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CANON XVIII Episcopal Election Committee
Section 1. Whenever the Bishop Diocesan requests the election of a Bishop Coadjutor or a Bishop Suffragan and the Convention assents, an Episcopal Election Committee shall be formed under the authority of the Convention.
Section 2. The Committee membership shall be selected as follows: a. Each deanery shall meet in convocation to elect one (1) clergy Member of Convention who is a presbyter, and one (1) elector of a Congregation located in that deanery. In addition, one (1) alternate for each position shall be elected; the alternates shall hold the same qualifications as the elected member. Should an alternate die or resign prior to beginning service on the Episcopal Election Committee, the deanery shall meet in convocation to elect a replacement with the same qualifications. b. The Bishop shall appoint seven (7) additional people, who must be clergy Members of Convention, either presbyters or deacons, or electors of a Congregation. The Bishop shall also appoint at the same time a first, a second and a third alternate, any of whom may hold any of the permissible qualifications.
Section 3. The Committee shall be responsible for the entire episcopal election process, including: a. conducting a self-study of the Diocese; b. developing a process for screening and selecting candidates in order to ensure that all persons to be considered by the Convention to Elect a Bishop are qualified to hold the position; c. developing procedures for receiving names for consideration; d. interviewing potential nominees; e. presenting to the Convention a slate of qualified nominees from which a Bishop may be elected; f. developing procedures for receiving names to appear on the ballot by petition after the Committee’s slate has been finalized; g. completing background checks for all candidates whose names will appear on the ballot, whether by nomination or petition; h. organizing the introduction of all of the candidates whose names will appear on the ballot, whether by nomination or petition, to the diocesan community; and i. with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee, establishing the procedures to be used at the Convention to Elect a Bishop pursuant to Article XVIII of the Constitution of the Diocese.
Section 4. At its first meeting, the Committee shall elect one (1) presbyter and one (1) layperson to serve as co-chairs of the Committee. The Committee may elect other members to serve in various capacities as it deems appropriate. Within two (2) months of its first meeting, the Committee shall develop a proposed budget, which shall be given to the Diocesan Council for approval or modification.