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LOVE’em & LEAVE’em SWANK E N V Y Model Themes Broken & Under the Sea

08 Editor’s Notes A quick note from the Editor in Chief of this magazine - Scott Nobody




SWANK August Round

Toddler Abandonment

When you read this there will still be a bit more than a week left of the event before a new one is launched on September 6th. Head on over to SWANK and pick up some of the good deals there.

Role playing can be amazing but sometimes it goes wrong. Sarah Elizabeth Benham takes a look at this subject.



Project Vitiligo

Model Theme: Broken

Chantelle Brown-Young, famous from Americas Next Top Model, now known as Winnie Harlow - is supermodel that put this skin condition to the forefront and is the inspiration for this project.

We have two Model Theme’s this week. Due to our new publishing format, we can spoil you like that. It’s just how we are here at E N V Y. The first theme is Broken. It is pretty incredible to see how each of our models interpret this theme.



Love Them & Leave Them

Model Theme: Under the Sea

We take another look at roleplaying in Second Life. This time RP’ing as a kids, the joy and the trauma that sometimes occur.

The movie “Finding Dora” recently released, and that inspired our Model Manager to ask our models to get wet, and style something you would find Under the Sea.

President & CEO : Aubrey Ricci Chief Operations Officer : Analena M. Darkbyrd Executive Editor in Chief : Scott Nobody Executive Fashion Editor : Arianna Jasmine Content Director : Zoria Marino Social Media Promoter : Debbie Jasper Office Manager : Panjavan Paarivendhan Photographers Scott Nobody * Maiya Gant * Kiett D. Prince Shiloh Royce * Saori Kido Rey * Kendall Cadvius-Keating. * Aranel Models Cherry London * Addy Omena * Catalysis * Nairobi Sunn Vann Underwood * Lis Darkfold Rey * Max Takahiro * Amity Sorbet * GiGi Hausner Lisana Rossen * Resmay Bloodstorm * Zarya Yuhara * Lady Falina Katze-Elmer Debbie Jasper * Analena M. Darkbyrd * Say Say * Jonelle Devonshire * Suzie Coba Content Writers Imani K. Pacito * Gabriella R. King * Sarah Elisabeth Benham

Sales Brooklyn Starr Royal * Taj Amari * Vashti COVER Broken : Arianna Jasmine & Kiett Prince Photographer : Kiett Prince

Visit E N V Y Offices Here A work of love by Avatars pushed by Humans from California, New Mexico, Georgia & Ontario Argentina, Brazil, Germany, United States & Japan

Publishing Editor 3.0 ~ Scott Nobody

Editor’s Notes By Scott Nobody

Did you miss E N V Y Magazine last week? Well, I’ll promise you, we’ll make it up to you this week and in the coming issues. Our CEO Aubrey Ricci will explain what’s going on in more detail on the next page. The really short story is E N V Y is now a bi-weekly magazine instead of weekly. And what does that mean?

A bigger and better looking magazine.

Minimum 2 model themes in the coming issues including this one.

More exiting articles from different communities around the grids.

SWANK is still going on, and we have a few more SWANK outfits to show you. Click on the SWANK logo anywhere you spot it for a direct link to the event floor. Here, you can find great deals for the empty space in your virtual dresser.

We got two Model Themes this week. The first one is titled Broken. A really fun theme, I certainly had fun shooting it. It’s a theme where almost anything goes, and it was great to see how different our models style for this segment.

The second Model Theme is Under the Sea. Don’t tell AJ, but I think she liked the movie Finding Dory so much she wanted to make it a theme. The rules were fairly simple, anything that lives under water. So needless to say, all E N V Y models that participated in this theme got wet this time. Luckily, all had water proof make up on, and barrels of hair gel to keep the styling where it was supposed to be.

It’s good to be back. :) Scott.

A Word from Our CEO - Aubrey Ricci


N V Y Magazine staff have blessed its readers with hard work and dedication, in return you have given us outstanding numbers. As of right now E N V Y Magazine has been seen in the following countries: United States, China, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Singapore, United Kingdom, Germany, Argentina, and France. E N V Y has 76,361 impressions since our first publication March 1st, 2016. As a team, E N V Y has been successful in gathering information and pumping out publications for the last 24 weeks. In reality, that is 2 years worth of work for a regular monthly magazine. Today, I am announcing that I will give my team a break, some room for a life, and the fulfillment of their second lives again. E N V Y will become a bi-weekly issue starting August 23rd. We will still gather the events that SL has to offer and new experiences brought to our readers but also, E N V Y will now have the time to focus on stronger content, new business, and most of all satisfying its readership. We will still deliver our issues on Linden stipend day, Tuesdays. I am excited about the new E N V Y Writers and Marketing Agents who are all diligently keeping the mission and vision of E N V Y in focus as they contact our readers and new potential fans in the non human and alternate events worlds. Not to mention our new corporate partnerships that are strengthening the bonds of community in SL. E N V Y is built on personal relationships, and it is this relationship that we hope to strengthen with you, our readers and fans, to bring you more enriching content and visuals. Thank you for all your support and shares. Aubrey Ricci CEO/President/Co-Founder E N V Y MAGAZINE

OUTFIT : TASHI - Kassidy [SWANK] ~ ACCESSORIES : LUMINESSE - Jiara Purple Pearl Silver Jewelry [SWANK] ~ HAIR : DURA - Girl 59


Photographer : Scott Nobody

OUTFIT : JUMO - Naomi Top & Pants Nude [SWANK] ~ HAIR : ENVOGUE - Thalia Hair


Photographer : Novaleigh Freng

Photographer : Scott Nobody

OUTFIT : GHOSTYSS - Alec Mens Button Down Shirt & Mens Blue Jeans [SWANK] ~ SHOES : COLD ASH - Jericho Desert Boot ~ HAIR : DURA - Boy 61 PROP : OTB - Elegante Chaise [SWANK]


Photographer : Novaiegh Freng

OUTFIT : POSH PIXELS - Savanna Dress, Jacket and Heels [SWANK] ~ ACCESSORIES : AZOURY - Athena Headdress | SLACK GIRL - Showtime Eye Art HAIR : LETITUIER - Horse Hair


Toddler Abandonment By Sarah Elizabeth Benham

Before the Internet became what it is today, we lived in a society where communication relied heavily on face-to -face interaction, and our intentions were more difficult to hide. Today, we have the ability to "visit" places and "meet" people from around the world with just the click of a button. However, with all luxuries come drawbacks.

On Second LifeÂŽ, you can be and do pretty much whatever you want. To this end, many people choose to roleplay as a child for many different reasons. While the experience as a kid in SL may have similarities to the experiences a typical person would have in real life, there are some major differences. In real life, a child is either physically born to or legally placed with its caregivers. In SL, birth and adoption is role-played, and that raises an important question: If everything is role-played in SL, does that make it not real?

Of course, in a physical and legal sense, it's not, but in an emotional sense, it is for many. You see, although most of our interactions with others nowadays take place through a piece of technology of some kind, many seem to forget that a real person is behind that device, which opens up the door to things like abandonment and miscommunication. Those two things are hard for everybody to deal with, but what about child avatars that have been abandoned by their Second LifeÂŽ parents? Does this affect them offline, even though they are adults?

Silver Rae Benelli, also known as Silverdown Seetan, has role-played a child avatar for four years. Her role-play age is currently that of a toddler. She shared with me that she has been abandoned by many SL families for various reasons. When asked how she felt each time that she was abandoned, she had this to say:

I sat down with a child avatar who has been abandoned by many SL families, and found out how she deals with those shadows, and what she wants other Second LifeÂŽ families that have abandoned child avatars to know.

Of course, not everybody handles these types of experiences in the same way, but I feel that it's essential to understand that this person is affected in real life when this happens to her, regardless of the fact that she is an adult off-line.

"It upset me a little bit since [playing a kid] you get emotionally involved and attached to some people, but I have SL friends to cheer me up."

Project Vitiligo By Imani On July 2nd, the skin store E.Vary released a free skin for their subscribers with the skin condition known as Vitiligo. 亗 E. VARY 亗 (xlJvllx Resident), owner of E.Vary decided to create Project Vitiligo skin to support the ones who have this skin type. I consider important the use of media to create awareness for the different conditions and diseases, as well their influence on developing concepts of beauty or changing them. Second life and Facebook are platforms with billions of users, and it is important to highlight those who use them to make a difference like miss E Vary who I interviewed. But before we start with the interview, let’s talk about what is Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a continual and longterm skin problem that produces patches of white depigmentation that develop and enlarge in certain sections of the skin. The patches appear when melanocytes within the skin die off. Melanocytes are the cells responsible for producing the skin pigment - melanin - which gives skin its color and protects it from the sun's UV rays.The total area of skin that can be affected by vitiligo varies greatly from individual to individual. Vitiligo can also affect the eyes, inside of mouth and hair. In the majority of cases, the affected areas remain discolored for the rest of the person's

life. The causes of vitiligo are yet to be precisely established, but it’s known as an autoimmune disorder - the patient's immune system becomes overactive and destroys the melanocytes. Vitiligo is not transmittable; in other words, it is not contagious. Less than 1% of the population is affected by the appearance of vitiligo in their skin. It has no age, sex or ethnic discrimination, but studies have concluded that a larger percentage of cases seem to start around the age of 20. Interview with 亗 E. VARY 亗

this condition and she was the one who motivated me to do this project. Imani: Which are the obstacles or the adversities that someone with vitiligo has to go through? E.Vary: One of the problems that can declare most important is discrimination because there are people who do not yet have the greatest knowledge that is Vitiligo not know that situations can move a person with Vitiligo, then this is dedicated to raising awareness, more socially aware and accept a person who does.

Imani: When did you start it with idea of create this skin & “Beauty begins in the the project vitiligo, and why did you choose to support moment that you decide this skin condition? Have you ever connected with to be yourself” people who have vitiligo? E.Vary: This project is and been developing since February this year to be something that symbolizes support and not a means of advertising to promote a store. I chose this condition because it is one of the health conditions that people do not make them much attention in the form of acceptance but if in the form of discrimination which is the fundamental point to fight with this project. I have connected with people who have vitiligo my life, my real life sister suffers of

Imani: What is your concept of beauty & how important is social media in changing and developing concepts of beauty? E.Vary: In my personal opinion, a concept of beauty is all that can characterize you not only what makes you look fine you also have to be original; you can be someone noble or have a quality that not everyone has. Imani: In media we started to hear and talk about vitiligo with Michael Jackson, then Canadian

E.Vary: When a person discovers that he has vitiligo first thing you can think about it is lock himself and stop doing the things he likes but is not. I think more research on this topic will help you know that it is not a lethal or contagious disease that can go on as always to be accepted fact itself and not living complex. If you would like to support Project Vitiligo, teleport to E.Vary store and click on the subscriber and then on Winnie skin board to get it for free, take a picture and post it in your social medias. For more information about Vitiligo and how to give support go to http://vrfoundation.org/

model Winnie Harlow who became the face of this skin condition. Do you consider that celebrities can help or did help on Vitiligo Awareness? What do you think after Winnie Harlow, Vitiligo became a fashion statement? E.Vary: I can say that celebrities who do not have this condition do not help at all that and not seen either create a project that does not have to help a person if you have. But a person who has the condition knows what is happening, know it feels to have it, know the process even though there is not a cure, has to move on with his life fighting and always strive to achieve what it is proposed. I can say that Winnie Harlow became the face of this condition

and in the face of people who have it; it also has gone through difficult times since childhood and throughout the course of his life with his family that always it is supported at all times. Her dream of become a model and be the first model with vitiligo condition is something that makes her beautiful only if that makes it unique, and I cannot say that vitiligo became a fad, it became a trend to give more support and more awareness and acceptance to people who have it. I think it is an example to follow and demonstrates to others who must go ahead and pursue their dreams. Imani: What would you say to someone who has just found out they have vitiligo?

Hope more follow this path and use the platform that Second Life offers us to inspire, help others and create awareness. This skin condition, mostly affects the self-confidence of the person as I consider we live in a society where appearance is very important and some of the beauty stereotypes push us to be in a certain way & if we don’t look as what is considered beautiful we don’t fit and we might end up criticized for how we look. But with time I think we can achieve to no be defeated by what others think of us & love us as we are. “Beauty begins in the moment that you decide to be yourself” Coco Chanel

OUTFIT : VANN UNDERWOOD - Original Design ~ ACCESSORIES : MANDALA - Shippoah Choker and Earrings | LODE - Crimson Petal Tears SHOES : KC - Soulcage Heels ~ HAIR : BALASTICE - Wind Hair & Red Roses


Photographer : Novaleigh Freng

OUTFIT : TENTACIO - Galatea Doll Bra and Thong | TOPAZIA - Dark Roses Part Skirt ~ ACCESSORIES : PERSEFEONA - Christmas Roses Wreath SHOES : BLACKBURNS - Fetish Ballet ~ HAIR : BESOM - Belilinia


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

OUTFIT : TENTACIO - Galateo Doll Bra & Thong, and Carousel ~ ACCESSORIES : ASTRALIA - Wisdom Angel Belt, Bracelets, Headpiece, Wings HAIR : MIWA’S AIRSHIP - Hair #01


Photographer : Scott Nobody

OUTFIT : BOUDOIR - Peirrot ~ SHOES : SLINK - Ballet Pointe ~ HAIR : TRUTH - Jayla


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

Love Them & Leave Them By Imani

In our previous issue we presented you one of many types of role playing in Second Life, Kids Role Play. Now as someone who been role playing as kid for years, there were many reasons why I choose to be a small avatar like letting out my inner child or the choice to live in a world with less drama, but also to not be alone and be part of a family. This is when along with kid’s role playing; we have family role playing included with parents, uncles, aunts, siblings, grandparents, etc… or just sometimes are just mono-parental families. There are many adoption agencies where we can find our family, potential parents and potential daughters and sons fill a notecard talking about them & what kind of family or kid are looking for and rent a panel for certain amount of time where if they like the person they click it and if there is a match a trial begins & that’s when they meet each other and see if things work out. It’s a very happy moment when you become part of a family, there is this excitement that brings when something is new, but as time goes by not always turn out to be in happy families, many times we find kids that seems to be loved and cared at first but then end up abandoned by their adopting parents. I decided to interview to some of the kids in our grid to share their experiences in the adopting process and to know how and why kids are abandoned & if this has an effect on the person behind the avatar.

Yadielle (Master Qendra) Role Plays as a 3 year old, owner and designer of Kidorable & works as DJ Skittles. Parent: Dj Epιphany Dalmazιo (iesha.mint) Imani: Are you currently adopted? How was the process of this adoption?

Yadielle: I’m currently adopted by my ex aunt. She saw me struggle; she was there for me when people had been taking advantage from me and her always been checking on me. But one day her daughter want-

keep trying, you are in the search of loving parents but they look and treat you like a toy. They quickly think you not good to be their child. Behind the avatar everyone is a human, we have feelings. Because if I say you are my parent I’ll take it seriously, doesn’t matter if Real Life is not on Second Life. But as I said I have feelings, and everyone need to respect that. I look my Second Life parents, like I look my Real Life ones. Because when you missing that kind of love in your real life is hard, trust me. People in SL don’t look at those things, for them is just a game. Imani: How and why some people adopt kid avatars, and go from the excitement to abandon them?

ed a little brother. But I was scared to tell her something, I took long to visualize. Day by day she been there for me, she always saw on her own eyes that I was going to be her son. So one day I made a conference and asked her: “Are you still looking for a son? Auntie Will you take a step up and become my mother?” And she

“Adopting one child won’t

change the world: but for that child, the world will change.”Unknown screamed: “YES!” and this how I became DJ Epiphany Dalmazio son. Imani: Have you had other families before? Why didn't work out?

Yadielle: Yes I had been in other family before. It didn’t work out be-

cause it wasn’t what I expected. They wanted to change me and turn me into a pup. I was bullied me & had to defend myself, and end up kick out. Also they tried living out of me and be making stuff up, or doing stuff they don’t suppose to in front of me… Had to make a decision because, kids supposed to be a kid and people should not take advantage of us. I have been kicked out because I expressed how I was feeling and how I was been treated. Imani: The times when an adoption didn't work how made you feel about it? Did have any impact in RL too?. Yadielle: The time when my adoption didn’t work out I felt upset because I didn’t expect it to be treated badly. Something I always say, if in Second Life you mistreat a child, you doing it in Real Life also. Makes you feel that you don’t want to

Yadielle: People adopt kid avatars for so many reasons: they just want to have a large family, or want a kid for a moment when they realized that you need to be taking care of (like take to school, kids’ activities, feed you etc..) they think is too much for them and they can’t breathe. Others make the kid change their name & their looks, and after they got what they wanted they decide you are not good anymore & go around SL saying the kid is a family hopper. Imani: Any final comments you would like to add about kid avatar adoptions? Yadielle: I will like to add, if you thinking of adopting please realized kids are not toys. Kids are on SL looking for that family love they don’t have in real life. What is important when you have adopted a kid is communication. If you don’t want to continue being a parent please end things in a good away and try stay as friend. Don’t destroy that kid’s dreams when they find another family.

Imani: Have you had other families before? Why didn't work out? Emani: Yes i had another family which was me a mom and a brother .Everything was good .Then she just stopped like talking to me & being around then she finally said that she was horrified because of my Real Life age, but what does have to do with being a mom? .We are role playing but it was an excuse to not wanting to be a mom because I later found out she dropped my brother at the same time also. After that I vowed to never get adopted and I stopped playing Emani for 3 years then I started coming back slowly and decided to give it another try. Eɱȧɳɩ ŁȧȘɧȯɳ ëνεƦëтƬ (EMANI Resident) Role plays as a 5 year old kid. BabiiGlam showcase owner. Parent: Ethereal Everette (Diamonis Resident) Imani: Are you currently adopted? How was the process of this adoption? Emani: Yes I’m currently adopted; I was adopted 2 & 1/2 years ago by a lady named Ethereal Everette at the agency Never B Solo. My process was easy, I was at the agency and this lady approached to me & asked if I had a mom, we talked and I showed her my panel and liked me and like her panel so we went on a trial. It was the best trial ever! January 20th is the day I became officially her daughter and be stuck together ever since.

Imani: The times when an adoption didn't work how made you feel about it? Did have any impact in RL too?.

Emani: When the family RP didn’t

work out, I thought my RP was bad and what could I did to avoid everything. I just shut down Emani and played on my adult avatar. Imani: How and why some people adopt kid avatars, and go from the excitement to abandon them? Emani: I think some people adopt kids for attention from their spouse or to show off to their friends. Then when they get tired of playing mommy and daddy they toss them like garbage. I’m tired of seeing kids get hurt because for example their mom or dad got a new person in their lives so it’s like I don’t need this kid anymore or they cost a lot. Some of the people that RP as a kid don’t have a RL mom or dad, so they want that parental love they can’t get in RL. Kids are not a trophy you put on a shelf that you decide when you want to play as a parent; I consider it rude and disrespectful. Imani: Any final comments you would like to add about kid avatar adoptions? Emani: I just want to say not all Second Life’s kids are bad; they are a lot that just want to be loved. Don’t take advantage of them. And Kids, there is good parents out there, just have to give each other a chance, accept each other… there is so much love to be giving. “Adopting one child won’t change the world: but for that child, the world will change.”- Unknown

Photographer : Saori Kido Rey

OUTFIT : ZIBSKA - Lizzie Jabot Stripes | BLUE COUTURE - Spike Set Skirt | MELI IMAKO - Ladies Upper Arm Gloves ~ HAIR : VANITY - Haunted Halloween ACCESSORIES : GRiDDIE - Garnet Belt | LAMU - Aquamarina Jewelry Peart Stomach, Bracelet Shells, Earring Starfish | ZIBSKA - Daphnis Crown


OUTFIT : PURPLE MOON - Aquaria Gown ~ ACCESSORIES : BLIESEN + MATAI - Suzie Q Jewelry Set | SOLIDA FOLLIES - Optical Dot Hat HAIR : ARGRACE - Megumu


Photographer : Scott Nobody

Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

OUTFIT : ZIPSKA - Ryoko ~ ACCESSORIES : KUNGLERS - Serpente Earrings | FINESMITH - Summerset1 ~ SHOES : WICCA’S WARDROPE - Litlth Heels HAIR : ZIBSKA - Rhea


RESMEY BLOODSTORM Photographer : Novaleigh Freng

OUTFIT : VIOLATOR - Jasmine Revolution Corset & Stockings ~ ACCESSORIES : NOCTURNAL SIREN FASHIONS - Ana Eye ashes HAIR : ENVOGUE - Charlotte

OUTFIT : BOUDOIR - Miss Mermaid Corset and accessories ~ HAIR : LETITUER - Lilith Hair


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

OUTFIT : VANN UNDERWOOD - Original Design ~ ACCESSORIES : LAZURI - LuceMia set SHOES : C & F - Opal Slingbacks


Photographer : Maiya Gant

OUTFIT : BSN - Ready to Party Outfit | SAKURA KISS - Octopus Skirt ~ ACCESSORIES : SAKURA KISS - Octopus Bangles SHOES : BLACKBURN - High Alien Heel ~ HAIR : TSM - Massive Overgrowth


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

OUTFIT : MELI IMAKO - Mermaid Bra and Skirt | TAILSINS - Deep Sea Dance Fins ~ ACCESSORIES :EARTHSTONE - Karuka Set HAIR : EMO-TIONS - Paradise | PAPERBAG - Twigs Hair Base 2


Photographer : Scott Nobody

OUTFIT : CHRYSAILS - Heartache ~ ACCESSORIES : JCNY - Covermodel, Anna and Picasa HAIR : EMO-TIONS - Aquarius 2


Photographer : Saori Kido-Rey

Busy Fashion Show Weekend. By Scott Nobody

It was a busy weekend we just passed with several fashion shows around the grid. I had the chance to attend 4 of them. To limit the space I will try and cover 3 of them on the following pages with a few snapshots from each of the events. I can't get over the imagination of the designers, and model stylings. Absolutely incredible all through out. I had the honor of attending the very first fashion show put on by a brand new Agency founded by E N V Y’s very experienced model and designer - Vann Underwood. Together with her business partner Vich, they created Catwalk Agency & Academy. A model school where aspiring new models can for a fair price, get a model education from some of the best instructors out there. The school will donate 20% of the tuition to charities. They took the time back to the mid 50’s and early 60’s with their first show. Designers such as PREY, BOMSHIE, WHITE ROOM COUTURE and SONATA MORALES were on display. I really look forward to going to their next fashion show. Next up was a Wedding Fashion show produced by Haute Monde Agency founded by Hethwen Collingwood. In a spectacular display on a beautiful decorated white stage, the models were showcasing incredible wedding gowns by DANIELLE and tuxedos by HHC. Last but not least, SAKURA KISS had an entire show put on by Mahasiah Models Agency. The store is owned by E N V Y Model and Photographer, Saori Kido Rey. She blew me away with her amazing creations ranging from casual to formal attire and finished the event off in great style with some incredible Japanese creations. You absolutely need to visit her Market Place store and take a look for yourself. Without further ado, enjoy :)




Haute Monde

Haute Monde


Haute Monde

Haute Monde


ura Kiss



Sakura Kiss

Sakura Kiss

Sarah Tremor, owner and designer of Edelfabrik By Kiett Prince

Guten Tag E N V Y Readers! We are here with none other than the energetic and spry Miss Sarah Tremor the owner, mesh designer and creator of Edelfabr\k! She uses Blender, Photoshop and a little Black Forest magic to bring you original content for all mesh body types! If you didn’t guess it, she’s a German designer! We chat, we visit her store, we exchange horoscope signs and of course, I fan girl all over her! Kiett Prince (KP): *smiles warmly* Yay! Welcome to the E N V Y Magazine headquarters! *turns chair around to face Sarah, pulling out interview recorder* Oh wait Sarah! Is this your creation that you're wearing??? *Sarah is wearing a sexy outfit that reminds Kiett of a

Tokyo inspired street style pink and grey ensemble that Kiett has not seen replicated anywhere in SL! Loving it!* Sarah Tremor (Sarah Tremor): Yes Kiett :) That’s one of my latest :)! KP: *grins* I love it!’

Sarah Tremor:

:) Thank you!

KP: You're so welcome! What is this look? Is this Edgy Punk? Sarah Tremor: Well, most of my creations are slightly provocative in the way of "accidentally sexy", but not without class. And almost any of it is mix and match. KP: Which is super important! I hate not being able to mix and match! Now, the name of your store? *Kiett tries to pronounce it using a German accent* EDELFABRIK Sarah Tremor: laughs at Kiett’s accent....[Adele-fabric] :). KP: Where'd you get the name from? *laughs at herself* Sarah Tremor: Yes, thats a German word, a 2 word combination it means "noble factory" KP: I wasn't too far off track! German! *pats herself on the back* Are you German? Sarah Tremor: Yeah, I am German. *laughs* KP: Guten! I love my Germans! I think in your style, it is very modern German and street style Tokyo to me - very sexy, very creative and unique!

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