Epoch Health 2-27-2015

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B1 February 27–March 5, 2015


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The juice of the noni fruit has the ability to balance and stabilize the body. It is consumed and used as a painkiller, laxative, wound-healer, immune-strengthener, and anti-inflammatory agent.

10 Natural Remedies for Anxiety By Rachel Hynd


daptogen” is a term that you may have heard, but what exactly is an adaptogen? Technically speaking, adaptogens are medicinal plants, unaltered from nature. They are well-known in the world of herbalists and back in times when we relied on nature to remedy our many ills. Adaptogens have a remarkable ability to balance and stabilize the body by strengthening the hormonal, immune, cardiovascular, nervous, and muscular systems in order to bring the body back into homeostasis. They provide us with natural remedies for anxiety. As Western medicine peaked in the last century, we forgot about the powerful effects of adaptogens on our bodies. However, today, many of us are turning back to old remedies and are using these tonic agents. Adaptogenic substances know intuitively what and how to target specific areas of the body that need them the most. They provide energy but do not over-stimulate the body. They are non-toxic, they have no side effects, and they improve one’s overall vitality. Their name, “adaptogens,” comes mainly from their ability to help the body adapt to environmental and internal stress or trauma, whether it be from a physical, chemical, or biological source. Is there anybody

who could not benefit from them? Many of these adaptogens are widely available and come from all parts of the world. Here are some examples that are easy to include in your regimen. I urge you to continue with your own research, since the benefits listed below are just the tip of the iceberg.

1 Maca This cruciferous vegetable grows in the Peruvian Andes of South America at altitudes of up to 14,000 feet above sea level. Maca is known for its beneficial effects on fertility, hormonal balance, and libido.

2 Goji Berries These bright red berries grow abundantly in vast climates in Asia and North and Central America. The Chinese believe goji berries significantly extend life. They boost the immune system, increase alkalinity and vitality, protect the liver, improve the eyes and blood, and deliver anti-aging benefits.

3 Reishi Mushroom Originally found in nature on plum trees, this mushroom was extremely rare and consumed only by royalty in China and Japan for thousands of years. Today, the reishi is widely cultivated in Japan, China, North America, and other parts of Asia. Reishi is primarily used to enhance the immune system and improve blood circulation.

4 Rhodiola This remarkable herb was used in history for various health purposes. Its main uses are to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity, boost energy, improve memory, aid in weight reduction, and increase sexual function.

5 Ginseng This root comes in a variety of types, including Siberian, Korean, and American. It was documented being used in China over 2,000 years ago. Healers have used it as a tonic to cure lethargy, arthritis, impotence, and diabetes, and to calm the mind. Ginseng is also known to be one of the most effective anti-aging supplements.

6 Noni This potato-size fruit grows from a tall perennial evergreen tree. It has a peculiar odor and is sometimes referred to as the “cheese fruit.” The juice is consumed and used as a painkiller, laxative, wound-healer, immune-strengthener, and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps lower blood pressure, treat arthritic and joint pain, level blood sugar, and increase energy.

is used to nourish the adrenal glands, and to treat auto-immune conditions, viruses (particularly herpes), ulcers, and digestive troubles.

8 Holy Basil Also known as tulsi, holy basil is an aromatic plant native to the Old World tropics. In Ayurveda, it is dubbed the “elixir of life” and believed to promote longevity. It is excellent for coping with stress and helping immunity, stomach disorders, and heart disease.

9 Ashwagandha The root of a short, flower-bearing scrub, ashwagandha is cultivated in the drier regions of India. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine as an aphrodisiac, sedative, rejuvenative, and life-prolonging herb. It is also used in treating chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and weaknesses in the body.

10 Cordyceps This medicinal mushroom has a parasitic relationship with the

larvae of a caterpillar. The fungus germinates inside the living organism, killing it and then growing from its body. It is highly prized by Eastern practitioners and very new to the West. Chinese studies reveal cordyceps to improve the immune system, increase the production of sex hormones, improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, and reduce fatigue, as well as build physical endurance and strength. Many of these adaptogens are familiar in the “raw-food world” and used in smoothies and various elixirs. Add them into your day to help find your balance. Rachel Hynd is a certified nutritional practitioner and registered orthomolecular holistic practitioner with a diploma from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com.

7 Licorice This sweet-flavored root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant resembles plain wooden sticks. It


Licorice, the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant.

Health & Fitness

B2 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015


Sour, bitter, and salty tastes can still be experienced, but sweet is mysteriously removed from the palate

After you eat the Indian herb Gymnema sylvestre, known as gurmar, you can't taste any sweetness for about an hour and a half.

Indian Herb Cuts Sugar Cravings By Conan Milner Epoch Times Sta



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ymnema sylvestre is the Latin name for a vine native to the forests of southern and central India. The leaves of this herb have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for at least 2,000 years. The plant is primarily used to treat diabetes and other issues related to sugar. Gymnema’s Hindi name, gurmar, literally translates to “sugar destroyer.� It’s a bold claim, but anyone who tries gymnema will consider it a worthy title. Once the herb touches your tongue, it kills the ability to taste sweetness for about an hour and a half. Sour, bitter, and salty tastes can still be experienced, but sweet is mysteriously removed from the palate. Under gymnema’s influence, familiar foods like fruit, candy, or cookies become foreign and unappetizing. Without the sense of sweetness, cake becomes a

bland, spongy bread. Chocolate feels like a waxy, bitter substance. An orange slice tastes like a weak lemon. With this trick, gymnema offers a safe technique for weight management—sugary treats hold little power once

Gymnema may help to heal or even regenerate the cells of the pancreas. your ability to taste sweetness disappears. Taken regularly, gymnema may also repair the damage caused by sugar excess. How to Use Dry gymnema leaves can be purchased to make tea or tincture. If you prefer not to temporarily impair your taste for sweet, gymnema also comes in

tablets or capsules. In pill form, the herb does not make contact with the tongue, but can still help curb sugar cravings and balance blood sugar. Studies on gymnema are small, and how it works remains somewhat of mystery, but research shows that this herb may help to normalize blood sugar levels by slowing the release of glucose into the blood stream. It also appears to encourage insulin production. One study showed that subjects with Type 1 diabetes required less insulin when they were taking a gymnema extract. Research suggests that gymnema may help to heal or even regenerate the cells of the pancreas—the organ responsible for insulin production. Some herbalists use it to reduce the need for insulin drugs. However, you should always consult your health care provider before changing your medication. A high sugar intake can encourage the proliferation of a common yeast fungus known as Candida albicans, leading to

How to Prevent Hypothermia and Frostbite By Gabe Mirkin In 1812, Napoleon attacked Russia with 450,000 men, but after he withdrew from Moscow, the harsh cold winter reduced his army to fewer than 10,000 fighting men. The vast majority of Napoleon’s soldiers were not killed by the Russians. They died of hypothermia, a severe drop in body temperature. Napoleon’s surgeon general didn’t help matters when he recommended that the soldiers rub snow on their frostbitten hands. Rubbing snow on frostbite removes skin. If you dress properly and exercise vigorously enough, frostbite or hypothermia should never happen to you. Hypothermia Your body sends you signals as its temperature starts to drop. With a one-degree drop in temperature, your speech

becomes slurred. This, in itself, is not dangerous and occurs when people stay out in temperatures below 35 degrees, but it serves as a warning that your body is losing more heat than it is producing. To protect yourself, you can produce more heat by exercising harder, or you can conserve heat by adding more layers of clothing. With a drop of three degrees, you’ll find it difficult to coordinate your fingers. If this happens, seek shelter immediately. When your body temperature drops five degrees, you won’t be able to walk. You’ll stumble and fall, and not be able to get up. Then you may not be able to get out of the cold, your body temperature may continue to drop rapidly, and you can die. If your clothes are wet, your temperature will drop even faster. Take the warning signals seriously; if you have slurred speech or difficulty using your

symptoms such as fatigue, poor digestion, and brain fog. A 2013 study found that gymnema impaired Candida development, suggesting an additional benefit of the herb. Gymnema is believed to be nontoxic and has been used safely for thousands of years. However, effects beyond a temporary loss of sweetness sense require consistent use for several months. Tablet and capsule strength typically ranges from 200 milligrams to 6 grams. Gymnema can be taken alone or in combination with other herbs known to benefit blood sugar control, such as cinnamon and fenugreek. Beyond sugar control, the herb’s leaves are used to improve digestion, treat urinary infections, maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and relieve constipation. The Sanskrit name for the plant, meshasringa, means “ram’s horn,� referring to the shape of its bitter fruit, which can help to treat diabetes and parasites. The roots can also be used for snake bites.


Passengers wait in below-zero temperatures for a train to arrive in Chicago in January 2014. Slurred speech can be the first sign of hypothermia. White skin is the first sign of frostbite.

hands, take action or you may not get another chance. Frostbite Frostbite means that your skin is frozen. You get plenty of warning before that happens. Your normal skin temperature is around 90 degrees. As it starts to drop, blood vessels close and your skin turns white. When the skin temperature reaches 59 degrees, your body attempts to re-warm your skin by opening the blood vessels, causing your skin to tingle, itch, burn, and turn red. When this

happens, get out of the cold. If you don’t, the blood vessels in your skin will close down again. Then your skin temperature can drop below 30 degrees and freezing can occur. Gabe Mirkin, M.D., has been a practicing physician for over 50 years. He is board-certified in sports medicine, allergy and immunology, pediatrics, and pediatric immunology. This article was originally published on DrMirkin.com. Subscribe to their free weekly Fitness & Health newsletter.

Health & Fitness

B3 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015


How to Protect Your Most Vulnerable Joints as They Age Preventative exercise helps make aging more graceful By June Fakkert Epoch Times Sta Your shoulders, hips, and knees are the most fragile joints in the body and are the most vulnerable to wear and tear as you age. Jason Greenspan, a certified senior fitness specialist with 20 years experience, author of two fitness books, and the owner of Silver Stars Fitness, a seniors-only gym in Midtown, explains how preventative exercise can help you protect these joints. Epoch Times: How can people protect their hips, shoulders, and knees as they age? Jason Greenspan: The best way to protect your knees, hips, and shoulders as you age is simply to treat these joints as a priority and work to increase their mobility and stability. This will help you move more efficiently and help to prevent injuries.

Epoch Times: What exercises help the shoulders? Mr. Greenspan: For the shoulders, you should focus on the upper back and the muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint (rotator cuffs) because these stabilize the shoulders. An exercise we like to incorporate is something called Y’s and T’s, which is where you hold dumbbells or use other forms or resistance, and form the letter Y by raising your arms to shoulder height with a 90-degree angle between them, and the letter T by raising the arms out to the side at shoulder height. For the mid-back muscles, we do a lot of standing cobras, which are done by gently drawing the shoulder blades toward one another.

Epoch Times: Can you give some examples of exercises that help the hips and knees? Mr. Greenspan: To activate and “wake up� the buttock muscles, we do a lot of bridging and clams. To strengthen the hips, we work on the inner and outer thigh muscles either by doing lying or standing leg lifts, or walking sideways (laterally), depending on a person’s level of fitness. Your buttock and hips muscles are part of your core and help keep your knees in proper alignment when moving, stabilize your hips, and also help to absorb shock to the low back.

Epoch Times: Can people who have a knee or hip replacement still exercise these joints? Mr. Greenspan: Yes, it’s actually encouraged as long as they’ve been discharged from physical therapy, have medical clearance, and their knees and hips are fully able to bear weight.

Epoch Times: So is core stability also important to help protect these joints? Mr. Greenspan: The “core� ultimately helps to protect any unwanted movement while walking or when performing various exercises in the gym. Older adults often tend to be in a rounded shoulder position or “kyphotic posture,� which can put stress not only on the shoulder, but also the neck and the low back. Core stability will help you maintain good posture, which will take stress off the rest of your body and help you move more efficiently.

Epoch Times: You teach preventative training to seniors. Why is this important as people age? Mr. Greenspan: Preventative training is a proactive approach to protecting yourself from injury and reducing aches and pains. Unfortunately, as we age, we have more aches and pains due to poor posture, tightness, and weakness.


Jason Greenspan, owner, Silver Stars Fitness.

like planks, bird dogs, marching, and dead bugs.

Epoch Times: What exercises help with core stability? Mr. Greenspan: To help with core stability in the abdominals and low back, we do exercises

Epoch Times: Are there special considerations after surgery? Mr. Greenspan: All exercise should be tailored to your fitness level and orthopedic concerns. Everyone progresses and responds differently after surgery, and there are certain precautions that we typically take for the first six weeks or sometimes for up to one year. Some of these precautions are to avoid bringing the leg up too high, crossing the legs while sitting, bringing the legs across or too far away from the midline of the body, standing up from a low chair, or even pivoting on the affected leg.

You can build strength at any age as long as your exercise program is consistent and provides suďŹƒcient challenge.

Epoch Times: What misconceptions do you find seniors have about exercise? Mr. Greenspan: Seniors often feel it’s too late to increase their strength and tend to rationalize that losing the ability to do everyday activities is just a part of the aging process, so they just give in, and then it’s typically a downward spiral. But studies show you can build strength at any age as long as your exercise program is consistent and provides sufficient challenge.

Jason Greenspan, owner, Silver Stars Fitness

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Epoch Times: What kinds of changes do you notice when seniors exercise? Mr. Greenspan: We’ve had numerous clients tell us after they’ve gone through our preventative training program that they are much more aware of their posture, and even their spouses have noticed a difference in their posture. They also feel a lot more stable and have less pain than they did prior to beginning training.

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Epoch Times: Would you like to offer any other tips for protecting these vulnerable joints? Mr. Greenspan: Yes, be aware of your posture at the gym and throughout the day. Poor posture will not only put stress on all your joints, but will also affect your overall stability and balance.

Epoch Times: Can exercise help these aches and pains? Mr. Greenspan: When a joint hurts, your body is telling you something isn’t right. This pain might be due to lack of mobility or strength or a loss of structural integrity. Either way, if you have pain, don’t give up. See your doctor, then a physical therapist, and then a good trainer.


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Health & Fitness

B4 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015


Tighten and Stretch Your Glutes WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

By Emma-Kate Stampton

Bottom circles strengthen and tone your glutes as well as the muscles that stabilize your pelvis.

Bottom Circles Are you ready for a serious glute workout? Bottom circles are one of the best glute-workout moves. You even get to do them lying down. Of course there is more to this exercise than meets the eye. Other than activating the glutes, the major focus of this exercise is pelvic stability and mobility. It requires you to keep your hips still and stable while moving your leg to engage your glute. Lack of pelvic stability can be a contributing factor to lower-back and hip issues. This is a good exercise to start building core stability while getting a strong workout for your glutes. This will primarily target your gluteus medius, which is the smaller of the two gluteus muscles. Lie on your side with both knees bent in front of your body and your feet in line with your bottom. Place your hand on top of your hip. Gently press that hip away from

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your waist to realign your pelvis correctly. You want your top hip and bottom hip to be in a straight vertical line. Extend your top leg in line with your bottom knee. Start to circle your leg forward. Perform 20 circles in the forward direction and then 20 more in the opposite direction. You should feel your gluteus medius working fairly quickly. Aim to keep your hips still as you circle your leg. If you are unable to do that initially, make smaller circles until you have mastered the essence of the exercise. Avoid letting your foot move from your ankle. Your whole leg should move from your hip. Engage your core muscles to help keep your hips from moving. Vary the exercise by drawing different shapes and sizes. Try drawing squares, triangles, or letters of the alphabet. You can tap your foot to the floor or lift it back and forward as long as you keep your hips still.

The seated glute stretch is good for the gluteus medius, a muscle that helps your hips rotate outward.

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This is the perfect stretch to accompany bottom circles. There are always a few different ways to stretch one specific area of your body. Different stretching positions will resonate with different people. I find this stretch a good deep stretch for my glute med (gluteus medius) and the other external rotators of my hip. Sit with both of your legs extended in front of your body. Cross your right ankle just above your left knee. Your right knee will be bent and resting out to the side. Bend your left knee back in toward your body. This will bring you into the position pictured in the photo. Your hands will be back behind your hips. To increase the intensity of the stretch, slide your buttocks a little closer to the left foot, and lean your chest closer to the right shin. By compacting the body, you will feel a greater stretch around the outside of the hip, thigh, and buttocks.

Avoid rounding your shoulders too much, as you want to keep your chest as open as possible to avoid slipping into poor posture. It is important to take long, deep breaths in and out as you hold this or any stretch. By keeping a steady flow of oxygen to the body, you will allow the tight muscles to relax, and your body will be able to deal with the feeling of tension far easier than if you don’t focus on your breath. Hold the stretch on each side between 30 seconds and 1 minute. Then repeat both sides again. Try to allow your body to release in the position as opposed to holding your body rigid. Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 10 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Health & Fitness

B5 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com CHINESE MEDICINE

How to Avoid Menstrual Cramps, Increase Fertility By Xiao Bin Li

conditions for conception, if that is your aim.

According to Chinese medicine, the most important thing you can do to stop painful menstrual cramps and increase fertility is make sure your body stays warm enough during your period. This is partly because during menstruation a woman’s immunity is lower, and if the body gets chilled, it’s more susceptible to illness. Chinese medicine views the body’s blood circulation as being like a river. In the spring, when the river is warm, the water flows smoothly and is able to bring nourishment to support new life. In winter, when the river is icy and cold, it cannot support new life. Similarly, when the blood in the uterus is warm enough, it runs normally, but if the uterus gets cold, the capillaries in the uterine lining contract and blood can’t flow. If the body is cold during ovulation, and blood circulation becomes slow and obstructed, it can lead to the death of sperm and eggs. Here are some tips from Chinese medicine to keep you pain free and create the right

1. Cover Your Midriff Perhaps it’s no coincidence that exposed midriffs are seen as sexy today, because according to Chinese medicine, a woman’s navel is an energetic center that governs her reproductive organs. If this area is exposed to cold, it can cause not only menstrual cramps but also other gynecological issues, such as missed periods and increased vaginal discharge. So if you’re the type who likes crop tops and low riders, consider adopting a style with more belly coverage. You should also pay attention to covering yourself as you sleep. If you’re the type who throws off the blankets at night, you might consider donning very warm pajamas. 2. Keep Your Feet Warm In Chinese medicine, the feet provide another avenue for cold to enter the body. Keep them warm by making a habit of washing in water that is as warm as you can handle and always wearing socks and slippers. If you find that your feet and hands are often cold, wear a pair of socks to bed at night.


3. Minimize Air Conditioning at Night On hot summer nights, it’s tempting to crank up the AC, but while you’re on your period let the temperature rise to as hot as you can

bear. If this temperature is too much for your partner, put on warmer pajamas and take special care that your abdomen and lower back stay especially toasty.

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4. Skip Icy Treats and Drinks If you drink a lot of ice water, it can cause the capillaries in the mucus membrane of your digestive system to contract, leading to cramps and causing your abdomen to distend. Especially during your period in the summer, the sudden chill of eating something cold may make your body temperature drop suddenly. This can affect the normal function of sweat glands and make the body prone to colds.


5. Keep Out of Cold Water When you encounter cold water, your body will produce a series of stress responses, such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, as well as muscle con-


It's especially important to keep your feet warm.

tractions. This reaction can also leave you more susceptible to catching a cold or other illnesses. Especially during menstruation, lactation, and pregnancy, cold water can also cause abdominal pain and even endocrine disorders. But before you swear off cold water all together, please note that at other times, washing your hands and face in cold water can actually help improve your immune system and blood circulation, prevent colds, and give you healthier skin. Dr. Xiao Bin Li, O.M.D, started studying Chinese healing arts in China at age 14. A member of the American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine, she has been practicing acupuncture and herbology in New York City since 1990. She may be contacted at 718-458-3596.


Bundle up when you go outside because cold can cause cramps and infertility, according to Chinese medicine.

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Can Skeptics Ease Their Pain With Acupuncture? University of Southampton People with back pain who have low expectations of acupuncture before they start a course of treatment will get less relief than those people who believe it will work, a new study shows. Conversely, people who have a positive view of back pain and who feel in control of their condition experience less backrelated disability over the course of acupuncture treatment. Pain Control “The analysis showed that psychological factors were consistently associated with backrelated disability,” says Felicity Bishop, who is from the University of Southampton and is a career-development fellow with Arthritis Research UK. “People who started out with very low expectations of acupuncture—who thought it probably would not help them—were more likely to report less benefit as treatment went on. When individual patients came to see their back pain more positively, they went on to experience less back-related disability. “In particular, they experienced less disability over the course of treatment when they came to see their back pain as more controllable, when they felt

they had better understanding of their back pain, when they felt better able to cope with it, were less emotional about it,

When individual patients came to see their back pain more positively, they went on to experiencelessbackrelated disability. Felicity Bishop, lecturer, University of Southampton and when they felt their back pain was going to have less of an impact on their lives.” Think Positively Acupuncture is one of the most established forms of complementary therapy, and there is evidence from clinical trials to show that it can help to reduce pain. Previous research has established that factors—other than the insertion of needles—play a part in the effectiveness of acupuncture, such as the relationship that the patient develops with the acupuncturist and the patient’s belief about acu-

puncture. For the study, published in the Journal of Clinical Pain, 485 people who were being treated by acupuncturists completed questionnaires before they started treatment and then again two weeks, three months, and six months later. The questionnaires measured psychological factors, clinical and demographic characteristics, and back-related disability. To improve the effectiveness of treatment, acupuncturists should consider helping patients to think more positively about their back pain as part of their consultations, Bishop says. Future studies are needed to test whether this could significantly improve patients’ treatment outcomes. “This study emphasizes the influence of the placebo effect on pain,” says Stephen Simpson, director of research at Arthritis Research UK. “The process whereby the brain’s processing of different emotions in relation to their treatment can influence outcome is a really important area for research. “Factors such as the relationship between practitioner and the patient can inform this, and we should be able to understand the biological pathways by which this happens.

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“This understanding could lead in the future to better targeting of acupuncture and related therapies in order to maximize patient benefit.” This article was reprinted from the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom via Futurity.org.

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Health & Fitness

B6 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015


Smoking appears to accelerate the thinning of the cortex. This thinning is believed to contribute to cognitive decline.

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Smoking Thins the Brain, Study Says By Reid Schram Epoch Times Staff Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Now, there’s evidence of more bad news: thinning of the brain cortex that may affect cognitive function. This finding was recently discovered by an international team of researchers from the Montreal

Neurological Institute at McGill University and the University of Edinburgh. Cortex thinning is a part of aging, and smoking appears to accelerate that process. This thinning is believed to contribute to agedependent cognitive decline. “We found that current and exsmokers had, at age 73, many areas of thinner brain cortex than those that never smoked. Subjects who stopped smoking seem to partially recover their cortical thickness for

each year without smoking,” said Dr. Sherif Karama, assistant professor of psychiatry at McGill University, in a press release. The slow recovery process for the former heavy smokers is especially surprising. Even after 25 years of not smoking, their brain regions were still thinner than those of nonsmokers. The study looked at 244 male and 260 female subjects who had been initially examined as children in 1947, as part of the Scottish Men-

tal Survey. The average age of the participants in the current study was 73. Smokers, non-smokers, and ex-smokers were included in the research. Their brains were analyzed with a Magnetic Imaging Resonance (MRI) scan. “Smokers should be informed that cigarettes could hasten the thinning of the brain’s cortex, which could lead to cognitive deterioration. Cortical thinning seems to persist for many years after someone stops smoking,” said Karama.

In Palliative Care, These 10 Factors Matter Most

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By Christine Roth Patients with serious and lifethreatening illnesses are less likely to experience unnecessary physical and emotional suffering if they receive palliative or hospice care that meets 10 key quality indicators. Palliative care aims to improve quality of life for patients who are being treated for a serious illness by managing pain and other symptoms. Hospice is a specific type of palliative care for patients in their last year of life. “We identified the best available set of measures to help us evaluate whether we are delivering the very highest quality care to patients who have palliative care needs and their families,” says Sally Norton,


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associate professor in nursing and palliative care at the University of Rochester. 10 Measures That Matter The measures below come from a larger group of 75 indicators that were based on what’s most important to patients and families. 1. Palliative care and hospice patients receive a comprehensive assessment (physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and functional) soon after admission. 2. Seriously ill palliative care and hospice patients are screened for pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and constipation during the admission visit. 3. Seriously ill palliative care and hospice patients who screen positive for at least moderate pain receive treatment (medication or other) within 24 hours. 4. Patients with advanced or life-threatening illness are screened for shortness of breath and, if positive to at least a moderate degree, have a plan to manage it. 5. Seriously ill palliative care and hospice patients have a documented discussion regarding emotional needs. 6. Hospice patients have a documented discussion of spiritual concerns or preference not to discuss them. 7. Seriously ill palliative care and hospice patients have documentation of the surrogate decision-maker’s name (such as the person who has health care power of attorney) and contact information, or absence of a surrogate. 8. Seriously ill palliative care and hospice patients have documentation of their preferences for life-sustaining treatments. 9. Vulnerable elders with documented preferences to with-

hold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments have their preferences followed. 10. Palliative care and hospice patients or their families are asked about their experience of care using a relevant survey. Project leaders also identified a number of other actions that need to be taken to ensure quality care, including developing a method for identifying all patients who could benefit from palliative and hospice care; potentially setting up a registry of palliative and hospice care and working toward develop-

This portfolio of measures will help us build the ‘science’ of palliative care, which is still young. Sally Norton, associate professor, University of Rochester ing best practices; creating other needed measures, such as those to gauge social and cultural aspects of care; and developing a patient or family experience survey that is valid in all settings. Health Care Benchmarks The goal of the Measuring What Matters project was to select a set of measures that are scientifically rigorous and that all palliative care clinicians should use to ensure they are providing the highest quality care. Researchers say this could eventually create health care benchmarks—currently there is no consistency regarding which measures are required by various

groups, such as accrediting organizations to payers. As the U.S. population ages, and the demand for this type of care grows, the ability to assess quality throughout the country and across care settings is increasingly important, researchers say. For the study, published online in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, researchers chose scientifically rigorous measures that meet three criteria: They are meaningful for patients and their families, are able to be implemented by providers, and can significantly improve the level of care. The team also collected input from patients, families, providers of palliative and hospice care, doctors and nurses, social workers, and grief counselors. “As a researcher, it is promising to me because this portfolio of measures will help us build the ‘science’ of palliative care, which is still young,” Norton says. “But much more importantly, we wanted to pinpoint the measures most meaningful to patients and families, and give providers tools they can use to systematically evaluate effectiveness, develop strategies to keep improving, and ensure that patients and families get the very best care possible.” The panel also hopes that the focus on quality improvement will lead to more people receiving this important care. There are even greater numbers of people being treated for serious illnesses who would benefit from palliative care, but aren’t aware this type of care is available to help relieve symptoms, support their families, and improve their quality of life. Norton collaborated with David J. Casarett, director of palliative care at University of Pennsylvania Health System. From the University of Rochester via Futurity.org

Health & Fitness

B7 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015


Will Apple Watches Really Make Us Healthier?


Device can prompt users to stand up every hour

By Philippa Dall As part of the advance publicity for the forthcoming Apple Watch, Apple chief executive Tim Cook has disclosed that it has a feature that prompts people to stand up every hour. “Sitting is the new cancer,” he boldly declared. It’s a provocative statement, but is it true? The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that cancer and inactivity are both leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Note that the WHO is using the term “inactivity,” however, which usually refers to lack of physical activity rather than sitting per se. In public health terms, anyone who doesn’t manage 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day is inactive.

What has become clear over the past decade is that it matters what we do in the other 23 and a half hours of the day. We have realized that sitting is an independent risk factor for poor health. The word “independent” is key here: Sitting for a long time is bad for your health, even if you are an active individual. Prolonged sitting has been linked with a 112 percent increase in the risk of diabetes, a 147 percent increase in the risk of heart disease, and a 49 percent increase in the risk of death. The list goes on. It’s even a risk factor for some forms of cancer. Sitting Versus Cancer Yet, there are some key differences between cancer and sitting. Cancer is a disease, a disorder of the human body, and doesn’t affect all of us equally. If

we have cancer, we have a medical condition with a range of treatment options, and the condition has a physical progression. Sitting, in contrast, is a behavior. For the vast majority of the population, it is something we can choose to do or not do. We might call it a modifiable risk factor—one that can be changed. There are, of course, several modifiable risk factors that can contribute to, or cause, some types of cancer. Examples include smoking and lung cancer, or sunbathing and skin cancer. But that does not change the fact that cancer is a disease. Sitting has what we call a “dose effect,” meaning that the longer we sit each day, the worse the effect on our health. For example a long-term study of

This Is Your Brain on Mindfulness Training By Shilo Rea Studies have shown that mindfulness training can boost a range of mental and physical health problems, but how it works hasn’t been clear. Now, researchers have developed a model suggesting that mindfulness influences health via stress reduction pathways. The work, published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, describes the biological pathways linking mindfulness training with reduced stress and stress-related disease outcomes. “If mindfulness training is improving people’s health, how does it get under the skin to affect all kinds of outcomes?” asks J. David Creswell, associate professor of psychology at

Carnegie Mellon University. “We offer one of the first evidence-based biological accounts of mindfulness training, stress reduction, and health.” Creswell and graduate student Emily K. Lindsay highlight a body of work that depicts the biological mechanisms of mindfulness training’s stress reduction effects. When an individual experiences stress, activity in the prefrontal cortex (responsible for conscious thinking and planning) decreases, while activity in the amygdala, hypothalamus, and anterior cingulate cortex (regions that quickly activate the body’s stress response) increases. Studies have suggested that mindfulness reverses these patterns during stress; it increases prefrontal activity, which can

regulate and turn down the biological stress response. Excessive activation of the biological stress response increases the risk of diseases impacted by stress, such as depression and heart disease. By reducing individuals’ experiences of stress, mindfulness may help regulate the physical stress response and ultimately reduce the risk and severity of stress-related diseases. Creswell believes that by understanding how mindfulness training affects different disorders, researchers will be able to develop better interventions, know when certain treatments will work most effectively, and identify people likely to benefit from mindfulness training. From Carnegie Mellon University via Futurity.org MIKE POWELL/DIGITAL VISION/THINKSTOCK

Mindfulness can regulate biological stress responses, giving you a whole new view on life.

There is evidence that independent of how long you sit for, breaking up prolonged sitting is associated with better health. Norwegian adults found that people who sat for more than 10 hours a day had a 65 percent greater risk of death than those who sat for less than 4 hours a day.

Apple watches in a shop in Paris in September 2014. Prolonged sitting has health risks, but an hourly reminder to move may not be enough to make us healthier.

Guidelines now exist, for example from the U.K. chief medical officers, that recommend that we minimize our sitting. But they are vague in terms of how much, or how little, sitting to recommend. That is because the weight of evidence does not yet exist to explicitly state a healthy threshold for sitting in the same way that it exists for physical activity. It is possible, however, that we may need to reduce our sitting by several hours a day. There is also evidence that independent of how long you sit, breaking up prolonged sitting is associated with better health. For example, standing and walking for 2 minutes every 20 minutes—compared to sitting without getting up—improved insulin response after a meal by 23 percent. This suggests that breaking up sitting can reduce the risk of diabetes. One additional point is that we shouldn’t demonize all sitting. Prolonged standing has its own health risks. For example, occupational standing is associated with an increased risk of varicose veins. Lifestyle and Choice When it comes to sitting then, most of the population is able to do something about reducing their individual exposure to the health risk simply by choosing to sit less and stand more. There are, of course, social and cultural constraints that can lead us toward higher levels of sitting at certain times of day and in certain places. We may work sitting at a desk in an office, for example. We need to sit down when driving a car, and we usually sit down to eat. Most of us consider sitting down for a rest a reward after

a hard day, or convenient if we are socializing with friends or watching TV. It is also important to state that replacing all sitting with standing is not the goal. The point is that if we are motivated and have the right tools, then we do have the choice to make a change, to limit the effect of sitting on our health— a choice we don’t have when it comes to dealing with an illness like cancer. So, can technology like the Apple Watch help? Getting a prompt every hour and responding to it will certainly help to break up your prolonged sitting. My own research in the workplace has shown that a prompt on the work computer every half an hour, reminding people to stand up, reduced prolonged sitting by 40 minutes a day. Yet, just breaking up prolonged sitting is unlikely to reduce total sitting on a scale needed to improve health. For that, each individual needs to find ways of replacing seated activities with standing ones. This might not mean changing the activity—a sit-stand desk in the office allows an individual to choose to work in a standing posture for some of the day rather than a seated one, for instance. But a key prerequisite for behavior change is having the knowledge and motivation to change. Having a prompt to stand up every hour is likely to make us more aware of how much and where we sit, and to get us thinking about how we can change that. It’s a good place to start. Philippa Dall, Ph.D., is a senior research fellow at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. This article was originally published on TheConversation.com

Health & Fitness

B8 Feb. 27–March 5, 2015




our immune system does a remarkable job of defending your body against diseasecausing microorganisms. But, for a multitude of reasons, it can still fail to fight off bacteria and viruses when it’s weak. The best way to keep your immune system strong is to follow a healthful

The best way to keep your immune system strong is to follow a healthful lifestyle. lifestyle. Here are some simple things you can do to get on the right track: 1. Eliminate sugar, as well as processed and refined foods. 2. Eat a diet high in healthful protein, vegetables, fats, and lowsugar fruits. 3. Eliminate smoking and minimize alcohol intake. 4. Exercise with short bursts of intensity followed by periods of rest. 5. Maintain a healthy body weight, with lean composition and low fat. 6. Get 7–8 hours of sleep each night. 7. Avoid infection by washing your

hands during the day. 8. Get fresh air to break up periods of being stuck indoors. Foods and Supplements In addition to washing your hands and sneezing into your sleeve to avoid the spread of unwanted microorganisms, consider eating certain foods and taking supplements that have been shown to improve the immune response. Some of the foods to include in your daily diet are mushrooms, garlic, chicken soup, green and black tea, grass-fed meats, ginger, acai berries, and cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Supplements can also provide your body with a variety of nature’s helpers to fight off disease. Some of the common supplements known to boost immunity are listed below. Be sure to talk to your health care provider about the best options for your individual needs. Mushroom Extracts. Mushrooms contain beta-glucans, which have been shown to increase the function of natural killer (NK) immune cells. NK cells hunt and destroy virusinfected cells. Extracts to try include those from maitake, turkey tail, Ganoderma, and Cordyceps mushrooms. Echinacea. Echinacea provides compounds called alkylamides,


By Robert Zembroski

Acai berries.

which have been found to modulate the immune system and regulate its function. Astragalus. The astragalus herb has been shown to control compounds called cytokines. These chemical messengers are important regulators of the immune response. Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a powerful mediator of the immune sys-

tem. It has been shown to improve the function of white blood cells called macrophages, which hunt and destroy unwanted microorganisms. Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to improve the immune response by turning on white blood cells called T lymphocytes. These cells can activate other immune cells and kill virus-infected cells. While the sunlight is weaker during the colder months, and we are

stuck inside with coughing folks, eating a diet rich in immune-supportive foods and taking appropriate supplements can give you a helpful boost to skate through this season without getting sick. Dr. Robert Zembroski, DC, DACNB, MS, is a chiropractic physician, functional neurologist, clinical nutritionist, and author of “Rebuild.” He is the founder of Cancer Victor—Beyond Survival and Darien Center for Functional Medicine in Connecticut. For more information, visit DrZembroski.com.

The right diet and supplements can help you skate through the winter season without getting sick.

Why Buddies Beat Celebrities for Diet Advice By Marcene Robinson Results trump charisma when it comes to convincing friends to try a wellness program, according to a new study. This means that if a friend finds success with a new diet or exercise program, there’s a good chance you’ll try it, too. “People want to see that positive influence,” says Lora Cavuoto, assistant professor in the department of industrial and systems engineering in the University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “Understanding how social influence affects people’s participation in health programs can lead to better-designed wellness interventions.” Countless diets and weightloss programs exist to combat the high rate of obesity among Americans, but they do little good if people don’t adopt them. Cavuoto’s research could help diet and exercise programs

Your ties and social contacts may have a bigger effect because you see them every day and you have that close connection. Lora Cavuoto, assistant professor, University at Buffalo


reach more people by advising marketers on which people to target as endorsers. Simulating Friend Groups The study simulated the behavior of fictional people created using combinations of physical attributes and personality traits, such as the ability to lose weight and a high or low body mass index. The model distributed traits based on national population averages. Based on the simulations, people in social networks linked to someone who successfully lost weight or had a high body mass index produced the largest total weight loss among peers. The networks surrounding a person with a high number of friends—those who were more charismatic or popular—produced lower weight-loss totals. Cavuoto’s results support the new approach many weight-loss programs have taken in attracting new participants: Celebrity

Celebrities who endorse diets or workouts appear to have less influence on dieters than everyday people who've benefited from a new diet or workout.

endorsers with a large reach have taken a backseat to everyday people who benefit from a new diet or workout. “Your ties and social contacts

may have a bigger effect because you see them every day and you have that close connection,” says Cavuoto. “If they can be successful, then that’s your best way of

getting information out that a program is good.” From the University at Buffalo via Futurity.org

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