Epoch Fit 6-3-2016

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Are Added


By Andrea Hayley Epoch Times Staff

onsumers have just scored a major victory against the sugar lobby, one that has the potential to reverse decades of debilitating chronic disease trends. For the first time ever, the FDA will require processed food manufacturers to inform consumers how much sugar has been added to their food.

The position of most food manufacturers all along has been that a lack of exercise and overconsumption is to blame for our ill health. and C, since most people don’t have trouble getting enough of these in their diet. Serving sizes will also change to reflect what people actually eat in one sitting, and the numbers of calories will be displayed in a larger font size. The changes will go into effect for most manufacturers in mid-2018. It is estimated that 85 percent of processed foods contain added sugar, and it is a fact that Americans consume way more of it than what is considered healthy by most health professionals. Lauren Kotwicki, press officer for the FDA, said in an email, “There is strong and consistent evidence that healthy dietary patterns are characterized, in part, by lower intakes of sugar-sweetened foods and beverages.” She added that with the previous label, consumers could not tell how much added sugar was in a product, since the line item for sugar did not differentiate between naturally occurring and added sugars. Under the new rules, a 20-ounce bottle of coke would be listed as 130 percent of the recommended daily allowance of added sugars, according to The Associated Press.

The change is part of an overhaul of the ubiquitous Nutrition Facts label, the place where information such as calories, number of servings, and percentage of daily recommended amounts is listed on an estimated 800,000 packaged foods items. The new line item for added sugar will allow consumers to see what has long been hidden from public view: that copious amounts of refined sugars are lurking in their salad dressings, beverages, condiments, and frozen dinner entrees. Some of the other changes include the addition of line items for vitamin D and potassium, since these are key nutrients needed for bone and heart health, and the removal of vitamins A

See Sugar on B2

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B1 June 3–9, 2016



June 3–9, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit SAMIRA BOUAOU/EPOCH TIMES

A man with a Big Gulp drink in Manhattan on June 26, 2014. Soda drinks are one of the biggest sources of added sugars in the American diet.

The reason we have increased consumption is that the sugar is addictive. Robert Lustig, M.D., professor of pediatrics, University of California– San Francisco

Are Added

Sugars Dangerous? Sugar continued from B1

Pinched Nerve? Carpal Tunnel? Migraines?

New dietary guidelines set forth by the USDA earlier this year were a precursor to the new label. These nearly halved the previously recommended daily consumption of sugar to no more than 10 percent of total calories. The average American is consuming 17 percent of total calories from added sugars, according to a 2013 report by Credit Suisse. Kotwicki said the FDA recognizes that added sugars can be a part of a healthy dietary pattern, but “if consumed in excess, it becomes more difficult to also eat foods with enough dietary fiber and essential vitamins and minerals and still stay within calorie limits.”

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Linked to Chronic Diseases Sugar is a carbohydrate, which is one of the three major macronutrients the body needs, along with protein and fat. In addition to sugar, starch, and fiber are also carbohydrates. For decades now, in response to consumer demand for reduced fat products (prompted by previous government recommendations), manufacturers have been replacing fat with sugar. Sugar is the most commonly used carbohydrate in food processing, since starch is generally tasteless, and fiber tends to decrease shelf life. The problem is that chronic diseases with roots in diet and lifestyle have soared along with our increasing sugar consumption. However, correlation does not imply causation, and so scientists have been studying the effects of sugar on the human body, looking for proof of a link. When I asked Robert H. Lustig, M.D., a professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California–San Francisco, about the science, he said there have been six studies published within the last three years that show causation between sugar consumption and four diseases: Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and tooth decay. He was an author of three of them. Lustig has dedicated his life to studying the health effects of sugar. He is well-known for his viral 2009 lecture “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” which has received nearly 6.5 million views on YouTube. The position of most food manufacturers all along has been that a lack of exercise and overconsumption is to blame for our ill health. They say its up to consumers to regulate what they eat. They also maintain that all calories are the same. Why single out sugar? In response to the FDA’s new guidelines, the Sugar Association released a statement attacking the FDA: “The extraordinary contradictions

and irregularities, as well as the lack of scientific justification in this rulemaking process are unprecedented for the FDA.” It also stated: “It is a fact that sugars, whether intrinsic or added, break down to glucose, fructose, and galactose, and the body can’t tell the difference.” But researchers are now able to show that sugar from food in its natural state is processed differently in the body than refined sugars and that added sugars lead to disease. James J. DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D, another prominent voice in the sugar debate, said in an email that he and his colleagues “have shown it’s the ‘added’ sugars that drive Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease,” and he sent links to the published studies. The difference has to do with how added sugars are metabolized (chemically transformed) in the body. The new science has far-



June 3–9, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit JASON STITT/SHUTTERSTOCK

reaching implications for the prevention of disease, the future of our food and agriculture industries, and ultimately, what we eat. Major investment banks Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley have both examined the science about sugar and published research reports based on the enormous potential impact of sugarrelated disease on the economy and what that means for investors. Morgan Stanley even talked about the dangers in terms of “diabesity,” referring to the twin killers obesity and diabetes.

When you consume whole food—the fiber, starch, fat, and protein that are intrinsic in the food— work together to assist the body’s metabolism. Credit Suisse estimates the global health care costs due to obesity are already in excess of $600 billion. For Type 2 diabetes, the costs are $470 billion globally and $140 billion in the United States alone. Back in 2013, when Credit Suisse published “Sugar: Consumption at a Crossroads,” scientists had not yet proven a causal link for the dangers of sugar consumption. However, a proprietary survey of 152 doctors in the United States, Europe, and Asia found that 86 percent believed sugar consumption is linked to the development of obesity, 91 percent believed there was a link to Type 2 diabetes, and 74 percent to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A Sugar Jolt Lustig says he is not surprised by the sugar lobby’s denial of the science. “This is their gravy train, their juggernaut, what allows their profit margins to soar,” he said. “The reason we have increased consumption is that the sugar is addictive,” he added. Scientists have been able to show that sugar meets the criteria for tolerance and dependence, putting it in the same category as other addictive behaviors, such as the Internet, porn, and shopping, Lustig said. Lustig pointed out that until the American Psychiatric Association changed its definition for addiction (DSM-5) in 2013, it was difficult to show that sugar was addictive because it was hard to separate the effect of caffeine in most sugary drinks from the sugar. While sugar exists in dozens of forms, such as brown sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, invert syrup, and honey, there are two that are most common, and the sugar market is dominated by them, according to the Credit Suisse report. The first is sucrose, or common table sugar, which accounts for 82 percent of the sugar market. It comes from either refined sugar cane (75 percent) or sugar beets (20–25 percent). This includes raw sugar, organic sugar, powdered sugar, and so on—anything that you scoop and add to food or drink. The second is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is the most common form of sugar used in carbonated beverages. It accounts for 7 percent of the total market, and corn is its source. The remainder of the sugar

market is comprised of chemically processed, high-intensity sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, and the only naturally occurring option, stevia, which comes from a plant. Lustig and others have discovered that fructose, making up 50 percent of the disaccharide sucrose (also known as table sugar) and making up as much as 65 percent of HFCS, has a particularly negative metabolic effect in the body when it’s consumed as an added sugar. While Lustig can explain the biochemistry in excruciating detail (which he does in his video), the simplified version is that fructose can only be metabolized by the liver, and the liver can’t handle it in large quantities. “It overwhelms the liver, and the mitochondria [in the liver] have no choice but to turn the fructose into liver fat,” Lustig said. To put this into perspective, he says glucose, the other common form of sugar in the body, is metabolized by all of the body’s organs, and only 20 percent goes to the liver. If you consume an apple (which contains naturally occurring fructose), or you consume only a small amount of added sugar, or you consume added sugar together with a sufficient amount of whole food, the fiber, starch, fat, and protein that are intrinsic in the food work together to assist the body’s metabolism. One of the most interesting studies on this issue to date is published by Lustig in the journal “Obesity.” It involved 43 Latino and African-American youth between the ages of 8–18, all of whom were obese. After baseline tests were completed, their food was catered for nine days, and tests were done again. Their diet was not necessarily healthy. It wasn’t filled with vegetables. It simply aimed to maintain the same caloric intake as before and only restricted added sugar consumption, which had been around 400 calories a day for the youth. Weight was carefully monitored, and more food was given if weight loss occurred, according to the study. The reduced sugar diet resulted in significant reductions in diastolic blood pressure, lactate, and LDL-cholesterol, which are all improved markers for metabolic health. Study participants also showed improvements in glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinemia. “Every aspect of their metabolic health got better,” Lustig said. Some Good News The good news is that recently, with increased public awareness, consumption of sugar is starting to decline in some developing countries, including the United States. The decline is uneven and tends to be led by people with higher levels of income and education. In North America, yearly consumption was down 7 kilograms (about 15 pounds) per person between 2001 and 2011, according to the FAO, cited by the Morgan Stanley report. The report’s authors also suggest that not enough attention is being given to the decline and its impact on industry. They point out that carbonated soft drinks are the biggest category losers, with annual growth in the market segment at 1.1 percent compounded annually, versus 5.4 percent for other bottled drinks. Coca Cola, PepsiCo, and Dr Pepper Snapple Group are the most exposed, the report says, and they account for 75 percent of the global market.

Major Sources of Added Sugars in the American Diet Regular soft drinks:


Sugars and candy:


Cakes, cookies, pies: MAR CELO _ KRE LLIN G/SH U T T ER STO CK

A 13-ounce cup of plain frozen yogurt contains about 15 teaspoons of added sugar.


Fruit drinks:


Dairy desserts and sweetened milk products:


Other grains, such as cinnamon toast:

5.8 percent


Sugar can put you on a roller coaster of emotions that can be hard to get off of.

6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar By Jenny Sansouci 1. You’re Fatigued If you’re constantly tired and reaching for your next pick-me-up, chances are you’re on a bloodsugar roller coaster. When we’re tired, we often reach for even more sugar to counteract the fatigue, which leads to a cycle of sugar-fueled highs and lows. If you decide to cut out sugar, give your body a few days to adjust, and then you’ll begin to feel your energy levels even out. 2. You Crave Sugar or Carbs Sugar is extremely addictive, and the more of it you eat, the more you crave. If you’re constantly on the hunt for something sugary throughout the day, your body and brain are probably hooked on the sweet stuff. You’ll find that the less sugar you eat, the less you’ll crave it. When you cut out refined sugar and artificial sweeteners, you’ll reduce your sugar cravings and begin to realize how sweet fruit is.

mood disorders like depression and anxiety. There’s a reason they call it the “sugar blues.” Sugar can put you on a rollercoaster of emotions that can be hard to get off of until you make a commitment to give up the sweet stuff. In addition to depression and anxiety, you may experience brain fogginess and stress. You’ll feel your mood lighten when you begin to lay off the sugar. 5. You Get Sick a Lot Sugar suppresses the immune system, so it impairs your body of its ability to fend off stress and chronic illness. If you’re always “coming down with something” or frequently taking over-the-counter drugs for the common cold, chances are your diet—particularly your sugar intake—could be the culprit. A cleanse that puts you on an elimination diet can help your immune system tremendously.

3. You Have Skin Issues Sugar can wreak havoc on your skin, causing acne, dryness, and overall skin imbalances. Your skin is a mirror of what’s going on inside your body, so the inflammation that sugar causes on the inside will show up on the outside. If you have pesky skin issues that won’t go away, examining your sugar intake could be a smart idea.

6. You’re Overweight You probably know by now that fat doesn’t make you fat—sugar does. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can definitely keep on the extra weight. If you’ve been trying to lose weight by eating a low-fat diet, but still including sugars and other carbohydrates, it’s not helping your cause. Try cutting out the sugar and even most of the grains for a couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference. Sugar can also wreak havoc in the gut, which hinders weight loss too.

4. You’re Depressed or Anxious Sugar is one of the biggest contributors to

This article was originally published on DrFrankLipman.com


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June 3–9, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit


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In-Home Personal Training for Elders Exercise in the comfort of your own home

Partner Exercises

Show Kids Why It’s Cool to Move By Maria Chatman & Mara Wedeck


n active lifestyle and proper nutrition is essential for physical growth, as well as social, emotional, and intellectual development. With childhood obesity rates on the rise, we came together with the mission of getting kids excited about physical activity and teaching them that it’s cool to move. Lifelong healthy habits can be fun. With a team of certified fitness experts, PopFit Kids created the “Fit Five” curriculum: cardio, strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance. Below are some partner exercises children can do in pairs. We hope to inspire movement in children and engage them in the fundamentals of fitness! Maria Chatman and Mara Wedeck are co-founders of PopFit Kids, a children’s FUNctional Fitness company. Wedeck, an avid fitness enthusiast, is an experienced consultant and fitness expert who has worked with large health and wellness management companies in New York. Wedeck’s background includes working with sustainable, organic, and healthy living companies.

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Leg Raises • Person 1 lies down on the floor on his back while Person 2 stands over him. Person 1’s head should be close to the feet of Person 2. • Person 1 grabs the ankles of Person 2, contracts his abs, and brings his feet up toward Person 2’s shoulders. • Person 2 “catches” Person 1’s feet, and then gently pushes them forward toward the floor. Person 1 has to catch his feet before they hit the ground. • That’s one repetition. Perform 10 and then switch positions.

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Plank Hop-Overs • Person 1 holds a forearm plank while Person 2 jumps laterally over his partner’s feet. • Perform 10 and then switch positions.



June 3–9, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit


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Lifelong healthy habits can be fun.

Plank Slaps • Get into a high-plank position head-tohead with your partner, keeping about a foot of space between the two of you. • Keeping your shoulders and hips square, slap right hands with each other. Then slap left hands with each other. Try using the alphabet with each slap and get from A to Z. • Modification: You can drop down to your knees to do the slaps.



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June 3–9, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

Protesters carry placards during the Green Our Vaccines march in Washington on June 4, 2008, raising awareness of toxins in children’s vaccines.

Parents Sue California for Law That Forces Children to Get Vaccinated By Conan Milner | Epoch Times Staff


pinions on vaccines vary widely. Some say they are the greatest public health development ever invented, while others believe they are a dangerous, even deadly

experiment. Whatever you believe, the law aims to have every child vaccinated. There is no law on the federal level mandating vaccination. But in all 50 states, vaccinations are required for children to enter the school system. Most states (except for Mississippi and West Virginia) allow exemptions based on religious beliefs, and 19 states allow exemptions for philosophical objections. But these allowances won’t last for long in California. Last year, California lawmakers passed SB277, a law that allows vaccine exemptions only for verifiable medical reasons. The new law poses a big problem for California resident and mother-of-two Sharon Brown. Despite repeated assurances from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and several peerreviewed studies that conclude there is no link between vaccines and autism, Brown refuses to vaccinate her kids. Brown said she wasn’t always wary of vaccines, but her mind began to change when her first born began to develop adverse symptoms after her first round of shots. As the shots continued, the symptoms grew worse. “I started researching vaccine problems, and once I looked at the efficacy, safety testing, and ingredients in vaccines, we stopped immediately,” Brown said. “My daughter was 9 months old at the time. I’m confident she would be autistic if we [had] continued with the vaccinations. She just couldn’t take it. Our second child is 100 percent vaccine-free, and he’s insanely healthy. He rarely gets sick, and he’s never been on a medication in his life. He’s 7 years old now.”

Once the new law goes into effect on July 1, 2016, Brown’s family will be forced to either vaccinate, homeschool, or move out of state. She’s not interested in any of these options, so she’s decided to challenge the law in court. “It’s amazing. You see people fleeing war-torn countries to go someplace safer, and we’re going to have to flee California in search of an education,” she said. “Since we don’t want to move, we’ve decided to sue.” Constitutional Rights Brown is one of eight plaintiffs in a lawsuit aimed at overturning the California law. They’ve hired controversial trial lawyer T. Matthew Phillips to lead the case. Phillips proudly calls himself “the most dangerous lawyer in America” because he goes after entities other attorneys won’t touch. Last year, he was head of a class-action lawsuit against chemical giant Monsanto for false advertising on herbicide labels. However, the case was dismissed when a federal court determined that the California law that forbids false advertising is fundamentally at odds with federal laws governing agricultural chemicals. For the vaccine case, Phillips’s strategy is to challenge the constitutionality of the California law. Under the state constitution, all children have a right to an education. Phillips says the new law infringes on this right and the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. “In most lawsuits, the plaintiff has the burden of proof, but this case is different,” he said. “Because it involves the First Amendment, the rights of the parents not just to hold personal beliefs, but to freely exercise those in a meaningful fashion, they have a right to assert those objections. So the burden of proof is on the government. “This is significant. The state has to prove that vaccination is more important than education. As a guy who has been in court for 25 years doing Constitutional law, I can’t think how the Attorney General is going to prove this.” JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES

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Herd Immunity But what about the rights of the other parents whose vaccinated kids have to attend school with unvaccinated classmates and the potential risk of disease they pose? The rationale for getting everyone vaccinated regardless of personal belief is called “herd immunity” or “community immunity.” The idea is that if enough people are immunized against an infectious disease, it will protect vulnerable individuals, such as infants, pregnant women, or the immunocompromised. The impetus for a stricter policy to impose herd immunity in California came in 2015 when a measles outbreak that started in Disneyland led to the eventual infection of 113 people. Since the state was at that time experiencing historically low levels of vaccination, lawmakers insisted that something needed to change.

The state has to prove that vaccination is more important than education. In a press conference last year for SB277, California Assembly member Marc Levine defended the law on the grounds that vaccination contributes to the greater good. “We live in a society where we have a social responsibility to act in a manner to protect not only ourselves, but others as well,” Levine said, comparing mandatory vaccination to measures such as driving safely or paying taxes. But Phillips says this “greater good” argument in support of vaccines doesn’t hold up when you consider the big picture. “They call this a public health crisis, but I don’t know anybody with measles. Do you?” he said. “But we do know that a number of American children have died from vaccines.” Vaccine Fatalities There is no clear way to tell how many lives vaccines have actually claimed, and estimates vary widely. At the high end is Phillips, who figures that an average of one child per month is killed by vaccines in the United States. He also alleges that 10 times as many vaccine deaths are written off as sudden infant death syndrome. Reports from a U.S. government public database called The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which can be searched through the National Vaccine Information Center, suggests that measles vaccines are actually deadlier to American children than the disease itself. One analysis of VAERS reports finds that over the past 10 years in the United States, measles vaccines have taken 108 lives, while the disease hasn’t claimed any. However, it’s important to note that the VAERS reports are far from iron-clad proof. These are cases where parents or medical staff suspect that vaccines were responsible for a fatality, but they have typically not been verified. According to the CDC, all vaccines carry a risk of a life-threatening allergic reaction, but such incidents are considered quite rare—about one per million children. However, Brown believes that the actual number of reactions is far higher because people don’t know what to look for. “People don’t know how to report an adverse vaccine reaction. We didn’t, and doctors and nurses aren’t trained to look for the signs,” Brown said. In a November 2015 lecture in Copenhagen, Denmark, Dr. Suzanne Humphries said that when a parent suspects an adverse vaccine reaction, the doctor automatically rejects the connection. If the parent persists, the doctor responds with hostility, “calling them paranoid, neurotic, stupid, unqualified, hysterical, or dangerous.” “In my decades within the hospital system, I willingly signed vaccine orders and gave them myself, believing that I was preventing sickness. It came as a total shock to me when vaccines that I administered were causing serious health issues in my patients,” Humphries said.

“After six years of solid research in PubMed literature, looking at information that was never given to me when I was educated within the system, I could see that when I was a vaccinator, I had inadvertent blood on my hands. Science and logic has brought me to where I am to today. Everything is right there in the medical literature, yet academia would rather shoot the messenger than discuss the message or consider the sickness record of vaccinated children.” Vaccine Court For some verifiable evidence of vaccine injury and fatality, visit the U.S. Federal Courts’ website, which features a searchable database of the nation’s vaccine settlements. This is a record of parents who have chosen to sue when they suspected their child was injured or killed by a vaccine. This “vaccine court” has been in operation for about 30 years, when Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). The court was officially set up with the express purpose of making the process easier for the family. But critics say the system really serves the drug companies, granting them legal immunity from class-action lawsuits. “Vaccine manufacturers can’t be sued. If there is an SUV rollover, you can sue Ford or Chevy. If there’s a vaccine rollover, you can’t sue because in 1986 the vaccine makers gave a [bunch] of money to Congress,” Phillips said. If the court determines that vaccines are the cause of an injury or death, taxpayers foot the bill. As of 2010, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than 3 billion dollars in taxpayer money for payouts to vaccine injury and wrongful death claims, with two out of three applicants having been denied compensation, according to the National Vaccine Information Center. Meanwhile, the number of federally recommended vaccines has tripled. In a statement for the SB 277 lawsuit, Phillips explains that without the NCVIA’s protection, “Merck, Pfizer, and GSK would lose every lawsuit and in six months be driven out of business by personal injury lawyers.” He says the act also serves to obscure the damage that vaccines can cause. “When somebody settles a lawsuit, they make the plaintiff sign a confidentiality clause. It’s a promise not to tell anybody about it so that other people don’t get a bright idea,” Phillips said. “In the vaccine court, when they settle up, they also make parents sign a confidentiality agreement because they don’t want them to tell anybody. They go out of their way to hide when kids die.” Immunization Guarantee SB 277 requires that students be admitted to school only upon proof of immunization against a minimum of 10 different childhood diseases. However, guaranteeing immunization is trickier than you might expect. For example, according to the CDC, 12 percent of the measles cases tied to the Disneyland outbreak were vaccinated, and some had received at least two doses of the MMR vaccine. Although vaccinating kids is the aim of SB277, the word “vaccination” only appears once. However, the word “immunization” is used several times. While some may believe that immunization is a suitable synonym for vaccination, it doesn’t really mean the same thing. “It’s clear to all medical people that immunization is a conclusion that the forcefield is in effect. You can get to that conclusion in a variety of ways,” Phillips said. “By contrast, the word vaccination refers to a syringe.” “Here’s what’s funny: The state of California presumes that if you get an MMR vax, you have this forcefield in effect. Well, that’s a bold presumption to make. How can they be so sure? Do the vaccine makers guarantee immunization with their shots? No. They don’t guarantee anything. “ “So if the manufacturer can’t prove that the shot brings about immunization, how can the state? The state fundamentally is in error because they falsely presume that every vaccination leads to immunization,” Phillips said. The lawsuit to overturn SB277 was submitted May 11. Plaintiffs hope to have a court date by July 1



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By Andrew Koenigsberg

Amalgam. Amalgam fillings, while reliable and time-tested, are being used less frequently due to the fact that composite materials have improved tremendously. These “silver” fillings are really silver amalgams containing a mixture of silver-tin alloy, copper, and mercury. They have been used for more than 100 years and are inexpensive and not technique-sensitive. They can last over 20 years. The safety of the mercury in amalgam fillings is a question that has often been raised. Mercury is used in amalgam because it helps make the filling material pliable. When it is mixed with an alloy powder, it creates a compound that is soft enough to mix and press into the tooth. But it also hardens quickly and can withstand the forces of biting and chewing. Many studies on the safety of amalgam fillings have been done. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) evaluated this research and found no reason to limit the use of amalgam. The FDA concluded that amalgam fillings are safe. There are ongoing reviews evaluating the safety and effects of dental amalgams. The FDA does caution that if you are allergic or sensitive to mercury or any of the other components of amalgam, that you should choose another type of filling. The World Health Organization has recommended that dental amalgam be phased out as part of an effort to reduce human exposure to mercury.

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Porcelain. Porcelain is used for larger restorations when much of the tooth is missing. It is used for inlays, onlays, and crowns. Porcelain combines beauty and strength, reinforcing teeth when traditional fillings are not an option. The all-porcelain solution requires less tooth removal than traditional porcelain fused to metal crowns and contains no metal. New ceramic materials are durable and less prone to breakage than older ceramic materials. Inlays are restorations that are smaller than crowns or onlays as they do not cover the biting surface of the tooth. Onlays partially cover the tooth, and crowns conceal the entire tooth surface above the gum line. Many offices can now make these restorations in one visit which is more convenient for the patient. If you are in the market for new fillings, speak with your dentist to see what option will fit your needs best.



Composite. A composite filling is tooth-colored and therefore more esthetic. The advantages are more than just cosmetic. Composite fillings are more conservative meaning they can sometimes be placed with less tooth removal. They can also be used in smaller areas whereas an amalgam filling has a minimum size requirement. Additionally, composite fillings do not cause tooth staining over time. Composite fillings, however, tend to have a shorter life span. They require a completely dry environment and can be difficult to use in some patients with above average saliva output or sensitive gums that bleed. When composites are placed correctly, they can last just as long as amalgams. Composites can be more expensive than amalgams and sometimes insurance companies will cover them only up to the price of an amalgam and then require that the patient pay the difference.

Porcelain is used for larger restorations when much of the tooth is missing.

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Porcelain filling



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Grow Old and Be Healthy A vision for elderly living Part 31 COURTESY OF DR. SEO HYO-SEOK

By Dr. Seo Hyo-seok At the age of 60, if the angel of death calls upon you, say that you are too young to go along. At the age of 70, if the angel of death calls upon you, say that you have too many things left to do to go along. At the age of 80, if the angel of death calls upon you, say that you are still too useful to go along. At the age of 90, if the angel of death calls upon you, say that you will go when the time is ripe and that you do not want to be pressed. At the age of 100, if the angel of death calls upon you again, say that you are looking forward to the day you make an easy passage into eternity. At the age of 150, if the angel of death calls upon you again, say that you are already in heaven. E xcerpt from the lyrics of the song “100 Years of Life” performed by Korean singer Lee Ae-ran

When you get old, you start to receive more obituary notices than wedding invitations. Elderly people who live into their 70s, 80s and 90s get frequent, sad news of the departures of close friends, one by one. Mental and physical aging go hand in hand. When one ages mentally, one’s body will also age, but if one keeps his or her mind youthful, the body will also be able to sustain its youthfulness. Similarly, when a 100-yearold person is put into a crowd of people in their 60s, and these people talk behind the centenarian’s back, saying that he or she is a living corpse, the 100-year-old person may begin to think, “Yes, I have definitely lived for too long, and it is about time that I pass away.” When one closes the door to one’s heart, one’s life will end soon after. I believe that if a person’s mental frame of mind is set to live to the age of 99, the person will in fact live to the age of 99. Furthermore, if one’s mind has thoughts of living longer, the body will follow suit. If the body is left alone, it will die earlier than if the mind and body go hand-inhand, and the mind is determined to have a long life. Based on this idea, I am planning a very special project. I want to establish a ‘100-year-olds garden’ by selecting 33 persons over the age of 90 to live together in a special community. To start, these persons will live in 12 units of traditional Korean tile-roofed houses. Here they will experience such a peaceful life that they will glow with good health. They will also be kept healthy by consuming highly effective medicinal herbs. Their good health and these herbs will also contribute to happy thoughts so that they can enjoy their remaining time left on earth. The goal is that all the residents live a healthy and happy life without a thought given to death. I firmly

I firmly believe that all people are capable of living beyond 100 years if they have a youthful mindset. DRAGON IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK

In order to feel well, you need to treat the fundamental cause of illness, not mask symptoms. believe that all people are capable of living beyond 100 years if they have a youthful mindset, forget about old age, and maintain their health daily. Once this first stage of this project is successful in Korea, people from all corners of the world can come to see it and share the life experiences of these 33 centenarians. And when people see the success of this project in Korea, I imagine establishing a place in which more people can live joyously and in great health. In commemoration of the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who passed away at the age of 49 after having failed to find the elixir of immortality, 3,300 Chinese people around 100 years old—or closer to 90 years if enough centenarians can’t be found—will be chosen to live a comfortable life in 888 tile-roofed houses constructed for communal life.

The principle of longevity in great health is quite simple: Cleanse the lungs. DRAGON IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK

I will call this place the Pyunkang Shangri-La or Pyunking paradise. The dream of Emperor Qin Shi Huang was embodied in the concept of Shangri-La. The renowned Chinese poet Tao Yan Ming, (A.D. 365– 427) wrote a poem about the paradise of Shangri-La, an ideal world in which all residents achieve longevity free from disease and sorrow. This poem has captured popular imagination and is still very popular. Since the Pyunkang herbal medicine I developed has cured hundreds of thousands of people of wide a variety of diseases, I believe a Pyunkang Shangri-La can actually be established and will be a place where people can enjoy longevity in great health. The principle of longevity in great health is quite simple: Cleanse the lungs. The root of all diseases comes from the lungs, and the lungs are the center of life. However, by the time people reach the age of 99, their lungs are inevitably damaged. The lungs are punctured, filled with phlegm, or hardened. When pneumonia manifests in people with halfdestroyed lungs, they can survive only if they are properly treated in a timely manner. Although it is relatively easy to fight against and eradicate pathogens that cause pneumonia when the lungs are healthy, people with damaged lungs will have a great deal of difficulty overcoming the disease. Then, why do 99-year-old lungs become punctured, filled with phlegm, and hard? It is because they have not been thoroughly cleansed. People’s lungs will inevitably become filled with toxic waste if they are not cleaned regularly, and the accumulation of the toxic waste destroys pulmonary cells. Cleansing therapy for the lungs will heal punctures, remove built-up phlegm, and restore the resilience of hardened lungs. Moreover, if the lungs are cleansed of toxic waste before the lung tissues become seriously damaged, it is possible to substantially extend the life expectancy of a person. The beneficial results of cleansing the lungs are first seen in the skin. When the health of the lungs is sufficiently restored, the skin will appear healthier and look about 10 years younger. Cleansing the lungs will also strengthen the immune system, which will ensure that the aging proceeds

much more slowly than before. With these changes, people’s life expectancy will be extended by about 30 years, and they can expect the blessing of good health and the disappearance of numerous chronic diseases. Once the health of the lungs improves, a wide range of chronic diseases such as chronic nasal inflammation (rhinitis), asthma, COPD, and high and low blood pressure will disappear. I expect that there will even be some people among the 3,300 residents of the Pyunkang Shangri-La in China who will live to the age of 150. If by using the herbal formula I developed, a person is able to live to the age of 150 in good health, then my next goal will be to enable people to live to the age of 200. My hope is that the life expectancy of mankind will increase markedly as many people see the benefits of cleansing their lungs. Currently, there is an abundance of diseases in the world and countless other health problems arising from the side effects of synthetic drugs. In Korean medicine, we say that people fall prey to diseases when their life force is weakened. But if their life force is strong, no disease can exist. Cleansing the lungs greatly strengthens the life force. Accordingly, my ultimate goal is not simply to extend the average life expectancy, but rather, to create a world without disease by healing the root cause of diseases. It is possible to be free from many diseases if immunity is restored through cleansing the lungs. Without the common cold, rhinitis, asthma, atopic allergies, arthritis, and high and low blood pressure, many people would be able to enjoy a 100-year lifespan in great health. I will continue my project until people around the world dance with joy because they can live in wonderful health until the age of 100. Dr. Seo Hyo-seok is the director of the Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital, which has seven branches in South Korea, one at Stanton University in California, and one in Atlanta. Dr. Seo entered Kyung Hee University in Korea at the top of his class and after years of research, developed the PyunkangHwan herbal formula, which improves immunity by strengthening lung function. It has helped cure over 155,000 patients of various conditions.




Find out more at Pyunkang.com Email: Dr.Seo@wwdoctor.com

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