Epoch Health 1-30-2015

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B1 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015

Health Fitness

The essence of willow flowers can help when life seems unfair. Flower essences are a modality of plant medicine that addresses emotional imbalances and distress.

Flower Essences for the Winter Blues


By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff inter can be a gloomy time. Stressful holidays. Cabin fever. Seasonal depression. For cold, dark days, when you’re still reeling from the drama of extended family gatherings, reach for flowers. Flower essences are a unique modality of plant medicine designed to address emotional imbalance and distress. Individual flower extracts are used separately or combined to ease feelings such as obsessiveness, jealousy, and loneliness. Finding the appropriate remedy for your particular mood requires some introspection. PRECINBE/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK

Mustard flower essence is used to alleviate sadness that comes without an apparent cause.

“We’re not concerned about what happened in your childhood, unless that’s currently bothering you,” said Dr. Carol Bennington, a flower essence educator with the Bach International Education Program. “We’re looking at what now is emotionally out of balance, and then you find the corresponding flowers. Sometimes it’s a little bit of detective work.” The winter blues manifest differently for everybody. If you’re depressed, Bennington wants to know the reason. For gloominess that appears out of nowhere, try mustard flower. Does life seem unfair? Go for willow. No motivation? Choose hornbeam. Overwhelmed? Try elm. If the idea of treating feelings with flowers sounds hokey, you’re not alone. Bennington says that when people first hear about it, they’re quick to dismiss it. “I was pretty skeptical to begin with, but I gave it a try and had a really profound experience,” she said. Dr. Bach’s Discovery Not to be confused with essential oils, flower essences are a relative newcomer to herbal medicine. The modality was invented by homeopath and bacteriologist Dr. Edward Bach, who was so taken with his discovery that he left his busy London practice in 1930 to devote the rest of his life to developing a complete and easy-to-use system. The Bach remedies consist of 38 individual flowers and are designed to address the full spectrum of emotional upset. But the number of flower essences has grown enormously over time—Bennington estimates several

I’ve been able to minimize the medication people take because the flowers deal with the underlying attitudes. Helen Hess, psychiatric nurse practitioner

thousand. Think of any flower. Someone has probably made a remedy from it. Purists adhere strictly to Bach’s original 38, but with such a large number of remedies now available, it’s tempting to explore the vast variety. Keep in mind that effective treatment results from making a good match, so it’s best to learn the basic theory of the Bach system before branching out into newer remedies. To help find appropriate flowers, Bennington consults with clients over the phone or in her Ann Arbor, Mich., office, but is just as encouraging for people to use the remedies at home. “It’s a self-help system so you don’t really need a practitioner,” she said. “Where I find practitioners particularly helpful is that it’s much easier to see what somebody else needs than what you need, and sometimes it’s just easier to have somebody who is more experi-

enced and trained to listen help select the flowers.” Basic indications are printed on each bottle. For those interested in a deeper understanding, Bennington recommends the book “The Twelve Healers,” which gives Dr. Bach’s description of each remedy. All 38 flowers are included in this book, but the original version was written when Bach’s first 12 were discovered. How do they work? Don’t expect euphoria, or for all pain and suffering to instantly vanish. See Flower Essences on B6

Elm flowers can help you when you feel overwhelmed.

Health & Fitness

B2 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

Break Through a Motivation Slump By Emma-Kate Stampton was chatting with a lady I had never met before at a beauty salon. After finding out that I was a Pilates teacher and personal trainer, she proceeded to tell me about her ongoing battle with weight loss. This woman is a true inspiration, having managed to lose over 60 pounds by changing her diet and adding exercise into her life. But as many of us know, motivation doesn’t come with an endless supply; instead, it comes in waves of highs and lows. She explained to me that she was experiencing a low point

and just couldn’t get started with exercise in recent times. That is often the case when we get out of the groove of an established routine—it can be really difficult to find our rhythm again. Here are the suggestions I made to her. If you are on the low end of motivation at the moment, hopefully they will be of help to you, too. 1. Make a 30-minute playlist of your favorite songs and dance to them. 2. Run or walk away from your house for 15 minutes and then run/walk back home. Build up until you can run most of the way.

3. When you don’t feel like doing anything, do some stretches while watching TV. At least you will have done something toward your fitness goal. 4. Make a playlist of motivational tracks and pick five exercises to do in a row. Here is a sample of a five-exercise workout that you can do to break through your motivation slump. Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 10 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Squat Body focus: legs, buttocks, thighs 1. Start with your feet hip-width apart. 2. Lower your hips and buttocks toward the floor, like you’re taking a seat on an imaginary chair. Reach both arms out in front of your shoulders. 3. Press through your feet to return to your starting position. Keep your feet and knees parallel during the entire squat. The lower you take your hips, the harder you’ll work. When you squat, your knees should be slightly behind your toes. Do 15 to 20 squats.

Straight-Leg Crunch Body focus: abdominals

Narrow Push-Up Body focus: chest, shoulders, arms 1. Start with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body off the floor, except for your hands and feet. (For an easier option, keep your knees on the floor.) 2. Inhale as you bend your elbows, lowering the body toward the floor. 3. Press back to the starting position. Keep your arms in, close to the sides of your body. Your elbows should skim your waist as you lower.

1. Lie down on your back and extend your legs straight in the air, with your feet toward the ceiling and your hands behind your head. 2. Lift your upper body off the floor into a crunch. 3. Hold each crunch for 2 seconds before lowering your head back to the floor. Your lower abdominals will work harder with your legs extended, as opposed to being bent at a 90-degree angle. Hold for 30 seconds on each side.

Do 10 to 15 push-ups.

Side Plank Body focus: waist 1. Position your body on its side, with your elbow directly underneath your shoulder and your feet stacked on top of each other. Have your feet in line with your body, with your knees slightly bent. 2. Inhale as you engage your deep core muscles by gently lifting your pelvic floor muscles. 3. Exhale as you lift your hips up, off the floor, so that your weight is evenly balanced between you elbow and feet. Hold for 30 seconds on each side.

When we get out of the groove of an established routine—it can be really difficult to find our rhythm again.

Flight Body focus: back and buttocks 1. Lie face down, with your hands beside your head and your legs squeezed together. 2. Inhale as you lift your upper and lower body away from the floor, focusing on the muscles of your mid and upper back. 3. Exhale as you lower back down Keep the movements slow and controlled. Do 10 to 12 lifts.


Health & Fitness

B3 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


The Vitamin D Bandwagon: Is It Ahead of Science? By W. Gifford-Jones Here are some of the many medical conditions that have been associated with decreased blood levels of vitamin D: arthritis, asthma, colon cancer, emphysema, dementia, depression, diabetes, coronary heart disease, fibromyalgia, hypertension, infections, multiple sclerosis, muscle weakness, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, and psoriasis. But how many of these links have been proven by scientific studies? A report from the University of California says most of them are the result of “observational studies.” This means that over a period of years, patients have been followed to see whether low levels of vitamin D are associated with a particular disease. Many researchers now say the bandwagon of “associations” with vitamin D should be slowed down. The Institute of Medicine echoes this warning. It states that the claims of benefits of vitamin D are inconsistent and inconclusive. Some researchers also report that

Deciding for or against the value of taking vitamin D supplements is hard, but it’s prudent to assume that some supplementation may be beneficial.

most people are getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D. However, others contend that about half of the people in the United States and Canada have blood levels of vitamin D that are considered low. So, whom do you believe? Research-Backed Benefits This is what we know for sure. In the past, very low levels of vitamin D caused rickets. This explains why milk was fortified with vitamin D in the 1930s. We also know for a fact that adequate amounts of vitamin D are needed in the bowel to absorb calcium. Additionally, vitamin D acts on bone cells to release calcium to maintain normal blood levels. Growth and remodeling of bone is affected by the blood levels of vitamin D. It’s also a fact that where you live makes a big difference in whether you get adequate amounts of vitamin D. For instance, residents of cities at a latitude above 35 degrees north— which include Boston, Philadelphia, New York, and all of Canada—have a sun problem. These people could stand out naked in the noonday sun from October to February and not manufacture one bit of vitamin D due to the angle of the sun’s rays during that time. Nutritionists tell us that few foods contain adequate amounts of vitamin D—wherever people live. Most of vitamin D comes from oily fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk, some types of mushrooms, and fortified foods.

Deciding for or against the value of taking vitamin D supplements is hard, but it’s prudent to assume that some supplementation may be beneficial. For instance, Dr. Jo Ann Manson at the Harvard Medical School believes there is strong evidence that higher blood levels of vitamin D help to protect against colon cancer. Dr. Michael Holick, a world authority on vitamin D at Boston University, reports that people living in higher latitudes show an increased risk of dying from almost all types of cancer, but particularly colon, breast, prostate, and skin cancer. It would also be foolish to ignore vitamin D’s protective role in infec-


tion, particularly if you happen to be in the midst of a flu epidemic. Vitamin D has been labeled the “antibiotic vitamin” for a good reason. For example, Dr. John Cannell, a U.S. psychiatrist, noted that when the 2005 flu epidemic struck a hospital for the criminally insane in California, the infection spared those patients who were receiving vitamin D. And remember, flu usually strikes in the dark winter months, when vitamin D levels are low. Dr. Edward Giovannucci at the Harvard School of Public Health reported that low levels of vitamin D were linked to increased risk of heart attack. Dr. Thomas Wang,

another Harvard researcher, says that low levels of vitamin D also increase the risk of stroke. Add it all up, and it appears to be prudent to take a vitamin D supplement. How much is debatable. The University of California researchers suggest 800 to 1,000 IU. Others suggest from 1,000 to 3,000 IU. But all researchers agree that vitamin D is essential for bone health. It will require more studies to determine how many of the other conditions are really affected by vitamin D. Dr. Gifford-Jones is a medical journalist in Toronto. His website is DocGiff.com. He may be contacted at Info@docgiff.com.

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Exposing yourself to the sun allows your body to synthesize vitamin D.

Postpartum Depression Can Start During Pregnancy By Tom Hughes Not all postpartum depression is the same. Researchers say there are three distinct subtypes based on symptoms, and it’s important for doctors to identify the specific type to tailor treatment. In particular, women who experience symptoms during pregnancy may be at risk for more severe postpartum depression than those whose symptoms begin after birth, researchers found. “Clinicians should be aware of the diverse presentation of women with postpartum depression,” says Samantha Meltzer-Brody, director of the Perinatal Psychiatry Program at the University of North Carolina Center for Women’s Mood Disorders and corresponding collaborator of a new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal. “A thorough assessment of a woman’s history is necessary to guide appropriate clinical and treatment decisions,” MeltzerBrody says. “We now understand that postpartum depression can have onset of symptoms that may

begin in pregnancy. Improved understanding of the differences in clinical presentation of postpartum depression impacts the implementation and interpretation of screening, diagnosis, treatment, and research of per-

Clinicians should be aware of the diverse presentation of women with postpartum depression. Dr. Samantha MeltzerBrody, UNC Center for Women’s Mood Disorders inatal mood disorders.” The findings are from a new international research consortium called PACT (Postpartum Depression: Action Towards Causes and Treatment), which includes more than 25 investi-

gators in seven countries. In the new study, data from more than 10,000 women collected in previous studies were analyzed using a statistical technique called “latent class analysis.” This technique has been widely used in psychiatry and other medical disciplines and is considered appropriate for data that examines the presence or absence of symptoms. The clinical characteristics found to be most relevant in defining the three subtypes were the timing of symptom onset (beginning during pregnancy or after birth), the severity of symptoms (including thoughts of suicide), a history of a previous mood disorder, and whether or not a woman had medical complications during pregnancy or childbirth. [Editor's note: In the study, subtype 1 was associated with the least severe symptoms, followed by subtype 2; subtype 3 had the most severe symptoms.] From University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill via Futurity.org

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Health & Fitness

B4 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


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Fish Diet May Protect Baby’s Brain From Mercury By Mark Michaud


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he benefits of eating fish may do more than just offset the risks of mercury exposure to unborn babies. Research shows that nutrients in fish may actually shield the brain from the potentially toxic effects of the chemical. The findings are based on a study that spans three decades. The results show that high levels of fish consumption by pregnant mothers in the Seychelles—an average of 12 meals per week—did not result in developmental problems in their children. Researchers have previously

Compounds present in fish may actively counteract the damage that mercury causes in the brain. equated this phenomenon to a kind of biological horse race, with the developmental benefits of nutrients in fish outpacing the possible harmful effects of mercury also found in fish. However, the new research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicates that this relation is far more complex. Compounds present in fish, specifically polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), may also actively counteract the damage that mercury causes in the brain. “These findings show no overall association between prenatal

exposure to mercury through fish consumption and neurodevelopmental outcomes,” says co-author Edwin van Wijngaarden, associate professor of public health sciences at University of Rochester. “It is also becoming increasingly clear that the benefits of fish consumption may outweigh any potentially adverse effects of mercury.” “This research provided us the opportunity to study the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids on development and their potential to augment or counteract the toxic properties of mercury,” says lead author Sean Strain, professor of human nutrition at Ulster University in Northern Ireland. “The findings indicate that the type of fatty acids a mother consumes before and during pregnancy may make a difference in terms of their child’s future neurological development.” Benefits Versus Risks The new study comes as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and international agencies are in the process of revisiting fish consumption advisories to better reflect the health benefits of nutrients found in fish. The FDA’s current guidance—which recommends that pregnant women limit their consumption of certain fish to twice a week—was established because of the known risk of high-level mercury exposure on childhood development. Mercury is found in the environment as a result of both natural and human (for example, coal plant emissions) activity. Much of it ends up being deposited in the world’s oceans and, as a result, fish harbor the chemical in very small amounts. This has given rise to concerns that the cumulative

impact of prenatal exposure to mercury through fish consumption may have negative health outcomes, despite the fact that a link between lowlevel exposure and developmental consequences in children has never been definitively established. At the same time, fish are rich in a host of beneficial nutrients,

Billions of people across the world rely on fish as their primary source of protein. including fatty acids, which are essential to brain development, leading to a long-standing exchange among scientists, environmentalists, and policymakers over the risk versus benefit of fish consumption. The debate has significant consequences for global health, as billions of people across the world rely on fish as their primary source of protein. Mothers in the Seychelles The Seychelles Child Development Study—a partnership between the University of Rochester, Ulster University, and the Republic of Seychelles Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education—is one of the longest and largest population studies of its kind. The Seychelles, a cluster of islands in the Indian Ocean, has proven to be the ideal location to examine the potential health impact of persistent low-level mercury exposure. The nation’s 89,000 residents consume fish at a rate 10 times greater than the populations of the United States and Europe. ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

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Praslin Island, the second-largest of the Seychelles Islands. Seychelles residents consume fish at a rate 10 times greater than the populations of the United States and Europe.

The new study followed more than 1,500 mothers and their children. At 20 months after birth, the children underwent a battery of tests designed to measure their communication skills, behavior, and motor skills. Researchers also collected hair samples from the mothers at the time of their pregnancy to measure the levels of prenatal mercury exposure. Results show that mercury exposure does not correlate with lower test scores. The finding tracked with the results of previous studies by the group— some of which have followed children in the Seychelles into their 20s—that also have shown no association between fish consumption and subsequent neurological development. Researchers also measured the PUFA levels present in the pregnant women. They found that children of the mothers with higher levels of fatty acids, known as omega 3 or n3 (the kind found in fish), performed better on certain tests. Another common form of PUFA, called n6, comes from other meats and cooking oils and is found in greater abundance in the diets of residents of developed countries. The fatty acids in fish (n3) are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, compared to n6, which can promote inflammation. One of the mechanisms by which mercury inflicts its damage is through oxidation and inflammation. This has led researchers to speculate that not only does n3 provide more benefit in terms of brain development, but that these compounds may also counteract the negative effects of mercury. This was reflected in the study’s findings, which show that the children of mothers with relatively higher levels of n6 did poorer on tests designed to measure motor skills. “It appears that relationship between fish nutrients and mercury may be far more complex than previously appreciated,” says Philip Davidson, the principal investigator of the Seychelles Child Development Study, professor emeritus at University of Rochester, and senior author of the study. “These findings indicate that there may be an optimal balance between the different inflammatory properties of fatty acids that promote fetal development and that these mechanisms warrant further study.” From the University of Rochester via Futurity.org

Health & Fitness

B5 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


Can Snacking Help You Lose Weight?

Is your Tongue Discolored? Cracked? Coated? You Might Have a Nutritional Deficiency

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By W. Gifford-Jones How many people in midlife can fit into their wedding clothes? Not too many, because predictably, most have exchanged muscle tissue for body fat and more pounds. Now, a report from Johns Hopkins University claims there are proven ways to limit and even reverse weight gain in both sexes. Women, as they head into menopause, along with decreased activity, develop what’s been labeled the “Menopot.� With lowered estrogen, testosterone begins to transfer fat from the hips and other areas to the belly. It’s not just a cosmetic problem, but one that can increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Motivation The Women’s Healthy Lifestyle Project studied 535 women between the ages 44 to 55 for five years. One group received dietary and exercise advice, such as brisk walking and bicycle riding. Another group was allowed to continue their usual routine. At the end of the study 55 percent in the lifestyle group were at or below their baseline weight, compared to 26 percent of those who had no supervision. Another study, reported in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, followed 18,000 premenopausal bicycle-riding women for 16 years. Most women gained 20 pounds during that time, but women who rode their bicycles more often and consistently gained less weight. The moral? As has been proven over and over, exercise and diet can work if the motivation to persevere is present. Social Influence But here is what’s not known about midlife obesity. A social network can play a critical role in keeping weight under control. But it can also work against you. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine analyzed 12,067 people between 1971 and 2003. It found that weight gain was contagious, spreading from

It’s normal for preschool children to have temper tantrums, but tantrums that are prolonged or notably intense could be a harbinger of anti-social behavior. A new study finds that children with conduct disorder are at risk of engaging in high-intensity defiant behavior, aggression, and destruction of property as they reach school age. “Previously, we did not understand the empirical differences between normal disruptive behaviors in preschoolers—like temper tantrums, for example— and behaviors that signal problems,� says senior investigator Joan L. Luby, professor of child psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis. “If you went to your pediatrician and said, ‘My three-yearold is having tantrums,’ the pediatrician wouldn’t tell you to see a psychiatrist.� ‘High-Pitched’ Anger Although there was overlap between healthy young children and their peers who had conduct disorder, researchers say those who exhibited high-intensity defiant behavior, aggression

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one person to another like an infection. For instance, researchers discovered that a person’s chance of becoming obese increased 57 percent if his or her friend became obese. This trend was also true for adult siblings. And if a spouse developed a weight problem, there was a 37 percent chance of the partner gaining weight. So what’s the answer? It’s prudent to pay attention to what your friend, sibling, or spouse is doing wrong. Then try not to emulate them. Art of Snacking Not much surprises me about obesity, but one case made me realize there’s always something new under the sun. I always believed one sure way to gain weight was to fall prey to snacking between meals. But according to a report in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, snacking can be made a part of efforts to lose weight. This study involved overweight women enrolled in a weight reduction program. Researchers discovered that 97 percent of

women snacked at least once a day, and more than half snacked two to three times a day. But amazingly, on average, they succeeded in losing 9 percent of their body weight after six months. It depended on when they snacked. Midmorning snackers lost 7 percent, while the afternoon snackers lost 11 percent. So what is the hidden secret about snacking? Researchers say there is an art to healthy snacking, and it can provide a boost to successful weight loss. For a start, you should not engage in mindless snacking. Instead, start the day with a game plan for meals and snacks so you eat every three hours. Psychologically, this will prevent depression, as you will know there’s a treat in a short time. Ideally, snacks should contain protein and complex carbohydrates, so choose fruits, vegetables, whole wheat grains, low fat dairy products, and lean meat. Remember, a snack is not a meal, so portion control is vital. Keep each snack between 100 to 200 calories. A good choice is baby carrots, celery, low-fat

Some Tantrums Should Raise a Red Flag By Jim Dryden


toward people or animals, highintensity destruction of property, peer problems, and deceitfulness, including stealing, were likely to have conduct disorder. Having those symptoms also made it more likely they would carry the disorder into elementary school. “We characterize a symptom as high-intensity when it’s really ‘high-pitched’—so just how severe the anger is,� Luby says. “Other factors that would qualify a symptom as high-intensity would hinge on how frequently the behavior occurs and the context in which it occurs. “A high-intensity symptom is one that is very acute or severe, occurs over a long duration of time, and happens in a number of different contexts.� “Children who had highintensity symptoms as preschoolers were likely to have conduct disorder,� says Ji Su Hong, lead author of the study, in the Journal of Pediatrics. “And those symptoms also tended to predict conduct disorder when they reached school age.� Although healthy preschoolers also engage in disruptive behaviors—including losing their tempers, throwing toys, and being untruthful—about one in 20 pre-

schoolers has conduct disorder. “That’s about one child per preschool class,� Hong says. “And conduct disorder is a serious problem when it affects a child under 10 because earlyonset problems are more likely to persist as the child grows up.� Kids with conduct disorder often have other disadvantages, too. Many children with school-age conduct disorder in the study were from homes with low incomes, with almost half from families with incomes of $20,000 a year or less. Further, about half had a history of abuse or neglect; 43 percent came from intact families, meaning that more than half (57 percent) were either from single-parent homes or didn’t live with either parent; and more than half had been diagnosed with preschool depression. The best chance young children have to avoid recurring problems is early diagnosis and treatment, Luby says. “In young children, violent and destructive behavior that’s deliberate really seems to be a key warning sign.� From Washington University in St. Louis via Futurity.org

yogurt, low-fat cheese, and small whole-grain crackers. Fluids do not quench the hunger reflex, so drink either water or a noncaloric beverage. And if you are on the run, have a pear in your briefcase or purse. These suggestions may not get you back into your wedding clothes, but they are all a step in the right direction.

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Dr. W. Gifford-Jones is a medical journalist in Toronto. His website is DocGiff.com. He may be contacted at Info@DocGiff.com.




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Health & Fitness

B6 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


Kids’ Asthma Risk Isn’t All About Location CREATAS IMAGES/CREATAS/THINKSTOCK

By Ekaterina Pesheva Income, race, and ethnic origin have far more impact on children’s risk for asthma than whether or not they live in an urban neighborhood, research shows. A new study of more than 23,000 children in the United States finds no difference in asthma risk between children living in urban areas and their suburban and rural counterparts. “Our results highlight the changing face of pediatric asthma and suggest that living in an urban area is, by itself, not a risk factor for asthma,” says lead investigator Corinne Keet, a pediatric allergy and asthma specialist at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. “Instead, we see that poverty and being African American or Puerto Rican are the most potent predictors of asthma risk.” The idea that certain aspects of urban living—pollution, cockroach and other pest allergens, higher rates of premature births, and exposure to indoor smoke—make inner-city children more prone to asthma emerged more than 50 years ago. That’s when public health experts first described an innercity epidemic of the respiratory condition, which includes symptoms like breathing difficulties, coughing, and wheezing. While all those triggers do fuel asthma, investigators say they may no longer be predominantly associated with inner-city areas.

Children of families with incomes below the national poverty threshold were more likely to be diagnosed with asthma.

A new study of over 23,000 children found there was no increase in asthma risk for those living in urban areas.

suburban and rural areas and a movement of racial and ethnic minorities out of inner cities. Public health interventions should also reflect this changing reality, researchers say. “Our findings suggest that focusing on inner cities as the epicenters of asthma may lead physicians and public health

Emerging ‘Hot Zones’ There has been increasing poverty in

experts to overlook newly emerging ‘hot zones’ with high asthma rates,” says senior author Elizabeth Matsui, pediatric asthma specialist and associate professor of pediatrics and epidemiology. The research focused solely on baseline asthma risk—in other words, whether a


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Flower Essences continued from B1

The essence of hornbeam flowers helps motivation.

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Income and Race Trends In addition, children of fam-

Urban and Rural Trends Inner-city asthma rates varied widely by geographic region, with urban areas in the Northeast having the highest prevalence—17 percent of children living there had an asthma diagnosis—while urban areas in the western United States had the lowest asthma rates at 8 percent. Some poor suburban and rural areas had asthma rates higher than those of inner-city zones. For example, the asthma prevalence in low-income suburban areas of the Northeast was 21 percent, compared with 17 percent in the corresponding urban area of that same geographic region. Low-income areas in medium metro areas in the Midwest had 26 percent asthma prevalence, compared with 15 percent in urban areas of the Midwest. From Johns Hopkins University via Futurity.org

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child living in the city is more likely to have asthma than a child living in the suburbs or in the country. It was not designed to determine if innercity children who have asthma suffer worse symptoms or require more medical attention than patients elsewhere. A separate investigation of that question is underway. Published online in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the study involved surveys of parents and caregivers of 23,065 children, ages 6 to 17. About 13 percent of inner-city kids had asthma, compared with 11 percent living elsewhere. Even that small difference vanished, however, once data analysis accounted for variables such as race, ethnicity, and geographic region.

ilies with incomes below the national poverty threshold were more likely to be diagnosed with asthma and have an asthma attack that required emergency treatment than children in families with higher incomes. Family poverty had a stronger influence on asthma risk than overall neighborhood poverty. African American children and those of Puerto Rican descent had disproportionately higher asthma rates, at 17 and 20 percent respectively, compared with their white (10 percent), other Hispanic (9 percent), and Asian (8 percent) counterparts. Being African American or Puerto Rican remained potent risk factors even after the influence of other variables such as neighborhood poverty, household income, and geographic area of residence were eliminated. While the study was not designed to tease out the driving factors behind their disproportionately higher asthma rates, the investigators note that both African Americans and Puerto Ricans have a well-known risk for developing asthma, partly due to biological and genetic differences.

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Flower Science According the website of the Flower Essence Society, an international organization devoted to the therapy, flower remedies stimulate “awareness of our conflicts and challenges, and they strengthen our ability to work through the obstacles to our health and growth.” Critics point to studies showing that flowers work no better than placebos, but Bennington says that researchers often fail to use the remedies appropriately. “You can’t really justify the results if you’re not using it the way it’s intended,” she said. The challenge with designing a proper evaluation is that it’s very difficult to find enough people who have the exact same emotional imbalance at the same time. One strategy has been to use a well-known flower formula to target a specific issue. A 2007 study led by Dr. Robert Halbertosein examined the popular combination of flowers known as Rescue Remedy. This fiveflower formula was developed by Dr. Bach to treat acute shock and trauma. Though the sample size was small (111 individuals, age 18 to 49), the doublebind study compared a standard dose of flower essences against a placebo and found that “Rescue Remedy may be effective in reducing high levels of situational anxiety.”

Flower essences have no side effects, no contraindications, and will not conflict with pharmaceuticals.

In the Clinic In Tempe, Ariz., psychiatric nurse practitioner Helen Hess uses a variety of methods to address mental prob-

lems, from conventional pharmaceuticals to hypnotherapy. Hess says that flower remedies play an important role in her practice because they can address issues the drugs can’t. “I’ve been able to minimize the medication people take because the flowers deal with the underlying attitudes that are going on,” she said. According to Hess, pharmaceuticals can address brain chemistry, but not something like guilt. “If someone comes in and they’re feeling really guilty about something, I’ll give them pine,” she said. “The medications don’t address jealousy, so I use holly.” To make a treatment bottle, Hess mixes two drops of the selected remedies into one ounce of water, with instructions to take four drops four times a day. The medicine stays good for three weeks, or longer with a teaspoon of brandy added as a preservative. A follow-up evaluation will likely result in a completely different selection of remedies. “The flower remedies work like the layers of an onion,” Hess said. “They take care of the surface emotions, and then another set of emotions are uncovered and that’s a different flower mix.” Flower essences have no side effects, no contraindications, and will not conflict with pharmaceuticals. They are safe for children, pregnant women, and even pets. If you make a poor match, the worst that can happen is nothing. The gentle nature of the remedies allows Hess to prescribe flowers with confidence, even in extreme cases. “I find flower remedies to be extremely helpful for people with PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder]. It helps with the flashbacks and intrusive memories,” she said. “It’s really wonderful to be able to take care of those intrusive memories. It’s hard to get at that with medications, though we throw drugs at people for it all the time.”

Health & Fitness

B7 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


Disneyland Measles Outbreak Reignites Vaccination Debate By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff The measles outbreak at Disneyland last month has lead to over seven dozen cases in at least eight states and Mexico, as of Jan. 28. It is unclear exactly with whom the outbreak began, though health officials blame unvaccinated individuals for the spread of the disease. Of the 34 cases originally identified in southern California with a clear record of medical history, 28 had not been vaccinated. Vaccines don’t offer 100 percent immunity for a lifetime, as is evident in the cases of vaccinated persons becoming infected. Some health experts believe that catching and overcoming the disease provides better immunity. Barbara Loe Fisher at the National Vaccine Information Center wrote on the center’s website: “Americans born before 1957 have naturally acquired immunity to measles, and we passed antibodies on to our babies when they were born to protect them from measles during the first year of life. “Because naturally acquired measles antibodies are different from vaccine antibodies, young vaccinated moms today cannot give longer lasting naturally acquired measles antibodies to their newborns.” This case is inseparable from the hot, and often emotionally charged, debate between those who question whether potential health risks of vaccinations are worth the results and those who fear the spread of disease


because of unvaccinated individuals. Despite renewed pressure from doctors and health officials to get children vaccinated, many parents around the world remain wary. In some cases, complications from the medicine have proved far worse than the disease. Possible Risks Minor problems associated with vaccines include headache, stomach pain, and diarrhea following immunization. According to the Centers of Disease Control (CDC), vaccines can also cause serious side effects, though incidents are rare. The CDC estimates about 1 person in 100 within six months of vaccination reports symptoms such as blood in the urine or stool, pneumonia, and inflammation of the stomach or intestines. Other reactions to measles vaccine reported in medical literature include neurological dysfunction, encephalitis, blindness, aseptic meningitis, seizures, paralysis, and death. Last September in northwestern Syria, a measles vaccination administered through a U.N.sponsored program resulted in at least 15 deaths and 50 people sickened. The U.N. characterized the incident as a “bungled immunization.” World Health Organization (WHO) spokesman Christian Lindmeier said medics might have accidentally mixed a high-dose muscle relaxant into the vaccine. While unvaccinated American children may have exacerbated the recent outbreak, officials believe a Disney-

People visit Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., on Jan. 22. An outbreak of measles that started there spread to eight states by Jan. 28.

Most people who catch measles recover in a few weeks.

To Exercise More, Seniors Should Sit Less ISSAURINKO/ISTOCK/THINKSTOCK

By John Toon Getting the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week may be challenging for some older adults, but researchers say that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t work at it. “Only about one in 10 adults aged 40 and older in the United States and the United Kingdom is getting what is considered to be ‘sufficient’ exercise,” says Phillip Sparling, professor emeritus in the School of Applied Physiology at Georgia Institute of Technology. Staying Active For sedentary individuals, a gradual transition to increased activity may be the most practical way to improve health. “For example, adding 5 to 10 minutes per day of light walking and standing is a good start, building up to 30 minutes per day during the course of a month,” Sparling says. Long-term sitting has been cited by the World Health Organization as a leading risk factor for death. “A major point we were trying to make is that older adults should replace sitting with standing and light activity,” Sparling says. “For the most sedentary persons, benefits can be realized from modest increases in activity levels.” But, a focus on increasing light activity shouldn’t replace the goal of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, he says. “This is not about a new ‘exercise lite’ program or rolling back consensus standards. Adding more light activity throughout the day does not replace the

Taking short walks and standing more each day can help seniors to become more active.

established exercise goal of 30 minutes per day of brisk walking. It should instead be viewed as complementary or as an intermediate pathway toward the goal.” Older adults should be encouraged to reduce sedentary behavior by introducing activity throughout the day. Sedentary time should be broken up by standing or strolling for one or two minutes at least once an hour. “Advice on how to accumulate time spent in light activity could include getting up from the chair and moving during television commercial breaks, pacing when on the phone, adding gentle five minute walks throughout the day, and walking rather than driving for short trips,” the authors write. Age Factor Exercise is associated with reduced risk of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, breast cancer, and colon cancer. But older adults may have

different health goals than younger persons. For instance, older people may be more concerned about exercise to sustain strength, flexibility, and balance required for independent living. For the study, published in the British Medical Journal, researchers examined data for 7,000 American adults between the ages of 20 and 79 to calculate average daily time in physical activity. The data from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was based on actual accelerometer readings, not self-reporting of the study participants. Only in the youngest age groups did the level of daily physical activity rise above 30 minutes per day. Perhaps more importantly, the percentage of time spent sedentary during waking hours rose from 55 percent in the group between 20 and 29 years of age to 67 percent in those between 70 and 79. From Georgia Institute of Technology via Futurity.org

land visitor traveling from outside the United States introduced the virus to the population. Measles remain common in some parts of Asia, Africa, and other underdeveloped regions of the world. According to the WHO, the disease is particularly severe “among poorly nourished young children, especially those with insuf-

ficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases.” Most people who catch measles recover in a few weeks. Although the disease can be fatal, according to the WHO, “more than 95 percent of measles deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and weak health

infrastructures.” Measles is a contagious respiratory virus characterized by coughing, runny nose, and a blotchy red rash. Once a very common childhood illness, measles had virtually disappeared in the United States by 2000 through vaccination programs. But the disease is making a comeback: In 2014, 644 U.S. cases were reported.

Health & Fitness

B8 Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2015


4 Key Ways to Improve Your Brain Health


By Anthony Hannan


While much of the inner workings of our brain remains a mystery, we do know that it’s important to care for and protect it.

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he human brain is the most extraordinary and complex object in the known universe—a kilogram and a half (3.3 pounds) of soft tissue that, at its peak, leaves computers behind with its endless capacity for problem solving, innovation, and invention. So it’s a little surprising that only recently has the concept of brain health begun to emerge. After all, if the body is a “temple,” then surely the brain must be the “high altar,” as it generates all our thoughts, feelings, and movements. Indeed, it is fundamental to all of our conscious experience. Brain diseases such as Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of dementia demonstrate how devastating it is when the brain degenerates, dragging the mind and its many wonderful capacities down with it. Clearly, it’s time we all focused more on this most important organ— to improve both the quality and quantity of brain health across the lifespan. The good news is that many of the lifestyle choices that are good for the body are also good for the brain. But we need to be mindful that other factors may be particularly beneficial for the brain. Here’s a distillation of some of the current evidence supporting beneficial lifestyle factors into four pillars of brain health. 1. Stay Physically Active This is a somewhat obvious lifestyle recommendation, as everyone now knows that physical activity is good for the body. But not everyone yet realizes the extent to which physical activity boosts brain health. There are many ways this may happen, as the brain and body are in constant dynamic bidirectional communication. Physical activity can cause muscles to release beneficial molecules that reach the brain, as well as increasing blood circulation to the brain and inducing the formation of new brain cells (neurons) and connections (synapses) between them. People who maintain higher levels of physical activity may help protect themselves from brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of brain degeneration. There is also evidence that physical activity may help protect against depression and other brain disorders.

2. Stay Mentally Active

Two of the cardinal rules of brain plasticity (changes in the brain) appear to be “use it or lose it” and “neurons that fire together wire together.” There’s also some evidence that people who maintain higher levels of cognitive (mental) activity may be protected from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Along with physical activity, cognitive stimulation may help build in a “brain reserve” to protect from and functionally compensate for the wear and tear of brain aging. We don’t know exactly what lifestyle choices are the most important, but spending a lot of time watching television, for example, may involve the double whammy of reduced physical and mental activity, and could be one risk factor. So what mentally stimulating activities should you do

more of? This is a very personal choice, as it will need to be something you can continue to do not just for days and weeks, but for months and years, in order to have long-term benefits. 3. Eat a Healthy Diet Yes, you no doubt know this is good for your body, but did you realize that a balanced nutritious diet is also good for your brain? Most of the nutrients from food circulate through your brain via the bloodstream, so a healthy diet can directly improve the health of brain cells and may even slow down brain aging. What’s more, by improving body health, the brain may benefit via the heart and cardiovascular system, the immune system, and other physiological systems that impact the nervous system. 4. Don’t Stress Too Much The human body, including the brain, has evolved over many thousands of years. When we were cave-dwellers and hunter-gatherers, the stress response (“fight or flight”) served a very useful purpose in evading predators, obtaining food, and other aspects of survival. But, busy 21st-century lifestyles mean many of us suffer from excessive chronic stress. This may eventually be toxic for the body. It’s especially bad for the brain because parts of it are absolutely loaded with sensitive “stress receptors.”

A healthy diet can directly improve the health of brain cells and may even slow down brain aging. What’s more, some people are more genetically vulnerable to stress, while others are naturally more resilient. These innate factors also impact our stress responses. Many lifestyle choices can help us better deal with excessive chronic stress. Stressreducing strategies such as mindfulness and meditation are becoming increasingly popular, often being taught in schools and prescribed by health professionals. Physical exercise can also help people deal with stress; everyone may have their own approach to de-stressing and “chilling out.” Another positive side effect of avoiding excessive chronic stress is healthy sleep patterns. Adequate and regular sleep patterns are known to be beneficial for both brain and body. To conclude, I think it was Woody Allen who famously said: “The brain is my second favorite organ!” Considering how fundamental it is to everything we think, feel, and do, perhaps we should all be more mindful to look after this most fantastic and plastic of organs—the human brain. Anthony Hannan, Ph.D., is a professor and the head of Neural Plasticity at The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health in Australia. This article was originally published on TheConversation.com.

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