Epoch Fit 04-29-2016

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Foods for Radiant Summer Skin on B3


1. Eliminate Sugars and Starches

By Kris Gunnars


here are many ways to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. However, most of them require you to be hungry and unsatisfied. If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly. The three-step plan outlined here will do the following: • Kill your appetite • Make you lose weight fast without being hungry • Improve your health at the same time

It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds and sometimes more (both body fat and water weight) in the first week of eating this way.

The most important part is to remove sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet. These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat-storage hormone in the body. When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores, and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs. Another benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys shed excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight. It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds and sometimes more (both body fat and water weight) in the first week of eating this way.

See Lose Weight on B6

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B1 April 29–May 5, 2016



April 29–May 5, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit MONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK


or most of us, warmer weather means spending more time outdoors. Whether it’s lying on the great lawn, going for a run, or enjoying cocktails on one of the city’s many rooftops, it is important to remember to protect our skin. Roughly one in five Americans will develop skin cancer, so the chance of you or someone you know getting skin cancer is higher than you may think. Although these atypical skin cells often develop on areas of the body with the most sun exposure, some develop regardless of tanning habits. Currently, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Statistically, it accounts for 75 percent of all cancer diagnoses. Luckily, the cure rate for such a far-reaching cancer is very high, even for the most serious type of skin cancer, melanoma. Those with a family history of skin cancer or have fair skin, hair, and eyes, and men are at a higher risk of getting skin cancer.


BETTER HEALTH With Dr. Samadi Protecting Your Skin From Skin Cancer There are three major types of skin cancer: 1. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC). BCC is the most common form of skin cancer and most often occurs on the most sun-exposed areas of your body like your face and neck. It often appears as a pearly or waxy bump or a flat, flesh-colored or brown scar-like lesion. 2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). SCC also often occurs on sun-exposed areas of your body but presents as a firm, red nodule or a flat, scaly or crusty lesion. 3. Melanoma. This type can develop anywhere on your body, regardless of sun exposure. It is most common on the torso of men and the lower legs of women. It can be identified as a large brown spot with dark speckles; a mole that changes color, size or texture; a small lesion with irregular borders; or dark lesions

Remember, even on cloudy days, UV rays can affect your skin. on your palms, fingertips, soles, or toes. How can we help prevent new cases of skin cancer? Because skin cancer is one of the only cancers you can see, detecting it can be much easier than detecting other cancers. Everyone should take advantage of this by remembering the points we mentioned above. Besides educating yourself on what to look for, there are a few easy ways to prevent skin cancer or catch it early, when it is the easiest to treat and cure.

Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen and protective clothing like hats, sunglasses, or long sleeves and pants. Remember, even on cloudy days, UV rays can aect your skin. Sunscreen should be reapplied throughout the day if you are staying outdoors. Avoid tanning, tanning beds, and sunburns. Regularly check your skin. Being watchful and aware of any new or changing spots can lead to early detection, treatment, and cure. If you see anything out of the ordinary, see a dermatologist immediately. Dr. David Samadi is the chairman of the urology department and chief of robotic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is a medical correspondent for the FOX News Channel’s Medical A-Team. Learn more at RoboticOncology.com and visit Dr. Samadi’s blog: SamadiMD.com. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

A Pain Doctor Talks About the Opioid-Addiction Epidemic By Sridhar Vasudevan


pioid painkillers have been invaluable in treating acute pain after injury and surgery for hundreds of years.

(Opiates and synthetic opioids are frequently referred to as “narcotics,� which is actually a legal term not a medical one.) Opioids allow medical professionals to provide comfort to terminally ill patients and

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patients suering from cancer and other painful conditions. They are a vital and irreplaceable important component of “palliative care.â€? But physicians are increasingly divided about the use of opioids in the treatment of chronic pain. Before the 1960s and 1970s when pain was regarded as a purely physiological occurrence and before multidisciplinary [practices] developed, opioids were often prescribed for relief of pain despite their addictive potential. As problems with addiction and diversion surfaced, regulations were put in place to restrict the use of opioids and tighten their control. In the 1990s, the pendulum swung back, thanks to popular new opioids like OxyContin, online drug sales, and high-level marketing by drug companies. In the 1990s, opioids began to be prescribed “for a new use: treating long-term pain from back injuries, headaches, arthritis, and conditions like fibromyalgiaâ€? (Meier 2013). Yet opioids are far from benign. They cause hormonal changes (decreases in testosterone), constipation, a decrease in immune responses and, of course, tolerance, progressing toward physical dependence and addiction. In “Responsible Opioid Prescribing,â€? Dr. Scott Fishman also lists “heightened fracture risk related to eects and bone metabolism and from falls,â€? and increased risks for the elderly and “those with impaired renal or hepatic function; individuals with cardiopulmonary disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); congestive heart failure (CHF), sleep apnea, or mental illness; and in patients who combine opioids with other respiratory depressants such as alcohol, sedative-hypnotics, benzodiazepines, or barbituratesâ€? (2012). Paradoxically, opioids used for more than a short period of time can increase sensitivity to pain—a well-recognized syndrome called opioid induced hypersensitivity (OIH). Many patients report, to ROEL SMART/ISTOCK

their surprise, their pain subsides when they cease their long-term use of opioids. There is little evidence that opioids are eective after six weeks, and there is a concerning dearth of long-term studies (Fauber 2015). Nor are opioids always associated with improvement in function. Workers kept on opioids for more than seven days during the first six weeks after an injury were more than twice as likely to be disabled and out of work a year later, according to a Spine study (Fauber and Gabler 2012a, b), and in a large study of workers’ compensation claims, neither pain nor function improved with opioid use. In 2013, Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of Janssen—which makes the opioid patch Duragesic and Nucynta, an oral opioid—was investigated by the city of Chicago for deceptively marketing the drugs to city employees for long-term treatment of chronic pain, such as back pain and arthritis (Morris 2013). The opioid-addiction epidemic has blurred the lines between real pain patients, false patients reselling drugs, and real patients who became addicted through the medical care they were given. Pain clinics and pill operations “cut oâ€? such patients despite often being largely responsible for their habituation. This is a classic example of blaming the victim. “The problem is patients are started, develop tolerance, need a higher dose, get tolerant to the higher dose, use more than prescribed, ask for early refills, [and] get switched to a ‘pain management specialist,’ who if [he or she] violate[s] the pain contracts, gets fired, discharged.â€? Then the patients go to the street for the opioids, says James O’Donnell, a pharmacology professor at Rush University in Chicago. Sridhar Vasudevan, M.D., is a clinical professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. This is an excerpt from “Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain: A Practical Guide for Clinicians,â€? available from the global publishing company Springer.

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Hydrocodone, an opiod painkiller, is said to be one of the most common recreational prescription drugs in America.



April 29–May 5, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit ANTONIO GUILLEM/SHUTTERSTOCK

Pinched Nerve? Carpal Tunnel? Migraines? Eliminate Pain –Quickly

Eating Pretty

5 C

Foods for Radiant Summer Skin

When a nerve is compressed by its surrounding tissue, whether through overuse, injury or age, it can cause chronic pain that may include numbness and tingling. Using ultrasound technology, Dr. Kulick is able to target the exact point of compression and relieve the pinched nerve without surgery or medications. This procedure can allow you to have a pain free lifestyle!

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Neck problems Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Pain radiating down the arm or leg

Nerve hydrodissection is an outpatient procedure, usually taking less than an hour. A simple injection uses fluid to release the compressed nerve from its surrounding tissue. Patients receive an independent medical evaluation from the doctor, an analysis of their pain symptoms and a treatment solution tailored to individual needs.

• Back pain • Migraine headaches • All pinched nerve syndromes

CALL TODAY 212.867.1777 Dr. Alexander Kulick, MD 112 East 61st Street, NYC 10065 www.dralexanderkulick.com We do not accept Medicaid or Medicare.

Dr. Alexander Kulick’s experience includes: Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Tel Aviv, Board Certified Physician, 17 Years of ER Experience, Certification in UltrasoundGuided Injections.

Everyone Who Has a Bunion Needs to Read This

5 Super Foods for a Summer Glow Watermelon. With more than 90 percent water content, the fruit plays a vital role in beauty enhancement by hydrating cells to increase the production of collagen. This increase revitalizes skin, revealing a firmer and more youthful appearance. Kooi recommends enjoying a watermelon salad that’s bursting with flavor. Simply cut the watermelon into bite-size pieces and combine with spicy arugula, red-wine vinegar, thinly sliced red onion, and a sprinkle of crumbled goat cheese.

The ONLY practice in NYC that doesn’t break your bones to fix bunions!


rystal Stewart suffered from bunions on both feet; walking and standing were painful and she was considering surgery. However, as a diabetic and self-described “big baby” when it comes to pain, she had concerns. One day she saw an ad for minimally invasive bunion surgery and, curious to know more, made an appointment. Stewart was immediately comforted when podiatrist Dr. Andrew Glass explained how much less trauma the foot endures with minimally invasive procedures. Currently, the most common surgery for bunions requires an opening of two to three inches and often involves sawing off or breaking the metatarsals (mid-foot bones, located above the toes). Pins and screws are often needed and the healing time can take 2–3 months. It can also be detrimental because by reshaping the foot, it can change the way the patient walks or stands. Minimally invasive bunion surgery is done with only a 5-millimeter incision. The procedure is performed with long, thin instruments inserted through this opening. The surgeon carefully shaves off the protruding bone causing the bunion while looking at real-time X-ray images to see what’s happening underneath the skin. The healing time is generally much faster. Stewart’s first bunion surgery took about 30 minutes; she had one stitch to close the wound and went home the same day with minimal pain. “It turned out to be a better experience than I thought it would be,” she said, adding that her

Pumpkin Seeds. With increased intake, the zinc in hulled pumpkin seeds or “pepitas,” aid the skin-cell renewal process to control the hormone and oil production linked to acne. Sprinkle a handful of seeds into your morning oatmeal or yogurt for an added crunch and slightly sweet, nutty flavor. Almonds. Abundant in skin-nourishing vitamin E, almonds provide powerful antioxidant protection to help neutralize skin-damaging free radicals. The 48 percent magnesium content is believed to decelerate signs of aging and acne breakouts. During mid-summer, at the height of their season, almonds are a versatile addition to any sweet or savory meal. Pineapple. Their distinctive yellow color makes pineapples synonymous with summertime. They’re filled with an enzyme that helps soften skin and brighten complexion. Kooi says to select a pineapple with a sweet fragrance at the stem end and to make sure that it is heavy for its size. Pineapples ripen from the bottom up, so the shell’s transformation in color from green to gold is the distinguishing signal the fruit is ready to enjoy.

Houston Methodist Hospital via Newswise

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Hydrodissection can treat:

hances are you have seen glowenhancing creams and serums lining the shelves of your local supermarket. Some are marketed as age-defying and promise to energize skin in a matter of days. But when it comes to obtaining a glowing complexion, what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on it. “Eating the right foods can help protect skin from oxidative stress that contributes to the aging process, clear up acne, and brighten a dull complexion,” said Kari Kooi, a registered dietitian at Houston Methodist Hospital. “As the name implies, watermelon hydrates cells so they’re plump and full; the high-protein content in almonds stabilizes blood sugar, thereby minimizing acne flare-ups. These ingredients will not only brighten your plate, but your overall appearance [as well],” Kooi said.

Carrots. Incorporating carrots into your diet will not only add a pop of orange to a salad, but also helps to achieve a healthy, sun-kissed glow without spray tans or potentially harmful UV exposure. The carotenoid antioxidants in carrots, including beta-carotene, give carrots their deep orange coloring and provide a subtle natural tan by the pigments being deposited in the skin. Beta- carotene keeps skin youthful by targeting and repairing skin damage as well as protecting skin from the ravage of excess sun exposure.

“Recently, I hurt my back so severely that I ended up in the Emergency Room for three days–racked with pain and unable to move. On the third day, my mother had had enough and she took me to the office of Dr. Kulick (I still couldn’t walk). Dr. Kulick began to inject my back as I sat in the chair. After about half an hour, I was able to be lifted onto the table, and an hour later, I walked out of the office pain-free. Unbelievable! I would never have thought it possible.” –Dave, actual patient


WHAT IS A BUNION? A bunion is a bony bump on the joint at the base of the big toe. Bunions can cause significant pain and discomfort, becoming worse over time if not treated.



next surgery is already scheduled. Glass’s own issues with pain spurred his passion to practice minimally invasive surgery and he was among the first surgical podiatrists in the U.S. to practice this new technique. Although it’s becoming more widespread, minimally invasive bunion surgery is still much less common in the United States than in Europe. Minimally invasive surgeries fell out of favor with doctors after some surgeons in the ’70s and ’80s got bad results–the doctors were doing the surgeries blindly without real-time X-rays. Today, Dr. Glass does 100’s of minimally invasive surgeries a year and is the only surgeon in NYC who provides this new option.

CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! New York Podiatric Medicine & Surgery, P.C. 315 Madison Ave. (entrance on E. 42nd St.) 212- 867-2500 • nymidtownpodiatry.com




April 29–May 5, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit


Improving Your

DOUBLE LEG LIFT • Lie on your side with your legs gently squeezed together and positioned slightly in front of your body. • Inhale to prepare. Exhale as you float both feet up away from the floor. Inhale to lower. • You don’t need to lift your legs too high. Think about stretching your legs away from your body to create length in your muscles. • “Pulse” as you reach the top. As your legs lower, don’t release them all the way down to the floor.


Repeat this movement 20 times.



• Lie on your back with you legs 90 degrees to your body. • Place hands behind your head and curl up in a crunch position. • Inhale to prepare. Exhale and rotate your right elbow to left knee, extending your right leg. • Repeat the rotation to the opposite side (left elbow to right knee). Repeat nonstop for 30 seconds.

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Having stronger abdominals equals having a stronger back.

SIDE LIFT • Start by sitting sideways, resting on your right hand. Have your legs resting on top of each other, knees slightly bent in front of you. Your feet, hips, and hand will be in a straight line. • Inhale to prepare, engaging your abdominal area. Exhale as you lift your body up into a side lift. Focus on lifting your hips up as high as you can and squeezing your inner thighs. Hold for 20 seconds to 1 minute.



April 29–May 5, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

HOVER • Rest the weight of your body between your elbows and feet, or knees, if your back is weak. • Tighten your stomach muscles to keep your body and back supported. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

HOVER WITH LEG LIFT • Holding the hover position, lift one leg up and hold for 5 seconds. • Repeat on the other side. Do 10 on each side.

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Having stronger abdominals equals having a stronger back. When your stomach and back are strong, your entire body has a great foundation to rely on. Generally, keeping your midsection strong means you are far less likely to experience back pain or injury. Try these core-specific exercises to strengthen and tone your entire center. Repeat the entire sequence of movements two to three times depending on your time limit. Enjoy! Emma-Kate Stampton is a certified Pilates instructor and a certified personal trainer. With 10 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. EmmaKate is based in Brisbane, Australia.

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Start in the side-lift position. Once you are stable in the side-lift pose, lift your top leg to hip height. Hold it for 5 seconds. Build up to a 20-second hold. Then lower and lift the top leg 10 times quickly while maintaining the side-lift position. Repeat on the other side.

1. Built to last. Dental implants are a longterm solution compared to bridges and crowns. 2. Strong and stable. A dental implant restores a lost tooth so that it looks, feels, fits and functions like a natural tooth. 3. Save face. Dental implants allow you to retain your natural face shape, and smile.

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The recommended range for this diet is 20–50 grams per day.

The importance of eating plenty of protein cannot be overstated.

HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST: A PROVEN 3-STEP PLAN THAT WORKS Lose Weight continued from B1 Low-carb dieters eat until fullness, while the low-fat dieters arecalorie-restricted and hungry. Cut the carbs, lower your insulin, and you will start to eat fewer calories automatically and without hunger. Put simply, lowering your insulin puts fat-loss on “autopilot.” Bottom Line. Removing sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet will lower your insulin levels, kill your appetite, and make you lose weight without hunger.

2. Eat Protein, Fat, and Vegetables Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source, and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20–50 grams per day.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some easier cardio workouts like running, jogging, swimming, or walking will suffice.


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Tired of looking in the mirror and not loving your reflection, even though you spend time in the gym and eat right?

Eat two to three meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a fourth meal. Don’t be afraid of eating fat, trying to do both low-carb and low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and cause you to abandon the plan. The best cooking fat to use is coconut oil. It is rich in fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are more fulfilling than others and can boost metabolism slightly. There is no reason to fear these natural fats. New studies show that saturated fat doesn’t raise your heart disease risk at all. Discover and try out some new low-carb meal plans and recipes.

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Low-Carb Vegetables • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Spinach • Kale • Brussels sprouts • Cabbage • Swiss chard • Lettuce • Cucumber • Celery

Fat Sources • Coconut oil • Butter • Olive oil • Lard • Tallow

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The importance of eating plenty of protein cannot be overstated. This has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. High-protein diets can also reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60 percent, reduce the desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day, just by adding protein to your diet. When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these low-carb vegetables. You can eat massive amounts of them without going over 20–50 net carbs per day. A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need to be healthy. There is no physiological need for grains in the diet.

Forgetting things more often, such as appointments or plans Feeling less mentally sharp Losing your train of thought more easily Feeling more “foggy” or mentally cloudy than usual

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Protein Sources • Meat: beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, and the like • Fish and Seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, lobsters, and the like • Eggs: omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs are best

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Bottom Line. Assemble each meal out of a protein source, a fat source, and a low-carb vegetable. This will put you into the 20–50 gram carb range and drastically lower your insulin levels.

you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice. By lifting weights, you will burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat. If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some easier cardio workouts like running, jogging, swimming, or walking will suffice. Bottom Line. It is best to do some sort of resistance training like weight lifting. If that is not an option, cardio workouts work too.

Optional: Do a ‘Carb Re-feed’ Once a Week You can take one day “off” per week and eat more carbs. Many people prefer Saturday. It is important to try to stick to healthier carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, and the like. But stick to only this one higher-carb day. If you start doing it more often than once per week, then you’re not going to see much success on this plan. If you must have a “cheat meal” and eat something unhealthy, then do it on this day. Be aware that cheat meals or carb refeeds are not necessary, but they can up-regulate some fat-burning hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones. You will gain some weight during your refeed day, but most of it will be water weight, and you will lose it again in the next one to two days. Bottom Line. Having one day of the week when you eat more carbs is perfectly acceptable although not necessary.

Calories and Portion Control It is not necessary to count calories as long as you keep the carbs very low and stick to protein, fat, and low-carb vegetables. However, if you really want to count, then use an accurate, scientific calorie calculator. There are many calorie counters you can use to track the amount of calories you are eating. I like CronO-Meter. It is free and easy to use. The main goal is to keep carbs under 20–50 grams per day and get the rest of your calories from protein and fat. Bottom Line. It is not necessary to count calories to lose weight on this plan. It is most important to strictly keep your carbs in the 20–50 gram range.

More Weight-Loss Tips Pretty much all you have to do is the three steps:

3. (Optional) Exercise 3–4 Times a Week

1. Eliminate high-carb foods. 2. Eat protein, fat, and veggies. 3. Exercise 3–4 times per week (optional, but recommended).

You don’t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended. The best option is to go to the gym three to four times a week. Do a warm-up, lift weights, and then stretch. If

However, there are a few other tips that you may find useful if you want to speed things up even further. None of these are old wives’



April 29–May 5, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit STO









Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these lowcarb vegetables.

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Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source, and lowcarb vegetables.

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Don’t be afraid of eating fat.

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tales. They all have scientific evidence to back them up. Drink Water. One study shows that drinking water half an hour before meals helps you eat fewer calories and lose 44 percent more weight. It can also boost metabolism slightly. Drink Coffee or Tea. If you’re a coffee or a tea drinker, then by all means drink as much as you want, as both can raise your metabolism. Eat Eggs for Breakfast. Studies show that people who replace a grain-based breakfast with eggs feel fuller for the next 36 hours and lose up to 65 percent more weight. Eat Viscous Fiber. Viscous fiber supplements like glucomannan can help you lose weight, especially around the belly area. Choose Weight-Loss Friendly Foods. Certain foods are particularly useful for losing fat, like whole eggs and leafy greens. Use Smaller Plates. Studies show that people automatically eat less when they use smaller plates—strange, but it works. Sleep Like a Baby. Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain and obesity. Taking care of your sleep is important. Over the years, scientists have come up with a number of weight-loss methods that are effective, like drinking water before meals and eating more fiber. Bottom Line. It is most important to stick to the three rules, but there are a few other things you can do to speed things up. Become a ‘Fat-Burning Beast’ You can expect to lose 5–10 pounds of weight (sometimes more) in the first week, then consistent weight loss after that. I can lose 3–4 pounds per week for a few weeks when I do this strictly. If you’re new to dieting, then things will probably happen quickly. The more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it. For the first few days, you might feel a bit strange. Your body has been burning carbs for all these years. It can take time for it to get used

to burning fat instead. It is called the “low carb flu” and is usually over within a few days. For me it takes three days. Adding some sodium to your diet can help, such as dissolving a bouillon cube in a cup of hot water and drinking it. After that, most people report feeling very good, positive, and energetic. At this point, you will officially have become a “fat- burning beast.” Despite the decades of anti-fat hysteria, the low-carb diet also improves your health in many other ways: • Blood Sugar tends to go way down on lowcarb diets. • Triglycerides tend to go down. • Small, dense LDL (the bad) cholesterol goes down. • HDL (the good) cholesterol goes up. • Blood pressure improves significantly. • To top it all off, low-carb diets appear to be easier to follow than low-fat diets. Bottom Line. You can expect to lose a lot of weight, but it depends on the person how quickly it will happen. Low-carb diets also improve your health in many other ways. Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself If you have a medical condition, then talk to your doctor before making changes because this plan can reduce your need for medication. By reducing carbs and lowering insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment and make your body and brain “want” to lose weight. This leads to drastically reduced appetite and hunger, eliminating the main reason that most people fail with conventional weightloss methods. This is proven to make you lose about two to three times as much weight as a typical low-fat, calorie-restricted diet. Another great benefit for the impatient folks is that the initial drop in water weight can lead to a big difference on the scale as early as the next morning. Many low-carb meals are simple and delicious, and many can be prepared in under 10 minutes. On this plan, you can eat good food until full and still lose a ton of fat. Welcome to paradise. This article was originally published on AuthorityNutrition.com

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Can Chronic Pain Be Diagnosed as ‘Fake Illness’?

Chronic pain disappears when energy and blood circulation improve through fortification of pulmonary functions Part 27


By Dr. Seo Hyo-seok According to [a recent] report on the aging of the world’s population published by the United Nations, there will be 31 countries where the average life expectancy of the population will be 80 years by 2020. In the near future, the era of 100 years as the average life expectancy will arrive. The problem is that regardless of the increase in people’s life expectancy, those who live long in good health are rare. According to statistical data presented by the International Association on Study of Pain (IASP), one out of every five people in the world is suffering from intermediate to severe chronic pain, while one out of every three patients suffering chronic pain has difficulty in maintaining an independent lifestyle. In addition, half to two-thirds of those with chronic pain are not able to engage in exercises and enjoy normal and sound sleep. They also experience difficulties in performing daily life activities such as household chores, social activities, and driving. One out of four such people is found to have difficulties in sustaining relationships with family or friends due to the pain they experience. Accordingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that seeking to reduce pain is a human being’s basic right, and it started a worldwide campaign to help reduce pain.

The ligaments, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels will wear out due to the ceaseless use of the joints over 40 to 50 years. Why Do We Suffer Pain? Getting old signifies that the metabolic functions of the body are degrading. For example, although you were able to run 100 meters in 13 seconds, it is now difficult to do so in 20 seconds when you became 60 years old. This change signifies that the metabolic functions have degraded. In simple terms, metabolism is the body’s ability to effectively get rid of toxins. If this cleansing ability of the body degrades, toxic substances will accumulate in various parts of the body. Moreover, stagnation in the circulation of energy and in the blood will prevent sufficient oxygen supply. People will experience symptoms of being cold, while the accumulation of small quantities of residual toxins will lead to a feeling of numbness. Pain can be divided into acute pain that lasts for a relatively short period of less than three months, and chronic pain that persists for a prolonged period of time due to the lack of timely treatment. Through symptoms such as pain, coldness, and numbness, our body is signaling the immune system to clean out the toxins accumulated in the areas where there is pain. In Korean medicine, there is the concept that the lungs govern the circulation of the body’s energies. The lungs assist in the circulation of the energy collected through breathing to all the parts of the living organism. A degradation in the functioning of the lungs will cause abnormality in the circulation of energy and in blood circulation as well. This, in turn, leads to the degradation of metabolic functions causing pain in those areas of the body with poor supply of energy. When one undergoes various examinations at a hospital in order to determine the cause of the pain, the physician will be unable to find the cause and will say that nothing is wrong. One might be diagnosed with what is frequently referred to as hypochondria despite experiencing chronic pain. Often, chronic pain manifests is areas such as the sides of the torso, the shoulders, and the neck. Usu-

ally, people around 50 years old experience what is commonly referred to as “frozen shoulder,” which manifests in shoulder pains and difficulties in moving the shoulder freely. Maintenance and Repair for the Over-50 When a person reaches the age of 50, accumulated toxins in various parts of the body will induce pain in the joints. They will cause the blood to become turbid (cloudy), and cause the degradation in the circulation of energy. This, in turn will cause phlegm and stagnation in the flow of body fluid, eventually leading to disease. The ligaments, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels will wear out due to the ceaseless use of the joints over 40 to 50 years. This will lead to a rapid degradation in stamina, increased nutritional losses, and a progression of aging and blood circulation disorders at the same time. When such symptoms appear, it is important to seek a good doctor. Some doctors will try to fix the problem with steroids. However, in less than a year [on steroids], the body will begin to break down everywhere and eventually suffer serious damage. In particular, modern medicine focuses on eliminating the pain temporarily through analgesics and muscle relaxants. But in the long term, the symptoms that were initially an inconvenience will become further aggravated because the fundamental cause of the illness has not been treated. One will experience the accumulation of phlegm in the throat, stuffiness in the chest area, indigestion, stomachache, sores in the sides of the torso, and difficulties passing stools. Other symptoms include difficulty in sleeping, headaches, and inflammation. Women will experience menstrual irregularity accompanied by pain. As the chronic pain aggravates, one will start to experience severe depression, anger, anxiety, insomnia, and more serious mental problems if the treatment is not successful. The impact is not limited to the patient but also to their family members and friends. When one becomes excessively sensitive due to severe stress, various parts of the body will become blocked and inflamed. If one tries to relieve such stress through overeating or binging on food, this will cause chronic indigestion which will further interfere with the harmonious flow of energies in the body. If chronic pain is not treated properly and left unattended, tumors can manifest in various parts of the body, including the stomach, thyroid, and uterus. Pains Can Disappear I consider the life force of the human body as divided into two aspects. One is the core life that governs the lungs and the heart, while the other is the systemic life that governs the entire body, including the limbs. If the immunity of the body degrades due to the weakening of the cardiopulmonary functions, this affects the core life. This means that the ability of the immune system to discriminate between friends and foes is diminished. However, if the lungs are cleansed

through pulmonary cleansing therapy, the immune system regains its discriminatory capabilities and can play its part in the restoration and regeneration of the body. The immune system will be able to accurately determine the locations of toxic substances accumulated throughout the body and clean them out. When the toxins accumulated in the shoulder joints start to be cleansed, one will experience increased stiffness and pain in those joints. This is not an aggravation of the body’s condition but rather the side effects of detoxing. In general, one will experience heavy pain and stiffness. However, once the accumulated toxins are thoroughly cleansed, the resilience of the cartilage is restored, and the health of the joints improves.

If the immunity of the body degrades due to the weakening of the cardiopulmonary functions, this affects the core life. Normally, if the health of the cardiopulmonary functions improves, the health of its subordinate organs—the kidneys—will improve so that they will be able to filter the blood effectively, and toxins will be discharged through urination. When the kidney function improves, blood circulation and energy flow will improve, and all the symptoms of coldness, numbness, and pain will disappear. Although we have countless numbers of bodily tissues, generally, the blood vessels regenerate first, delivering sufficient clear and clean blood to all parts of the body through more youthful blood vessels. This generates remarkable changes in health, enhancing the overall quality of life. When people age, they usually give up on the idea of being healthy and bear the pain, thinking that it is a natural function of getting old. By getting rid of a pessimistic attitude toward chronic pain and by restoring the immune system through pulmonary cleansing, one will be able to live to 100 years while enjoying an abundance of energy. Dr. Seo Hyo-seok is the director of the Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital, which has seven branches in South Korea, one at Stanton University in California, and one in Atlanta. Dr. Seo entered Kyung Hee University in Korea at the top of his class and after years of research, developed the Pyunkang-Hwan herbal formula, which improves immunity by strengthening lung function. It has helped cure over 155,000 patients of various conditions. Find out more at Pyunkang.com Email: Dr.Seo@wwdoctor.com TOM WANG/SHUTTERSTOCK

If the health of the cardiopulmonary functions improves, blood circulation and energy flow will improve, and all the symptoms of coldness, numbness, and pain will disappear.

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