Voices Together Ecstatic Chant
Course 4303-554/Tuition $415 ($370 Members) SS

Featuring: Krishna Das
Nina Rao Jai Uttal

Omega’s Ecstatic Chant weekend is a chance to bring our voices together with some of the Western world’s leading devotional singers, to reunite in community, and to nourish the soul with a rich tradition of musical prayer and meditation.
Known in Sanskrit as kirtan, devotional chanting awakens a longing in the heart for the experience of inner silence, boundless love, and union with the divine. Kirtan emerged from Hindu traditions in India and is today practiced by millions. The call-and-response, rhythmic quality of these unifying chants kindles an exhilarating, joyful mood.
Explore a variety of chants and chanting styles, interspersed with rejuvenating sessions of meditation, yoga, and story sharing.
As one of the most popular events at Omega, Ecstatic Chant has helped open many hearts. Get lost in the music, the power of community, and strengthen your connection to a higher power. This program ends Monday at noon.

Bringing Chanting
Into the Practice of Living
Krishna Das and Nina Rao Course 4401-555/Tuition $80 ($70 Members) SS Join Krishna Das for this 1-day chanting retreat and devotional practice. This is a special opportunity to study with one of the foremost devotional singers in the world.
Explore the spiritual path with group chanting of Hanuman Chalisas with Nina Rao. Guided by Krishna Das in the afternoon and evening, we revel in call-andresponse chanting, stories about Das's beloved guru, Sri
Neem Karoli Baba, and discussions about life, with plenty of opportunities for questions and answers.
Sharing his heart through music and chanting is the basis of Das’s devotional practice, his way of serving the divine within himself and others. In this chanting retreat, we can embark on our own devotional journey with him.
Radhika Das
Gaura Vani

Krishna Das is one of the foremost devotional singers in the world. He has released numerous CDs and is author of Chants of a Lifetime krishnadas.com
Nina Rao, Krishna Das’s assistant, tours with him, playing cymbals and singing. In 2013 she released a double-CD, Antarayaami ninaraochant.com


Awakening Bhakti
A Celebration of Love & Longing
Jai Uttal
Course 4404-525/Tuition $435 ($390 Members) SS
Bhakti Yoga is the path of personal relationship with Spirit, God, and Goddess. It is a relationship that includes all the flavors and moods of the human heart. In the journey of Bhakti, your emotions become the fuel to reconnect you with the Divine and help you find healing and wholeness within yourself.
In this workshop designed to fuel your soul, Jai Uttal shares and demystifies some of the secrets of kirtan (chanting the ecstatic songs of ancient India). With just a little understanding of music and rhythm, and a lot of self-acceptance, we sing, lead, and share our hearts with others.
Through singing kirtan you can explore, express, and share the deepest caverns of your soul— and ultimately find the eternal springs of love. The practice of chanting becomes our teacher, guiding us home.
Workshop begins Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
Jai Uttal is a Grammy-nominated singer, kirtan artist, and world music innovator and has been a leading influence in the Bhakti tradition for 50 years. jaiuttal.com
Redefine the Feminine in Yoga
Nubia Teixeira
Course 4404-524/Tuition $435 ($390 Members) SS
The Divine Mother abides within every being as consciousness and love. Her symbols, artifacts, and contributions have been found in every single ancient culture.

In this immersive workshop, Nubia Teixeira teaches a yoga sadhana that is filled with Mother Goddess imagery, sacred symbology, and potency. By experiencing yoga in a way that is more honoring of the feminine power, you increase self-acceptance, inner strength, and self-love. You build compassion toward yourself and your life, and ultimately toward all beings.
Through asana, prayer, pranayama, visualization, and other empowering and nourishing practices, appropriate for all ages and all body types, you enliven all the layers of your being. You develop a deep understanding of shaktism (worship of feminine power) and tools to continue your practice at home.

This program is designed for all who identify as women. No previous yoga experience is required.
Workshop begins Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Nubia Teixeira, E-RYT 500, YACEP, founder of the Bhakti Nova School of Yoga & Dance, is a Brazilian-born yogini and has been teaching yoga for more than 25 years. bhaktinova.com
Endorsed by the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation Course 4404-635/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS, LE
Positive change within a compassionate community has been the hallmark of Opening the Heart WorkshopsTM for almost five decades. Through a unique blend of time-tested exercises, practices, and lectures, you are immersed in a rich heritage and culture of the heart, where it becomes possible to:

• Feel more, as you find, open to, and express emotions in healthy ways
• E xperience your wholeness
• E xplore freedom from limiting beliefs and embrace new, unrevealed parts of yourself
• Increase your authenticity, empathy, and trust to cultivate better relationships
• B oost your resilience to adversity by releasing old hurts
• Gain a clearer vision of your purpose in life
This workshop is an intensive experience and we do much together which helps open the heart. In this emotionally heightened environment, participants can release feelings in a safe way. This may bring relief, and more clarity about one’s future. All are welcome to join us with these interests in mind.
Workshop begins Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Linda Aranda Belliveau, M.Ed, has led Opening the Heart Workshops for 42 years, and trains others in the approach. She specializes in personal growth and grief support. openingtheheartworkshop.com
Liz Mazlish, MA, has led Opening the Heart Workshops since 1990 and has had a private psychotherapy practice for 32 years. openingtheheartworkshop.com
Al DeGroot’s OTH leadership began in 1983, also infusing his work in business and with men.
Judy Kushner-DeGroot began her OTH journey in 1981. Judy is a life and relationship coach. openingtheheartworkshop.com
Arrive Monday Begin Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon

Radical Dharma Camp
Get In the Conversation
Rev. angel Kyodo williams Roshi
Course 4404-652/Tuition $562.50/450/337.50 ($355 Members) SS
Challenge yourself to confront systemic su ering and injustice personally and collectively at the original birthplace of Radical Dharma Camp. This camp goes beyond race training 101, walking you through Rev. angel Kyodo williams’s Framework for Liberation (F4L), a process that empowers you to disrupt systems of patriarchy, white supremacy, oppression, and domination.
Radical Dharma Camp is the “rough and tumble” space to confront the roots of our individual and collective disbelonging, while cultivating meaningful connections across lines of di erence.
Leverage practice, presence, and play to unpack the embodied trauma of race and racialization, from a point of love that disrupts fear, shame, and isolation.
Radical Dharma equips you to:
• Engage authentically and act from love
• Design thriving ecosystems in your life and movements
• Understand the essential roles of embodiment in our collective liberation
• Expand practices for disrupting patriarchy, white supremacy, and oppression
Workshop begins Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Rev. angel Kyodo williams Roshi is an author, activist, maverick spiritual teacher, master trainer, and founder of Center for Transformative Change. revangel.com
Own Your Power & Shape Your Life
Rachel Lang
Course 4404-621/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS
Magic is a prime creative force alive within us. It inspires wonder, helps us attune to our intuition, and deepens our connection with the natural world. When we work with magic, we participate in shaping our destiny. We also become powerful change agents in the world.
Join professional astrologer and psychic medium Rachel Lang to learn the principles of magic and be guided through meditations, rituals, and activities to better access your spiritual gifts.

Have you ever wondered why your life feels stuck or why your intentions aren’t reaching fruition? In group exercises, we address fear and resistance head-on, helping you to be free to experience more joy, abundance, and love.
We discuss practical ways to work with magic, like using simple divination techniques or making talismans. You hone your intuition and adopt sacred practices you can use in your everyday life.
Workshop begins Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Rachel Lang is an astrologer and author of Modern Day Magic: 8 Simple Rules to Realize Your Power and Shape Your Life and As Above, So Below rachellangastrologer.com

Best Practices, Tools & Techniques for Practitioners & Teachers
Angela Williams-Jones Course 4502-610/Tuition $350 ($315 Members)
Yoga can play an intricate role in healing and supporting those with food addictions and disordered eating. Discover best practices for teaching yoga to support your students’ relationships with food, eating, and their bodies, along with ways to assist you on your own journey.
Through lectures, guided meditations, journaling, and group discussions, as well as engaging in Yoga Nidra, hatha, restorative, Kundalini, and Yin related yoga practices, you learn to:
• Recognize symptoms and signs of food addiction and distinguish between behavioral addictions, food addictions, and disordered eating
• Use body-positive, body liberatory, weight-neutral, size-neutral, and bodyneutral language to create a welcoming and a rming space for all bodies
• Educate yourself about relationships with food and eating, including using intuitive eating (IE) and Health at Every Size (HAES) models
Return home with a toolbox of techniques and experiences for addressing food, eating, and the body specific to food addiction.
Angela WilliamsJones, E-RYT 500, RCYT, RPYT, YACEP, is a contributor to multiple editions of the bestpractice book series for Omega and the Yoga Service Collective.

Calling All Creatives
Art as an O ering
Sara Bareilles, Amber Rubarth, and Celisse Course 4502-680/Tuition $475 ($425 Members)
Creativity invites us to explore the mysteries of our Self, others, and the great beyond. But how do we nurture this relationship and keep the dialogue open and flowing? How might we weave in “art as an o ering” to approach the muse with honor and gratitude?

In a blend of playful instruction, solo and group interactions, and honest conversation, celebrated songwriters Sara Bareilles, Amber Rubarth, and Celisse lead this weekend retreat where we:
• Call on the medicine of generosity and service to heal insecurities, embrace imperfection, and dissolve creative blocks
• Learn practices that nurture, protect, and sustain connection to our sacred muse

Tony nominations and three Emmy nominations for her work as musical theater composer and actress. sarabmusic.com
Amber Rubarth approaches life with a refreshing curiosity in her music, art, acting, and production. She made her acting debut in American Folk amberrubarth.com
• Exchange helpful habits, discuss obstacles, and take creative leaps together
• Open hearts with an intimate live performance by the artists
The retreat is open to all walks of creativity—dancers, artists, musicians, poets, and those still finding their voice.
A Mind-Body Approach
Cathleen King and The Primal Trust™ Team Course 4502-586/Tuition $385 ($345 Members) PT
In this training based on the Primal Trust™ Regulate program, discover how to turn o stress- and inflammation-producing alarm responses in the brain and body that can cause chronic symptoms. Guided by Cathleen King and The Primal Trust Team, you learn to self-create a healing biochemistry, even with the toughest chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, long-haul COVID, autoimmune conditions, and more.
Through discussion, experiential practices, and guided attunements, you:
• Gain a complete nervous system regulation toolkit to unlock your vital force
• Receive cutting-edge information on how brain rewiring and nervous system healing practices address chronic inflammatory processes
• Learn how to address the Cell Danger Response, impaired detoxification, endocrine imbalances and immune dysregulation by signaling safety responses in the body at the cellular level
Celisse is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and spoken-word artist. Her varied career has seen her at venues ranging from The Gorge and Newport Folk Festival with Joni Mitchell to the Beacon Theater supporting Mariah Carey. celisse.com
Find Your Path Forward With Purposeful Clarity
Hollye Jacobs & Frances Schultz Course 4502-564/Tuition $350 ($315 Members)
Life’s inevitable transitions can leave in their wake upheaval, chaos, uncertainty, and overwhelm. Learn to tap into your intuitive wisdom to find clarity, purpose, and a path forward. Hollye Jacobs and Frances Schultz are experienced public speakers, teachers, published authors, and cofounders of Frollye—A Filling Station for the Soul. In this weekend workshop packed with lecture, discussion, walking meditations, guided activities, and a certain amount of silliness, they guide you from “now what” to “know what.”
Learn to open your mind, heart, and soul to new possibilities in experiencing the world around and within you. Leave with information and inspiration to recognize and embrace experiences in personal and professional daily life as lessons. This workshop is designed for anyone who has undergone transition or is feeling overwhelmed, adrift, or stuck and is seeking guidance in figuring out life’s next steps and how to accomplish them.
Hollye Jacobs is a nurse, social worker, and New York Times bestselling author of The Silver Lining: A Supportive and Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer. instagram.com/hollyejacobs/ Frances Schultz is a writer, speaker, artist, and seeker. She is author and coauthor of several books, including The Bee Cottage Story instagram.com/ francesschultz and immune dysregulation by signaling safety want

This training is designed for beginners to advanced practitioners who want to gain understanding of nervous system healing for chronic conditions.

Cathleen King, DPT, is educated and trained as a physical therapist and is founder of the Primal Trust program. primaltrust.org

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
A Weekend of Storytelling with The Moth at Omega
Kate Tellers, Anna Roberts, and guest storytellers Course 4502-693/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS, LE

Join us for The Moth’s return to Omega for an enriching weekend of live storytelling programs. The renowned nonprofit will host a series of events that illuminate the diversity and commonality of human experience and create community through the art and craft of storytelling.

This immersive weekend begins with a curated show where Moth storytellers share true, personal stories of transformation live on stage without notes. Then, go behind the scenes with expert Moth instructors to craft a story of your own in a personal storytelling workshop. Select participants will take the stage to tell their stories to their peers. The experience concludes with a reflection and creative sharing.
The Moth is an award-winning nonprofit dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. This program begins on Friday at 7:00 p.m. and ends on Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
Kate Tellers is the coauthor of How to Tell a Story: The Essential Guide to Storytelling from The Moth, where she is a senior director, the director of MothWorks, a host of their live storytelling series, and award-winning podcast and storyteller. themoth.org
Anna Roberts is the manager of MothWorks at The Moth, where she has designed and led storytelling programs for clients including GM, lululemon, Google, TelevisaUnivision, AstraZeneca, and Daughters of the Movement. themoth.org
Breaking Old Agreements
The Toltec Path to Freedom
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and Don Jose Ruiz Course 4502-496/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
For centuries, Toltec shamans of Mexico used the art of storytelling to share the gift of awareness with the next generations of Toltecs.
Join Toltec masters don Miguel and don Jose to explore the deep meaning and value of these ancient stories, how they apply to modern life, and how the Toltec path has changed their lives.
In this powerful experience you learn to:
• G o beyond your fears
• B ecome aware of life’s infinite possibilities
• Gain awareness of how your attachments create your reality and expression of love
• Define yourself and stop basing your identity on the opinions and judgments of others
Come with an open heart as these Toltec masters lead the workshop with their wisdom and use exercises to bring the material to life.
Also available via livestream (see pages 128-129).
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. is a shaman, a Toltec master of transformation, and a direct descendant of the Toltecs of the Eagle Knight lineage.
Don Jose Ruiz is a shaman, a Toltec master of transformation, and international best-selling author of The Fifth Agreement
Natural Recovery from Su ering

Scott Kiloby and Dan McLintock Course 4502-579/Tuition $430 ($385 Members) SS
Our misperceptions of reality lead to painful thinking about ourselves, others, and the world. In this experiential retreat, delve into the principles, mechanics, and tools of Natural Recovery From Su ering and the Kiloby Inquiries—two inquiry-based training certification programs—with the programs’ codevelopers Scott Kiloby and Dan McLintock.

Throughout the weekend, you engage in talks and teachings, group discussions, one-on-one sessions, and self/peer support time as you:
• E xplore and deprogram longheld beliefs of separateness, lack, and deficiency
• E xamine misperceptions and dismantle false beliefs and deficiency stories
• Learn to reverse the unconscious emotional repression that drives addiction, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and su ering
• Develop skills for becoming aware of everything as it is—every thought, emotion, sensation, color, shape, and sound

Return home with a clearer perception of reality and presence, ready to experience life in a more compassionate, loving, vulnerable, and selfless way.
Scott Kiloby and Dan McLintock are certified facilitators, trainers, and codevelopers of the Kiloby Inquiries and the New Model of Recovery, two inquiry-based training certification programs that focus on equipping practitioners with tools to resolve the pain, programming, and repression that drive addiction and su ering. kiloby.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon

Advanced Techniques in Energy Cleansing, Shielding & Healing
George Lizos
Course 4605-538/Tuition $545 ($490 Members) PT

Energy protection helps you create boundaries between you and the outside world so that you can be in control of the energies that a ect you. Explore the secrets of energy protection, cleansing, and cord-cutting and their modern applications with George Lizos, psychic healer and author of the acclaimed book, Protect Your Light.
During this transformative professional training, you learn:
• Advanced energy clearing practices to purge negative attachments compromising your spiritual and emotional well-being
• Energy shielding techniques to strengthen your aura against intrusive energies and individuals
• Digital shielding practices and other innovative methods to safeguard your energy online
Gain tools to prepare and lead client sessions, and strategize and execute potent energy clearing sessions for others. Return home able to recognize and detect negative energies as well as clear and shield against them in both the physical and digital realms.
George Lizos is a spiritual teacher, psychic healer, creator of Intuition Mastery School, and a best-selling author. georgelizos.com
Encaustic & the Painted Book
Leslie Giuliani
Course 4605-597/Tuition $430 ($385 Members)
Art enhances life, and creativity is for everyone. In this workshop—designed for makers from beginner to advanced—we create visual narratives in book or flat form using the ancient medium of encaustic, a melted beeswax-based paint.

Along with encaustic, we use oil-based pigment sticks, drawing materials, pan pastels, and stencils. We learn the Japanese paper marbling technique, Suminagashi. We paint, make prints, stitch, perforate, and stamp.
Artist and teacher Leslie Giuliani leads us in a highly creative and intuitive process where one thing leads to the next, as you work with energy and curiosity. Text can be added, or the images and textures can just flow. This way, pieces will be infused with life’s impulse and inspiration. Heated palettes, sewing machines, bookmaking supplies, and other interesting tools will be available for experimentation.
Leslie Giuliani is a contemporary American artist whose work combines textiles, encaustic, oil painting, and printmaking. lesliegiuliani.com

Practices for Comfort & Ease
Annie Okerlin and Nicholas Caris Course 4605-540/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS, LE
Research shows that yoga and relaxation practices help veterans reintegrate after the challenging experiences of military service. In this yoga retreat for male veterans, learn techniques to comfort the body, ease the mind, and promote healing.
Guided by yoga instructor Annie Okerlin and veteran Nicholas Caris, and supported by a community of brothers, you practice yoga and learn to modify postures to accommodate unique physical limitations and ailments— including chronic pain and amputations. Experience daily iRest (Integrative Restoration) sessions, a guided meditation based on yoga nidra that is endorsed by the US Army Surgeon General and o ered at military hospitals nationwide. iRest promotes deep relaxation and acceptance of everything as it is. It helps the nervous system return to a balanced state of well-being, which is necessary to heal unresolved trauma and physical and emotional wounds. Return home with valuable tools to continue your healing journey.
An application is required. Scholarships are available to cover all but $75 of the total cost.
Annie Okerlin, C-IAYT, is a certified yoga instructor in the traditions of Bikram, vinyasa, and power yoga, as well as an iRest yoga nidra instructor. exaltedwarrior.com
Nicholas Caris is a Marine veteran who teaches adaptive yoga to veterans through the Exalted Warrior Foundation. exaltedwarrior.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Love & Mindfulness in Daily Life
A Metta Retreat
Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhita Thero
Course 4605-664/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS
This is a rare opportunity to practice metta (loving-kindness) and mindfulness meditation for inner and outer peace, happiness, and good health, under the guidance of the Buddhist spiritual leader, Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhita Thero, whom many consider a monk living in practice.
Combining lecture, questionand-answer sessions, guided meditation with periods of silence, and mindfulness in daily life, this 5-day retreat helps establish a sense of compassionate, empathetic, day-to-day awareness that gives a foundation for enlightened leadership and activism.

A special guide for our time together is the famed Satipatthana Sutra, often translated as “The Foundation of Mindfulness.” Retreat begins Sunday at 8:00 p.m.
Ven. Dr. Omalpe Sobhita Thero is chief monk of the Southern Province of Sri Lanka and an internationally acclaimed Buddhist scholar, environmentalist, humanitarian, and social activist who has devoted his life to fostering peace and culture.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Radiant Awakening
Annie Bond
Course 4605-584/Tuition $470 ($425 Members) SS
Revitalize your inner vitality and renew a profound connection to the boundless universal energy source through the transformative journey of regenerative self-healing.
As a bioelectric energy system, our life force (prana) depends on a balance of both masculine and feminine energy currents. When these currents are weak or imbalanced, we can experience physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.
In this experiential workshop, energy healer Annie Bond teaches you in nine steps how to raise your voltage and strengthen both masculine and feminine energy currents to ignite the dynamism of your energy body. You learn to:

• H eal your body and mind
• Awaken your full potential
• Live a more vibrant and fulfilling life
Join Annie as she guides you on a journey of self-discovery and healing, employing a combination of ancient wisdom and cuttingedge science.
Annie Bond is a mystic, clairvoyant, best-selling author, and creator of the Awakening Prana healing modality. awakeningprana.com
A Creative Writing Master Class
Iain S. Thomas Course 4605-550/Tuition $500 ($450 Members)
Unlock your ultimate creative writing potential and embark on a path to discover new, exciting ways to make your writing shine in an open, welcoming environment.
Join global best-selling poet, author, and creative director Iain S. Thomas for a 5-day experiential writing workshop focused on finding your creative zone of genius. Together we discover and tackle a di erent aspect of the writing and publishing journey. You learn to:
• Determine why you’re writing and who you’re writing for
• S et realistic writing goals
• B eat writer’s block—forever
• Listen and discover poetry all around you
• Reach and grow your readership
Return home with techniques and best practices for finding ideas quickly, embracing the discipline of writing and creating something that resonates with audiences everywhere.
Iain S. Thomas is a best-selling poet, author, artist, and technologist. His work focuses on the intersection of technology, culture, and spirituality. iainsthomas.com

An Interpersonal Mindfulness Retreat
Florence Meleo-Meyer and Phyllis Hicks
Course 4605-547/Tuition $560 ($505 Members) SS, LE


Global challenges of these times call for greater inner steadiness, curiosity, and openness. Relational mindfulness supports us to be present with ourselves as we engage in a dialogic meditation practice that respects all perspectives. Insight deepens as we learn to listen and listen to learn.


Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice that brings mindfulness and the tranquility of silent meditation into our experience with others. In this 5-day retreat, we engage the power of this practice to more clearly see the habits of heart and mind that lead to stress and distress, and how freeing ourselves from those habits creates greater ease and happiness.
The Omega Women’s Leadership Intensive
Become the Kind of Leader the World Needs Now Course 4605-672/Tuition $525/450/375 ($470 Members) SS, LE
This experiential workshop is for all who identify as women and want to use their leadership to create a caring and just future for everybody.
In an intergenerational, multiracial circle of women, we delve deep into our leadership stories, examine systems of power— how they intersect and how they divide us—and learn what we can do to advance change. We engage in transformative exercises—dialogue, writing, movement, meditation, ritual, and contact with nature—that awaken us to do power di erently at the personal, relational, and global level.

The Insight Dialogue practice unfolds after a period of silent sitting meditation. Then, in pairs or larger groups, we develop mindfulness and tranquility together, and you are invited to reflect and dialogue on human experiences.
Retreat begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Attendance at this retreat fulfills one prerequisite for training to teach the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program.
Florence Meleo-Meyer, MS, MA, LMFT, teaches Insight Dialogue retreats in the US and abroad and is co-developer of the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program (IMP). She is coauthor of MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction Workbook for Anxiety. brown.edu/mindfulnesscenter Phyllis Hicks leads Insight Dialogue retreats internationally and trains and mentors teachers. She is coauthor and designer of the Interpersonal Mindfulness Program.
We explore five leadership essentials—values, voice, vision, vessel, and voyage.
Together we:
• Articulate our core values
• Strengthen our authentic voice
• Create a compelling vision

• E xpand awareness of our “vessel”
• Integrate self-care practices, intersectionality, and empathy
• Sketch a year’s leadership plan
This intensive helps us become the courageous, wise, and nurturing leaders the world needs now.
$25 materials fee; include when you register. Application required; see eOmega.org/owlc. This workshop begins Sunday at 8:00 p.m.
Mallika Dutt, founder of INTER-CONNECTED and program director of gender, equity, and governance at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is a leading innovator in culture change work. mallikadutt.com

Leslie Salmon Jones, creator of Afro Flow Yoga™, is committed to the empowerment of all people to develop mastery over their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. afroflowyoga.com
Carla Goldstein is Omega’s president and chief executive o cer, cofounder of the Omega Women’s Leadership Center, and has more than 25 years of public interest advocacy experience. eOmega.org/OWLC
Sarah Urech is senior strategist for the Omega Women’s Leadership Center. A certified coach, social worker, and multilingual performer, she has performed and taught in 20 countries. eOmega.org/OWLC
Sharon Salzberg (online guest faculty) is a central figure in the field of meditation, a world-renowned teacher, cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society, and a New York Times best-selling author. sharonsalzberg.com
Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m.
End Friday at noon
Wisdom Healing Qigong
Practices for Physical & Emotional Transformation
Mingtong Gu
Course 4605-368/Tuition $495 ($445 Members) SS
As millions of people in China have already discovered, there is a powerful, natural way to address health conditions and stimulate inner healing for living a happy, healthy life.
Immerse yourself in a healing retreat with qigong master Mingtong Gu and experience the power of Wisdom Healing Qigong. Through experiential practices and discussion, you learn to:
• B alance your body, mind, heart, and spirit through qigong movement, sound healing, and visualization practices
• Improve energy flow, reduce stress, and slow the aging process
• Transform negative emotions into a productive and creative force
• Tap into your potential to help prevent illness, cure disease, and enhance quality of life
This retreat is for anyone who wants to learn more about healing qigong practice, those who are addressing specific health conditions, or those who work with patients and want to support the healing journey of others.
Mingtong Gu, founder of the Chi Center, is a qigong master who o ers the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong for contemporary times. chicenter.com

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m.
End Sunday at noon

Lessons on
Balance From a Former Wellness Influencer
Lee Tilghman
Course 4702-430/Tuition $400 ($360 Members)
Reimagine your relationship to social media with former wellness influencer Lee Tilghman, previously known as Lee From America.
Informed by Lee's shift from digital fame to o ine clarity, you dive deep into the nuances of digital life, discuss social media's deceptive charm, and learn to develop your own o ine practice for wider perspective and greater digital intention.

Lee's unique stance o ers a balanced approach, not total disconnection. If you're seeking digital balance, feeling online connection but o ine isolation, or needing a reset, this retreat promises a supportive community and a refreshed perspective on how we interact with social media.
Lee Tilghman is a writer, creator, speaker, and community enthusiast whose work is rooted in authenticity, self-discovery, and identity. leetilghman.com
There Is No Wrong Way to Write
Krista Vernoff
Course 4702-567/Tuition $375 ($335 Members)
Do you have stories inside you that you want to tell, but don’t know how to start? Join acclaimed television writer and producer Krista Verno to explore your inner voice and put your truth into words.
Expressive writing improves mood, mental health, and the immune system. Expressive writing prompts are often the perfect, bite-sized jumping-o points for larger creative endeavors. Just by putting pen to paper, a little bit every day, you validate your lived experience, your feelings, your creativity, and your right to write.

This workshop is designed for writers looking to deepen their work and for anyone looking to explore the act of writing as a healing modality. Bring pen, paper, a touch of courage, a sense of humor, and comfortable clothes. Leave with inspiration, motivation, and knowledge to continue your writing practice at home.
Krista Verno is an author, playwright, essayist, and Emmy-nominated television writer best known for her work on Grey’s Anatomy and Shameless.


Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
Ancient Practices for Radiant Health
Sifu Matthew Cohen Course 4805-441/Tuition $485 ($435 Members)
An Illuminated Life Opening
to the Secret Language of the Universe
Laura Lynne Jackson
Course 4702-436/Tuition $475 ($425 Members) LE
Get ready to meet your personal "team of light"—God energy, angels, spirit guides, and loved ones who have crossed over—in order to find your highest and best path in life.
During this retreat with Laura Lynne Jackson, we explore how to call in and open up to the angelic realm, meet our spirit guides, and ask for and receive specific, tangible signs from the other side. We learn to enlist the other side as helpers in our everyday life—both in practical and profound ways.
Together we practice exercises that awaken and strengthen our intuitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient,
Drawn from a lifetime of exploration and inquiry into the martial, yogic, and healing arts, Sifu Matthew Cohen created and founded the Sacred Energy Arts (SEA). Discover this integrated method for healing and selfdiscovery in a 5-day SEA immersion.
Experience the powerful intersection of ancient and progressive disciplines, including meditation, qigong, breathwork, yoga, and martial arts, and explore the ways in which each informs and strengthens the others. Join in solo and group practices, lectures, demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and journaling in order to:
• Cultivate and manage your vital life force (qi)
• Develop emotional fluency
• H eighten your awareness
• U nlock the power of breath
• Increase balance in your life

No prior experience or preparation is needed. This workshop can be adapted to all levels.
Sifu Matthew Cohen is creator and founder of Sacred Energy Arts (SEA). He has shared his teachings in more than 15 countries across Asia, Europe and the US. sacredenergyarts.com
claircognizant, and mediumistic abilities. This heightens our ability to receive messages and connect with the other side.
A s we connect more deeply with our team of light, we live more vibrant, more confident, engaged lives in the here and now.
An Illuminated Life is one of Omega’s most popular workshops and will host as many as 425 participants. Register early to secure your seat and housing.
Laura Lynne Jackson is an international speaker, teacher, psychic medium, and New York Times best-selling author. lauralynnejackson.com
Woman Heal Thyself
Queen Afua Course 4805-649/Tuition $485 ($435 Members) SS
Join Queen Afua as she gathers women from the four directions for a journey into the sacred circle of holistic well-being.
We start by learning how to tap into impeccable listening to restore your superpower through a threefold process: ask, listen, and act. Throughout the week, we embrace the concept that food is medicine and practice the Five-Element Pathway and Seven Kitchens of Consciousness from Queen’s book City of Wellness
Queen also guides us to:
• Take a lotus blossom pathway to rebirthing yourself out of womb trauma into womb transformation
• Learn the 12 Gateways, from antiquity to present, based on Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit
• Celebrate our wombin-ness through 108 electrifying poses and dance movement to renew, rejuvenate, and rediscover youth and vitality
Workshop begins Sunday at 8:15 p.m.
Q ueen Afua is a New York Times best-selling author, founder of Sacred Woman Rites of Passage Program, and founder of the Queen Afua Wellness Center. queenafua.com

Arrive Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon
International Mediumship Gathering
Tony Stockwell, Dianne Thomas, and Susan Hughes
Course 4805-451/Tuition $695 ($625 Members)
Have you ever wondered whether you might have the skills to reach out with your mind to another world? Or have you felt the presence of an unseen force?
Join British medium Tony Stockwell, Australian medium Dianne Thomas, and Irish medium Susan Hughes for a fascinating look into the world of mediumship, psychic awareness, and soul-to-soul connections, as well as psychic knowingness and communion with other realms.
This intensive program was created to explore the spiritual disciplines needed to become a modern-day psychic medium. If you have pondered on the reality of an eternity that awaits us all, and you feel as though your personality and persona lend themselves to kindness and service to others, then perhaps now is the time for you to reach beyond your normal everyday human experience to attend this potentially lifechanging workshop.
Make Space for
Karena Virginia
Course 4805-529/Tuition $535/460/385 ($480 Members)

Activate the radiant energy within you to attract the miraculous into every facet of your daily life. Guided by intuitive healer Karena Virginia, explore the law of attraction through quantum physics as you immerse yourself in practices to connect more deeply with your own potential for creativity, abundance, and joy.
Throughout the week, practice ancestral healing, meditation, and Kundalini yoga— vigorous at times and presented with options for modification—always working more with energy than the physical body. Join in restorative sound healing, group discussion, lecture, and nurturing circle time to deepen your experience and expand your outlook on life.
Karena has spent more than 20 years practicing and teaching yoga and meditation, as well as years of studying quantum physics and spirituality from areas all over the world. She opens her heart and nurturing, kindness, and love.

Tony Stockwell is one of the most well-known psychic mediums in England and author of four books. He has had four television series, The Psychic Detective, Street Psychic, Psychic School, and Psychic Academy, and appeared regularly on 6ixth Sense. tonystockwell.com
Dianne Thomas is a psychic medium from Australia and a facilitator of self-development classes and meditation.
Susan Hughes is a certified teacher, holistic intuitive psychic, medium, and speaker from Ireland with the Spiritualist National Union. She is head of training with the Nothing Fancy Spiritualist Church. susanhughesmedium.com

Course 4805-665/Tuition $555 ($500 Members)

Embark on a profound journey through various embodiment modalities with Sah D’Simone, Parashakti Sigalit, Vandana Hart, and Atasiea. Movement serves as a gateway to self-discovery, personal growth, and a collective prayer in motion. With each step taken on this sacred journey, we create space to rewrite our soul’s contract.
into the healing power of movement. By engaging our bodies, we connect deeply with ourselves and unlock hidden aspects of our being.
Immerse yourself in an experience that nurtures your physical well-being while fostering psychological strength and empowering you to embrace life fully.
Sah D'Simone is a spiritual revolutionary, award-winning filmmaker, best-selling author of Spiritually Sassy, and creator of the Somatic Activated Healing Method. sahdsimone.com

shares them with accessibility, is an intuitive healer and author who has been teaching yoga, meditation, and the law of attraction for more than 20 years. She is creator of the Relax & Attract

In this immersive experience, we delve into the ancient wisdom of movement as medicine through various embodiment modalities, including Somatic Activated Healing™, Dance of Liberation™, Mermaid Dance, Dancing Freedom, 5Rhythms, and Ecstatic Dance. Through intentional and guided practices, rooted in psychology, somatic awareness, shamanism, breathwork, and ceremony, we tap

Parashakti Sigalit is a certified yoga instructor, facilitator of major yoga and dance festivals around the world, and founder and creator of Dance of Liberation. parashakti.org
Vandana Hart is a dancer, choreographer, producer, activist, United Nations ambassador, and creator and host of the Netflix series We Speak Dance
Atasiea, a.k.a. Kenneth Lawrence Ferguson, is an intuitive healer, bodyworker, yogi, minister, and cofounder and coproducer of Ecstatic Dance Los Angeles. atasiea.com, ecstaticdancela.com
An Experiential Introduction
Jaci Hull
Course 4805-429/Tuition $495 ($445 Members)
The Hakomi Method is one of the original somatic approaches to psychotherapy. Grounded in the principles of mindfulness, nonviolence, unity, organicity, and mind-body wholism, the Hakomi Method is dynamic, collaborative, and powerful.
Using a combination of mindfulness, precise somatic techniques, and caring attention to the therapeutic relationship, the Hakomi Method helps you understand, with clarity and compassion, the origins and organization of your limiting beliefs and behaviors.
Guided by Jaci Hull, a senior Hakomi trainer who trained under Hakomi Method founder Ron Kurtz, you engage in gentle, mindful, and somatic exercises. You learn about the sequential steps of contacting, accessing, deepening, processing, and transformation.
You leave with new skills and perspectives to e ectively support your journey, and others, from stuckness to freedom.
Jaci Hull, MA, LMFT, is a Senior Hakomi Trainer and licensed psychotherapist in practice for more than 35 years. jacihull.com

Practices for Health & Well-Being
Annie Okerlin and Janel Norton
Course 4805-541/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS, LE
In this retreat, we gather as a community to develop resilience and nourish, strengthen, and heal the body and mind. Guided by yoga instructor Annie Okerlin and US Air Force veteran Janel Norton, we practice yoga while learning to accommodate physical limitations and ailments, including chronic pain and amputations. We experience daily guided meditations in iRest (Integrative Restoration), a technique endorsed by the US Army Surgeon General.
Based on the ancient practice of yoga nidra, iRest promotes deep relaxation and acceptance of everything as it is. It helps the nervous system return to a balanced state of well-being, which helps to heal unresolved trauma, as well as physical and emotional wounds.
We leave with skills that continue to serve us in life, helping us to restore life balance and reintegrate after the challenging experiences of military service.
An application is required. Scholarships are available to cover all but $75 of the total cost.
Annie Okerlin, C-IAYT, is a certified yoga instructor in the traditions of Bikram, vinyasa, and power yoga, as well as an iRest yoga nidra instructor. exaltedwarrior.com
Janel Norton served in the US Air Force as a combat photojournalist. She is cofounder of Veterans Alternative and owner of Trinity Yoga Studio. trinity-yoga.com
From Su ering In Silence to Loving
Out Loud
Brittany Mondido, Jeremy Trinchere, and Stefanie McAuliffe Course 4805-698/Tuition $895 ($805 Members) SS
Learn a four-step embodiment process called The ARMS Method™ and be guided into the subconscious mind, connecting you to a higher power to discover what's in the way of the life you want to live. Once you identify it, you can embrace your life. ARMS stands for Awareness, Responsibility, Making di erent decisions, and Spiritually surrendering.
Join The ARM Collective™ for this empowering experience where you:

• Gain awareness of what is holding you back and learn to surrender to a higher power
• Learn an entirely new way of being that you can return to over and over again to alchemize any area of your life
• Leave with a newfound faith and connection to yourself and Source
• Leave with a practical embodiment method that will support you on your path
We close the week with conscious connection and sound healing. Register by May 1 for a discounted tuition of $595 ($535 Members).

Brittany Mondido, author of A Moment in Silence: The Space Between That Changes Your Life, is a spiritual teacher and founder of An ARM's Reach Global™, a teaching and learning format focusing on the art of education and embodiment. brittanymondido.com
Jeremy Trinchere is an educator, believer, and podcast host, who is the founding leader of An ARM's Reach Global™, and the cofounder of LeadFlow Academy.
Stefanie McAuli e is a somatic trauma healer working in human capital management.

Arrive Sunday
Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m.
End Friday at noon
A Mindfulness Retreat to Build Connection, Compassion & Courage
Jennifer Cohen Harper and 13 Hands Equine Rescue Course 4805-434/Tuition $720 ($650 Members) SS, LE
Today’s world can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to become disconnected from ourselves, from nature, and from each other. Horses live in the present moment, and spending time with them can help us slow down, ground, and reconnect with our capacity for mindful awareness and personal power.
During your time at 13 Hands Equine Rescue, Jennifer Cohen Harper guides you to connect with horses using your body language, breath, energy, and intention. Learn to:
• E xchange greetings and convey that you mean no harm
• A sk for space without creating fear or disconnection
• G room a horse to create comfort and connection
• M ove quietly through the herd without disturbing the horses
We’ll also spend time on Omega’s campus, where Jenn leads a combination of mindfulness, movement, journaling, and group discussion. No experience with horses or mindfulness is necessary for this non-riding retreat.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m. This workshop is also o ered October 13-18. See page 116.
Jennifer Cohen Harper is a mindfulness and yoga educator, author, mother, and lifelong student of horses. She is the founder of Little Flower Yoga and Mindfulness, and has received training in Equine Assisted Services from the Natural Lifemanship Institute. mindfulnesswithhorses.com
13 Hands Equine Rescue, located near Omega in Clinton Corners, is a nonprofit organization accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries that rescues unwanted, abused, and abandoned horses. 13handsequine.org

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Getting The Love You Want A Spiritual Path
for Couples
Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt
Course 4902-386/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) per person
The Getting the Love You Want Workshop, based on Imago Relationship Therapy, gives couples the concepts and skills they need to cocreate a safe relationship, experience and sustain deep connection, and experience joyful aliveness.

Using the Imago Process, couples transform their unconscious relationship to a conscious partnership to create their dream relationship. In the process of becoming connected to each other, you experience connecting to a larger reality, which makes intimate partnership a spiritual path.
Together with your partner, you learn a new way to talk, how to remove negativity, and practice daily connecting behaviors to activate the innate healing powers of intimate partnership.
$50 per person materials fee; include when you register.
Harville Hendrix, PhD, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, are cocreators of Imago Relationship Therapy and the concept of “conscious relationship.” Coauthors of three New York Times best sellers, their newest book is The Space Between harvilleandhelen.com

HEAL YOUR HEART WITH HUMOR A Spiritual & Humorous Approach to Achieve Happiness
Jeffrey L. Gurian
Course 4902-472/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
Who among us isn’t holding pain from the past? Painful experiences are lodged in our cellular memory, in what Dr. Je rey L. Gurian refers to as “heart wounds.” Heart wounds can be healed by “literally changing our minds” through the technique of STAR Therapy™, a gentle, energybased system of healing created by Je rey to treat the physical symptoms of stress-related illnesses.
In this workshop based on Je rey’s book, Healing Your Heart by Changing Your Mind, you learn to:
• Overcome the fear that's stopping you from achieving your goals
• Release the heart wounds that a ect every decision you make
• E xamine your thoughts to discover which are valid and which are not
• Reprogram your mind through the use of a rmations
Return home ready and equipped to view obstacles from a humorous perspective and use the mind and humor to promote your own physical healing.
Je rey L. Gurian, DDS, is a comedy writer, performer, director, author, producer, radio personality, and doctor. comedymatterstv.com

DEEP BREATHS & HEAL A Program for Black Women Healing From Trauma
Lisa Hillary Johnson Course 4902-504/Tuition $345/270/195 ($310 Members)
Embark on a journey of recovery to heal trauma and connect with your body and soul through culturally specific holistic healing modalities.
Join Lisa Hillary Johnson in this weekend retreat for Black women healing from trauma and discover an array of practices to combat anxiety and depression, and empower yourself to achieve well-being.
Using yoga, energy healing, ear auricular acupuncture, breathwork, meditation, plant medicine discussion, chakra healing, and body work, Lisa guides you through an awareness process to ease pain, calm the mind, and rejuvenate the body and soul.
You gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your body, and the importance of good nutrition. Through experiential learning, lectures, group discussions, and writing, you formulate a strategy to heal and to develop a community of support.
Lisa Hillary Johnson, a licensed massage therapist and yoga instructor, is founder of Deep Breaths & Heal, a nonprofit organization for Black women survivors of sexual assault. lisahillaryj.com
Tapping Your Unconscious for Life & Art
Maia Danziger Course 4902-468/Tuition $335 ($300 Members)
Are you a writer struggling to tap into your creative well? The Relax & Write™ method proves the blank page is nothing to fear.
Most of us write using only a small part of our available resources, says creative coach Maia Danziger. Created by Maia, Relax & Write helps us unlock our unconscious and uses its material to develop our passion for writing and living. In a safe, nonjudgmental setting, we practice deep relaxation, guided meditation, sensory awareness, and tapping into the “observer self” to awaken the inner voice we’ve always wanted to hear—and put that voice to paper.
As Danziger skillfully builds our writing into a practice, she also playfully demystifies the process, sharing insights and anecdotes from her experiences. You leave with a writing method that forges a repeatable path; a clear, accessible way to get deep writing done.
Maia Danziger, author of Relax & Write is an Emmy Award-winning actress and certified professional coach for writers and artists. relaxandwrite.com ,

Staying Balanced & Connected in Turbulent Times
Tim Olmsted
Course 4902-420/Tuition $345 ($310 Members) SS
In a world that can feel increasingly challenging, we’re called to find the depth and balance needed to stay connected to ourselves, to others, and the world altogether. Along the way, we discover that calling is shared by all, and our own well-being and life are intimately connected with the lives and well-being of everyone. For centuries, this insight has been explored and enriched through the embodiment of the “boundless attitudes” of loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.

Join spiritual teacher Tim Olmsted in this weekend of teachings, discussions, and meditations. By tapping into our boundless hearts, we discover our own happiness, our resilience, and find richness and meaning in our connection to the world around us.
This weekend program is open to anyone interested in transforming their heart and mind, experienced meditators, and those who are just starting out.
Tim Olmsted is founder and president of the Pema Chödrön Foundation, founder of The Buddhist Center of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and former director of Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, Canada. steamboatbuddhistcenter.org

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon

Pages & Poses A Movement Retreat for Writers
Katy Bowman and Sarah Selecky
Course 4902-587/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) LE
Writing is a physical activity that bends the body into a particular and occasionally painful shape. Some aspects of that shape may be nonnegotiable—eyes on a page, hands gripping a pen, or curled atop a keyboard—but others are not. You can choose writing positions that better support your shoulders, spine, hips, and more—and find creative ways to infuse movement into your non-writing time.
This energizing and inspiring workshop guides you through simple steps toward creating a more dynamic writing practice and intentionally using movement to nourish your body and creativity at the same time. Discover how dynamic writing releases your creative energy and reveals new insights, as you pair physical exercises with short writing exercises to connect mind, body, and story.
This retreat is designed for anyone who writes or loves the written word; all experience levels are welcome.
Katy Bowman is a biomechanist, renowned movement teacher, and author of 10 books on movement, including the groundbreaking Move Your DNA nutritiousmovement
Sarah Selecky is a critically acclaimed author, creative writing teacher, and mentor. sarahseleckywritingschool.com

A Nature-based Path to Navigating Su ering & Loss
Llyn Roberts
Course 4902-383/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS Every one of us experiences periods of pain and loss in our life—dark nights of the soul. This is a groundless territory where one feels directionless and devoid of tools, with no sense of how to take the next step.

Just as in ancient times, elders guided their communities through life’s initiations and hardships, paths we must all take to greater transformation and growth. In this highly experiential program, legendary shamanic expert Llyn Roberts helps you forge a pathway through the dark, embracing nature as your guide and healer.
Through teachings from the land, the sky, the sea, and the spiritual world, this sensitive and empowering experience opens you to your spiritual light—so that you can face your greatest challenges with courage and love, no matter what they are.
Llyn Roberts, MA, is the award-winning author of Walking Through Darkness: A Nature-Based Path to Navigating Su ering and Loss and a celebrated teacher of healing and shamanism. llynroberts.com

Sunday Begin Monday at 9:00 a.m. End Friday at noon

Heartbreak as a Path to Healing

Rev. Danté Stewart

Course 5005-699/Tuition $525 ($470 Members) SS

Healing the broken heart is an action that reminds us we are designed for love. It is a civic duty, a spiritual task, and most of all, deeply human. Join award-winning writer Rev. Danté Stewart on this immersive exploration of how our stories can be both a path inward and forward after heartbreak in any of its forms.
By journeying into the paradox of grief, while not being overcome by it, we examine themes of curiosity, memory, spirituality, place, terror, and most of all, a deep commitment to endurance. Through reading, music, meditation, writing, and embodied practices, we plot a way through heartbreak and violence with the determination to face it with courage and tenderness. We explore what heartbreak is and what it does, and discover how it can be the connective tissue between our hopes and our stories.

Rev. Danté Stewart is an award-winning writer in the areas of race, religion, and politics. He is author of Shoutin’ in the Fire: An American Epistle. dantecstewart.com
Integrating Spirituality
With Trauma Work (28 CEs)
Michelle Lepak
Course 5005-419/Tuition $850 ($760 Members) SS, LE, PT
Presence Psychotherapy is a trauma therapy that integrates spirituality, internal inquiry, and relational attunement to facilitate healing.
Developed by Michelle Lepak, LCSW, this model helps clients orient to Four Dimensions of Presence to sense compassion in and around them, experience oneness, and sense the essence of who they are beyond their trauma. Presence Psychotherapy is published in the APA Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy.
During this intensive 5-day training, you gain the knowledge to:
• Identify and utilize the qualities and therapeutic aspects of the four dimensions of Grounded Presence, Spacious Presence, Relational Presence, and Transcendent Presence
• Recognize and use clients’ personal connections to spirituality to heal trauma
• Facilitate Transcendent Presence awareness to process trauma without creating spiritual bypass
This training includes didactic presentations, live demonstrations, and experiential practice of the model. For more information, including additional skills learned and CEs, please see presencepsychotherapy.org/training.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Michelle Lepak, LCSW, a psychotherapist and meditator, developed the Presence Psychotherapy trauma treatment model. presencepsychotherapy.org


The Way of Awareness
An Immersion Experience in Mindfulness & Heartfulness
Will Kabat-Zinn and Jon Kabat-Zinn Course 5005-518/Tuition $575 ($515 Members) SS, LE
Mindfulness has everything to do with open-hearted attention to the unfolding of experience as it is. In fact, in most Asian languages, the word for “mind” and the word for “heart” are the same. Therefore, we can understand mindfulness better if we simultaneously hear it as heartfulness and cultivate it in that way. During this retreat, we cultivate intimacy with our own experience, letting life itself become the curriculum. We engage in a range of formal and informal meditation practices, including the body scan, guided movement, sitting meditation, and walking meditation. There is an emphasis on the cultivation of mindfulness in all daily activities to foster a seamless continuity of life and practice. The applications of mindfulness in the face of the full catastrophe of the human condition, including stress, pain, illness, and our implicit biases will be emergent themes.
Workshop begins Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Will Kabat-Zinn is a mindfulness and meditation teacher whose passion is to help people wake up to their own deepest nature.
Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, is founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the MBSR Clinic at University of Massachusetts Medical School. jonkabat-zinn.com
Valerie Brown
Course 5005-615/Tuition $470 ($425 Members) SS
Live in alignment with your deepest values, listen to your inner wisdom, and reconnect who you are with what you do. Guided by core principles—including the belief that everyone has an inner source of truth—you engage contemplative practices to support personal and societal development.
Take time to reflect individually and in small groups about issues of transition, vocation, passion, life purpose, and underlying life patterns. Share stories, laughter, and music, and gain insights from journaling, poetry, and wisdom traditions.

The capstone of the retreat is the Quaker process of spiritual discernment—called the Clearness Committee—to support transition.
As you connect who you are with what you do, you touch the seeds of transformation already planted in your life. Joining with others in this retreat invites movement toward greater self-awareness, greater wholeness, and greater social equity in society.
This retreat includes periods of reflective silence.
Valerie Brown is an author, Buddhist-Quaker dharma teacher, and executive coach specializing in leadership development and mindfulness practices with a focus on diversity, social equity, and inclusion. valeriebrown.us

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon

Advanced Healing Techniques From Other Realms
Deborah King
Course 5102-560/Tuition $395 ($355 Members)
For the first time since 2014, join master healer, spiritual teacher, and New York Times best-selling author Deborah King live at Omega to unlock the door to the world of energy healing. Awaken your healing power as you explore the extrasensory skills within you to bring healing to yourself and others.
Throughout the weekend, you explore:
• Advanced energy medicine techniques from other realms
• Pendulum techniques for evaluating chakras
• Ancient shamanic practices for releasing toxic emotions
• Techniques to sense the universal energy field and expand your consciousness
Interested in stepping up to the next level of spirituality? Initiations into the mysteries are common in Deborah’s workshops. With Deborah by your side, you learn the language of unconditional love—the source of all true healing and the foundation for the advanced energetic tools.
Deborah King is a New York Times best-selling author, renowned spiritual teacher, and master healer. deborahking.com

Unleash the Healing Power of Emotional Processing
Jaime Mahler
Course 5102-625/Tuition $350 ($315 Members)
There are no bad emotions, says Jaime Mahler, a licensed clinical psychotherapist and clinical expert on complex trauma and toxic relationships. Yet we have a di cult time understanding what our emotions really are and why we experience them the way we do.
During this experiential weekend retreat, you engage in lectures, discussions, group practices, and embodiment work to discover how you can navigate complex emotions in a way that elevates
TRAUMA-INFORMED SELF-CARE Well-Being Tools for Those Who Support Others
Hala Khouri
Course 5102-669/Tuition $450 ($415 Members)
It can be hard for those of us drawn to supporting others to prioritize ourselves. Often this is because our own survival is linked to making sure those around us are okay.
oin somatic counselor and yoga teacher Hala Khouri in this weekend retreat designed as holistic experience to support anyone in the helping professions gain tools to support their own wellbeing. Our time together includes:
• P sychoeducation on the impact of stress and trauma
• S elf-reflection
• S omatic tools to support nervous system regulation
• O pportunities to connect with others
If you are a teacher, therapist, medical provider, social worker, healer, activist, or caretaker, this is a space to be around others who are on the same path. This is a time to reset and rest while walking away with tangible tools to support your well-being.

Hala Khouri, MA, E-RYT, is a yoga teacher and somatic counselor interested in using the power of embodied practices to heal trauma in individuals and communities. halakhouri.com
your healing journey. You:
• E xplore the principles of emotional navigation and what emotional processing is
• Learn emotional processing techniques to work through stuck emotions
• Develop skills to release emotions in the most healing way possible
Gain new perceptions surrounding emotional processing. Leave with fresh perspectives on the healing power of emotions and a newfound sense of empowerment over your emotional processing skills.
Jaime Mahler, MS, LMHC, is a psychotherapist and mental health educator, creator of the popular Recollected Self social media brand, and author of Toxic Relationship Recovery recollectedself.com
End-of-Life Doula Training
Marady Duran and Shelby Kirillin
Course 5102-498/Tuition $825 ($745 Members) SS, LE, PT
End-of-life doulas provide companionship, comfort, and guidance to those facing a terminal illness or death. They o er resources to help the dying person—along with their family and loved ones—to make informed decisions in a supportive environment.
During this training, you learn the International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA) doula principles of self awareness, honoring the autonomy of the dying person, and the dying process.
The end-of-life doula’s non-medical support encompasses emotional, spiritual, and practical care. Through lectures, exercises, and individual exploration, you learn:
• History of doula care
• S cope of practice and code of ethics
• S elf-awareness and deep active listening
• Physical changes of the body
• Vigil planning, rituals, ceremonies, and more
A certificate of completion is awarded at the end of the training. Nursing contact hours are available. Workshop ends Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Faculty is independently o ering CE credits; see eOmega.org. A 5-day program is also available July 14-19.
See page 49.

Marady Duran is an end-of-life doula and an educator with INELDA who volunteers at St. Alphonsus Hospice in their No One Dies Alone program. She has more than 15 years of experience in adult learning and development, fundraising, education management, and social work. inelda.org
Shelby Kirillin is a former neuro-trauma ICU nurse who decided to use her 20 years of experience to support others in their final chapter of life. She is an educator with INELDA and has a private practice in Richmond, Virginia. inelda.org

An Expressive Retreat for Transformation
Rachel Fleischman
Course 5102-676/Tuition $380 ($340 Members)
Embark on an exuberant and transformative journey with Dance Your Bliss™, a dynamic psychotherapeutic system that integrates neuroscience, dance, guided meditation, expressive arts, and empowering exercises. This holistic approach unlocks the body's stored emotions, fostering positive change. Through a fusion of movement, guided imagery, kinetic writing, art, poetry, and play, you cultivate presence, balance, and newfound love for your body. Gain tools to heal emotions, unleash power, and live abundantly with creativity and confidence. Move through blocks, deepen creativity, reclaim life force, silence your inner critic, rekindle wonder, and unearth untapped potential. Learn to:

• M ove your emotions and clear blocks
• Deepen your creativity
• Reactivate your life force
• Let go of your inner critic

Living Real Life After Surviving Real
John Pavlovitz
Course 5102-613/Tuition $415 ($370 Members)
To live here is to lose something. Every single human being is moving through this life while mourning some kind of letting go—whether an emotional loss, a death, the end of a relationship, the fracture of a friendship, or a changed life story. If we lean into this universal loss, we can trace the source of our own trauma, courageously face our own mortality, become aware of the wounds of the world, and become agents of healing and hope in the midst of mourners.
Join pastor and best-selling author John Pavlovitz for an authentic, collaborative experience to learn
• Reawaken your sense of wonder and awe
• Discover untapped potential
• B oost energy, vitality, and joy
All are welcome; no previous dance experience is needed.
Rachel Fleischman, LCSW, REAT, is an internationally renowned movement expert, psychotherapist, and creator of the Dance Your Bliss™ method. rachelfleischman.com, blisscounseling.com
to grieve fully and to live well after. Throughout the weekend we explore:
• The trauma of initial loss
• The loneliness of grief
• G rieving the old story and writing a new one
• Practicing self-empathy in our mourning
• Navigating grief for the long haul
John Pavlovitz is a writer, pastor, and activist. He is author of Stu That Needs to Be Said and curator and host of Empathetic People Network, an online community striving to create a more compassionate planet. johnpavlovitz.com, empatheticpeople.com

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 8:00 p.m. End Sunday at noon
Unwind With the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Avenelle Archille
Course 5102-632/Tuition $395 ($355 Members) SS
Yoga is a highly e ective and safe tool for managing anxiety. Yoga directs your focus and attention to your body and breath, increasing activity in parts of the brain that support self-regulation and homeostasis. Through mindful movement, journaling, discussions, and reflection, you:
• Gain insights and deepen your understanding of the 8 Limbs of Yoga

• E xplore yoga postures and breathing techniques to release stress and trauma
• Clarify the stories you tell about yourself and the world around you, while unpacking distortions, thought patterns, and unconscious beliefs
• E xamine topics such as boundaries, over-stimulation, and habit-building to support your continued practice
Whether you’re experiencing chronic anxiety or occasional nervousness, you leave feeling calmer, more grounded, and more at ease in your body. This workshop is suitable for all bodies and all levels of experience.
Avenelle Archille is founder of The Anxious Yogi Inc. She has been teaching Yoga + Anxiety workshops in studios throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for more than a decade. theanxiousyogi.org

Stacey Gibbons and Christopher Franza Course 5102-486/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) SS, PT
In this heart-centered, master-level certification program, experience the combined wisdom of ancient shamanic practice and Reiki healing. Through dynamic group and partner exchanges, we gain hands-on experience working with nature’s transformative powers and realign with our innate ability to heal and find balance through complex times.

We apply Shamanic Reiki approaches to:
E xpand consciousness and work with spirit guides
B alance energetic trauma and shift attachment to past events
Remove energetic intrusions
Attune to the master Reiki energy via symbols and transmission
Initiate as healers through an ancient fire ceremony
We also learn how to conduct comprehensive absentee healing sessions, shamanically travel to prevent soul loss and restore qualities, and integrate Reiki with Tibetan, Maya, Quechua, and Siberian practices.
Stacey Gibbons is a prominent teacher of Reiki, healing, yoga, and shamanism. She is cofounder, with Llyn Roberts, of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. shamanicreikiworldwide.com
is a Shamanic Reiki Worldwide core faculty member, registered nurse, and traditional Reiki master. shamanicreikiworldwide.com