANITY - Ashanti Earring

L Bronze Necklace: VOLTAI - Siba Blue Necklace | Custom Accesories: GIULIADESIGNS - TRAJE TIPICO MVV ***LIS*** BY GIULIA DESIGNS Bow: KataiiBow sheath by Robert52 Beaumont | Hair: EXILE - ::Blown Away

LIS DARKFOLD Photographer: Lis Darkfold

Photographer Saori Kido Rey

MARQUESSE- The Jinn One | CODEX- Tryad Ring | MARQUESSE- The Jinn One | SHOES AND HAIR MARQUESSE- The Jinn One


An Interview with

Dravenrose Darklore

by Maiya Gant

I recently travelled to Raven’s Blood and found myself instantly transported to a unique picturesque world of dark fantasy. The owner and creator Dravenrose Darklore has created one of the most beautiful sims on the SL grid. Raven’s Blood is home to 3rd Eye Perceptions and Raven’s Keep Stables. The area is filled with expertly built beasts, dragons, knights in shining armor, and erotic statues. Dravenrose, during a recent interview, talked about how she and her partner Darkcloud Ravenheart brought Raven’s Blood to life. She also discussed how she honed her craft and became one of the grids’ most popular builder/creators of Lycan fashions and home décor. Maiya: Please tell me about yourself. What brought you to second life and what keeps you here?

you describe what is sold there? Is the term dark or from the dark side acceptable?

Maiya: When was 3rd Eye Perceptions established? Is it a group or team effort?

Dravenrose: ~ I joined SL over 5yrs ago simply to hide away from RL after my father passed. As a RL artist SL grew on me quite quickly. It’s by far the ability to creating my visions and share them with everyone that keeps me here.

Dravenrose: ~ Well I like the term from the dark side my store to be honest it is an extensive collaboration of modern & fantasy both sinister & enchanted. I’ve always found it so hard to generalize the products I make because they are always changing influenced by my mood, dreams and inspirations.

Dravenrose: 3rd eye came to SL back in 2011, As for a team it’s always been just me up till the last 2 years my SL partner

Maiya: First let me ask: What is the category or genre of your products and store? How would

Darkcloud has greatly aided me in graphic design, building the foundation for our inworld sim and in general given me endless support and encouragement as the company grew much larger. I simply couldn't envision a life without him by my side now.

wanted to make it not only beautiful to live on but also memorable for the people that came to explore and visit us. The main sim location offers demo rez vendors for most items with a TP system to easily navigate

Maiya: How did the concept of 3rd eye perceptions come about? Dravenrose: ~ I came up with the name back in high school as I began to publish my RL artwork. Inspiring the name was how I drew, closing my eyes and watching the blank canvas come to life before I laid a pencil to it. Maiya: I recently toured your store. The store and the grounds are amazing!! They are very picturesque and extremely photogenic. What are some of the products that you offer there? Dravenrose: ~ The sim as a whole grew very quickly Dark and I

the items in your store or do you have partners? Dravenrose: ~ I do all the building for my products putting an extensive amount of patience and detail into every item. From composing, building, textures, scripting, photography, advertising and so forth. Maiya: Of all the skills that you use to develop your products, which skill is your favorite?

the nearly 2000 products. Ranging from Lycan clothing, furniture & caves to statues, home & fantasy decor. Even offering a huge range of accessories for many other beast avatars & genres.

Maiya: While touring your store, I could tell that there are many skills necessary to develop and produce your products. Are you the sole proprietor and creator of

Dravenrose: ~ I love my Photoshop and hand painting my own textures. But nothing will ever compare to simply building inworld and watching as my vision comes alive as a whole. Maiya: When you first started out in second life, did you envision that you would have this much business success?

Dravenrose: ~ No, just like most players new to SL, I was extremely lost and overwhelmed by it all, taken into a bloodlines clan, broken by a series of bad relationships. The day I discovered the build menu changed my life, I haven't stopped growing as a creator since then. ~ This fact actually gave me a humbling view on being a creator, knowing 3rd eye wouldn't be anything without our happy return customers. I’ve put a great deal of focus in listening to customer suggestions and feedback to improve the company and products. Maiya: Is the environment and products at 3rd Eye Perception indicative of your second life lifestyle? Are you a vampire, Lycan or some other category? Unsure of what word I should use here. Dravenrose: ~ Well I am a vampire but I’ve never settled down to just one appearance and that shows in my products more than anything. As they cover an incredibly broad genre of fantasy and modern looks. I’ve never been a person bound by limitations. Maiya: How did you


become interested in the darker side? (I hope this term is not offensive) Is 3rd eye perceptions solely based on second life or is it an extension of the real world? Dravenrose: ~ When I joined SL I was taken into a bloodlines clan eventually landing in the arms of my king & loving partner Darkcloud. He gave me my first main store 4yrs ago. It was the Lycan in the clan with little to wear or sit on that sparked my passion to build for these avatars.

Maiya: Let's not leave out the horses. Ravens Keep has some of the most beautiful high quality show horses on the grid. How did you become

~ Yes my main focus of 3rd eye perceptions is now in SL though it started with my RL artwork.

SL quickly became my main outlet for expressing my artistic side. Maiya: What is your most popular selling item?

Dravenrose: ~ LOL it’s actually the Lycan drool... I can honestly say the day I created that item I didn't think it would hit the top selling chart.

interested in the horse

Darklore breeding? Did that come before or after 3rd Eye Perceptions? Dravenrose: ~ Ravens keep came about a year later, I came across the ABC

beautiful & unique style of horses. I even creating Eye signs and other products to better the ABC horse community. Maiya: What inspires you and your creations? Dravenrose: ~ Personally I can find inspiration in just about anything. Taking a walk in RL or a scene in a movie even in the dream I had that night. I also play a lot of other video games, taking a break from SL seeing new scenery greatly helps. To be completely honest I have a notebook with 100's of build ideas still to be released. Maiya: Tell me about your career goals? What's next for Dravenrose and 3rd Eye Perceptions?

horses. Their natural appearance struck my artistic side and I began to breed them for shows 4yrs ago. Eventually becoming a well-known breeder for my

Dravenrose: ~ My next upcoming milestone will be learning to use improved software. I’ve also just completely redesigned the main store building, I will be organizing the demo vendors to be easier for customers to find what they need, as the product base grows this has become a much needed improvement. Maiya: Do you have any advice for aspiring

builders/creators/horse breeders? Any suggestions for the up and coming? Dravenrose: ~ Absolutely, do what you love and at your own pace. The SL world is what you make of it but you will lose passion quickly if you’re not doing it because you truly love and enjoy it. Don't be afraid to sit back and take a break to compose your thoughts, goals and solutions. Or to just escape the SL world with a loved one for confidence and new inspiration. Maiya: Thank you so much for your time Dravenrose. On behalf of myself and E N V Y Magazine, we wish you continued success. Dravenrose: Tysm for your time and the opportunity to be featured in E N V Y Magazine!

SARAHELISEBETH BRENHAM Photographer Saori Kido Rey

ELEMENT-Corset Dress | EARTHSTONES-Bali Crescent Jewelry Set | SHEBA-Wendy Heels | TRUTH-Helosia

MARQUESSE- The Dark One | CELTIC MYST- Falcon Bird of Prey Necklace, ANGELLE- Diamond Stud Ear ring | REDGRAVE- 80's Sunglasses | LAPONTE & BASTCHILD- Patrol Combat Boots | SINGLE- Justin |

ROCKINMAN1 Photographer Saori Kido-Rey

Photographer Saori Kido Rey

DARK ROSE - Elvira Mini Dress | IT! - Precious Bond necklace | Lf - Classic Heels Leather Noir | EXXESS - Chocolat A


Photographer Lis Darkfold

D!VA - Hair "Rosa"

PINK ICE - Tiffi Mini Mesh Low Scoop Back Dress | LUMINESSE -Floramist Moondust (not at WWPE) | DIRTY PRINCESS - Madame Butterfly Princess Boot- |


BLACK ROSE - Ruby Gown & Wrap | LUMINESSE - Sumistemi Sangria Black Set | DIVA HAIR - Iris

SAORI KIDO-REY Photographer Saori Kido Rey



Photographer Arianna Jasmine

DARK ROSE - Sage Gown | LAZURI - Enchanted Diamonds Set | PLASTIX - Starlet Stole | TRUTH - Solei Coffee

SAORI KIDO-REY Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

WWPE- Chained Unisex Black | MARQUESSE- Chained Unisex Black | GLINT- Leather & Platinum Thorn Cross Necklace, POMPOSITY- Skully Bracelet

| ROC- Martens Boot | AYASHI- Vincent

ROCKINMAN1 Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

WWPE (SASS) | SASS - sass [elegance] | !IT! - Fey Berries (not at WWPE) | SASS - [elegance] shoes | FIORE - .: fiore :. NIA Hair

LIS DARKFOLD Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

Utilizator - Rikugou, Utilizator - Temjin Armour | -=MTA=- Mac10 with Holster, Utilizator - M4A1 (Winter)

MAXTOR FRISK Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

Photographer : Lis Darkfold

Bubble Gloss-The Nudes- Nude Tan | BARE ROSE - ::: B@R ::: Beletta C3 | CURIOUS KITTIES - Nyanotech Hair [Type B] - Mantie V3

BARE ROSE - ::: B@R ::: Beletta C3 | Eyeliner: [NANI] - [NANI] Basic.Eyeliner (Black) Lipsitck: MADRIDSOLO - Madrid Solo- Lip Designs-


LAPONTE & BASTCHILD- Hero X Jacket, LAPONTE & BASTCHILD- Harness Leather Pants | GALACTIC- Jetpack | GUARDED CROSS- Space Platform Boots | DURA BOY- 24


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

BELLES PARISIENNES - Elise wedding | AISLING - Tallulah Bracers and arms, AISLING - Ydriss Chestlace | AI- Athena Wand, FLECHA - Sculpted Shiel 3 GARBAGGIO - Freebie high pumps | ALICE PROJECTS - Julie

SAORI KIDO-REY Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

BARE ROSE - Princess Izuna | BARE ROSE - Princess Izuna chocker | BARE ROSE - Princess Izuna Fan and white fox | SHEY - Azras boots | WASSABI PILLS - Lee Mesh Hair

SAORI KIDO-REY Photographer : Saori Kido Rey








Sarah Tremor, owner and designer of Edelfabrik By Kiett Prince

Guten Tag E N V Y Readers! We are here with none other than the energetic and spry Miss Sarah Tremor the owner, mesh designer and creator of Edelfabr\k! She uses Blender, Photoshop and a little Black Forest magic to bring you original content for all mesh body types! If you didn’t guess it, she’s a German designer!

We chat, we visit her store, we exchange horoscope signs and of course, I fan girl all over her! Kiett Prince (KP): *smiles warmly* Yay! Welcome to the E N V Y Magazine headquarters! *turns chair around to face Sarah, pulling out interview recorder* Oh wait Sarah! Is this your creation that you're wearing??? *Sarah is wearing a sexy outfit that reminds Kiett of a

Tokyo inspired street style pink and grey ensemble that Kiett has not seen replicated anywhere in SL! Loving it!* Sarah Tremor (Sarah Tremor): Yes Kiett :) That’s one of my latest :)! KP: *grins* I love it!’ Sarah Tremor:

:) Thank you!

KP: You're so welcome! What is this look? Is this Edgy Punk? Sarah Tremor: Well, most of my creations are slightly provocative in the way of "accidentally sexy", but not without class. And almost any of it is mix and match. KP: Which is super important! I hate not being able to mix and match! Now, the name of your store? *Kiett tries to pronounce it using a German accent* EDELFABRIK Sarah Tremor: laughs at Kiett’s accent....[Adele-fabric] :). KP: Where'd you get the name from? *laughs at herself* Sarah Tremor: Yes, thats a German word, a 2 word combination it means "noble factory"

KP: I wasn't too far off track! German! *pats herself on the back* Are you German? Sarah Tremor: Yeah, I am German. *laughs* KP: Guten! I love my Germans! I think in your style, it is very modern German and street style Tokyo to me - very sexy, very creative and unique!

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