Remind them of your excellent products and services. Your business will be associated with voting for the best of the best.
Deadline = Tuesday, January 28th
Published in Coast Weekend and GO! EO = February 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
• Published four weeks in Coast Weekend and Go! Eastern Oregon
• Provides voters top nominations in each catergory to choose for voting
• 30 available advertising spots (can buy multiple ad spaces) = $200 for all four weeks
• Ballot sponsors earn 15% discount off ad in Readers’ Coice Awards edition March 13
value $650 cost- $495
1x2 ballot in CW/GO 4x
Logo to use for social media posts
Digital banner ads run-of-site during January and February voting 15,000 impressions
2 newsletters- 1 during nominations and 1during voting
Voting Platform Banner ads- run the entire campaign
15% off winners edition
value $350 Cost $295
1x2 ballot in CW/GO 4x
Logo to use for social media posts
Digital banner ads run-of-site during January and February voting 15,000 impressions
2 newsletters- 1 during nominations and 1during voting
Voting Platform Banner ads- run the entire campaign
15% off winners edition
1.611” x 1.91” Full-Color ad Actual size ad 4 Weeks for $200
your customers to nominate your business
Use this QR code in your social media and at your business