Environmental Site Study

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Enviromental Site Analysis

Site Location: Atlanta< GA The Atlanta Beltline Trail & Freedom Trail Intersection Edgar Plascencia Jonathan Linsen Studio lll | Fall 2020_Caroll

Introduction _ Enviromental Analysis | Plaza Site Heavy Pedestrian, bicycling, scooter and other types of traffic are impacting factors to the site at the over pass.

Pavihlion Site | Drianage is an issue here and vegeatation situated around this area.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Atlanta Beltline

Highway Connecting Trails

Freedom Trail

North Highlands Avenue

Jimmy Carter Muesum Site

Fourth Ward Skate Park & Field ay w k ar P m do



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Inman Park Shops & Resturaaunts aD

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Google Earth

Bernia Drive

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Enviromental Analysis _ circulation

Pedestrian & Pet Owners

B e l t l i n e Tr a f f i c Pedestrian traffic on the beltline ruled the majority with bicycle traffic being the second most majority. 10AM



4PM Pedestrian Cyclist Skaters Pet Owners

Scooter & Skaters


F u tu re lig h t ra il

v e h ic le

Future light Rail Light rail train to be constructed in the near future along the beltline. Nearby citizens are pushing for construction to begin!

Beltline Light rail Render Beltline Organization

Fig. 3

Sound study _ Enviromental Analysis

The noise, for the most part, is generated by the pedestrian and cyclist traffic that passes through the site. The red denotes the location that local musician sets up at, which can generate spikes of noise between 85 to 90 dB. Outside of this immediate area, the orange shows levels of noise consistent with the noise generated primarily from heavy pedestrian traffic.

Site Location

89-80 dB

79-70 dB

69-60 dB

Reverberation Noise bounces off concrete. Consider acoustical proofing in design.

Fig. 4

Enviromental Analysis _ Drainage

At the plaza site, the land is mainly flat with a small slope towards the west side. Most water gets redirected where indicated on the map blue. At the pavilion site, dianage is an issue and nearby drain may help with that.

Highest Elevation on site

Sloping terrain towards pavilion site

Lowest point on site

980 980

985 990




990 990

985 985


ditch towards manhole/drain Rain Puddle Locavtions

Shadow study _ Enviromental Analysis

Winter Solstice


Summer Solstice

9AM Shadows At 9am commercial and residentail buildings provide shade for PavilionSite. Bridge underpass is only 50% shaded.

1PM Shadows Less Shade for Pavilion Site and bridge underpass is fully shaded.

4PM Shadows Green space towards Carter center is shaded at this time.

Enviromental Analysis _ Sun and Vegetation Summer S o lst ic e 70.4 deg.

Sun Study

Equinox 47 deg. N

Win t e r S o lst ic e 23.6 deg,


Vegatation - along site

This shrubberry/ vegatation grow to be a clister of trees.

Exetensive vegatation contributing to the beltlines aboritum of trees. - a specific group of trees native to georgia that are beneficial to the enviroment: for animals, humans, climate

Tree Species Oak trees Beech Trees Azeala Plans


Circulation: Heavy foot, bicycle/skate, scooter traffic passing site. Sound: Noise levels are heavy under overpass. Sound bounces off concrete and creates reverberation Vegetation: Heavy vegetation around. Vegetation to be left undisturbed for future flourishment. Sun Pavilion site to receive heavy sun. Plaza site will be mostly shaded. Light Rail Future Devolpment: Take into consideration that a light rail will be built through site along beltline.


Images fig 1. Ryan Mattox. (drone footage) fig2. Ryan Mattox. (drone footage) fig3. Beltline Organization. Beltline Light rail render fig 4. Ryan Mattox.(done footage)

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