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A Year in Review

Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church

Newsletter: December 2012 Inside From the Communications Department……...3 A Word from Our Pastor………………………4,5 Ministry Spotlight………………………………6,7 Health Nugget…………………………………..8 A Year in Review: Pictures……………………9-15

Contact Information Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church 7709 Wilson Boulevard Columbia, SC 29203 803-786-2800 www.ephesussda.org

Service Times: Sabbath Morning Praise and Worship: 8am Sabbath School: 9:15 am Divine Worship Service: 11:00 am AYS: One hour before sunset Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Connection: 7pm

Pastor John Pooler, III 2

Dear Ephesus Church Family, The Ephesus Communications Team has the goal of ensuring that every member or visiting friend knows the events and happenings of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist church. Through methods of technology, we strive to show the city of Columbia that we are a church on the move and about God’s business. It is our goal in the years to come that we excel and reach as many as we can to spread the word of God.

From the Communications Department 3

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We’ve enjoyed being the pastoral family for this multigenerational, multicultural church family. We take great pride in expressing that we are the pastoral family of this dynamic church ministry wherever we travel. This year we have seen the miraculous hand of God bring souls to Christ, ground nonmembers in fellowship, experienced out the box in-reach and outreach, and seen a defined increase in our giving as it results to our Tithing. As pastoral family, this year has brought many rapid changes; a beautiful baby girl, new church, new city, change of job for my wife; just a lot of new. All I can say is, “Thank You Lord for allowing us to make this smooth transition and thank you as a church family for making it easy on us to go through these vast changes.” It’s amazing what people go through and no one has any idea. I was especially happy to see in the Southern Tidings Magazine for the month of Oct. on Pg 4., that they focused on the Pastoral Family. The title was “Pastors are People too”. I encourage you to check it out and continue to pray for one another as we push higher. I’ve been carefully studying the book of Acts, getting ready for our transition into a new year and a new phase in our Ephesian Ministry. Our sermonic theme is “Body Builders 2012”; and as I read the book of Acts I feel compelled to keep the same foundation but lead a bit higher for 2013 to “Kingdom Builders”. When you read the book of Acts, we see what should happen in the church, when the church is operating in the way that Christ desired. The problem was the Jewish agenda of the restoration of Israel to the power that it used to be. It’s a dangerous thing in the Kingdom when you get caught up on going back to what it used to be. Jesus said to them your concern is about the wrong power. You should be looking for the power to become what you’ve never been. You’re worrying about Israel’s power but I want to give YOU the power. They were so caught up on the power of institutionalization that they were about to miss the fact that the power would no longer be in the structure of the sanctuary on Earth, but in the bodily temple. Power is in YOU. When the power of God is active, glory moments don’t have to be orchestrated or manipulated! We’ve been given a unique and awesome charge to recognize that we are called to the city of Columbia and to minister to its needs and empower the people to KNOW Jesus Christ (practical/and Spiritual). There is significant power that God has in store for us, when we push forward in a prayerfully active manner. The power is not in titles…don’t aspire for that. Recognize that you don’t receive power when you become a leader in ministry,… The power is in the prayerfully active people of God. When the people of God walk in unity and power great things can happen. When the people exercise spiritual power and walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and get our minds off of our destructive jealous agendas, miracles can occur. When the Holy Spirit falls there is an undeniable energy and vibrancy not only in our gatherings, but we think differently, we start to see for the first time Phil. 4:13, we go to our jobs with different agendas to shine for Jesus in spite of, our home life is significantly different.


My hope is that we would dig deeper and give all we have to the cause of Christ. He is so soon to come! If our agendas are trumping Gods plans for our lives he always has a way of bringing down the walls of Jericho and architecturally setting back our plans to build our own educational Towers of Babel. The first two chapters of the book of Acts becomes the evidence of what can happen when Ephesus operates in the power of the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts tells us that THEY WERE IN PLACE AND ON ONE ACCORD. There is unity and community here at Ephesus but when we self loath and don’t support any one but ourselves we fail. Ephesus in power is a place to belong; a place where people are for you and not against you. God needs this place to be a worship filled experience to belong and be active. Jesus needs this to be a place of community where you can be at ease and know that the people around you are for you. That only starts when you break the ice and introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Call someone and pray for them, send someone a text to encourage them in the struggle. Ephesus, the power of God is among you, but don’t leave Him at the front door. Invite Him in. Invite people here, and let them know they have the capacity to experience God without qualifications. The book of Acts implies that the tower of Babel’s curse can come to an end with expressions of heartfelt concern for one another. You don’t have to know different languages in order to care for people. The power to touch hurting, disconnected people has the potential to transcend language, socio economic conditions, cultural, and perspective differences. YOU individually have the Power to change this city. All heard the gospel in their own language…on the level that they could understand it. They did not have to take a language class to be qualified to hear it…and they were hearing it from men who were uneducated…and all of them were being blessed by the power of God and it was all couched in the power of personal fellowship, in other words spiritually highlighted time to kick it with each other. If the power of God is among us then the person who has never owned or read a bible, doesn’t know a bible verse and lived their life destitute and without God will have the capacity to walk into a sacred gathering, encounter you in the street and feel the power of God and experience HIM with no qualifications. Let people see the Kingdom of God and HIS power within you. Luke 17:21 Pastor P.

Pastor John and Natasha Pooler


Ministry Spotlight This year, our church has been busy for the Lord! We have highlighted only a few of the numerous ministries at Ephesus for their service to the church and to the community.

Family Life Ministry The goal of the Family Life Ministry is to draw families together as they draw closer to Christ. The Family Life Ministry also wants to draw the church family together. This department has hosted several events for the church to bring Ephesus together, including birthday socials, the annual Church Appreciation Banquet, and the annual Church Picnic.

Singles Ministry The focus of the Singles Ministry is to encourage singles to live a pure and holy life as they walk with God. The ministry provides several avenues in which singles can participate and fellowship, including rap sessions, outreach opportunities and social events. You can also check out their website at KeeptheCookie.org 6

Ministry Spotlight Pathfinders & Adventurers Club Striving the youth to work hard for the Lord, the Pathfinder and Adventurer Club have been involved in many events this year, including attending a camporee in Florida, visiting sick and shutin church members, and traveling to Charleston, SC and Juneau, Alaska. The Pathfinders and Adventurers also got the opportunity to visit Washington, D.C.

Adventist Youth Society The youth have been very active at Ephesus this year! The Adventist Youth Society (AYS) has hosted a countless number of activities in which the youth, as well as everyone else, can take part. Project H.O.M.E.



This year, from September 2nd-9th, the AY decided to be a blessing to someone within the church. Creating Project H.O.M.E. (Helping Others More Everyday), the AY council chose one church member, Bertha Isaac, and renovated her home. The whole Ephesus family was involved in this outreach as they worked hard for seven days on the outside and inside of Sister Isaac’s home. On the day of the reveal, her house was blessed by Pastor Pooler, and there was plenty of support from the church. Overall, Project H.O.M.E. was a blessing for Sister Isaac as well as those who were involved.


Spend more TIME alone with GOD in PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY From the North American Division Health Ministries http://www.nadhealthministries.org/site/1/newsletter/2012/HU_Jan2012Eng.pdf FACT Prayer is associated with positive health behaviors in children. Researchers at the University of Texas surveyed 271 fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children in three central Texas school districts and found that children who prayed frequently reported significantly higher levels of positive health behaviors than children who never prayed. Prayer was also positively related to social connectedness and sense of humor. HOPE While parents often pray for their children, we can also make a difference in our children’s health by praying with them and teaching them to talk to God frequently throughout the day. Having a self-identity rooted in God’s love helps them to value their health and the behaviors that contribute to health. _________________________________ FACT More Americans are praying about their health. Scientists analyzed data on 30,080 adults ages 18 and older who took part in the National Health Interview Survey in 2002 and on 22,306 adults who participated in 2007. Forty-nine percent of adults said in 2007 that they had prayed about their health during the previous year, up from 43 percent in 2002. In 1999, only 14 percent of survey participants said they had prayed about their health. HOPE If more people are showing a strong interest in spirituality for improving and restoring health, then faith communities can play an important role in helping them integrate faith in everyday health and in introducing people to the Master Restorer. Does your church have a vibrant health ministry? _________________________________ FACT Prayer, Bible study and other spiritual activities benefit your physical health. A review of medical research found that religious beliefs and activities have been associated with better immune function; lower death rates from cancer; less heart disease or better cardiac outcomes; lower blood pressure; lower cholesterol; and better health behaviors (e.g. less cigarette smoking, more exercise, better sleep). In addition, 39 of 52 studies found that religious persons live significantly longer. The effect for regular religious attendance on longevity approximates that of not smoking cigarettes (especially in women), adding an additional 7 years to the lifespan (14 years for blacks). HOPE One of the best strategies for improving your physical health in 2012 may be in spending more time fostering your spiritual health! _________________________________ FACT Personal time with God may slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease. A longitudinal study at the Behavioral Neurology Clinic at Bayside (Canada) assessed 70 patients aged 49 to 94 for quality of life, spirituality and religiosity. Researchers found that higher levels of private religious activities and of spirituality predicted slower cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, after controlling for age, gender, education, and cognitive level at baseline. HOPE Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease? Include regular meditation, prayer, and scripture reading in your treatment regimen as a coping strategy—and to enhance brain function and slow down cognitive decline. _______________________________ “... I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19, NIV


JCI: Just Claim It Youth Congress

A Year in Review: Pictures

Pathfinder/Adventurer DC Fun Trip

Singles Ministry Super Bowl Party


Family Life Birthday Social

A Year in Review: Pictures

Health Ministries Cooking Class

Singles Ministry Softball and Fish Fry Social


A Year in Review: Pictures VBS: Sky: Everything is Possible with God

Family Life Church Picnic

Ephesus Music Ministry


A Year in Review: Pictures Project H.O.M.E Before



A Year in Review: Pictures Ephesus Outreach in Summer Valley


A Year in Review: Pictures Baptisms


A Year in Review: Pictures At Ephesus


Save the Date! Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church



Church Anniversary


March 16th, 2013


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