Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Unwind With the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Avenelle Archille
Course 5102-632/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS
Yoga is a highly e ective and safe tool for managing anxiety. Yoga directs your focus and attention to your body and breath, increasing activity in parts of the brain that support self-regulation and homeostasis. Through mindful movement, journaling, discussions, and reflection, you:
• Gain insights and deepen your understanding of the 8 Limbs of Yoga

• E xplore yoga postures and breathing techniques to release stress and trauma
• Clarify the stories you tell about yourself and the world around you, while unpacking distortions, thought patterns, and unconscious beliefs
• E xamine topics such as boundaries, over-stimulation, and habit-building to support your continued practice
Whether you’re experiencing chronic anxiety or occasional nervousness, you leave feeling calmer, more grounded, and more at ease in your body. This workshop is suitable for all bodies and all levels of experience.
Avenelle Archille is founder of The Anxious Yogi Inc. She has been teaching Yoga + Anxiety workshops in studios throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for more than a decade. theanxiousyogi.org

Stacey Gibbons and Christopher Franza Course 5102-486/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS, PT
In this heart-centered, master-level certification program, experience the combined wisdom of ancient shamanic practice and Reiki healing. Through dynamic group and partner exchanges, we gain hands-on experience working with nature’s transformative powers and realign with our innate ability to heal and find balance through complex times.

We apply Shamanic Reiki approaches to:
E xpand consciousness and work with spirit guides
B alance energetic trauma and shift attachment to past events
Remove energetic intrusions
Attune to the master Reiki energy via symbols and transmission
Initiate as healers through an ancient fire ceremony
We also learn how to conduct comprehensive absentee healing sessions, shamanically travel to prevent soul loss and restore qualities, and integrate Reiki with Tibetan, Maya, Quechua, and Siberian practices.
Stacey Gibbons is a prominent teacher of Reiki, healing, yoga, and shamanism. She is cofounder, with Llyn Roberts, of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. shamanicreikiworldwide.com
is a Shamanic Reiki Worldwide core faculty member, registered nurse, and traditional Reiki master. shamanicreikiworldwide.com

“Going out into the woods, tuning into your senses, you immediately sense the energy that you are on hallowed ground, building the tools to help you deal with what life throws at you.”

An Intensive 14-Day Professional Training
Robert Peng Course 5214-399/Tuition $2,795 ($2,695 Members) SS, LE, PT
This intensive training introduces you to the qigong energy healing techniques and meditations that qigong master Robert Peng learned from his teacher Xiao Yao. Empower your innate healing energy and discover how to use both hands-on and remote healing techniques of qigong as you learn:
• Qigong theory and practices, including the sword finger and third eye empowerment
• Meridian meditations, including lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, and heart
• Yang healing techniques, including dian xue, power palm, and tai-chi press
• Yin healing techniques, including huafu healing, qigong hypnosis, and s-pattern
You return home with selfempowerment exercises to help you improve your healing skills and power, and the ability to conduct a qigong healing session with remarkable effect.
This training is appropriate for nonprofessionals as well as healing professionals. No prior qigong experience is required. Robert does not offer healing sessions during this workshop.
Robert Peng is a world-renowned qigong master and healer. He is author of The Master Key and the DVD/CD companion series. robertpeng.com


Stretching, Strengthening & Pain Relief
Miranda Esmonde-White and Master Educators
Course 5203-675/Tuition $670 ($605 Members) SS, LE, PT Due to popular demand, renowned fitness educator Miranda Esmonde-White, host of the long-running PBS series Classical Stretch, is bringing Essentrics® teacher-training to Omega. Become part of an international teaching community and join the Essentrics team in its mission to get people fit, healthy, and moving at every stage of life.
Essentrics is a low-impact, stretching, and strengthening program that rebalances the full body by gently unlocking tight joints and restoring the body’s natural range of motion, resulting in a vibrant, pain-free body.
This workshop of classes and lectures prepares you to teach your first pre-choreographed workout, complete coursework, and submit your exam with confidence. It introduces the principles of Essentrics and the science behind them. You learn how to incorporate Essentrics techniques as you teach clients how to do the exercises safely.
All ages and fitness levels are welcome.
This workshop is also o ered May 19-22. See page 8. Training begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. and ends Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. Refunds are available (less a $60 processing fee) up to 15 days before your program or stay. No refunds or credit will be available after 15 days.
Miranda Esmonde-White is a leading educator and best-selling author on healthy aging. She is the creator of the Essentrics® fitness technique and the PBS fitness show Classical Stretch essentrics.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Creativity with Color
Course 5205-641/Tuition $445 ($400 Members)
In this painting workshop with visual artist, curator, and gallery director C. Finley, the creativity and mysteries of color will be our muse as we create vibrant art together.
Be inspired by the beauty and richness of color, tarot, and the unconscious—where your inner critic dissolves and your artistic practice is nourished.
Working both in the studio and outdoors, you harness the power of creativity while exploring all that color has to o er. Discover the transformational experience of painting with emphasis on how to use a colorful system of value to express light.

All are welcome, no experience is necessary. Supplies will be provided. C. Finley, founder and curator of the Every Woman Biennial, is known for her intense use of color, monumental murals, and her activism through urban art interventions. iamfinley.com

Memoir as a Path of Healing
Mark Matousek
Course 5205-583/Tuition $450 ($405 Members)
When you learn to express the whole truth about your life experiences, for personal use or publication, you come to understand the mythic dimension of your personal struggles, triumphs, confusions, longings, and so-called mistakes. You realize that you are the storyteller—not the story—and this insight frees you to examine the beliefs, expectations, and biases that have shaped and limited your sense of self.
In this transformational workshop guided by Mark Matousek, use personal writing as a path of self-discovery, authenticity, and spiritual growth. As Mark teaches, “When you tell the truth, your story changes. When your story changes, your life is transformed.”
Utilizing targeted writing prompts, small-group sharing, and inspirational lessons and readings in an atmosphere of warmth, wisdom, and safety, Mark guides you through a process of self-inquiry designed to deepen insight, heal obsolete narratives, and hone your writer’s craft.
Mark Matousek is the author of eight books including Lessons From an American Stoic: How Emerson Can Change Your Life, Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story, and Writing to Awaken markmatousek.com
An Immersive Experience to Awaken Your Power
Mat Auryn
Course 5205-628/Tuition $540 ($485 Members)
Discover your hidden psychic and magickal skills at The Psychic Witch Retreat. Here, you focus on sharpening your psychic senses and mastering various forms of magick and energy work. You discover how to awaken all your clair-senses and find balance between your higher, lower, and middle self while lighting up your inner witch fire. You also practice spellcasting and ritual techniques, both with and without the use of tools.
You explore various ways to create sacred spaces, collaborate with spirit allies, and implement powerful protection methods. You learn to perceive auras, access the Inner Planes, exercise mental magick, tap into various energy sources, and so much more to level up your magick and make tangible changes in your life.
Whether you are new to the craft or an experienced practitioner, this retreat o ers specialized training to elevate your abilities.
Mat Auryn is an influential teacher in the fields of occultism and witchcraft with an international audience. He is author of Psychic Witch and Mastering Magick. auryn.net

Carla Olla and Corinne Gervai Course 5205-683/Tuition $470 ($425 Members)
Embark on a journey to discover your authentic self through compassion for all beings in the ancient tradition of Jivamukti Yoga.
Join Carla Olla and Corinne Gervai for this 5-day retreat encompassing both e ort and grace to find your inner bliss. Immerse yourself in the beautiful Jivamukti Yoga tradition with daily asana classes, while incorporating the five tenets of the Jivamukti Yoga lineage: shastra (scripture), bhakti (devotion), ahimsa (nonviolence, non-harming), nada (music), and dhyana (meditation).

More than physical exercise to keep one’s body fit or to increase strength or flexibility, Jivamukti Yoga becomes a way to improve one’s relationship to all others and to raise self-awareness and compassion for all. In the process, you encounter:
• The dissolution of the sense of separateness
• The realization of the oneness of being
• The discovery of lasting happiness

Carla Olla, RYT-300, founder and director of Rhinebeck Yoga Center, is a Yoga Alliance certified teacher with certificates in Ayurveda Yoga, Reiki, and Thai Yoga Massage. rhinebeckyogacenter.com
Corinne Gervai, founder and director of Euphoria Yoga in Woodstock, taught at the Jivamukti Yoga school in New York City. euphoriayoga.org
Weaving Love Through Touch
Kaline Alayna Kelly and Santi Kelly-Brust Course 5205-637/Tuition $495 ($445 Members)
Nuad Boran, known as traditional Thai massage, is accurately translated in Thai as “ancient healing touch.” It dates back more than 2,500 years and has roots deep in the compassionate teachings of Buddha, tribal shamanism, herbal medicine, and hatha yoga.
Join seasoned, heart-inspired, senior teacher Kaline Alayna Kelly and her son, Santi KellyBrust, on this joyous, meditative, and healing retreat to learn the sacred art of Thai massage. Together we explore reflexology, meditative palming, thumbing, walking, rocking, and rolling of energy lines throughout the whole body. We experience the enlivening yogic stretches, fluid dancing, silent holding, and profound energetic cleansing of Thai massage. Through deeply heart-centered practice infused with loving inspiration, you discover the essence of true healing. All levels of experience are welcome.

Kaline Alayna Kelly is a senior teacher and holds master certification in Asokananda’s Sunshine Network of Thai Massage and Ayurvedic Bodywork in Thailand and New Zealand. Santi Kelly-Brust, a teacher at the Sunshine Network of Thai Massage, is trained in Thai massage, reflexology, Swedish massage, connective tissue therapy, cranial sacral therapy, and neuromuscular therapy.
Arrive Sunday

Joy Harjo, Audre Lorde, Mary Oliver, and others
• Write from prompts paired with meditation and embodied practices
• Connect mind and body as we create from a place of integration and insight
• Share and discuss our writing in a safe space
Enjoy the presence, consolation, and healing art of poetry. Return home with new poems and a revitalized sense of agency to incorporate into your personal practice or share with students and clients.
Nadia Colburn, PhD, is author of the poetry book I Say the Sky and the founder of Align Your Story Writing School. nadiacolburn.com
Holly Wren Spaulding, MPhil, is an award-winning author, teacher, and founder of Poetry Forge. poetryforge.us


Discover Your Authentic Voice
Liana Naima and Shirin Eskandani Course 5302-642/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Discover your authentic voice through a joyous weekend retreat of self-discovery with life coach Shirin Eskandani and spiritual wellness practitioner Liana Naima.
Joy of Life is a sacred retreat for women to rest, play, and nurture their inner radiance. This transformative retreat supports you in confronting societal constructs and helps you cultivate the confidence to express yourself, your values, and your vision. You examine your mindset, habits, and triggers that hinder your liberation, equipping you with fresh approaches and healing techniques to overcome obstacles.
Become empowered to reveal your radiance through soulnourishing practices, ecstatic breathwork, sound meditations, and heart-centered discussions. Emerge from this weekend of inner exploration with the clarity and courage to embrace the beauty of you.
This retreat is designed for those who identify as women and are ready to embark on an empowering weekend of inner exploration of healing, connection, and play.
Liana Naima is a spiritual wellness practitioner with certifications in mindfulness, meditation, energy healing, and breathwork. Her practice is rooted in intuitive knowledge that trusts in the innate wisdom of the body. liananaima.com
Shirin Eskandani is a teacher, coach, and public speaker who specializes in mindfulness and mindset. She is founder of Wholehearted Coaching and Wholehearted Life Coaching Certification. wholehearted-coaching.com
An Autumn Retreat to Release, Renew Reconnect
Jillian Pransky Course 5302-388/Tuition $375 ($335 Members)
The days surrounding the autumn equinox are a pinnacle transition for the earth, nature, and humans, too. Join mindfulness expert and restorative yoga teacher Jillian Pransky to pause during this in-between time, to recalibrate, and open up again to the flow of life—to consciously participate in the process of closing one chapter and starting anew.
Throughout this nourishing weekend in nature and community, you will experience:
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon

• Mindful slow flow yoga to feel more grounded and open
• Restorative yoga to release tension, calm the mind, and embody compassion
• M etta meditation to center in the heart and reconnect to yourself and the world around you
Return home feeling rested, rooted, and renewed—with a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.
Foundational Training & Peer Support for Teacher Development
Chris Molnar and Richard W. Sears Course 5405-687/Tuition $630 ($565 Members) SS, PT Many mental health conditions wax and wane throughout life as a function of stress and negative emotions. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction (MBSR), and interventions (MBIs) have been shown to reduce the risk of relapse by integrating scientific knowledge about how the mind and body interact with ancient wisdom traditions.

Experiential participation in MBCT is the first step of training for mental health professionals wishing to integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tools with ancient wisdom practices. This retreat o ers professionals a foundational training, practices to support ongoing MBI teacher development, and ongoing access to a community of peers teaching MBCT.
On the first two days of this retreat, immerse yourself in the MBCT curriculum in the role of a student. Then, practice in small groups, receiving feedback grounded in Relational Mindfulness Practice that can also be used for mindful case consultation. This workshop is for licensed professionals and those in training. Dr. Molnar is independently o ering continuing education credits. See eOmega.org for information. For a full list of CE objectives and the training pathway for developing competence as an MBCT teacher, visit https://philabta.org/event-5455704. Training begins Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
Chris Molnar, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, clinical investigator, and founder of the Mindful Exposure Therapy for Anxiety and Psychological Wellness Center Inc. meta4stress.com
Richard W. Sears, PsyD, PhD, MBA, is director of the Center for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is adjunct full professor for University of Cincinnati Psychology, and full professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. psych-insights.com

Jillian Pransky is a certified yoga therapist, creator of Yoga Journal’s Restorative 101, and author of Deep Listening jillianpransky.com
Cultivating Wisdom & Compassion
Bob Stahl, Dianne E. Horgan, and Eric López-Maya Course 5405-536/Tuition $695 ($625 Members) SS

This traditional mindfulness-insight meditation retreat o ers silent periods of sitting and walking meditation, as well as times for practice discussions. Each day there is a talk and systematic meditation instructions on the four foundations of mindfulness that are embedded in lovingkindness. These teachings and practices emphasize quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity, wisdom, and compassion; and foster the depth of practice.
This retreat is suitable for both new and experienced practitioners who want to cultivate and deepen their mindfulness practice, as well as those aspiring to teach mindfulness in healthcare, psychology, education, science, government, or in the business and corporate sectors.
This retreat fulfills some of the retreat requirements for MBSR and other mindfulness teacher training. Retreat begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
B ob Stahl, PhD, has founded eight Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs in medical centers in the San Francisco Bay Area and o ers retreats for the Mindfulness and Health Institute. mindfulnessprograms.com/bob-stahl-phd
Dianne E. Horgan is executive director of the Insight Meditation Society, chief of operations for the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness, and associate director of mindfulness education at Brown University. mindfulnessandhealthinstitute.org
Eric López-Maya has more than 20 years of leadership and teaching in the field of mindfulness, including corporations such as GE, Coca-Cola, and Unilever, and serves as the director of the Mexican Institute of Mindfulness. ericlopezmaya.com

Open Your World With Poetry
Pádraig Ó Tuama
Course 5405-387/Tuition $485 ($435 Members)

Buddhist Healing for Modern Life

Join Pádraig Ó Tuama, host of On Being's "Poetry Unbound," as he leads discussions, readings, and writing sessions exploring the place of poetry, craft, language, and form in our lives.
Each day, you examine poems—some well known and others lesser known—and explore the artistry behind them. You delve beyond the how of a poem and look at the why of a poem. Why did it need to be written? What does this poem explore about being human? What is the intuition and intelligence of this poem? What is its hunger?
These questions open up questions in ourselves, too, questions about how we make meaning in our lives, or use art, or craft language to shape relationships or solitude. This workshop includes time to write and share—whether prose, journaling, or poetry. All are welcome, from beginners to seasoned writers.
Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet and theologian. He is the host of On Being’s “Poetry Unbound” and editor of the anthology of the same name. padraigotuama.com
Nick Flynn
Course 5405-469/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
When first approaching the idea of writing our memoir, says memoirist and playwright Nick Flynn, we often write what we believe is our unique autobiography— but as we press on, we discover that our story is connected to everyone’s story, and only then can we access the deeper mysteries of life.
Under Nick’s guidance, we look for those moments when we begin to stutter when talking about our projects, and then push more deeply into the shadows of our misremembered past. We wrestle with these deeper mysteries, as well as the concept of bewilderment, and how we can embody both—through syntax, our access to the duende, leaps into the unconscious, or simply circling around what is unsaid and unknown.

Push deeper into this shadow world and become more open to question why you tell the stories that you do.
Nick Flynn is an award-winning writer, playwright, and poet. He teaches creative writing at the University of Houston. nickflynn.org
Ji Hyang Padma and Lama Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa Course 5405-566/Tuition $470/395/320 ($425 Members) SS
Learn traditional Buddhist healing practices to help reclaim the power of ritual within healing. By reclaiming this power, we gain access to the boundless field of blessings that is our original nature, and become medicine for our world.
The Medicine Buddha empowerment is a healing practice treasured by many in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Lama Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa and Ji Hyang Padma weave the ancient teachings together with cutting-edge relational-cultural neuroscience that describes why these practices work so e ectively.
Review the history of Buddhist healing, do simple Medicine Buddha practices together, and learn how to:
• Develop unshakable serenity, mindfulness, and compassion
• Use ritual to bring spiritual healing to illness and other life-changing events
Experience the power of these paths directly through exercises and rituals, which include the Medicine Buddha and White Tara practices, as well as vipassana and shamatha meditation.
Ji Hyang Padma has 30 years of experience in Buddhist training and teaching and is a Lay Dharma lineage holder and teacher in the Soto Zen lineage of Shogaku Shunryu. She is author of Field of Blessings and Living the Season natural-wisdom.org
Lama Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, an interfaith chaplain at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, and spiritual caregiver and meditation teacher at Veterans A airs in Bedford, Massachusetts.

Image, Imagination & Intuition
Aileen Gural and Nixa De Bellis
Course 5405-515/Tuition $565 ($505 Members)
The creative expression process of SoulCollage® is an opportunity to generate a flow state with breath and meditation, and to make collages in that relaxed state. All beings are intuitive in this playful and transformative practice.
Aileen Gural and Nixa De Bellis provide the setting prompts, images, art supplies, and instruction. As a card-maker you rearrange images to create 5x8 collages. Your “cards” are often surprising—full of voice, depth, and meaning. Journaling and scribing about them helps you tap into your wisdom in a gentle, nonthreatening way.
Inherent in the SoulCollage process is:
• A sacred space of creative time
• An intimacy with image and imagination
• A feeling of empathy and compassion for yourself and others
Return home with ritual templates to make up your “deck” and continue using your oracle deck to access inner resources and soul wisdom.
Aileen Gural is an artist and soul explorer. She has been practicing SoulCollage since 2012 and is now a SoulCollage facilitator. aileenguralstudio.com
Nixa De Bellis is a SoulCollage facilitator, licensed aesthetician, aromatherapist, certified home herbalist, and yoga therapist. nixadebellis.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m.
Meditation Party
Reckless Conviviality With Mindfulness Superfriends
Dan Harris, Sebene Selassie, and Jeff Warren Course 5502-378/Tuition $475 ($425 Members)
Heart-Based Meditation, Chakras & the Journey to the Center
Joshua Pollock
Course 5405-686/Tuition $470 ($425 Members)

The pace of change in our world is often stressful and overwhelming. But ancient spiritual traditions o er us another way—a heart-centered approach that focuses on harnessing the energetic strengths inherent in our spiritual anatomy.
The Heartfulness Way is a contemporized version of the ancient Indian practice of Raja Yoga, a tradition that enables the practitioner to realize the higher Self within. In this retreat, Joshua Pollock, a seasoned disciple of spiritual leader Kamlesh D. Patel, lovingly known as Daaji, introduces an array of distinctive chakra-based meditation techniques known for their ability to evoke immediate and tangible spiritual experiences.
The retreat provides diverse immersive encounters, featuring guided meditation sessions, practical exercises to release unresolved emotions and traumas, and enlightening discussions focused on gaining clarity amid life’s challenges based on Daaji’s combination of ancient and modern approaches.
Joshua Pollock is a senior student of Indian spiritual leader Daaji, a certified Heartfulness trainer for more than 17 years, and best-selling coauthor of The Heartfulness Way heartfulness.org/en/spiritual-anatomy

Many of us meditate solo, especially these days. This is a chance to get all of the high-occupancy-vehicle-lane benefits of meditating in a group.
Join self-proclaimed meditation nerds Dan Harris, Sebene Selassie, and Je Warren for a 3-day “do-nothing” party with lots of meditating. This is definitely not a silent retreat. It is an opportunity to connect with others, move your body, nap, and discover the power of applying your practice to everything in life.
Meditative superfriends Seb, Je , and Dan teach meditation from very di erent perspectives. Their goal is to help you explore a variety of techniques, both for on-the-cushion practice and free-range living. Come whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner looking to up your game.

Meditation Party is one of Omega’s most popular workshops and will host as many as 425 participants. Register early to secure your seat and housing. This workshop is also o ered May 17-19. See page 7.
Also available via livestream (see pages 128-129).
Dan Harris is a former coanchor of the weekend edition of Good Morning America, the author of 10% Happier, and the host of the Ten Percent Happier podcast. tenpercent.com
Sebene Selassie is author of You Belong: A Call for Connection and a meditation teacher on the Ten Percent Happier app. sebeneselassie.com
Je Warren is a meditation teacher on the apps Ten Percent Happier and Calm, and coauthor of the New York Times best seller Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics je warren.org


Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Somatic Abolitionism
Healing the E ects of Racism or Supremacy Within the Body
Resmaa Menakem
Course 5605-633/Tuition $455/380/305 ($410 Members) SS
As a person of color, an Indigenous person, or a white person, are you open to exploring and healing the e ects of racism or supremacy within your own body? Are you interested in doing the work of releasing racialized trauma and building an anti-racist culture?
This is a rare opportunity for an extended retreat with cultural trauma navigator Resmaa Menakem, author of My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending our Hearts and Bodies
Resmaa guides you through somatic abolitionism—an embodied anti-racist practice and process of culture building that he developed, which invites you to take part in group discussion, somatic awareness, and personal reflection. Return home with foundational skills to cultivate somatic abolitionism personally and communally.
This retreat is being curated to support diversity and inclusivity among white and among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color participants.
This work can sometimes be provocative and challenging for some. A limited number of scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color students. Please contact registration at 800.944.1001 to apply, as spots fill quickly.
Resmaa Menakem is an author, artist, and psychotherapist whose best-selling book, My Grandmother’s Hands, examines the embodied legacy of racism and supremacy in America from the perspective of trauma and body-centered psychology. resmaa.com
Anodea Judith Course 5605-370/Tuition $495 ($445 Members) Explore the inner landscape of your energy body with dynamic chakra exercises that combine yoga with bioenergetics. Guided by chakra expert Anodea Judith, you engage in deep movement of your inner energy currents to experience your full spectrum of aliveness. The result is deeper contact
with yourself, clearing of blocks, and becoming energized while remaining centered.
Throughout the week, you:
• Experience dynamic exercises for charging and discharging each of the chakras
• Address anxiety and depression by balancing your charge
• Understand how blocks are made and how to release them

• Expand your comfort zone so you have more room for yourself
• Explore the role charge plays in trauma and how to safely manage it
• Learn ways to harvest your charge for greater awareness and well-being
Anodea Judith, PhD, is a globally recognized teacher of the chakras through yoga, psychology, energy healing, manifestation, and social change. She is author of 10 books, including Charge and the Energy Body anodeajudith.com

HEALING WITH HORSES A Mindfulness Retreat to Build Connection, Compassion & Courage
Jennifer Cohen Harper and 13 Hands Equine Rescue Course 5605-431/Tuition $720 ($650 Members) SS, LE
Today’s world can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to become disconnected from ourselves, from nature, and from each other. Horses live in the present moment, and spending time with them can help us slow down, ground, and reconnect with our capacity for mindful awareness and personal power.
During your time at 13 Hands Equine Rescue, Jennifer Cohen Harper guides you to connect with horses using your body language, breath, energy, and intention. Learn to:
• Exchange greetings and convey that you mean no harm
• Ask for space without creating fear or disconnection
• Groom a horse to create comfort and connection
• Move quietly through the herd without disturbing the horses
We’ll also spend time on Omega’s campus, where Jenn leads a combination of mindfulness, movement, journaling, and group discussion. No experience with horses or mindfulness is necessary for this non-riding retreat.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. This workshop is also o ered September 15-20. See page 102.
Jennifer Cohen Harper is a mindfulness and yoga educator, author, mother, and lifelong student of horses. She is the founder of Little Flower Yoga and Mindfulness, and has received training in Equine Assisted Services from the Natural Lifemanship Institute. mindfulnesswithhorses.com

13 Hands Equine Rescue, located near Omega in Clinton Corners, is a nonprofit organization accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries that rescues unwanted, abused, and abandoned horses. 13handsequine.org
Vocal River
The Skills & Spirit of Improvisation for
Teachers & Directors
Course 5605-572/Tuition $850 ($765 Members) SS
Join vocal artist Rhiannon and guest teaching artists from around the world to bring improvisation into your ensemble, choir, or music classroom. Build your library of exercises to support work in the traditional classroom setting and/or vocal ensemble or choral setting.
We study how vocal improvisation can be used e ectively in educational curricula for preschool, grade school, junior high, high school, college, and conservatory. We find the ways by singing together in small and large groups, playing joyous and complex games that advance the skills of improvisation, sitting together to relate classroom stories, and moving to music.
Each step of the way, we acknowledge that improvisation promotes listening, blending, flexibility, creative passion, community, collaboration, and spontaneous music. In the end, we develop lessons and curricula for all these levels that any teacher can use in their own classroom.
This workshop is specifically for teachers and directors.
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Lucas Handwerker
Course 5702-585/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Your unconscious mind is your deepest and wisest part. It influences most of your behaviors and motivations. And yet we walk around disconnected from the very part of ourselves that can guide us through struggles, help us overcome fear, make decisions, be more creative, and heal.


Rhiannon, author of Vocal River, The Skill and Spirit of Improvisation, is a vocal artist with a vision of music as a vehicle for innovation, healing, and social change. She has collaborated with the jazz ensemble Alive!, with an a cappella ensemble WeBe3, and with Bobby McFerrin’s Voicestra and Gimme5. rhiannonmusic.com
Their Voices to the Page
Course 5702-623/Tuition $410 ($365 Members)
When we sit down to write, we bring many histories with us, in the form of identity markers, family members, ethnicities, religions, race, geography, and more. Let’s take a breath here and inquire: Who else is present?
Our ancestors—whether from our own genetic line or any other influence in our lives—can bring inspiration, direction, connection, and belonging. In this weekend retreat we explore whom we bring with us to the page—and how they can help.

As we learn that we are not alone, these muses, protectors, and in some cases threats, can also help us distinguish which is our true voice.
In this practical, hands-on workshop, Lucas Handwerker shares the tools and principles he has developed over the last 11 years through his varied work as a mentalist, spiritual counselor, subconscious healer, and intuitive guide. He helps you remove inner blocks, dissolve anxiety, resolve trauma, change habits, and receive guidance. For Lucas, the key to real and lasting transformation is helping us feel the impossible is possible. Enter the world of the possible, and open a dialogue with your most soulful self.
Lucas Handwerker is a subconscious guide, spiritual counselor, writer, speaker, and the creator of the transformational gatherings, "Make Light.” lucashandwerker.com
This intimate immersion provides structure and resources to help us meet our goals in a vibrant and diverse community of writers. Together we learn to surrender to the story that needs to be told, including the ones we’ve inherited.
Lisa Weinert, author of Narrative Healing is writer, teacher, speaker, and founder of the Narrative Healing Program. lisaweinert.com
Jamia Wilson is feminist activist, writer, and speaker. leading voice on women’s rights issues, she is also coauthor of Roadmap for Revolutionaries jamiawilson.com
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, is family physician, psychiatrist, and author of Healing the Mind Through the Power of Story mehl-madrona.com

Kim Thai is writer, Emmy Award-winning producer, social justice advocate, mindfulness teacher, and cofounder of GaneshSpace. ganeshspace.org


Wisdom From Beyond the Veil
Course 5702-491/Tuition $375 ($335 Members) SS
Many cultures around the globe view the end of October as a time when the veil between this world and the spirit realm is at its thinnest.
During this special weekend guided by experts in mediumship and spirit communication, we take advantage of this natural opening of the veil between worlds. Together we:
• Enjoy two live gallery readings where a professional medium reads and melds the seen and unseen worlds in a way that is celestial yet down-to-earth
• Discover automatic writing techniques for communicating with the spirit and angelic realms
• Receive messages from the angel Margaret
• E xplore with your higher self through a past life that has information you need to know
Harness wisdom from departed loved ones and spirit beings—such as angels and even your higher self—to become more empowered in your life and work.
Garnet Schulhauser will be presenting remotely.
Garnet Schulhauser is a medium and author of Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit, and more. garnetschulhauser.com
Karen Noé is a psychic medium, spiritual counselor, healer, and founder of the Angel Quest Center in Ramsey, New Jersey. karennoe.com
Deborah Hanlon is a medium, teacher, and author of In the Presence of Proof deborahhanlon.com
Gerry Gavin is author of Messages from Margaret and If You Could Talk to an Angel, and a shamanic practitioner, speaker, and life coach. gerrygavin.com
TOO STRESSED TO SLEEP Use Breath, Body & Dreams to Transform Sleep
Charlie Morley
Course 5702-535/Tuition $415 ($370 Members) SS Discover a holistic approach to better sleep that focuses on regulating your nervous system in order to transform trauma and integrate stress before bed.
Too Stressed to Sleep o ers scientifically verified breath- and bodywork practices, many originally developed for British military veterans, alongside the deep relaxation and lucid dreaming techniques that form the core of Charlie Morley’s renowned Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep protocol.
Throughout the weekend, we:

• E xamine the science of how stress and trauma a ect sleep
• E xplore yoga nidra and mindfulness practices for deep relaxation
• E xperience breathwork practices to regulate the nervous system
• Learn lucid dreaming methods to transform nightmares
From common work-related stress to the more serious e ects of trauma, this workshop teaches e ective techniques to help you sleep better and wake up healthier.
Charlie Morley is developer of Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep, a holistic approach to dreamwork. He is author of Wake Up to Sleep, Dreams of Awakening, and several other books. charliemorley.com
Harness the Power of Crystals for Healing & Personal Growth
Nicholas Pearson
Course 5702-410/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Crystal and gemstones are among the oldest teachers on our planet, as their innate order and perfection facilitate healing and catalyze both personal and planetary transformation.
Join crystal expert and award-winning author Nicholas Pearson for an immersive journey to the heart of the mineral kingdom. Explore how crystal energy can change your life as you learn:

• H ow the structure and makeup of crystals shape their energy
• Easy and e ective methods for working with crystals, including how to make crystal grids, layouts, and elixirs
• H ow to connect to the consciousness of stones to retrieve ancient wisdom and unlock new levels of healing
• Advanced crystal techniques for personal and planetary healing
You are encouraged to bring your favorite crystals to work with during this transformative weekend experience.
Nicholas Pearson is among the foremost experts on crystals and an award-winning author of eight books, including Crystal Basics and Crystal Healing for the Heart theluminouspearl.com

MORE THAN ENOUGH Tap Into Time & Money Abundance
Kate Northrup
Course 5702-401/Tuition $330 ($295 Members)
Heal your relationship with abundance so that you can experience having more than enough time and money in your life.
Guided by entrepreneur and bestselling author Kate Northrup, you learn to rewire your body, mind, and heart to expand into deeper prosperity.
Explore how your relationship with time and finances are impacted by your nervous system. Discover how to tap into cyclical time management to have spaciousness and ease in your days.
Experience a combination of exercises, including journaling, somatic practices, dance, meditation, breathwork, and more to unlock your true potential for abundance.
Return home with financial awareness, healing exercises, and nervous system healing practices to create clarity, ease, and expansion in your life.
Kate Northrup is author of the best sellers Money: A Love Story and Do Less, creator of the Do Less planner, and host of the podcast Plenty katenorthrup.com

Brett Bevell
Course 5702-440/Tuition $400 ($360 Members) PT
In the sacred tradition of Reiki training, a Reiki master is empowered with the energetic ability to initiate others into the Reiki system of healing. Once that ability is hardwired into our energetic system through master level Reiki initiation, it raises our vibration and attracts situations, people, and circumstances that are in alignment with our soul’s highest purpose.
In this 2-day training with Reiki master Brett Bevell, we are initiated with three master level symbols and learn how to use these symbols to deepen our own healing practice and initiate others into the Reiki system. We also explore advanced Reiki practices that enhance psychic ability as well as techniques that allow one to send Reiki healings to many people simultaneously. All who complete this training receive Reiki master certification. Previous training in Reiki second degree is required.
Brett Bevell is a Reiki master, poet, performance artist, and featured healer on the Soulvana app. He is author of The Wizard’s Guide to Energy Healing, The Reiki Magic Guide to Self-Attunement, and Reiki for Spiritual Healing brettbevell.com

Yoga for Life
Asana, Meditation & Pranayama Retreat
Colleen Saidman and Rodney Yee Course 5702-392/Tuition $485 ($435 Members) SS
Whether it is an ordinary day or a day that dips and rises dramatically, you can use your everyday practice to return closer to center, say Colleen Saidman and Rodney Yee. Join two of the most respected yoga teachers of our time, as they guide you to stop, look, and listen, and then act with wisdom and sincerity. Immerse yourself in a weekend of asana, meditation, and pranayama, where you come to find that the better you know the tools of yoga, the more skillfully you can apply them.
As we use our quiet time to listen to our breath, we find out how the weathervane of our body will point us to the yoga practices that work for today. Come and find out what sequences we have chosen to address all the di erent weather that arises.
Colleen Saidman, owner of Yoga Shanti in Sag Harbor, is the author of Yoga for Life and has more than 30 years of yoga practice experience. colleensaidmanyee.com
Rodney Yee is a yoga teacher who played a key role in expanding the reach of yoga across the US. He co-owns Piedmont Yoga Studio and has created dozens of yoga videos with Gaiam including Rodney Yee’s Yoga for Beginners rodneyyeeyoga.com


“Seeing the OCSL building and the Eco Machine™ made me consider, for the first time in my life, what my relationship to nature was and all that it could be. It changed the trajectory of my life’s work.”

Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Water of Life
Listening to the River Sing
Course 5702-700/Tuition $365/290/215 ($330 Members) SS

We need a new story for our changing times, one that brings renewed meaning to our lives, and water shows us the way. In today’s society, we often find ourselves living in isolated bubbles, detached from the natural world around us and the most basic element of all—water. Disconnected from the water sources that surround us, we lose sight of the serious issues facing these wellsprings of life, including drought, floods, pollution and commercialization.
Indigenous communities have long held a deep connection to the land and its elements, such as a number of tribes in Alabama who have long revered the Tennessee River, calling it Nunnuhsae, the Singing River. In this weekend, we explore ways to develop our ability to connect more profoundly and spiritually with our creeks, ponds, streams, lakes, and rivers as a way to inspire a new story for our times.

Guided by Indigenous spiritual leader and human rights attorney Sherri Mitchell (Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset), Omega Center for Sustainable Living Founder Robert “Skip” Backus, and others, this special gathering brings together community and nonprofit leaders, activists, educators, and healers to recognize the value of nature as a teacher and guide. Through music, story, group discussion, and meditation, we come into a place of stronger connectivity with one another and the natural world. The weekend also includes a powerful, interactive concert on Saturday evening with Jeremy Dutcher, a classically-trained Canadian Indigenous tenor, composer, and activist who has revived once-lost songs of Native peoples.
By using water as a deep source of wisdom and inspiration, we become stronger water advocates making a di erence in the world.
Sherri Mitchell (Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset), JD, is an Indigenous rights activist, spiritual teacher, and founding director of the Land Peace Foundation. She is author of Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change. landpeacefoundation.org
Robert "Skip" Backus is CEO Emeritus of Omega and the visionary behind the Omega Center for Sustainable Living (OCSL), the first green building in America to receive both LEED® Platinum and Living Building Challenge™ certification. eomega.org/center-sustainable-living
Jeremy Dutcher, a member of Tobique First Nation in New Brunswick, is a classicallytrained composer, musicologist, and activist whose boundary-crossing music is filled with reverence for the traditional songs of his home and the urgency of modern-day struggles. His award-winning albums include Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa and Honor Song jeremydutcher.com
Erica Gies is an award-winning independent journalist who writes about water, climate change, plants, and critters for Scientific American, the New York Times, Nature, The Atlantic, and numerous other national and international publications. ericagies.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon

Bluegrass & Songwriting Workshop
Mike Mitchell and Dawn Kenney
Course 5805-576/Tuition $650 ($585 Members) SS
Write songs and play tunes with nationally recognized songwriting and instrumental teachers Mike Mitchell and Dawn Kenney. Enjoy picking, singing, songwriting, and jamming—for bass, guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, and lead and harmony singers.
Mike and Dawn show you how to apply the “six Ts” of music to the genre of bluegrass: tuning, timing, technique, tone, timbre, and taste.
Morning sessions include a group song-write and a group arrangement of a standard. During the arrangement session, we explore the balance of power between rhythm and melody, fills and lead-breaks.
Afternoon sessions consist of breakout groups organized by instrument, and Mike is available for one-on-one instruction. The afternoon ends with a vocal session, lead and three-part harmony singing.
Evenings will be spent in a relaxed song-circle jam. All participants are invited to perform in the culminating concert. Intermediate through advanced level players are welcome. Mike Mitchell’s distinctive songwriting, vocals, and instrumental prowess capture audiences live and on record. He is a committed teacher and leads songwriting and instrumental workshops. mikemitchellmusic.com
Dawn Kenney is an award-winning singer/songwriter who weaves her love of bluegrass, country, folk, and gospel music together to create her own unique genre-defying sound. dawnkenney.com

Explore Your Right Relationship With Self & World
Rochelle Schieck
Course 5805-645/Tuition $470 ($425 Members)
Do you feel called to get back into your body, honor the sacred, and support the world? Through the practice of Qoya-inspired movement, we remember that our essence is wise, wild, and free.
Practice attuning with your essence in daily Qoya class— combining yoga, dance, and other forms—to draw on the physical sensation of staying congruent with your truth. Create space to honor your journey and embrace wholeness.
With partner and circle sharing, honor the interconnection between us all, practice coming into the right relationship, presencing, and listening for collective wisdom.
We call on Mother Earth as our guide and attune ourselves to her healing energies, aligning with her rhythms and cycles. Return home with skills for listening to your body, ways to infuse the sacred into your daily living, and a deeper connection with nature. No prior experience necessary.
Rochelle Schieck, an author and teacher, invites people to rediscover their essence and deepen their connection to self, others, and the natural world. qoya.love
Deborah Hanlon
Course 5805-611/Tuition $470 ($425 Members)

As a lifelong intuitive and medium, Deborah Hanlon has a passion for teaching fundamental energy consciousness principles in order to help others reconnect to their true nature and find balance. At the core of Deborah's philosophy is the empowering belief that everyone is a medium and that understanding your language for mediumship is essential. Join Deborah for an insightful journey into self-discovery and personal development as you learn to unleash the extraordinary mediumship potential within you. Through guided meditations, personal connections with departed loved ones, collaborative exercises with fellow mediums, and mystical synchronicities, you:
• Dive into your inherent mediumship abilities
• Sharpen your skills for heartfelt message delivery
• E xplore the spiritual physics that form the scientific foundation of mediumship
Leave with a deeper understanding of your individual, innate mediumship skills and how to hone them.
Deborah Hanlon is a consciousness coach, meditation instructor, intuitive, and medium. She is author of In the Presence of Proof deborahhanlon.com

Taoism, Anatomy & the Somatic Meditation of Stillness
Biff Mithoefer and Eric Archer
Course 5805-603/Tuition $435 ($390 Members) SS, LE, PT
This 5-day training for all levels of practitioners o ers a thorough exploration of the principles, practice, and e ects of Yin Yoga on one’s body, mind, emotions, energy, and sense of self-connection.
Yin Yoga uses long-held postures that access the deeper, more yin parts of ourselves; inviting us to embrace what has true heart and meaning in our lives through insight and practice.
Teaching is explored as we take turns leading each other through the postures. We incorporate poetry, stories, and music, and support each other in building our confidence and fluidity as Yin Yoga instructors. We learn ways to incorporate yin postures and philosophy into any yoga teaching or practice.
We also explore how touch, and the practice of Thai Yoga Massage, can act as a beautiful complement to the slow and somatic meditation of Yin Yoga.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Bi Mithoefer, E-RYT 500, author of The Yin Yoga Kit, teaches Yin Yoga throughout the US and internationally. bi mithoeferyoga.com
Eric Archer is a teacher, musician, and artist whose work has been incorporated into mindfulness curricula at the Finger Lakes School of Massage and the Millbrook School. ericarcherarts.com
Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Exploring Money as Medicine
Tuti B. Scott and Gwendolyn VanSant Course 5902-647/Tuition $435 ($390 Members)
For people of all genders seeking to make values-aligned actions for impact, this is a heartfelt introduction to a beloved and embodied community. Explore your personal narrative around resources, power, and values, and align them for social good.
Led by Tuti B. Scott, intersectional feminist leader, with nationally recognized thought leader Gwendolyn VanSant,

Personal Myth, Filmmaking, Fine Art Exploration & Storytelling
Laura Bellmont Course 5805-651/Tuition $555 ($500 Members) LE
A personal myth is a story one creates in order to make meaning and sense of the world. When we investigate the tales we tell ourselves, we open the door to changing our stories.
During this hands-on animation and art-making workshop, you are invited to examine the twists and turns of your unique life narratives while trying your hand at this classic artform. Over the course of this workshop, you:
• Design and build characters and sets inspired by your self-reflection
• B ring your visions to life using DragonFrame Stop Motion professional software
• Record voice-overs and sound e ects to complete your projects
The finished short films will be edited together to be shared in a collaborative piece on our final day together. Return home with a finished work of art that can be viewed and shared again and again.
Laura Bellmont is an illustrator and educator in the New York City metropolitan area. She founded and teaches at The Little Animation Studio, which was the subject of her book, Animation Lab for Kids. thelittleanimationstudio.com
we take this critical opportunity to talk about “to whom we belong” and the social powers we have, explore where our resources are sourced from, and shape the impact we want to make in the world. We:
• Consider stories around power and privilege
• E xamine what resources can be moved toward equity and allyship

• Gain knowledge about the ecosystem of justice, money, and power
This workshop is designed for those interested in examining their money stories, shifting power, and making impact using a gender, racial, and/or economic justice lens.
Tuti B. Scott is a consultant and coach to high-achieving leaders and teams working on the front lines of social change and produces workshops through her firm, Changemaker Strategies. tutiscott.com
Gwendolyn VanSant is the principal and owner of Equity in Practice LLC. Her work is rooted in social justice, reparations, and extensive positive psychology training. gwendolynvansant.com
Writing to Be Read A Retreat
for Writing in Community
Susan Brearley, Gary Chapin, and Tony Stubblebine in partnership with Medium.com Course 5902-646/Tuition $425 ($380 Members)
When famed fiction writer Harlan Ellison told a woman that he was a writer and she said, “I wanted to be a writer once, I just don’t know how you do it,” he responded, “Writers write. That’s what they do.” And during the Writing to Be Read retreat, that is what we do, too.

Throughout the weekend, MuddyUm editors Susan Brearley, Gary Chapin and Tony Stubblebine—and more faculty that will be joining the weekend—guide and encourage you to write, o ering whatever support you may need. Engage with prompts, provocations, feedback circles, games, and challenges. Share your writing and give and receive feedback. Brearley and Chapin also o er advice to get your writing published, on Medium.com or elsewhere, or to get your writing read in whatever way you would like.
Come with an open mind, ready to write, read, share, and write some more. Because that is what we do.
Journey of the Heart
Brant Secunda
Course 5902-539/Tuition $445 ($400 Members) SS
Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and way of life. Ceremony, sacred dance, vision quest, and pilgrimages to places of power in nature are all essential aspects of shamanism.
In this immersive weekend retreat with Brant Secunda, an internationally acclaimed shaman, healer, and ceremonial leader in the Indigenous Huichol tradition of Mexico, together we experience sacred rituals to empower our lives and find our true nature. Manifest positive energy through the Dance of the Deer Ceremony and tap into the life force of Mother Earth.
Find renewal through guided spiritual practices. Empower a dream state with daily morning rituals. And rejuvenate the body, heart, and spirit with ancient chants.
Through our practice, the shamanic circle embraces us, unifying our lives with strength, healing and love.
Brant Secunda is an internationally acclaimed shaman, healer, and ceremonial leader in the Indigenous Huichol tradition of Mexico. He founded the Dance of the Deer Foundation Center for Shamanic Studies in 1979. shamanism.com

Also available via livestream (see pages 128-129).
Susan Brearley is editor-in-chief of MuddyUm, the premier humor and comedy publication on Medium.com. She is a writing coach, published author, and frequent anthology contributor. muddyum.net
Gary Chapin is an editor on the humor publication MuddyUm and coauthor of 126 Falsehoods We Believe About Education He writes about education, music, and literature, and is also a songwriter, accordionist, and guitarist. muddyum.net
Tony Stubblebine is the CEO of Medium. He is also the cofounder and former CEO of Coach.me, publisher for Better Humans, and was an early employee at Twitter.
Conscious Creativity in an Unpredictable World
Shamini Jain
Course 5902-556/Tuition $375 ($335 Members)
How can we adopt and combine the best empirical science and time-honored indigenous wisdom to foster personal growth for ourselves and others? Join psychologist, scientist, and author of Healing Ourselves, Shamini Jain, to gain the energy and resources necessary to consciously create new possibilities for your life and o erings for the world.
In this experiential retreat, you:

• Learn about the key facets of flourishing, including the latest scientific research in psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and ecology
• Discover key meditative practices that provide harmonious balance, including East Indian spiritual traditions
• E xplore the role of vital energy in flourishing by engaging in sound-making practices for subtle energy awareness and energy cultivation
• Identify and overcome subconscious blocks in a safe community environment
• Create your personal pathway to enliven the creative energies that foster flourishing, even during chaos
Arrive curious, open to transformation, and ready to meet the powerful creator within you.
Shamini Jain, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, scientist, and social profit leader. She is founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI) and author of Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health shaminijain.com


Answers From the Light
Learn How to Connect to the Higher Realms & Your Spiritual Gifts
Course 5902-622/Tuition $475 ($425 Members) SS
Begin a transformative journey of self-discovery led by four gifted practitioners—two psychic mediums, an angel and oracle expert, and an aura specialist. This experience invites you to explore the depths of your spiritual awareness and natural intuitive abilities.
Each presenter o ers intuitive group readings, providing guidance and connection from the spiritual realms. In group activities, you learn how to reach out and connect to your own angels, guides, and loved ones.
Plus, learn practical exercises to enhance your intuitive gifts and discover the benefits of knowing how to read and work with your aura.
This retreat serves as a sacred space for selfreflection, healing, personal growth, and connection with like-minded souls. Whether you seek clarity, validation, or a renewed sense of purpose, join us on this enchanting journey to unlock the mysteries of our divine connection beyond the physical.
John Holland is a psychic medium, author, and founder of My Soul Community. He is one of the most sought-after mediums on the world stage, starring in numerous TV shows and documentaries, and is the author of six books, four oracle decks, and mobile applications. johnholland.com
Radleigh Valentine is a best-selling author and angel communicator who has created spiritual tools such as tarot and oracle card decks, books, and certification courses. radleighvalentine.com
Dougall Fraser is a psychic, author, and cosmic coach who specializes in interpreting the colors, or aura fields, he sees around others. He was a speaker at OWN U, a live event series hosted by OWN. dougallfraser.com
Maureen Hancock is a spirit medium, best-selling author, teacher, and television personality. She works with the terminally ill through hospice organizations, grief groups, FBI, and law enforcement. maureenhancock.com
Fall Omega Members Retreat
Just for you!
Course 5902-663/Tuition $125 SS
We hold a special place in our hearts for Omega Members. Members help sustain the work we do year-round and receive benefits in return, like this one-of-a-kind Members-only retreat. Join us Friday evening for a welcome party hosted by our Stewardship Council where you’ll meet other Members who care as deeply about Omega as you do. The next two days, enjoy the fall foliage while wandering Omega’s extensive gardens, nature trails, and waterfront on 250 acres. Choose to spend time at the Wellness Center or in classes led by our well-loved faculty, including art, mindfulness, forest bathing, movement, energy healing, and more.

Share meals and activities designed with Members in mind. Do as much or as little as you want. Bring a friend, or come alone and make a friend, while you soak in the magical energy that Omega’s campus provides.
Fru Molnar Founder of Forest Baths and Certified Forest Therapy Guide
Avalon Way-Shower and Energy Healer, Omega Institute
Riva May Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher, Omega Institute
Kavitha Rao Yoga & Mindfulness Facilitator
Diana Benz Breathwork Facilitator, Omega Institute

Omega hosts: Lauryn Franzoni Membership Director, Omega Institute

Reginald J. Earls Sta Relations Assistant Director, Omega Institute
Kathleen Laucius Senior Director of Creative and Art Curator, Omega Institute
Become a Member today! eOmega.org/Membership
A Spring Retreat is also available May 19-22. See page 8.


Dr. Dickson Thom and Julie Thom Course 5902-697/Tuition $390/315/240 ($350 Members)
How do you access your buried history in order to heal the present “dis-eased” state?
What happened to you in the past—even the things you don’t recall—can have negative e ects on your health later in life. It may show up as hypertension, disordered eating, diabetes, arthritis, depression, or even cancer. The pathway to healing is to move the buried past into the spacious present.
Join Biological Medicine educator Dr. Dickson Thom and wellness coach Julie Thom during this weekend of education and application. You learn to:
• Recognize how trauma manifests as chronic dis-ease or dysregulation
• Discover the role energetics play in your health
• Practice take-home skills to integrate and release trauma and anxiety
Through proven techniques rooted in natural medicine, you start to understand and hold the experiences of the past in order to transform, heal, and grow.
Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND, is among the foremost practitioners and educators of Biological Medicine in North America. He is a past dean of Naturopathic Medicine at National College of Naturopathic Medicine. drdicksonthom.com

Julie Thom is a trauma-informed human movement specialist, wellness coach, and founder of Fitomize Fitness. She is also co-host of the podcast, Connecting with the Thom’s, with her dad, Dr. Dickson Thom. fitomize.ca