Epoch Health 5-29-2015

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B1 May 29–June 4, 2015



The exact impact of exercise on our genes had not been fully explored until recently.

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Can Exercise Change Our DNA? By Pano Savvidis e all know that exercise is good for our bodies. We’ve known it from our earliest school days when we were encouraged to take up sports and stay active. However, what many of us don’t know is just how deep this positive impact can go. New research suggests exercise could have an effect that’s as farreaching as our DNA. Rather than just honing our muscles and reducing our risk of illness, exercise could actually be changing the shape and functioning of our genes in a complex and dynamic manner.

exercise can cause these “traffic lights” to switch on or off, becoming more or less active as it impacts the body. However, the exact cause of these fluctuations had always remained a mystery until the study of epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to a process whereby the DNA remains unaltered, yet the operation of the gene is changed. These modifications occur on the outside of the gene, via an event called methylation. This is where methyl groups—essentially clusters of atoms—attach to the exterior of the structure much like molluscs on a rock. As a result, the gene is rendered more or less able to receive and respond to the biochemical signals it receives.

The Study of Epigenetics The human genome is fascinating. Far from being static, it experiences a continuous cycle of change, with genes constantly turning themselves on and off in response to biochemical signals from the body. The easiest way to understand this is to imagine these genes as traffic lights. When the green light is on, proteins are released, catalysing physiological responses throughout the body. It has long been understood that

The Effect of Exercise on Methylation Patterns One of the main catalysts for changing methylation patterns is lifestyle. This means that environmental factors, from certain food types to chemicals that we’re exposed to, can cause these ‘traffic lights’ to become more or less likely to show green or red in response to stimuli, thus affecting the likelihood of certain proteins being expressed. Depending on the exact changes that take place, this can affect our health or

our chances of developing some diseases. The exact impact of exercise had not been fully explored until recently. Interestingly, the first tentative research suggested that a single bout of exercise was capable of causing immediate changes to methylation patterns of some of the genes in our muscle cells. It’s thanks to these findings that scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm were inspired to carry out a more in-depth study into the effect of long-term physical training on gene structures. The Karolinska Study The scientists in Stockholm decided to answer their questions with a specially formulated study. They recruited 23 young men and women and asked them to undergo a series of physical performance and medical tests in a laboratory environment. Then they were then asked to exercise their lower bodies for a period of three months. In order to rule out other environmental causes for altered methylation patterns, it was requested that they only exercise one leg so that the two limbs could be compared. Each participant became both a test subject and a

The human genome experiences a continuous cycle of change, with genes constantly turning themselves on and off in response to biochemical signals from the body. member of the control group. The changes discovered within the cell structures were intriguing. Genomic analysis revealed more than 5,000 altered methylation patterns in the genomes of the muscle cells they biopsied.

A large number of these changes were on parts of the genome known as enhancers, which are responsible for exaggerating the expression of proteins by genes. Most were identified as influencing energy metabolism, insulin response, and muscle inflammation i.e. the level of health for the muscle. What Does This Mean? Although further research will be required to fully understand the impact of exercise on our genes, the message should be enough to encourage all of us to review our lifestyles. As Malene Lindholm, one of the progenitors of the study so succinctly put it, “Through endurance training—a lifestyle change that is easily available for most people and doesn’t cost much money—we can induce changes that affect how we use our genes and, through that, get healthier and more functional muscles, which ultimately improve our quality of life.” Could it be time to break out your exercise gear and step your fitness regime up a notch? Pano Savvidis writes for Organic Lifestyle Magazine where this article was originally published.


Health & Fitness

B2 May 29–June 4, 2015

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of Greater New York

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U.K. researchers estimated that around one in five of the cancers detected via breast-cancer screening is overdiagnosed.

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n Australian survey released last week has found a large majority of people report they’ve never been told by doctors about the danger of being overdiagnosed. An equally large majority say they want to be informed. This is the first time anywhere in the world the general community has been asked about their knowledge and views on the “modern epidemic” of overdiagnosis, which happens when someone is diagnosed with a disease that won’t actually harm them. Being overdiagnosed means you’re likely to be over-treated and potentially suffer the harms of that treatment without getting any benefits. It can occur as a result of healthy people undergoing certain cancer-screening programs, for instance, and being diagnosed and treated for a cancer that would never progress to cause symptoms or early death.

For prostate cancer screening, evidence suggests as many as one in two cancers may be overdiagnosed. Wanting to Know While there’s ongoing scientific debate about how often this happens, a large independent U.K. inquiry estimated that, along with saving lives of those diagnosed with harmful cancers, perhaps one in five of the cancers detected via breast cancer screening are overdiagnosed. Overdiagnosed cancers were defined in the inquiry’s full report as those “diagnosed by screening that would not otherwise have come to attention in the woman’s lifetime.” For prostate cancer screening, evidence suggests as many as one in two cancers may be overdiagnosed—causing some public health authorities to recommend against screening for it at all. In a national survey of 500 Australians that we ran with colleagues at Bond and Sydney universities and published

in the global open-access journal PLOS ONE, we specifically asked people if they’d been screened for breast or prostate cancer. And if so, whether or not they’d been informed about the risk of overdiagnosis associated with the screening. Of the men who reported being screened for prostate cancer, 80 percent said they had not been told of the risk of overdiagnosis. Of women who’d been screened for breast cancer, 87 percent said they had not been told. Overall, only one in ten said they’d ever been informed by a doctor about overdiagnosis. Asked whether they thought that, along with the benefits of being screened, people should also be informed about the risk of being overdiagnosed, 93 percent agreed. Remarkably, at the end of the anonymous telephone survey, 80 percent of people agreed to share their personal details so they could participate in follow-up qualitative research on overdiagnosis. Their agreement highlights a public hunger for more information about the issue. Expanding Definitions Another reason overdiagnosis happens is because diagnostic thresholds for some diseases are lowered so much that people with mild symptoms, or at very low risk of illness, are labelled as “diseased”—even though many will never actually be harmed by the disease. Consider “pre-hypertension” which is said to affect a whopping one in three adults, or the continually expanding definitions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These changes to disease definitions, which often expand the numbers of people classified as sick, are commonly made by panels of experts that include doctors who are paid to speak for or consult to drug companies. In a previous study published in PLOS Medicine, our team found around 75 percent of these experts have multiple relationships with a median of seven drug or device companies. In our current survey, we asked the public what they thought about doctors who define disease also having relationships with pharmaceutical companies. This is likely the first time anywhere in the world the public has been asked about the experts who draw the line between health and illness. Almost 80 percent of the survey participants thought these relationships with drug companies were inappropriate, and 90 percent thought the panels should have a minority of members with these conflicts of inter-

est or be totally free of them. Public thinking, it seems, is very much in tune with recommendations from august bodies, including the United States Institute of Medicine, that have concluded there is a need for much greater independence between influential medical panels and the pharmaceutical industry.

One reason overdiagnosis happens is that diagnostic thresholds are lowered so much that people with mild symptoms are labelled as ‘diseased.’ Better Care Like all research, our survey has limitations, and we’ve spelt them out in our published article. One of them is that out of all the people contacted and eligible for the survey, just under half agreed to take part, raising the possibility of differences between our sample and the wider population. Notwithstanding limitations, our survey adds weight to calls to better inform people about the risk of overdiagnosis, particularly those who take part in cancer-screening programs. This has started to happen around the world and is on the cards in Australia. On the question of conflicted experts, our results suggest there might be strong public sympathy for any professional group or policymaker brave enough to try and bring more independence to the influential panels that decide who is sick and how they should be treated. Despite the counter-intuitive and complex nature of the problem, preventing overdiagnosis is increasingly on the radar of those working for a more rational and sustainable health care system. It may help shift resources wasted on unnecessary care to those in genuine need. Ray Moynihan is a senior research fellow at Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia. This article was previously published on TheConversation.com

Health & Fitness

B3 May 29–June 4, 2015

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Erectile Dysfunction:

Travel the Road to Treatment The next time your child is hot and cranky, and you’re exhausted from sleepless nights, you can take some comfort in knowing that fevers also do the body good.

Fevers Can Help Stop Cancer By June Fakkert Epoch Times Staff


t’s sure not fun when your child has a fever, but there may be a silver lining because febrile diseases in childhood are associated with lower rates of certain cancers later on. Research published in 2011 in the journal Current Opinion in Immunology said that “history of febrile childhood diseases lowers the risk for melanomas, leukemias, nonHodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and ovarian cancer.” Breast cancer, however, does not appear to be diminished by childhood illness. Some Illnesses Protect Mumps is one of the cancerreducing illnesses and lowers the risk of a number of adult cancers, including ovarian cancer, according to Dr. Daniel Cramer, a professor at Harvard Cancer Center. The mechanism for this, according to one study he published, is that when you have mumps, the body produces a protein called mucin 1 (MUC1), which the immune system learns to recognize and will attack later when it’s overproduced by cancerous ovarian cells. “Mumps parotitis may lead to expression and immune recognition of a tumor-associated form of MUC1 and create effective immune sur-

veillance of ovarian cancer cells that express this form of MUC1,” reads a study Cramer co-authored, which first appeared in the international journal Cancer Causes & Control. Parotitis refers to inflammation of the parotid glands, the large salivary glands located just in front of each ear. And in addition, Cramer and other researchers found in another study that if a moth-

Infection while breastfeeding might also decrease risk for ovarian cancer. Daniel Cramer, professor and researcher, Harvard Cancer Center er’s breast becomes infected while she’s breastfeeding, this can also confer some anti-cancer benefit. “Infection while breastfeeding might also decrease risk for ovarian cancer likely by a similar mechanism,” he said in an email. Other diseases associated with reduced cancer risk are measles, chicken pox, rubella, pertussis, and scarlet fever.

Grip Strength a Strong Indicator for Heart Health By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff For mountain climbers and weight lifters, a strong grip is critical for success. For everyone else, grip strength may be a reliable risk indicator for disease. Measuring grip strength is an easy and cost-effective diagnostic tool some doctors use to assess heart health. A recent study published in the Lancet journal provides evidence that may convince more physicians to pick it up. The grip-strength study was part of a larger ongoing project called the PURE study, where researchers are examining the health and disease patterns of more than 150,000 people over the course of several years. PURE (Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological) is the largest global study to look at environmental, societal, and biological influences on disease. In 2003, participants enrolled

in the PURE study were assessed for grip strength using a dynamometer—a hydraulic device that measures the pounds of pressure exerted in a squeeze of the hand. Four years later, participants were assessed again noting a variety of conditions—heart

Grip strength may be a stronger predictor of cardiovascular mortality than systolic blood pressure. attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, respiratory illness, injury due to fall, and fracture. In both rich and poor countries, nearly all associations between grip strength and disease were very similar.

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Having childhood infections was also associated with lower risk of Hodgkin’s lymphoma related to the EpsteinBarr virus. The timing of infection may also be important. One study in the BMJ (a peer-reviewed medical journal) also found that delayed exposure to infection, when accompanied by other factors, appeared to increase leukemia risk. Vaccination and Cancer Risk For cancers that are caused by viruses, the vaccines that target those viruses reduce the incidence of cancer. For example, the HPV vaccine offers protection against the two virus types that cause around 70 percent of cervical cancers, and the hepatitis B vaccine reduces the incidence of liver cancer. However, in the case of the mumps, vaccination does not offer cancer protection. Cramer and other researchers wrote in a study that “mumps vaccination only creates antiviral antibodies and would not lead to anti-MUC1 antibodies, which we show here require an active parotitis.” Research is being done to make a vaccine that could offer cancer protection. So the next time your child is hot and cranky, and you’re exhausted from sleepless nights, you can take some comfort in knowing that fevers also do the body good.

Researchers found that those with weaker grips were 17 percent more likely to die from heart disease—making grip strength a stronger predictor of cardiovascular mortality than systolic blood pressure. Weaker grips also saw a 9 percent higher stroke risk, a 7 percent higher risk of heart attack, and a 16 percent higher risk of death from any cause. There was no significant association seen between grip and other diseases, such as diabetes and fracture. However, highincome countries saw a strong correlation between cancer risk and grip strength that did not occur in middle-income and poor countries. Previous grip-strength examinations have revealed similar insights. A 2008 review of 45 grip-strength studies published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy found a weak grip to be a good indicator of mortality, disability, or complications following surgery. Why does the grip-strength metric work, and can exercises used to improve grip strength also reduce the risk of heart disease? PURE researchers say more study is necessary to answer these questions.

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Health & Fitness

B4 May 29–June 4, 2015


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Pomegranates have wide-ranging benefits and may help reduce the risk of all sorts of serious diseases.


Proven Benefits of Pomegranate ARIWASABI/ISTOCK

By Joe Leech

omegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth. They contain a range of beneficial plant compounds unrivaled by other foods. Many studies have shown that they have incredible benefits for your body and may lower the risk of all sorts of diseases. Here are 12 health benefits of pomegranates that are supported by modern scientific research. 1. Loaded With Important Nutrients The pomegranate, or Punica granatum, is a shrub that produces a red fruit. Categorized as a berry, the pomegranate fruit is about 2–5 inches (5–12 centimeters) in diameter. It is red, round, and looks kind of like a red apple with a flower-shaped stem. The skin of the pomegranate is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible seeds called arils within. The arils are what people eat, either raw or processed into pomegranate juice. Pomegranates have an impressive nutrient profile. One cup of arils (174 grams) contains: < Fiber: 7 grams. < Protein: 3 grams. < Vitamin C: 30 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). < Vitamin K: 36 percent of the RDA. < Folate: 16 percent of the RDA. < Potassium: 12 percent of the RDA. The pomegranate arils (seeds) are also very sweet, with 1 cup containing 24 grams of sugar and 144 calories. However, where pomegranates really shine is in their content of powerful plant compounds, some of which have potent medicinal properties. Bottom Line. The pomegranate is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive plant compounds, but they also contain sugar. 2. Powerful Medicinal Properties There are two unique substances in pomegranates that are responsible for most of their health benefits. Punicalagins. Punicalagins are extremely powerful antioxidants found in the juice and peel of a pomegran-

The pomegranate is a fruit that contains hundreds of edible seeds called arils.

ate. They are so powerful that pomegranate juice has been found to have three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea. Pomegranate extract and powder is typically made from the peel, due to its high antioxidant and punicalagin content. Punicic Acid. Punicic acid, also known as pomegranate seed oil, is the main fatty acid in the arils. It is a type of conjugated linoleic acid with potent biological effects. Bottom Line. Pomegran-

Pomegranates are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive plant compounds. ates contain punicalagins and punicic acid, unique substances that are responsible for most of their health benefits. 3. Impressive AntiInflammatory Effects Chronic inflammation is among the leading drivers of many killer diseases. This includes heart disease, cancer, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even obesity. Pomegranate has potent anti-inflammatory proper-

ties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagins. Test-tube studies have shown that pomegranate can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, as well as in breast cancer and colon cancer cells. One study in diabetics found that 250 milliliters of pomegranate juice per day for 12 weeks lowered the inflammatory markers CRP and interleukin-6 by 32 percent and 30 percent, respectively. Bottom Line. The punicalagins in pomegranate juice have been shown to reduce inflammation, one of the leading drivers of many killer diseases. 4. May Help Fight Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men. Laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extract can slow down cancer cell reproduction and even induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. The PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a blood marker for prostate cancer. Men whose PSA levels double in a short period of time are at increased risk of death from prostate cancer. Interestingly, a human study found that 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of pomegranate juice per day increased the PSA doubling time from 15 months to 54 months, which is huge. See Pomegranate on B6

Health & Fitness

B5 May 29–June 4, 2015

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ELIMINATE PAIN USING HOLISTIC TREATMENTS WITHOUT DRUGS OR SURGERY Have your stride evaluated, so you know what you need in a shoe.

How to Pick the Right Running Shoe Life Fitness

shoes for your feet, your stride, and your budget.

Choosing the right running shoe can mean the difference between a great run and a bad experience. Running in old shoes or the wrong shoes can lead to discomfort, pain, and even injuries. Now that running shoes are built more hi-tech than ever, shopping for a shoe can be confusing and expensive. Here are some tips for choosing the right shoe:

Focus on Fit Try to remember fit over fashion. Figure out whether you need cushioned and flexible shoes to provide shock absorption and allow for range of motion or whether you need a stability shoe that provides more structure and ankle support.

Buy for the Specific Sport Purchase shoes for the sport you will be doing. Most sporting goods stores carry a variety of shoes for different activities like walking, running, basketball, tennis, and aerobics. If you’ll be combining several sports or activities, look for cross trainers as another alternative. No matter the activity variety, if you’re going to be doing a lot of running, skip the cross trainers and invest in a good pair of running shoes. Have Your Stride Evaluated Many specialty stores will evaluate your stride on the treadmill and can help determine if your footfall overpronates or underpronates. They will let you test shoes while walking on a treadmill and suggest the correct

Try on shoes in the evening when your feet are largest. The trend in minimalist shoes and barefoot running continues to be popular. Advocates claim that such shoes adjust and change your biomechanics for the better, helping your feet become stronger. If you go this route, make sure to ease into them and start with very low mileage. Consider Your Budget One pair of shoes isn’t going to last a lifetime. Running shoes need to be replaced after about 300–400 miles, or three to six months of regular use. This may

mean that the most expensive, hi-tech shoe isn’t going to be for you. You can pay anywhere from $20 for no-name brands to $200 for the newest features on brand names. Discount retailers can have great deals if you’re watching your budget. Do a Shoe Review The toe should have enough width in the front to feel comfortable, but the heel should be snug. Try on shoes in the evening when your feet are largest, and remember your foot can expand up to a half size during exercise. Often its best to buy running shoes in one size larger than your dress size. Allow approximately a half inch between the end of your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Wear the same socks you will be using for exercise when you try on shoes. Consider orthotics if you have chronic knee, hip, or foot pain, or you need arch support. Orthotics can help get your foot, legs, or pelvis in neutral position to reduce stress to your joints.

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Can Good Food Protect Your Ears From Loud Noises? By Morgan Sherburne A healthy diet may offer some protection from hearing loss due to noise exposure; however, it can’t reverse hearing damage, a new study shows. Researchers examined the eating habits of 2,366 people who answered questionnaires about their health and were given a four-part hearing test. The findings showed a strong connection between a healthy diet, hearing, and noise exposure. The hearing of people who ate well but had higher noise exposure was comparable to the hearing of people with lower noise exposure who ate less healthy diets. For the study, published in the International Journal of Audiology, a healthy diet meant that the person who scored well on the Healthy Eating Index ate as close to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s diet recommendations as possible—plenty of vegetables, fruit, and fiber, while keeping salt, cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat beneath recommended limits. Hearing Health “Our hearing health is linked to our general health,” said Christopher Spankovich, research assistant professor in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences department at the University of Florida. “Our auditory system is dependent on our cardiovascular, neural, and metabolic health, and if we are not healthy in general, it makes sense that we could increase our susceptibility to hearing loss.” Hearing can be affected in multiple ways, some of which are avoidable, and some of which aren’t, Spankovich said. Some unchangeable factors include sex, genetics,

race, ethnicity, and age. Some changeable factors include cardiovascular health issues, diet, ototoxic medications, and exposure to loud noise. The relationship between a better diet and better hearing was only evident in higher frequencies, not in lower ones. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey assesses the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, partly by assigning points based on how well participants eat. For example, people might be awarded a full score of 10 points if they eat the full number of recommended servings of vegetables. People may lose points if they consume too much of certain nutrients, such as sodium. Most people who completed the survey, which assigns a score of 0 to 100, scored between 58 to 61. The average score of study participants was 63.11 percent. Seventy-three percent of the sample had intermediate scores, ranging from 51 to 80 percent, which were classified as “needs improvement,” while 14.6 percent had poor scores, and 12 percent had good scores. The study identified a relationship between hearing and diet—not a causal link, Spankovich emphasized. “These initial studies are showing the link between diet, auditory function, and noise exposure. We can’t show cause-and-effect because it’s a cross-sectional study.” This article was originally published by the University of Florida. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

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B6 May 29–June 4, 2015

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Proven Benefits of Pomegranate

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A follow-up study found similar improvements using a type of pomegranate extract called POMx. Bottom Line. There is preliminary evidence that pomegranate juice can be useful in men with prostate cancer, potentially inhibiting cancer growth and lowering the risk of death. 5. May Be Useful Against Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. Pomegranate extract has been shown to inhibit reproduction of breast cancer cells and may even kill some of them. However, this is currently limited to laboratory studies. More research is needed.


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Bottom Line. Laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extract can help fight breast cancer cells, but human studies are needed to confirm this. 6. May Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading drivers of heart attacks and strokes. In one study, people with high blood pressure had a significant reduction after consuming  5 ounces (150 milliliters) of pomegranate juice daily for two weeks. Other studies have found similar effects, especially for systolic blood pressure (the higher number in a blood pressure reading). Bottom Line. Regular intake of pomegranate juice has been shown to lower blood pressure levels in as little as two weeks. 7. May Help Arthritis and Joint Pain Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries. There are many different types, but most of them involve some form of inflammation in the joints. Given that the plant compounds in pomegranate have anti-inflammatory effects, it makes sense that they could help treat arthritis. Interestingly, laboratory studies have shown that pomegranate extract can block enzymes that are known to damage joints in people with osteoarthritis. Pomegranate extract has also been shown to be beneficial against arthritis in mice, but there is very little evidence in humans so far. Bottom Line. Studies in animals and isolated cells

Animal studies show that pomegranate extract may be beneficial against several forms of arthritis.

have shown that pomegranate extract may be beneficial against several forms of arthritis, but human research is needed. 8. May Lower Risk of Heart Disease Heart disease is currently the world’s most common cause of premature death. It is a complicated disease, driven by many different factors. Punicic acid, the main fatty acid in pomegranate, may help protect against several steps in the heart disease process. In a study in 51 people with high cholesterol and triglycerides, 800 milligrams of pomegranate seed oil per day for four weeks was shown to significantly lower triglycerides

Several human studies have shown that pomegranate can have benefits against heart disease. and improve the triglyceride to HDL ratio. Another study looked at the effects of pomegranate juice in people with Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. They noted significant reductions in LDL cholesterol, as well as other improvements. Pomegranate juice has also been shown, in both animal and human studies, to protect the LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, one of the key steps in the pathway towards heart disease. Bottom Line. Several human studies have shown that pomegranate can have benefits against heart disease. It

improves the cholesterol profile and protects LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. 9. May Help Erectile Dysfunction Oxidative damage can impair blood flow in all areas of the body, including erectile tissue. Pomegranate juice has been shown to be beneficial in increasing blood flow and erectile response in rabbits. In a study of 53 men with erectile dysfunction, pomegranate appeared to have some benefit, but it was not statistically significant. Bottom Line. Pomegranate juice has been linked to reduced symptoms of erectile dysfunction, but more research is needed. 10. Fights Bacterial and Fungal Infections The plant compounds in pomegranate can help fight harmful microorganisms. For example, they have been shown to be beneficial against some types of bacteria, as well as the yeast Candida albicans. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects may also be protective against infections and inflammation in the mouth. This includes conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis, and denture stomatitis. Bottom Line. Pomegranate has anti-bacterial and antiviral properties, which may be useful against common diseases of the gums. 11. May Help Improve Memory There is some evidence that pomegranate can improve memory. In one study in surgical patients, 2 grams of pomegranate extract prevented deficits in memory after the surgery. Another study in 28 elderly individuals with mem-

ory complaints found that 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of pomegranate juice per day significantly improved markers of verbal and visual memory. There is also some evidence from studies in mice that pomegranate can help fight Alzheimer’s disease. Bottom Line. Some evidence shows that pomegranate can improve memory in the elderly and in post-surgery patients. Studies in mice suggest that it can protect against Alzheimer’s disease. 12. May Improve Exercise Performance Pomegranate is rich in dietary nitrates, which have been shown to improve exercise performance. In a study of 19 athletes running on a treadmill, 1 gram of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before exercise significantly enhanced blood flow. This led to a delay in the onset of fatigue and an increase in exercise efficiency. More studies are needed, but it seems like pomegranate may be beneficial for physical performance, similar to beetroot juice. 13. Anything Else? If you want to enjoy the health benefits outlined in the article, then you can either eat the pomegranate arils directly, or drink pomegranate juice. There is also a good selection of pomegranate-extract supplements on Amazon. At the end of the day, pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on the planet. They have wide-ranging benefits and may help reduce the risk of all sorts of serious diseases. Joe Leech has a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. This article was originally published on AuthorityNutrition.com

Health & Fitness

B7 May 29–June 4, 2015


Healing Benefits of Aloe Vera By Derek Henry It seems everyone has a gut issue these days, and it’s really no wonder. From the very beginning, we have been deprived of nourishment and filled with various toxins that have slowly eroded our inner ecology to the point that it has become partly to nearly completely dysfunctional. Thankfully, the right nourishment and detoxification protocols can help reverse that damage, and the healing benefits of aloe vera just may top that list in both categories. Nutritional Profile Aloe vera has been considered one of the most healing plants on the planet. It’s known as the “lily of the desert,” the “plant of immortality,” and the “medicine plant.” It’s historical use has been mainly around the treatment of

wounds, ulcers, burns, infections, and parasites. However, aloe vera has been studied extensively over recent years and it turns out that many of its amazing healing properties are best when it’s taken internally. This stands to reason as its soothing action on external body parts are exponentiated when taken orally. So what’s in aloe vera gel that makes it so medicinal for our bodies? Check out the highly condensed profile: < < < <

20 minerals 12 vitamins 18 amino acids 200 active plant compounds (phytonutrients), including enzymes, triterpenes, polysaccharides, and glyconutrients

< Strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties

Aloe vera can address the core reasons most people are sick. In a world full of diets lacking nutrients and enzymes that create an open door policy for menacing gut pathogens, its safe to say that aloe vera could very well be one of the smartest things you can include in your diet. Combine its healing power and reduce or remove processed (dead) foods, and you can quickly improve your gut and overall health. For the most dramatic benefits, choose a raw (not pasteurized) aloe vera gel with no artificial ingredients or preservatives (like sodium benzoate), and consume one to two ounces a day on a consistent basis. Healing Action Due to the wide variety of nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera, it can be used for a wide variety of health benefits, including:






< Easing inflammation and soothing arthritic pain < Helping heal ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other digestive disorders


I’ve had a lot of fun starting solid foods with my little one this year. She’s responded very well to healthy whole foods like sweet potato, acorn squash, broccoli, avocado, eggs, salmon, and coconut oil. But I’ve noticed that when she goes on playdates with the other kids, she’s exposed to a lot of finger food like Cheerios, Goldfish, and Puffs. Though they are convenient, there are many reasons I’ve avoided feeding my baby these packaged snack foods: < As a rule, for myself but especially for a baby, I stay away from foods with a long list of ingredients that I can’t recognize. < Processed foods are tough on the baby’s immature digestive system. < These “white” foods are nutritionally empty. < I’m concerned about starting a bad habit that I’ll regret later. Many moms with older kids told me they wish they

had been more adventurous about introducing foods, stuck to whole foods, and stayed away from anything bread/sugar related. < My baby literally only knows what I provide (ie she doesn’t even know that bagels exist at this stage!), so I want to provide the best. < I want her to experience all of the tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, savory), and be careful not to favor ‘sweet’. < I know that one day she might be a ‘picky’ eater, but for now at nine months old, she loves everything so I might as well give her the most nutrientdense options. I do, however, see the benefit of developing hand-eye coordination by eating bite-sized snacks. And I understand that if the baby is at the playground and all of the kids are eating snacks, she will also want to eat and will grab their food. So we needed some alternatives for “on the go” snacks. Here are some of the bitesized snacks that are working

Aloe vera is such a healing plant because it addresses the core reasons most people are sick—systematic inflammation and compromised immune systems due to a poorly functioning digestive system harboring an infestation of pathogenic bacteria. It does this mainly through its highly oxygenated, nutrient rich, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. How to Use in Your Diet Aloe vera has a very strong taste, and doesn’t have a lot of practical solutions to incorporate into food. This shouldn’t deter you from making it a steady part of your diet, as it can be easily taken in supplemental form. One method you can try and incorporate is through a daily smoothie. Simply add 1/2 to

1 ounce (go low first if you are particular about taste) into your smoothie, and adjust other ingredients to help mask the somewhat bitter taste, if desired. If you find it it a bit too bitter for your smoothie, simply add it to a glass of water and shoot it back each morning. To keep a fresh supply of aloe vera in your home, consider buying a few aloe vera plants. Since they are native to the desert, even

the blackest of thumbs can keep an aloe vera plant alive. This way you have it on hand for any sunburns, wounds, or skin irritations, and can harvest it fresh on a daily basis for internal use as well. The healing benefits from aloe vera are endless. Use it liberally, and wisely. Derek Henry is a holistic health coach. For more information, visit HealingTheBody.ca

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Baby’s First Finger Foods By Kerry Bajaj

< Helping treat and prevent candida and parasite infections < Accelerating healing from wounds, burns, and ulcers (externally and internally) < Relieving constipation < Stabilizing blood sugar < Protecting kidneys < Oxygenating your blood and protects the body from oxidative stress < Helping repair “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood” < Reducing high blood pressure < Providing electrolytes < Improving physical performance, and recovery < Improving skin < Helping reduce and reverse acid reflux < Helping heal gum disease < Reducing heart attacks and strokes < Helping halt growth of cancer tumors

well for us: < Blueberries (a little smushed so she doesn’t choke) < Chopped strawberries < Chopped canteloupe < Chopped apple, or big apple slices to gnaw on < Chopped Asian pear < Peas (a little smushed) < Seaweed snacks (messy but she loves them) < Chopped avocado < Small pieces of steamed carrot, or a giant carrot to gnaw on (great for teething too) < Sweet potato “fries” < Small bits of cheese Puffs and O’s might be more convenient, but it’s really not so hard to chop up some apple or toss some blueberries in a small container. For now, we’re sticking to nature’s ‘fast food’! Kerry Bajaj is a certified health coach at the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This article was originally published on DrFrankLipman.com ENCRIER/ISTOCK

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B8 May 29–June 4, 2015



Bodyweight Moves for W Better Balance

By Ashley Whitson

hether you are constantly on the go, traveling, or just have not found the time to get to the gym, this is the workout for you. The exercises in this workout are functional bodyweight exercises. They strengthen your body in ways that help

you move in daily life, rather than just training one body part as you would if you used a machine. Machines isolate muscles and can act as a crutch. By not using them them, your body has a chance to improve reflexive stability, mobility, strength, balance, and agility all at the same time. With improved body awareness you can reduce your chance of injury.

Plank Elbows to Hands To execute the plank properly, you must hold your entire core strong. The added push of the elbows to hands will strengthen the upper body while you simultaneously work to stabilize the rest.

Lunge to SingleLeg Stance

6 Begin in a plank on your forearms. Elbows should be right under the shoulders. 6 Make sure to keep your body in one line with abdominals and glutes engaged. 6 Make sure you don’t let the body sway or let the lower back drop toward the floor. 6 Press up onto one hand and then the other to come up into a full plank on both hands. 6 Then lower back down to one forearm and then the other to finish in the starting position. 6 Repeat 10 times, alternating the hand you begin with.

This exercise will improve dynamic balance, which is the ability to stabilize and react to outside forces, on one leg. 6 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. 6 Lift the right leg and bend it 90 degrees at the hip and knee. This is your single-leg stance. 6 Step your right leg back into a lunge position so that both knees are at 90-degree angles. 6 Push off your right leg and bring it right back up to the single-leg stance without touching the floor. 6 Perform 10 well on this side and then repeat on the other side.

Bodyweight exercises strengthen your body in ways that help you move in daily life. Pistol Squats

Single-Leg Bridge With Outward Rotation The single-leg bridge will strengthen the gluteal muscles. When you move your leg away from the midline of the body (abduction), you will stretch the inner thigh muscles (adductors) as well as strengthen the body’s ability to resist rotational forces. 6 Begin by lying on your back with arms down by your sides. 6 Bend your right knee and place the foot so it’s wider than hip width. Point the toes slightly outward. 6 Pull your left knee into your chest with one or both arms. 6 Press your right hip up off the floor about 30 degrees while keeping the torso straight. 6 Next, let go of the left leg and press the foot up toward the ceiling. You can keep the left knee bent to modify the exercise. 6 Open the left leg out to the side while maintaining stability on the right side of your body. The right hip should not change position. 6 Then return the left leg back over the midline. 6 Repeat moving the left leg out to your side and then back toward the ceiling four to six times. 6 Repeat on the other side.

This exercise can help eliminate differences between the right and left sides of the body. It is a difficult exercise, so you may need to try some of the progressions first before completing the full pistol. 6 Stand with arms extended out in front to help maintain balance. 6 Balance on one leg with opposite leg extended straight out and the leg as high as possible. 6 Squat down as far as possible while keeping the opposite leg elevated off of floor. Make sure the knee of the supporting leg stays in line with the toes rather than collapsing inward. 6 Press down into the supporting leg to raise the body back up to original position until the knee and hip of the supporting leg is straight. 6 Repeat as many pistol squats as you can perform well and then repeat on the other leg. Progressions to work up to full pistol squat: 6 Prop the leg that is up in the air on a box for added support. 6 Hold onto a bench, doorway, pole, or suspension cable for support. 6 Start and end from a seated position on a bench.

Squat Jumps This is an explosive exercise that requires control upon landing. 6 Stand with feet about hip distance apart. 6 Send your hips back to a squat position with the back straight. 6 Immediately jump upward off the floor and reach the arms up to the sky. 6 Control your landing by passing through the toe, ball, and then heel of the foot to finish in the starting squat position. 6 This landing is your preparation for the next jump, so rebound right back up in the air. 6 Perform 10 jumps.

Ashley Whitson is an ACE-certified personal trainer, Pilates certified instructor, pre/ postnatal exercise specialist, Functional Movement Systems professional, Neurokinetic Therapy practitioner, and professional dancer in New York. For more information, see AshleyWhitsonPersonalTrainernyc.com

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