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TH S SSUE 6 Chief Operating Officer Analena M. Darkbyrd

8 Editor’s Notes Scott Nobody

9 What’s Going On 12 Feature E N V Y Super Model: GiGi Hausner 20 Model Theme: Spanish Influences 2

ENVY President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Marketing Director : Novaleigh Freng Executive Editor in Chief : Scott Nobody Executive Fashion Editor : Arianna Jasmine Content Director : Zoria Marino Social Media Promoter : Debbie Jasper Office Manager : Panjavan Paarivendhan Photographers Scott Nobody * Maiya Gant * Kiett D. Prince Shiloh Royce * Novaleigh Freng Saori Kido Rey * Kendall Cadvius-Keating. * Aranel Models Cherry London * Addy Omena * Catalysis * Veronica Dotterkelch * Nairobi Sunn Vann Underwood * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Amity Sorbet * GiGi Hausner Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm * Zarya Yuhara * Mecca M. Teladis * Lady Falina Katze-Elmer Debbie Jasper * Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Devonshire * Suzie Coba Content Writer : This could be you Sales Lulu Severin * Matt Asadar Naomi * Indii Mantha * Vashti Travis Redekopp COVER GiGi Photo by GiGi Hausner A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans. Photographers and Writers from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Models from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan VISIT US AT OUR CORPORATE OFFICES IN Downtown Vista Del Rey *Publishing Editor 2.9


Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief Operations Officer

Aubrey Ricci President & CEO

Arianna Jasmine Executive Fashion Editor

Novaleigh Freng Executive Marketing Director E N V Y Photographer

Zoria Marino Content Director

Scott Nobody Executive Editor In Chief E N V Y Photographer 4

Employment Opportunities

Publisher/editor in chief iii, IV ($2500L) Social Media Promotor (Paid Weekly)

Content Writers (paid weekly) Recruiters (paid Weekly) Community Liaison (Paid weekly) MoDELS

Sales Agents

(paid hourly + commission weekly)

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS include paid holiday leave, paid maternity and paternity leave. Cumberland City residents are eligible for dental and medical benefits. 5

6 Photo : Scott Nobody

To the Staff of E N V Y Magazine,

We recognize and appreciate your dedicated efforts. All achievements begin with an idea. Your innovations put those ideas in front. This impetus has empowered the momentum for success. Thank you for providing us with powerful ideas. When others were ready to admit failure, you steadfastly persisted. By refusing to fail, you contributed to the eventual success of E N V Y. Thanks for coming to bat at the end of the ninth inning! You wisely said, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” And, you did!! Thank you for making E N V Y Magazine successful. Each exchanged idea and every shared opportunity magnifies the mutual respect we have for one another. Your ability to listen to others’ ideas with concern and an open mind creates an environment of mutual respect where relationships flourish. It’s your careful attention to detail that makes you so special. You consistently “go the extra mile.” When others rush headlong into new undertakings, you remain mindful of the finishing touches that make a good job a superior job. Thanks to all the Models and Photographers who worked very hard on each issue to bring life to our magazine. Special thanks to Arianna Jasmine, Scott Nobody, Zoria Marino, Kiett Prince... without your management and dedication to E N V Y there would be no E N V Y! From Chief of Operations, I say to you with great appreciation…


Analena M. Darkbyrd Chief Operations Officer


Editor’s Notes By Scott Nobody

We are traveling to Spain this week to look at how Spain has influenced the fashion industry for centuries. Back in the 16th century, Spain was a world leader in so many ways and of cours,e also dominated the fashion trends at the time. Today’s influences come from all over the world with France, England and USA being the leaders, but Spain has always contributed. Our E N V Y Models took up the challenge and you’ll see how well they all did later in the magazine. GiGi Hausner is one of our latest models we added to the roster, and I had the pleasure of having a quick chat with her about her career. The interview starts on page 12.

SWANK’s July event is almost over, and they are getting ready for a new round in August. You can catch the SWANK preshow on August 6th @ 3pm presented by AIM, where they will show you some of the outfits that will be featured. I would like to encourage our readers and staff to participate in the “I Stand for Peace” challenge that is currently running on Flickr. In this challenge, you create a picture based on the theme, and upload it to the “I Stand for Peace” Flickr group. Then tag a couple of your friends and invite them to participate in this fun project. But lets take it a step further. I would love to see your pictures on these pages. So when you upload your image to Flickr, please email me a copy, and we will run it with full credits in the next couple of issues depending on the amount we get in. There is no timeline for the duration of the challenge, however we do need to have your image on Thursdays at midnight SLT in order to bring it in the Tuesday publishing of the magazine. Please send your images to : envymagazine.editors@gmail.com - Subject line “I Stand for Peace” and your name. Good luck and get creative :)





E N V Y Model - GiGi Hausner. By Scott Nobody It is my pleasure to feature one of E N V Y’s newest models - GiGi Hausner. We pulled GiGi aside for a quick chat about her 18 months career in the Second Life fashion industry. Another good reason is because I found out that GiGi just got engaged a few days ago. She graduated from Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy in 2015 and was the top pick in the Miss Athena Couture 2016 contest. Scott Nobody: GiGi, first of all, congrats on your engagement :) GiGi Hausner: Aww thank you Scott. :) SN: You’re most welcome. Let’s start with how you got started in the fashion industry? GH: Back in 2015 I got my first job as a model and customer service at Mimi’s Choice. She was very kind and helpful and taught me the basics of what it is like to be a model. Then I got a job at Gizza Creations and that’s where it really hit me. I told myself I was going to be on a runway someday. So I entered the Miss Virtual World Modelling Academy. SN: What are your greatest achievements in your career so far? GH: I was picked to be in Colour of Couture right out of modeling school, that was such a thrill! I didn’t place or anything but the honor of just being picked to compete was amazing. Then I became Miss 12

Royalty Germany 2015. This year I was selected as Miss Brazil in Miss Virtual LatinoAmerica and I’m also Miss Athena Couture 2016. SN: Wow, congrats on the titles. Do you have a goal as to how far you want to take this adventure you’re on? GH: My goal is to just be ME! That in itself will take me to where I want to be. I don’t know what that may be but I already know it will be an exciting adventure to find out. SN: Do you have a favorite fashion style?

GH: To tell you the truth, I really don’t have a favorite. It’s like trying to pick just one piece of candy out of the candy bowl. It’s all fascinating for me! 13


SN: Haha, thats a great analogy. You’re the second model in a row I ask this question that has the same answer. I was certain models have their preferences. Besides modeling, what do you spend time on in Second Life? GH: I go boating quite often, I live in a boating community. I also ride motorcycles, fly aero planes, go skiing and sledding, and I have tried to race a car or two. I’m also a fashion blogger. I love the possibilities in Second Life. They are endless. SN: So true. I know you’re busy, so just a couple more questions. Let’s say you have a good friend who wants to try to become a model, what advice would you give him or her?

GH: I would be honest. Tell them what wonderful things I have been through, like anything it has ups and downs, but that’s life. I would encourage them to follow their dreams. SN: Thank you so much GiGi. I really appreciate that you took the time to tell us a bit about your career, and I wish you the best of luck in the future with your modeling, and of course with your upcoming marriage. Before I let you go, - if you could pick a model theme for E N V Y, what would you choose? GN: That’s an easy one, I would pick “Life’s a Celebration”. SN: Ohh, thats a good one. That might just happen. Thank you again GiGi. 15



GiGi Hausner Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Maiya Gant


Outfit: Accessories: Hair:

ALAFOLIE - Valentina CHOP ZUEY - Chromatics earrings and bracelets LODE - Aroma flower for mouth 19 LETITUIER - Karina hair in black

Saori Kido-Rey Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey 20

Outfit: Accessories:

Hair: Shoes:

BELLES PARISIENNES - Tenue My Little Black Dress VIRTUAL DIVA - Secret Earrings WILAY ATYLEZ - Pearl Necklace Dollarbie TWA - To The Nines Gown Set-Ebony_Chic Bow w/ Satin Belt ENTWINED - Elinna 21 BELLES PARISIENNES - Tenue My Little Black Shoes

Falina Katze-Elmer Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Scott Nobody


Outfit: Accessories: Hair:

LAMU FASHION - Viva la Vida CHICZAFARI - Fiore Rose Couture Earrings SWALLOW - Rose Frida Flowers 23 ROWNE - Natasha Bun

Say Say Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey 24

Outfit: Hair:



Suzie Coba Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Maiya Gant


Outfit: Accessories: Shoes: Hair:

ELEGANCE B -Pina Top ELEGANCE B -Pina Pants BOKEH - Abuk Necklace MINIMAL - ABC Bracelet MODA - Cybelle Leather Heels ROWNE SALON - Sanna27Hair

Lis Darkfold Theme : Spanish Influences Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey 28

Outfit: Accessories: Shoes: Hair:

SAS - Sabine Black Lace Top SAS - Sabine Black Skirt LAZURI - Cocoa Island SE Violets Hat LAZURi - Cocoa Island Jewelry Set HH - Camilla Strap Shoes Vio 29 VANITY HAIR - Sonata

Sarah Tremor, owner and designer of Edelfabrik By Kiett Prince

Guten Tag E N V Y Readers! We are here with none other than the energetic and spry Miss Sarah Tremor the owner, mesh designer and creator of Edelfabr\k! She uses Blender, Photoshop and a little Black Forest magic to bring you original content for all mesh body types! If you didn’t guess it, she’s a German designer! We chat, we visit her store, we exchange horoscope signs and of course, I fan girl all over her! Kiett Prince (KP): *smiles warmly* Yay! Welcome to the E N V Y Magazine headquarters! *turns chair around to face Sarah, pulling out interview recorder* Oh wait Sarah! Is this your creation that you're wearing??? *Sarah is wearing a sexy outfit that reminds Kiett of a

Tokyo inspired street style pink and grey ensemble that Kiett has not seen replicated anywhere in SL! Loving it!* Sarah Tremor (Sarah Tremor): Yes Kiett :) That’s one of my latest :)! KP: *grins* I love it!’

Sarah Tremor:

:) Thank you!

KP: You're so welcome! What is this look? Is this Edgy Punk? Sarah Tremor: Well, most of my creations are slightly provocative in the way of "accidentally sexy", but not without class. And almost any of it is mix and match. KP: Which is super important! I hate not being able to mix and match! Now, the name of your store? *Kiett tries to pronounce it using a German accent* EDELFABRIK Sarah Tremor: laughs at Kiett’s accent....[Adele-fabric] :). KP: Where'd you get the name from? *laughs at herself* Sarah Tremor: Yes, thats a German word, a 2 word combination it means "noble factory" KP: I wasn't too far off track! German! *pats herself on the back* Are you German? Sarah Tremor: Yeah, I am German. *laughs* KP: Guten! I love my Germans! I think in your style, it is very modern German and street style Tokyo to me - very sexy, very creative and unique! 30

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