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Ava Jhamin L’Amour Productions



Chief Operating Officer Analena M. Darkbyrd

10 Feature

Ava Jhamin of L’Amour Productions 14 Tuesday’s Child Family Connection Living Community 18 Photo Contest Who is Your Evil Twin? $1000L Prize 22 Best SL Landscaper Asha Landscapes 2

ENVY 5677 Queens Blvd, Cumberland City, SL (202) 212-4812 President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Editor in Chief : Kiett D. Prince* Editor in Chief : Scott Nobody Co Content Director : Wei Mei Runt Co Content Director : China Laurent Model Manager : Lady Falina Katze-Elmer Executive Assistants : Zoria Kealona & Kessidy Carmona Photographers : Scott Nobody & Maiya Gant & Kiett D. Prince Models Cherry London * Addy Omena Catalysis * Veronica Dotterkelch *Vann Underwood Arianna * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm Zarya Yuhara * Mecca M. Teladis * Debbie Jasper * Cherokee Asteria Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Writer : Arianna Guglielmetti Sales Lulu Severin * Matt Asadar Naomi * Indii Mantha * Vashti Travis Redekopp COVER Ava Jhamin Photo : Scott Nobody A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans. Photographers and Writers from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Models from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan VISIT US AT OUR CORPORATE OFFICES IN Cumberland City, Downtown District *Publishing Editor v1.9


Photographer: Maiya Gant


For over 2 months, E N V Y Magazine has worked to meet the professional and developmental needs of advertising. Since last month we have grown to nearly 13,000 readers and we are still gaining with readers in the Philippines and Venezuela. Since February, E N V Y Magazine has shared uplifting articles and information celebrating cultures, fashion, and great designers. E N V Y is not just a magazine of clients and fans, but also a magazine that is known for giving back. We support all orphanages and education so if you own an orphanage or school and are needing support or sponsorship please contact us! E N V Y supports the kids!

Lastly we are running a special where you receive $100 off any full page ad you purchase. We are also giving away a $500 gift card to {R E V E N G E} to all our new clients!!!

Para mas de 2 meses , E N V Y Magazine ha trabAva Jhaminado para satisfacer las necesidades profesionales y de desarrollo de Publicidad . Desde el mes pasado hemos crecido hasta cerca de 13.000 miembros de los lectores y todavia estamos ganando lectores en Filipinas y Venezuela . Desde febrero , e n v Revista y ha compartido el elevar, articulos y culturas de informacion que celebra , la moda y los grandes disenadores . E N V Y no es solo una revista que ganar clientes , sino tambien una revista que es conocido por dar la espalda. Apoyamos todos los orfanatos y la educacion por lo que si usted posee un orfanato o la escuela y esta necesitando el apoyo o patrocinio por favor, pongase en contacto con nosotros! E N V Y ama a los ninos!

Por ultimo nos estamos quedando un especial en el que recibe $ 100 de descuento en cualquier anuncio de pagina completa que compra. Tambien estamos regalando una tarjeta de regalo de $ 500 para {R E V E N G E} para todos los nuevos clientes !!!

Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief Operations Officer 5

Aubrey Ricci President & CEO

Kiett D. Prince Executive Editor in Chief E N V Y Photographer

Scott Nobody Co Editor In Chief II E N V Y Photographer 6

Employment Opportunities

Publisher/editor in chief iii, IV ($2500L) Staff Photographer (paid weekly) Story Writers (paid weekly)

Sales Agents

(paid hourly + commission weekly)

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS include paid holiday leave, paid maternity and paternity leave. Cumberland City residents are eligible for dental and medical benefits. 7

Photographer: Kiett Prince 8


Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ava Jhamin of L'Amour Productions. It was a true delight to step into the life of Ava and L'Amour Productions. Two years in a row L'Amour Productions won the Avi Choice Agency and Avi Choice Stylist awards. Arianna Guglielmetti (AG): Ava, I am very honored to sit here with you today. Thank you so much for taking time out of your, I'm assuming, hard core schedule. AVA JHAMIN: (with a slight giggle) It is. I say I have 24 hours and need 48 every day lol. Lucky for me, I just stop and start the next day or I would literally be here 24/7. AG: Oh I bet! AVA JHAMIN: It goes with the territory and truly I am happy that I finally have reached this level. Arianna....it's great but it's a lot of work. AG: L'Amour Productions opened its doors back in 2011 and consists of ● ● ● ● ●

L'Amour Model Management L'Amour University of Fashion L'Amour Mr & Miss Model International Pazzo Style Challenge and Diversity Magazine

AG: Tell me, What were you coming into Second Life to do? And did you imagine when you first logged in for that very first time, that Ava Jhamin would be the head of a huge fashion production company? AVA JHAMIN: I didn't (lol). I was doing a ministry actually on another site and my friend, Melissa kept bugging me to come and see. So I did and have never left. I thought my avi was hideous. So, I spent 3 months fixing it and within a week of coming back, I had my first modeling gig to be the face of an Egyptian sim. And as they all say, the rest is history. AG: Wow! That is just remarkable.

Just like that!

AVA JHAMIN: Just like that. But finding the modeling industry way back then was impossible. And I accidentally stumbled on into a show. I met my first mentor Kat Svenska. She trained me and then I was part of LC Agency and Academy with her. School, Girl I did ‘em all. I look now and think if you go to one really good one, you don't need 10. (She giggles softly) AG: There are so many schools out there too. It can be a bit overwhelming. Or at least it was for me. AVA JHAMIN: Yea it can and I don't usually take a student unless they do their homework out there. As in check links, look into who is teaching you. I see a lot of fly by night schools....and up to the model as they are in charge of their career no one else. 10

AG: You have most definitely been a huge contributor to the SL fashion community. Who would you say has been the biggest influence on your SL career? AVA JHAMIN: Whoooo! (she says as she starts to cry) Lacie Beningborough without a doubt. I lost her last year as well as 4 others to cancer. She was amazing and taught me everything I still use today...even the students saying ‘I hate you Ava’ and I say, ‘I know, now go do it right and come back’...but with massive love. AG: I am so sorry Ava. It's hard to lose so many close to you. And to cancer. AVA JHAMIN: Whewww, yes it is Arianna. And Summitt Beaumont another who was truly an angel but on earth. If all people of SL could be 1/3 of Summitt, we would have no drama on SL (smiles).

AVA JHAMIN: But on earth. she [Summit] was one of my models and right hand who I lost within a few months of Lacie...It's been tough and as a two time cancer survivor, it is something I am very passionate about. RL and SL. AG: Two time survivor! Congrats for kicking cancer’s ass twice over! I am a cancer survivor myself. AVA JHAMIN: (high fives Arianna)....Yes, breast and ovarian in same year...but early, early detection and telling the doctor's "I don't care if I am 36. Test me. Does cancer discriminate?" Say you’re not 40 and pass (pffft). You and I knew early. I didn't have to go through chemo or radiation. (The) ovarian cancer froze out. Breast cancer, by the grace of God was gone from my left breast all together after praying and removed from right...and all good. AG: (smiles as she reaches for Ava’s high five) Amen sister. We have a lot in common. AVA JHAMIN: (smiles) Yeas and stuff Arianna...I knew within 5 minutes of meeting you this one a keeper (smiles). AG: Aww! What is your super duper most favorite part of your career? And why? AVA JHAMIN: The students and models for sure. I get the best feeling when I see them go out on the grid and kick ass....can I say that (lol! I am there forever, not 5-6 weeks in school and “hasta la vista baby”....you’re stuck with me for SL life (she winks). And the models know they have a good home and that I will be there for them. I don't do drama nor do I let it enter my space ever. I care and can be hard, but I can't change who I am in RL and SL...is the same. AG: Good for you. SL is full of drama. I myself am drama free (lol)! AVA JHAMIN: Don't get wrinkles if you don't let drama in....you saw my pic on skype I am 55 years old no wrinkles....(lmao). 11


Model's Haven: Where models can come to shop, relax, get help with poses, take photos and get school information, among other things. 13



AG: So that is the secret (big smiles) ! Let’s talk about L'Amour University. L'Amour University has a lot to offer from what I can see on your website, www.lamourproductions.org. Everything from runway basics; branding yourself; show production to photography and how to start your self promotion. That to me makes you stand out from all the rest. What do you think makes you stand out from all the other schools out there? AVA JHAMIN: That I care and surround myself with people that feel (the) same. If people are going to pay their hard earned Lindens, I want them to get their money's worth. A lot of schools [in my opinion] do it for money and don't teach squat. I know ‘cuz I get them after and they don't know basic modeling. I think sometimes people wake up and say, "Hey let me open an agency today." It's much, much more than that for me...you have to know what you’re doing...people rely that you do, and to many don't. AG: So you feel for some agencies it’s all about the Lindens ? AVA JHAMIN: I do, and again my opinion, but just too many models out there that don't know basic training. So I can only conclude that they didn't have good training right. AG: I've been told by many models here in SL that modeling is not for the weak. That you must put in 110% all the time. Financially, I'm wondering what does it take? Do you have to be just as committed financially ? AVA JHAMIN: You do, it's sad because for all the work the pay sucks. I know for L'Amour I pay well above scale...and no model who works with me on any job doesn't get paid. Unless for charity. I always tell models that if you can't afford it look for something else to do. You have to be current with hair, clothes, all. It's not cheap. But I also think when the fashion bug bites, you are soooo addicted in a good way. The thick skin part, yes for sure. Even for me now everyday there is something but also for me. I know me and the people that know me know...and the people that don't gossip and cause you hell...I just keep it going. I am real and [if you] don't like me I don't care, But don't pretend to my face and talk behind my back. I am a very, very accessible CEO and if you have an issue with me come to me. Or [in my opinion] it doesn't mean squat. AG: (giggles) The fashion bug has gotten me that’s for sure. How do you handle all the two faced people out there in SL?


AVA JHAMIN: The better you do the more haters you have. It's so lame and I can't say as a human being behind the keyboard it doesn't hurt because it does...Because I feel for me, I don't do anything to warrant it. I look at it a lot like they’re insecure - I am so not either in RL or here. It's like bitching about politics and not voting...you don't find out yourself with me...you can kiss my ass (hehehe) can I say that. I say what I mean and mean what I say and I have come to blows with a lot of big people (in their heads) on SL. I am as real as they come and I love what I do and I will go to bat always for the injustices in RL and on SL. AG: I like your style haha.... AVA JHAMIN: Most people who know me know I don't lie, never have never will...and I don't like when people are treated bad. All of my companies were started because of a lot of unfair in this industry (smiles). Yes, I saw a lot of unfair treatment of a lot of models and started with someone else and their issues, so [I] went out on my own and started Exclusive and that was stolen from me and yes, STOLEN. Then I started L'Amour and because people's expectations of ‘hey be yourself and now change for me’.....I wanted models of all kinds, I wanted competitions that were 100% see through and fair, [like] MMI. I wanted challenges that winner won ‘cuz [they were the] best not because of who they knew, hence Pazzo. AG: Wow, someone stole it from you? Did they just create a business just like yours? AVA JHAMIN: I had partners and was naive then, so she said I will open group only one...I had no reason to doubt her. Well my bad I know better now...so never again does anyone get control at all. Only me, and have had a few get mad but oh well such is life. AG: There is alot of that in SecondLife. I would say it’s driven by greed and jealousy. Would you agree? AVA JHAMIN: I would say yes. And just bad people and if we have in RL then why not here. So I think the biggest lesson I learned is if God is tapping me on the shoulder saying “No Ava....listen” because He will always have my back. So for me, learn from it and don't make God hit me over the head with my own frying pan (lol) (a joke I have with models). AG: Haha! Perfect! It’s always good to learn and move on. AVA JHAMIN: And I always know that you mess with one of God's it will always be taken care of by "Him" and it was and has in every situation where people want to mess with me (lol). So bring it on peeps I am not going anywhere, you can't bully me, you can't hurt me.... AG: That is so true. Does L'Amour University run on a schedule like a real university? As far as having "terms" and summer vacations? AVA JHAMIN: No, with L'Amour University we are going through again some changes and classes are done by the student’s schedules, again not the norm. But, I don't want models to not be able to do because they work RL and maybe not normal hours. We keep classes very small and will do for one if that’s what it takes. Like my lil Ari’ (winks). AG: (smiles) Class size to me is very important when considering a school. Students always want that one on one.




AVA JHAMIN: And, I like at least 3-4 but sometimes it's a matter of making an executive decision if one, ‘yanno? A lot of schools are anal: do our hours, our time or don't do. Arianna, it's almost like an ego thing with some...for me it's about the students and I am going to bend over backwards to accommodate all...Sometimes I can't, but I am going to try. AG: Right, and that honestly was the deciding factor. Being able to learn and not just be a number or a meal ticket. AVA JHAMIN: Exactly. And for me, I think it's important for a student to feel that they’re getting the one on one attention, and when you have 25+ students - not happening. AG: I definitely feel blessed to have found L'Amour, and you Miss Ava. AVA JHAMIN: (smiles) Awww, thank you honey. And I can't wait to turn you loose and see what you do out there. I usually take only advanced classes but again circumstances happened and so you lil’’ lady brought me out to teach all again. And a good thing. I feel lucky you found us too Arianna. I didn’t make you go look like I would because I wanted ya..just saying hahaha! AG: (lol) And honestly I would say that is another thing that sets you apart from the rest. AVA JHAMIN: (giggles) I get alot of people who say stuff behind my back but I guarantee you that those that come to me leave saying ‘omg Ava, you’re nothing like they say’....That’s hurtful and just wrong. Know me before you decide to hate me (lmao). AG: So, if a student were to go through every class you offered, how long would it take them to graduate? AVA JHAMIN: Each professor is a little different, some may take 12 weeks. For me, I take 5-6 weeks for regular classes not including graduation, and 5 weeks each for the advanced classes. But I do a lot in one class as you know....and for me, time doesn't matter as long as at the end of it the student can go out and be confident and kick butt on the runway. AG: And how many professors do you currently have at L'Amour? AVA JHAMIN: Well, sadly my Director, the most amazing Hezabel Blackheart who I partnered with, her and Nexus had to leave, as well as Janet an amazing professor. So, right now I have 3 Spanish teachers and myself. I am interviewing right now for [a] new Director and also some English professors. I am ubb[er] picky so [it’s] going to take time, and I am ok with that. It stretches me but I will always give it 150% and do what I have to do, it's just who I am. AG: So, there are some job openings at L'Amour? Wonderful! AVA JHAMIN: Yes, and the staff is pretty full and I didn't want Hez to go or Janet, but for me again RL first and I respect that. Hez may come back and teach ‘cuz [it is] in her blood and best damn runway coach out there. But I had to put my sad on back burner and let her and Janet do what was best for them (sniffle, sniffle). Most models and employees stay....Hez and Janet [have been] with me from [the] start and some of my models have been with me since LC, so almost 7 years. Now [we] have plus size and just adding kids to the mix.


AG: Kids? That’s great! AVA JHAMIN: I had a bunch last night. It was a hoot and even getting owner [and] CEO of TEOM as one of the teens for upcoming show in June. Still need some lil’ boys, so if you know of any send ‘em on over my way (giggles), AG: What about after graduation? Do you have any employment placement? Out of L'Amour graduates, what percentage of graduates actually continue a career in modeling? AVA JHAMIN: 100% so far. Most stay with L'Amour [through their] careers and then work for me in another capacity. AG: Oh, that is just amazing and an inspiration to those out there thinking about a career in modeling or fashion! AVA JHAMIN: I hope so with inspiration...I have been really blessed and have the best staff ever...and I know I am who I am because of all of the staff. So students will model then say take production and then go on to producer director or model director. AG: It all sounds so fun! I know when I was looking at your website www.lamourproductions.org I couldn't decide what I'd most like to do. AVA JHAMIN: (giggles) Well then, I guess I have to give Jena a raise....Jena Adder is the one that sits on my shoulder and says ‘Avvaaaaaa’......when I want to go off on Facebook or something. She did my website logos all and she and I have been friends for a very long time...she is one of the truly inspirational great people in my life. We can debate, oh man, but we always come back to a solid

amazing friendship she also does all layout and work on magazine. She is the superwoman behind Ava (giggles). AG: So tell me about Pazzo Style Challenging. AVA JHAMIN: Pazzo is a style challenge that is run by Bai Nightfire who was in my first MMI (Mr. & Miss Model International) competition. She placed top 5, then modeled in every show and took production and all and now my assistant and COO of Pazzo. All are given a theme and the best wins and alot of support from SL. So get gift cards cash and sometimes advanced styling if I throw it in. Bai is another who worked her way through ranks and is just invaluable to me. And Cyberdawg Foxclaw also. He was top in MMI and now COO of MMI and was amazing this whole 21

Asha Landscapes Already known as a very talented interior designer, Asha rhia Wise is just as talented in setting a beautiful outdoor setting for both residential and commercial properties. We had a chance to catch up with the creative Asha about Asha Landscapes. Aubrey Ricci (AR): How long have you been doing landscaping on SL? Asha rhia Wise: I came to SL in 2007.....then after a while I left and only came back in 2011....and when I came back I started seeing lands and seeing how some used to look like and I decided to rent one for myself and so I did and decorated ....it was my first tropical land, a resort and since then I haven't stopped. AR: What drove you to pick this passion when most only focused on clothing? Asha rhia Wise: I have studied in college in Paris, Interior Design and even though my business was related to something else in RL.....when I saw how easy it was to do things here I started doing it....then I tried Gor and in there I met my best friend, He is an excellent builder and one day he told me: "Stop spending so much money in stuff, do them yourself" hahaha, So I started creating stuff for roleplay in Gor and then we did our first gorean Sim........and since then it started to be like an addiction, the more I did, the more I wanted and people started to admire my work, the details, I am a


details freak, if it doesn't look realistic I don't do it. Then 2 years ago, I started doing it as a business and here I am today, (smiles) His name by the way is Honos (Honos Resident). AR: Do you build also? Asha rhia Wise: I have 2 stores with RP items. 2 stores with shapes ‘cause I also used to do them, but with the mesh bodies I stopped but also because Landscape and Interior design became my main businesses in SL. AR: Just for interested readers what are the names of the stores? Asha rhia Wise: Asha Landscapes and Asha Interior Designs (smiles). AR: Mrs. Asha, in the future, what are you hoping to accomplish? Asha rhia Wise: Make both passions grow, with me, getting better and better in my Art.... As I always say, I am no better than anyone else and SL has awesome landscapers that my own mouth drops and bow my head in respect to them. SL is big enough for us all.... I just wish deep inside my heart to be able to create and keep showing what I build from heart. At the end of each build, I feel like I gave birth, literally....the way I feel...empty like I gave more than my all self......and its addicting. AR: You are a mother? Asha rhia Wise: I am mother of 3 beautiful women, 2 grown and 1 baby girl and I am a very protective, very proud mother of them indeed. AR: Happy Mother’s Day and thank you for this opportunity with Asha Landscapes!


last MMI competition. I couldn't of done it all without Cy....also top 10 MMI go on to become Board for MMI and they very much have a say in the next MMI. AG: It sounds like you have been very blessed to have found some amazing people who share your passion. AVA JHAMIN: I am and with all the staff in all the companies I am sooo blessed and I tell them all the time. You are only as good as the teams around you…’yanno? I think that is what truly sets me apart is the family of L'Amour and it is...models really love one another. MMI contestants same and no drama Diversity Magazine. OMG so blessed. And I love now that E N V Y Magazine, I do consider part of my family...first from all the good things I heard from models and then my own experiences...and when I feel this way a friend for life and I will do anything in my power to help and do now for E N V Y. AG: Thank you! E N V Y supports the SL grid, and definitely L’Amour! Well, ok! Let’s talk about MMI. For those who don't know, what does it stand for? AVA JHAMIN: Mr. & Miss Model International. And again, [MMI is] different why: no voice verification, no model certificate needed. This is a competition where you represent you and where you’re from. I always hated competitions where I would be total white American girl then told I had to represent Africa, WTH (lol). Also, with MMI all contestants are given their scores through a feedback meeting [which] is huge and no other does this...100% see thru and the winner is the one that has highest scores throughout and scores are kept not thrown out like alot of them. Men on voice verify, if you’re a man behind computer and representing a woman in SL fine by me. I think alot of competition lose out on great competitor because you have to be voice verified. AG: I had the great honor of interviewing Miss Model International. It was such a pleasure. AVA JHAMIN: She is an amazing representative for Miss Model International and so is Maxtor Frisk Mr. MMI. She was trained by Hezabel and Janet so I know she knows her stuff and she is sweet and kind and real. They were a great crew - all the contestants. I dubbed them my rug rats (lol). I love the fact that it brings stylists, not just models, out. Because no voice verifying and no certificate, we get a very varied group of people for MMI. AG: It sounds wonderful! I can't wait to be part of it! AVA JHAMIN: Oh you will...hehehehe. Just saying......(giggles....evil grin at Arianna). AG: (laughs as well as she gains her composure) Ok, so something I've always wondered and maybe our readers do as well, how on earth do you stay up to date on SL fashion. AVA JHAMIN: Well again, for me easy peas. I was a model RL in 80's, so it's a passion and has been my whole life. And you work at it. You do homework and make sure L'Amour has the most up to date and best tool for the models to learn. I also think that again a lot of attitude out there with teachers. I learn from my students all the time....and people who dismiss their knowledge again they’re losing. RL and SL cross, but I also think too many put too much emphasis on RL. SL isn't RL and inspiration from RL is ok but overdo [it] and models get discouraged because let’s face it, not all fashion in RL can be found on SL. And again [RL} inspiration, but I like SL to be SL. Tools. AG: And tools? 24


AVA JHAMIN: Tools—knowing what is most current way for models to be doing things. Learning from my peers, going to seminars, looking at tools such as Youtube for SL, etc. and just people on the grid, Models and this industry don't know everything and for me I learn everyday, it's what I do...and people who think they know it all might as well crawl under a rock and die hahhaha! Google, Pinterest. Shows—I attend all shows in L.A. [Los Angeles] and have been to Milan Fashion week twice. and NY fashion week all of it....like I said obsessed..and I live in L.A., so fashion mecca. There are a ton of tools out there to give a new model or old model inspiration,.....but I don't want copy cats, I want more than anything for models to be true to who they want to be in Second Life. And if someone says ‘are you willing to do this and that’.....depending I would say thank you for your time and move it on down the road.....there is part of this industry where their standard is fine but not for all. Models need to be true to who they are no matter what. AG: And that is something I admire about you. You want models to be true to themselves. I do, I was always different tall and curvy and pretty. It became an issue about being pretty, WTF, you can be different and still be pretty. AG: Right, Do you feel like the SL fashion community puts a big emphasis on thin as paper models? AVA JHAMIN: Hello! Yea! And I personally wouldn't hire. I think again went so overboard that we ended up with down turn lipped, mean eye, super thin models and lost the whole concept of being individual. AG: Exactly, AVA JHAMIN: I work with the models to be a better version of who they want to be. I don't say ok appearance and change numbers to what I want. I am anal OCD about models being who they want to be. When I opened Curve-a-licious models, again I got alot because they embrace their curves. I break molds set up by the industry as a whole. Models can be curvy, they can wear mesh body, which alot don't allow. You do safe poses with me and you get frying pan right over your head (lol). But I do all with a great love for all the models. We can have fun and still do our job. I love that models enjoy shows and we laugh and we have fun....but do something stupid and frying pan you will get. AG: Gotta love that. Who would you say are your fav designers in SL? AVA JHAMIN: Hilly Haalan, LaVian&Co, David Heather, Glint, and 24 shoes always...even if not mesh \ I am bless I blog for so many and so, so, so many designers are my friend....so hard for me but right now these I would say. Also, shey and Moi: with shey and Moi does the best shoes and shey does it all, clothes wise and best alphas out there.......this one hard for me ‘cuz I like alot. Also new designer I am working with Nauvelle Aube, he is really great and does some suits and overcoats that I have fashion-gasms over! AG: That’s quitw a list. Speaking of blogging, you blog. Do your students have to blog? AVA JHAMIN: They don't have to do anything they don't want to. But I think it's something that is very important. Your blog, Flickr, etc is your portfolio. For me, I started doing a long time ago but over the years all the ones I have now are from my blog. It's nice that they come to me now. But also for me it's a passion for me. Something I do for me if you know what I mean. 26

AG: So how many stores do you blog for? AVA JHAMIN: OMG, I have lost count but a lot. Because I do for a lot of events out there. For me again for blogging, I have ones I always will be loyal too [like] Vero Modero, Hilly Haalan, shey and most of all Chop Zuey. I am blogger manager for Belle and have worked with her all my Second Life. She is my boo. She has been not only one of my biggest supporters but one of my dearest friends. AG: (eyes widen with the mention of Chop Zuey) I love Chop Zuey. AVA JHAMIN: (giggles) She is the best. I also do a Chop Zuey contest every month for Diversity Magazine...So all models of L'Amour and Chop Zuey can do and winner gets to do ad with Belle. It's been a great partnership with Belle and I will always have her back more than any designer on the grid.....she is my boo and she makes the best jewelry on the grid. AG: She really does. AVA JHAMIN: (smiles) AG: Ava, I can honestly say....I personally look up to you. I don't know how you do it. I can't believe you do all of this and publish a magazine. There just aren't enough hours in the day (lol). AVA JHAMIN: There are not, but it's because of the team effort. Trust me, I fall in bed and crash and then 3:30 am or 4 am back at it again. I am semi retired and so can do, and L'Amour is my /RL and SL business. And I have worked really hard to get where I am Arianna. I am proud of all of it. And I run a clean amazing top notch business and that is what I want the word to be out there about. The rest of the crap is just that, crap, that just is so old and left behind. AG: Words to live by! Thank you for interviewing with E N V Y Magazine! We look forward to seeing more from L’Amour Productions!



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