24 minute read
Standing Committee
The Rev. Scott Nonken, Dean
The Standing Committee works closely with the Commission on Ministry and has canonical responsibility for approval of applications for Candidacy and Ordination to both the Sacred Order of Priests and the Sacred Order of Deacons. In exercising that responsibility, the Committee is required to interview all candidates for Ordination and those from other branches of the Body of Christ seeking reception to ordained ministry in the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Since Bishops are elected to serve the entire Church, they are canonically required to receive consents to their election by a majority of the diocesan Standing Committee. The Standing Committee acts on these requests for consent as they are received, deliberating on each with care. The Standing Committee also acts as a cabinet of advice for the Bishop and exercises canonical responsibilities related to property matters involving sacred spaces, clergy disciplinary actions, and matters involving clergy leaving The Episcopal Church. Much of the work of the Standing Committee is confidential.
A major focus of our work has been the oversight for the search process for election of the Bishop Coadjutor. We are grateful for the work of the Co-Chairs the Rev. Jessica Babcock and Mr. Trevor Whitley and members of the Search Committee who coordinated with us in oversight of the search process and to the completion of the election. We thank the Rev. Jessica Babcock for stepping up to be the Chair of the Transition Committee and the many members of that committee. They assisted the Standing Committee with set up and lunches on election day and continue to plan and prepare for the Consecration of our Bishop Coadjutor-elect, the Rev. Dr. Douglas F. Scharf, and for our farewell and thank you to our Bishop Dabney T. Smith and Mary Wallis Smith.
Current members of the Standing Committee are the Rev. Carla B. McCook (President), Mr. Ray U. Stoll (Vice President), the Very Rev. Ryan R. Whitley (Secretary), Ms. Jackie Smith (Liaison to the Commission on Ministry), Mr. James H. Corn, Mr. Duane Hollier, the Rev. Charles A. Cannon III, the Very Rev. Michelle Robertshaw, and the Rev. Jim Teets. All the members of the Committee appreciate your prayers.
The Rev. Carla B. McCook, President
Youth and Family Ministry
The Episcopal Youth Community of Southwest Florida put forth many goals heading into 2022 and 2023, and as our community grows it’s good to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.
The goals for our retreats are clear; continue to make New Beginnings a fun and meaningful experience for our middle schooler youth and restart our Happening program. When it comes to how COVID-19 affected our programs, we found ourselves struggling to bring back our high school-aged youth. For example, in 2019 our High School Camp had 65 campers, while in the past two years we’ve had around 40 campers attending that session. This has presented some struggles with restarting Happening. However, we have made great strides in connecting with more youth in our congregations. We have set a date to resume Happening on the weekend of December 2-4, 2022. Whether we have 5 participants or 50, the priority is getting Happening restarted.
One of our goals for Summer Camp in 2022 was to reach out to churches and communities that might not have been connected with us before. I’m extremely proud to share that we reached this goal. We had 213 campers this year, and of that number 87 were brand new youth to DaySpring. More importantly, 40 of the churches in our diocese sent youth to the DaySpring Summer Camp. An additional 15 churches not affiliated with The Episcopal Church also sent youth, and we had 49 campers indicate that they had no previous church affiliation. Our biggest sessions are our Middle School camps with our regular session hosting 72 campers and our Discovery session hosting 40 campers. These numbers are all up from last year and point to some exciting growth.
There are plenty of goals in 2023 for our youth community. The first one is making sure that our Happening retreat is back up and running, providing the same meaningful and spiritual experiences as it did prior to our reset. Beyond that, we want to start bringing youth gatherings back to the Deanery level where we can partner with churches to host everything from a Youth Eucharist to fun outdoor days. Youth, parents, and youth leaders have all asked for these Deanery meet-ups and we’re finally at a point where we can start hosting them. We look forward to partnering and growing with our congregations this year.
Matthew Bowers, Director of Youth Ministry and Programming
Bishop Transition Committee
Once the Bishop Search Committee completed its work of vetting and selecting our four candidates for Bishop and presenting those names to the Standing Committee for approval, the Transition Committee stepped in to finish the process. With the help of diocesan staff and committee team members, we conducted Meet and Greet opportunities around the diocese for the candidates and guided the candidates through the election process using Shepherds that we recruited and trained for that purpose. Once the election was complete, our primary focus shifted to raising $50,000 for the Bishops’ Transition which included funding for Bishop Coadjutor-elect Scharf’s new vestments, planning and funding the catered events during Consecration Weekend (Sept. 23-24, 2022), planning and funding Bishop Smith’s Farewell Celebration (Nov. 18, 2022), and purchasing Bishop Smith’s farewell gift.
The Transition Committee met our fundraising goals and accomplished everything the team set out to do. Many thanks to our committee members: Rev. Joe Hudson, Leila Mizer, Donna Davis, Melissa Rau, Rev. Dn. Lisa Parker, Peg Davant, Joyceanna Rautio, Sharon Teets, Diane Tennant, and Jackie Overton. Additionally, both the Search and Transition Committees are eternally grateful for the help we received from the Diocese during this long process. We are especially grateful for Wendy Martucci, Assistant to the Bishop, and Lindsey Nickel, Director of Communications. We thank them for their superb work!
The Rev. Dr. Jessica Babcock, Rector, St. Mark’s Marco Island Search Co-Chair with Trevor Whitley Transition Chair
Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Regular Meeting of Diocesan Council MINUTES
DaySpring / ZOOM Video Conference
March 19, 2022 - 9:00 AM
Those in attendance included:
Call to Order
Membership Roster
Officers: Carla McCook (Vice President), Richard Helms (Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Alissa Anderson, Katie Arp, Randy Arsenault, Russell Ball, BJ Bishop, Ray Buchanan, Jonathan Evans, Matthew Grunfeld, MaryPage Hill, Peter Lane, Vickie McDonald, , Paula Paquette, Jim Rissler
Staff/Other: Carla Odell (Exec Director of DaySpring), Richard Norman (Canon to the Ordinary), Michael Booher (Chief Financial Officer)
Absent: The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith (President), Tom Connolly, Stephen Morris, Edward Gibbons
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of the December 11, 2021 Council Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2021 Council meeting: by BJ Bishop, seconded by Paula Paquette
The motion passed.
Bishop’s Report
2. Diocesan Council Treasurer
Canon Richard Norman thanked Treasurer Richard (Dick) Helms for his faithful service as Diocesan Treasurer
Motion to appoint Chief Financial Officer Michael Booher as Treasurer of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, Inc.: by Carla McCook, seconded by Vickie McDonald
The motion passed.
Dayspring Report
3. DaySpring Financials 2022-02
Ms. Odell presented the DaySpring financials through February. She expressed concerns for the exponential increase in supply prices and the difficulty in finding needed supplies.
4. DaySpring Phase 1.5 Capital Project Update
Ms. Odell offered updates on the status of the Maintenance Building and Spring of Support construction. The demolition of the old building is scheduled for March 28, 2022. Once the building is demolished, a certificate of occupancy will be issued for the new maintenance building. The Spring of Support is waiting on the etching and final sealing. She is predicting it will be complete in the month of May. The signage for Curry Hall has been purchased. Signage for Kline Hall has been ordered.
Diocesan Report
5. Diocesan Financials 2022-02
CFO Mike Booher presented the diocesan financials through February and addressed questions from the Committee.
Finance Committee Report
6. Minutes of January 11 Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the January 2022 Finance Committee meeting. She noted that an ad hoc working group was created to discuss the health plan parity of the Diocese.
7. Minutes of February 8 Finance Committee Meeting
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the February Finance Committee meeting.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to adopt the following addendum to the existing 2013 Diocese of Southwest Florida Denominational Healthcare Policy document: An executive tier of healthcare benefits may be added by the diocese, parish, mission or other ecclesiastical organization, as amended: The motion passed.
8. Minutes of March 8 Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the March Finance Committee meeting.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to ask that Diocesan Council consider imposing a temporary surcharge on new contracts, the amount to be determined after consultation with the CFO and Executive Director of
DaySpring, to help deflect the temporary increase in operation costs for DaySpring.:
The motion passed.
Motion, by Finance Committee to accept the proposed surcharge of an additional $1 for breakfast, $2 for lunch and $1 for dinner to the DaySpring meal plan, that was brought forth by the CFO and the Executive Director of DaySpring.:
The motion passed.
Mission and Ministry Report
9. Status of Holy Name of Jesus Haitian Community of Naples, worshipping at St. Paul’s
Father Jonathan Evans and Canon Richard Norman updated Council on the current status of the Holy Name of Jesus Haitian Community in Naples. It was decided to take the matter to the Constitution and Canons Committee for further review.
Constitution and Canons Committee Report
Endowment Fund Report
10. Minutes of February 8 LIVE Fund Board Meeting
CFO Mike Booher gave a brief summary of the LIVE meeting in February.
Bishop’s Cabinet Report
11. Minutes of December 16 Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting
Wendy Martucci noted that the Cabinet meeting minutes were available for review. She noted that the next scheduled meeting is in August, but adding an additional meeting prior to August is being considered.
Old Business
12. Bishop Coadjutor Search Committee Update
Chancellor Ted Tripp and the Rev. Carla McCook updated Council on the coadjutor process. It was noted that the Canonical Testimonial of Election of the Bishop of Southwest Florida will be conducted electronically.
New Business
13. Status of Pastor Carol Gates, Lamb of God at Electing Convention
Canon Richard Norman briefed Council on an email dated March 10, 2022 by the Rev. Carol S. Gates, pastor of Lamb of God Church, requesting for seat, voice, and vote at the Electing Convention.
The Rev. Carla McCook stated that the subject was discussed in Standing Committee and the Standing Committee recommends that Council not allow the Rev. Carol S. Gates, pastor of Lamb of God Church, to seat, voice and vote at the Electing Convention.
Motion that the Secretary to Convention send a letter to the Rev. Carol S. Gates indicating that she is not eligible to seat, voice, and vote at the electing convention on April 2, 2022.: by BJ Bishop, seconded by Dick Helms
The motion passed.
14. Election Convention announcements - in person delegates only
Canon Richard Norman reiterated that only voting members and those invited to the Electing Convention will be allowed in the Cathedral during convention.
Upcoming Meetings
15. 2022 Schedule of Meetings
Upcoming Diocesan Council meetings:
Saturday, May 21, 2022: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring – Bishop Haynes
Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring- Classroom B
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center
Saturday, Dec 10, 2022: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring- Classroom B
Meeting adjourned at 10:54 AM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci Secretary
Executive Assistant to Bishop Smith
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Special Meeting of Diocesan Council MINUTES
ZOOM Video Conference
May 12, 2022 - 4:00 PM
Those in attendance included:
Officers: The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith (President) Ray Stoll (Acting Vice President), Mike Booher (Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Alissa Anderson, Katie Arp, Randy Arsenault, Russell Ball, BJ Bishop, Ray Buchanan, Tom Connolly, Edward Gibbons, Richard Helms, MaryPage Hill, Vickie McDonald, Stephen Morris, Paula Paquette, Jim Rissler
Absent: Peter Lane, Matthew Grunfeld, Jonathan Evans
Opening Prayer
Motion to adopt the proposed agenda for the special meeting with 2 items for consideration from the Finance Committee
By Ray Buchanan, seconded by Paula Paquette
The motion passed.
Bishop Smith ceded the chair to Vice President Ray Stoll
1. Bishop Coadjutor Compensation Packet
Ray Stoll and Mike Booher presented background material regarding the compensation package. The Committee charged with creating the package consisted of the Rev. Carla McCook, President of the Standing Committee, Mr. Ray Stoll, Vice President of the Standing Committee, Mike Booher, CFO of the Diocese, and Ted Tripp, Chancellor of the Diocese.
It was reiterated that this package is for the Bishop Coadjutor. When the Bishop Coadjutor is seated as Bishop Diocesan a new LOA will be drafted within 90 days.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to accept the compensation package for the Bishop Coadjutor with up to a $25,000 variance: The motion passed.
2. Bishop Coadjutor Promissory Note
Ray Stoll and Mike Booher explained the rationale behind the Promissory note for the Bishop Coadjutor and addressed questions from the Council.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to approve a promissory note for the Bishop Coadjutor relocation in the amount of $75,000: The motion passed.
Ray Stoll ceded the chair back to Bishop Dabney Smith
Meeting adjourned at 4:23 PM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci
Executive Assistant to Bishop Smith
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Regular Meeting of Diocesan Council MINUT ES
DaySpring / ZO O M Video Conference
June 11, 2022 - 9:00 AM
Those in attendance included:
Officers: The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith (President), Carla McCook (Vice President), Michael Booher (CFO/Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Katie Arp, Russell Ball, BJ Bishop, Ray Buchanan, Jonathan Evans, Matthew Grunfeld, Mary Page Hill, Peter Lane, Vickie McDonald, Paula Paquette, Jim Rissler, Tom Connolly, Edward Gibbons
Absent: Alissa Anderson, Randy Arsenault, Richard Helms, Stephen Morris, Carla Odell (Exec Director of DaySpring), Richard Norman (Canon to the Ordinary)
Call to Order
Membership Roster
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of the March 19, 2022 Council Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2022 Council meeting: by Russell Ball, seconded by BJ Bishop
The motion passed.
2. Approval of the May 12, 2022 Special Council Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2022 Special meeting of Diocesan Council: by Jim Rissler, seconded by Russell Ball
3. Report of Vote St Mark's Venice Restrictions of the Trust
Motion to ratify the Report of Vote for St. Mark's Venice Restrictions of the Trust: by Peter Lane, seconded by Matthew Grunfeld
The motion passed.
Bishop's Report
Dayspring Report
4. DaySpring Financials 2022-03, 04, 05
Mike Booher presented the DaySpring financials through May. No new projects are planned. However, maintenance is expected to be on-going with AC and other repairs. Diocesan Summer Camp and youth events are taking place at DaySpring. Bishop Smith pointed out that every congregation does have a youth ministry through the Diocesan Youth Ministry and camps.
5. DaySpring Phase 1.5 Capital Project Update
No updates to report.
Diocesan Report
6. Diocesan Financials 2022-03, 04
CFO Mike Booher presented the diocesan financials through April and addressed questions from the Committee.
7. 2021 Financial Audit Presentation
Edward Edgar, the Senior Manager at PDR, presented the 2021 Diocesan Financial Audit and addressed questions from Council. He explained the process and information gathering procedures. Mr. Edgar stated that the Diocese is in a strong financial position. The audit presentation will be added to Novus Agenda and the minutes.
Motion to receive the 2021 Diocesan Financial Audit Report as presented: by Peter Lane, seconded by Katie Arp The motion passed.
Finance Committee Report
8. Minutes of May 10 Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the May Finance Committee meeting.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve the license agreement between Resurrection Episcopal Church and Restoration Ministries Inc. pending per Section V of the Property/Facility Usage Guidelines, Procedures for Diocesan Approval of Lease, the agreement contain wording regarding safeguarding God's children and that Restoration Ministries include Resurrection Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese as additional insured on their Certificate of Insurance:
Per the May Finance Committee minutes, the Committee verified that the proposed license agreement between Resurrection Episcopal Church and Restoration Ministries Inc. added the following:
• Wording regarding safeguarding God’s children
• Restoration Ministries include Resurrection Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese as additional insured on their Certificate of Insurance
The Committee also verified that on April 19,2022 the Standing Committee unanimously approved the license agreement:
License Agreement: We reviewed the proposed agreement between Resurrection Episcopal Church (Largo) and Restoration Ministries, Inc. There was a point of unclarity around whether alcohol/tobacco is permitted on the premises. It says one thing in point 20 of the agreement, but then contradicts itself in Exhibit A, points 11 and 12. Provided this gets cleared up: The Rev. Cannon MOVED to approve to agreement and Mr. Corn seconded. The motion carried 9-0. The motion passed.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to approve the sale of 1002 S. Oregon Avenue, Tampa FL 33606 pending verification of approval by St. John's Tampa Vestry:
John Edgar confirmed that the St. John's Tampa Vestry discussed the matter at their May 22 meeting and voted to authorize the sale. The motion passed.
A motion by Finance Committee to accept the purchase of 4111 W. Barcelona Street Tampa, FL 33629 pending verification of approval by St. John's Tampa vestry was tabled until the deed is presented to Finance Committee and Diocesan Council for review.
John Edgar confirmed that the purchase of 4111 Barcelona was approved by St. John's Tampa vestry via an email vote.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to approve a Revolving Fund Loan in the amount of $204,000 to St Thomas, St. Petersburg: The motion passed.
Motion, by Finance Committee, to approve a Revolving Fund Loan in the amount of $25,000 to Church of the Good Shepherd, LaBelle: The motion passed.
Mission and Ministry Report
9. Status of Holy Name of Jesus Haitian Community of Naples, worshipping at St. Paul's
The Holy Name of Jesus Haitian Community in Naples will be reviewed by the Constitution and Canons Committee.
Constitution and Canons Committee Report
Endowment Fund Report
10. Minutes of May 10 Fund Board Meeting
Mike Booher updated Council on the current Endowment Fund and noted that the minutes of the May meeting are available for review.
Bishop's Cabinet Report
Old Business
11. Bishop Coadjutor Update
Mother Carla McCook updated the Council on the process of consent and transition.
New Business
12. Race and Reconciliation Evaluation
Russell Ball gave an evaluation of the on-going Diocesan Race and Reconciliation ministry. He noted that feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The high quality of the workshops and the great efforts of the trainers all received positive reviews.
Mr. Ball pointed out that the committee needs more members. The Rev. James Reho has agreed to serve as interim Chair until another Chair is selected.
The Rev. Peter Lane agreed that this is a great beginning and fabulous program.
The need to continue to advertise both the importance of the training and training dates was emphasized.
13. Diocesan Convention Appointments
Motion to approve the following for the 54th Annual Diocesan Convention: by Paula Paquette, seconded by Peter Lane
Committee chairs:
- Program- Ms. Judy Stark
- Nominating- The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
- Resolutions-Mr. Greg Hearing
- Credentials- The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
Nominating Committee:
- Clearwater: Jim Rissler [22]
- Fort Myers: Paula Paquette [22]
- Manasota: Matthew Grunfeld [22]
- Naples: Tom Connolly [22]
- St. Petersburg: Russel Ball [22]
- Tampa: Alissa Anderson [22]
- Venice: Vickie McDonald [22]
Resolutions Committee:
- Greg Hearing, Chair
- Steve Straske
- Donna Francisco
- The Rev. Janet Tunnell
- The Rev. Roy Tuff
Credentials Committee:
- Canon Richard Norman, Chair
- Tana Sembiante
The motion passed.
14. Transition Fundraising
Motion to delegate any transition fundraising residual amount to the Bishop's Discretionary Fund: by Matthew Grunfeld, seconded by Ray Buchanan
The motion passed.
15. DaySpring Livestreaming equipment
Mike Booher will work with DaySpring to have the livestreaming equipment in each conference room professionally assessed.
16. Episcopal Charities Grant Applications
It was noted that 5 applications have been submitted. The deadline for applications is July 15th. Extending the deadline could be a possibility to give groups more time to apply.
Upcoming Meetings
17. 2022 Schedule of Meetings
Upcoming Diocesan Council meetings:
Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring- Classroom B
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center
Saturday, Dec 10, 2022: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring- Classroom B
Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci Secretary Executive Assistant to Bishop Smith
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Regular Meeting of Diocesan Council MINUT ES
DaySpring / ZO O M Video Conference
August 20, 2022 - 9:00 AM
Those in attendance included:
Officers: The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith (President), The Rev. Dr. Douglas Scharf, Carla McCook (Vice President), Michael Booher (CFO/Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Katie Arp, Russell Ball, Ray Buchanan, Jonathan Evans, Matthew Grunfeld, Mary Page Hill, Peter Lane, Vickie McDonald, Paula Paquette, Jim Rissler, Tom Connolly, Edward Gibbons, Alissa Anderson, Randy Arsenault, Richard Helms
Absent: BJ Bishop, Stephen Morris, Carla Odell (Exec Director of DaySpring), Richard Norman (Canon to the Ordinary)
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of the June 11, 2022 Council Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the June 11, 2022 Council meeting : by Peter Lane, seconded by Paula Paquette
The motion passed.
2. Report of Vote 3 motions
Motion to ratify 3 Report of Votes for: Christ Church Pace Center Lease, St. Margaret of Scotland Bridging Loan, and St. Monica’s Naples, Loan Consolidation : by Paula Paquette, seconded by Peter Lane
The motion passed.
Bishop’s Report Dayspring Report
3. DaySpring Financials 2022
Mike Booher presented the DaySpring financials through July. No new projects are planned. All diocesan capital funds have been allocated for 2022. Mr. Booher answered questions from Council members.
4. DaySpring Phase 1.5 Capital Project Update
CFO Booher reported that the Spring of Support has encountered many dif - ficulties. The Esser Group has been given one more chance to find a solution to their etching issues.
Diocesan Report
5. Diocesan Financials 2022
CFO Mike Booher presented the diocesan financials through July and addressed questions from Council.
Finance Committee Report
6. Minutes of June 14 Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald summarized the June Finance Committee meeting and answered questions from Council members.
7. Minutes of August 9 Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the August Finance Committee meeting.
• Motion by Finance Committee to approve the lease extension between All Saints Episcopal Church and Solid Rock Community School as presented :
The motion passed.
8. Minutes of August 18 Special Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the August Special Finance Committee meeting.
• Motion by Finance Committee to approve the request for St. Alfred’s Episcopal Church in Palm Harbor to consolidate an existing loan of $150,000 with a new loan of $375,000 for a total loan amount of $525,000, with a 3% annual interest rate and 15 year term, as presented : The motion passed.
• Motion by Finance Committee to approve the loan request for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Boca Grande in the amount of $175,000 with a 1% annual interest rate and 1.5 year term, as presented : The motion passed.
Endowment Fund Report
9. Minutes of the August 9 Endowment Fund Board Meeting
Mike Booher updated Council on the current Endowment Fund and noted that the minutes of the August meeting are available for review. He stated that the Endowment Fund Board has set the 2023 spending distribution rate at 4.25% Bishop’s Cabinet Report
10. Esser Design Engraving Regroup
CFO Booher discussed a zoom call between the Diocese and the Esser Design Group and answered questions from Council members.
Old Business
11. Lamb of God
Chancellor Ted Tripp noted that further discussion with Lamb of God will be with the future Bishop Diocesan.
New Business
12. 2023 Endowment Spending Rule Draft Proposal
The Endowment Fund Board has set the 2023 spending distribution rate at 4.25%
13. 2023 Budget
CFO Booher presented the proposed 2023 budget and highlighted the positive and negative impacts of this past year. He explained a new proposed grant program for financial relief for congregations. This program will include grants to help offset rising property insurance and it will offer bookkeeping services to smaller churches in need. CFO Booher noted that there is a cushion to allow for unexpected expenses.
• Motion by Finance Committee to approve the 2023 Budget as presented : The motion passed.
14. Resolutions Proposal
Chancellor Ted Tripp explained the rationale for 2 proposed resolutions to the Canons.
The reasoning behind deleting Canon XIX of the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida is that Canon IV of the National Canons dealing with ecclesiastical discipline no longer provides for the existence of, or any rule for, a Disciplinary Review Committee.
• Motion to delete Canon XIX of the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida, Inc., in its entirety : by Tom Connolly, seconded by Ray Buchanan
The motion passed.
The appeal of Canon XIX results in the renumbering of existing Canon XX, dealing with ecclesiastical discipline, as Canon XIX.
In addition, the current Canon makes no provision for a situation in which the President of the Disciplinary Board is unable to fulfill his/her duties. The Canons of the Episcopal Church dictate that, when this situation is present in the Diocesan Canons, the responsibility falls to the Bishop Diocesan. This amendment simply confirms that the Bishop Diocesan is authorized to make the appointment, from the same order, upon unavailability and incapacity or disqualification of the President of the Disciplinary Board.
Motion that Canon XX is renumbered as Canon XIX, Ecclesiastical Discipline, subparagraph 2.e, of the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida and be amended as follows:
Section (ii)b. the addition of the sentence: In the event the President of the Board is unavailable, incapacitated, or disqualified, the Bishop Diocesan shall appoint a replacement Board member of the same order as the replaced President.
Section g.: the addition of the sentence: In the event the President is permanently unavailable, incapacitated or disqualified, the Bishop Diocesan shall appoint a member of the Board to serve as President for the remainder of the term from the same order as the Board member being replaced: by Peter Lane, seconded by Ray Buchanan
The motion passed.
15. Episcopal Charities Grant Applications
The applications are being reviewed by the Council on Deacons.
Upcoming Meetings
16. 2022 Schedule of Meetings
Motion to move the 2023 Diocesan Council meeting schedule to the third Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and as needed in December : by Jonathan Evans, seconded by Alissa Anderson
The motion passed.
Upcoming Diocesan Council meetings:
Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center
December 2022 meeting to be determined as needed
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 AM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci Secretary
Executive Assistant to Bishop Smith
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Regular Meeting of Diocesan Council MINUTES
DaySpring Conference Center, Kline Hall Classroom A October 13, 2022 - 3:00 PM
Those in attendance included: Officers: The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith (President), The Rt. Rev. Douglas Scharf, Carla McCook (Vice President), Michael Booher (CFO/Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Katie Arp, Russell Ball, BJ Bishop, Ray Buchanan, Jonathan Evans, Matthew Grunfeld, Mary Page Hill, Peter Lane, Vickie McDonald, Stephen Morris, Paula Paquette, Jim Rissler, Tom Connolly, Edward Gibbons, Alissa Anderson, Randy Arsenault, Richard Helms
Staff/Other: Carla Odell (Exec Director of DaySpring), Richard Norman (Canon to the Ordinary) John Edgar, (Dir. Congregation Support), Jerry Buss (Diocesan Controller)
Finance Committee Members: Vickie McDonald, Chair, Jim Rissler, Richard Helms, Alissa Anderson, Janet Tunnell, Randy Arsenault, Ann Burton
Call to Order
Membership Roster
Opening Prayer
Bishop’s Report
Bishop’s Cabinet Report
1. Esser Design Engraving Regroup
Mike Booher reported that a new company has been found that is willing to finish the engraving on the columns. The cost is higher than the original company but there are sufficient funds to cover the increase.
New Business
2. Lease Renewal St. Paul’s Wesley Chapel
Motion to approve the lease renewal for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Wesley Chapel: by Jonathan Evans, seconded by Stephen Morris
The motion passed.
3. Church of the Nativity Revolving Fund Loan Request
Motion to approve the Revolving Fund Loan request for Church of the Nativity, Sarasota in the amount of $28,000: by Jim Rissler, seconded by Vickie McDonald
The motion passed.
4. Council on Deacons Report
Canon Richard Norman presented the recommendations from the Council of Deacons for the 2022 Episcopal Charities Grants.
• Motion to Approve the Episcopal Charities Grant recommendations as presented: by Stephen Morris, seconded by Vickie McDonald
The motion passed.
5. Hurricane Ian Emergency Budget
CFO Mike Booher presented the proposed Emergency Relief Budget pertaining to Hurricane Ian. Discussion followed.
Motion to combine proposal to adjust 2022 budget amounts and designate money market funds into one motion: by Peter Lane, seconded by Paula Paquette
The motion passed.
Motion to adjust 2022 budget amounts as follows:
• Increase account 573002 – Hurricane Donations (new account) to $341,300
• Decrease account 581020 – Congregational Aide to $75,000 ($25,000 reduction)
• Decrease account 583360 – Convention to $25,000 ($25,000 reduction)
• Decrease account 580300 – Bishop Professional Expense to $15,000 ($25,000 reduction)
• Decrease account 583540 – Staff – F&A – Prof. Expense to $27,500 ($25,000 reduction)
• Increase account 581022 – Hurricane Relief Expenses (new account) to $691,310 And to designate $250,000 of money market (account 100155) for hurricane relief: by Peter Lane, seconded by Randy Arsenault
The motion passed.
Motion to forgive suspended 2022 assessments for impacted churches, up to the amount of the individual claims, with a grand total not to exceed $250,000: by Vickie McDonald, seconded by Stephen Morris
The motion passed.
Upcoming Meetings
6. 2022 Schedule of Meetings
Upcoming Diocesan Council meetings: December 2022 meeting to be determined as needed
Meeting adjourned at 4:33 PM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci Secretary Executive Assistant to Bishop Smith
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida Regular Meeting of Diocesan Council
ZO O M Video Conference December 16, 2022 - 3:00 PM
Those in attendance included:
Officers: The Rt. Rev. Douglas F. Scharf (President), The Rev. Carla McCook (Vice President), Michael Booher (CFO/Treasurer), Wendy Martucci (Secretary), Ted Tripp (Chancellor)
Voting Members: Katie Arp, Connie Mehr, BJ Bishop, Ray Buchanan, Matthew Grunfeld, Mary Page Hill, Vickie McDonald, Stephen Morris, Susan Darrow, Tom Connolly, Edward Gibbons, Randy Arsenault, Richard Helms
Staff/Other: Carla Odell (Exec Director of DaySpring), Richard Norman (Canon to the Ordinary) Absent: Alissa Anderson, Peter Lane, Jonathan Evans, Paula Paquette
Council welcomed members from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Tampa, FL: Joe Collier, Cynthia Hadlow, Hugh Jebson and Christian Wood
Call to Order
Opening Prayer Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of the October 13, 2022 Council Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2022 Council meeting: by Randy Arsenault, seconded by Ray Buchanan
The motion passed.
Bishop’s Report
Dayspring Report
Ms. Odell reported that the Spring of Support engraving is nearly complete. The ramp to the chapel has been replaced and is now ADA compliant. She made note of problems they are having with locals driving ATVs on campus and tearing up the roads and fields.
Diocesan Report
Finance Committee Report
2. Minutes of November Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the November Finance Committee meeting.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve Audit Committee Procedures as presented: The motion passed.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve the sale of five (5) rural parcels of real estate located in Orange County, Florida currently owned by St. James Episcopal Church, Port Charlotte, FL as presented: The motion passed.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve permission to list for sale a portion of land in the southeast corner of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Tarpon Springs, as amended: The motion passed.
3. Minutes of December Finance Committee
The Rev. Vickie McDonald presented the recommendations from the minutes of the December Finance Committee meeting.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve the reconciliation of Line 8 with Apportionable Capital Revenue as presented: The motion passed.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve the disposition of Bishop Smith’s assigned assets as described: The motion passed.
Motion by Finance Committee to approve the return of a percentage of assessments to congregations that were not impacted by Hurricane Ian: Diocesan Council strongly encourages congregations, as they are able, to donate any refunds to Hurricane Ian relief.
The motion passed.
4. St. John’s Day School - Tampa Capital Campaign
Representatives from St. John’s Day School presented a capital campaign for improvements to the school. Thank you Joe Collier, Cynthia Hadlow, Hugh Jebson and Christian Wood.
Motion to approve the St. John’s Day School proposal as presented: by Douglas Scharf, seconded by Tom Connolly
The motion passed.
5. Bishop Scharf LOA Approval
Motion to approve the Letter of Agreement between the Diocese of Southwest Florida and The Rt. Rev. Douglas F. Scharf as presented. Furthermore, Bishop Scharf’s total compensation plan will be addressed and reassessed at the February Council meeting: by Tom Connolly, seconded by Randy Arsenault
The motion passed.
6. 2023 Housing Allowance
Motion to approve the 2023 clergy housing allowances as presented: by Ray Buchanan, seconded by Mary Page Hill
The motion passed.
Upcoming Meetings
7. 2023 Schedule of Meetings
Diocesan Council New Bishop On-Boarding Seminar: Saturday, January 14, 2023 9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. at DaySpring - Tripp Pavilion Classroom B
Upcoming Diocesan Council Meetings
• Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring – Classroom B
• Saturday, April. 15, 2023: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring – Classroom B
• Saturday, June 17, 2023: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring – Classroom B
• Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at DaySpring- Classroom B
• Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center
• Saturday, Dec 9, 2023: 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. as needed at DaySpring- Classroom B
Meeting adjourned at 4:22 PM
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Martucci Secretary
Executive Assistant to Bishop Scharf