Epoch Fit 8-28-2015

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B1 Aug. 28–Sept. 3, 2015

The All New Epoch Fit Section Lifestyle & Fitness Diet & Nutrition Medicine

‘Miracle Recoveries’ and a Doctor’s Intuition

By Tara MacIsaac | Epoch Times Staff arry Krantz, M.D., has seen patients recover from incurable diseases without any known medical explanation. For example, while grocery shopping he ran into an old patient of his who he thought would have died long before. This patient had metastatic cancer. Krantz had recommended an oncologist to treat it, but the patient decided not to receive treatment. He didn’t think she would be around much longer, but there she was years later in good health. “Cases like that boggle the mind, and I think all doctors have seen them. People get better from all kinds of conditions; [their recoveries] are surprising and defy explanation,” Krantz said. He’s noticed that patients with a cheery or positive attitude tend to recover better than those with a negative attitude. He cited the many studies in recent years

suggesting stress can harm the body. Perhaps something similar is at work here, he said. He believes inner stillness can help a patient recover, and it may also help doctors understand how to better help their patients. Intuition Krantz often found that while driving to work, a patient would pop into his mind. He gradually realized that this was almost a sure sign he would see that patient that day and over time he learned to trust his intuition. For example, sometimes when he assessed patients, arrived at diagnoses, and gave treatment recommendations based on their visible symptoms, he had a nagging feeling that he was wrong. Stepping back and clearing his mind, he listened to intuition. Very different diagnoses and treatments emerged, and they were the right ones. “I think it makes sense to use your intuition

as a tool in combination with … medical training and intellect,” he said. He looks to the wisdom of the past as having the potential to guide the future. “There have been great thinkers and even spiritual guides, going back to Lao Zi, Confucius, the Buddha, Jesus ... who pointed to a state of being that is attainable, but most people don’t know,” Dr. Krantz said. Achieving this inner state is what can help patients and doctors. Krantz referenced famed psychologist Abraham Maslow’s similar idea of self-actualization. According to this idea, a person who is self-actualized is less directed by the outside world, with all its conflicts and demands, and instead focuses inward. In ancient China, it was common for doctors and people throughout society to meditate. Famous Chinese medical scientists are said to have used great abilities to intuit diagnoses and treatments. These abilities were thought to have

Some believe that unexplained recoveries are the act of a divine power, others believe there must be a biological explanation.

resulted from their spiritual, inner cultivation. Krantz was a physician and assistant clinical professor at the University of Colorado Medical School until he decided to dedicate himself to writing fiction full time. In his book, “Strange Miracles,” he imagined what it would be like to live in a world where doctors could tap into their supernormal abilities to effect miraculous cures. “As a physician, I have often wondered if mankind would evolve and find hidden areas or abilities, waiting to be activated,” he wrote in an article related to his book. “What once seemed impossible has now become reality— like sending a man to the moon or talking into a portable phone to someone on the far side of the world. Helicopters and submarines were imagined centuries before they were actualized.” “I wouldn’t put limits on things,” he said. Follow @TaraMacIsaac on Twitter

Epoch Fit

B2 August 28–September 3, 2015


Antibiotic Resistance at a Glance

Tips to Avoid Antibiotic Resistant Infections


1. WASH UP. Good ‘ole soap and water are your best allies against all types of infection. Use them regularly and thoroughly.

Million Estimated number of people who become infected with antibioticresistant bacteria each year in U.S.

2. USE REGULAR SOAP. Unless you’re in

a hospital or other health care setting, you can skip the anti-bacterial soaps. They have not proven to be more effective than regular soap and water at preventing infections and in addition they also kill good bacteria whose job it is to protect you from pathogens. Studies have shown anti-bacterial products can create antibiotic resistance in the lab, however it’s not been proven whether they do this in real-world settings. 3. COOK RIGHT. Wash all fruits and veg-


$55 Billion

Number of people who die as a direct result of these infections

Estimated cost of antibiotic resistance to the U.S. economy, including lost productivity

gies—even those you peel—because bacteria on the skin can jump from your knife or fingers onto the part you eat. Cook meat thoroughly and clean your prep-area well. 4. DON’T EAT ANTIBIOTICS. Choose

products from animals that never got antibiotics themselves. 5. TAKE ONLY WHEN NEEDED. Only

use antibiotics if you really, really need them. Don’t be afraid to question your doctor about whether you should take them. The CDC reports that doctors often inappropriately give antibiotics that should be used only as the second or third lines of defense.



Estimated percentage of inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions given to children during outpatient visits

Percentage of antibiotic prescriptions given adults for conditions that don’t usually require antibiotics

Also, follow-up any round of antibiotics with probiotic rich foods or supplements, these will help restore your good gut bacteria, which are crucial for health and also killed by antibiotics. 6. KNOW WHEN THEY’RE NOT MEDICINE.

Never take antibiotics for colds or flu. Most coughs, sore throats, and bronchitis, and many sinus and ear infections also won’t respond to antibiotics.




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Raw Superfood Granola By Derek Henry There’s something to be said for a good granola recipe to fill you up in the morning, or just to enjoy as a mid-morning or afternoon snack. However, although granola seems like a health food, the usual combination of ingredients often makes it very difficult to digest. What makes this granola different is that the combination of ingredients is a bit easier on

the stomach. That, and it’s full of superfoods that taste delicious. In this recipe, we removed the nuts and other difficult to digest ingredients and added in superfoods like coconut oil, goji berries, and maca, which make it a nice filling snack with a wide array of nutrients. Derek Henry is a holistic health coach for HealingTheBody.ca.

RECIPE RAW SUPERFOOD GRANOLA INGREDIENTS Dry • 1/2 cup sliced almonds or pumpkin seeds • 1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut • 2 cups quinoa flakes • 1/3 to 1/2 cup palm sugar or xylitol • 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt • 1/2 cup goji berries • 1 tablespoon maca powder • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla bean

Wet • 1/2 to 3/4 cups melted coconut oil (enough to cover the dry ingredients) • 10 drops liquid stevia • 1/2 cup blueberries

DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. When well combined, spread mixture out in a deep freezer-safe container, about 2–3 inches thick, and place in freezer. When ready to eat, place in bowl and cover with your choice of coconut, almond, or hemp milk.

Epoch Fit

B3 August 28–September 3, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com AP PHOTO/ALLEN G. BREED

FREE SCREENING FOR ALZHEIMERS The approval of Addyi, the first ever pharmaceutical for low libido in women, comes with much debate.

Female Desire What You Should Know Before Reaching for the Pink Pill By June Fakkert | Epoch Times Staff Desire depends on complex, dynamic factors, and low libido in women can often be the proverbial tip of the iceberg—the symptom that’s most noticeable, but only a small piece of the whole issue. Addyi (flibanserin), known as the “pink pill,” is the first-ever FDA-approved pharmaceutical for female libido. Although it’s been hailed the female version of Viagra, that comparison is not really apt: Viagra relaxes muscles and increases blood flow, whereas Addyi—which was developed from an antidepressant—acts solely on brain chemicals and is supposed to be taken daily rather than only when intimacy is wanted. Addyi’s approval last week came after it was twice rejected by the FDA due to its limited effectiveness and side effects like low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, nausea, sleepiness, and insomnia. Alcohol can increase the risk of some side effects. Dr. Jen Landa, OB-GYN, a specialist in women’s health, hormones, and functional and regenerative medicine, and chief medical officer of BodyLogicMD, a nationwide network of hormone specialists, explained some of the concerns she has about the drug and what women can do to promote intimacy. Epoch Times: Hormones are often part of the reason for low libido. Addyi acts only on brain chemistry. Do you think it will have any effect on hormones? Dr. Jen Landa: The pill does act on brain chemistry. Specifically, it helps to increase certain neurotransmitters—dopamine and norepinephrine, which are pro-sexual, and to inhibit serotonin, which can decrease sexuality in women. That being said, Addyi doesn’t seem to have any impact on hormones or hormone levels. I don’t see this as a good thing. For women, the biggest drop in testosterone they experience is not during menopause as with other hormones, like estrogen. Women have the biggest drop in testosterone between the ages of 18 and 34 years old. After that, testosterone levels continue to decrease but not as fast. Many women are dealing with suboptimal testosterone levels. They may still be in the “normal” range, but the normal range is [considered the same] for women from 18–80 years old. If I’m 35 years old and my testosterone is normal for a 70-year-old, my doctor will tell me I’m still in the “normal” range, and that’s just not right. If a 35-year-old woman has the testosterone level of a 70-year-old woman, this should be recognized as a functional testosterone deficiency. Correcting a testosterone deficiency will help to naturally raise dopamine and norepinephrine levels, which will have a positive effect on women’s sexuality. I believe a much better approach to our bodies is to replace what’s missing over time rather than messing with our brain chemistry. The changes in brain chemistry that happen with Addyi is the reason why the side effects of dizziness, nausea, and sleepiness are so commonly seen. With Addyi, you aren’t correcting a deficiency, you’re throwing off brain chemistry.

Who knows what else will happen over time with this intervention? Epoch Times: In women, low sex drive is a complex, multi-faceted issue. What are some of the other causes women should be aware of? Dr. Landa: This is another important issue. This is the reason I don’t think we will ever find the reason for low sex drive in women in a pill, not even a hormone pill. Losing your sex drive is “HARSH” (habits, attitude, relationships, stress, and hormones). Habits, healthy lifestyle habits: Women with poor lifestyle habits will tend to have multiple issues that may lead to lower sex drive. Poor eating and exercise habits can lead to feeling fat, tired, and irritable. Feeling like that is not sexy. Attitude: A lot of sex happens in the brain, and having a sexy attitude is super important. Many women have issues with their sexuality because of things that are happening with their moods or self-esteem. Some women get so wrapped up in being a mom that they forget to be the sexy, sensual creatures they are. Relationships: Studies have shown that one of the main determinants of a woman’s sex life is her relationship with her partner. This one is huge. Many women I see say they have a great relationship but frequently when we dig a little bit deeper, there are some resentments they are dealing with under the surface. These resentments can leak out in places like our sex lives. Stress: This is the biggest sex killer I know of. The problem is that we’re all stressed. I think one of the biggest things we can all do to increase our health, happiness, and sexuality is to decrease our stress. Hormones: Yes, hormones are important but just one aspect of the whole puzzle. There are many hormones that interact to help women feel more sexy. While testosterone is important, several others play a role as well. Epoch Times: What would you recommend women try first before reaching for this “pink pill”? Dr. Landa: First, I think we need to look at our everyday habits and whether they are adding to or detracting from our sex lives. Eating well, exercising, sleeping well, decreasing stress, and using stress-reduction practices all serve to balance our hormones. Balanced hormones is one of the most basic elements to a great sex life. Take a look at your relationship. If there are unresolved resentments, try to communicate with your partner about them. Another relationship issue that comes up a lot is boredom. Couples need to work together to find ways to shake things up in their lives and have some fun. Seeing your partner take on new challenges can help you to find them attractive in a whole new way. Spend time together doing something new and fun. Some women need more help and may need to see a hormone specialist for a complete hormone evaluation and possibly treatment. The interview has been edited for style and clarity. For more information from Dr. Landa, see her free video series at RewireDesire.com

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Epoch Fit

B4 August 28–September 3, 2015


Natural Deodorants



By Monique Marco




lfresco dining, sweltering subway platforms, and free concerts in the park are all hallmarks of summer in New York City. But summer heat also means we need a great deodorant. Luckily, that doesn't mean we have to opt for one loaded with chemicals. There are actually eective, natural options that smell great and are aordable and convenient. When choosing underarm cover, it's important to distinguish between antiperspirants and deodorants, so you know what natural deodorant can and can't do for you. Also, remember that everyone's body chemistry and sweat level is dierent, and your scent varies according to diet, activity level, hormone fluctuations, and emotions. Sometimes you just need a little deodorant, sometimes you need a lot, and what you need can also vary seasonally. Antiperspirants create a physical barrier by preventing the body from secreting sweat. They work by clogging, closing, or blocking pores with astringents such as aluminum salts, so the sweat never reaches your skin. Deodorants work by neutralizing the smell of the sweat by antiseptic action against bacteria. Bacteria needs the right environment to thrive, and deodorant ingredients make the skin too acidic or salty for that to happen. Thus, the concern about antiperspirants is that the main ingredient used to block sweat glands is aluminum. Studies have shown that the aluminum in antiperspirants can cause DNA changes, which some researchers believe may lead to breast cancer with long-term use. However, the link remains inconclusive. Antiperspirant labels do carry warnings that users with kidney disease should consult their physician before using the product because kidney troubles prevent the body from getting rid of aluminum. So, why take a chance when excellent natural options exist? There are various types of delivery systems— sticks, roll-ons, sprays, wipes, creams, and lotions. This is a matter of individual preference. I'm not a fan of roll-on deodorants—sometimes they leak, the ball can get a little stuck, and they often leave a white residue. They tend to be wet or sticky, plus they take a while to dry and feel too cold in the winter. I think sprays are great for a quick overall body refresher, rather than as a regular deodorant—especially if you keep them in the refrigerator for when you come home after a hot day. Sprays usually come in glass bottles, which are heavy and potentially breakable, so I wouldn't carry one on a daily basis or for travel, unless you decant it into a smaller bottle.

2=Fair 3=Good 4=Very good 5=Outstanding

Overall WINNER!




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BEST CREAM AND LOCAL BRAND: MEOW, MEOW TWEET Performance: 4 I tried four different cream deodorant brands, Meow Meow Tweet, Schmidt’s, PuraBela, and Fat and the Moon. They all performed about equally well, but there were various scents and slightly different formulations. I also think they all will take more time to soften in colder weather. Both Schmidt’s and PuraBela come with a little plastic scoop, which is helpful. But the overall winner was Meow Meow Tweet, which is vegan, locally produced in Brooklyn, has a great texture, yummy scent (grapefruit), and comes in a 10-ounce mini. All of these cream deodorants worked well, but sometimes I had to reapply after a rough, active day. Meow Meow Tweet and PuraBela were the easiest to apply, because they softened very quickly and weren’t gritty in texture. Meow, Meow Tweet doesn’t have any baking soda, which all of the other brands do, so the texture was smoother. PuraBela has baking soda, but it’s later in the ingredient list, so I suspect there’s less of it, and the first ingredient is coconut oil, which made it smooth. Convenience: 2 These deodorants are best used at home or at the gym, where you can wash your hands afterward. I don’t think cream deodorants are convenient for on the go. This is because it can be hard to keep track of the spatula, you need a few moments to soften the product on your fingertips, and you need time to rub it in and spread on an even coat. Plus the jars are glass and too heavy to lug around in a bag all day when you’re carrying it around the city. Even when my deodorant works, I often like to do a quick touch-up in between yoga classes just to feel fresh, and a stick is my favorite option.




I'd recommend Erbaviva's (erbaviva.com) Jasmine and Grapefruit organic deodorant spray as a delightful option. Some brands do have more packaging than others, so if you're concerned about environmental friendliness, check labels to see company policies. And do opt for pump-spray bottles over pressurized cans with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which destroy the ozone. Over the past months, I tested over 25 natural brands of deodorant. Some are well-known and popular brands, and some are brands o the beaten path, including several local New York ventures. I found that some deodorants smelled amazing, but weren't as eective; some had a great texture, but were less convenient; some were harder to find, but were highly eective. The brands below are the winners based on the following criteria: performance, convenience, scent, availability, and price. I only chose products with ingredients I could recognize or that proved to be natural after a quick Internet search.

OVERALL WINNER: PUREPITZ Performance: 5 It really works! It’s extremely convenient and concentrated—I didn’t need to reapply unless I wanted some added insurance at the end of a very sweaty day. Convenience: 5 It’s so light and tiny (only 1.5 by 1 by 3 inches), I even put it in my evening bag a few times. Scent: 2 Not very strong, neither bad nor good, with a slight citrus scent. Not really delicious, but OK. Availability: 3 I found PurePitz at Whole Foods in Tribeca, but not at the Whole Foods at Columbus Circle. Price: $$ $15.99 for 1.3 ounces. It seems a bit steep for such a tiny container, but it’s actually not much less than the standard 1.5-ounce stick, and it is concentrated.


Epoch Fit

B5 August 28–September 3, 2015



BEST FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: ONLY GOODNESS INSIDE Performance: 5 Only Goodness Inside was the most unusual deodorant for a variety of reasons. It’s a lotion that comes in a squeeze bottle, has specific application instructions, and is sold by strength rather than scent. It becomes more effective the more you use it, lasts 24 hours or more, and can be used on various areas. It includes a specific formulation for sensitive skin and one just for feet. Additionally, it purportedly offers health benefits because it contains vitamins and Dead Sea minerals. The “soothing deodorant” option is amazing for sensitive, shaved, or waxed skin. For years I’ve been unable to apply deodorant right after I shave—it burns and I break out. I always shave my underarms at night, so they can recover by morning. But in the name of science, I shaved and immediately applied the Only Goodness Inside “soothing deodorant” and waited with bated breath. Nothing! Unbelievable—no burning, no itching, no breaking out. I’m a convert! And if there’s any ingredient you’re allergic to, they’ll make your deodorant without it.

Scent: 2–3 Schmidt’s had the best range of different scents; my favorite was ylang-ylang and calendula. They’re also the only one to have a fragrancefree choice, which is an excellent option. They are also launching a line of stick deodorants in September so if that’s your preference, stay tuned. PuraBela has the most subtle scent, while Fat and the Moon had the strongest scent—I really noticed the black pepper, which is unusual. Meow Meow Tweet’s grapefruit was my favorite scent, almost like lemon meringue pie, slightly sweet with a citrus aroma.

Availability: 2 You can only buy it online from their site. They will send you free samples; you just pay for shipping and handling. Price: $$$ $34.99 for 3 ounces. $27.99 for 2 ounces. $19.99 for 1 ounce.


Only Goodness Inside is pricier than other brands, but considering you can customize the scent and ingredients, it comes in different strengths, and is superb for sensitive skin, it’s worth it. They also have bulk discounts and free shipping over $35.

So good on post-shaved skin!


Price: $$ Meow Meow Tweet: $14 for 2.4 ounces, $8.00 for 1 ounce. PuraBela: $11.50 for 2 ounces. Fat and the Moon: $12 for 2 ounces. Schmidt’s: $8.99 for 2 ounces.

Performance: 2 Wipes are a relatively new category in the deodorant world, and Pacifica's recently launched wipes are one of the few natural brands out there. I see deodorant wipes as a luxury and definitely not for daily usage. Supposedly these wipes are biodegradable, but they're still disposable and so not the most eco-friendly option. These wipes also have less desirable ingredients, such sorbates, benzoates, and parfum, but they don't have aluminum, sulfates, SLS, parabens, phthalates, or petroleum. As a regular deodorant, it lasts a few hours if you use one wipe for both underarms. Maybe you're supposed to use one wipe per armpit?

Scent: None They come unscented, but will customize a blend for you, or you can add your own essential oils, which is certainly unique. I didn’t try the custom option.

Convenience: 4 It’s easier to apply than the cream deodorants because you don’t need to scoop it out, just squeeze it out. There’s no need to wait for it to warm

Availability: 2 Except for Schmidt’s, you can order all of them online or a find a local shop. Schmidt’s is at Elm Health on W. 14th as well as at select Whole Foods in the city. However, since Meow Meow Tweet is locally made in New York, 13 shops in Brooklyn carry it and two in Manhattan, one of them being Sustainable NYC in the East Village, which is easy to find.


up and soften; it also dries clear and quickly.But ideally you want to wash your hands after application, because you still have to wipe it onto your body, so it’s not as easy as a stick or spray. Lightweight to carry, it comes in 1, 2, and 3 ounces. Plus they sell .04-ounce samples, which are very tiny and can even fit in your pocket.

Monique Marco is a certified Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga teacher in New York City. She’s also certified in children’s yoga, corporate yoga, Buti Fitness, and Zumba. Additionally she’s a healthy lifestyle expert and London-trained image consultant and makeup artist specializing in natural looks. She may be contacted at Monique@MoniqueMarco.com

Minimally Invasive Convenience: 5 The wipes are not heavy, and they won't leak or melt. You can just put a few in a tiny snack bag, easy! For me, it's quite convenient when a shower is not an option—just use a few wipes to cover your entire body rather than as a deodorant, and it becomes a lifesaver. Scent: 5 Coconut milk and essential oils, yum! These wipes smell like the beach, vanilla, coconut—instant "summer in a swipe." Availability: 2–5 Whole Foods in the city carries Pacifica products, but they might not carry the wipes; you'll need to double-check or order online at ulta.com. Price: $$ $9 for 30 wipes.

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Convenience: 4 It’s the typical size at 4.75 by 2.75 inches, but still small and light enough to toss in your bag for quick and easy reapplications. Scent: 5 I love the women’s scent, Rose & Vanilla, but it’s not too rosy and a little sweet. It’s unlike any other natural deodorant I’ve smelled, delicious but distinct. The men’s scent, Clean & Fresh, is pleasant and warm with notes of bergamot. Availability: 1 You can only order online from realpurity.com, Amazon, and so on. Price: $$ $14.99 for 1.5 ounces.


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Performance: 3 Another stick deodorant that stood out is from Real Purity. It lives up to its name and is truly and astonishingly pure. I love how natural it is, and the women’s scent was amazing. It worked, although it wasn’t the most effective. I had to reapply once or twice, so it’s not ideal for intense workouts or scorching New York City summers, but I think it would be good during the fall or winter, or with less physical activity.

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Epoch Fit

B6 August 28–September 3, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK


Get Healthy, Get Happy By Emma-Kate Stampton


xercise will add so many positives to your life. On the long list of benefits are strong muscles and bones, a healthy heart, weight management, and improved posture. For me though, the absolute standout benefit is happiness. Yes, that’s right, the benefits of exercise go far beyond the realms of your physical being. Exercise will not only give you a healthy body, it will help you achieve a more positive outlook on life. It is now scientifically proven that regular exercise has mood-boosting eects very similar to anti-depressants, with no nasty side eects. So what is happening to make your mind feel happier? When you move your body, chemicals called endorphins are released into your brain. Endorphins send the message to your body that exercise feels good, producing feelings of euphoria to varying extents during or after your workout. The exercise session doesn’t even have to be long or at a high intensity. You will get endorphins releasing within the first 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. So since exercise is so good for us physically and mentally, why isn’t everyone doing

it, and why are so many people taking antidepressants? It’s a simple answer. Creating a regular routine of exercise is a lot easier said than done. Here is my big tip: start small. I think people do too much too soon. This can be physically overwhelming and take up too much time. Moderate exercise for 20 minutes daily will give you the happy eect, but I’d say start even smaller. Aim for 5 minutes of exercise every day; it will feel like nothing, but the habit will be forming, which is the most important part. Then increase to 10 minutes the second week and go up from there until you’ve built up to 20 minutes per day. The workout below, when done three times through from start to finish, will take around 20 minutes. At the beginning, just do two exercises and the stretch to make up your five minutes. Before you even realize it, the endorphin release will make you feel happy, giving you a clearer more positive outlook, which means an improved quality of life. Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 12 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Knee Pull This is great for your stomach, back, chest, and shoulders. • Start in a push-up position. • Pull your right knee to your chest then put it back on the ground. Repeat on the left side. • Repeat this sequence slowly 10 times, then start to do it quickly, like you are running your knees toward your chest. Do the fast run for 20–30 seconds.

Descent Push-Up This will strengthen and tone your upper body. • Start in a downward dog position. • Bend your elbows to lower your upper body toward the ground. This is a lot like doing a normal push-up, except that the top of your head comes closest to the ground. • Press back to the start position. Repeat 10–12 times.

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To get started, aim for 5 minutes of exercise every day; it will feel like nothing, but the habit will be forming.

Quadruped Reach This is great for your balance, deep core muscles, and back. • Get down on your hands and knees. • Reach your opposite arm and leg slowly away from your body as far and high as is comfortable. Replace and repeat on the other side. • Keep switching sides. • Keep your body still, like you are balancing imaginary glasses of water on the back of your hips and shoulders. Do 10 repetitions.

Lean Back This will strengthen the front of your thighs. • Kneel in an upright position. • Lean back reaching your arms out in front of you at shoulder height. • Keep your body straight; the further you lean back, the more you will feel it.


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Remember Me Run at St. Michael’s

“Come Run, Walk or Stroll with us as we join with Community Mayors and The Christopher Santora Scholarship Fund� Community Mayors serves the needs of over 50,000 special needs children every year.

Get your endorphins going!

Do 10 repetitions and hold for 30 seconds on the last one.

The Christopher Santora Scholarship Fund will Award scholarships to the children of the fallen & ill of the First Responders of 9/11 who worked on the “pile.� Application on-line at www.christophersantora.com. Monies raised by the 2015 Run will be donated to the Community Mayors and the Christopher Santora Scholarship Fund.

Memorial Service to REMEMBER the First Responders of 9/11 will follow.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH AT 2:00PM Fee: Participants $25 Registration begins at 10:00 AM -children 10 & under FREE REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED Registration Available Online at: www.stmichaelscemetery.com or by mail: 72-02 Astoria Blvd. East Elmhurst, NY 11370 For information contact: Ed Horn at 718-278-3240

Down Dog Stretch This will stretch the back of your legs as well as the muscles of your back. • Go back into your downward facing dog position. • Rest your right foot behind your left ankle, repeat on the opposite side. Hold each side for 30 seconds.

Epoch Fit


B7 August 28–September 3, 2015


Delicious AntiAging Foods

By Jill Ettinger e can’t always be young and vibrant without the other reality keeping it all in balance. However that doesn’t mean that we have to grow old in an unhealthy way. In fact the way we treat our bodies throughout our entire lives can greatly impact the aging process. Diet of course, plays a monumental role in that regard. But can eating anti-aging foods really help? When it comes to anti-aging there is no question that there are habits that will drastically speed up the aging process. These include smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. But eating foods that are high enough in phytonutrients like flavonoids and carotenoids (antioxidants found in a number of fruits and vegetables) can help with anti-aging and keep you feeling energetic and healthy. A good rule of thumb to remember is to make sure that you’re getting plenty of fresh fruits and/or vegetables at every meal. The more you add these foods into your diet the less room you’ll have for the stuff that’s not so healthy. So what makes these foods such anti-aging treats? Credit the high levels of antioxidants including anthocyanins, vitamins like A, C, E, and K, resveratrol, and healthy fats. Fruits • Blueberries • Cranberries • Apples • Avocados • Melons (including those yummy cucumbers!) • Winter squash (it’s technically a fruit!) • Citrus fruits (healthier varieties contain seeds) • Tomatoes • Olives • Pomegranates • Dark chocolate (It’s technically the seed of a fruit and yes, it is good for you! Just make sure it’s at least 70 percent cacao and low in sugar. Better yet, try raw cacao beans or nibs) • Red wine (This list just keeps getting better, right?) Vegetables • Carrots • Sweet potatoes • Kale • Spinach • Cabbage • Lettuces • Brussels sprouts • Broccoli • Beets

Foods high in phytonutrients like flavonoids and carotenoids help with antiaging and keep you feeling energetic and healthy.

Pomegranate, chia, and coconut make a great anti-aging dessert.

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Miscellaneous • Raw nuts (best when soaked in water for 6-8 hours) • Beans (cooked from scratch, not the can) • Green tea • Coconut oil (works great on the skin, too!) • Wheatgrass juice • Whole grains • Seeds (particularly flax, hemp and chia) Jill Ettinger is managing editor and contributing writer at NaturallySavvy.com, where this article was originally published.


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Eat lots of berries. BHOFACK2/ISTOCK

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Epoch Fit

B8 August 28–September 3, 2015


A woman with a yartsa gunbu mushroom in Qinghai Province, China. The parasitic fungus germinates in the larvae of ghost moths, giving it the name caterpillar fungus.


A herdsman digs for yartsa gunbu fungus in northwest China’s Gansu Province. The parasitic fungus only grows in altitudes of 9,800–17,000 feet.

Tibetan Mushroom That Was Viagra of the Ancients—Now Costs Tens of Thousands Per Pound By Conan Milner | Epoch Times Staff Mushrooms are some of the most mysterious creatures on the planet. One of the world’s weirdest examples comes from Tibet. The Tibetans call it “yartsa gunbu” (summer grasswinter worm). In the West, we typically call this mushroom Cordyceps (club head), but this name actually applies to a wide range of fungi. Cordyceps is a parasite that infects insects. To make yartsa gunbu, the victims must be ghost moth larvae. Rather than spinning a cocoon, the ghost moth caterpillar undergoes its transformation by burrowing underground, where it sometimes becomes infected by Cordyceps spores lurking in the soil. After the fungus devours the insect’s innards, a club shaped mushroom sprouts from the exoskeleton. It’s strange to think that such a cruel fungus could have such a beneficial effect on the human body, but for centuries Tibetan and Chinese doctors have considered yartsa gunbu a very precious medicine. It is used to improve breathing, metabolism, sexual function, mental clarity, and more. Caterpillar Fungus Hits the Big Time Yartsa gunbu is what modern herbalists call an adaptogen. And to those familiar with its power, it is considered one of the best adaptogens known to man. In Chinese medicine terms, yartsa gunbu strengthens the body’s essence and qi, nourishing the source of life itself. The first known writing on yartsa gunbu comes from a Tibetan physician and lama of the 1400s, who described it as a “marvelous medicine” in many regards, but primarily a sexual tonic. Later, Chinese doctors began singing similar praises. Tibet has enjoyed a vigorous caterpillar fungus trade with China for centuries, but in recent decades prices have skyrocketed. A pound of yartsa gunbu was less than $2 in the 1970s, and close to $100 in the 1990s. Today, a pound of high quality specimens could sell for as much as $40,000 or more. Total revenue from yartsa gunbu comes to about a $1 billion a year. The story of yartsa gunbu’s meteoric rise in cost involves several different factors. At the dawn of the new millennium, when Viagra was wooing the West, the caterpillar fungus’s siren song called to wealthy men of the East. While yartsa gunbu had been treasured for centuries, in the late 1990s it became a status symbol among the Chinese elite. Its traditional reputation as a sexual tonic was a large part of its allure, and soaring prices made it exclusive. Fine specimens are often given as gifts to flatter and win favor with powerful men. This move from ancient medicine to high end trend has dramatically changed the Tibetan economy. In the rural grasslands of the Tibetan plateau where the caterpillar fungus is found, people whose only income once came from the proceeds of yogurt, yak butter, and wool suddenly became flush with cash. Thanks to the mushroom boom, rural Tibetans can now purchase modern homes, flat screen TVs, iPhones, and get access to loans. Today, 40 percent of rural cash income from the Tibetan Autonomous region is thanks to the yartsa gunbu harvest. Calling for a Sustainable Harvest This new found wealth has been used to build schools and modern infrastructure in rural Tibet, as well as repair many of the ancient temples ruined in the “peaceful liberation”

A Tibetan physician and lama of the 1400s described it as a ‘marvelous medicine’ but primarily a sexual tonic.


In general, a larger caterpillar fungus fetches a higher price. Specimens where the mushroom separates from the insect’s body loses much of its value.

by the Chinese communist army in the 1950s. But this fungal gold rush also has a dark side. Disputes over mushroom hunting territory have led to several murders, and an unprecedented rate of harvesting raises concerns of sustainability. Ecologist and mushroom specialist Daniel Winkler has been pushing for a more sustainable yartsa gunbu harvest for nearly 15 years. But his plan to field test harvesting techniques to prevent over picking and preserve the mushroom for the future has been a hard sell. His 2009 research proposal was rejected, and Chinese universities are not interested in taking on the project. Winkler has attended several conferences in China to discuss his sustainability plan, but the Chinese regime is already sold on another strategy: cultivating the ghost moth and propagating the fungus artificially. While this would take pressure off natural resources, it is sure to devastate the Tibetan economy. “It completely disrespects all these people who make a living from caterpillar fungus right now,” said Winkler. “Their idea of sustainability has nothing to do with the people involved. It’s all about making big bucks cultivating it; capturing the profits under the cover of sustainability.” Consider the price drop for a second-tier insect mushroom with similar medicinal properties: Cordyceps militaris. In the 1990s, a pound (if you could find it) would cost nearly $80. Once scientists learned to successfully cultivate it, however, prices fell sharply. The going rate is now $1.50 per pound. Imitation Cordyceps In traditional Tibetan and Chinese medicine, yartsa gunbu is the ultimate remedy to treat problems in the lung and kidney systems, such as asthma, emphysema, renal failure, backache, fertility, and fatigue. Like ginseng, the caterpillar fungus has long been a favorite of the elderly because of its ability to increase energy and stamina. Despite claims that the caterpillar fungus originated in Chinese medicine, Tibetans were using it long before. The ancient Chinese were familiar with a cicada-based Cordyceps fungus, but evidence suggests that they were unaware of the caterpillar fungus (dong chong xia cao) until the late 1600s. While the Chinese have a rich tradition of herbal medicine, they have also earned a reputation for embracing questionable remedies (think rhino horn, tiger bone, bear gallbladder, and yak penis). Yartsa gunbu is different. Although it’s still a weird remedy, in the last 20 years, the caterpillar mushroom’s medicinal virtues have attracted a Western audience.

However, instead of studying yartsa gunbu itself, researchers in the West have focused their attention on a specific strain of the fungus. Nearly all Cordyceps used in American supplements is manufactured in a lab much like penicillin or brewer’s yeast, no caterpillars necessary. The single mycelium (which Winkler said could never produce an actual mushroom in the wild) is grown on grains, typically rye, and sold as a powder for about $60 a pound. Manufacturers claim that the lab grown stuff is as much as five times as potent as yartsa gunbu. At a hundredth of the cost of the real stuff it sounds like a great deal. But Winkler said the comparison is not accurate. “These are marketers. They are not researchers. Yes, they support research, and they move the field forward and promote the fungal pharmacy, which is the future, I have no doubt. But these statements are a sales pitch,” he said. “What’s on the market in the West is just one aspect of the natural product. It doesn’t contain the whole range of active ingredients the wild product would contain.” No one has taken on the expense and effort required to test the medicinal effects of wild yartsa gunbu. However, studies on lab grown Cordyceps have shown some promise. The fungus has demonstrated immune modulating, anti-viral, anti-cancer, antioxidation, and cholesterol reduction activity. It has also been shown to improve digestion and detoxification. Traditional Use, Modern Compromises Traditionally, yartsa gunbu is used more like a food than a medicine, and often added to soup with pork or chicken. One old recipe calls for inserting the mushroom into a duck’s stomach and roasting the whole bird. Traditional dosages of the caterpillar fungus are large. In his 1995 book “Medicinal Mushrooms,” herbalist and acupuncturist Christopher Hobbs, recommends 3 to 9 grams of Cordyceps for weakness and debility. Hobbs points to an old Chinese recipe for treating anemia and impotence, which calls for 25 to 50 grams a day. Using such doses today are pricey even for the lab grown stuff. Given the current cost of genuine caterpillar fungus, even a dose of one gram per day can cost a small fortune. However, those who have experienced what the mushroom can do are happy to make the investment. “I know Chinese people whose friends are willing to spend half of their income on this, because they feel like, ‘Well, I’m getting old. I’m falling apart. This buys me life.’ That’s why people are willing to pay this incredible amount,” said Winkler. CHINA PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES

Nomads rest as they gather Cordyceps mushrooms. Highly valued as medicine, the fungus accounts for almost half the income from rural areas in Tibet.

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