Epoch Fit 9-4-2015

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B1 September 4–10, 2015

The ANYA Method

Fitness for Transformation

By June Fakkert | Epoch Times Staff

With the right mindset, difficulties become catalysts for epiphany and transformation. Earlier this year, after a group came to take one of the signature classes at Studio ANYA, founder Courtney Bauer got an email saying they were disappointed because the class was not challenging enough. This response blew her mind. As a former competitive athlete, and aerobics, cardio-kickboxing, and boot camp teacher, she knew her classes were no cakewalk. So, as when anything goes wrong in her business, she reflected on what she could learn in order to do better. “I always … ask, what is this about me that I need to look at deeper? It’s not a narcissistic thing at all—it’s not fun. It’s just honest about where in me is that reflective of a block. And usually if I can shift that around in me ... then things open,” Bauer said. What she realized in this case was that the group was “missing the buzz” of a ton of reps and she had not made clear to them the level of focus and intent that makes ANYA work distinct and meaningful. And while you can definitely get fitter in ANYA classes—which can have up to 60 different moves in 60 minutes—the primary aim is to give students new ways to feel the body, purify it, and tap into its innate magic. Beginnings When she was young, Bauer loved fitness, playing tennis, and running marathons, and she planned to be a psychologist. But while studying for her master’s degree in psychology, she kept noticing a strong

When people concentrate on their bones, they’re working with a level of their being they don’t normally think about.

urge to reach out and place a hand on the client’s shoulder. These sessions sparked in her a desire to find a form of contemplative work that works directly with the physical body. Pilates was just coming onto the fitness scene at this time, and Bauer recalls rolling her eyes at the idea of it. “I was very hardcore,” she said. Despite this, something pushed her to start teacher training. “I didn’t fall in love with it right away because it felt like it was a bunch of stretching, and I didn’t get the nuances, ironically.” Ironically, since feeling the nuances is at the core of ANYA work and can be a barrier for some new students. Then came yoga teacher training and neuromuscular massage therapy school, followed by Thai bodywork studies that she stuck with even though she recalls being terrible at it for a long time. But oddly for her late-20s self, she

didn’t care about immediate success and was willing just to trust the process. And her trust bore fruit. Bauer began to synthesize the ANYA method by putting elements from her trainings into use while working with clients in a big NYC gym. She began to refine the cues she gave them. With around 40 private clients a week and teaching classes, her career was thriving, but she felt the gym environment was not the place for the depth of work she wanted to do. “Taking people into these energetic states of relaxation with lighting that was bright and a kickboxing class going on next door wasn’t conducive to it,” she said. So in 2010, she opened Studio ANYA in Chelsea, to have a brick-and-mortar place that could hold students throughout their inner journeys.

See ANYA on B2

Courtney Bauer developed the ANYA method to help people cleanse and heal through fitness.



September 4–10, 2015 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

The ANYA Method

Fitness for Transformation COURTESY OF COURTNEY BAUER

At advanced levels, ANYA work incorporates breath awareness and visualizations to deepen postures and movements.

ANYA continued from B1

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Hallmarks The ANYA method draws from yoga, Pilates, and Thai bodywork with a strong inward focus that has lead Bauer to describe it as meditation through fitness. Micro movements, energy work, and sensing the bones and the feelings of push and pull in the body are some of ANYA’s core components. “Micro movements are little, almost purposeful, fidget type movements that you do in any given stance—sitting, standing, or while you’re moving,” Bauer said. Bauer started observing the natural fidgets people make—like yawns or shifting weight— seeing them as the subtle, small ways the body automatically works to rebalance itself. ANYA work cues certain fidgets in conscious ways— like raising and lowering the shoulders and sighing—to slowly teach the body to free up places of tension. Energy work often conjures up ideas of being “out there,” but Bauer said that in the ANYA context, you can think of it very physically, as electrical currents in the body. People get in touch with these currents by feeling the pressures, and the push and pull dichotomies in the body while doing the exercises. When you come to an ANYA class, expect to start by working with your hands because they have a lot of nerve endings and send signals quite “robustly through the body.” Once you start to feel the subtleties of energy in them, you can start to transfer that awareness to other places in the body. Most of the cues in the ANYA method refer to bones. This is partly because people usually don’t have ego around their bones—unlike muscles. When people concentrate on their bones while doing the movements, they’re working with a level of their being they don’t normally think about, and it allows for more of an open mind, and thus more direct experience of the way their body works. “If you can connect push-pull to bones, it doesn’t matter what muscles you use—you’re working from inside out,” Bauer explained. Understanding the forces of push and pull in the body (also part of energy work), is one way to transform old habits. For example, when you’re slouching as you sit behind your laptop, if you can become conscious of how the sit bones are pushing down into the chair and how the top of the head is pulling up, you’ll automatically have better posture. Transformation Consciously changing the way you sit, stand, and move becomes like an affirmation. Bauer

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“The body is magical,” and most of us have forgotten what that feels like.

Warm Cauliflower ‘Couscous’ With Herbs and Kale

PAIN IN LESS THAN AN HOUR When nerves fail to interact properly with muscles, whether through overuse, injury or age, the nerve can get stuck, no longer allowing for normal motion. From this loss of quality of life from pain, chronic pain or other sensations can develop. This often leads to major long-term pain management methods and medications, or even surgery.

said that it starts to change the way you think. “From my perspective, [when] you change your thoughts and keep them busy with the body in a positive way, it just picks up momentum,” Bauer said. Until we are conscious, however, the process habitually functions in reverse. “Thoughts, as soon as they come about, there’s an immediate sensation somewhere in the body. But we’re not necessarily on it enough to recognize that connection,” Bauer said. Over time, those sensations become holding patterns, stress points that can take a huge toll on the body. And even when we’ve had a realization that we need to forgive, or trust, or let go, the thoughts alone might not be powerful enough to fully change the body patterns. “Because you’re now just putting in another top-down mandate. … In whatever holding place in your body that doesn’t quite buy that statement yet, there is [still] discord. It’s like you have minimized program on your computer,” Bauer explained. Getting the change into both body and mind creates true transformation. The process is not easy or glamorous, Bauer said. It can feel like a detox complete with symptoms. For example, when a person opens a tight spot in the shoulder, they may feel physical pain, or maybe they don’t feel like themselves for a couple weeks, she said. It’s very important to be aware that these physical or emotional changes are part of the healing process and not necessarily a regression, she emphasized. But ultimately, body awareness and healing with the ANYA method is about feeling wonderful and enthused. “If people learn ways to come into the body in ways that excite them and bring them joy, then it’s my opinion that this will have a massive impact for the benefit of humanity,” Bauer said.

We were entertaining and wanted to prepare something different from the traditional green salad. So, we came up with this fresh, bright, and detoxing 10-minute, low-carb goodness! The beautiful local herbs inspired us along with some lovely green cauliflower. We adore warm veggies and grains on salads. The warm, grated cauliflower creates a couscous-like texture that melts into the fresh herbs and olive oil—bliss. The spicy pepitas (pumpkin seeds) sautéed with cayenne add a richness


Use organic when possible. 1 head of raw cauliflower 1 handful of chopped lacinato kale 1 handful parsley 1 handful of cilantro 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas) Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime (we used both) Drizzle extra virgin olive oil Sprinkle of nutritional yeast to your liking Sprinkle of cayenne (for sautéing pepitas) Himalayan sea salt and black pepper Garnish: microgreens, radicchio (we love the color pop)

and pop. Serve as a side dish or main dish by adding more protein. Cauliflower is high in vitamins (great source of vitamin C), minerals, potassium, and phytonutrients that help neutralize damaging toxins. It’s also great for detoxing due to the glucosinolates, sulfur-containing compounds. Parsley and lemon are also powerful detoxing foods. We added pepitas for protein, but feel free to experiment and use whatever nut, seed, or protein you enjoy. For our kids, we added grilled chicken and they loved it.

DIRECTIONS Boil water in a pan. Chop cauliflower and place in a blender in small batches so it doesn’t jam the blender. Blend until it has a fine couscous texture (do not overblend). Pour the cauliflower in the boiling water and cook for a few minutes. While cauliflower is cooking, chop the herbs and kale. Sauté the pumpkin seeds with coconut oil or any oil of your choosing with a dash of cayenne pepper until golden brown. Drain the cauliflower. Add herbs or kale, then cauliflower, lemon or lime juice, olive oil, pepitas, Himalayan sea salt, and pepper to a large mixing bowl and mix. Christine Beal Dunst and Stephanie Rapp are the co-founders of Embody Wellness Company, specializing in creating customizable holistic wellness and nutrition programs targeted at life’s most important milestones: marriage, children, and career. For more information, visit EmbodyWellnessCompany.com



September 4–10, 2015 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit JASON HOUSTON

Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) When the “Magic Pill” isn’t so magic

Tips to Eat Right for Eye Health By Johanna Seddon We eat for our heart, our brain, and our joints. But how often do we consider our eyes when it comes to healthy eating? Like other parts of our body, our eyes need key nutrients to stay healthy and thrive. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing high levels of vitamins, zinc, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids plays a vital role in eye health. Researchers have found that adding these eye-friendly nutrients to your diet every day can reduce the risk of certain eye conditions, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a disease where there is damage to the central part of the retina called the macula. People who have macular degeneration experience the loss of central vision, which means they see an area of darkness in the middle of their vision, making even the simplest of tasks like reading and driving very challenging. Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness in people over 55 in the Western world. More than 10 million Americans today are affected by the disease, and that number is expected to grow rapidly as baby boomers age. The disease is incurable, but studies have shown that certain foods may help slow down the progression or help reduce the risk of vision loss due to age-related macular degeneration. Follow these easy steps and you’ll be well on your way to an eye-friendly diet. Eat the Rainbow. Eat three colors of fruits and vegetables a day. Get Comfortable With Carotenoids. Vital to eye growth and development, carotenoids are key nutrients that give vegetables and fruits their vibrant colors. While considering eye-healthy ingredients, remember the darker the vegetable or fruit, the better it is for your eyes. Think deep-red tomatoes, dark-green kale, bright-orange squashes and sweet potatoes. These foods contain high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, also powerful carotenoids that are great for your eyes. An Apple a Day Keeps the Ophthalmologist Away. Apples, along with produce like limes, blueberries, and onions, are a major source of nutrients called polyphenols. These may help blood flow to the retina and fight damage from ultraviolet sunlight. Make Friends With Fish. Seafood like scallops, salmon, sardines, and halibut are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy eye development. Enjoy them at least once or twice a week simply grilled, tossed in salads, or piled high in spicy fish tacos. Two Foods Are Better Than One. There are certain eye-healthy combinations that are more beneficial when eaten together. To help your body absorb eye-healthy vitamins more efficiently, eat them with a small amount of fat like a drizzle of olive oil or with avocados and nuts, which are good sources of healthy fats. For example, pair avocado and grapefruit in a salad, eat salad greens with a small amount of olive oil dressing, or try broccoli rabe with pine nuts. A few other simple steps you can take to protect your eyes include wearing sunglasses in bright sunlight, exercising regularly, and not smoking. You’ll find more information on healthy living tips and the latest information on macular disease at the American Macular Degeneration Foundation website, Macular.org

Roasted butternut squash and cranberry salad.

Roasted Butternut Squash and Cranberry Salad It’s easy to eat for your eyes, and to help you on your way, here’s a recipe from my book “Eat Right For Your Sight.” Butternut squash is a good source of carotenoids, vitamins A, B6, C, and folate. It is also rich in phytochemicals that convert into antioxidants and are thought not only to help prevent macular degeneration, but also to reduce the risk for certain cancers and cardiovascular problems. This is a pretty salad that offers a colorful change of pace with its roasted squash, goat cheese, pecans, and cranberries.


Erectile dysfunction (E.D.) affects more than 30 million men in the U.S. It is especially common in men with prostate surgery, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity. However, it is now possible to treat almost all men with E.D! E.D. undermines a man’s sexual confidence—but successful treatment can restore it! Many E.D. treatments are covered by most insurance and prescription plans. Attend a FREE seminar to educate men and their partners about approved E.D. treatment options. Partners are encouraged to attend. Featuring: Dr. J. Francois Eid A board certified urologist who specializes in the treatment of E.D.

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INGREDIENTS • 1 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/2-inch chunks (about 2 cups) • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil • 2 tablespoons agave nectar • 1 1/4 teaspoons sea salt • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • One 5-ounce bag baby greens • 1/4 cup dried cranberries • 1/4 cup pecan halves, lightly chopped • 1/4 cup crumbled goat cheese • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar • 2 teaspoons whole grain Dijon mustard • 1 tablespoon freshly snipped chives

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Assemble the baby greens, cranberries, pecans, and goat cheese in a salad bowl. Top with the butternut squash. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining olive oil, vinegar, mustard, chives, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and extra pepper into a vinaigrette and toss with the salad. Serve immediately.

NUTRITION INFORMATION Serving size: 1 cup; calories: 360; protein: 4 grams; fiber: 4 grams; fat: 30 grams; saturated fat: 5 grams; sodium: 260 milligrams; vitamin A: 10,343 IU (International Units); vitamin C: 6 milligrams; vitamin D: 3 IU; vitamin E: 13 IU; zinc: 1 milligram; beta-carotene: 3,774 micrograms; lutein and zeaxanthin: 5,000 micrograms. Johanna Seddon, M.D., ScM, is the founding director of the Ophthalmic Epidemiology and Genetics Service at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. She collaborated with cookbook author Jennifer Trainer Thompson and the American Macular Degeneration Foundation on “Eat Right For Your Sight,” a cookbook filled with simple, tasty recipes that help reduce the risk of vision loss from macular degeneration.


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DIRECTIONS Heat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a mixing bowl, toss the butternut squash with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the agave nectar, and 1 teaspoon each of the salt and pepper. Spread in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake until tender and golden, 20 to 25 minutes, tossing after 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.

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Mosquito Protection: Alternatives to DEET

780 8th Avenue, Suite 201 Between 47th and 48th St

By Conan Milner | Epoch Times Staff


osquitoes are not only an annoying pest, they are actually the deadliest creature on earth. The diseases they spread can be fatal: malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile virus, just to name a few. A graphic from Bill Gates's blog shows that when it comes to killing, mosquitoes far surpass even humans. Several factors contribute to our mosquito attractiveness. These bugs initially target carbon dioxide. This means that people who exude more CO2 (those who are overweight or heavy breathers) tend to get stung more. Mosquitoes also prefer certain smells. They avoid bloodless CO2 sources like an idling car or a coal burning factory because they don't smell right. Instead, they seek the smell of chemicals that mammals excrete, such as lactic acid (triggered by exercise), and uric acid (found in foods such as meat, alcohol, soda, and asparagus). This means that diet, exercise, and shower frequency may play some role in determining our level of attractiveness. However, scientists estimate that 85 percent of our mosquito magnetism is genetic. So to a large extent, people who are eaten alive every summer can't help exuding a mosquito-friendly scent. While scientists continue to unravel the mystery of mosquito attraction, public health oďŹƒcials recommend using topical bug repellents to keep pests away. Unlike pesticides, which are designed to kill insects, repellents work to hide our mosquito- alluring odors. There are several products to consider.




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Synthetic Repellents DEET. The most common mosquito repellent is DEET, the active ingredient in OFF! Deep Woods and other commercial sprays. DEET is considered the gold standard in mosquito protection. It's reliable, long-lasting (providing up to six hours of protection from a single application), and generally safe as long as you don't overdo it. DEET was developed by the U.S. military in the 1940s. It is a strong solvent that will dissolve plastic at full concentration. However, its harsh chemical scent is also what makes it so eective. Scientists believe that DEET messes with an insect's sense of smell, eectively hiding an otherwise attractive body odor. Picaridin. This synthetic mosquito repellent has several advantages over DEET. Developed by Bayer AG in the 1980s from a plant related to black pepper, Picaridin doesn't have the chemical stink, greasy feel, or neurotoxic nature of DEET, but it has been shown to be just as eective, and may last even longer. Like DEET it doesn't kill bugs, but confuses their ability to detect a blood source. IR3535. Found in Avon's Skin-So-Soft, IR3535 is another popular synthetic repellent. Like DEET, IR3535 has a solvent smell but is less eective and doesn't work as long. The World Health Organization recommends all three chemicals for protection against West Nile and other mosquito-borne diseases. Natural Repellents There are several choices for a plant-based mosquito repellent, but some work much better than others. Many plants have essential oils that repel pests—citronella, geranium, tea tree, peppermint, and bergamot, to name a few. But even though they're natural, they must also be diluted, just like the synthetic chemicals, before being applied to the skin. Unlike the synthetic stu, they smell nice but are often not as eective. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. The most recommended and studied of the natural repellents goes by the trade name Oil of Lemon Euca-

Diet, exercise, and shower frequency may play some role in determining our level of attractiveness to mosquitoes.


One study found that catnip essential oil was just as effective as DEET at repelling mosquitos with only one-tenth the concentration.

lyptus (OLE), which is extracted from lemon eucalyptus trees. A more refined version of this product is called PMD (paramenthane3,8-diol). PMD. This natural repellent has been shown to be just as eective as DEET in similar concentrations and is recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, manufacturers do not recommend this product when West Nile risk is high. Unlike synthetic chemicals, those derived from botanicals are not required to undergo safety testing. Because the risk is unclear, the Centers of Disease Control discourages use of OLE or PMD for children under 3 years old. Catnip. This is another essential oil with some science-backed eďŹƒcacy. According to the EPA, catnip oil may shoo bugs away for up to seven hours. A 2001 study found that catnip essential oil was just as eective as DEET at only onetenth the concentration. Garlic. It's used to repel vampires, but what about tiny bloodsuckers? Garlic-scented sprays are available to temporarily rid your backyard of mosquitoes. Anecdotal evidence suggests that those who consume lots of garlic become unappetizing to pests, but such claims have not panned out in the lab. Soybean Oil. Plain old soybean oil doesn't have much of a smell, but it still works well at keeping bugs at bay. This makes soy a good carrier oil choice for homemade bug repellents. Neem. This Ayurvedic herb grows in tropical climates where malaria is a problem. Neem oil has been used for centuries for repelling bugs. One study from India found that a 2 percent concentration of neem in coconut oil provided more than 96 percent protection against mosquitoes. Sweet Grass. Native Americans used sweet grass smoke to clear the air of stinging insects, and now science has been able to validate it. On Aug. 18, 2015, at the 250th national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, researchers presented the first evidence that an essential oil found in this vanillascented grass may be the source for the next natural mosquito repellent. Researchers identified coumarin, the same active constituent in IR3535, for sweet grass's mosquito-repelling ability. Mosquito Facts Mosquitoes can smell a potential victim over 160 feet away. Only female mosquitoes are equipped to sting and suck blood. The males feed o plant nectar. Flowery perfumes and fragrant body-care products are mosquito magnets. Mosquitoes tend to favor women over men, which leads some scientists to believe that estrogen may add to the attraction. A Lancet study in 2000 found that pregnant women were twice as likely to get stung. Science has not been able to determine if consuming any particular food repels pests. However, researchers have found that drinking alcohol definitely attracts them. Mosquitoes are more likely to hit a moving target, so if you're sitting still you're less apt to get stung. Mosquitoes are also more attracted to dark colors than bright ones. Long-sleeved shirts, hats, and long pants may not seem seasonally appropriate on a hot day, but more clothing coverage can lessen the risk of getting stung. Mosquitoes can bite at any time, but dierent species prefer dierent times of day. Consider staying indoors when local exposure is high. The tiny amount of blood mosquitoes take is no big deal, but the red, itchy skin their bite leaves behind is an annoying reminder of their visit. Thankfully, many herbs can help soothe the sting: plantain, aloe, calendula, basil, and lavender, to name a few.



September 4–10, 2015 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit

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Sweets are a common trigger for tooth sensitivity.

By Rebecca Koenigsberg


ooth sensitivity can be more than just irritating—it can be extremely uncomfortable. Common triggers are cold liquids and food or cold air and sweets. First, it is important to distinguish sensitivity from more serious dental problems. Sensitivity refers to transient (that is, lasting a few seconds) pain that occurs when cold or sweet touch the tooth. Prolonged pain, throbbing, spontaneous pain, or pain when the teeth touch is not sensitivity and should be checked by a dentist. Teeth have a hard outer covering of enamel that has no nerve endings. Most of the tooth and the entire root of the tooth is made of dentin. Dentin has tiny tubes filled with liquid that, when disturbed, cause the nerve to react and trigger a short, sharp pain, aka tooth sensitivity. Ideally, dentin is covered with enamel or cementum. When enamel wears or the gums recede, dentin can become exposed to the environment. If you experience sensitivity, the first course of action can be a desensitizing toothpaste, which contains potassium nitrate. There are many OTC brands available, and they all have the same active ingredient, potassium nitrate. These desensitizing toothpastes are most effective for root sensitivity and can eliminate or decrease sensitivity within two weeks in about 80 percent of cases. Some patients use desensitizing toothpastes all the time, and that is fine, as they contain all the ingredients of regular toothpaste, too. Desensitizing toothpastes should be applied with a soft or extra-soft brush. Using a quality soft or extra-soft manual or electric toothbrush is important, as these brushes are designed and tested to be non-abrasive. Brushing with a hard or abrasive brush can cause the outer enamel layer to wear away, leaving behind exposed dentin. As gums recede over time, dentin, which is softer than enamel, is exposed on the root surface and is especially prone to abrasion. Most people actually brush and floss incorrectly, so talk to your dentist or hygienist about proper brushing and flossing techniques. To sum up, here are some of the things you can do to prevent sensitivity: • Use a desensitizing toothpaste. • Use a a soft or ultra-soft brush, either manual or electric. • Maintain healthy gums so that less tooth root is exposed. • Whitening can cause sensitivity so make sure to use a desensitizing toothpaste when whitening. • Grinding or clenching may also erode enamel and leave exposed dentin leading to sensitivity. Your dentist can help you determine if a night guard would be the appropriate treatment for you. If you are still experiencing sensitivity, your dentist may be able to treat the tooth surface with a desensitizing agent. While this is not always a permanent solution, it can provide relief if the sensitivity is particularly severe. For some people with a lot of exposed root surface, daily application of a prescription fluoride gel in a custom-made tray can be effective. Dr. Rebecca Koenigsberg practices general dentistry at Gallery 57 Dental. A graduate of Columbia University and an Invisalign-certified dentist, she focuses on providing patients a healthy, aesthetic smile. For more information, see Gallery57Dental.com

It is important to distinguish sensitivity from more serious dental problems.

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Tips From a Dentist: What to Do About Sensitive Teeth

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The hard outer coating on your teeth—enamel or cementum— is what protects them.

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What kind of toothbrush is best for sensitive teeth?

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September 4–10, 2015 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

Total Buttock Blast By Emma-Kate Stampton I’m a big advocate for whole-body workouts and functional fitness, but sometimes you just need to put a little or maybe a lot more effort into a certain area of your body. This workout is all about your backside! This is an area many of us strive to tone and shape, and I guarantee these combined movements will not only do just that, but will also strengthen your posterior at the same time. Your glutes play a major role in everyday movement. It is actually a very common imbalance to have underactive glutes and overactive quads (front of the thighs). This workout will help you balance your lower body and feel confident about your rear at the same time—winning! See if you can repeat this entire workout from start to finish three times.

This workout will help you balance your lower body and feel confident at the same time.

Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 12 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Squat • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees as you press your glutes behind you as if you’re sitting on an imaginary chair. • Press most of the weight into your heels to help activate the back of your legs and buttocks. • Don’t allow your knees to go in front of your toes as you squat. This will keep the pressure off your knee joints. Do 20 reps.


Bridge • Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground, about a foot from your buttocks. • Press your lower back into the floor. • Continue to lift the rest of your spine away from the ground. Stop when your hips are lifted and in line with your shoulders and knees in a diagonal line. Hold the position. • Next, lower hips and buttocks down half way toward the floor and press them back up. Really squeeze your glutes and the back of your thighs as you do. Do 20 reps.

Buttock Press • Start resting on all fours. Lift one leg off the floor, pressing your heel up toward the ceiling. • Try to keep your body still as best you can. • It will make a big difference if you place a small weight behind the back your knee, squeezing it between your calf and thigh. This will give you a far deeper workout into your buttock area. • Keeping your abs engaged will also help you maintain stability in your body. Do 20 reps plus 10 pulses.

Bottom Circles This looks so much easier than it is. Prepare to feel the burn. • Lie on your side with both knees bent in front of your body, feet in line with your glutes. • Extend the top leg forward, straightening the knee, to a 45-degree angle from your body. • Circle your leg forward 15 times, and then circle it back 15 times. • Then lift leg up and down 15 times. • If you can, repeat the set two more times with the same leg, once with 10 and then with 5. • Keep in mind as you are circling your leg, the aim is to keep the rest of the body still. Change sides and repeat.

Glute Stretch • After so many glute-focused movements, do yourself a favor and give your glutes and outer thighs a good stretch. • Lie on your back. • Cross your right ankle over your left knee. • Grip your hands around the back of your left thigh, pulling your leg toward your body. Keep your right knee away from your body to assist a deeper stretch. • Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat twice on each side.



September 4–10, 2015 TheEpochTimes.com/EpochFit TARGOVCOM/ISTOCK

Experiment with scents to see what rejuvenates you the best.


Don't just pour any old soap into the bathtub. Go for things that will deeply relax you.

4 Relaxing Concoctions to Put in Your Bath Tonight By Eleanor Healy ou’re wound up like a top from work, or your in-laws showed up unexpectedly for the weekend. What do you do? Take a bath and let your troubles melt away. Don’t just pour some soap into the bathtub and pretend you’re at the spa. Try these concoctions to really help you relax. Essential Oils Essential oils are made through steam distillation of botanicals, capturing the pure essence of the plant. They are potent, aromatic, and highly therapeutic. Since one of the best ways to benefit from essential oils is vaporization, putting drops into a hot bath is an excellent way to use them. This is a form of aromatherapy. “Aromatherapy can be defined as the controlled use of essential oils to maintain and promote physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing,” according to Gabriel Mojay. Essential Oils for Relaxation • Chamomile • Clary sage • Frankincense • Jasmine • Lavender

Epsom salts contain minerals, one of which is magnesium, which is used to relax muscles and help people sleep.

• Rose • Marjoram • Ylang ylang How to Use Essential Oils To help the oils dissolve better, add them to the bath with a tablespoon of whole milk or Epsom salts. Add the drops just before entering the bath, and use your hands to stir them around the tub. Try this relaxing recipe from Laurel Vukovic, author of “Herbal Healing Secrets for Women”: • 5 drops lavender essential oil • 3 drops sandalwood essential oil • 2 drops clary sage essential oil Epsom Salts Epsom salts contain minerals, one of which is magnesium, which is used to relax muscles and help people sleep. Put 1–2 cups of Epsom salts into your bath for a deeply relaxing experience. This is a perfect bath to take just before you slide into bed. Herbs You can also use the dried herb version of some relaxing plants. One suggestion from the Crunchy Betty website is to make a very strong tea. Let it steep at least seven minutes


and then pour it into the bath. Take the remaining loose tea and wrap it into a wash cloth. Tie it up and let it float in the bathtub with you. You can also use this as a scrub to wash your body. The following herbs are both relaxing and rejuvenating. You can combine whatever scents you like the most in combination or use one at a time. The fun thing to do is to experiment and take as many baths as you can. Dedicate an entire week to research! Use sage, green tea, chamomile, peppermint, rosemary and, of course the belle of the ball—lavender. Oatmeal Oatmeal isn’t just a cereal. As a grass, it contains high amounts of minerals, including calcium, which can relax the nervous system and muscles. An oat bath is an age-old remedy for anyone stressed out and sore. Boil oatmeal in a large pot for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Drain the water into a bowl and leave the oats behind. Use the emollient water for the bath. Pour it in when you’re ready. This is soothing as well as very moisturizing. Eleanor Healy is a registered holistic nutritionist. Originally published on NaturallySavvy.com

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YouTube Your Next Workout Did you know YouTube could replace your next trip to the gym? Amid the cat videos and music videos, YouTube is actually a gold mine for free workouts and exercise instruction. Just type what you’re looking to do into the search bar, check to see if the source is reputable, and then sweat away! Here’s why we think YouTube should be a part of your workout vocabulary: More Variety Equals Less Boredom Zumba, TRX, medicine ball, cardio, strength training. You name it, and you can find it. You can even mix up your workout with a new type of exercise every day of the year if you wish. The constant variety will help you beat boredom and keep you excited to move your body. Plus, if you’re a bit intimidated to try a new workout craze at the gym, go solo with YouTube first. Your Own Personal Trainer Not exactly sure how to do a sumo squat? Type it in, and you’ll have your answer in seconds. Want to work your arms, but only have 10

minutes? Search “10-minute arm workout,” and take your pick from the long list. YouTube is like having your own version of a personal trainer telling you what and how but without the hefty price tag. Timesaver One of the awesome things about turning your living room into your own gym is the minutes you’ll shave from your normal gym routine. No packing a bag, no driving, and no locker-room hustle. YouTube saves you time without sacrificing the intensity of your workout. Channels to Check Out Here are some channels that will help you accomplish your fitness goals: Life Fitness Academy ACEfitness Fitness Blender LiveStrongWoman This article was originally published at LifeFitness.com/Blog. Visit the Life Fitness blog for more health and fitness information.


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Epoch Times, September 4–10, 2015



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