Epoch Fit 1-8-2016

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B1 January 8–14, 2016

Eat Seasonally Sleep more

6 Natural Ways to

Quit Smoking on B3

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Healthy tips for changing your lifestyle and committing to losing weight By Arleen Richards | Epoch Times Staff EW YORK—Have you made another New Year’s resolution to get healthier and lose weight? In previous years, have you tried fad diets or made drastic life changes such as cutting out six cups of coffee per day? If so, you probably realized that these methods don’t work for very long. The key for you might be to make small, healthy changes that will gradually become a natural part of your life. Dr. Peter Bongiorno, a naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist, says there isn’t a onesize-fits-all weight-loss plan. Bongiorno and his colleagues Robert Kachko, a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, and Cynthia Hewitt,

I don’t even recommend that people exercise if they are not sleeping enough. Dr. Peter Bongiorno, naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist

an acupuncturist, focus a part of their practice on helping weight-loss seekers take off those extra pounds. They advise patients not to focus so much on the scale, but to adjust lifestyle patterns. Holistic beauty and health coach Claudia Colombo, owner of Fábula Skincare and Wellness NYC, agrees that making small changes are important. She says you need to find ways to keep the initial excitement about changing your life and losing weight long-term. So you may need to adjust your attitude along the


way in order to make a serious commitment to losing weight. The ultimate outcome is up to you. All of these experts believe that strategizing and planning are important components for transitioning to a permanent, healthy new you. They shared the following healthy weight loss-tips. Get Enough Sleep “I don’t even recommend that people exercise if they are not sleeping enough,” Bongiorno says. Lack of sleep puts your body into a stressed state because it raises your stress hormones, so “you’re going to hold onto your fat, and you’re going to lower your metabolism.”

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January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

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Is It Something I Ate? App to Help Identify Dietary Triggers By Conan Milner | Epoch Times Staff You know what tastes good, but you may not be so clear on how certain foods make you feel. Identifying foods that cause adverse reactions can involve a bit of detective work. An app called mySymptoms helps solve the puzzle. The first step in tracking food sensitivities is keeping a food diary. The second step is correlating specific foods with recurring symptoms. As the name suggests, the mySymptoms app links your diet to the symptoms you experience throughout the day, so you can weed out offending foods. The app has several options for recording meals or snacks: You can scan the barcodes, find your foods in the limited mySymptoms database, or type in each ingredient from a homemade recipe. You can also record drinks, medications, supplements, environmental factors, physical activity—whatever you can think of that might trigger an undesirable reaction. Meanwhile, you also record your symptoms and their intensity. Super bloated and gassy at noon? Exhausted after lunch? Afternoon migraine? Type them in. You can also add other details such as sleep quality and bowel movements. This data entry is tedious at first, but it gets easier with time, as you’re likely to eat similar meals, and so you can simply copy the repeats. The more detail you can provide, the clearer the picture you’ll get. This means recording your meals even on days when you don’t have any symptoms. Within a few days, you’ll start to see patterns emerge, but mySymptoms also features detailed analyses to give even more perspective. Once you’ve run the analysis for a symptom, the app shows a “top suspects” results table with the highest scoring item at the top. You can find out more information about the score of an individual item by tapping on it to open the result-detail screen. Keep in mind that mySymptoms can identify correlation but not cause, so you must still


Food sensitivities can be subtle and hard to detect. apply some critical thinking to the process. However, the program offers easy-to-read PDF reports that you can send to your doctor or dietitian for further evaluation. This app is particularly helpful for those with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), or food sensitivities, but it also provides valuable insight to people who want a better look at how their bodies react to food and drink. Although it strives to be intuitive, there is definitely a learning curve when you start mySymptoms. This is especially true of the Android version, which can be tricky to navigate. With the iPhone version, it’s much easier to find what you’re looking for. If you’re not very smartphone savvy or try not to be so tethered to your devices, you might want to skip the app and keep your food and symptom diary to old-fashioned paper and pen and observe the patterns that emerge. Of course, you would miss out on the analysis and reporting features of mySymptoms, but you might also gain some welcome time away from your cellphone. As with the app, consistency and details are essential to making the process work. The basic app is free, but if you want the detailed report and analysis, you have to pay $2.99 for the premium version.

Is Your Face Paying the Price for Your Athletic Body? CAN STOCK PHOTO INC./ ANDRES

Athletes are known for diligence in their workouts and commitment to improving body strength, stamina, and endurance. What they may not realize, however, is that certain types of exercise adversely affect facial appearance, which board-certified dermatologist Dr. Estee Williams refers to, tongue-in-cheek, as “race face.” Dr. Williams, who works at Madfes Aesthetic Medical Center on the Upper East Side, explains that running and other endurance sports certainly get you in shape, but also put you at risk for premature facial aging, due to low body mass index (BMI), hormonal imbalance, and environmental exposures. Male and female runners alike tend to have lean bodies and low BMIs, which translates into loss of the desirable facial fullness. “Patients believe that by working out, they’ll lose fat in their thighs or abdomens, but in reality, they may also lose fat in their faces, causing hollowing and sagging,” Dr. Williams said. Studies demonstrate that running decreases hormones like testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen. Estrogen acts directly on the skin via special estrogen receptors, thereby promoting thickness, collagen synthesis, wound healing, and protection from the sun. “Ever wonder why women start looking older around the time of menopause? Low estrogen. Runners and other hardcore athletes experience a decline in estrogen and testosterone after prolonged periods of training, which may explain the premature facial aging we see, akin to menopausal women,” Dr. Williams said. After approximately two hours of sustained running, both male and female athletes experience a drop in sex hormones (until that point, they rise.) Aging is a slow process that does not happen overnight and affects everyone differently. Genetics, sun exposure, diet, history of smoking, and general health all factor into how well we age. Saving Face Dr. Williams has created a new cosmetic procedure to help athletes who are bothered by accelerated facial aging. The Runner’s Lift incorporates radiofrequency energy, injectable fillers, and a skin-care regimen, all in one visit. “Runners and hardcore athletes have particular needs that stem from their daily lifestyle. These must be addressed when correcting past skin damage as well as preventing future damage,” Dr Williams says. Dr. Diane Madfes, a dermatologist who works

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Exercise can take a toll on your skin. with Dr. Williams at the center, notes that the Runner’s Lift is suited for many athletes, not just runners. “Soul Cyclers, Barry’s Bootcamp devotees, and others have had great success with the Runner’s Lift as it reverses signs of mechanical stress that hours in the gym may add to the face,” she said. What Runner’s Lift Does Radiofrequency energy uses heat to stimulate collagen contraction and boost new collagen growth over time. Since radiofrequency works beneath the surface of the skin, it is safe for all skin tones, unlike some lasers. Next Dr. Williams injects collagen-boosting fillers into the face to add volume, focusing on the patient’s individual needs. “Runners tend to lose volume in the temples and mid-cheek,” she said. The final step is a skin-care plan designed to protect the skin from environmental exposures and normalize cell turnover. “The Runner’s Lift procedure gives that immediate ‘wow’ effect, but the results build over time, allowing your body to do some of the work by building natural collagen,” Dr. Williams explained. This combined now-and-later approach means that the treatment only gets better with time. Runners, take note. Madfes Aesthetic Medical Center 1 E. 69th St. New York, NY 10021 212-249-8118 RunnersLift.com



January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

6 Natural Ways to Quit Smoking


minutes (roughly the amount of time it takes to smoke a cigarette) whenever they felt the urge to use tobacco. Results showed that both essential oils effectively curbed cravings, but black pepper oil was far more effective. Why? Apparently, black pepper essential oil partially reproduces the sensations experienced when smoking, thereby reducing the craving for cigarettes.

By Diane Small It’s one of the hardest things to do, but quitting smoking isn’t impossible–and it’s the single most important step smokers can take to improve their health. By kicking the habit, you will almost immediately gain benefits, including these: • • • • • •

Lower your risk of cancer and heart disease Reduce inflammation in the body Improve circulation Improve the absorption of nutrients Improve the quality of your skin Reduce the number of free-radicals attacking your body

Acupuncture can help you relax, and there is a special protocol done on the ears that helps beat addictions.

3. Give Yourself a Hand You can easily use this two-minute massage technique to supplement any other therapy you’re trying. Just gently rub each ear between your fingers for one to two minutes a day while you’re at work or watching TV, or better yet, get someone else to do it to you. Feels good, keeps your hands busy, and should reduce your cravings, too. 4. Aromatherapy Don’t turn up your nose at aromatherapy. According to the book “Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare” by Jane Buckle, Ph.D., R.N., several studies have shown essential oils have beneficial effects on nicotine cravings. In one study that Buckle co-authored and that was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 20 people who used nicotine products daily were divided into two separate groups and given an essential oil (either black pepper or angelica). They were instructed to place one drop of the oil on a tissue and inhale it for two

5. Herbal Help There are also herbal supplements designed to help smokers quit. The U.K.-based company Organic Pharmacy has a kit that includes the herb ashwagandha, antioxidant capsules, and the homeopathic remedy tabaccum, which work together to help fight addiction and support the body during the stressful adjustment period. St. John’s Wort is also thought to be able to reduce cravings as well as the incessant edginess some experience when trying to quit smoking. You’ll need two to three weeks for the effects of the herb to start building up in the brain, so start taking it two weeks before you decide to quit. Add some tincture to your tea, or just put drops directly on your tongue. Use as directed. 6. Use a Homeopathic Patch The theory behind homeopathy is based on the premise that certain natural substances can stimulate the body’s own healing systems, allowing the body to heal itself. It’s a unique system of medicine that uses minute doses of ingredients with great curative effect and no negative side effects. Homeopathic herbal stop-smoking patches abound and include natural ingredients like black spruce, lung wort, and evergreen bark to help build up lung strength and reduce cravings. Diane Small writes for London- and Paris-based based Eluxe Magazine, which is dedicated to sustainable luxury. This article was originally published on EluxeMagazine.com


1. Get Hip to Hypnosis Hypnosis can be very helpful and apparently works best on men. A study by Scott and White Memorial Hospital in Texas followed smokers who underwent eight hypnotherapy visits over a two-month period, at the end of which 40 percent had quit. With a good hypnotherapist, even one session can have an impact—but you need to really want it to work.

2. Get on Point When you try to quit smoking, your brain isn’t happy. It reduces the feel-good chemicals that smoking induces, and that makes you cranky and irritable. Fortunately, acupuncture stimulates serotonin in the brain, and it can be used to reduce all sorts of cravings. Acupuncture works best if you get treatment the day you quit or within the first 72 hours. Get it done around your ear, and after a total of six treatments, you have a 30 percent chance of kicking the habit for good. ANDREYPOPOV/ISTOCK

How awesome is that? Oh, and you’ll smell better, too! The first thing you need to quit is determination. You have to really want to quit. Some people can quit cold turkey, while others need to wean themselves off. There are physical withdrawal symptoms you may experience as well as some mental ones, too. If you find yourself tempted to get back into the habit, try ringing a support line in your local area (use Google to find “stop smoking support”), or find a friend who’s quit and call for support when needed. Since quitting puts your body through a detox process, try going as all-natural as possible to facilitate the cleaning, and gently ease yourself into a new, healthier way of living. Drink lots of pure water, eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies, and follow these six natural ways to quit smoking. You’ll be very, very glad you did.

The scent of black pepper essential oil helps reduce the craving for cigarettes.



January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

Silver Stars Fitness



ilver Stars Fitness, a fitness studio that specializes in working with the baby boomer & beyond client, is now offering SMALL group classes. Try Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Balance & Fall Prevention, Total Strength & Conditioning, Tennis and Silver Stars’ much talked about 30-minute FIT FOR LIFE circuit classes. Jason Greenspan, owner of Silver Stars Fitness says, “We keep our classes very small—most of our classes are between three and six people, as opposed to the typical class of ten or twenty most often found in the large commercial clubs. The advantage of the small class is we can customize each exercise, movement, or pose to suit one’s fitness level and health history. This allows us to give our clients personalized attention and ensure that everyone is performing the exercises correctly.� Clients have their choice of signing up for 5 weeks or for individual classes as per availability. Most classes are one hour except the FIT FOR LIFE circuits, which are 30 minutes. The cost for Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi classes are $20/$100 per five week/classes. Participation in individual classes is $25. Balance/Fall Prevention, Tennis, and Total Body Strength & Conditioning will max out at FOUR people, so the class really simulates private training. Cost is $225.00 per 5 weeks or $50 per individual class. Personal Training, Private Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, and Massage Therapy are also fantastic options. Parties and lectures are also held throughout the year. At Silver Stars Fitness studio, there is no membership fee, no hustle & bustle, and no distractions; just a lot of passion and knowledge to share with clients. Silver Stars instructors are all certified, experienced, and specifically trained to design fitness programs for the baby boomer & beyond client.



Functional Workout With Your Ball Chair By Michael Zieminski Using a ball as your desk chair has a host of benefits, including better posture and balance. It also has the benefit of doubling as a great workout aid. The workout below will help stabilize your core, increase leg strength and hip mobility, and help you move better. The Active Sitting Wellness Ball made by Technogym has a carrying handle. If your ball doesn’t have one, improvise or skip the move.

Michael Zieminski is a Technogym master trainer. Visit the Technogym showroom at 70 Greene St. in SoHo to learn more from master personal trainers. Technogym.com

Silver Stars training programs prepare older adults for real life tasks like moving in and around various obstacles and stepping over objects.

Silver Stars also offers an In-Home service for those who aren’t able to come to the studio or for people who just like the convenience of training at home. If you’re tired of large classes and are looking for instructors that really care, contact Silver Stars.

Squats are the ‘King Kong’ of exercises and a functional movement we do daily.

Lift your chest off the ball so only your forearms are on it, keeping the tips of your toes on the floor.Â

SPACE IS LIMIITED SO RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! SALE IS VALID UNTIL JAN. 31, 2016 Jason Greenspan is the Founder of Silver Stars Fitness, a fitness studio that caters to baby boomers and beyond. He has 20 years of experience working with seniors, is certified as an older adult fitness specialist, has authored two fitness books, and appeared on NY1, as well as CBS with Dr. Max Gomez.

Silver Stars Fitness

850 7th Avenue, Suite 305 New York, NY 10019

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Front Plank

Everything begins from the core, and this move helps core stabilization. As you do it, be sure to engage your deep stomach muscles by sucking your lower belly into the spine. Focus on your belly button and the areas to the left, right, and just below it. • Lie face down on the ball with your forearms on the center of the ball and the center of

your chest over the center of the ball. â€˘ Engage your deep stomach muscles by drawing them inward toward your spine (suck the gut in). • Hold for 30–60 seconds, depending on your fitness level. â€˘ For an extra challenge, move the ball in small circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

For more challenge, hold your hands behind your head.

Low-Back Extensions

• These strengthen the low-back muscles and glutes. • Lie face down on the ball and place your pelvis in the center of it. • Feet should be hip-width apart, arms across your chest, or for more challenge, hold them

Scapula Retraction

This is a great upper-body posture exercise because it strengthens the posture muscles in your upper back, aka your rear delts and rhomboids. Keep the focus between your shoulder blades during the entire exercise. • Place the center of your chest in the center of the ball, feet hip-width apart.Â

behind your head. • Lower your upper body toward the floor, pause, and then flex upward with your low back, squeezing your glutes, until you reach the starting position. Do 15–20 reps.

• Hang your arms toward the floor, thumbs up. Slowly raise your arms up into a “Yâ€? shape, as high as possible. â€˘ Concentrate on the back muscles in between your shoulder blades instead of the front of the shoulders because these are the muscles primarily performing this movement.



January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

HYDRODISSECTION A Holistic Treatment Without Drugs Or Surgery


PAIN IN LESS THAN AN HOUR Squats With Rotation

Squats are the “King Kong” of exercises and a functional movement we do daily. They primarily work the glutes and quadriceps and secondarily the hamstrings. They also stabilize the core. This includes a torso rotation to help strengthen the core and oblique muscles, while maintaining torso range of motion—a great functional movement. • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding the

ball in front of your chest. • Squat down as if you are sitting in a chair, still holding the ball in front of your chest. • Stand up and rotate the ball or twist to one side (as if you were placing it down to your side). Return the ball to the center of your chest and repeat. Do 20 reps.

When a nerve is compressed by its surrounding tissue, whether through overuse, injury or age, it can cause chronic pain that may include numbness and tingling. Using ultrasound technology, Dr. Kulick is able to target the exact point of compression and relieve the pinched nerve without surgery or medications. This procedure can allow you to have a pain free lifestyle!

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Single-Leg Balance Touchdowns

This exercise helps stability of the hips, which is important because your hips need to be properly stable before they can be properly mobile. Also, the more stability you have in the hips, the less likelihood of accidents such as falling, and the easier other leg exercises will become. • In one hand, hold the Active Sitting Wellness Ball by the carrying handle, and stand on the opposite leg.

• Slightly bend at both the knee and hip and reach toward the floor with the ball. • Tap the ball on the floor. Then stand up. • Keep your chest up and stomach drawn in for the entire exercise. The goal is to stand on one leg for the entire for 15–20 reps.

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Back Lat Stretch

The latissimus dorsi muscles (or lats) in the upper midback, rarely get stretched. Most “pulled” backs that occur in this area are caused by tight lat muscles. This stretch helps eliminate these problems. • Kneel down and place one hand on the

center of the ball. • Lower your buttocks to your heels while keeping your hand in the same position, stretching your back or lats on one side of your body. • Repeat the stretch with the other hand.

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January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

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Bongiorno recommends seven and a half to eight hours of sleep for most people. Sleep is really important for your digestive tract and immune system as well. Bongiorno said it’s been shown that you can’t have good digestive function and gut flora function (microbes in the intestines that influence the function of the immune system) if you’re not getting enough sleep. Move Your Body You have to move your body in order to stimulate circulation, which helps to remove gases and waste products from your cells. If you’ve never exercised, a good first step is taking daily walks, preferably in the morning, Kachko said. Starting in the morning sets your circadian rhythm (physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle), so your body can distinguish daytime from nighttime and get a better and deeper sleep. Make Better Food Choices “We always have a choice,â€? Colombo said. Living in New York, a lot of people just don’t cook because there are plenty of restaurants to choose from. So try choosing a place that specializes in healthier food. Colombo suggests sweetgreen, which now has six locations in Manhattan. Kachko says it’s important to choose real foods and not foods with added sugar, salt, or fat. If you’re not sure what the best menu option is, ask for help or pick something lighter. You can also adjust your eating habits by eating only part of your typical fatty meal. For example, the next time you order a burger, don’t eat the bun. Colombo and Bongiorno practice a similar strategy of gradually bringing in healthy food choices. “It’s those little things that we switch and change and add in, and then we crowd out all the other stu,â€? Colombo said. Bongiorno said it’s not about getting rid of your comfort foods entirely, but figuring out how to bring in healthy foods that can com-

Get Organized If you’re trying to get healthy, lose weight, and change your lifestyle, you have to plan. Plan ahead for food shopping, weekly meals, and exercise. Put time for these things on a schedule, just as you would for a meeting, starting a new project, taking a class, and the like. Life is very packed. Colombo says people tend to sacrifice their health because they are so busy. If you go too long without eating, you become ravenous, which leads to overeating. Make health a priority in your schedule. Eat Seasonally The foods available in each season nourish the particular needs of our bodies during that time of year. For example, in the winter, root vegetables are more abundant, and Colombo said our bodies naturally want carbohydrates, so eating healthy carbs such as sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, and squash are a good way to go. The body is connected to the mind and emotions, and winter is a dark, quiet time, so it’s easy to feel bored or emotional. This can lead to eating unhealthy food in order to fill the void, Colombo said. You can help sustain your energy and elevate your mood by eating healthy grains like buckwheat and quinoa, which also are great for cholesterol.

If it’s not realistic ... there’s no point. Dr. Peter Bongiorno, naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist

Take Supplements Bongiorno and his colleagues say that the right supplements or herbs can be very beneficial for getting back into balance. An unbalanced diet depletes vital nutrients necessary for a healthy life, so they recommend a repletion regimen that includes a multi-vitamin, good-quality fish oil, and a probiotic for digestive function. If you eat fish twice a week, you can get balanced a little quicker. Drinking tea can also enhance weight loss. Green and oolong teas, in particular, help break down fat, Kachka said. If you want to take herbs, it’s very important to use good quality ones. Bongiorno and his colleagues say they use herbs from Wise Woman Herbals in their herbal therapy regimens.

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Claudia Colombo, holistic beauty and health coach COURTESY OF FĂ BULA SKINCARE AND WELLNESS NYC

Sleep Study Research Volunteers

Reduce Stress Add stress-reducing activities, such as meditation, yoga, or acupuncture to your life. Go regularly to meditation or yoga classes. Controlled breathing helps you to relax, and paying attention to what’s happening with your breath helps you bring mindfulness to other parts of your body. You can get on a treadmill and just go, go, go to burn calories, but if you do yoga, you have to consciously think about what you are doing with your body. This discipline can carry over into other weight-loss eorts like eating habits. “Those exercises, are really about bringing the mind to the body,â€? Hewitt said. Acupuncture is also a good modality for reducing mental and physical stress. Hewitt said stress is like a spinning wheel, but acupuncture works as if sticking a pipe in the spokes of a wheel, stopping the spinning.

It’s those little things that we switch and change and add in, and then we crowd out all the other stuff.



January 8–14, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit COURTESY OF TIANTI BOOKS


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Saturday, Jan. 9 Starts at 9 a.m. Third Rail CrossFit 81 New Dorp Plaza, Staten Island Cost: $90 Squareup.com/StoreThirdRailCrossFit


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Let the ‘Doctor Within’ Treat Pulmonary Fibrosis Hardened pulmonary tissue can be regenerated by making the tonsils healthier Part 11 COURTESY OF DR. SEO HYO-SEOK

By Dr. Seo Hyo-seok Early last year, a renowned scientist from China visited me with a look of great happiness on his face. He told me that his doctor had been marveling at a CT scan showing marked improvement in his pulmonary fibrosis after eight months of pulmonary cleansing therapy. Recently, a 94-yearold gentlemen with skin as clear as a young man’s and excellent hearing and vision, visited my hospital to thank me for having liberated him from the pains he had been suffering all his life. After having undergone 21 months of pulmonary cleansing therapy, his lifelong phlegmy cough and itchiness had disappeared. Several years ago, a former university professor over the age of 70 informed me of his amazement at the disappearance of his pulmonary fibrosis. He told me that in addition to finding it easier and more comfortable to breathe, his skin had improved, and his height had even increased as a result of pulmonary cleansing therapy. As mentioned previously in this series, modern medical science considers conditions like pulmonary emphysema (breakdown of air sacs in the lungs), bronchiectasis (damage to the airways), and pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of deep lung tissue), as incurable, and the medical approach focuses on prevention of the conditions or preventing further aggravation of symptoms. However, the drugs prescribed in Western medicine, such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators, can have extensive side effects, including degradation of the immune system. In this article, I will explain how pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with herbal medicine. Restoring Hardened Lungs Pulmonary fibrosis is the hardening or scarring of tissues deep in the lungs. Most cases are idiopathic, meaning there is no known cause. When it’s severe, death can result from failure of the lungs to absorb enough oxygen. The most common early symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis are similar to other pulmonary diseases and include a dry cough and difficulty breathing. As the disease progresses, difficulty breathing becomes severe. The condition progresses at markedly different rates in different individuals. Some have symptoms that aggravate very quickly while others progress slowly over several years. Mr. Yoon Young-sik, 59, owns a fur-restoration busi-

Pulmonary fibrosis can be overcome. pital and continuously took the drugs that were prescribed to him. However, after a year of treatment, his pulmonary fibrosis had worsened, and so out of desperation, he set about researching and read an extensive range of literature on respiratory diseases. But after all his research, he was only able to confirm that modern medical science does not have a definitive treatment for pulmonary fibrosis.

Several years ago, a former university professor over the age of 70 informed me of his amazement at the disappearance of his pulmonary fibrosis. Mr. Yoon’s case was an example of a common pattern with pulmonary fibrosis, which is that the initial symptoms appear trivial, like those of a common cold or pneumonia, thereby causing patients and medical practitioners to leave them unattended. Pulmonary fibrosis starts with alveolitis, which is inflammation in the alveoli, the air sacs in the lungs where oxygen meets our blood and carbon dioxide leaves it. As pulmonary fibrosis progresses, the alveoli are destroyed, leaving scars that become hard. When lung tissue becomes hard, it narrows the arteries that connect the lungs and heart, making the right ventricle of the heart, which is the ventricle that sends blood to the lungs, work harder. This is called pulmonary hypertension and can lead to cardiac failure if not treated.


Rid yourself of the belief that pulmonary fibrosis is incurable. ness, which he runs out of his semi-basement workroom. Three years ago, he caught a severe cold due to a heavy workload that forced him to repeatedly work late into the night. Because he has to generate the majority of his income during the winter months, he felt he could not afford to stop working or take the time to go to the hospital and instead continued to work nonstop. Finally, he began coughing up so much phlegm that it was difficult for him to breathe, and he realized he could not postpone medical treatment any longer. After diagnosing him with pneumonia, a doctor recommended hospitalization. After 15 days of hospital treatment, he was well enough to resume work and believed he was fully cured. Within a month, however, his pneumonia recurred, and upon further examination, he received the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. After this, he made regular visits to a university hos-

The alveoli (air sacs) at the end of our bronchial tubes are where the blood absorbs oxgyen and releases carbon dioxide. Awakening the ‘Doctor Within’ Through my research over the last 40 years, I have come to the firm belief that the lungs are the most important organ in the body. With the herbal medicine I developed, I have treated more than 10,000 patients with pulmonary fibrosis by cleansing the lungs. This cleansing improves the health of tonsils, allowing them to produce lymphocytes, which are key immune cells. When the health of the lungs improves, the condition of the heart, which is closely connected to the lungs in Oriental medicine, also improves. The improvement of pulmonary function also leads to better health of the kidneys, which are subsidiary organs of the lungs in Oriental medicine. The improve-

ment of the lungs, heart, and kidneys restores the resilience of blood vessels, which helps control blood pressure and restore hardened pulmonary tissues. After various Western medical treatments failed to help him, Mr. Yoon came to me and underwent pulmonary cleansing therapy. Shortly after he started, amazing changes began to take place. His phlegmy cough and blocked nasal cavities that had been constant throughout the year completely disappeared within 20 days. The sound of his breathing became quieter and he said he felt like he was “living in a completely different world.” In addition, the sinusitis that had manifested along with his pulmonary fibrosis disappeared. After about three months of treatment, the shortness of breath that had prevented him from walking any meaningful distance or talking for prolonged periods was markedly alleviated. He was able to easily walk on flat ground and even climb hills for 20 to 30 minutes.. After five months, he was able to climb relatively steep mountains three to four times a week for about 40 minutes. The symptoms then improved to the extent that he could climb the mountains behind his house for one to two hours every day. Not long ago, he took a pulmonary CT scan and an X-ray for the first time in two years and found that his pulmonary fibrosis had greatly improved. His face lit up when he told me that customers who visit his shop tell him his voice has gotten better and that his skin has become noticeably clearer. His blood pressure has also become normal after having been slightly high, another side effect of pulmonary cleansing therapy. Mr. Yoon’s case is an example of what can happen with pulmonary cleansing therapy. After about 18 months, pulmonary fibrosis can be cured, and approximately 50 percent of the damaged alveoli can be regenerated, opening the path to longevity and good health. Just imagine the 94-year-old gentleman, who will shortly become 100, visiting my hospital with a youthful-looking appearance and vigorously shaking hands with me with a bright smile after having thoroughly cleaned his lungs. I hope the examples above will help you rid yourself of the belief that pulmonary fibrosis is incurable. It is possible to effectively treat it due to the outstanding innate “doctors” within the body, namely, our body’s immunity and natural healing power. If you are unaware of the principle of treating pulmonary fibrosis by cleansing the lungs, all the efforts you put in to healing your condition would be like following a mirage in a desert. However, if you are aware of the principle, it is possible to find the oasis by following the directions provided by the right “navigation service.” Healthy tonsils in our body are this navigation service for treating pulmonary diseases. I can confidently ask all the pulmonary fibrosis patients in the world to alter their thoughts and have hope because pulmonary fibrosis is a disease that the “doctor within” can effectively heal. Dr. Seo Hyo-seok is the director of the Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital, which has seven branches in South Korea, one at Stanton University in California, and one in Atlanta. Dr. Seo entered Kyung Hee University in Korea at the top of his class and after years of research developed the PyunkangHwan herbal formula, which improves immunity by strengthening lung function. It has helped cure over 155,000 patients of various conditions. Find out more at Pyunkang.com Email: Dr.Seo@wwdoctor.com

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