Introduction—Teaching Notes—Mobile Academy of Mission

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'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

 welcome to the eternal purpose “academy of mission”

 “thank you” students / attendants / leadership…  this academy has been developed to provide incumbent and aspiring mission movement leaders with an intensive introduction to the global work of Christian mission; the aim of the academy may be summarised…

 “mission mobilisation through leadership education”

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

inspiration for the mission academy

 Antoine de Saint Exupery (a French aviator and writer) said, 

“If you want to build a ship…don't drum up the men to gather the wood, divide the work and give orders.

 Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.”  my personal inspiration for undertaking the work of this mission academy comes from the prophet Habakkuk: 

“Write the vision, make it plain upon tablets, that whosever reads it may run with it, as a herald”

 A similar idea was in the apostle Paul‟s mind when he wrote these two things to his disciple Timothy encouraging him… 

“Keep safe the great treasure that has been entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us…”

 “… and the things you heard from me… these things commit to faithful people, such as will be competent to teach others also…

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

philosophy of academy

 mission mobilisation…  part of global, messianic mission movement  capable of transforming people, communities, nations

 …through leadership education  “things you heard from me… commit to faithful people, competent to teach others”  not training… but committal: a passing on of truth  the purpose of communication is to create understanding  an opportunity to learn … an opportunity based upon divine principle of

 “seed time and harvest time” things taught during ten seminars—seeds sown into your life; in the parable of sower, heart of listeners determined size of harvest…  thirty, sixty, hundred-fold harvest it other words, what you receive into your heart, what you do with this teaching …

 depends upon your response!

so…  listen carefully,  take notes if you wish,  above all, open your heart and  ask the Lord for a spirit of wisdom and understanding, that we may know him better, through the teaching of his word…

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

curriculum, inspired by apostle Paul, writing to the believers at Philippi

 “one thing I do: forgetting what is behind me and straining forward toward what lies ahead,  I keep pursuing the goal in the hope of taking hold of that for which the Messiah Yeshua took hold of me,  in order to win the supreme and heavenly prize offered by God‟s upward calling in the Messiah Yeshua” — Philippians 3.14

terms of reference 1. Messiah comes from equivalent Hebrew term for “Christ” 2. “upward calling” or “high calling” of God—“heavenly calling”—not primarily about „life after death‟ but about being called into allegiance to heaven—the throne of God; in other words the “high call of God,” as we shall see in detail, is about the calling to faithfully serve God‟s eternal purpose…

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

curriculum divided into two main sections

 firstly : the high call of God to the covenant community  destiny of the messianic covenant community focussing upon eternal purpose of God  vocation of the messianic covenant community focussing upon three covenant harvests of the earth  design of the messianic covenant community focussing upon pattern, commission and structure…  dynamic of the messianic covenant community focussing upon ministries of God’s people

 secondly : pressing toward the high call of God  running the race marked out for us focussing on pursuit of and discipline required by personal ministry-calling

 leading God‟s people into their inheritance focussing on role, cost, call and functioning of leadership within the body of Christ  overcoming in the arena of spiritual conflict focussing upon being victorious in the spiritual conflict of Christian life and leadership, a conflict which intensifies when we are aligned with the eternal purposes of God

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

you may use this teaching freely

…providing you observe these conditions:  credit the author, John Clements

 link to http://

 do not amend the academy contents, in any way  do not use the academy for commercial profit  include this entire notice, whenever the academy is presented, published or promoted, in any way

 you may read this licence in full at

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'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission


 John Clements  married to Sarah, four children, pictured here with my Mother & Father  lives in Wales, part of United Kingdom of Great Britain

mission mobilisation through leadership education—



'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission

contact the author

 get in touch with John, author and publisher of Academy of Mission

 or find out more details

 website :

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