Epoch Fit 4-22-2016

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Chinese Health and Beauty Secrets Brought to Light in East-West Collaboration

on B2

WHY OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON THE SOIL By Andrea Hayley | Epoch Times Staff



OCANTICO HILLS, N.Y.—Emerging science has now recognized that the universal theme of man being created from clay may not be that far from the truth. At least the food we eat, which supplies our bodies with the energy for all that we think, feel, and do, is grown in clay.

Starting from a tiny seed, a carrot obtains from the soil its vitamins A, C, and B6, its iron, and magnesium, as well as the vitamins and minerals that exist in minute traces, yet are essential for life. An awareness is growing that if the soil is deficient, the carrot will be deficient. If the carrot is deficient, then we are deficient because our vitality is acquired from the soil. It is a simple logic, but it can also be scientifically verified. Technological advances have opened new windows into the diverse microbial ecosystems that support plant growth, which include the connections between the life of the soil and our bodies.

See Soil on B6

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B1 April 22–28, 2016



April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

East-West Collaboration Imparts Chinese



Fashion designer Norma Kamali at her store in Midtown Manhattan on March 14.

Dr. Jingduan Yang, founder and medical director of the Tao Institute of Modern Wellness.

East—Ancient Health and Beauty Secrets for the Modern Age.”

rather that it provides an additional dimension to people’s knowledge of health, happiness, disease, nutrition, and beauty concepts. It is able to do this because traditional Chinese medicine provides a unique insight into the energy of the human body—about the energy levels of the human mind, body, and spirit. “If you look at modern Western medicine, it is still a young and developing medicine, and it still has a lot to learn, while the Chinese medicine [is something that] we inherited from a previous civilization—which was a much more advanced medicine,” he said. And as technology improves, he added, Western medicine will discover what traditional Chinese medicine has known and has been using all along. The book introduces the essential concepts he perceives as lost knowledge from ancient China, as opposed to current Chinese medical practices.

Health and Beauty Secrets


r. Jingduan Yang never imagined he was going to be a practitioner of classical Chinese medicine when he was growing up in a small town in China’s Anhui Province. His father passed on his skills to Dr. Yang even though he was the youngest son. Under usual circumstances, the eldest son has the birthright of carrying on the family lineage, but his brother was sent to be “re-educated” by farmers as part of Mao’s Great Cultural Revolution. Speaking of himself, Dr. Yang confesses in his book, “Facing East,” that he was a “spoilt daydreamer who mostly loved to play and eat.” His father was concerned that his young son would not be able to survive the hardships of the time and decided to prepare Dr. Yang to become what is called a “barefoot doctor”—someone who comes to the rescue of farmers in need. His tools: a box of acupuncture needles and some herbs. As it turns out, there are a lot of ailments that such a humble arsenal can tackle. Fast forward a few decades, and further studies took Dr. Yang from China to Sydney, Australia; Oxford; and finally Philadelphia, where Dr. Yang founded the Tao Institute. One day, his expertise met with iconic fashion designer Norma Kamali’s passion for health and wellness, and a collaboration began. It resulted in the book “Facing

Dr. Jingduan Yang LLINS

By Kati Vereshaka | Epoch Times Staff

If you look at modern Western medicine, it is still a young and developing medicine, and it still has a lot to learn.


Classical Chinese medicine doctor Jingduan Yang and fashion designer Norma Kamali co-authors of new book

“Facing East” by Dr. Jingduan Yang and Norma Kamali (HarperCollins, 2016, $12.99).

Norma Kamali Kamali traveled from New York to the Tao Institute in Philadelphia once a week for a period of six months and was full of questions about the treatments that she was receiving, as well as the theories behind them. She suggested to Dr. Yang that he write a book. “So that’s how the idea about writing a book started—to explain the Chinese medicine concepts to a Western audience in a language that they can understand and that they can apply in their everyday lives,” Dr. Yang recounts. Their weekly dialog, which was recorded by Kamali, became the basis for the format of the book. Each chapter starts with a question posed by Kamali that is then addressed by Dr. Yang, followed by reflections on the topic by Kamali at the end. The book has three main sections: The first deals with energy, the second with the body, and the third addresses the mind, heart, and spirit. According to Dr. Yang, it is an East-meets-West approach that explains the pivotal concepts behind traditional Chinese medicine without assuming any prior knowledge on the part of the reader. East Complements West Dr. Yang is adamant that traditional Chinese medicine is not at odds with the Western approach, but

GROUNDING: The Ultimate Healing Technique? By Derek Henry


he number of barriers to healing is a long and sordid list with a dirty food, water, and air supply sitting at the top. Combine that with a poor relationship with the sun and the earth, and true healing becomes very difficult. However, if we can reignite our connection with the earth, we may find healing becomes a lot easier. What Is Grounding? Grounding, also known as “earthing,” is based on research showing that having a connection to the earth’s electrical energy promotes physical well-being. This connection is made between the electrical frequencies of the human body and that of the earth, which can be achieved directly (for example, being barefoot in grass or on a beach) or by proxy through grounding technology. As it turns out, grounding is one of the core foundations for true health.

The Pioneer and the Science Clinton Ober, a recognized pioneer in the concept of earthing, knew that the earth’s surface is made up of negatively charged ions, which contain extra electrons. These electrons have the ability to reduce positive charges, like those of free radicals. Free radicals circulate in our body looking for electrons in order to be complete, and once they do, they are “neutralized” and no longer contribute to inflammation in the body. Ober finally received support in 2004, after many years of personal research, when the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine published one of his studies. His results showed that “earthing during your sleep resynchronizes cortisol secretion more in alignment with its natural, normal rhythm.” This research has provided us with a whole new way to appreciate the earth.

and Type 2 diabetes, earthing could be one of the greatest “rediscoveries” of our time. Studies have indicated several benefits to your health while earthing, including the following:

Conditions Improved With Earthing The key factor that seems to be linked with earthing is the reduction of inflammation. Since there are over 80 chronic diseases associated with inflammation, including cancer

How We Can Reconnect We have insulated ourselves from the earth primarily through shoes with rubber or plastic soles. This daily practice with little to no reprieve has consistently unplugged us from


• • • • • • • • • •

Improved sleep Decreased pain and inflammation Enhanced immune system Reduced anxiety and stress Improved gastrointestinal symptoms Improved cardiovascular function Improved energy levels Improved hormonal cycles More dramatic healing for sports injuries Reduced jet lag

An impressive list for simply getting back in touch with the ground.

It’s All About Energy One of the concepts that traditional Chinese medicine works with is how the mind and the body are connected at an energetic level. The book has graphics and lists that show the correlation between the organs and the specific parts of the brain, as well as each major organ’s connection to certain emotions. “I’m trying to bring people into this energetic dimension to understand our body. Modern medicine has already discovered how our gut health, our digestive system, affects our brain, and how

the healing negative charge of the earth. The most effective way to get grounded again is to get your bare feet in the grass (slightly wet is best), soil, sand, or salt water for 20–30 minutes a day (gardening with bare hands will also provide a connection). If you live close to water, walking in close vicinity to it will improve the experience. If these are not reasonable options for you, then consider grounding technology like earthing sheets, mats, car seat covers, and sandals that will essentially do the same thing. Keep in mind that concrete is a good conductor as well, as long as it is not sealed or painted, but materials like asphalt and wood will not allow electrons to pass through, so they are not suitable for grounding (which makes barefoot travel in the house typically useless). Also, the higher up you are in a building, the more removed you are from the surface of the earth, which has additional negative implications. Derek Henry is a holistic health coach who created the Healing the Body wellness program to help people overcome health challenges and understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health. This article was originally published on HealingTheBody.ca

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April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit every system—nervous systems, hormone system— are all connected,� Dr. Yang said, citing the Western field of psychoneuroendocrine immunology.

The way we dress, personal hygiene, seasonal changes, sounds, colors, and exposure to the sun are also factors.

What About Genetics? While traditional Chinese medicine does recognize that every patient is unique in his or her own constitution, it still comes down to energy; more precisely, it focuses on what energetic constitution a person has and works with that to achieve favorable energetic outcomes. “Genetics don’t determine anything, actually,� Dr. Yang said. “It is what you do that interacts with your genetics [that matters].� He explained that if people manage their stress, through meditation exercises, for example, and have a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition, they can prevent negative genetic predispositions from expressing. The key is to build one’s internal strength, the body’s immune system.

Yin and Yang The concept of yin and yang is perhaps one of the most familiar to Westerners in terms of its visual expression of the masculine and the feminine. The concept describes interrelated, interdependent forces that are mirrored in our environment— think day and night, hot and cold, wet and dry, and so on. But also at a microcosmic level, it reflects the mechanisms that either up-regulate or down-regulate our receptors, or how the hormones work to either increase or decrease our blood-sugar levels. In Chinese medicine, maintaining the balance between yin and yang is critical. Yin, associated with what Chinese medicine calls “cold� or “dampness,� governs the blood and fluids and organs like the heart and lungs. Yang is associated with heat and areas like the intestines and stomach. Dr. Yang mentions that due to our modern sedentary lifestyle, many of us are out of balance with too much yin and not enough yang. We don’t have our yang energy utilized because we don’t get up early enough (when yang energy is at its peak), and we don’t go outdoors enough. He also points out that when we consume greasy, sugary foods or dairy, they generate what Chinese medicine calls “dampness� in the body, and dampness traps the yang energy. Without enough yang to balance all that yin, our metabolism slows down and leads to weight gain and fatigue.

Stress Eastern and the Western are both in agreement when it comes to the kind of havoc stress can wreak on the mind and the body. According to Dr. Yang, managing one’s emotional life is key because emotional stress is a very powerful energetic attack on the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when one’s mind is peaceful, one’s qi (energy) is in harmony. To this end, Eastern medicine has a whole body of philosophy that helps people to perceive life’s challenges (such as relationships and loss) differently, so as to maintain a peaceful mind. There are many other factors that have an impact on the immune system. Among the ones Dr. Yang mentions are some obvious ones such as sleep, exercise, and nutrition. The general rule for nutrition is to eat a balanced diet based on seasonal, local whole foods that match one’s constitutional type. Dr. Yang also cautions against eating the same foods all the time and recommends rotating them instead. COURTESY OF DR. JINGDUAN YANG

Dr. Jingduan Yang says that spiritual health is like the driver in a car—our soul being the driver and the car being our body.

Body and Soul The last section of the book deals with spirituality—the root of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese culture. Dr. Yang believes that one’s spiritual health determines one’s psychological health, and psychological health determines behavioral health. Naturally, it follows then, that one’s behavioral health will aect physical health. “Since they are all interconnected, without addressing spiritual health, everything else we do is just scratching the surface,â€? Dr. Yang said. Another way he likes to explain it is that spiritual health is like the driver in a car—our soul being the driver, and the car being our body. He emphasizes in the book that spiritual practice is about one’s perception of the world, the understanding of one’s relationship with the universe and with higher powers. The choices that we make every day and every moment are what really determine our spirituality and spiritual health.

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Strawberries Contain the Most Pesticide Residue of 50 Grocery Items Environmental Working Group releases ‘Dirty Dozen’ pesticide report By Charlotte Cuthbertson Epoch Times Staff


or the first time, strawberries top the 2016 list for containing the highest amount of pesticide residue among 50 popular fruits and vegetables. Each year, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) analyzes pesticide residue data from the U.S. Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and ranks the produce accordingly, popularly known as the “Dirty Dozen.â€? Interestingly, in the berry realm, raspberries came in way down the list at No. 23. Imported blueberries scored better (No. 19) than domestic blueberries (No. 14), so it’s safer to buy the imported variety of this superfood. Key Findings From the 2016 Report • More than 98 percent of strawberry samples, peaches, nectarines, and apples tested positive for at least one pesticide residue. • The average potato had more pesticides by weight than any other produce. • A single grape sample and a sweet bell pepper sample contained 15 pesticides. • Single samples of strawberries showed 17 dierent pesticides. “Americans eat nearly 8 pounds of fresh strawberries a year—and with them, dozens of pesticides, including chemicals that have been linked to cancer and reproductive damage or are banned in Europe,â€? according to a statement by EWG’s Bill Walker and Sonya Lunder. In California, where most domestic strawberries are grown, each acre is treated with 300 pounds of pesticides, according to EWG. “Strawberries tested by scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2009 and 2014 bore an average of 5.75 dierent pesticides per sample, compared to 1.74 pesticides per sample for all other produce, according to a new EWG analysis,â€? the statement said. USDA’s 2014 Findings for Strawberries • Almost all samples—98 percent—had detectable residues of at least one pesticide. • Some 40 percent had residues of 10 or more pesticides. • The dirtiest strawberry sample had residues

of 17 dierent pesticides. • Strawberry growers used 60 dierent pesticides in various combinations. Nearly three-fourths of the 6,953 produce samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2014 contained pesticide residues, according to the EWG website. The group’s “Clean Fifteenâ€? can be used by consumers who are looking for the least pesticide-tained food. Of course, organic food is always the safest to eat.

EWG’s 2016 “Dirty Dozenâ€? The items are listed from the highest amount of pesticide residue (strawberries) down to the lowest (avocados). Strawberries Apples Nectarines Peaches Celery Grapes Cherries Spinach Tomatoes Sweet bell peppers Cherry tomatoes Cucumbers Snap peas (imported) Blueberries (domestic) Potatoes Hot peppers Lettuce Kale and collard greens Blueberries (imported) Green beans Plums Pears Raspberries Carrots

Winter squash Tangerines Summer squash Snap peas (domestic) Green onions Bananas Oranges Watermelon Broccoli Sweet potatoes Mushrooms Cauliflower Cantaloupe Grapefruit Honeydew melon Eggplant Kiwi Papayas Mangos Asparagus Onions Sweet peas, frozen Cabbage Pineapples Sweet corn Avocados

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April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

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Everyone Who Has a Bunion Needs to Read This The ONLY practice in NYC that doesn’t break your bones to fix bunions!


rystal Stewart suffered from bunions on both feet; walking and standing were painful and she was considering surgery. However, as a diabetic and self-described “big baby� when it comes to pain, she had concerns. One day she saw an ad for minimally invasive bunion surgery and, curious to know more, made an appointment. Stewart was immediately comforted when podiatrist Dr. Andrew Glass explained how much less trauma the foot endures with minimally invasive procedures. Currently, the most common surgery for bunions requires an opening of two to three inches and often involves sawing off or breaking the metatarsals (mid-foot bones, located above the toes). Pins and screws are often needed and the healing time can take 2–3 months. It can also be detrimental because by reshaping the foot, it can change the way the patient walks or stands. Minimally invasive bunion surgery is done with only a 5-millimeter incision. The procedure is performed with long, thin instruments inserted through this opening. The surgeon carefully shaves off the protruding bone causing the bunion while looking at real-time X-ray images to see what’s happening underneath the skin. The healing time is generally much faster. Stewart’s first bunion surgery took about 30 minutes; she had one stitch to close the wound and went home the same day with minimal pain. “It turned out to be a better experience than I thought it would be,� she said, adding that her

WHAT IS A BUNION? A bunion is a bony bump on the joint at the base of the big toe. Bunions can cause significant pain and discomfort, becoming worse over time if not treated.


By Emma-Kate Stampton


his week’s workout is no miracle fix to weight loss or fast track to health and fitness. Instead it will be one workout in the right direction to achieving your well-being goals. The fitness industry is full of quick fixes and miracle cures. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, but there really is no such thing. The great news, though, is small changes will lead to big changes. You don’t need to turn your life upside down to become fit and healthy. By prioritizing moving your body several times a week and making minor but eective changes to your diet, you will be feeling and looking better in due course. Consistency is the key. Implement the changes, continue them for six weeks, and you will start to feel the dierence in energy levels and strength. Then you will start to notice a dierence in clothing size and muscle tone. A few good tips for improving your diet is to make sure you’re drinking at least 68 ounces (about eight and a half 8-ounce cups) of water per day. Being dehydrated is a massive factor contributing to lack of energy. Instead of eliminating junk food entirely, simply halve the amount you are currently having. Going cold turkey more than often won’t last, whereas cutting back is sustainable. Eating lots of fresh vegetables, salads, and fruit will make sure you’re giving your body all the nutrients it needs to function well. It will also give your body the signal that you are full, so you won’t feel like eating junk food as much. Moving your body is simpler that you think. This workout will take roughly 20 minutes. You don’t need equipment or a lot of space. No excuses—just one step closer to a healthier, happier you. That’s the step to take today to your best shape ever. Emma-Kate Stampton is a certified Pilates instructor and a certified personal trainer. With 10 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. Emma-Kate is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Plank Planks are great for strengthening your entire abdominal area and will also improve shoulder and pelvic stability. 1. Place your forearms shoulder-width apart and lift your body up. Level 1: Work from your knees. Level 2: Work from your feet. 2. Keep the weight of your body evenly balance between your feet and hands. 3. Hold your stomach muscles in to create support in your stomach area. 4. Your back needs to be straight. Ask someone to check this, as it can cause strain in your lower back if the back isn’t in a straight line. 5. Hold for 30 seconds–1 minute


next surgery is already scheduled. Glass’s own issues with pain spurred his passion to practice minimally invasive surgery and he was among the first surgical podiatrists in the U.S. to practice this new technique. Although it’s becoming more widespread, minimally invasive bunion surgery is still much less common in the United States than in Europe. Minimally invasive surgeries fell out of favor with doctors after some surgeons in the ’70s and ’80s got bad results–the doctors were doing the surgeries blindly without real-time X-rays. Today, Dr. Glass does 100’s of minimally invasive surgeries a year and is the only surgeon in NYC who provides this new option.

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Back Extension This movement will strengthen and stretch your upper, middle, and lower back. 1. Lie face down with your hands beside your head. 2. Inhale as you lift your upper body and feet just off the floor. 3. Squeeze in between your shoulder blades as if you are juicing an orange between your shoulders. 4. Exhale as you lower. 5. Repeat 12 times.



April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

Squat This movement is one of the best for strengthening and toning your entire lower body. It is also good for mobility in your joints. 1. Start with your feet hip-width apart with feet slightly turned out. Lower your hips toward the floor as if you’re taking a seat on an imaginary chair. 2. Press into your feet to return to your starting position. As you stand straight, press your hips slightly forward to activate your bottom. 3. Keep your feet and knees parallel while squatting, and keep your knees behind your toes. The lower you take your hips, the harder you work. If you feel any strain in your joints keep the movement small. 4. Repeat the set 15 to 20 times.


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This movement is good for increasing your heart rate and body warmth. It helps your cardio fitness and is a great workout for the legs and abdominal area. 1. Step one foot back about a yard behind the other foot, and extend both arms out in front of your shoulders and head. 2. Tuck the back leg in toward your hips as you bring your hands back toward your body. 3. Stay low on the supporting leg for a deep workout into your bottom and thighs. 4. Repeat 16 times on each side.

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Pushups This exercise will work your upper body. The main focus is your chest, but your shoulders, arms, and back will also benefit. 1. Place your hands in the same line as your shoulders but wider by about 4 inches on each side. Level 1: Work from your knees. Level 2: Work from your feet. 2. Inhale as you bend your elbows, lowering your chest toward the floor and keeping your body straight. Exhale as you push back to the starting position. 3. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Pinched Nerve? Carpal Tunnel? Migraines? Eliminate Pain –Quickly

“Recently, I hurt my back so severely that I ended up in the Emergency Room for three days–racked with pain and unable to move. On the third day, my mother had had enough and she took me to the office of Dr. Kulick (I still couldn’t walk). Dr. Kulick began to inject my back as I sat in the chair. After about half an hour, I was able to be lifted onto the table, and an hour later, I walked out of the office pain-free. Unbelievable! I would never have thought it possible.” –Dave, actual patient

Stretch When you finish working out, it’s important to stretch your body, so the muscles don’t feel tight or sore from the workout. It is a great way to release tension from your body. You could do any stretches that feel good after this session. Try this one to lengthen your legs and back. 1. Hold a downward-facing dog position. 2. Place your right foot on your left ankle. Then repeat on the opposite side. 3. Hold for 20 seconds on each side.

The Future of Non-Operative Orthopedic Pain Management When a nerve is compressed by its surrounding tissue, whether through overuse, injury or age, it can cause chronic pain that may include numbness and tingling. Using ultrasound technology, Dr. Kulick is able to target the exact point of compression and relieve the pinched nerve without surgery or medications. This procedure can allow you to have a pain free lifestyle!

A Holistic Treatment Without Drugs or Surgery Nerve hydrodissection is an outpatient procedure, usually taking less than an hour. A simple injection uses fluid to release the compressed nerve from its surrounding tissue. Patients receive an independent medical evaluation from the doctor, an analysis of their pain symptoms and a treatment solution tailored to individual needs.

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Dr. Alexander Kulick’s experience includes: Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Tel Aviv, Board Certified Physician, 17 Years of ER Experience, Certification in UltrasoundGuided Injections.



April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit SAMIRA BOUAOU/EPOCH TIMES

WHY OUR HEALTH DEPENDS ON THE SOIL Soil continued from B1 And it turns out, the microbial connections are crucial, and the more diversity of microbes, the better the soil is for us. The conventional wisdom that sees bacteria as a danger to be avoided—dangers like food-borne Listeria or E.coli, and the war on germs—is being reexamined by pioneers in the medical field. “There is a sea change happening,” according to Daphne Miller, a medical doctor who has studied farm ecology from the perspective of what it can teach us about human health. “In medicine, we do not hold all the answers. We’ve gotten a lot of things wrong,” she said recently in New York. Of course, there are plenty of dangerous bacteria. But perhaps we’ve gone a little overboard, or we are fighting the consequences instead of the causes. Miller visited and studied seven farms in the course of working on her latest book, “Farmacology: What Innovative Family Farming Can Teach Us About Health and Healing.” From each farm, she garnered practical lessons for healing and preventative medicine. As the connections between how the farmer treated his soil, plants, and animals became clearer, Miller began to see the farmers as fellow healers. Miller spoke about her book at Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture on April 7, in Pocantico Hills, in Westchester County, New York. One of her first points was to display a slide showing two patches of earth, side by side. On the left was a patch of dry earth, with a few cracks and some tufts of grass. On the right was another patch of dry earth, but with a larger web of cracks and a greater abundance of grasses. “Which piece of earth looks healthier?” Miller asked the audience. Intuitively, it was obvious that the one on the right that has more green, and more channels for water and oxygen to penetrate the soil, would be the healthier ecosystem. Miller confirmed that the sample on the right was from an organic farm and said studies have found that organic farms have a higher concentration of “distinct microbial DNA.” Microbiologists estimate that there may be as

Dr. Daphne Miller, author of “Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up,” at Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, N.Y., on April 7.

If the carrot is deficient, then we are deficient, because our vitality is acquired from the soil.


Farmer Douglass DeCandida demonstrates the quality of his soil.


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many as 1.5 million species of soil fungi, and 3 million species of soil bacteria. But most agricultural soils today have no more than 5,000 microbial species, according to the Bionutrient Food Association website. The absence of microbial species means that “critical biological pathways that ensure overall system health are broken,” the website states. Why is this important? Learning how to help the microbes to thrive— both in the soil, and in our own bodies—may hold the key to improving human health. Miller’s work suggests that a healthy microbial system can help ward of disease by way of a healthier immune system, reduce stress and allergies, confer happiness, and provide insight into new ways of treating cancer. The Whole Is Greater Than the Parts At Jubilee Biodynamic Farm in Washington State, Miller wrote that she met owner Erick Haakenson, who showed her a thick manila folder filled with soil test results. Haakenson described how he had followed the prescriptions yearly, adding tons of minerals and nutrients to his farm in an effort to get better soil, but the soil was not improving. He wondered why. Writing in “Farmacology,” Miller said Haakenson’s story made her think of one of her patients, who was chronically sick and fatigued. On her first visit, this patient produced a hundred test results from numerous doctors and two shopping bags full of antibiotic prescriptions and supplements. She told Miller the medicine was not working. As Miller continues to reveal Haakenson’s story, we learn he ultimately decided to give up on the soil tests altogether. He transitioned to biodynamic, a farming method that rejects chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in favor of enriching the soil with animal manure from animals raised on the farm. The improvement in his soil was like night and day. “Lo and beyond, magically everything got better,” Miller said when she told the story at Stone Barns. Applying lessons from the farm, Miller then “prescribed” her patient a diverse diet of farmfresh food—and to benefit from the microbes in the soil, Miller suggested that she not worry about eating a bit of dirt along with her vegetables. The patient was also advised to minimize the amount of preservatives, high-dose supplements, steroids, and antibiotics she consumed, as studies have shown they can destroy the beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies,

thus limiting the body’s natural resilience to stress and disease. Quality Food Helps Us Think In nature, plants produce sugar through photosynthesis from the sun, which is food for the countless bacteria and fungi that use the sugar to access carbon and nutrients from the soil and the air, for the plants. This simple principle is at the heart of the Bionutrient Food Association (BFA), which is laser-focused on improving the quality of the food farmers produce, restoring the rich flavors that come from the nutrients within. In the past few decades, much of farming has been focused on how best to achieve high yields, short life-cycles, uniformity, and disease and pest resistance. The important attributes of taste and nutrition have fallen by the wayside. Douglass DeCandida runs the Westchester County chapter of the BFA. He also farms for the Food Bank for Westchester on three acres spread throughout five area locations. When DeCandida began farming six years ago, he said he used to do many things that were destructive to the life of the soil, such as deep tilling, a technique he learned when studying agriculture in college. There was also what he called the unnecessary work, such as pulling weeds and hauling them to another location. Today, instead of fracturing the soil structure with a machine, he uses a deep-tined broad fork (a hand tool) to penetrate the garden beds and open up channels of aeration, spaced in a strategic manner to preserve the soil ecology. As for weeds, by studying the lifecycle of the plants, he has learned to harness their positive attributes. A weed is simply a plant that is growing where you do not want it. DeCandida sows cover crops of grasses and legumes whenever he can, so that every square inch of soil is covered. But he knows to cut the plants down at their milk stage, after they are finished growing, and their energy is invested in forming seed. The plants’ roots and greenery will decompose in the earth, creating the bounty of organic matter that supports the life of the soil, and there is no risk of the seeds germinating when he is growing food crops. DeCandida said in an interview he sees his work as helping to restore the integrity of the earth, and that it will translate to the health of the people. In his view, “people are missing the time and space to understand things and have empathy for others,” and poor food only feeds what he refers to as a “manic state.” By making good food a part of our lives, we can begin to regain the connections, he said. “It is our connection to nature that is such medicine for us because we come from the land, and we are completely dependent on it.” SAMIRA BOUAOU/EPOCH TIMES

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The greenhouses at Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, N.Y., on April 7.



April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

BETTER HEALTH With Dr. Samadi What Causes Testicular Cancer

Risk Factors or Possible Causes Undescended Testicle. This means that one or both testicles don’t move from the abdomen down to the scrotum before birth. The connection between undescended testicles and testicular cancer is not known, but those who have this condition are at a higher risk for the cancer. Family History. If your father had testicular cancer, you are four to six times as likely to get testicular cancer. If a brother has it, the risk jumps even higher. HIV Infection. Those with human immunodeficiency virus or with AIDS have been shown to have a higher risk of testicular cancer. Carcinoma in Situ. This is a testicular germ cell cancer that is noninvasive and may or not spread and progress to invasive cancer. The cells in tes-

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ticular carcinoma in situ are abnormal at any rate and put those who have it at higher risk for developing invasive cancer that must be treated. Previous Case of Testicular Cancer. Three to four percent of men who had cancer in one testicle will at some point in the future develop cancer in the other testicle. Race and Ethnicity. White or Caucasian men are at higher risk of developing testicular cancer than black or Asian men.

Essential oil of cinnamon is a potent antibacterial agent that may be useful as a natural method for preventing the spread of foodborne illness, according to a study conducted by researchers from Washington State University, which was published in the journal Food Control. The study was conducted on the oil of the cinnamon variety known as cassia or Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia). This is different from the Ceylon variety (Cinnamomum verum) more commonly used in cooking. Researchers tested the essential oil against the top six strains of a variety of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria known as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or non-O157 STEC. Bacteria Wiped Out Within 24 Hours The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service has a “zero tolerance” policy for these six strains in raw ground beef or trimmings. This means that if any of the six strains are detected in these products, the food is considered tainted. Non-O157 STEC is responsible for approximately 110,000 cases of foodborne illness in the United States each year. The researchers found that just 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil in a liter of water were able to kill all six strains of non-O157 STEC within 24 hours. “The oil can be incorporated into films and coatings for packaging both meat and fresh produce,” researcher Lina Sheng said. “It can also be added into the washing step of meat, fruits, or vegetables to eliminate microorganisms.” Growing concern over the health effects of chemical preservatives and other food addi-

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Age. Testicular cancer is much more common in younger men (15–35), but can occur at any age. Obesity. Recent studies have linked obesity to testicular cancer in young men (ages 18–29). Klinefelter Syndrome. This syndrome or any other condition that causes the abnormal development of the testes can increase the risk of developing testicular cancer. Key Facts About Testicular Cancer • Most prevalent type of cancer in younger men, ages 15–35 • Men who are 20- to 39-years-old have highest risk • Average age of diagnosis is 33 • Highly treatable and usually curable • Over 95 percent survival rate

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The main symptoms of testicular cancer typically consist of a painless lump frequently detected by the patient himself. Men might also have a feeling of heaviness or aching in the scrotum, breast tenderness or growth, testicular swelling, or fluid collection in the scrotum. Dr. David Samadi is the chairman of the urology department and chief of robotic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is a medical correspondent for the FOX News Channel’s Medical A-Team. Learn more at RoboticOncology.com and visit Dr. Samadi’s blog: SamadiMD.com. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Cinnamon Essential Oil Can Prevent Foodborne Illnesses By David Gutierrez



By David Samadi The exact cause of most testicular cancers is not known, but there are definite links to other conditions that will increase a man’s risk of developing the cancer. Currently, researchers are searching for the genes responsible for testicular cancer. By identifying the genes responsible, more targeted therapies can be developed to fight the testicular cancer cells. Thus far, what research has found is that many testicular cancer cells harbor extra copies of a part of chromosome 12. Abnormalities in this chromosome (different genes) are also related to diseases like Parkinson’s, narcolepsy, and nonsyndromic deafness. Chromosome 12 is not the only one that has been linked to testicular cancer, but more studies need to be done to learn exactly which abnormal genes in the chromosomes might lead to testicular cancer. Recent studies have linked two genes, KITLG and SPRY4, involved in testicular development to an increased risk of the cancer– but again more research is needed. For now, we do have a set of risk factors and possible causes that can help identify those people who are most at risk. Of course, frequent self-examination can help you identify testicular cancer early. But educating yourself and knowing your risk can also be beneficial in identifying if your symptoms might be related to testicular cancer.


tives have led to a growing market for natural alternatives. The Washington State researchers are now planning to investigate whether dandelions can be used to inhibit the bacteria that lead to bacterial mastitis, a mammary infection, in dairy cows. “Our focus is on exploring plant-derived natural food bioactive compounds as antimicrobials to control foodborne pathogens, in order to ensure safety of fresh produce,” co-author Meijun Zhu said. The Future of Food Preservation In recent years, many other researchers have also been exploring natural food preservatives and antimicrobials. For example, a study conducted by scientists from the National University of Technology in Argentina and published in the journal “Food Chemistry” in 2007 found that propolis extract could also function as a natural antibacterial preservative. Other than preventing the spread of illness, food manufacturers are primarily concerned with preventing oxidation, which is a major factor leading to food spoilage. That is why two of the most common food preservatives, butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), are actually synthetic antioxidants. This may actually classify rosemary and sage oil as among the most effective food preservatives ever discovered. Many plants, however, produce antioxidant compounds to protect their own cells from injury, and we consume many of these antioxidants in the foods that we eat. Numerous studies indicate that some of these same antioxidants could also be used to preserve food. David Gutierrez is a contributing writer for Natural News.


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April 22–28, 2016 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit CAABA DELI/ISTOCK


Regular Bowel Movements Various colonic diseases eliminated by improving the health of the lungs Part 26 COURTESY OF DR. SEO HYO-SEOK

By Dr. Seo Hyo-seok Throughout the human history, wise people claimed that the secrets of good health included good appetite, sound sleep, and regular bowel movements. Although many people are looking for healthy foods, the quality of life inevitably degrades if our bowels are uncomfortable throughout the day due to the failure to generate regular bowel movement, regardless of the wonderful foods that we eat. The ideal stool is golden-colored and bananashaped, easily and fully excreted once a day without imparting undue burden on the anus. Many young women who reduce the quantity of food they consume for dieting purposes and do not drink sufficient water because they want to prevent water retention frequently complain of constipation. However, although many claim to suffer from constipation, the criteria that define constipation are frequently ambiguous. If the bowel movements are not regular, the feces accumulate in the bowels for a prolonged period of time, leading to a reduction in the water contents in the bowels and causing difficulties in passing stools. The condition is frequently accompanied by pain or hemorrhage. Criteria for Diagnosing Chronic Constipation 1. Bowel movements less than twice a week 2. The quantity of feces less than 1 ounce to 1.2 ounces per day 3. Excessive force needed for more than 25 percent of bowel movements 4. Hard and thick feces in more than 25 percent of the total number of bowel movements 5. Feeling of insufficient defecation in more than 25 percent of the total number of bowel movements If more than two of the above symptoms persist for longer than three months, there is chronic constipation. Causes and Complications of Constipation Although the diminished movements of the bowels are the main cause of constipation, there are other causes, including insufficient water within the large intestine and various diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, intestinal obstruction, ulcerous colitis, and colorectal cancer. Since fiber and water assist in discharging waste from the bowels, if there is not enough of these in the diet, constipation will occur. Large quantities of high-fat food such as meat and fried foods as well as stress and lack of exercise will also cause fewer bowel movements. It is also not advisable to skip breakfast or try to resist the need to defecate. In addition, relying on laxatives to relieve constipation will eventually lead to the situation in which one will not be able to defecate naturally without the aid of laxatives. One must try to avoid reliance on such drugs as much as possible. The majority of the symptoms of constipation can be relieved and cured through regular exercise, dietary therapy, and drinking sufficient water. If constipation becomes chronic, gas will fill the bowels, and one will experience an overall feeling

The abundance of beneficial intestinal bacteria after six months of pulmonary cleansing will eliminate chronic constipation and diarrhea. of discomfort, heaviness, a churning feeling in the bowels, and loss of appetite. In addition to hemorrhoids due to constipation, having decaying substances in the bowels for a prolonged period of time will cause fatigue and lead to various adult disorders such as colorectal cancer and benign tumors. In women, it can induce various skin disorders such as hyperpigmentation and acne as well as menstrual irregularities. Proper management of constipation is essential for patients with high blood pressure. Symptoms of chronic constipation include digestive disorder, feeling of distension of the abdomen, headaches, skin disorders, and stiffness of the shoulder. In elderly people, constipation can lead to dementia due to the entry of toxic substances such as ammonia gas into the brain.

When the lung is thoroughly cleansed, the pulmonary functions will harmonize the circulation of bodily energy and revitalize the large intestine. Healthy Lungs, Healthy Large Intestines Korean medicine regards the lung as the principal organ for the governing of the internal energy of the body, with the lung and large intestine as brother organs that deal with waste generated in the body. Through breathing in and out, the lungs ensure the exchange of huge quantities of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The large intestine extracts nutrients and moisture from the food consumed and digested and sends the remaining waste matter to the anus for discharge. Accordingly, the lungs are like the older brother and the large intestine the younger brother. Since the lungs are in charge of the proper conveyance of all energy in the body, they affect the functions of the large intestine, the subordinate organ of the lungs, so that peristalsis is normal. An elderly woman in her 70s suffering from severe constipation visited me complaining that she would only have a stool once a week, on average, sometimes with 10 days or more between bowel movements. Due to the failure to discharge toxic waste materials accumulated in the body, she felt pain, and her vitality was depleted. After three months of pulmonary-cleansing therapy, she became cheerful and full of life, reporting that she had regularly bowel movements. When the lung is thoroughly cleansed, the pulmonary functions will harmonize the circulation of bodily energy and revitalize the large intestine, the subordinate organ of the lung, to improve the symptoms of constipation. What is amazing is that, although constipation and diarrhea are opposite disorders, both return to a normal state following pulmonary-cleansing therapy. As the results of the clinical observations in having treated several hundred patients suffering from var-

ious pulmonary diseases, I found that the functions of the lung improve in 8 out of 10 patients after pulmonary-cleansing therapy. I have observed countless clinical cases in which the feces of both the constipation and diarrhea patients return to normal after two months of pulmonary cleansing. Accordingly, if the pulmonary functions are fortified, it is possible to cure even severe constipation to discharge soft and banana-shaped feces within three months of therapy. Pulmonary Cleansing Enhances Immunity An astronomical number of microorganisms thrive in our internal bowels. Harmful bacteria account for 20 percent, beneficial bacteria for 20 percent, and intermediate bacteria make up 60 percent of the total. The intermediate bacteria survey the overall circumstances within the bowels and side with the bacteria that display dominance. What is truly amazing is that when the health of the lung improves, these intermediate bacteria cooperate with the beneficial bacteria and prosper to suppress the activities of the harmful bacteria. In doing so, the health of the bowels, in which approximately 70 percent of the immune cells of the human body is allocated, improves to further facilitate the discharge of accumulated toxic waste substances out of the body, which in turn substantially improves the immunity of the entire body. In particular, when the health of the lung improves, it is possible to observe the rapid proliferation of Akkermansia muciniphila—a probiotic bacterium that helps to repair a disturbed metabolism, which is associated with obesity, inflammation, and Type-2 diabetes. A diverse range of other beneficial bacteria follow suit. In general, the abundance of beneficial intestinal bacteria after six months of pulmonary cleansing will eliminate chronic constipation and diarrhea, as well as treat and prevent polyps in the large intestine and other cancers in the body. A university professor began pulmonary cleansing therapy upon the recommendation of his wife. He had six polyps in the intestine, which were excised only to find another six polyps. Following 10 months of the therapy, the professor had the amazing experience of complete elimination of polyps without any further recurrence. As “the king of lymph glands”—the tonsils—become healthier, in two months of pulmonary cleansing, it is possible to prevent the common cold and even cancer and polyps. If the immune system—“the doctor within”—is at its peak, it will take care of the body to maintain optimum health. Dr. Seo Hyo-seok is the director of the Pyunkang Korean Medicine Hospital, which has seven branches in South Korea, one at Stanton University in California, and one in Atlanta. Dr. Seo entered Kyung Hee University in Korea at the top of his class and after years of research, developed the PyunkangHwan herbal formula, which improves immunity by strengthening lung function. It has helped cure over 155,000 patients of various conditions. Find out more at Pyunkang.com Email: Dr.Seo@wwdoctor.com

Criteria for Diagnosing Chronic Constipation If more than two of the above symptoms persist for longer than three months, there is chronic constipation.

Feeling of insufficient defecation in more than

25% of the total number of bowel movements

Bowel movements less than twice a week

The quantity of feces less than 1 ounce to 1.2 ounces per day

Excessive force needed for more than 25 percent of bowel movements

Hard and thick feces in more than

25% of the total number of bowel movements


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