Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Miracles Happen
The Transformative Power of Past-Life Memories
Brian Weiss
Course 3502-474/Tuition $475 ($425 Members)
This program is sold out; please call 800.944.1001 to be added to the waitlist.

Past-life regression therapy has gained widespread recognition as a therapeutic model. Brian Weiss, best-selling author of Many Lives, Many Masters and Miracles Happen, is known as the nation’s foremost expert in the field.
Explore the latest in hypnotic past-life regression therapy to find a new level of healing for your body, mind, spirit, and relationships. Using experiential techniques, including hypnotic regression exercises, healing visualizations, meditation, and intuitional and right-brain training, we harness the power of love and understanding to transform our lives.
Dr. Weiss demonstrates hypnotic regression in a series of sessions with volunteers from the group. There is ample time for questions and answers.
Note: This workshop is valuable for health-care professionals as well as nonprofessionals who want an in-depth experience of this approach to self-exploration.
Brian Weiss, MD, is chairman emeritus of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami and the nation’s leading authority on past-life regression therapy. brianweiss.com

Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Past-LifeTherapy Training
Brian Weiss and Carole Weiss
Course 3605-475/Tuition $1,395 ($1,295 Members) SS, LE, PT
This program is sold out; please call 800.944.1001 to be added to the waitlist.
Gain theoretical knowledge, intensive practical skills, and experience in past-life regression therapy in Brian and Carole Weiss’s only Past-Life Therapy Training in 2024.
Health-care professionals add a new dimension to their therapeutic repertoire, while nonprofessionals explore their own past lives as a way to increase understanding of self and the nature of human existence. You learn:
• Hypnosis, visual imagery, meditation, and past-life regression techniques as well as history and current research
• Mind-body connection and its relationship to healing physical and psychological illness
• H ow to identify the capacity of a client to undergo hypnosis, conduct a hypnotic induction, and interpret the content of a client’s hypnotic recall

Participants receive a certificate of completion at the conclusion of this training.
Note: No refunds once this workshop begins.
Brian Weiss, MD, is chairman emeritus of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami and the nation’s leading authority on past-life regression therapy. brianweiss.com
Carole Weiss, MSW, CHT, has been coteaching with her husband, Brian Weiss, since 1995.
Karen Kissel Wegela Course 3607-512/Tuition $815 ($735 Members) SS
When going through a di cult time, most of us long for a sense of connection, for being with someone who really cares what we are going through and can stay present with us. In the Buddhist tradition, there are meditation practices and contemplations that have been used for centuries to cultivate compassionate presence, the foundation of all healing relationships.
Karen Kissel Wegela, author of Contemplative Psychotherapy Essentials and The Courage to Be Present, shows us how to develop our inherent
compassionate impulses and our ability to be present in this experiential workshop. We engage in sitting and walking meditations, listen and share in large, small, and dyadic groupings, and give ourselves the time and space to learn about and go deeper into these Buddhist traditions and practices.
Karen Kissel Wegela, PhD, is a professor and former director of Naropa University’s graduate program in contemplative psychotherapy and Buddhist psychology.


Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Wisdom of the Tarot
Mary K. Greer, Carolyn Cushing, and Terry Iacuzzo Course 3605-620/Tuition $415 ($370 Members) SS
Embark on a mystical, magical adventure, like that of the Fool, as you explore the profound world of tarot. This transformative 5-day workshop invites you to delve into the wisdom of the tarot, discovering insights that not only enrich your spiritual path but also o er guidance in meeting everyday challenges.
The tarot, an ancient repository of wisdom, unveils life’s lessons and provides invaluable support in navigating your daily life. Guided by renowned tarot experts Mary Greer, Carolyn Cushing, and Terry Iacuzzo, you gain:
• A fresh understanding of all the cards
• Engaging new spreads and processes that are enjoyable and profound
• The ability to dive deep into your own wisdom and truth, aligning them with the insights provided by the tarot
• The opportunity to learn what tarot can truly be about when you open yourself to its teachings
Mary K. Greer is an independent scholar, writer, teacher, and professional tarot consultant. With nearly 50 years of experience, she is the author of 11 books on tarot and magic, including Tarot for Your Self. marygreer.com
Carolyn Cushing is a tarot practitioner, poet, and seeker of justice. Her tarot practices and writings are included in The Gaian Tarot Companion Guide and Tarot for Troubled Times. soulpathsanctuary.com
Terry Iacuzzo, a legend in the paranormal world, is author of Small Mediums at Large: The True Tale of a Family of Psychics. She hosts an exclusive weekly Tarot Salon by invitation only in New York City. terryiacuzzo.com


Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Masters of the Tarot
Enhance Your Tarot Experience
Course 3702-626/Tuition $465 ($420 Members) SS
Take your tarot knowledge to the next level with four esteemed experts who guide you in exploring tarot as a path to creative inspiration both for yourself and when working with others. Learn new ways of working with the cards in order to solve practical problems and bring your imaginative visions to fruition. Explore new decks, nurture your individual growth, and engage with a vibrant community of practitioners.
Through question-and-answer panels, demonstrations, readings, and working with partners and groups, you:
• Find inspiration for your tarot work and cultivate trust in your intuition
• E xplore personal issues and important life decisions
• E xpress your creativity and share insights in a supportive environment that encourages trust and growth
This weekend is designed to echo the tarot's origins as a game. It is a profound, wondrous, liberating, and mysterious experience approached in a spirit of play.
Mary K. Greer is a professional tarot consultant with nearly 50 years of experience. She is author of 11 books on tarot and magic, including Tarot for Your Self. marygreer.com
Jaymi Elford is cohost of the podcast Cardslingers Coast to Coast, creator of the Triple Goddess Tarot deck, and author of Tarot Inspired Life innercompasstarot.com
Michelle Welch is founder and owner of SoulTopia Holistic Boutique in Dallas, Texas, and author of Spirits Unveiled michellewelch.com
Nancy Antenucci is a seasoned tarot reader and a teacher of visionary strategies. She is author of Psychic Tarot and Tarot Rituals betweenworlds.us
Arrive Friday
Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m.
End Sunday at noon
Transformative Practices for Cultivating Health & Vitality
Robert Peng and Jon Gabriel
Course 3702-577/Tuition $390 ($350 Members)
The less stress you have in your body, the better you feel and perform in life. With just a few minutes a day of breathing, movement, and visualization practices, you can reduce stress, improve physical health, and increase your vitality.

This weekend, join top wellness experts and learn to replace poor habits that no longer serve you with practices designed to help you transcend life's obstacles. Discover simple and practical ways to strengthen your willpower and improve well-being with qigong master Robert Peng. Use Gabriel Method™ healing and visualization practices with expert Jon Gabriel. Learn awakening awareness techniques to open your heart and visualization techniques to help you achieve greater success in life.



These easy-to-learn practices can be done anywhere, at any time. Return home with practices that help you become healthier, energized, focused, and resilient to stress.
Robert Peng, qigong master and founder of Elixir Light Qigong, is author of The Master Key robertpeng.com
Jon Gabriel is a health and weight loss expert, and best-selling author of The Gabriel Method. thegabrielmethod.com

Ali Smith, Atman Smith, and Andres Gonzalez
Course 3702-695/Tuition $360 ($325 Members)
We are born with the capacity for radical unconditional love, but with life experiences we often forget this and become jaded. This retreat reminds us that we are incarnated to love radically and unconditionally. Choosing love is a powerful act and requires us to be vulnerable and open, which isn’t easy for many of us to do.
Join Ali Smith, Atman Smith, and Andres Gonzalez for an immersive weekend of meditation practices, mantras, mudras, breathwork, boundary setting, as well as energetic and thought practices to learn to:
• G o beyond the limiting beliefs we impose on ourselves
• Recognize negative self-talk and quiet our inner critic
• Increase our ability to radically and unconditionally love ourselves and those we interact with
• Tap into the light of our universal Self and let that love shine
Return home with techniques and practices to support this in your daily life.
Ali Smith, Atman Smith, and Andres Gonzalez are cofounders of The Holistic Life Foundation, providing yoga and mindfulness education in Baltimore, Maryland, across the nation, and globally. holisticlifefoundation.org
An Evidence-Based Practice for Releasing Pain
Alan Bonebrake
Course 3702-463/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) PT
When the body su ers an injury, the memory of it remains in the brain. Even over time, the brain acts like it is a relatively fresh injury, causing ailments including fibromyalgia, sciatica, regional pain syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more.
Developed by Dr. Alan Bonebrake from his 38 years of experience and multiple degrees and certifications, Tapping to Tangoreceptors to induce Anodynia (freedom from pain) to correct Proprioceptive information for Sanative (healing) e ect (TTAPS) uses light skin manipulation to provide new information to the brain about body movements and position.
In this TTAPS Part 1 Seminar, you learn several of Dr. Bonebrake’s evidence-based techniques, drawn from known tenets of acupuncture, trigger-point therapy, and neurology to release the memory of injury and normalize the reflexes.

This workshop fulfills the American Chiropractic Association “EvidenceBased Medicine and Best Practices.”
Alan Bonebrake, D.C., is a boardqualified chiropractic orthopedist and creator of the TTAPS technique. ttapscenter.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Dawson Church and Mirjam Paninski
Course 3702-484/Tuition $400 ($360 Members) SS
Mystics, monks, and inspiring luminaries such as Rumi, Saint Teresa, Gurdjie , Khalil Gibran, and Thomas Merton have described extraordinary spiritual states. Spiritual intelligence, or SQ, is the ability to enter these states of oneness with “the all that is.” SQ connects us with the universal consciousness beyond our limited human minds. It is associated with extraordinary compassion, happiness, gratitude, and love.
Join integrative health-care researcher Dawson Church, author of Mind to Matter, in this weekend retreat as he explains what SQ is, how to develop it, and the function of the four specific brain circuits active in mystics of all traditions. New research, he says, shows that the ability to reach these states is hardwired
A Zen Meditation Retreat
Dan Zigmond
Course 3702-465/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS

into everyone's brain. We all have SQ and during this weekend we learn to use it.
Dawson Church, PhD, is founder of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare and director of the Veterans Stress Project. dawsonchurch.com
When was the last time you gave something your undivided attention? Nearly 2,500 years ago, Buddha worried we had become distracted—and that was long before smartphones. Now our days are filled with distractions that promise happiness while mostly delivering busyness and frustration.
For this weekend workshop, Dan Zigmond guides us to disconnect, slow down, and meditate together. We learn the ancient Zen practice of bringing our full awareness to what is now.
Our time together follows a gentle schedule of sitting meditation punctuated by brief lectures and group discussion, all while exploring the process and practice of mindful living.

Whether you’re brand new to meditation or even if you’ve been practicing for years, you leave prepared to bring meditation into your life and mindfulness to your work and home. Come reclaim a healthier and happier way to be.
Dan Zigmond is a writer, technologist, and Zen teacher. He is a guiding teacher at Jikoji Zen Center and has led teams at some of the world’s most successful companies, including Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. shmonk.com
Mirjam Paninski is a clinical EFT and healing practitioner, mindfulness teacher, writer, and researcher. She holds a master’s degree from Brown University where she conducts PhD research on perinatal trauma. mirjampaninski.com

Lara Land Course 3702-497/Tuition $375 ($335 Members) PT
Delve into the multifaceted nature of trauma, expanding your perception of where it hides and its lasting impact on the nervous system. Through in-depth exploration, you learn specific techniques and practices designed to foster a safe, nurturing environment in your yoga classes, reducing triggers and promoting healing. You gain invaluable insights into the intricate dynamics of the nervous system during and after traumatic events.
Our journey extends beyond the yoga studio, equipping you with tools to make yoga accessible in person and virtually. By enhancing self-awareness and understanding, the essence of trauma-informed teaching, you deepen the levels of skill and compassion you bring as a yoga instructor.
Redefine your teaching, empower yourself, and embrace the art of trauma-informed yoga instruction.
Lara Land is author of The Essential Guide to Trauma Sensitive Yoga and host of The Beyond Trauma podcast. She is certified in trauma-informed mindfulness, life coaching, and somatic experiencing. laraland.us, threeandahalfacres.org
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
AUGUST 11–16
The Gabriel Method
A 5-Day Total Transformation Retreat
Jon Gabriel
Course 3805-595/Tuition $675 ($610 Members) SS
The Gabriel Method™ is a holistic, mindbody approach to weight loss that focuses on addressing and eliminating the root causes of obesity.
Stress, poor digestion, toxins, dysfunctional beliefs, and chronic yo-yo dieting can cause chemical reactions in the body. By systematically addressing specific triggers, you can reverse this chemistry and regain the ability to lose weight.

When you address the real issues of weight gain, then weight loss is no longer a struggle. You’re simply less hungry, you crave healthier foods, your metabolism speeds up, and you become e cient at burning fat.
Through lectures, discussions, and experiential exercises, we dive deep into the Gabriel Method principles and examine each of the core triggers that cause weight gain, and help you create a balanced and sustainable approach to weight loss that focuses on nourishing and healing your body, mind, and soul.
Several guest speakers join us for sessions throughout the week.
Jon Gabriel is the author of The Gabriel Method, which is based on his experience becoming obese and losing more than 200 pounds. thegabrielmethod.com
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES EFT Tapping Professional Skills Training
Dawson Church and Mirjam Paninski
Course 3805-485/Tuition $550 ($495 Members) SS, PT
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a method that has revolutionized the practices of thousands of professionals such as life coaches, therapists, and health-care workers.
In this professional training, develop your own skills in evidence-based Clinical EFT, which has demonstrated e cacy in more than 100 studies. With guidance from Dawson Church, author of The EFT Manual, build your understanding and practice the 48 core techniques, including more than 12 hours of hands-on demonstrations and supervised exercises. Learn how traumatic experiences are encoded in the brain and how EFT can remove the emotional charge from negative childhood experiences and address trauma. Gain advanced tools to help your clients, such as 2-minute EFT techniques that are proven to reduce stress.

AUGUST 11–16
HANDS OF LIGHT 5-Day Immersion Into Brennan Healing Skills
Priscilla Bright
Course 3805-449/Tuition $460 ($415 Members) Enter into a supportive community as you deepen your natural healing gifts in this inspiring hands-on training guided by international healing teacher Priscilla Bright.
Developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan, best-selling author of Hands of Light, Brennan Healing Science is a comprehensive approach to energy healing and human transformation. In this weeklong retreat, guided and individually assisted by Priscilla, you learn how to:
• E xpand your intuitive energy-sensing abilities
• Give a deep full-body energy healing
• Practice useful energy selfcare, including healthy energy boundaries
Brennan Healing Science is one of the most comprehensive approaches to energy healing and human transformation. This training is of value to both beginners and experienced healers, and participants should be generally healthy physically and emotionally.
Priscilla Bright, MA, is an international teacher and energy healer. She is the former dean of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. priscillabright.com
This course is a beginner-to-intermediate level training for health workers, coaches, or anyone interested in using EFT. Faculty is independently o ering continuing education credits. View an important prerequisite for this program at eOmega.org/EFT.
Dawson Church, PhD, author of The EFT Manual, is founder of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare and director of the Veterans Stress Project. dawsonchurch.com
Mirjam Paninski is a clinical EFT and healing practitioner, mindfulness teacher, writer, and researcher. She holds a master's degree from Brown University where she conducts PhD research on perinatal trauma. mirjampaninski.com


AUGUST 11–16
50-Hour Primary Series Yoga Teacher Training
Caroline Klebl
Course 3805-517/Tuition $1,000 ($900 Members) PT
Immerse yourself in a comprehensive Ashtanga Yoga primary series teacher training designed for yoga teachers, aspiring teachers, and yoga practitioners.
Caroline Klebl’s training combines high standards of yoga asana practice with the development of teaching skills necessary to introduce students to yoga safely and e ectively. With a doctoral degree in yoga and extensive knowledge of the ancient art, she has trained more than 500 yoga teachers in the US, Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
During the intensive, you learn the postures of the primary series of

AUGUST 11–16
Ashtanga Yoga, adjustments, and teaching techniques, as well as the principles of vinyasa, bandhas, drishti, and ujjayi pranayama. You also have the opportunity to assist in teaching classes with supervised feedback from Caroline, and receive an introduction to:
• Ayurveda
• M editation instruction
• Chanting and philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Caroline Klebl, PhD, author of The Illustrated Guide to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, is known internationally as an Ashtanga Yoga teacher trainer. sourceofyoga.com
Tina M. Zion
Course 3805-427/Tuition $455 ($410 Members) SS
Build your natural intuitive skills and empower yourself to feel, sense, and see the entire person in this experiential workshop with medical intuitive Tina M. Zion. Through presentations and hands-on practice sessions, learn detailed steps to view causes of illness within the human body. Gain understanding into the electrical nature of emotions, thoughts, and the human body and enhance your skill for perceiving the aura by scanning.
Deepen your understanding of the ethical nature of medical intuition, discover healing techniques to include during your medical intuition session, and reduce your fear as a practitioner and as a client.
Leave with the recognition that medical intuition is a learned skill and with new awareness and understanding to welcome spiritual guidance into your work. This workshop is for medical practitioners, energy healers, and anyone who wants to develop medical intuitive skills.
Tina M. Zion is author of Be Your Own Medical Intuitive tinazion.com
AUGUST 11–16
Create Videos That Connect With Your Audience
Bob Sacha
Course 3805-416/Tuition $645 ($580 Members)
Gain the confidence and competence you need to communicate e ectively with your audience on social media.
In this hands-on workshop with multimedia producer and documentary filmmaker Bob Sacha, you learn how to craft captivating stories, use a variety of tools and techniques, and optimize your videos for maximum reach and engagement on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. You:

• Practice essential skills of video production, such as framing, interviewing, and adding text and graphics
• Learn to adapt your videos to di erent platforms and audiences
• Create a short social media story about your local community that showcases your creativity and personality
This is a practical and fun course that requires only a smartphone with 5GB of free space and a basic editing program. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this workshop helps you take your social media video skills to the next level.
Bob Sacha is a director, cinematographer, editor, teacher, photographer, and collaborator on visual journalism projects. bobsacha.com

Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
AUGUST 11–16
Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Course 3805-658/Tuition $485 ($435 Members) SS, LE
Join celebrated singer/songwriter Jimmie Dale Gilmore to explore songwriting as a tool for self-exploration and social connection. Whether you are a beginning or advanced songwriter, Jimmie Dale cultivates an environment of collaboration as a means to access insight, perspective, and motivation for your creativity.
Together, the group explores what makes songs such an essential and potent part of human communication. In a supportive setting, everyone is encouraged to interact both as participant and observer in the creative process.
A small amount of time is given to discussion of the business aspect of songwriting. All are welcome to attend. It is not a prerequisite to play an instrument or to sing.

AUGUST 11–16
Soothe, Stabilize & Restore Your Inner Core
Priti Robyn Ross
Course 3805-467/Tuition $475 ($425 Members) SS
Is your soul calling for a sacred timeout? As we face various challenges in the world today, it is important to engage in self-renewal practices to replenish our systems. Stress symptoms left unchecked can adversely a ect our moods, sleep cycles, and cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems.
Throughout this restorative and nurturing week, Priti Robyn Ross shows you how to implement easy, fun, and innovative strategies to refresh your whole being and counteract the chronic e ects of stress. In this workshop, you:
• E xperience deep therapeutic relaxation and meditative breathing practices
• Engage in creative journaling and lively, interactive discussions
• Gain understanding of the physiology of stress and imbalances
• E xplore what blocks you from consistent self-care and resilience
Learn to reframe discouraging beliefs and open your heart to authentic lovingkindness toward yourself. Leave inspired to ignite lifestyle choices that cultivate resilience, vitality, and joy.
Priti Robyn Ross is an author, inspirational speaker, teacher trainer, soul-coach, and international workshop leader with more than 25 years of experience. lifeasyoga.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
AUGUST 16–18
Jimmie Dale Gilmore
Course 3902-659/Tuition $350 ($315 Members) LE
In this Advanced Songwriting workshop with Grammy-Award nominee Jimmie Dale Gilmore, we further explore songwriting as a tool for selfdiscovery, building on insights and techniques from the Songwriting workshop. The interaction and strong communication experienced in this supportive setting is a fruitful means of opening new possibilities and inspiration for further individual work.
Prerequisite: Admission to this workshop is limited to people who have studied previously with Jimmie Dale, with no exceptions.
Three-time Grammy-nominated musician Jimmie Dale Gilmore creates resonant music that blends esoteric philosophy, literature, psychology, and spirituality with elements of country, folk, pop, blues, and rock music. jimmiegilmore.com
AUGUST 16–18
Free Your True Voice
Claude Stein
Course 3902-447/Tuition $440 ($395 Members) SS, LE
Find confidence through the gentle whisper of a lullaby, release emotion with the cry of the blues, rekindle your passion with a driving rhythmic chant, or learn to sing like you’ve always wanted to.
Whether you are a total beginner or want to take performing to the next level, Claude Stein’s signature workshop o ers results for all styles of singing, chanting, and public speaking.
During this weekend intensive, you learn exercises to relax the throat, deepen breathing, improve tone and range, and overcome vocal blocks. We hit the notes better, project confidently, reduce shyness, and share inspiring breakthroughs in authentic self-expression. Each person, no matter where they start, uncovers a better voice and presence.

Come and sing out fearlessly and overcome any self-limiting beliefs you may hold. There are group songs, harmonies, and individual attention to support your process.
Claude Stein, creator of Natural Singer Method™, is a multiplatinum, award-winning voice coach. claudestein.com
AUGUST 16–18
Being Human Takes Practice
A Meditation Retreat for Open-Minded Explorers & Fidgety Skeptics
Jeff Warren
Course 3902-380/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS
Explore what meditation teaches us about being human. It teaches us about resistance and over-thinking, about humor and mercy, about healing stuck emotions and expanding stuck views. All this and more happens when we sit and get quiet. It also happens when we sit and don’t get quiet. So, all neurotic brains welcome!
The main teacher is meditation itself, which has a way of organizing the nervous system all on its own. We also learn from other people's reports of their experiences, their insights and challenges, through sharing and discussion.
Every kind of experience can happen on the cushion—our internal processes are as distinct as our fingerprints. The goal is for everyone to return home with a clear understanding of why they meditate, and a clear feeling for their own strange and beautiful practice.

AUGUST 16–18
How Stories Shape Our Minds, Resolve Conflicts, Heal
Devdutt Pattanaik
Course 3902-445/Tuition $400 ($360 Members)
Take a deep dive into the profound impact of cultural truths, or myths, on our collective psyche as they manifest through stories, symbols, and rituals with acclaimed Indian mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik.
Embark on a captivating journey of exploration and introspection in this weekend retreat and gain a deeper understanding of the intricate tapestry of human narratives. You learn to:
• E xamine the common threads that bind humanity across generations
• Raise awareness about the harm caused by the failure to acknowledge other people's truths
• E xplore how secular myths, like religious myths, are often incomplete and insu cient
• Investigate the challenges faced by diversity and inclusion, and the resistance they encounter
• Q uestion the glorification of revolution in the pursuit of just causes
By considering contentment as a noble and less tumultuous goal than relentless ambition, a sense of inner peace and harmony is fostered.
Devdutt Pattanaik is a speaker and author who writes on the relevance of mythology in modern times, especially in areas of management, governance, and leadership. devdutt.com

Je Warren, a journalist and meditation instructor celebrated for his accessible style of teaching, is coauthor of the New York Times best seller Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics je warren.org
AUGUST 16–18
Experience Comfort & Vitality in Every Step
Bruce Fertman and Michael J. Gelb
Course 3902-643/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Hippocrates referred to walking as humanity’s best medicine. In this workshop for anyone of any age who can walk unassisted, from those who want to get o the couch to advanced hikers, you learn to receive greater benefit in every step.
Discover how to walk in a way that positively changes you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Experience more comfort, ease, vitality, and power as you learn to:
• Connect with your animal body and walk in accordance with your natural design
• Release unnecessary tension and discover how to be simultaneously soft and strong, relaxed and ready, calm and alert
• Practice inspirational walking methods to fuel imagination and creativity
• Minimize e ort while maximizing awareness as you walk through life
Leave with practical skills to enliven your consciousness, coordinate your breathing, and feel more connected to and supported by Mother Earth.
Bruce Fertman is a teacher, author, movement coach, and founding director of WalkingWay™. He has been teaching people how to move well for 60 years. graceofsense.com
Michael J. Gelb is a master teacher of the Alexander Technique, aikido, tai chi, and qigong. He is a past recipient of the Brain Foundation’s “Brain-of-the-Year” award and author of 18 books. michaelgelb.com

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon

AUGUST 16–18
Trauma & the Soul
A Journey to Sacred Wholeness
Course 3902-570/Tuition $360 ($325 Members) SS
Embark on a deep exploration into the intricate connection between trauma and the soul. Led by renowned energy medicine experts, you uncover how to use some of the most empowering and e ective healing techniques to address trauma at the soul level.

During this weekend, you:
earn energy medicine techniques to address trauma scover Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping meditations to release ancestral burdens you aren’t meant to carry onnect to an expanded awareness and your own unique healing and creative ability through a Source Mystery School healing
xperience a VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing to integrate soul rupture from childhood trauma earn techniques to release trauma from departed loved ones
Join us on a journey from trauma toward sacred wholeness. As we explore trauma's e ects on consciousness, we find safe strategies to reintegrate the fragmented aspects of ourselves. Donna Eden and David Feinstein present via live video.

Donna Eden is a leader in the field of energy healing and author of the classic book Energy Medicine innersource.net
David Feinstein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and international leader in the field of energy psychology. energypsyched.com
Dawson Church, PhD, is founder of the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare and director of the Veterans Stress Project. dawsonchurch.com
Mary T. Sise, LCSW, coauthor of The Energy of Belief, teaches internationally, integrating brain science, energy psychology, and spiritual psychology in her work. marysise.com

Tina M. Zion, author of Be Your Own Medical Intuitive, is an intuitive medium, a registered nurse, and an expert in medical intuition. tinazion.com
Liana Naima is a spiritual wellness practitioner specializing in an array of healing arts, such as mindfulness meditation, energy healing, and breathwork. liananaima.com
Mirjam Paninski is a clinical EFT and healing practitioner, mindfulness teacher, writer, and researcher. mirjampaninski.com is a mentor, speaker, psychic, and healer. She is founder of LightWorks Healing Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

AUGUST 16–18
Michael Craft
Course 3902-565/Tuition $390/315/240 ($350 Members)
Tai chi (taijiquan) is a system of serene, flowing movements originally based on martial arts and used by millions of people around the world as a graceful, moving meditation that provides a refreshing retreat from the busy world.
The traditional standing meditation practices are especially powerful for increasing personal vitality and supporting longevity. Tai chi’s interactive partner practices also support flexible, healthy boundaries and conscious relationships. Regular practice of these mindfulness-based arts promotes health, strength, confidence, longevity, calmness, and peace of mind.
Join us for this refreshing, revitalizing exploration of traditional solo and partner practices emphasizing the fundamental principles of tai chi and qigong as contemplative experience. This retreat is designed to give beginning and returning students alike a solid foundation upon which to continue the enjoyment of these wonderful exercises.

Michael Craft has been a practitioner of taijiquan, qigong, and mindfulness meditation for 40 years. He has worked closely with many leading Buddhist and Daoist teachers.

AUGUST 16–18

Course 3902-428/Tuition
$385/310/235 ($345 Members)
The diverse members of the Mindfulness in Education Network Board invite you to a transformational weekend of mindful awareness and contemplation. Through experiential activities and teaching instruction, we examine our biases, deepen our relationships, and transform our teaching. We explore di erent modalities for interrogating and examining race, power, privilege, and di erence, and the skills to correlate that to the classroom. We:
• Learn playful strategies to engage in mindful self-awareness
• Develop skills for deep listening and building empathy
• B egin to recognize our capacity for discomfort so that we can hold space for ourselves, our students, and our communities
• Gain a foundational understanding of the importance of embodying and adopting these practices in our work for peace, social justice, and transformation
Return home with practical skills in mindfulness, mindful communications, and distress tolerance as part of a community dedicated to mindfulness and justice in education.

Build a Community of More Just and Mindful Educators

Michelle C. Chatman, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist, community ritualist, vocalist, educator, and founder of the Black Mindfulness Summit.
Morris H. Ervin Jr., founder of Mansa Consulting, is an educator, speaker, coach, and youth development professional. therealmansa.com
Elizabeth Kriynovich, MA, CYT, board president of the Mindfulness in Education Network, is an educator and teacher leader who has brought mindfulness practice into her work with students and adults for more than a decade. mindfuled.org
AUGUST 16–25
The Healer Training Levels 1-5
David Elliott
Course 3909-384/Tuition $2,250 ($2,150 Members) SS, PT Empower the healer within as you learn to bring the healing experience out into the world in this rare 9-day, 5-level training program with author, teacher, and breathwork healer David Elliott.
In Level 1, practice the 2-stage pranayama breathwork meditation, the foundational tool of David’s healing work. Learn why the breath is used in clearing your mind and body of stuck energy.
Renee Metty, M.Ed, is founder of The Cove School, the first mindfulness-based, Montessori-inspired preschool in the country. withpause.com
Andrew Jordan Nance, a theater educator since 1991, is founder and lead trainer for Mindful Arts San Francisco and author of Mindful Arts in the Classroom, The Lion in Me, and other books. andrewjnance.com
Dzung X. Vo, MD, is a pediatrician specializing in adolescent medicine and founding director of the British Columbia Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness. He is author of The Mindful Teen mindfulnessforteens.com
Level 2 helps you delve into the business side of healing work, with an exploration into the concepts of self-love, exchange, value, worth, and money.
Level 3 gives you the skills necessary to lead groups, and Level 4 and Level 5 are the final steps in receiving certification. This work takes you deep in your personal healing process, as well as continually bridging into compassionate and empathetic ways to use your experiences in life to help others.
This training provides full certification with 64 hours. See eOmega.org for further information. David Elliott is a healing artist who uses breathwork and energy work to help others. davidelliott.com

AUGUST 18–23
From Lucid Dreaming to Lucid Living
Toni Porrello Course 4005-607/Tuition $470 ($425 Members)
Lucid dreaming is a scientifically proven state of dreaming during which we are conscious that we are dreaming. During this state we are able to practice acting out our dream goals and make connections to our inner selves—spiritually, emotionally, physiologically, and psychologically—and explore parts of ourselves we never imagined possible.
Through discussions, lectures, interactive activities, and guided meditation, you learn about boosting dream recall, using guided meditation and self-hypnosis, selfinterpreting dreams, and improving sleep hygiene. You explore and practice daytime and nighttime lucid dreaming techniques to increase awareness of self, others, and the world around us.
Discover how bringing your conscious mind to your dreams can significantly impact your waking reality. Return home with skills and knowledge along with a new perspective to apply in daily life.
Toni Porrello is host of the Dream Rebels podcast, which explores all things sleep- and dream-related, and owner of True Definition Pilates and Aerial Yoga studio in Martinsville, New Jersey. dream-revolution.com, toniporrello.com
AUGUST 18–23
The Remedy
Toni Bergins and Joy Lynn Okoye Course 4005-521/Tuition $440 ($395 Members) SS
Join a vibrant community of selfexpression that allows you to dance your truth and write from the depths of your soul. This retreat is a sanctuary for selfdiscovery, where you uncover your true essence through a fusion of movement, music, and writing.

As you let go of societal masks and tap into your inner wisdom, you delve into profound questions: What is my personal medicine? What unique gifts do I o er? How can I integrate mine and others' experiences into my life journey?
During this retreat, you:
• Move to inspiring soundscapes
• Journey into yourself through the synergy of movement and writing
• Express your voice
• Relax and rejuvenate with yoga nidra and sound healing

Join us in this celebration of unfiltered expression, where healing, growth, and connection converge. When we reveal ourselves to others, we can be known, seen, and heard.
Toni Bergins, MEd, founder and director of JourneyDanceTM and recording artist, is an artistic alchemist and passionate catalyst for people to transform their angst into art and their vulnerability into strength. journeydance.com
Joy Lynn Okoye is a 500-hour Integral Yoga Teacher and the cocreator of JourneyDance’s The Remedy and The Body Love Course: Angst to Art. joylynnokoye.com
AUGUST 18–23
The Stress Is Gone Method
Brett Cotter
Course 4005-590/Tuition $460 ($415 Members) SS
Heal old wounds, break free from the past, and reconnect to your source of joy and self-love with Brett Cotter, founder of the Stress Is Gone Method.
During this 5-day intensive, you:
• Identify the hidden source of your emotional stress
• Release layers of anxiety and trauma from your body on a cellular level
• Reconnect with your essence and source of self-love
• Acquire techniques, tools, and aftercare for lasting relief
The Stress Is Gone Method is an intuitive healing process designed to help you overcome emotional pain, process trauma, and reclaim joy and self-love.

Through music, movement, meditation, group sessions, one-on-one coaching, and inner-child work, Brett guides you through releasing old layers of pain to bring peace to your past. Tension leaves your body as you break free from hidden blocks to happiness, helping you move forward and reengage in life.
Tuition for all veterans is $100 o using code VETCOTTER. Included following the retreat are a complimentary Stress Is Gone Workbook, mobile app, and 1-month membership which includes 25 live touchpoints to ensure you stay on track with the fully renewed you.

Brett Cotter is author of 3 Keys to Managing PTSD and founder of the Stress Is Gone Method. stressisgone.com


AUGUST 18–23
An Emergent Experience of Aliveness and Connection
Sandrine Harris
Course 4005-548/Tuition $435 ($390 Members) SS

MARROW is a generative experience of unearthing aliveness. It is an unlearning and a repatterning. Grounded in deep process, it is an invitation into quiet internal exploration, meaningful conversations and listening, personal writing, creativity and movement, and flows of guided meditation.
Through a weave of somatics (body sensing and process), embodiment (presence of the layers of mind, heart, and body), and meditation (movement and stillness), we integrate our whole human experience. Together, we forge a path connecting our inner landscapes with community care and belonging within the natural world. Elements of this program include Feldenkrais® somatics, applications from interpersonal neurobiology and Somatic Experiencing®, creative mark-making on paper, forest bathing, and more.
No experience is necessary, and the program is facilitated through trauma sensitivity and sensing community. The final evening includes an energizing dance party with a global playlist.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:15 p.m.
Sandrine Harris is a Somatic Experiencing and Feldenkrais Practitioner, and an embodied mindfulness meditation facilitator and trainer. Emergent Nature represents her collective o erings in private sessions and group experiences. sandrineharris.com

AUGUST 18–23
Ada Calhoun
Course 4005-532/Tuition $460 ($415 Members)
Dig into your memoir writing skills with New York Times best-selling author Ada Calhoun. Learn to interweave the personal and the universal in a work of art that lets readers in on a new way of being human in the world.
Discover how to develop the themes of your memoir and make significant progress on telling your story. Each day we read and discuss one another’s work, as well as the work of important memoirists. We also take part in multiple writing exercises, explore characters, narrative arcs, research, and style, and talk practically about the editorial and proposal process.
This class is a safe, supportive, and casual place to develop ideas and get a lot of writing done.
Ada Calhoun is author of the New York Times best seller Why We Can’t Sleep: Women’s New Midlife Crisis, St. Marks Is Dead, and Wedding Toasts I’ll Never Give adacalhoun.com

AUGUST 18–23
Rest, Restore, Remember Yourself
John Vosler
Course 4005-482/Tuition $495 ($445 Members)
Experience five days of deep restoration, relaxation, and reflection in a retreat with John Vosler that draws on various lineages of yoga nidra, including iRest and the Integrative Amrit Method. Yoga nidra uses the biological process of sleep to systematically release stored physical, emotional, and mental tensions. Through this restorative process, we can begin to release unconscious programming that keeps us locked in the past. All we have to do is show up, lie down, and let go.
This week, we move our bodies before we take a resting position, where we clear our minds, allow our emotions to be experienced, and create intentions to live from a new perspective.
John Vosler, a senior teacher at the Amrit Yoga Institute, leads yoga nidra teacher certification programs and is an Integrative Restoration Institute Certified iRest teacher. johnvosler.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
AUGUST 18–23
Your Story on Stage
Tracey Erin Smith
Course 4005-435/Tuition $545 ($490 Members) SS
Transform your life's stories into a 10-minute solo performance or keynote talk, guided by Tracey Erin Smith, the founder of SOULO Theatre and an award-winning director and performer (Best of the Fringe, Broadway World Award, and the Audience Choice Award).
Through innovative writing techniques, improvisation, group work, and one-on-one coaching with Tracey, you uncover the stories that need to be told and reveal your truth and message in a powerful and entertaining show. This workshop culminates in a community sharing of the work created in class. All levels of experience are welcome.
Tracey Erin Smith is host and creator of the popular Amazon Prime documentary Drag Heals and founder and artistic director of SOULO Theatre. She is a two-time recipient of the Diamond First Place Toronto Star Readers Choice Award for Best Theatre Instructor. soulo.ca

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
AUGUST 18–23
Trance Mediumship
Exploration & Discovery
Tony Stockwell
Course 4005-336/Tuition $545 ($490 Members)
Tony Stockwell shares his wealth of knowledge about the world of altered states of consciousness, often called trance mediumship, and teaches us how to develop, use, and control it. Through theory and practice, you discover the many and varied energies and levels of this amazing phenomena. Explore and expand your knowledge of trance mediumship in all of its forms, from light overshadowing to deep trance to inspirational guided speaking. Each of us is given support throughout the week to ensure that our trance mediumship development is enhanced as we experience trance demonstrations and connect with the power of spirit to journey through the many levels of awareness.
AUGUST 23–25
Intermediate & Advanced Mediumship
The Message and the Messenger
Tony Stockwell Course 4102-337/Tuition $325 ($295 Members)
Focus on “the message” aspect of a medium's work with well-known psychic medium Tony Stockwell. Push forward in your mediumship by not playing it safe and going for specific details in your spirit messages.
Tony covers intuition and practical work, employing exercises and techniques to help you resolve issues with your own attunement, such as allowing evidence to flow, building a relationship with the spirit you are connecting with, and sustaining that connection. You learn:
• How to use exercises for greater evidence
• How to take control when interacting with any audience or private sitter, so that you are not being led or discouraged
• How to move beyond evidence and allow spirit guides to convey what they want to, through intelligent communication
• How to improve your confidence and tools to fall back on in wobbly moments
Tony Stockwell is one of the most well-known psychic mediums in England and author of four books. He has had four television series, The Psychic Detective, Street Psychic, Psychic School, and Psychic Academy, and appeared regularly on 6ixth Sense. tonystockwell.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
AUGUST 23–25
Embody Heart-Centered Sacred Self-Leadership
Adora Winquist
Course 4102-679/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Explore how to transform and lead your life through the profound teachings of The Love Frequency®. In this engaging workshop with alchemical healing expert Adora Winquist, you discover meditations, activations, clearings, and other practices to develop a more authentic, abundant, and harmonious life.
Learn to create not from ego’s distortion but from the lens of the Sacred Triad that emerges from a deeper alignment from above and below, and so within. This journey is a transformative process that peels away past patterns, frees you from emotional constraints, and unlocks inner joy and vibrancy.
Develop a personal modern alchemical toolbox for ongoing transformation, complete with essential oils, crystal healing, guided meditation, and insights from the Akashic Records. These practices are gateways to selfmastery to maintain peace and balance upon returning home.
Adora Winquist is a visionary in the nascent field of quantum alchemy and a trailblazer in the fields of vibrational medicine and aromatherapeutic healing. She is an author, alchemist, and founder of The Soul Institute. thesoulinstitute.co

AUGUST 23–25
Activating Human DNA Potential A
Trinity of Transformation
Judy Satori
Course 4102-681/Tuition $500 ($450 Members) SS
The years 2020-2033 are a powerful Ascension activation cycle, and August 2024 marks the beginning of a pivotal nine-year cycle of immense change, says multidimensional channel Judy Satori. Ascension is not going up, or going anywhere, she says. It is the expansion of what it is to be a human being, an evolutive process of metamorphosis for the human race.

In this special weekend with Judy, receive transmissions of energy words of new creation, which she describes as a Universal Source Creation language that is divinely designed to activate and expand human capacity and consciousness. Her work also includes the transmission of an energy spectrum called “Ultralight,” which she describes as creating an alchemical change at the level of the cells and the DNA—positively transforming people physically and emotionally and opening them to their spiritual gifts and abilities. This course includes 11 hours of advanced information and energy transmissions, plus access to postedited energy transmission recordings.
Judy Satori is a spiritual teacher, multidimensional channel, sound healer, and Ascension way-shower. She is the author of Sunshine Before the Dawn and transmits energy words of new creation, speaking a Universal Source Creation language. judysatori.com
AUGUST 23–25
Unlock Healing Energies with Archangels, Guardian Angels & Sacred Numbers Course 4102-592/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Join us for a journey into angels, energy healing, and the power of numbers with some of the world’s finest angel healing experts. Discover the profound healing power of working directly with archangels to improve all areas of your life.
During this transformational weekend, you:
• E xplore manifestation skills, using angels within the group to amplify the manifestation process
• Work with angels to clear blocks and adverse thought patterns that limit abundance
• Learn how to work with your guardian angel, and the guardian angel of each of your family members, to release family trauma and restore self-love and self-confidence

• Delve into the world of angel numbers, unlocking their hidden meanings and harnessing their transformative power in your life
Each individual who attends will experience group and individual angelic healing to address physical, emotional, and spiritual concerns.
Sunny Dawn Johnston is a psychic medium, thought leader, author, and spiritual business mentor. sunnydawnjohnston.com
Anthony “Dr. T” Cahill is a certified massage therapist and clinical hypnotherapist with knowledge of consciousness, applied quantum mechanics, and angels. ahumanengineer.com
Karen Frazier is a best-selling author, psychic, channel, energy and crystal healer, Reiki practitioner and teacher, and ordained minister. authorkarenfrazier.com
Avalon is a yoga and meditation teacher and coach trained in reconnection healing, VortexHealing, magical awakening, and kyrstic energy for healing. beingwithavalon.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon

AUGUST 23–25
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
Course 4102-425/Tuition $400 ($360 Members)
The Buddhist Mahayana teachings show us how to soften our hearts and minds in our relationship with ourselves and with the world. These teachings put things in perspective, helping us to see that we and all beings are equal in our search for happiness, fulfillment, and peace, and therefore we all deserve to be met with warmth and kindness.
During this weekend spiritual retreat, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche shares teachings and practices from his book Training in Tenderness: Buddhist Teachings on Tsewa, the Radical Openness of Heart That Can Change the World. Explore the building blocks of compassion, the purest and deepest form of happiness. Learn to transform attitudes and open up to life-changing energy needed to heal our fractured world. Return home with tools to navigate life with a tender, open heart.
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche is founder and spiritual head of Mangala Shri Bhuti, a genuine sangha of the Longchen Nyingtik Lineage. mangalashribhuti.org
AUGUST 23–25
Mexica (Aztec) Practices to Find Peace, Purpose & Joy in Uncertain Times
Robyn Moreno
Course 4102-533/Tuition
($325 Members) SS
The ancient people of Mexico called the world “slippery slick,” referencing their view of the world as an unstable place. As we experience unsteadiness in modern times, how can we anchor ourselves and regain our peace, purpose, and joy?

We do it by rooting. Rooting back into nature, our ancestry, and the truth of who we really are before the world told us who we should be. Under the guidance of curanderismo practitioner Robyn Moreno, we explore Mexica (Aztec) practices for finding our way home again.
During this experiential and heart-opening weekend, we root in the support of our sisterhood through movement, meditation, sharing circles, inspired journaling, connecting to nature, and sacred ritual.
This workshop is designed for those who identify as women and are being called to heal, lead, and grow.
Robyn Moreno is a curanderismo practitioner, life coach, author, Latine leader, Emmy-nominated TV host, and host of the podcast: Get Rooted with Robyn Moreno robynmoreno.com
AUGUST 23–25
Restore Natural Poise & Confidence
Esther Gokhale
Course 4102-438/Tuition $435 ($390 Members)
Having arrived on the planet without a user’s manual, we depend on our culture to help us develop healthy movement and posture habits. In modern times, this cultural support has largely eroded and even become counter-productive. Common posture cues such as “chin up, chest out,” and “sit up straight” undermine rather than support our structural integrity.
Esther Gokhale created the Gokhale Method®, a breakthrough in back pain relief, after experiencing crippling back pain during her first pregnancy and unsuccessful back surgery. Using posture as a springboard, Gokhale guides you to examine the connection between physical well-being and emotional empowerment. Focusing on everyday movements used for sitting, sleeping, standing, walking, and bending, you gain a clear understanding of how to improve your individual posture and restore your natural, healthy, and confident body and mind.
Esther Gokhale is creator of the Gokhale Method, host of Back Pain: The Primal Posture™, and author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back gokhalemethod.com


AUGUST 23–25
A Weekend of Deep Heart Healing, Connection & Loving Acceptance
Athena Monet
Course 4102-528/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery filled with shamanic wisdom and approaches to heal emotional wounds from past relationships.
During this transformative weekend retreat, Athena Monet, author of Leave With Love, draws from her own experiences and a decade of guiding hundreds of clients through di cult relationship endings and transitions. Athena shares practices to soothe your heart and find inner peace when grief strikes.
Through guided journaling, meditation, shamanic journeys, and group discussions, you:
• Learn shamanic approaches to healing wounds left by painful relationship endings and transitions
• E xplore shamanic practices to soothe the heart and find peace when the pain of grief strikes
• Discover how to connect with the “higher self” of others, fostering acceptance and understanding.
Leave with newfound understanding, acceptance, closure, and connection as you realize that relationships never truly end, they merely transform.
Athena Monet, a.k.a. the Seaside Shaman, is author of Leave With Love and a full-time practicing shaman, intuitive healer, and spiritual guide. seasideshaman.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
AUGUST 25–30
A Reflective Retreat for Youth Leaders and Elders
Vandana Shiva
Course 4205-617/Tuition $445/370/295 ($400 Members)
“The only way to build hope is through the Earth.”
—Vandana Shiva
This retreat is a rare opportunity to experience the revolutionary, regenerative work of Vandana Shiva, one of the world’s leading activists for biodiversity, Indigenous and traditional cultures, feminism, and the environment. Through lecture, circle discussion, and personal reflective time in nature, we explore the nature of the interconnected crises facing life on Earth, and how the deep wisdom to be found in traditional agroecology and Earth-centered cultures o er humanity a sustainable roadmap for a positive future, both locally and globally.

Physicist, ecologist, activist, and author of numerous books, Vandana is a tireless defender of the environment, of natural seeds, and all living things. She fights for changes in the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food, stating, “I don’t want to live in a world where five giant companies control our health and our food.”
Vandana Shiva, PhD, is an internationally renowned author, physicist, ecologist, and advocate of biodiversity and protection of Indigenous farmers’ and women’s rights.
AUGUST 25–30
Jane Davies
Course 4205-580/Tuition $495 ($445 Members) SS, LE
Free your creative spirit and discover practices that take the intimidation factor out of drawing. Find out what happens if you draw without looking at your paper, use a tool you can’t control, draw over collage, with thread, without a subject, inside and outside the lines. Through these exercises and more, you make friends with drawing and explore new ways of expressing yourself.

Using an expanded interpretation of “drawing,” we use paint and collage, as well as drawing tools, to create abstract and representational images. If you are a painter, collage artist, mixed-media artist, or even if drawing is your main medium, this workshop gives you tools to move through the places where you get stuck.
This workshop is for moderate to advanced artists; brave beginners are welcome, though it’s best to become comfortable with your materials in advance.
Jane Davies is a full-time artist working in collage, paint, and encaustics. She is author of three books on collage, ceramics, and mixed media. janedaviesstudios.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
AUGUST 25–30
Pranic Healing & Essence of Meditation
Glenn J. Mendoza and Dawn M. Myers
Course 4205-660/Tuition
$2,200 ($2,100 Members) SS, PT
The Center for Pranic Healing describes Pranic Healing as a no-touch, energy-based therapy, developed as a science by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, that uses prana, chi, or the body’s life energy to improve health, be it physical or psychological. In this experiential workshop, you discover powerful Pranic Healing techniques to bring harmony and balance to the body, mind, and spirit. You:
• Complete GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui Pranic Healing workshop levels 1-3 (basic, advanced, and psychotherapy)
• Explore advanced energy healing practices utilizing color pranas
• Learn to bring physical and emotional healing and balance to mild and complex issues
• Practice energy hygiene, self-care, and self-healing techniques

You engage in gentle movement, breathing exercises, meditation, and partner work to deepen and enhance the overall experiences. You strengthen your spiritual connection and enhance your health and well-being with this integrated approach to healing.
Glenn J. Mendoza, MD, MPH, is one of eight masters of Pranic Healing directly mentored by the founder, GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. He is a neonatologist, teacher, speaker, and author of several books. masterglenn.com
Dawn M. Myers is a Pranic Healer, mentor for The Center for Pranic Healing’s Pranic Healing certification program, life coach, published author, and motivational speaker. dawnhealercoach.com
AUGUST 25–30
Dana Jeri Maier
Course 4205-455/Tuition $495 ($445 Members)
The "comfort zone" often gets a bad rap. It's too safe, somewhere you go when you're not taking risks or challenging yourself, or working at your full potential. But our comfort zones also provide a lot of important information about who we are as artists and creative people, if we take the time to investigate them properly.

Join artist and cartoonist Dana Jeri Maier and engage in a variety of writing and drawing exercises, discussions, and readings. You learn more about yourself and the tools you already possess to create satisfying work and fulfill your

AUGUST 25–30
Janet Galipo and Myriam Baker
Course 4205-594/Tuition $600 ($540 Members)
Untap your vast inner healing capacity and discover the special ingredients essential for becoming a great healer.
In this 5-day BodyIntuitive immersion workshop, you learn how to:
• Identify the core imbalances in the brain, nervous system, and immune system
• Work with acupoints to balance the entire mind and body
• Experience more energy, strength, and stamina every day through using self-care tools
• Truly understand how using your intuition can be a valuable guide to your health
• Hear inspirational stories from others who were su ering from major health challenges and then experienced a complete health restoration

This workshop is for anyone who wants to do a deep dive into your artistic strengths and weaknesses in an encouraging and inquisitive environment. No drawing

Using BodyIntuitive’s precision medical intuition system, you unlock solutions within the body to activate its healing superpowers. artistic goals. ability is needed. of
Dana Jeri Maier is a contributor to the New Yorker, author Skip to the Fun Parts, and creator of The Worried Well cartoon series. danajerimaier.com

Janet Galipo, DOM, is a highly soughtafter holistic healthcare practitioner and cocreator of the BodyIntuitive System. janetgalipo.com
Myriam Baker has been practicing Intuitive Medicine for more than 30 years and has been a BodyIntuitive teacher for more than 20 years. myriammachadobaker.com

AUGUST 25–30
Exploring the True Heart of Sound Healing
Rich Goodhart
Course 4205-549/Tuition $445 ($400 Members) PT
The art and practice of sound healing is surging in popularity. Much of this interest centers on gongs, bowls, and tuning forks. Training opportunities are popping up everywhere. But there are no standards, and too often, little apparent understanding of the deeper essence and commitment of this work.

Yes, there's a deeper essence beyond easy technique—a true and inspired heart to sound medicine practice—beyond the many magical sound tools available to us.
This retreat is a master level exploration into the heart of the healing power of sound. Through group and personal practices, in complement with Rich Goodhart’s multidimensional sound medicine immersions, we awaken and engage our deeper sonic perceptions and presence. The expansions received through this experience inform all aspects of one's sound and energy practices.
This workshop is open to all experience levels, including beginners. Bring a drum and shaker if you have them.
Rich Goodhart is an internationally respected world musician, gifted master level shamanic sound healing artist, and Shift Network Sound Summit presenter. richgoodhart.com
AUGUST 25–30
TIBETAN YOGA Magical Movements (Trul Khor) of Body, Breath & Mind
Alejandro Chaoul
Course 4205-471/Tuition $490 ($440 Members)
The distinctive Tibetan practice of yoga known as Trul Khor, or magical movement, incorporates breath retention, awareness, and physical movements. Trul Khor is “a wonderful support for all spiritual practitioners, not just for those with an interest in physical yogas,” says Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
During this workshop, we focus on the pith magical movements from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyu (Oral Transmission of Zhang Zhung). By harmonizing the winds (lung, prana, or chi) and guiding their flow through physical and energetic dimensions, Trul Khor can clear long-held blocks in the practitioner’s body, energy, and mind, supporting the spontaneous arising of awareness during formal meditation and in everyday life.
Beginning and experienced students of yoga are welcome.
Alejandro Chaoul, PhD, Hu ngton Foundation Endowed Director of the Mind Body Spirit Institute at the Jung Center of Houston. He is author of Yoga for Health and Well-Being other books. is the Tibetan and

Arrive Tuesday Begin Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. End Friday at noon

AUGUST 27–30
Men’s Retreat Helping Men Break
Free From Limiting Beliefs
David Elliott Course 4203-563/Tuition $750 ($670 Members) SS
Join spiritual teacher David Elliott and a healing circle of men for a deep dive into what it means to be a man on the way to being a human. David’s healing breathwork meditation helps you open your heart and move energy that no longer serves you.
We sit in an open circle for partner work, digging into areas where you might be feeling stuck, whether that be physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.
We look at self-discovery questions such as:
• Are you living or waiting to live?
• Are you holding any sexual abuse energy in your body, and is it a ecting your relationships?
• Are there any amends you need to complete?
• H ow was/is your relationship with your father?
• What is your understanding of self-love?
You learn how to look at yourself and your situation as being normal, and you gain insights on how to love yourself more.
Retreat begins Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
David Elliott is a healing artist who uses breathwork and energy work to help others. davidelliott.com