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Chief Operating Officer Analena M. Darkbyrd

BBE Interviews

36 Purple Ball Sponsors


ENVY 5677 Queens Blvd, Cumberland City, SL (202) 212-4812 President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Editor in Chief : Kiett D. Prince Co Executive Editor in Chief : Scott Nobody* Content Director : Zoria Marino Office Manager : Laurent Faye Community Liason : Wei Wei Runt Executive Fashion Editor : Arianna Jasmine Photographers Scott Nobody * Maiya Gant * Kiett D. Prince Shiloh Royce * Novaleigh Freng Saori Kido Rey * Kendall Cadvius-Keating. * Aranel Models Cherry London * Addy Omena * Catalysis * Veronica Dotterkelch * Nairobi Sunn Vann Underwood * Arianna * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Amity Sorbet Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm * Zarya Yuhara * Mecca M. Teladis Debbie Jasper * Cherokee Asteria * Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Writer : Arianna Guglielmetti Sales Lulu Severin * Matt Asadar Naomi * Indii Mantha * Vashti Travis Redekopp COVER Fibromyalgia Awareness Scott Nobody A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans. Photographers and Writers from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Models from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan VISIT US AT OUR CORPORATE OFFICES IN Cumberland City, Downtown District *Publishing Editor 2.3


Photographer: Maiya Gant


Hello E N V Y Family,

It gives me immense pleasure to write to you today to congratulate you on the phenomenal success you achieved on this quarter's targets. You all proved that you are without a doubt the best sales team, models, and publishing team a company could have!

We managed to have 1.1K in readership, 35.6K on impressions, and that’s only with 31 shares!!!

Congratulations to each of you for having achieved this. You have made the executives very proud to be heading this company and I do hope that the months ahead will see you working with enthusiasm to achieve all targets and transcend them as well.

Great work everyone. Keep up the awesome work!

Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief of Operations E N V Y Magazine a.darkbyrd@gmail.com


Aubrey Ricci President & CEO

Arianna Jasmine Executive Fashion Editor

Kiett D. Prince Executive Editor in Chief

Zoria Marino Content Director

Scott Nobody Co-Executive Editor In Chief E N V Y Photographer 6

Employment Opportunities

Publisher/editor in chief iii, IV ($2500L) Social Media Promotor (Paid Weekly)

Content Writers (paid weekly) Recruiters (paid Weekly) MoDELS

Sales Agents

(paid hourly + commission weekly)

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS include paid holiday leave, paid maternity and paternity leave. Cumberland City residents are eligible for dental and medical benefits. 7

On behalf of the entire E N V Y staff, I would like to express our

deepest and sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims in the shooting in Orlando, Florida early Sunday morning.

We sadly live in a world where we are still faced with individuals who have absolutely no respect or regard for human life and values. This act of terror and hate will forever be a dark moment in our history.

Live and Love

Scott Nobody E N V Y Chief Executive Editor



Break Beatz Entertainment Model : Shon, India, Lex, Drazz

Photographer : Chyna - Little Memories Studio 10


India - Break Beatz Entertainment Why are you doing this fibromyalgia and chronic pain event? Several years ago I was diagnosed with the disease, and I thought it would be something I would like to support because a lot of people don’t understand the disease and how to treat it. It’s a lot of hit-ormiss when it comes to getting treatment

What is fibromyalgia? It is a pain disorder. It's accompanied by fatigue, sleep, and mood issues. It’s basically where your nerves are extremely sensitive and amplified. Can anyone get fibromyalgia? Fibro sometimes runs in families. Not sure what causes it, but they think it's physical trauma, surgeries, or stress. Whatever the trauma is that brings it out, the nerve signals tell the brain that something is more painful than it really is. People are often exhausted, very fatigued, and suffer sleep problems, tender joints, and memory issues. It sometimes feels as though you’re dragging around a part of yourself you feel you can take off. How do you handle it? I have some medications for it. I rest a lot. I don’t like to sleep all the time, but I’m tired all the time. Some of the medications work for some people, but not others. I don’t like the medications because I don’t feel like they work for me. When it came to you finding this charity...

I found it by accident. I was looking for the disease support group in-world and I found an association. I looked at the group info, and it showed they were actually a real-life non-profit organization. I investigated them on their website, researched, saw they were legitimate, and contacted one of the owners of the group to let her know we were interested in doing an event and supporting their charity. I met with them and found out more about the organization and what they wanted to do in Second Life®, and it went forward from there. If someone wants to donate, where would they go? http://fmcpaware.org https://www.facebook.com/NFMCPA 12

Is there anything you’d like to add that I haven’t already touched on? I would like to say that this event is important because fibromyalgia is something many people live everyday. We are here to support people who not only have this disease but chronic pain as well. A lot of people don't know that people suffer from chronic pain as well. You have people who are diabetic who have main as well. Like fibromyalgia, there are many possible causes for chronic pain. The difference is chronic pain is usually localized, and fibromyalgia is wide-spread from head to toes. We can’t claim we suffer alone, because we don't. We wanted to include everyone. Lots of people came out and got pictures taken, and we had good input on how wonderful the event was. It's not just about having this disease. Are you teaming up with any other groups? The Purple Ball was a collaboration. Ghost D has been my friend for a long time, and he was the first guy I met that had fibromyalgia. We are connected in a way that will keep us friends for a long time because we share something that a lot of people share. Those are friendships you hold on to when someone understands you.


Shon Larsson – Break Beatz Entertainment Hello, everyone! I am Shon Larsson, Co-owner of Break Beatz Entertainment and BreakBeatz Radio, and Owner of Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment and The Blazin1.FM Radio. What inspired you to support the Purple Ball? What inspired me to support the Purple Ball was the understanding that there are many people who live daily with chronic pain. Do you know someone battling fibromyalgia or chronic pain? I know of friends who are battling with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Why did this event appeal to you? It was one way to show support and bring awareness of this disorder to others who may not understand what it is and how it impacts those who have it. What other charities are you involved in? I have produced and supported several charities annually and was recently involved with a lupus campaign. Did you enjoy the Purple Ball, and how do you feel about its success?

I did enjoy the Purple Ball. It was a huge success with in excess of seventy people attending the event, and exceeding the fundraising goal set of $100K Lindens for the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association. Is there anything that would like to add? I would like to thank all of the businesses and private residents of Second Life® who sponsored this event by having pictures taken or purchasing sponsorships. I’d also like to thank DJ Ghost D and GhostD Productions for collaborating with Break Beatz Entertainment and helped to make the Purple Ball a success. And finally, I give my appreciation to the staff of Break Beatz Entertainment,. who put in many hours and sleepless nights producing the fibromyalgia campaign from inception to the Purple Ball. We all did very well for our first official charity fundraiser through BBE. 14

Drazz - Break Beat Entertainment Hi Envy readers, my name is Drazz. I’ve been inworld for five years, and I am the Chief of Break Beatz Entertainment Do you know someone battling fibromyalgia or chronic pain? Yes. The disorder is extremely close-to-home for me. I suffer from fibromyalgia and chronic pain.. I definitely needed to be a part of this event! What other charities are you involved in? Initially, the appealing part of this charity was the opportunity to gain an advanced knowledge of what I have to either look forward to, or what I am currently dealing with. As the details progressed, it quickly evolved into an experience of not just the knowledge I was looking for, but an opportunity to enjoy fun, love, and laughter with others. I’m currently not involved with any other charities at the moment, but I am open to invitations. Did you enjoy the Purple Ball, and how do you feel about its success? Definitely. It was AWESOME! My most enjoyed moment was the performance and testimony of Ambrosia. She did an excellent job. I had the most fun preparing for the Purple Ball event. My team and I put our heads together to turn a mere idea into reality (as we usually do). Everything from tossing random ideas around to having the supporter photo fundraiser was exciting. It was a huge learning experience that I greatly needed to see and hear. Being a fighter myself, I find it’s important to know that you aren’t alone, and that there are many others out there suffering with you. Is there anything that would like to add? Yes. A person can never know what’s going on inside of another’s body. It doesn’t hurt to show a little compassion to others. So, go donate! We are still accepting unlimited donations at Break Beatz Entertainment. Landmark - There are purple kiosks available to receive your donations.



Lex9d9 Ryada - Break Beatz Entertainment My name is Lex9d9 Ryada (Ryada Mynd). I am the PR Exec./Event Manager at Break Beatz Entertainment, and the Owner of Mynd & Body Fitness. I am also a member of the hosting team called Ladez of MGD. What inspired you to support the Purple Ball? After learning that members of BBE were affected by Fibromyalgia, and going out on my own reading up about it, I realized that within Second LifeÂŽ, you just did not hear much about it at all, and it needed to have its own platform--the same as Cancer and others. Why did this event appeal to you? Because I see first hand how it affects those who are suffering from this disease, so it was important that I do what I could to contribute and make the event happen. Did you enjoy the Purple Ball, and how do you feel about its success? The Purple Ball turned out to be an awesome event. I have to admit I wasn't really sure if people would support it when we first started planning it in the early stages, but within the first week that we started to promote it, it became clear that people were interested in the cause, were actually dealing with it themselves, or knew someone dealing with chronic pain outside of SL and wanted to offer support. I am overwhelmed with the success of the Purple Ball and thankful for Break Beatz Entertainment staff as well as Ghost D Productions, who came out in full force to make it happen.


Model : Resmay Bloodstone Photographer : Shiloh Kanyoma 18


Model : Say Say Photographer : Scott Nobody 20


Desire Desmonia – Break Beatz Entertainment I am Desire Desmonia Dannunzio Decosta, formerly known as MC Desire the Baddest. I am formerly known to many as the Baddest B of the #1 Lady Mic Checkers of Shackboys Ent. After a few years, I decided to reinvent myself and main roleplay is a fashion designer owning Bougie Fashions, PHAT Fashion Fair, and COO of Royal Jewelers all located on the Des Giovan Shopping sim which my partner and I own together. Aside from my busy schedule I am Founder of Alpha Sigma Omega with Alli Murdock and Colleen Abonwood, and I am the face of the organization. On behalf of the sisters of Alpha Sigma Omega, we were inspired to sponsor the purple ball because of the people in sl we are close to that suffer from chronic pain. The sisters of ASO and PHAT Fashion Fair, and Royal Jewelers took a stand for our relative, DJ and designer India Umia Delgado. We stand with our close friend and DJ Ghost Diabolito. I have witnessed both of them trying so hard to overcome their pain. Trying not to let it affect their livelihood, yet it does affect them greatly. It was our pleasure to support a great cause through Breaking Beat Entertainment and Ghost D Production who are always very supportive of Alpha Sigma Omega, Royal Jewelers, and PHAT Fashion Fair. The fact that everyone came together as one, the planners, the staff, the donors, the charity reps and the entertainment to make the event a huge success. The event drew a lot of people and i myself felt good that people chose to support a cause. Everyone can turn up, but when it’s time to support something meaningful it’s great to witness a mass of support like the purple ball had. Alpha Sigma Omega's focus is on American Cancer Society every year through Relay for Life. Cancer is my fight so it’s close to our heart like Fibromyalgia is to India and Ghost. I have been very appreciative to both Breaking Beats Entertainment and GhostD Productions as they always support our charity drive as well as both are Alpha Sigma Omega sponsors, so it felt good to be able to give back to them. We also do Toys for Tots annually. The sisters have also done National Association of Mental Illness drives, Lupus foundation, and Child Protection Awareness. Links: Alpha Sigma Omega is accepting Applications until June 19th Contact Person qu33nbr33 resident PHAT Fashion Fair is accepting new designers 22


Ghost Diabolto - Ghost D Productions My name is Ghost Diabolito, otherwise known as DJ Ghost D. I am the CEO of Ghost D Productions, one of the organizers of the event. We have been entertaining for almost ten years on Second LifeÂŽ. I have been deejaying on SL for about the same length of time. What inspired you to support the Purple Ball? India and I both suffer from the same thing, and decided we wanted to create a charity event to bring awareness to others who suffer from any type of chronic pain. What motivates you everyday to find your energy source? Dealing with pain is a matter of will. You just need to find that place within yourself that you can hold onto and give you the strength to do whatever it is you need to do, or do nothing. It's about maintaining your center, and finding whatever is necessary to get through life, and not letting your pain create a mental prison for you. How long did you deal with the pain before you knew something else was wrong? I was in an accident at work, and without being specific, I ended up getting damage to my neck and back that gave me nerve damage and extensive chronic pain. It was pretty much instant. What is something that you want the public to understand about fibromyalgia and chronic pain? Chronic pain is not an exclusive club. Anyone you know may be suffering and just does not choose to share it. Be sensitive to them. A lot of times it has nothing to do with a negative attitude, it can be they are dealing with something that is very bothersome to them. If they are home, don't tell them they are lucky they don't have to go to work or that they can lay down all day. They are looking at you probably thinking about how you are lucky you are not suffering as they are. Something as simple as going to the store for someone can mean wonders for them. 24

Did you enjoy the Purple Ball, and how do you feel about its success? . I enjoyed the ball. I have participated in many charities in SL, deejaying for different causes. This is the first time I have done it for something that was close to me, and I am very happy that it was a success. Is there anything you would like to add? We will be doing this annually, and I also will be doing my own parties and dedicating my tips towards the charity. I would like to thank India and Break Beatz Entertainment for joining with Ghost D Production on this very important function. We will also have kiosks available for people to continue to contribute. I also would like to thank the folks at the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association Group for their support, and the fans, as always - those that sponsored and contributed helped make our ball a success! I thank you all deeply for that. To Cap and the rest of my staff at Ghost D Productions: We are nearing ten years on the grid, and I thank you all for being there, as well as my wife, children, friends, and family.


Model : Lis Darkfold Photographer : Saori Kido Rey 26


Model : Arianna Jasmine Photographer : Arianna Jasmine 28


Loven Blueblood - Break Beatz Entertainment I am Loven Blueblood, I am rather new to SL. I’ve been a member for less than a year and a half. My passion is hosting, I’ve hosted for many great DJ’s as well as well known clubs. I’m the Break Beatz Entertainment Brand Manager/Hostess. I enjoy what I do and on my spare time I make tipjars and spams upon request. What inspired you to support the Purple Ball? Being apart of Break Beatz Entertainment opened my eyes to many great causes and learning from the people i'm associated with you discover that people you care about suffer from many illnesses and you learn to value these amazing strong woman and men that are pained and you will never notice. That being said I felt like I had to be apart of something great. You never know when you’ll need a helping hand. Do you have someone battling fibromyalgia or chronic pain? DJ India Delgado suffers from fibromyalgia and I’ve always told her I admire her and she’s my role model. I came to find out about her battling fibromyalgia during the fund raise. She made me see life so much differently from that moment on she’s truly an inspiration in my life. Why was did this event appeal to? The event was gorgeous and everyone worked so hard planning it. Sleepless nights and many laughs. The DJ’s were amazing. I was honored when I was requested to host for the event. What other charities are you involved in? The fibromyalgia charity was my first one Ive sponsored but it won't be my last. Did you enjoy the “Purple Ball” and how do you feel about its success? I wasn’t shocked that BBE reached our goal everyone worked as one to make this goal a reality. It’s refreshing to see many personalities come together and work their magic for a great cause. Is there anything that would like to add? I’m truly humbled to be apart of this experience. Being able to give back is a true

Blessing may God bless each sponsor as well as you that suffer from fibromyalgia. 30


Spicerne Funizza - Break Beatz Entertainment My name is Spiceme Funizza. I am also known as DJ Spice. I have been on the grid for seven years now, and been a DJ in Second Life® for five years. What inspired you to support the Purple Ball? India asked me to be part of this project and help bring awareness to anyone who suffers with fibromyalgia or chronic pain as we do . Do you have someone battling fibromyalgia or chronic pain? I deal with Fibromyalgia myself, and have for almost six years now. It’s been an ordeal with my real-life family leaving this earth and my only sister who suffers with ALS. It’s taken a toll on me emotionally and physically, as I have been put on this earth to take care of them. Why was did this event appeal to you? The event was awesome. Lots of people came together and helped collect money to support the cause . Break Beatz Entertainment did a fabulous job. I'm very honored to be part of it. Thank you, BBE.

What other charities are you involved in? I work with Feed-a-Smile, as well Relay for Life and Autism. Did you enjoy the Purple Ball, and how do you feel about its success? I loved every minute of the ball. The decorations and everything else was beautiful. I love that we were able to spread awareness and share with everyone who stopped by and donated. Is there anything that would like to add? I am very thankful to have been a part of this amazing project. Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge about fibromyalgia and chronic pain, which affects so many of us. 32


Model : Catalysis Photographer : Novaleigh Freng 34


Model : Saori Kido Rey Photographer : Saori Kido Rey 36











Break Beatz Entertainment & Ghost D Productions would like to thank all of our supporters, the NFMCPA and all participants who helped make the Purple Ball a success. Shon Larsson-BBE-Sunburst Premier Grid Entertainment Tifani Andretti Diabolito-The Yearbook Studio Ghost Diaboito-Ghost D Productions-Ghost Paws DJBlackIce & DivaTease Podless-PushinThaBoxx Ent. Reign Duport-DJ Rei G.-Kemistre Bar & Lounge CeciliaSeuss-NFMCPA

Shaft Jackson


GDP Flygirls

Aubrey Ricci-Envy Magazine

Zeta Psi Phi Sl Sorority

India Umia-BBE-Haus of Ito

DJ Scratch G Shotta-Shotta106fm

Dr4zz Delgado-BBE

Cinfull Vixen-Shoegasm

Loven Blueblood-BBE

Alpha Sigma Omega Sorority

Lex Ryada-BBE-Mynd & Body Fitness


Tiaz Esquire-Xi Alpha Phi Fraternity

Ladez of MGD

ReRe Sandalwood-SL Parade

Royal Jewelers

Maxchillin Tophat & Family

Nu Gamma Rho Sorority

Grantly-Delgado Family Whitefeather Macbeth Sadiemar Sosa River Giovanni Kinsley P.H.A.T. Fashion Fair Daisy Genovese 47



Sarah Tremor, owner and designer of Edelfabrik By Kiett Prince

Guten Tag E N V Y Readers! We are here with none other than the energetic and spry Miss Sarah Tremor the owner, mesh designer and creator of Edelfabr\k! She uses Blender, Photoshop and a little Black Forest magic to bring you original content for all mesh body types! If you didn’t guess it, she’s a German designer! We chat, we visit her store, we exchange horoscope signs and of course, I fan girl all over her! Kiett Prince (KP): *smiles warmly* Yay! Welcome to the E N V Y Magazine headquarters! *turns chair around to face Sarah, pulling out interview recorder* Oh wait Sarah! Is this your creation that you're wearing??? *Sarah is wearing a sexy outfit that reminds Kiett of a

Tokyo inspired street style pink and grey ensemble that Kiett has not seen replicated anywhere in SL! Loving it!* Sarah Tremor (Sarah Tremor): Yes Kiett :) That’s one of my latest :)! KP: *grins* I love it!’

Sarah Tremor:

:) Thank you!

KP: You're so welcome! What is this look? Is this Edgy Punk? Sarah Tremor: Well, most of my creations are slightly provocative in the way of "accidentally sexy", but not without class. And almost any of it is mix and match. KP: Which is super important! I hate not being able to mix and match! Now, the name of your store? *Kiett tries to pronounce it using a German accent* EDELFABRIK Sarah Tremor: laughs at Kiett’s accent....[Adele-fabric] :). KP: Where'd you get the name from? *laughs at herself* Sarah Tremor: Yes, thats a German word, a 2 word combination it means "noble factory" KP: I wasn't too far off track! German! *pats herself on the back* Are you German? Sarah Tremor: Yeah, I am German. *laughs* KP: Guten! I love my Germans! I think in your style, it is very modern German and street style Tokyo to me - very sexy, very creative and unique! 50

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