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Chief Operating Officer Analena M. Darkbyrd

10 Tiaz Kellman Aubrey Ricci

16 The Founders 20 The pack 34 Join Xi Alpha Phi


ENVY 5677 Queens Blvd, Cumberland City, SL (202) 212-4812 President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Editor in Chief : Kiett D. Prince Co Executive Editor in Chief : Scott Nobody* Content Director : Zoria Marino Co Content Director : China Laurent Community Liason : Wei Wei Runt Model Manager : Lady Falina Katze-Elmer Acting Model Manager : Arianna Jasmine Photographers Scott Nobody * Maiya Gant * Kiett D. Prince Shiloh Royce * Novaleigh, Kendall Cadvius-Keating. * Aranel Models Cherry London * Addy Omena * Catalysis * Veronica Dotterkelch * Suzie Coba Vann Underwood * Arianna * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Amity Sorbet Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm * Zarya Yuhara * Mecca M. Teladis Debbie Jasper * Cherokee Asteria * Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Writer : Arianna Guglielmetti Sales Lulu Severin * Matt Asadar Naomi * Indii Mantha * Vashti Travis Redekopp COVER Xi Alpha Phi Crest A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans. Photographers and Writers from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Models from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan VISIT US AT OUR CORPORATE OFFICES IN Cumberland City, Downtown District *Publishing Editor v1.12


Photographer: Maiya Gant


For over 2 months, E N V Y Magazine has worked to meet the professional and developmental needs of advertising. Since last month we have grown to nearly 13,000 readers and we are still gaining with readers in the Philippines and Venezuela. Since February, E N V Y Magazine has shared uplifting articles and information celebrating cultures, fashion, and great designers. E N V Y is not just a magazine of clients and fans, but also a magazine that is known for giving back. We support all orphanages and education so if you own an orphanage or school and are needing support or sponsorship p l e a s e c o n t a c t u s ! |E N V Y supports the kids! Lastly we are running a special where you receive $100 off any full page ad you purchase. We are also giving away a $500 gift card to {R E V E N G E} to all our new clients!!!

Para mas de 2 meses , E N V Y Magazine ha trabAva Jhaminado para satisfacer las necesidades profesionales y de desarrollo de Publicidad . Desde el mes pasado hemos crecido hasta cerca de 13.000 miembros de los lectores y todavia estamos ganando lectores en Filipinas y Venezuela . Desde febrero , e n v Revista y ha compartido el elevar, articulos y culturas de informacion que celebra , la moda y los grandes disenadores . E N V Y no es solo una revista que ganar clientes , sino tambien una revista que es conocido por dar la espalda. Apoyamos todos los orfanatos y la educacion por lo que si usted posee un orfanato o la escuela y esta necesitando el apoyo o patrocinio por favor, pongase en contacto con nosotros! E N V Y ama a los ninos! Por ultimo nos estamos quedando un especial en el que recibe $ 100 de descuento en cualquier anuncio de pagina completa que compra. Tambien estamos regalando una tarjeta de regalo de $ 500 para {R E V E N G E} para todos los nuevos clientes !!!

Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief Operations Officer 5

Aubrey Ricci President & CEO

Falina Katze-Elmer Model Manager

Kiett D. Prince Executive Editor in Chief

Zoria Marino Content Director

Scott Nobody Co-Executive Editor In Chief E N V Y Photographer 6

Employment Opportunities

Publisher/editor in chief iii, IV ($2500L) Social Media Promotor (Paid Weekly) Content Writers (paid weekly) Recruiters (paid Weekly) MoDELS

Sales Agents

(paid hourly + commission weekly)

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS include paid holiday leave, paid maternity and paternity leave. Cumberland City residents are eligible for dental and medical benefits. 7



Xi Alpha Phi Tiaz Kellmann—Big Brother Absolute Justice Photographer : Shiloh 10


Interview with Tiaz Kellman - Big Brother Absolute Justice By Aubrey Ricci - Photos by Shiloh

When was Xi Alpha Phi established? June 3, 2013

What are your main focal point for your fraternity? The true spirit of Xi Alpha is the brotherhood the understanding that its not just a game you can have something that is on the and off the game. To gain a everlasting bound both in world and real life. To know you are always a unit. Brotherhood and Sisterhood should be the true spirit of any organization.

We see some sororities and fraternities that handle charitable events, what is Xi Alpha Phi’s and why? We are sickle cell anemia. This was chosen one because of my close relationship with it, I have family member who have struggled with this disease. I used to have fourteen aunts and uncles and due to this disease im down to five. But it was mainly chosen be cause of the lack of knowledge and it is a minority disease affect African Americans and Asians.

What is to be expected next from Xi Alpha Phi? Everyday with our Fraternity is a constant grind to be better than the year before. Yet, we are making pathways to becoming one of the elite Fraternities on the grid. People are taking notice that we are humble gentlemen that carry ourselves by the code and creed we honor with the highest level of class. We are distinguish men of scholar.

If there is any person interested in Xi Alpha Phi how shall they make contact? All brothers from Xi alpha can speak with them and supply them with and application. All brothers should be able to provide knowledge if there are any questions, and I have no problem speaking with interested candidates .

When it come to member joining or a person you wanna make contact with to join, what are the things you look for? Some play frat, some do frat, we are frat! When you look at gentlemen on the grid you cannot judge a book by its cover, because we have had a lot of guys join the process one way, and have finished a totally different way. The process will alert candidates to what is not 12

accepted with in the fraternity. Meaning a man can start off a womanizer, rowdy, with no shirt, doesn’t mean once he take the vow to join the Alpha land that is how he will remain. We have witnessed change in brother prior to that showed similar traits but built themselves into an Alpha man structure. But we look for men that are alphas, people who stand out, that can hold their own. We don’t tolerate degrading women period, its about respect we have sorrows, that should be respected. You came from a woman, you marry a woman you don’t degrade her, there is no particular type of person as it is the character of the man. We are not interested in numbers we want quality not quantity. We don’t focus on the negatives that the grid can bring but the positives when looking for our brothers.

To your up and coming brothers that might be interested, to your brothers coming online is there anything you would like to say to them? The main thing i would say to them is keep you head up, keep grinding, understand that this is only temporary, this is your beginning this is not the end, and that you are destined for greater things. As long as you keep grinding, stay humble, learning the lessons, and learn the things they’re supposed to learn while they are on line they’ll walk into Alpha land and it will be the best journey and the only journey they will wanna take.


Is there anything you would like to input, something you felt i did not touch bases on? The unity that we work we grind, we are not a party frat. we are constantly trying to do things better than the last time we are not about popularity, We’re not about showcasing woman, we are about doing something that makes a difference. We’re about working for a greater cause. When we step in the room and hear people yelling “the Alphas are in the building”; or being referred to as the classic man that's what makes us proud to be ALPHA striving to be perfection in motion. We uphold ourselves to that light everyone is not Alpha people have attempted and thought it would be a easy road, they get here and realize this is not joke. I don’t care about numbers, I care about quality, the character of the man that represents themselves. Not what they can bring to the fraternity, I don’t care about your skill set, that you Dj, that you make videos, that you make clothes, what I care and look for is the character of the man!








Greetings My name is Sir Duke Klimaxxx, I'm a member of Xi Alpha Phi Fraternity Inc, owner of Smooth Graphix Photography Club Sex on the Beach, and The Beat on the Grid Skate Park. I'm also a member of Break Beats Entertainment and also Developing Manager of LX Elite Modeling Agency and Renegade Syndicate MC. Xi Alpha Phi is one of the best choices I've ever made in my Second Life. The values that Tiaz ( Absolute I am The Law Justice) installs and teach actually mold me into a better business man. Also being apart of a family that's larger than yourself having brothers to lend an ear in the time of need, truly being their brothers keeper; The brothers of Xi Alpha Phi are all of that and much more. 21


Esteban Escobar(MystaReD) - Big Brother Steady I'm so proud to be a Brother in Xi Alpha Phi, in Real life I wanted to join a Fraternity but I wasn't able to because I had a lot going on at the time. So when I came to SL I was able to take advantage of it. I only been on Sl for a few months but joining a good strong fraternity was something I knew I wanted to do. As I search for a fraternity to join Xi Alpha Phi stood at to over all the others, and when I put my app in and I got that call from Big Brother Absolute Justice I knew I was in for a challenge. Being a part of Xi Alpha Phi is great for me I can honestly say I didn't think I would be apart of a brotherhood like this on a game. No matter what the situation may be I know that Rl to Sl my brothers got my back, and we are all proud to be a member of this organization. Everyone in Fraternity I felt was a true friend and there was no blind loyalty and solidarity; respect, though, was nearly universal. So was support, in tough times, being there when I needed someone. You could count on honest advice, and in the very worst times, a dry shoulder. What Big Brother Absolute Justice did for me, Man oh Man, Let me start by saying I didn't think I would have this much respect for a person I never met in my rl, but Big Brother Justice change that for me, he was a person that always kept it real with us. During the pledge process he did what he needed to do but after pledge if you ever needed someone to talk to no matter what the time of day it was he would always pick up his phone. He formed this fraternity that was based on mutual respect and he is also a great leader and great founder I'm glad to have him and my brothers in my life.


Xi Alpha Phi Aubrey Ricci - Big Brother Precision Photographer : Novaleigh 24

Dear Big Brother Absolute Justice,

Being Big Brother Precision in Xi Alpha Phi have given me strength not only online but in real life to be a better person. I have been given a position to uphold and lead other brothers that may have face the same situations i have in life. The guidance of Big Brother Absolute Justice is unprecedented whether online or a phone call in real. If you have a question if you need support if you feel your back is breaking he is there 100%. A man that will wake up out his sleep to call and make sure you’re ok, one that will hold your deepest secrets. Xi Alpha Phi along with my sisters is the reason i was able to bring myself to do Envy magazine. I need to find my way to bring people together. To uncover our eyes to all the difference we may normally would over look. This chapter in my life might would have never happened if I didn't meet Big Brother Absolute Justice in a club standing their recruiting. I don't know what it was about me that he seen but I know what he brought out of me. I learned to change a lot of my ways, to handle my anger, to push myself even when I feel weak. I have gained strength both mentally and physically. I have learned to be an ear instead of always being the mouth. To put the best, me forward at all times. The fraternity and my founder have made me go back to school in real to one day gain the knowledge i need to perfect my future. This has been more than just a game as of September for a year for me because of Xi Alpha Phi and because of Tiaz Kellman Esquire! Some of you call him Mister Canada, Tiaz, but we get the honor of call him Brother! His heart is gold and I will always stand by his side and hold him up as he has held me to our greatness. Thank you now and forever, Big Brother Precision know to the world as Aubrey Ricci


Xi Alpha Phi Victor Devon—Big Brother Allegiance Photographer : Maiya Gant 26

While doing research trying to find a frat that I thought met what I was looking for, I found Xi Alpha Phi and Big Brother Absolute Justice. Upon talking to him I saw that this was the place I wanted to be. What they stood for and the things they do around the grid to help others. It took a while till the pledge time came, but I waited and it was worth waiting to be a part of a group of this caliber with a founder of the same. Being a part of Xi Alpha Phi has helped me grow a lot in SL. To see things in a totally different light. To stand out and shine and let others see that light. To think of more than just my self. And to raise to a standard that is above all the rest. To be alpha in all I do. 11113333


Xi Alpha Phi Jaysmoove Inglewood - Frater Noble Photographer : Novaliegh 28

When a person in second life decides they are gonna step into the Greek world of SL they really have no clue. For me XI ALPHA PHI was one of the best things i did with my SL life. I met great people, made wonderful friends. XI ALPHA PHI opened the doors of my SL. Tiaz My founder, my friend, my mentor in life I thank you for everything. Giving me advice, showing me that there is always a different way to do things. And that Respect and Humbleness is what a man must put forward in their life. We Alpha's hold our heads high no matter what is thrown at us. We are able to do this because each man that stands in this Fraternity has a high level of respect for themselves, The man standing to their Left and Right, and most of all our Founder. He is and always will be a true Alpha in my eye's and the eye's of my Brothers. XI ALPHA PHI is not just a Organization it is a brotherhood, a strong brotherhood of Men not boys playing around. We care for each brother we understand what each brother goes through. A true brother that upholds our rules and our Code is a brother for life. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINING. In the w o r d s o f A l p h a 1111111111111111111111 3333333333333333333333 MY BROTHER. 29






Thank you for your interest in joining


If you think you’re the alpha male of your group, come fill out an application to join Xi Alpha Phi. If we feel you have the qualities of an alpha male you will become part of a true brotherhood and exclusive fraternity. We want men who are thinkers driven by their own ambitions. Come to Xi Alpha Phi Fraternity Inc if you want a true fraternity, not a social club . We are Perfection and Power in motion, there are no exceptions. We will form you in a true Greek experience, anything that challenges you will only make you stronger. We are a fraternity that supports other Greek organizations. We give back through our charity work. We are one mind one soul one belief amongst many. Come out of the darkness let XI ALPHA PHI FRATERNITY INC. show you the light. Please write name on application when returning . 1. LEGACY NAME NO DISPLAY : 2. S.L. AGE: 3. REZ DATE (Date You Entered S.L.) 4 . How did you find out about Xi Alpha Phi ? 5. What does Xi Alpha Phi mean to you and why do you feel you should be accepted? 6 . What do you know about Greek, life being in a fraternity ? 7 . What do you think it means to be loyal and dedicated to Xi Alpha Phi ? 8 . Are you willing to commit to a pledge process?

9 . Are you a self starter ? 10. How much time do you spend on SL? 11. What Time Zone do you live in? 12. What are your hobbies, interest ? 13. In one word describe yourself. 14. Xi Alpha Phi uses SL Standard time (continental US +3 -3 time). If invited to join Xi Alpha Phi will this cause a problem for you? 34

15. Have you been in any sl fraternity? if so what was name of fraternity and why did you leave? 16. What are qualities that make you a good candidate for Xi Alpha Phi ? 17. Tell us about who you are . 18 . Why did you choose Xi Alpha Phi Please add a picture of yourself (your avatar). If your application is accepted you will receive a letter stating when your interview will be held . When submitting application make sure to add Tiaz Esquire (lynngiles65), ÐJ. Ðïäмöηđz (dontaediamondz) T-Devil (tech.carfield), Knowledge Sαvαɠé (ejacks23) Chazz Sαvαɠé (chazz23) Cнanςє Åмσr Ήσℓίdąƴ (Chance Japiri) 亗 Aυвrey Rιccι Sr. 亗 (cassiusricci)

JAYSMOOVE Inglewood єsteban єscobαя (MystaReD) SIЯ Ðųķę Kℓιмαχχχ (widowson1775) иσνα-ναℓιвαу (CronicNova) Мalcolм Unrυly ĄναÅǿƞ (malcolm Alex) Јὗḋᾄṩ Ὃṩἷʀἷṩ Ɖὄʀἷᾄᾗ (MrBigBadAzzNate) Victor ƊeVoη (VICDEVON)

http://xialphaphifraternity.wix.com/xialphaphi https://www.facebook.com/XiAlphaPhiFraternityInc/


Sarah Tremor, owner and designer of Edelfabrik By Kiett Prince

Guten Tag E N V Y Readers! We are here with none other than the energetic and spry Miss Sarah Tremor the owner, mesh designer and creator of Edelfabr\k! She uses Blender, Photoshop and a little Black Forest magic to bring you original content for all mesh body types! If you didn’t guess it, she’s a German designer! We chat, we visit her store, we exchange horoscope signs and of course, I fan girl all over her! Kiett Prince (KP): *smiles warmly* Yay! Welcome to the E N V Y Magazine headquarters! *turns chair around to face Sarah, pulling out interview recorder* Oh wait Sarah! Is this your creation that you're wearing??? *Sarah is wearing a sexy outfit that reminds Kiett of a

Tokyo inspired street style pink and grey ensemble that Kiett has not seen replicated anywhere in SL! Loving it!* Sarah Tremor (Sarah Tremor): Yes Kiett :) That’s one of my latest :)! KP: *grins* I love it!’

Sarah Tremor:

:) Thank you!

KP: You're so welcome! What is this look? Is this Edgy Punk? Sarah Tremor: Well, most of my creations are slightly provocative in the way of "accidentally sexy", but not without class. And almost any of it is mix and match. KP: Which is super important! I hate not being able to mix and match! Now, the name of your store? *Kiett tries to pronounce it using a German accent* EDELFABRIK Sarah Tremor: laughs at Kiett’s accent....[Adele-fabric] :). KP: Where'd you get the name from? *laughs at herself* Sarah Tremor: Yes, thats a German word, a 2 word combination it means "noble factory" KP: I wasn't too far off track! German! *pats herself on the back* Are you German? Sarah Tremor: Yeah, I am German. *laughs* KP: Guten! I love my Germans! I think in your style, it is very modern German and street style Tokyo to me - very sexy, very creative and unique! 36

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