Epoch Health 1-2-2015

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B1 Jan. 2 – 8, 2015

Health Fitness

Make it the Year of You Open your heart to all that life has to offer By Monisha Vasa

Slow Down. For some, this can feel terrifying. We are used to maintaining a rushed pace, often to distract ourselves or for fear of missing out. Pay close attention to when you are moving too fast or are too busy. Say “No” to activities that aren’t necessary or meaningful to you. Make a conscious choice to block out time on your schedule for rest. Create buffers between activities so you are not rushing from one thing to the next.

to silent mode and allow yourself to just be. This is when you can start to become aware of the forces that operate within you. This is when you can feel the beating of your heart or the sensation of your breath. This is when you can feel how emotions, desires, and aversions come and go like the tide of the ocean waves.

The most important and enduring relationship we will ever have is the relationship that we have with ourselves.

Discover Quiet. The sounds of our world— people talking, music playing, kids asking, technology beeping—can be loud and intrusive. The voices in our heads—our constant commentary—can be deafening. Turn the volume down, or better yet, switch

Experiment With Meditation. Once you feel comfortable with disconnecting, experiment with how meditation feels. Meditation is a way to observe all of yourself in a compassionate, nonjudgmental way. You might start with a brief sitting practice, where you focus on the sensation of breathing for a few minutes. Don’t put pressure on yourself to meditate in a certain way. Don’t make it another project or goal that you can fail at. Meditation is called a practice for a reason. Find your entry point and build

from there. Find Self-Compassion. Being with yourself won’t be much fun if you are always criticizing yourself. Make a pact to only use kind, loving words with yourself, the way you would with a child or a favorite friend. Practice Self-Care. Compassion for yourself improves well-being and is the foundation from which compassion for others can grow. Live Mindfully. Practice immersing yourself in your experiences in a curious, nonjudgmental manner. There are several ways to experiment with mindfulness in your life. Try using all of your senses to consciously connect to a mundane experience. For example, while washing the dishes, really listen to the sound of the water, feel the slippery soapiness of the dishes, and inhale the scent of dish soap. Using our senses to deepen our experience prevents us from ruminating about an argument with our boss or worrying about tomorrow’s crazy schedule. Alternatively, if you find yourself waiting,

allow yourself to just wait. Try to put your phone away and focus on your breath or the sensory experience of being where you are. This moment is the only moment that truly exists. Mindfulness allows us to truly live in that moment, deeply and intentionally. These tools can allow 2015 to be the year in which you finally prioritize yourself and the relationship that you have with yourself. This is not selfishness. Being conscious allows you to show up for life, fully available. Knowing yourself allows you to open your heart to all that life has to offer and to those who cross your path. This is not a race to be won or a mountain to be conquered. This is a beautiful practice, one we can start over and over with each new moment that we are blessed with. Monisha Vasa, M.D., is a board-certified general and addiction psychiatrist in private practice in Orange County, Calif., where she lives with her husband, two beloved children, and two English bulldogs. She is the author of a new nonfiction children’s book, “My Dearest One.” For more information, please visit: Mindful-Healing.com



s a psychiatrist, I have the honor of being with people through the ups and downs of life’s journey. I bear witness to joy, fear, anger, and sorrow, and the ways in which we deal with these emotions. My patients often say to me, “I think what I need is to just stay busy—I need to distract myself.” Distraction certainly has its role. Sometimes keeping ourselves occupied with meaningful activities like exercise, time with friends, or work can keep us out of our head. Sometimes distraction involves not-so-meaningful activities, such as alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling, or sex, as means of disconnection. But what would it be like to just be—to be with ourselves, just as we are? The most important and enduring relationship we will ever have is the relationship that we have with ourselves. This relationship is based on our intimate knowing of our physical bodies, minds, spirits, and souls. If we continuously distract ourselves from ourselves, then we lose the gift of cultivating a loving relationship with the person who matters most. Here are some ways to make 2015 a year of getting to know yourself:

Health & Fitness

B2 January 2–8, 2015


Where to Get Vitamins in Your Food

early everyone knows that you need adequate amounts of vitamins on a daily basis in order to maintain opti-

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that is required for the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The best food sources of pantothenic acid are meats, liver, kidney, fish, chicken, eggs, and milk.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is essential for all stages of amino acid metabolism and is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters in the brain. The best food sources of vitamin B6 are wheat germ, chicken, fish, and eggs.

Vitamin B7

From A to K By Don Gauvreau

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and branched-chain amino acids and the growth and develop-

ment of skin and hair. Biotin requirements are very small, and it can be found in most foods, but some of the better sources are liver and egg yolk.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 (folate/folic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body make healthy new cells. It also has a role in regulating blood flow in the body. Women take folate before and during pregnancy to help prevent birth defects. The best sources of folate are dark green leafy vegetables and legumes.

Vitamin B12

mal health, but many people are still unfamiliar with the functions each vitamin has in the human body. The following list will give you a general overview of the major roles each vitamin has in the human body and the best sources of food to obtain them from.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it’s stored in the liver and fatty tissues and is eliminated from the body at a much slower rate than water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is crucial for the health of your eyes and skin and is involved in cell growth and reproduction. The best food sources of vitamin A are fish and liver. Beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, can be found in high quantities in carrots and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it isn’t readily stored in the body. Since water-soluble vitamins are excreted from the body each day, they must be taken in on a regular basis for optimal health. Thiamine’s main function in the body is to help metabolize carbohydrates into usable energy. The best food sources of thiamine are whole grains.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a water-soluble vitamin, which is involved in vital metabolic processes in the body and is needed for normal cell function, growth, and energy production. The best sources of riboflavin are meats, fish, dairy products, and eggs. B3 (niacin/niacinamide) is involved in the oxidation of Vitamin B3 Vitamin fatty acids, energy production, and tissue repair.

The best food sources of niacin and niacinamide are meats, beans, whole grains, and fish.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that helps sustain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is also needed to make DNA, which is the genetic material that makes up all cells. The best food sources of vitamin B12 are liver, beef, and fish.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is probably the most widely used water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C plays a countless number of roles in the human body, but is best known for its antioxidant powers and positive effects on the immune system. The best food sources of vitamin C are red peppers, cherries, and a variety of citrus fruits.

Nothing can match the benefits of getting your vitamins from whole food. D (cholecalciferol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for Vitamin D Vitamin bone growth and mineral balance in the body. When ultraviolet rays from the sun hit your skin, they trigger your body to synthesize vitamin D. Very few naturally occurring foods contain high quantities of vitamin D; however, many foods are now fortified with it.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is best known for its antioxidant properties. Although there are eight different forms of vitamin E, the alpha-tocopherol form is the only one recognized to meet human needs. Some of the best food sources of vitamin E are wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and spinach.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is known as the blood-clotting vitamin. If your body is deficient in vitamin K, then it can’t effectively clot blood and stop bleeding. The best food sources of vitamin K are cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables.

Whole Food

Although you can take a multivitamin supplement each day and feel content that you’ve met your daily requirements, nothing can match the benefits of getting your vitamins from whole food. The vitamins found in natural foods are related to many other naturally occurring molecules that enhance their absorption and effects. When vitamins are isolated and used in supplemental form, their absorption and physiological effects can be diminished. So, when choosing a multivitamin supplement, go with one that uses whole food sources to ensure maximum absorption and benefits. Don Gauvreau, MSc., is the CEO of Neogea Health Inc., a company dedicated to creating all-natural health supplements. This article was originally published at NaturallySavvy.com.


Does Pregnancy Lower Testosterone in Dads-To-Be?

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By Jared Wadley When a couple is expecting a baby, it’s not just the mother who goes through hormonal changes. A new study suggests that impending fatherhood coincides with a drop in two hormones in men—testosterone and estradiol—even before the baby is born. Previous research has suggested that men’s hormones change once they become fathers. The new study is the first to show that the decline in hormone levels may begin even earlier, during the transition to fatherhood, says Robin Edelstein, associate professor of psychology at University of Michigan. “We don’t yet know exactly why men’s hormones are changing,” Edelstein says. “These changes could be a function of psychological changes that men experience as they prepare to become fathers, changes in their romantic relationships, or even physical changes that men experience along with their pregnant partners. Nevertheless, fathers’ hormonal changes could have important implications for paternal behavior once their babies are born.” Drop in Hormones Expectant mothers experience

A new study indicates that men’s hormones decline earlier than previously thought, starting when his partner is pregnant.

significant hormone changes throughout the transition to parenthood, but less has been known about the prenatal hormone changes among soon-tobe fathers. For the new study, published in the American Journal of Human Biology, researchers examined salivary testosterone, cortisol, estradiol, and progesterone in 29 first-time expectant couples between the ages of 18 and 45. The saliva samples were obtained up to four times during the prenatal period at about 12, 20, 28, and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Women showed large prenatal increases in all four hormones, while men saw declines in testosterone, which is associated with aggression and parental care,

and estradiol, which is associated with caregiving and bonding. No changes were found in men’s cortisol, a stress hormone, or progesterone, which is associated with social closeness and maternal behavior. So, it’s not just the presence of an infant that lowers testosterone. One limitation of the new study—as it relates to lower testosterone—is that researchers do not have a comparison group of men who are not expecting a child, Edelstein says. “Thus, we can’t completely rule out the possibility that the changes are simply due to age or the passage of time.” From University of Michigan via Futurity.org

Health & Fitness

B3 January 2–8, 2015




New Year Resolutions That Work By Leslie Mary Olsen The season’s celebrations are a flurry of fun and festivity, but all of the partying, including the associated food choices and sweets, distract us from our normal health routines and thwart even the best of intentions. Admittedly, it can be difficult to recover once the holidays are over, even if you did not overeat or overindulge and did your best to stay on track. It may feel like there is a lot of catching up to do. It is at this time that every new year inevitably brings on a barrage of resolutions— to quit smoking, lose weight, start a regular exercise pro-

Careful planning and accepting that you will make some mistakes can help you achieve your 2015 goals.

gram, join a gym, lower cholesterol level, reduce anxiety, and so on. Most New Year resolutions are health-related, as they come off the heels of the most joyous, yet stressful time of the year. They represent our wish to return to balance and bring more well-being into

Be grateful for the little things in life.

our lives. Resolutions are a great way to stay committed, but if you attempt something that is too big, it could be daunting and hard to follow through on. Here are some tips to help you make achievable health and fitness goals and stay committed to them through-

ple, after you run your first mile, try adding a few more blocks. 3. Recruit family and friends who could benefit from healthier choices as well. 4. Instead of dieting, make lifestyle changes that impact your overall health and well-being. 5. Fuel the soul as well as the body with encouragement. For example, get a massage, facial, pedicure, or manicure to reward yourself and relax. Stress reduction is crucial to health and well-being. 6. Don’t berate yourself if you falter. Just pick yourself up and continue to work toward your goal. 7. Take some time to catch your breath and savor the memories. And most importantly, be grateful for the little things in life.

out the new year:

Remember, you have the power to create better habits for yourself. As American author and entrepreneur Jim Rohn once said, “If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.”

1. Start with small goals, focusing on snapshots of where you want to be in one week or one month. Visualize yourself along every step. 2. After you reach a goal, aim a little further. For exam-

Leslie Mary Olsen is a certified personal trainer, certified health coach, fitness coaching specialist, and licensed massage therapist. She holds a master’s degree in health policy and has over 30 years of experience in the health and wellness field.

New Year, New You: Tips for Weight Loss Success By Marina Gafanovich Weight loss is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. But how many of us resolve to lose weight and then give up midway? If this sounds familiar, creating a new strategy may help. Here are some easy tips to help you achieve your weight loss goals this year: 1. Make Your Goal Realistic and Specific. Don’t just resolve to lose weight. Be specific and say to yourself, “I will lose 20 pounds,” or however much you need to lose. This makes it more real, and as long as you keep it realistic, it also makes it more achievable.

weekly and monthly targets. Don’t weigh yourself every day. Realistically speaking, you will not lose a pound each day. That just does not happen unless you starve. Weigh yourself once a week and monitor your progress. Don’t panic if a certain week’s weight loss is less than what’s achieved in other weeks. As long as you are losing weight, you are on the right track.

You won’t lose 20 pounds just by saying so. You have to create targets for yourself.

2. Have an Action Plan. Once you have a goal, such as a 20-pound weight loss, then outline your strategies. How will you lose the weight? Will you go on a diet? If yes, which one? Will you take on a new exercise regime? Or, will you simply replace your bad eating habits (junk food, sweets, and so on) with healthy ones? Start with a complete health checkup to find out if there are any underlying reasons for your extra pounds and make sure you know what you want to do.

4. Partner Up With a Friend. This might not be possible for all of us, but if you have a friend who has the same resolution, or a friend who exercises regularly or is more on the path of eating healthy, partner up with him or her. Having a buddy makes things easier, and the extra support will encourage you to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

3. Break It Down. You won’t lose 20 pounds just by saying so. You have to create targets for yourself. Set

5. Be Prepared for Obstacles. You will inevitably have “cheat” days. Live with it. As long as you’re not eating piz-

zas every day, one night of pizza is not a disaster. Just be sure you are able to control your cravings. If it’s chips and soda you crave, ensure that there is no supply in your house. If it’s chocolate that breaks your willpower, treat yourself once in a while— opting for a low-calorie bar, if possible—and make sure there are no more of them around to tempt you.

greens in your diet. If you have a tendency to snack, cut off your supply of high-calorie options and replace them with healthy snacks such as almonds, nutrition bars, individual-portion cheeses, and

so on. Follow these easy weight loss tips to help make your resolution a reality this year. Remember, each healthful step you take will bring you closer to the new, more radi-

Dr. Marina Gafanovich is a New York City physician specializing in internal medicine. For more information, visit: www.PhysicalExamNYC.com

6. Don’t Adopt an All−Or− Nothing Attitude. This is because it simply won’t work. If you think you will achieve 100 percent of your goal, think again. It does not happen for most people. If you are on track 80 percent of the time, give yourself a pat on the back and carry on. Nobody is perfect—not even you. 7. Make Healthier Choices. Incorporate minor changes in your lifestyle to obtain major results. Don’t skip breakfast—because if you do, you will likely overeat later in the day. Skip driving wherever you can walk. Take the stairs whenever you can. Replace your usual dessert with fruit to get the health benefits they offer and save calories as well. Don’t eat out too frequently; a homecooked meal is healthier and better for you. Increase the amount of ROBERTHYRONS/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK

Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.)

When the “Magic Pill” isn’t so magic What do men do when Erectile Dysfunction pills aren’t effective? Don’t like the idea of expensive penile injections, suppositories, and vacuum pumps? Get the facts on an inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP): a permanent solution—covered by many insurance plans—which allows an erection as often as you like, for as long as you wish. Attend a FREE seminar sponsored by Coloplast Corp. to educate men and their partners about an advanced, DRUG FREE treatment for E.D. FREE REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED Featuring: Dr. J. Francois Eid A board certified urologist who specializes in the treatment of E.D. Also featuring: A patient who permanently corrected his E.D. Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Refreshments available at 6 p.m. Presentation begins at 6:15 p.m.

Making small changes to your lifestyle can bring big results in the long term.

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Health & Fitness

B4 January 2–8, 2015


Helpful Apps to Jumpstart Your Fitness Goals By Katy Hajzer Starting a healthy diet and fitness routine can be hard. Maintaining that routine for weeks, months, and hopefully a lifetime can be even harder.

While relying on the support of family and friends may be ideal, they can’t be with you every second of every day to make sure you stay on track. Luckily, there are a bunch of great apps that can help you with every aspect of your wellness journey.

The following are some of my favorite health and fitness apps, which can help you with your diet, exercise, and even sleep routine: If you are looking for a little motivation, these apps are worth a try. Use them to jump-start your fitness goals in the new year for a happier and healthier you.

Use these apps to jump-start your fitness goals in the new year for a happier and healthier you. MyFitnessPal. This app is the mobile version of MyFitnessPal.com, a comprehensive diet- and exercisetracking site, where you can connect with a large community of people also dedicated to their health. After creating an account, you can easily set custom or recommended goals for calories, macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), micronutrients (such as vitamin and fiber intake), and more, based on your height, weight, and fitness level. MyFitnessPal has an enormous database of nutritional information for almost any food you can think of. You can also track your workouts and weight, so it’s easy to look back after all your hard work and see how far you’ve come. Available for iOS, Android, and Windows. Price: Free.

Sometimes the right app can be just the thing we need to meet our fitness goals. DOLGACHOV/ ISTOCK/ THINKSTOCK

Full Fitness: Exercise Workout Trainer. This app is a must-have for anyone who is serious about lifting. Full Fitness provides explanations for hundreds of exercises, including video instruction; a logging feature, so you can keep track of your sets, reps, and weights for each exercise; and even a stopwatch for timing your rest in between sets. Not sure what routine to follow? Full Fitness has 30 pre-made routines designed to fit specific fitness goals, like weight loss, strength, or enhancing definition of certain muscle groups. Available for iOS. Price: $1.99.

Lift—Your Daily Coach. While not specifically a health app, Lift can be immensely helpful when trying to create a new habit. It features a community of coaches and people with the same goals as you, all focused on working together to achieve those goals. Daily notifications keep you focused on your goal, and tracking your little and big accomplishments keeps you motivated. Use Lift to lose weight, get fit, eat healthy, or just become a happier, more productive person. The app also allows you to ask any of the other users for advice. For an additional $14.99, you can turn on the premium coaching feature to get one-on-one advice from an expert in the field. Available for iOS and Android. Price: Free. SleepCycle. One very important aspect of health and fitness that many people overlook is sleep. Without adequate amounts of quality sleep, your performance in the gym, and elsewhere, can suffer. SleepCycle tracks and analyzes your sleep patterns based on your movement while you’re asleep. It can then determine when you are in your lightest sleep phase, which is the best time to wake up. When you are awakened by an alarm from deep REM sleep, you typically feel groggy. SleepCycle’s alarm—which you set as a 30-minute window—will only wake you up when you’re sleeping lightly, helping to maximize quality sleep, which you need to fully recharge. It also gives you a detailed report of your night’s sleep, including time asleep, percentage of quality sleep, and a chart of your sleep patterns. Available for iOS and Android. Price: $0.99.

Discolored Tongue? Cracked Tongue? Fissured Tongue? You Might Have a Nutritional Deficit

My NEW E-Book Reveals: What your tongue is saying about your health How to make your tongue look normal Ancient System of tongue diagnosis Dozens of before and

Katy Hajzer is a freelance health and wellness writer with a passion for fitness and nutrition. Visit her blog at: LiftEatLoveSleep.com

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Health Benefits of Ginseng

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By Jennifer Dubowsky


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Did you know that there are different types of ginseng, and they are all considered potent herbs for helping the body adapt to stress—both mental and physical? Ginseng is best known for its ability to stimulate your immune system and fight fatigue and stress. Several dozen studies have shown that ginseng enhances physical and mental performance, improves mood, and aids metabolic function. Other studies suggest that ginseng maybe anti-inflammatory and can provide a

In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese ginseng is a powerful yang, or warming, tonic herb. wealth of benefits, including improved blood cholesterol, lowered liver toxicity, lowered blood sugar levels, improved blood oxygen flow, control of respiratory diseases, and enhanced stamina. Chinese Ginseng Considered the “king of all herbs” in many countries, Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng) is found in the forests of Northeast China, Manchuria, and Korea. In traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese ginseng is used to tonify the qi (vital energy or life energy force) and is a powerful yang, or warming, tonic herb. It has been

reported to stimulate the immune system, fight fatigue, combat stress, slow aging, balance blood sugar levels, enhance mental performance and memory, lower cholesterol, and strengthen the heart muscle. It may even have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. Before rushing off to get some Chinese ginseng, be aware that its overuse can have some negative side effects, including irritability, insomnia, and rapid heartbeat. American Ginseng American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is indigenous to the Eastern woodlands from Georgia to Quebec and was used by Native Americans. While not as well known as Chinese ginseng, American ginseng has been around for hundreds of years. Jesuit priests were reported to be trading American ginseng to the Chinese as early as 1718. American ginseng has a more yin, or cooler, nature than its Chinese counterpart. While still energizing the body, American ginseng calms the central nervous system, quiets the brain, and lowers blood pressure. Also, because of its more yin nature, it is generally better to use on a daily, longterm basis than Chinese ginseng. However, if you tend to have a cold constitution, this might not be the herb for you. Siberian Ginseng Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is native to Siberia, Japan, Korea, and China. Although not a true ginseng, this variety is most highly prized. Siberian ginseng was traditionally used to promote longevity and general health. Many herbalists prefer it for helping with


women’s health issues, particularly with depression associated with PMS and menopause. Research, mostly from Russia, confirms this herb’s ability to increase mental and physical performance, stimulate the immune system, increase movement of white blood cells, promote circulation, and enhance the benefits of medical radiation treatments while lessening its negative side effects. Cautions Ginseng should be avoided by people who are pregnant or have high blood pressure. In addition, ginseng may increase the effects of caffeine or other stimulants, which may cause sweating, insomnia, or an irregular heartbeat. It should not be used in conjunction with antipsychotic medications, steroids, or hormones. As with all Chinese herbs, it is best to consult with a Chinese herbalist to see what is best for you before taking ginseng products. Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc, practices acupuncture in Chicago. She earned her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of Illinois and Master of Science in oriental medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Colorado. She completed an internship at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing. For more information, see TCM007.com

Health & Fitness

B5 January 2–8, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

High-Intensity Favorites By Emma-Kate Stampton


re you looking to take your fitness to the next level or simply shed a few extra pounds in time for spring? Adding a few bouts of high-intensity training to your weekly routine is a sure way to shape up. This workout is a great energy booster and will help shed extra body weight in no time. Do it twice a week for at least six weeks on top of your other regular exercise, and you will notice a marked difference in your strength and body condition. Best of all, it is short and you can do it anywhere—there is no equipment required.


Burpees I think this exercise is the least favorite for most people. But, as challenging as it is, it works your entire body and improves your cardio fitness all in one shot, so it is really efficient.

1 You will strengthen your shoulders, back, and chest by holding the plank pose.

1. Jump up into the air. 2. Lower into a crouching position as you land, reaching your hands to the floor. 3. Jump back with both feet (or step back if you need to modify), landing in a plank position. 4. Jump forward, bringing yourself back into the crouching position. 5. Jump explosively back into the air. Repeat 15–20 times.

Marching Glute Bridge This is one of the best exercises for spinal health and mobility. It also targets your hamstrings and buttocks. The added leg lift in this version will decrease the stability and increase the intensity of the exercise.

focusing on your spinal column all the way to the top. 3. Hold the bridge position and then lift your right leg up in a 90-degree angle. Place your leg back on the floor and repeat with the left leg.

1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet approximately 12 inches from your body, and arms beside your body with palms facing down. 2. Inhale to prepare your body for the movement. Exhale as you engage your lower abdominal area. Press your lower back into the floor and lift your back away from the floor one vertebrae at a time. Try your best to move slowly,

As you lift your legs, try to keep your body from moving, so the only movement taking place is your leg lifting up and down, while your body stays still. If at first it is too difficult, prop your hips up with your hands for support and stability. Do 10 alternating leg lifts as you hold the bridge. Then lower back down. Repeat the set twice. The bridges should be done between every exercise. This gives your upper body a rest and really zones in on your lower body.



Mountain Climber This movement creates an all-over workout. You will strengthen your shoulders, back, and chest by holding the plank pose. Your abdominals will get a fantastic toning session as you bring your knees to your body. And your thighs will get a good cardio workout from all of the mountain climbing action. 1. Start out in the plank position. 2. “Run� your knees toward your chest. Keep your back straight and lower abdomina ls engaged. Aim for 30 seconds to start and build up to 1 minute. Repeat two Marching Glute Bridges before continuing on.

1. Set up your body to do a pushup. 2. Lower your body down to the floor, then

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Arm Lift Pushup This is challenging movement, taking the pushup and making it more challenging. It’s great for building core stability.

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press back to the top. 3. Hold at the top and extend your right arm out in front of you. Replace and repeat on the left side.


“I am finally walking like I should and my feet don’t hurt. My body gets tired now before my feet.� – Karen

Do 12 repetitions. Repeat two Marching Glute Bridges to finish this set. Then start the sequence from the top once more—from the Burpees all the way to the last set of Marching Glute Bridges. Finally, pat yourself on the back for a job well done.






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Health & Fitness

B6 January 2–8, 2015


Have a Cold? Don’t Ask for Antibiotics By David Broniatowski, Eili Klein, & Valerie Reyna Antibiotic resistance is a major threat to public health. Resistance makes it harder for physicians to treat infections and can increase the chance patients will die from an infection. What is more, the treatment of antibiotic-resistant infections poses a huge cost to health care systems. Patients have to stay in the hospital longer and

doctors have to prescribe newer, more expensive antibiotics. However, despite campaigns to curb misuse of antibiotics, it continues to be a problem. For instance, antibiotics are often prescribed to treat bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia—all of which can be caused by viruses that antibiotics cannot cure. This is because antibiotics work only against bacterial infections. So why are antibiotics being misused in this way?

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Patient expectations can drive inappropriate prescribing. Studies show that physicians often write prescriptions based on their beliefs about what patients expect, even when the patient does not ask for a prescription directly. A doctor is more likely to write a prescription for an antibiotic if he or she thinks the patient expects one. Patient Education Our team surveyed 113 patients in an inner-city emergency department in downtown Baltimore in order to determine their expectations and beliefs regarding antibiotics. Although attempts have been made to educate patients about the differences between viruses and bacteria, we found that 48 percent of patients surveyed believed that antibiotics would cure a viral illness. About three-quarters of patients surveyed agreed that they would take antibiotics “just in case� or because “it can’t hurt.� Current efforts to educate patients about the risks of antibiotic resistance focus on communicating the differences between viruses and bacteria. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) run a program called “Get Smart,� which advises patients about the symptoms that are typically associated with viral illnesses, and thus do not require antibiotics. The underlying assumption in many education programs is that when patients ask for antibiotics, it is because they believe that “germs are germs.� They make no distinction or have little understanding of the different causes of infection. They view viruses and bacteria as just

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Reframing the Issue Antibiotics are critical for treat-


Many patients decide to take antibiotics based on how much they feel they are at risk, but these perceptions can be quite independent of the actual risk they face.

ing infections, but like any medication, they are most effective when used correctly. When they are overused or misused, antibiotics can be harmful. Many common antibiotics can have harmful side effects. These can include allergic reactions and secondary infections, like Clostridium difficile. Secondary infections have been estimated to result in approximately 140,000 emergency department visits annually, or approximately one out of every 2,000 antibiotic prescriptions. Serious side effects have also been documented for some antibiotics. One common antibiotic carries an increased risk of retinal detachment, and another carries a risk of serious arrhythmia. Antibiotics can also have uncomfortable and costly side effects, such as diarrhea, colitis, reflux, nausea, or headache. Repeated antibiotic use can pose personal resistance-related risks, including hard-to-treat infections, increased time in the

hospital, and larger medical bills. Antibiotic resistance is also a significant threat to the population. So what is the right way to communicate the risks of misusing antibiotics? Our results suggest that physicians and public health officials need to understand how patients understand risk when it comes to using antibiotics. It is important to educate patients about the differences between viruses and bacteria. But, this is not enough. Talking about antibiotic resistance is also not likely to influence individual behavior. Patients must know that antibiotics can hurt, and that when taken in the wrong circumstances, they just won’t do any good. David Broniatowski is assistant professor at George Washington University. Eili Klein is assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University. Valerie Reyna is professor at Cornell University. This article was originally published at TheConversation.com.

Easing Poverty Boosts Health for Aging Mexicans

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“germs�; therefore, because antibiotics work against germs, antibiotics will make them feel better. However, in our study we found that less than half of the patients we surveyed agreed with the idea that germs are germs, meaning that most patients understand that there is a difference between viruses and bacteria. This means that efforts to educate patients about the difference between bacteria and viruses do not address the misconceptions that cause many patients to expect antibiotics. According to Fuzzy Trace Theory (FTT), a theory of medical decision-making, patients interpret the decision of whether or not to take antibiotics based on how they perceive risk. These perceptions, called “gists,� can be quite independent of the actual risk they face. For example, patients will tend to compare risks with the status quo. If they do not feel well, they may think they can take an antibiotic and possibly get better or do nothing and definitely stay sick. So why not take a risk? These misconceptions can be two-sided. Patients might believe that antibiotics have some chance of making them better. At the same time, they might believe that there is basically no chance of harmful side effects from antibiotics. We found that more than three-quarters of patients surveyed agreed with the “why not take a risk� gist. Furthermore, patients who knew that antibiotics would not work against viruses (and therefore disagreed with “germs are germs�) still agreed with the “why not take a risk� gist.


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Raising the incomes of poor, elderly people in developing countries by $67 a month can significantly improve their health and well-being, particularly in lung function and memory, researchers report. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compared 2,474 residents 70 years and older of two Mexican cities in the state of Yucatan. Those in the city of Motul received no extra income, while those in Valladolid received a 44 percent increase in average household income. After six months, participants in Valladolid showed significant improvements in lung function and memory. The study’s authors also found that participants spent a significant portion of the extra money on doctor visits, medications, and food. “Both state and national governments in Mexico, like those throughout Latin America, have expanded pension programs in recent years,� says study co-author Emma Aguila, assistant professor at the University of Southern California Price School of Public Policy. “This study shows that such programs can benefit greatly the growing older population in Mexico and developing nations facing similar demographic challenges.� Memory and Medicine “We found strong evidence

that supplementing the income of poor, elderly populations can have significant benefits to health and wellbeing, even in the short run,� says co-author Arie Kapteyn, professor of economics and executive director of the Center for Economic and Social Research at the University of Southern California.

We found strong evidence that supplementing the income of poor, elderly populations can have significant benefits to health and well-being. Arie Kapteyn, executive director, USC Center for Economic and Social Research On tests before and after the six-month experiment, the average participant with supplemented income saw improvements in immediate and delayed memory. Participants were also more likely to visit a doctor and buy medicine. They were less likely to run out of food, report being hungry often, or report not eating all day. They

were also less likely to report not being able to undertake an activity because of lack of money. The study’s authors note that fears that the extra income could be undone by family members reducing financial transfers to their elderly relatives appeared to be unfounded. While transfers from family members significantly declined over time in the treatment group, the relative decline was only on average 36 percent of the income supplement. Aging Populations Mexico, along with many other low- to middle-income countries, is experiencing a rapid aging of its population, and poverty among elderly residents there is far more prevalent than among the young. From 2000 to 2050, the percentage of Mexicans over age 65 is expected to increase more than fourfold, from 5 percent to 22 percent. During that time, the percentage of the population aged 80 and up is projected to rise from 1 percent to 6 percent. “Elderly populations are growing around the world,� says study co-author James P. Smith, chair in labor markets and demographic studies at RAND Corporation, a nonprofit research organization. “This work provides insight on what pension programs might accomplish in developing nations, which are beginning to address these issues.� From University of Southern California via Futurity.org

Health & Fitness

B7 January 2–8, 2015


iPad Reading at Night May Cause Sleep Problems INNOVATEDCAPTURES/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK

By Victoria Indivero Bedtime reading on an electronic device, like an iPad or Nook, might disrupt your sleep cycle by suppressing the release of the hormone melatonin. “Electronic devices emit light that is short-wavelength-enriched light, which has a higher concentration of blue light—with a peak around 450 nanometers—than natural light,” says Anne-Marie Chang, assistant professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State. “This is different from natural light in composition, having a greater impact on sleep and circadian rhythms.” Chang and colleagues observed 12 adults for two weeks, comparing when the participants read from an iPad, serving as an e-reader, before bedtime to when they read from a printed book before bedtime. The researchers monitored the participants’ melatonin levels, sleep, and nextmorning alertness, as well as other sleep-related measures. Participants took nearly 10 minutes longer to fall asleep and had a significantly lower amount of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep after reading from a light-emitting e-reader than they did after reading from a printed book. “Our most surprising finding was that individuals using the e-reader would be more tired and take longer to become alert the next morning,” says Chang. “This

Participants took nearly 10 minutes longer to fall asleep and had a significantly lower amount of REM sleep after reading from an e-reader.

Reading from a light-emitting device before bed made study participants take longer to fall asleep, affected the quality of their sleep, and caused them to be sleepier the next day.

has real consequences for daytime functioning, and these effects might be worse in the real world, as opposed to the controlled environment we used.” iPad, iPhone, Nook, and Kindle The researchers measured the amount of brightness coming from several devices, including an iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Nook Color. The Kindle e-reader does not emit light, while the iPad, Kindle Fire, and Nook Color emit similar amounts of light. However, the iPad is the brightest of the devices measured. The study participants were

admitted to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston for the duration of the 14-day study, in order for the researchers to control for many factors. Each participant read from an iPad before bedtime for five nights in a row, and did the same with a printed book. It was randomly determined whether a participant would read from a printed book or an iPad first—the results showed that the order didn’t make a difference. Participants were able to choose their own reading material, as long as it could be considered “leisure” reading and did not contain any images or puzzles, only text.

Rosemary Protects Against Macular Degeneration IRYNA MELNYK/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK

By Margie King For modern cooks, rosemary is best known as the perfect herb to pair with a good roast of chicken or lamb. But as with other herbs, it also has powerful, ancient medicinal properties. One scientific study has found that a compound in rosemary promotes eye health and may even protect against age-related macular degeneration. Reporting in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, a team of scientists from the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute discovered that carnosic acid, a component of rosemary, protects the retina from degeneration and toxicity. Macular Degeneration Age-related macular degeneration is the most common eye disease in the United States. It affects close to 11 million Americans, most over the age of 50. According to the American Health Assistance Foundation, macular degeneration causes deterioration of the central area of the retina, resulting in blind spots and blurred or distorted vision. Onethird of the people over the age of 76 suffer from the condition. The underlying cause of macular degeneration is not known, but some of the risk factors include smoking, sun exposure, high blood pressure, and obesity. Genetics are believed to play a role in most cases. Some earlier studies had suggested that the disease might be slowed by antioxidants that fight free radicals. In this study, Stuart A. Lipton, M.D., Ph.D., and his colleagues found that retinal cells treated with carnosic acid found in rosemary triggered the production of antioxidant enzymes,

Scientists at the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute discovered that a component of rosemary protects the retina from degeneration and toxicity.

which in turn lowered cell-damaging free radicals. They also tested carnosic acid in animals, finding that mice treated with this compound suffered less vision damage when exposed to light. Health Benefits of Rosemary Protection from macular degeneration is just one of rosemary’s many health benefits, which have been known for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks prized rosemary for its ability to boost memory, and Greek students are reported to have worn rosemary sprigs in their hair when studying for exams. Lipton and his team are also exploring whether rosemary may be useful in preventing certain forms of dementia. In addition, rosemary has traditionally been used to stimulate the immune system, improve digestion, increase circulation, and act as an anti-inflammatory. In animal studies, rosemary has been shown to act as an antidepressant, improve Type 1 diabetes, and even prevent weight gain from a highfat diet. A Kansas State University

study found rosemary to be the most effective of six spices tested in reducing the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs). HCAs are carcinogenic compounds produced when animal foods such as beef, chicken, pork, or fish, are barbecued, grilled, boiled, or fried. Consuming HCAs through meat increases risk factors for colorectal, stomach, lung, pancreatic, mammary, and prostate cancers. Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary can be found just about everywhere today. A relative of mint, it grows in small shrubs and its leaves resemble pine needles. It’s widely available as a dried herb, supplement, and essential oil. Rosemary can be easily grown in pots at home. Keep one handy in your kitchen to remind yourself of its many health benefits. Margie King is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the author of “Nourishing Menopause: The Whole Food Guide to Balancing Your Hormones Naturally.” This article was originally published on www. GreenMedInfo.com. Join their free GreenMedInfo.com newsletter.

The subjects read for four hours before bed, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., with time designated for sleep from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The researchers collected blood samples hourly to measure melatonin. Polysomnography—which records brain waves, heart rate, breathing, and eye movements— was also used to determine how long it took to fall asleep, the amount of time spent asleep, and the amount of time spent in each sleep stage. The researchers also used the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale to measure subjective sleepiness. “We live in a sleep-restricted

society, in general,” says Chang. “It is important to further study the effects of using light-emitting devices, especially before bed, as they may have longer-term health consequences than we previously considered.” Researchers from Harvard Medical School collaborated on the study, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Research Resources. The report was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. From Pennsylvania State University via Futurity.org

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Health & Fitness

B8 January 2–8, 2015



People drink less from a tall, thin glass than a short, wide glass with the same volume.

Eating Less By Stephen S. Holden

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How to Trick Yourself and Others

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Science has a simple and incredible trick that will help you lose weight. The idea, it seems, is to make portions appear bigger because this leads people to serve and eat less. While many such fat-fighting claims are fake, this idea is that a fiction can have a real effect. We know that bigger portions lead us to eat more (bite-sized version here), but portions that appear bigger have a reverse effect. Visual illusions have long fascinated humans, but mostly they are viewed as problems to be explained. Philosophers study them for the challenges they offer to the nature of being (ontology) and of knowledge (epistemology). Psychologists study them for the light they throw on our understanding of how the human brain works and its limitations. Consumer scientists such as Brian Wansink and Koert van Ittersum have been exploring how optical illusions can be used to help reduce consumption and tackle the growing prevalence of obesity.

A portion of food appears smaller when served on a bigger plate. Using smaller plates is a fairly obvious solution to limit portion sizes. But there’s more to it than simply providing less space. Research shows that a portion served on a small plate will look bigger than it is, so people tend to underserve on small plates and consume less. The use of bigger plates leads to the reverse effect—the portion looks smaller than it is. This may underlie the common criticisms of nouvelle cuisine as providing “tiny portions” that are more art form than food. Portion Perception The illusory effect of plate size on portion size is explained by the Delboeuf illusion, and the related Ebbinghaus illusion. The Delboeuf and Ebbinghaus illusions are thought to critically depend on the contrast in size between the target (the circle in the center) and the surrounding context. A portion of food appears smaller when served on a bigger plate, encouraging us to overserve. But the size contrast is complicated by the issue of color contrast. The tendency to overserve

on big plates is amplified when there’s not much of a contrast in the color of the food and the plate, such as pasta with a creamy sauce served on a white plate. Overserving on bigger plates is also more likely if there’s high contrast between the plate color and the tablecloth color. So, if you are using large plates, choose plates of a color different from the food and similar to the tablecloth. You can also use these illusions with beverages. If you want to reduce your intake of sweetened drinks or alcohol, for instance, use tall, thin glasses in place of short, wide glasses. People drink less from a tall, thin glass than a short, wide glass with the same volume. This effect is displayed by adults and is even stronger among children. It also holds for pouring drinks—even after training and even among experienced bartenders. Indeed, this illusion is so persuasive that many people are surprised to find the volume of large sizes is often little different from the next size down. Sports fans in the United States recently revealed how a Seattle stadium and an Idaho stadium have sold small and large cups of beer holding roughly the same volume, even though the larger one costs more. Similar claims have been made about more mainstream food retailers such as McDonald’s and the Canadian coffee shop chain, Tim Hortons. Hortons has responded with its own clip showing there is a difference. The reason that the illusion works is not clear although it may be related to orientation anisotropy, the well-known tendency to perceive a vertical line as longer than an equivalent horizontal line. What all this shows is that to encourage yourself and others to serve less, and to eat less, you should: 5 Use smaller plates. 5 Use the same color plates and tablecloth, and maximize the color contrast with the food being served if using big plates. 5 Use tall, thin glasses, such as wine-tasting glasses. To use the overserve bias to encourage more consumption of healthy foods, use big green plates for vegetables and short, wide glasses for water. Many claims about reducing consumption and losing weight hold little truth, but the illusions described here present little fictions that might actually help. Stephen S. Holden is an associate professor at O.P. Jindal Global University in India. This article was originally published at TheConversation.com.

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The Delboeuf illusion is one of the reasons the size of your plate affects the size of the portions you eat.

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