Epoch Health 5-22-2015

Page 1

B1 May 22−28, 2015

Monks in one study produced gamma wave activity more powerful and of higher amplitude than any documented case in history.

Health Fitness

Meditation May Reverse Brain Shrinkage

By Tara MacIsaac Epoch Times Staff editation isn’t just about being “zen” or something ideological. It has physical impacts on the brain and thus great potential in preventing diseases of the brain. Here’s a look at changes in the brain due to meditation as they’ve been observed in various studies over the years. Stop Your Brain From Shrinking Everyone experiences brain shrinkage as they age, sometimes starting as early as the age of 30 but usually after the age of 40. By the end of your life, the volume of your brain tissue will probably be close to that of a 7-year-old child. A higher rate of shrinkage can contribute to dementia, premature death, depression, risk of stroke, and more. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson tested the Dalai Lama’s most advanced monks, each with 15 to 40 years of meditation practice. In his 2004 study, he found meditation could prevent the loss of gray matter in the brain. The loss of gray matter has an impact on many mental functions, such as the control of emotions, impulses, thoughts, and movements. A 2011 study at the University of California– Los Angeles also found that meditation could slow brain shrinkage due to aging. Eileen Luders, who led the study, said in a press release, “If practiced regularly and over years, meditation may slow down aging-related brain atrophy, perhaps by positively affecting the immune system.” She considered, however, that her results may have an alternative explanation: Perhaps people who choose to meditate already have brains slightly different than those who do not choose to meditate. See Meditation on B2


Health & Fitness

B2 May 22–28, 2015

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of Greater New York

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Some dogs don't show any signs of illness, but if they are infected, they can infect others.

Signs Your Dog May Have the Flu

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There’s a lot of talk about bird flu, swine flu, and of course human flu, but your dog can get the flu too, and it’s just as miserable. The signs your dog has the flu are similar to humans. You can expect a cough, runny nose, lethargy, fever, and loss of appetite. In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia and death. However, some dogs don’t show any signs of illness, but if they are infected, they can infect others. There are tests for canine influenza virus (CIV), which your veterinarian can order if needed. Because the disease is still relatively new (it’s only been around since 2004), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that all dogs are susceptible to infection—and the disease is highly contagious. It is transmitted between dogs through direct contact

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but the CDC warns that since influenza viruses are constantly mutating, it certainly could. And whenever a new virus enters the human population, with no natural immunity against it, there’s the risk it could turn into a pandemic. Given human proximity to dogs, this would be a real concern if it happened. “For this reason, CDC and its partners are monitoring the canine influenza H3N8 and H3N2 viruses (as well as other animal influenza viruses) closely,” the CDC says on its website. A dog flu outbreak sickened more than 1,000 dogs in the Midwest earlier this year, mostly in the Chicago area, including six fatalities. New cases were reported in the last week in the Houston area and in Atlanta, Georgia. The University of Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories confirmed that the infected dog had been in contact with other dogs at “a Metro-Atlanta boarding facility,” so they have issued a warning to other dog owners.

Meditation May Reverse Brain Shrinkage Meditation continued from B1

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with respiratory secretions, which could be airborne via coughing or sneezing, or could be left on objects like clothes, toys, a fire hydrant, or a human hand. Since the virus can’t live for long in the environment, usually dogs have to be in close proximity to infect another dog, which means the flu spreads most readily in kennels, doggy day care, dog parks, and shelters. Treating CIV in dogs is similar to flu treatment for humans. Mostly it just has to run its course, which can last 10 to 30 days. Good supportive care is also recommended to help your dog’s immune system do its work. Keep them warm and comfortable, allow them to rest, and ensure proper nutrition and hydration too. You can use cough suppressants if needed, and antibiotics will be prescribed if there’s a secondary infection. Most important is to isolate your dog from other dogs. There are no known cases of dog flu transmission to humans,

Keep All Your Wires Connected Meditation not only strengthens gray matter, it also strengthens white matter (a network that connects the gray matter). A University of California–Davis article describes white matter: “[If the brain] were a computer network, gray matter—a … portion that contains nerve cells and capillaries—would be the computers and white matter the cables.” Luders said: “Our results suggest that long-term meditators have white-matter fibers that are either more numerous, more dense or more insulated throughout the brain. … We also found that the normal agerelated decline of white-matter tissue is considerably reduced in active meditation practitioners.” Emit Crazy Gamma Waves In addition to preventing brain shrinkage, meditation can help you emit a supernormal level of gamma waves. Gamma waves are described as “some of the highest-frequency and most important electrical brain waves.” The production of gamma waves requires thousands of nerve cells to act at extremely high speeds in unison. Davidson found some of the monks in his study produced gamma wave activity more powerful and of higher amplitude than any documented case in history. The movement of the waves was also far better organ-

ized than the wave movement produced by the nonmeditating test volunteers. In 2012, neuroscientists at the University of Wisconsin attached 256 sensors to the skull of Tibetan monk Matthieu Ricard. They found that when he meditated on compassion, he also emitted gamma rays at a level that shot off the charts, according to the Smithsonian Mag website.


Strengthen Wearing a 128-channel geodesic sensor Parts of the net, Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard sits in a Brain Related to soundproof room and prepares for an electroHappiness and encephalography (EEG) test at the EEG facilPeacefulness ity in the Waisman Center at the University of Ricard has been Wisconsin-Madison in June 2008. dubbed the “world’s happiest man.” Researchers could tell by look- 2011 showing the peacefulness ing at the activity in different experienced by meditators as parts of his brain that he has reflected in the brain. “an abnormally large capacMGH’s Sara Lazar, Ph.D., said ity for happiness and a reduced in a press release that the study propensity towards negativity,” demonstrates changes in brain according to Smithsonian. The structure consistent with the study found similar effects— improvements experienced by though not so pronounced— the participants, such as “a sense even in people who only med- of peacefulness.” itated for 20 minutes per day Over the course of eight weeks, over the course of three weeks. Lazar observed that the concenResearchers from Massachu- tration of gray matter changed setts General Hospital (MGH), in brain regions associated with the University of Massachu- learning and memory, emotion, setts, and Germany’s University self-referential processing, and of Giessen, published a study in perspective taking.

Health & Fitness

B3 May 22–28, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com BEBOY LTD/ISTOCK

The Horror of Herpes! THE HORROR! Tonight is the big night! You have a date with the one you feel is the one you’ve been waiting for your whole life. You start getting ready and you see it suddenly appear on your lip in the mirror. Why now! Or perhaps it’s your wedding day. It’s not going to make pretty wedding pictures, is it? Or maybe your going on an interview for a great job but your tongue is so painful from the sore on it you can hardly speak.

Essential oils have become popular because of their ability to alleviate various symptoms however, if used incorrectly, they can cause serious harm.

Essential Oil Safety Experts weigh in on good practices and bad advice By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff ssential oils are natural chemicals extracted from plants. If used properly, they are very safe. Used incorrectly, essential oils have been known to cause skin irritation, loss of smell, and headaches. Ingesting some essential oils has been known to cause seizures, blurred vision, and in some cases, has even been fatal. Essential oils have become wildly popular over the last few years, and it’s easy to see why. They can be used to alleviate depression, anxiety, pain, fungal infections, and a host of other mental and physical disorders. Plus, they smell great. But when the Internet is full of conflicting information, and social media spreads a lot of erroneous ideas, it’s easy to get confused about proper usage. Even among those in the industry, opinions vary widely. Some sources insist that essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before being applied to the skin, while others claim that oils can safely be used neat (without a carrier). Some advocate ingesting essential oils, while others strongly advise against internal use without expert supervision. One good resource for sorting the good advice from the questionable practices is the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA). The organization educates health care practitioners and the general public

Horses and dogs do fine with most essential oils but never treat cats with oils. alike on safe and responsible use of essential oils. NAHA public relations manager, journal manager, and past president, Kelly Holland Azzaro, finds that inexperienced users can get a little heavy-handed with essential oils. “The oils are wonderful, but they need to be respected because they’re very, very potent,” she said. “I think, in America, everyone wants more: If a little is good, then more must be better. One drop is powerful to even put on a tissue. If somebody is having

anxiety, and they just put a drop of lavender on a tissue, they can use that tissue for several days.” Internal Use Essential oils are primarily administered through inhalation and topical application. But there is big debate on how and when to ingest oils. Certified aromatherapists do occasionally recommend internal use (more so in Europe than the United States), but only under special circumstances and only diluted in vegetable oil and encapsulated. The addition of fat helps protect the mucous membranes against irritation and damage, but even then, problems may still occur. NAHA recommends that people not use oils internally “unless properly trained in the safety issues of doing so.” However, two of the nation’s biggest essential oil companies heavily advocate internal use. One common recommendation promoted among essential oil sales representatives is to add a few drops of lemon oil to water for a daily detox. Holland Azzaro says this is not only unsafe, but wasteful. “People can burn their mouth, esophagus, and get blisters,” she said. “It takes a lot of lemons to make that oil. Why not just squeeze it directly from the lemon?” Robert Tisserand, an expert in essential oil research and author of “Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals,” says that to understand why companies would push for oral ingestion, just “follow the money.” “The two largest multi-level marketing companies, Young Living and doTERRA, are estimated to have a combined annual income in the region of $1 billion,” Tisserand said in an email. “The more oils your customers use, the more you sell.” Other Safety Concerns It’s tempting to consider an essential oil to be just as safe as its whole-herb counterpart. But even seemingly harmless peppermint oil must be handled with care. The NAHA website devotes a whole page to the precautions associated with peppermint oil, including evidence of drug interactions and why you should avoid using this oil with children. Dilute. Holland Azzaro says that while some oils can be used directly on the skin for specific issues (like bug bites and toenail fungus), in general, oils should be diluted before they are applied topically. Tisserand points to injury reports that suggest that undiluted oils increase risk. “All the science back up this notion,” he said. Keep a Narrow Scope. Over 150 plants contain essential oils, but Holland Azzaro recommends that her students start out small. Choose three

and study them well. “Get to know as much as you can about each oil,” she said. “Not just that it smells good, but get to know its chemical makeup, and how to use it safely.” Don’t Use an Oil Too Often. If you do, you you could wind up with sensitization—a symptom of overexposure. Those who are constantly inhaling lavender may develop an allergy to it. This can manifest as a breathing problem, hives, or the inability to smell lavender. Holland Azzaro advises taking an occasional break from your favorite oil to avoid problems. Take Extra Precautions With Sensitive Individuals. The NAHA website includes several indications for children and pregnant women, but animals are also a concern. Holland Azzaro says that horses and dogs do fine with most oils (except tea tree), but never treat cats with oils. “Cats are missing an enzyme in the liver,” she said. “Their body just cannot break down the oils properly. If somebody has a cat in the house, and they use a diffuser, they would want to keep an eye on that. Make sure that the cat is not too close to the diffuser, and maybe use a small fan to circulate the air.”

All these scenarios are taking place every day. Herpes is probably infecting one out of every three or four people, though government figures are about one in six. Most people are not tested or embarrassed to report it. It is apparently, socially and psychologically one of the most embarrassing and emotionally stressing infections anyone can have.

THE MEDICAL SCIENCE SIMPLY EXPLAINED Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by both Herpes simplex virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). Oral herpes outbreaks are often called cold sores or fever blisters. Genital herpes is external on both men and women and internal on women as well. However, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be found both orally and genitally! Herpes viruses cycle between periods of active disease with blisters containing infectious virus particles, which may last 2–21 days and be mildly to severely painful, followed by a period of remission. After the initial infection, the viruses are transported along sensory nerves, where they become latent and reside lifelong, that is unless they are destroyed by medical ozone therapy. Herpes simplex is easily transmitted by direct contact with a lesion of an infected individual. Oral herpes is easily diagnosed with visible sores or ulcers, though a small pink “bump”

on the tongue may represent an outbreak as well. Genital Herpes may be harder to spot, as an outbreak may only be a small pink or brown “bump” with no other symptoms.

Oral herpes outbreaks are often called cold sores or fever blisters

THE ANSWER, HOW TO GET RID OF IT PERMANENTLY! Treatments with antivirals can reduce outbreaks and may alleviate the severity of symptomatic episodes but will not get rid of the infection. Medical Ozone Therapy is the only medicine known to destroy and rid the body of this horrible infection by inactivating the virus so the body can eliminate and remove it completely.

Herpes is probably infecting one out of every three or four people

Most importantly it does it without harmful adverse reactions so typical with pharmaceuticals. Of course “Big Pharma” doesn’t want us to know about it and has repressed its use here in the USA as it is NOT patentable. For





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Avoid Oils Made From Endangered Plants. Sandalwood is one example. Instead, choose oils from sustainable crops, and consider the resources necessary to make it. It takes 16 pounds of peppermint leaf to make just one ounce of essential oil. An ounce of rose oil takes about 60,000 roses. Therapeutic Grade The vast majority of essential oil production is made for the food, beverage, and perfume industries. Only about 2 percent is produced for therapeutic use. Food-grade oils are approved as flavorings by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, but they are much more refined than the chemically complex products you find in small, dark bottles at the health food store. Representatives from Young Living and doTERRA often tout their products as better than the competition because they’re labeled “therapeutic grade” or “certified pure therapeutic grade.” But Tisserand says these are merely marketing terms. No regulators or thirdparty authorities are granting these labels. They are just company trademarks. Holland Azzaro says that when choosing an oil, consumers should ignore the marketing hype and look at details such as the Latin botanical name, country of origin, whether it’s organic, and general usage and safety guidelines. Company websites may provide further information on chemistry and details about a particular batch. Look for 100 percent pure essential oils. Avoid products that have been cut with a cheaper oil or synthetic fragrance.

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Health & Fitness

B4 May 22–28, 2015

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No, You Don’t Have to Finish All Your Antibiotics By Lyn Gilbert

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Even a very short course of antibiotics will kill many of the friendly bacteria in the gut.

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ost people believe— and have been told by health professionals—that it’s essential to finish a course of antibiotics to prevent antibiotic resistance. But this advice is not only wrong, it could actually be harmful. The idea that you have to take all the antibiotics you’re prescribed is based on the assumption that all the bacteria causing the infection have to be killed, so the surviving minority don’t become resistant. In fact, for most otherwise healthy people, significantly reducing but not necessarily totally eliminating the bacteria causing the infection allows the body’s natural defenses to take over and mop up the remaining few. Some Important Caveats There are some special circumstances when it’s important to kill all the bacteria—when the patient’s normal defenses are damaged for any reason, for instance, or when the infection is in a site that’s relatively inaccessible to antibiotics and the white blood cells that kill bacteria. This can be in the middle of an abscess or cavity filled with pus (as in tuberculosis infection), on a foreign body, such as a prosthetic heart valve, or in dead tissue that can’t be removed (as in osteomyelitis or infection of the bone). Obviously, stopping antibiotics before a serious infection is cured will risk a relapse.

Recent clinical trials show that even for some serious infections, shorter antibiotic courses can be as effective as conventional, longer ones. That’s what happened to Albert Alexander, the London policeman who was one of the first people to be treated with penicillin by Howard Florey in 1941. Alexander had a terrible infection that started with a scratch on his face. He developed abscesses all over his head and had already had an eye removed, but he was dying. Within 24 hours of being

given a small dose of penicillin, his fever fell, his appetite returned, and the abscesses started to heal. But when the penicillin supply ran out after five days, the infection flared up again. Alexander died four weeks later. We now know that severe staphylococcal infection with multiple abscesses, which is what Alexander had, is a type of infection that needs antibiotic treatment for weeks to prevent relapse. But there’s a lot we still don’t know about the best way to treat some types of infection. It has recently become clear that some of the conventions around antibiotic prescribing are neither based on evidence nor harmless. Antibiotics are generally benign, but they all cause allergies and other rare side effects in a small proportion of people. And there’s a universal effect that’s less well-known— even a very short course will kill many of the friendly bacteria in the gut. The effect lasts for weeks, and the longer the antibiotic course, the greater the risk that antibiotic-resistant bacteria will take their place and cause harm. What’s more, they can spread to other people and add to the pool of antibiotic resistance in the community. They can do worse damage too. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria include Clostridium difficile, which can be carried harmlessly in the bowel until a course of antibiotics kills off its competition. This allows it to multiply and produce toxins, potentially causing lifethreatening diarrhea. This, in turn, increases the risk of the bug spreading to other people, especially in hospitals and nursing homes where serious outbreaks often occur. Again, the longer the antibiotic course, the greater the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. The Right Dose The rate of antibiotic resistance (in a community, a hospital, or a whole country) is proportional to the total amount of antibiotics used. The relationship is complex, but the dangerous increase in multidrugresistant bacteria has led some experts to predict the “end of the antibiotic era.” This is the downside of 75 years of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics have saved countless millions of lives but have been often misused because of the misguided belief that they are harmless. The most important—but hardly novel—message for doctors is not to prescribe antibiotics unnecessarily, especially for colds and flu, which are nearly always viral. Antibiotics simply don’t work in acute upper-respiratory infections. We all know from experience that a cough will often

last for around 10 days, and there’s not a lot we can do to change that. The problem is that it’s not always obvious whether some illnesses are due to infection and whether they are bacterial—and so might need treatment—or viral. Tests might help, but the patient would have to wait for results. So the decision to treat is usu-

The longer the antibiotic course, the greater the risk that antibioticresistant bacteria will take their place and cause harm. ally based on clinical judgement—often influenced by the patient’s anxiety and the doctor’s tolerance (or intolerance) of risk. The challenge for doctors and patients is to weigh the risks and benefits of treatment. Unless there are compelling reasons to start immediately, we should wait for test results or to see how symptoms develop. Equally importantly, we should stop the treatment immediately if, in hindsight, the diagnosis was wrong or symptoms disappear quickly. Some serious bacterial infections, of course, need urgent and quite prolonged treatment. How long depends on the type of infection, how serious it is, and the patient’s underlying condition and response to treatment. But recommended antibiotic courses are often arbitrary. They may reflect long-standing convention or be based on a manufacturer’s decision during an initial drug trial. Recent clinical trials show that even for some serious infections, shorter antibiotic courses can be as effective as conventional, longer ones. The general rule is, the shorter the course, the lower the risk of side effects or resistance. More trials are needed to determine the shortest courses that can be recommended without increasing the risk of relapse. But ultimately, it will still depend on clinical judgement, not arbitrary rules, conventions, or package inserts. Lyn Gilbert is a clinical professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the University of Sydney. This article was originally published on The Conversation.

Health & Fitness

B5 May 22–28, 2015


What to Eat to

Prepare Your Skin for the Summer Sun By Katrine van Wyk


ou can actually help your skin better protect itself from sunburns by eating real, whole foods and avoiding inflammatory foods like sugar and processed seed oil. I have heard stories of people who find themselves much more resilient to the sun after switching to a more nutrient-dense diet full of vegeta-


bles, healthy fats, and clean protein sources like eggs and wild fish. It’s certainly worth a shot, especially because it is so important to catch the valuable sun rays that turn into vitamin D in our body. In order to do so, we need to expose our skin to the sun without wearing sunscreen for at least 15 minutes every day. Of course, we still want to avoid burning, which is what damages the skin and may increase the risk for skin cancer down the road.

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Fatty Fish Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish like wild salmon and sardines are great nutrients for our skin. Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids are important nutrients for protecting our skin against sun damage and cancer. These healthy fats have anti-inflammatory properties too.

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Coconut Oil This is a great source of medium-chain fatty acids and saturated fats that are easily absorbed and used by the body to form new skin and prevent damage from the sun. In general, a diet high in saturated fats and omega 3s and very low in processed seed oil that is high in omega-6 fatty acids has been shown to be protective against skin cancer. Coconut oil is also great for fueling you with energy and curbing cravings—helping prevent you from snacking on less healthy foods.

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Berries are a great source of skin-nourishing antioxidants. LZF/ISTOCK

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Vitamin D Optimizing your vitamin D levels year round makes your skin more prepared for sun exposure by producing melanin faster to better protect itself. Vitamin D also provides an important protection against skin cancer. If you don’t live somewhere that’s sunny all year around (hello, New York) it’s important to supplement with vitamin D3.

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Fatty acids found in fatty fish like wild salmon and sardines are great nutrients for our skin. Make sure to eat a variety of brightly colored vegetables and fruits, especially berries and dark leafy greens to feed your body with antioxidants to help fight against skin damage and sunburns. Carotenoid found in a lot of plants is actually used by plants as sunscreen and can activate melanin in us humans. Melanin is the dark pigment that gives us a tan. Foods containing high concentrations of carotenoids include tomatoes (especially cooked), sweet potatoes, mango, carrots, and watermelon, to name a few. Other great high-antioxidant foods include green tea, and the best news of all, dark chocolate contains four times as much phenols and catechins (two different kinds of antioxidants) as tea.

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The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are important nutrients for protecting our skin against sun damage and cancer.

The medium-chain fatty acids and saturated fats in coconut are easily absorbed and used by the body to form new skin.


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Make sure you optimize your vitamin D levels.

Katrine van Wyk graduated from Oslo University, the New School, and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a holistic practitioner. This article was originally published on DrFrankLipman.com.



333 East 56th Street New York, NY 10022


Health & Fitness

B6 May 22–28, 2015


No Brain, No Pain Pain is in the mind, so test results can make it worse

bundle of MRIs tucked under their arm and a somewhat worried look on their face. When we ask referrers about their almost ubiquitous MRI use, the most common answers tend to be “the pain was just so severe and the patient really wanted it,� “better to be safe than sorry,� “no harm in just excluding the nasty stuff,� and the clanger—“lucky we did— there are some pretty major problems in there.� And here is the rub. There’s no doubt that MRI is a really powerful tool. I am one of those who is gobsmacked by the detail these things provide and the magic of being able to see inside ourselves. I’m also pretty convinced that MRIs don’t carry physical risks. So what’s problem? If people can afford it or if the pain is really severe, it can’t do any harm, right? One of my favorite phrases when it comes to the biological processes involved in pain is that we are “fearfully and wonderfully complex.� The key to understanding why an MRI might actually make your back pain worse is to understand first how back pain works. Indeed, how all pain works. Pain is always—100 percent of the time—created by your brain in an attempt to make you do something to protect your body. People right in the middle of an acute episode of back pain know this better than most—it’s a brutal, distressing and, at times, terrifying feeling that possesses you to desperately want to be rid of it. It’s so compelling and so clearly “in your body,� that it can be difficult to believe that

By Lorimer Moseley common recommended “don’t� of the Choosing Wisely campaign in the United States, Canada, and now Australia is getting imaging for nonspecific back pain. The initiative, which identifies tests, treatments, and procedures that have little benefit but may lead to harm, is indeed wise in highlighting the dangers of such scanning. The recommendation is based on several major studies—from 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013. But while

If you’re over 25 and half normal, then an MRI will show ‘stu’ with scary names. not imaging might be based on solid advice, it’s old advice. The recommendation has been around for years—ever since it was discovered that the state of your back MRI doesn’t relate very well to whether or not you have back pain. Still, They Come ‌ Nonetheless, the vast majority of people who turn up to participate in our research, two or three weeks into an episode of back pain, bring with them a


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you don’t actually need a body part to have pain in it. But you do need a brain. No brain—no pain. Don’t Believe Me? You may not want to accept this—and many can’t at first bite—but it’s a comparatively small step to get there: Any credible evidence of danger to your body will make pain worse and any credible evidence of safety to your body will make it better. Because we haven’t yet identified everything that carries credible evidence of safety and danger, we lump those we don’t know about together and call them placebo (safety) and nocebo (danger) effects. The idea that the “placebo effect� or the “nocebo effect� are actual “things� is, in my view, a bit daft because they’re really just umbrella terms for all the effects we haven’t identified yet. As we discover that, for example, a clinician’s belief in the treatment they’re administering affects its pain-relieving capacity, or that the painrelieving effect of acupuncture depends more on whether you think you had acupuncture than it does on whether you actually had it, the placebo “effect� seems to get smaller. It’s not the effect that’s getting smaller, we’re just understanding things better. But that’s a bit by the by for now. The stakes in this idea of “credible evidence of danger� are very high when it comes to pain because of neuroplasticity—the wonderful adaptability of our brain and nervous system. Of course, it’s not just your brain that changes by itself, it’s your whole body, which is why I prefer to think of it as “bioplasticity.� The point is that the more you play the piano or football, the better you get at playing the piano or football. So it follows that the more your whole system produces something like pain, the better it gets at producing pain. Try It Out With this model of pain in mind and a healthy respect for bioplasticity, let’s revisit that MRI you got after a week of brutal back pain. If you’re over

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It can be hard to believe that pain in your body is actually created in your mind.

25 and half normal, then your MRI will show “stuff.� It will pick up the “kisses of time� that have morphed your vertebrae and joints to better withstand the forces on them;

Pain is always created by your brain in an attempt to make you do something to protect your body. it will pick up old minor injuries—perhaps you never knew you had—that have healed but left their trace, just like a scar on your skin; it will pick up evidence that you’re no longer fresh out of the womb; and it will pick up many of your own idiosyncratic anatomical char-

acteristics. Just like a photo of your face clearly shows you’re not the same as anyone else. Unfortunately, when it comes to MRIs, these usual things are then given rather scary names, such as “broadbased disc bulge,� “degenerative changes� and spondylolysis. Credible evidence of danger? Sure sounds like it. And, because of your own fearfully and wonderfully complex system, your brain will store this information and quite possibly turn up the “need to protect� meter, just a bit. So you dive into the challenge of finding the best strategy to “fix the MRI,� until eventually you come across someone with the apparent audacity to tell you, actually, those MRIs are pretty normal. Now you are livid, right? Are they telling me my pain is all in my head? Clearly, it is not—it is in your back. But, like it or not, if you are a human, your pain is in MICHAEL JUNG/ISTOCK


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fact produced in your head, and it will produce it more readily and more intensely if you have what you think is clear MRI evidence that something is wrong. Getting Wise I have deliberately taken a provocative line here, but it is by no means outrageous. There is experimental data that clearly predicts this scenario and big studies that suggest getting an MRI early on is associated with poor outcome later. So choose wisely when your back hurts; remember that even brutal back pain is rarely a sign of serious pathology and that it’s really, really common. Remember that it will pass, and it’s best to gradually increase your activity—respect your pain but don’t fear it. You should see a physiotherapist or a doctor because they know the important questions to ask and can coach you on the best road to recovery. And remember—whether you think you are a tough nut or a bit of a softie—your brain considers all credible evidence of danger when it’s producing pain. If you do end up getting an MRI, expect to see the “kisses of timeâ€? and remember that they’re normal, even if they have scary names. Know that there’s no way of finding out when old injuries occurred, and the imaging will probably look just the same when your back no longer hurts. Lorimer Moseley is a professor of clinical neurosciences and foundation chair in physiotherapy at the University of South Australia. This article was originally published on The Conversation.Â

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MRI results may not relate very well to whether or not you have back pain.

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By Michael Edwards By Michael Edwards, Organic Lifestyle Magazine Spinach is one of the greatest super foods. It is a rich source of vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E and K; magnesium; manganese; folate; iron; calcium; potassium; folic acid; copper; phosphorous; zinc; niacin; selenium; and omega-3 fatty acids. It contains good levels of protein, is packed with phytonutrients (potent substances that have been shown to fight cancer), and contains lutein, which studies have shown protects against macular degeneration and cataracts. It also contains a carotenoid called neoxanthin, which has been shown to lower incidence of breast cancer in women, and prostate cancer in men. The folate content in spinach is beneficial for protection against heart disease. High levels of folate help neutralize the harmful effects of homocysteine, which raises the risks of both heart disease and stroke. The high levels of calcium and vitamin K can reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women. Spinach is so packed with nutrients that  it is highly recommended for pregnant women. It is also a powerful antiinflammatory, so it is excellent for arthritis sufferers.

Iron Mistake Though spinach is also a good source of iron, it is nowhere near as good as most people think. This is due to an error made by Dr. E. von Wolf, who originally classified the nutrient value of spinach in 1870. Unfortunately, in his notes he misplaced a decimal point, and thus spinach

Spinach is a powerful antiinflammatory, so it is excellent for arthritis suerers. was thought to have 10 times its actual iron content. The mistake wasn’t discovered for 70 years or so. Varieties However, iron aside, not many foods can pack all that punch. Spinach is related to chard, beets, and sorrel, and comes in many different varieties. Swamp Spinach. If you are lucky enough to live near an Asian supermarket, you should try swamp spinach

(also known as kangkong). This variety is just as beneficial as the conventional supermarket ones but is quite a lot cheaper since it does not need to be cultivated. It comes in big bunches and looks a little like long, thin pak choi. It is eaten all over Asia. These are the more common varieties that you will find in supermarkets: Smooth Flat Leaf. This variety usually comes washed and ready to eat. It is excellent eaten raw in salads and wilted to serve as a garnish. Semi-Savoy. Crinkly edged yet similar to a light cabbage leaf, this variety lends itself to being used as a side of green vegetables with a meal or tossed into a stir fry for a few seconds at the very last minute. Savoy. This variety is the hardiest and is best-suited for shredding and adding to bold soups such as ribollita or pistou. It needs a good washing, as the wrinkles in the leaves gather a lot of grit and soil. How to Cook Whichever type of spinach you use or whatever the dish for which you use it, there is one fundamental rule to using spinach. If you are cooking with it, you must not cook it longer than 20–30 seconds.

In restaurants, this is known as “al minuto,â€? which means “to the minute.â€? If you don’t exceed this, then you will have bright, vibrant, tasty spinach with lots of color and texture. However, if you cook it for too long, you will end up with mushy, bitter-tasting brown sludge that will have all the appeal of canned spinach. Food of the Powerful The first recorded instances of spinach being consumed as a vegetable date back to 7th century China, long before it became popular in the courts of Europe. It was particularly popular among the Italian aristocracy. Catherine de Medici (the Medicis were a very powerful medieval family in Florence in the Middle Ages) was so fond of spinach that when she married the king of France, she brought her own chefs to cook it the way she liked it. Since then, dishes served on a bed of spinach have been known as “a la Florentine.â€? As far as vegetables go, nutritionally speaking, spinach is hard to beat. Wilted in a wok, in a little olive oil or butter, with black pepper and a little grated nutmeg—what’s not to like? Michael Edwards writes for Organic Lifestyle Magazine where this article was originally published.

Cinnamon, gui zhi, is one of the oldest spices around and it is mentioned frequently in the Bible as an ingredient for making holy anointing oil. Even earlier, cinnamon received much attention in China. It is mentioned in one of the earliest books (approximately 2,700 B.C.) about Chinese botanical medicine. Today, the cinnamon twig is one of the most important circulatory herbs in Chinese herbalism. It is made from the fine branches and twigs of the Saigon cinnamon tree, a large tropical tree. Gui zhi, warms the body and invigorates circulation. It induces perspiration and relieves muscle spasms. With these properties, gui zhi is commonly used for menstrual disorders such as abdominal masses, stopped menstruation, and abdominal cramps.


In addition to activating circulation, the spice has anti-clotting actions. Gui zhi is also used for the common cold, upper-respiratory congestion, various circulatory disorders, including chest pains, palpitations, numbness and arthritis. It should be used with caution by women who are pregnant or bleeding heavily. Some herbs are known to react with your existing medications so please consult a qualified Chinese herbalist before taking any herb. Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc, practices acupuncture in Chicago. She earned her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of Illinois and Master of Science in oriental medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Colorado. She completed an internship at the SinoJapanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing. For more information, visit TCM007.com.

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Health & Fitness

B8 May 22–28, 2015

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How to Retrain Your Abs After a C-Section By Ashley Whitson


cesarean section is typically performed when complications with pregnancy make vaginal birth difficult or puts the mother or child at risk. This is a major surgery as a horizontal incision is made through the abdominal wall and uterus. As a result of cutting through this tissue and sewing it back together, scarring occurs in the fascia, a connective tissue made primarily of collagen and inter-

connecting nerve pathways. During healing, new collagen fibers grow in random patterns, which can form adhesions that attach to muscles, bones, tendons, and even organs. This causes an abnormal pull on the fascial network and can result in a loss of abdominal stability for the mother. It can also directly affect the functioning of the neuromuscular system by sending abnormal signals to the brain. Thomas W. Myers, author of “Anatomy Trains, Myofascial Meridians for Manual & Movement Ther-

apists,” describes a disruption in the fascial network like a snag in a sweater. The tug on the fascial net is communicated across the entire system. It is therefore important to decrease scar tissue when retraining the abdominals after a cesarean. Once you have permission from your doctor, usually at the six-week mark, you should start gently massaging the area to break up the tissue and encourage oxygen flow in and toxin flow out. Use your fingertips to move the tissue up, down, side to side,

and also little circles. Try to gain movement in the direction the tissue tends not to want to go and more mobility in the stiffer areas. You can do this lying down on your back or seated with good posture. Once you have massaged your scar for several minutes, concentrate on deep breathing with long exhales. Then you can progress to some light abdominal training to bring awareness to the area. But do not do crunches! This will not help you to regain intrinsic core stability. Instead try heel slides and ball rollouts.

Once you have permission from your doctor, gently massage the abdomen to break up scar tissue.

Heel Slides - Begin lying on your back with knees bent. - Extend one leg by sliding the heel out along the floor and then back in to the starting position. - Use your breath and maintain a stable neutral spine.

Ball Rollouts - Begin lying on your back with feet up on a stability ball and bent knees. - As you press the ball away, engage your abdominals and maintain a stable neutral spine and then pull the ball back into the starting position. - When it is time to get up off the floor, don’t try to get straight up, always roll to your side first.

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Ashley Whitson is an ACE-certified personal trainer, Pilates certified instructor, pre/postnatal exercise specialist, Functional Movement Systems professional, Neurokinetic Therapy practitioner, and professional dancer in New York. For more information, see AshleyWhitsonPersonalTrainernyc.com.

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