Module 6-Dynamic of Messianic Community-Intercession

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dynamic of the messianic community

curriculum—part one the high call of God to his messianic community destiny of the messianic community design of the messianic community dynamic of the messianic community

© john clements 2008-9 /


characterized by intensity, vigour, action or forcefulness an interactive system, particularly one involving conflicting forces marked by continuous change or activity

© john clements 2008-9 /

dynamic of messianic community warfare worldview dynamic of intercession dynamic of reconciliation dynamic of equipping

© john clements 2008-9 /

warfare worldview “this present darkness”

use all the armour and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary; for we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm — Ephesians 6.10

a world of evil apocalyptic world of old testament • • •

angels, demons, gods co-ruling council of God Lucifer – rebel, Satan – adversary

a creation out of control • •

famine, earthquakes, roaring seas creation in bondage to decay

a world highly influenced by presence of evil • •

real battle against cosmic, evil forces end is known, but the battle remains fierce, need for vigilance considerable

© john clements 2008-9 /

“blueprint” or battle? apocalyptic warfare worldview • •

contrary to modern, western secular worldview contrary traditional Christian worldview…

Augustine •

influential theologian, 4th century BC

“divine blueprint” • • •

everything—including evil—controlled by God created unsolvable, intellectual problem of evil encouraged weak, fatalistic Christianity

© john clements 2008-9 /

pre-Augustine worldview pre-Augustine church • •

experienced no intellectual “problem of evil” Jesus came to destroy works of evil one

resisted evil • •

finding it resident in every strata and structure of society particularly individuals needing healing, deliverance, forgiveness and new life

our battle not against flesh and blood •

adversary, ‘satan’ schemes against God — Ephesians 6.12

© john clements 2008-9 /

apocalyptic insists world struggle neither political nor economic, but spiritual, cosmic in scope behind all earthly striving, sees continuing combat between good and evil; light and darkness; Creator God and destructive power of chaos, summoning men to take sides; there can be no neutrality whoever decides for the right, however humble he may be, has struck a blow for the Kingdom of God in a combat of decisive significance… — G.E,.Ladd

© john clements 2008-9 /

invading the darkness advancing messianic kingdom reason the Son of God was made visible to undo the works the devil has done

MESSIANIC COMMUNITY resisting, overcoming evil weapons of righteousness intercessory prayer, prophecy walking in light, loving truth walking justly, loving righteousness empowered by the Holy Spirit assisted and protected by angels

this present darkness sin, rebellion unrighteousness injustice deceptions, accusations anti-christs sickness, disease famines, earthquakes demons principalities powers rulers

“Lord of Lords, King of Kings”

dynamic of messianic community warfare worldview dynamic of intercession dynamic of reconciliation dynamic of equipping

© john clements 2008-9 /

dynamic of intercession “standing in the gap”

I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall or stand in the gap before for the land, that I should not destroy it… — Ezekiel 22.30

dynamic of intercession

what is intercession? biblical and messianic intercession “standing in the gap” intercessory prayer

© john clements 2008-9 /

what is intercession? to change the course of events by involvement in them •

derived from Latin ‘intercedo’,

to come between, obstruct •

to get in the way of what would otherwise have happened

to intervene, to mediate • •

to interpose on behalf of (a person) more than vocal prayer

© john clements 2008-9 /

old testament intercession Abraham’s intercession for S’dom — Genesis 18.20-32

Moses removing God’s wrath from Israel — Exodus 32.7-14

Phinehas’ intercession — Psalm 106.30, Numbers 25.6-8

David chose plague over another judgement — 1 Chronicles 21.10-30

Nehemiah’s rebuilding walls of Jerusalem — Nehemiah

© john clements 2008-9 /

messiah’s intercession it was our diseases he bore, our pains from which he suffered… he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that made us whole fell on him and by his bruises we are healed… it pleased the Lord to crush him… to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering… while actually bearing the sin of many and actually interceding for the offenders — Isaiah 53.4-5, 10-12

© john clements 2008-9 /

messiah’s intercession because he lives forever, his position as priest does not pass on to someone else and consequently, he is totally able to deliver those who approach God through him; since he is alive forever and thus forever able to intercede on their behalf — Hebrews 7.24-25

there is but one Mediator between God and humanity, Jesus the Messiah, himself human, who gave himself as a ransom on behalf of all, thus providing testimony to God’s purpose — 1 Timothy 2.5

© john clements 2008-9 /

standing in the gap I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall or stand in the gap before for the land, that I should not destroy it… — Ezekiel 22.30

“the gap”—where an intercessor stands • •

between circumstances that are not in accordance with God’s will and purpose and what God has revealed as his intended will and purpose for those circumstances

© john clements 2008-9 /


E2 evangelism

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the gap

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people living in spiritual darkness

messianic community “light of the world”

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E0 discipleship

© john clements 2008-9 /

what is intercession? intercession is more than prayer

it is the giving of your life, totally, 100% to “stand in the gap” giving God total choice to send you


to ask you to do

whatever, he wills

© john clements 2008-9 /

intercessory prayer … is prayer demanding level of involvement in events for which we take a responsibility greater than simply vocalising our requests… leads to inner wrestling experience, deep calling to deep, as Spirit of God intercedes through us in accordance with will of God amidst such experience discover new deepening reality to our relationship with God

© john clements 2008-9 /

spirit-led intercessory prayer Holy Spirit comes to our aid, bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer, how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit himself goes to meet our supplications, pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance… the Spirit intercedes and pleads before God in behalf of the saints according to, in harmony with God’s will — Romans 8.26-27

© john clements 2008-9 /

picking up God’s heartbeat when the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth — the whole, full truth; for he will not speak his own message — on his own authority — but he will tell whatever he hears from the Father he will give the message that has been given to him and he will announce and declare to you the things that are to come… he will take of – receive, draw upon – what is mine and will reveal – declare, disclose, transmit it – to you — John 16.13-14

© john clements 2008-9 /

pivotal role of intercessor

prophetic word

answered prayer


pivotal role of an intercessor: God-ordained events revolve around his intercessory prayer © john clements 2008-9 /

a house of prayer for all nations harvest is plentiful, but labourers few pray therefore to Lord of the harvest to force and thrust out labourers into his harvest fields

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harvest fields



Psalm 2.8 Romans 4.13,17

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Exodus 2 Romans 8.22 listening to the groaning of the nations; exercising faith for the inheritance of the world on behalf of peoples not yet redeemed calling them into existence in intercessory prayer a new creation out of the womb of the old

of na tio ns

© john clements 2008-9 /

seven pillars of intercession depths






desire discipline









© john clements 2008-9 /

keys to powerful, effective prayer speaking revelation truth that is according to God’s purposes spiritual

dynamic prayer


opposition this plan is for the rulers hindering prayer and authorities in in union with him we to learn, seeheaven if I won’t open for religious tradition given an wewere know that God through existence you the the floodgates inheritance, we who causes everything to stifling faith ofof theheaven messianic were in advance workpicked together for the community how manyspiritual according to the good of those who love sided God’s wisdom and pour out for youis; purpose of called the One God and are in stronghold this accords far with a blessing who effect everything accordance within God’s eternal beyond your • sin keeping with the his purpose purpose needs… decision of his will • curse accomplished in the —Romans 8.28 —Malachi Messiah Jesus 3.10 • —Ephesians deception 1.11 —Ephesians 3.11

spiritual bondage © john clements 2008-9 /

dynamic of messianic community warfare worldview dynamic of intercession dynamic of reconciliation dynamic of equipping

© john clements 2008-9 /

dynamic of reconciliation appealing on behalf of the Messiah God in the Messiah was reconciling mankind to himself, not counting their sins against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation; therefore we are ambassadors of the Messiah; in effect, God is making his appeal through us. What we do is appeal on behalf of the Messiah, “Be reconciled to God!” —2 Corinthians 5:20

reconciliation : what is it?

what is the ‘Good News’? why is it needed? what does it mean? how should we respond? where is it to be proclaimed?

© john clements 2008-9 /

what is the Good News? historically, proclamation of new King • •

to Greeks, echo of Imperial Cult to Hebrews, announcement of Israel’s God, arriving in Israel’s messiah, through his resurrection, living God becoming King over whole world

fulfilment of promise to Abraham •

blessed to be a blessing, every family on earth

first-fruits of a new creation • •

power of resurrection, death defeated evil, sinfulness, rebellion overcome

© john clements 2008-9 /

why is it needed? reconciliation : to God •

bringing humanity back into harmony with God

redemption : from sin, evil, death •

deliverance from slavery of this evil age

restoration : of eternal purpose •

recovering former purpose that was interrupted

renewal : a new creation •

giving life back to creation in bondage to decay

revelation : of God’s plan •

kept hidden in times past, now revealed

© john clements 2008-9 /

what does it mean? accepting his kingdom rule • • • •

from darkness to light power satan to power of God receive forgiveness sins place with those separated — Acts 26.18

accepting his purpose • • •

serving his eternal purpose pursuing personal ministry-calling fleeing unrighteousness, impurity — 2 Timothy 1.8-10; 2.15-22

© john clements 2008-9 /

how should it be responded to? trusting in Messiah •

death, resurrection, forgiveness sins, eternal life look to him, call upon him, be delivered

• •

revealed by actions based in trust trusting faithfulness towards covenant relationship

how can they trust in someone if they haven’t heard about him? and how can they hear… if no one is proclaiming him? and how can people proclaim him unless God sends them?

from beginning to end it is through trust by sending heralds to proclaim it

— Romans 10.4-15; 1.16-17

© john clements 2008-9 /

where, how is it proclaimed? pastoral evangelistic community • • •

local pastoral care, fellowship, friendship discipleship environment preparing for evangelistic outreach, ministry

evangelistic outreach • • • • •

proclaiming, announcing Good News, Messiah healing people, working miracles, deliverance showing mercy baptising converts, receiving Spirit Philip the evangelist — Acts 21.8, c.f. Acts 8

© john clements 2008-9 /

where is it proclaimed? apostolic missionary movement • • •

master-builder, entering ‘regions beyond’ team building, church planting, leadership raising, releasing challenging, transforming community, culture

“marketplace” ministry • • • •

evangelism in the marketplace, ‘salt and light’ transformative work : education, health Christian leadership in workplace worker-priest movement; chaplaincies

© john clements 2008-9 /

beyond news: transformation family

cultural institutions

commercial institutions


work governmen t institutions © john clements 2008-9 /

dynamic of messianic community warfare worldview dynamic of intercession dynamic of reconciliation dynamic of equipping next seminar

© john clements 2008-9 /

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