Epoch Health 5-8-2015

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B1 May 8–14, 2015

Health Fitness

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For Faster Healing Use Heat, Not Ice

Science validates what Chinese medicine has recommended for years By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff Ice it. Your trainer, coach, doctor, or chiropractor may offer such advice for a sprain or injury with bruising and inflammation. After all, ice is part of the widely recommended RICE routine (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) for acute muscle trauma. Many health professionals suggest ice because cold constricts blood vessels, reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling. Unfortunately, cold also prevents healing. Athletes often believe that the application of ice speeds recovery time following a strenuous workout, yet science tells a different story. Studies reveal that cold delays recovery, and the longer someone uses ice on an injury the worse the effect. Other studies show that ice impairs athletic performance, at least temporarily. The latest study on the drawbacks of ice comes from the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at Queensland Uni-


versity of Technology in Australia, where a research team looked at the rate of healing in rats with thigh contusions. Biomarkers for blood vessel formation and muscle regeneration were found to be slower in the ice group compared with the non-ice group. Researchers wrote that their “findings challenge the practice of using ice” and cautioned health professionals to reconsider their treatment strategy for acute soft tissue injuries. Healing Heat Modern science is validating what traditional Chinese medicine has recommended for thousands of years, that healing requires warmth. The principle is simple: Heat encourages circulation while cold restricts it, and circulation is what is needed for tissue repair. According to Brandon LaGreca, acupuncturist at East Troy Acupuncture in East Troy, Wisconsin, those who wish to use ice for pain relief need to understand the compromise involved. “When I counsel a patient, I say we have at least good evidence

Most health experts agree that only heat is appropriate for chronic pain issues. But there is big debate on when, if ever, to use cold. that in the first 24 hours after an injury ice is okay. Not great, but okay. It takes down the swelling and makes somebody more comfortable,” LaGreca said. “After that, generally heat is better because it increases the circulation and helps the healing response.” Inflammatory Types Most health experts agree that only heat is appropriate for chronic pain issues. But there is big debate on when, if ever, to use cold. Redness, swelling, and heat are

Herbal hot compress.

signs of inflammation, a word that comes from the Latin “inflammare,” which means “to set on fire.” So if you’re burning with pain, you’re naturally tempted to call on cold. But LaGreca says that inflammation is actually part of the healing response. “That is your body’s wisdom. That is what your body is doing purposefully to heal that area,” he said. “Ice counteracts the swelling and heat, but then you’re

also counteracting your body’s wisdom of what it needs to be doing.” You may have heard that inflammation is bad and should be stopped. This is not always true. The confusion stems from the limits of vocabulary. Acute inflammation is much different than chronic inflammation, although they share the same name. See Faster Healing on B2

Health & Fitness

B2 May 8–14, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK



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Tricep dips are great for building strong, toned triceps.

How to Do Tricep Dips

Dr. Alexander Kulick, MD

By Emma-Kate Stampton

Columbia University

Board Certified Physician

University of Pennsylvania

1 7 Years of ER Experience

University of Tel Aviv

Licensed in Chinese acupuncture

Tricep dips are fantastic for building strong, toned triceps. All you need is a sturdy chair, box, or bench top. Practice these regularly, and soon you will be showing off seriously svelte arms. To get started, place both hands shoulder-width apart on the edge of a chair, box, or bench with your fingers wrapped over the edge and pointing toward the floor. Inhale as you lower your body toward the floor. Exhale as you press back up to the starting position. Repeat this 10 to 20 times for three sets.

shorten your range of motion. In other words, don’t lower your body as much until you are stronger and can support your weight without straining your joints. Imagine your elbows are tied together to prevent them from splaying out to the side like chicken wings. Keep your arms and elbows parallel to each other for the entire exercise. Build up to sets of 20 repetitions. When you want an additional challenge, hold the movement in the middle of a repetition and pulse there 10 to 15 times. You can also make the exercise a lot more intense by elevating your feet in front of you. It will feel good to stretch your triceps between sets.

Focus Points Keep your body as close to the box as possible. This will keep up the intensity of the exercise. Be mindful of your wrist and shoulder joints. Should you feel pain in either areas of your body,

Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 12 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

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Our client Meg, using resistance bands, to work her legs and core.

For Faster Healing Use Heat, Not Ice Faster Healing continued from B1

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Chronic inflammation is the bad kind. It usually results from a poor diet and prolonged stress. Chronic inflammation (sometimes called systemic inflammation) takes months and years to accumulate and can be very difficult to get rid of. Examples include arthritis, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and ulcers. Acute inflammation is a different story. It arrives suddenly and leaves after its job is done. Acute inflammation is a healthy, localized, deliberate response that you don’t want to mess with too much. “The body is doing it for a reason, and we have to respect and honor that, and try not to suppress that action,” LaGreca said. Types of Heat Heat helps acute inflammation do its job. A hot water bottle, washcloth, bath, or shower are convenient sources. The preferred healing heat source for Chinese medicine practitioners is called moxabustion, which involves burning a bundle of dried mugwort on or directly above the injured tissue. Infrared heat from a TDP lamp is used to produce a similar effect. Another effective heat source is warming herbs, such as ginger, cinnamon, clove, or cayenne

pepper. These herbs (sometimes called blood invigorators) are often taken internally to relieve pain and help the healing process. They are also found in topical liniments and balms formulated to increase circulation to injured, tense, or inflamed tissue.

Heat encourages circulation while cold restricts it. Circulation is what is needed for tissue repair.

Dit Da Jow is a topical formula favored by martial artists, and each tradition has its own version. Acupuncturists often use Po Sum On or the ubiquitous Tiger Balm, but there are many commercially available muscle rubs to choose from. When these preparations are massaged into the skin, their action is felt within minutes— simultaneously hot and cold, providing both circulation and pain relief. Take care not to get any on your clothes or sheets because they can stain. For more information on how Chinese medicine treats injury with heat, visit LaGreca’s blog, EastTroyAcupuncture.com

Cayenne pepper and other warming herbs are traditionally used to treat pain and help the healing process.

Health & Fitness

B3 May 8–14, 2015


Dr. Mark Schlesinger, DDS, with the Waterlase YSGG laser drill in his Manhattan office on April 29.

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Meet the Speaker:

Lasers Treat Gum Disease With Less Pain and Fear


EW YORK—Since Dr. Mark Schlesinger started doing gum surgery with lasers, he hasn’t had to prescribe painkillers for a single patient. “It’s not necessary,” he said. Sometimes patients take overthe-counter pain pills for a couple days, but “that’s about it.” A periodontist and pioneer in laser dentistry, Dr. Schlesinger says lasers have hugely improved gum disease treatment. Laser treatments are also much less traumatic for the body, allowing it to heal much faster.

Lasers don’t vibrate the mouth like drills do. With advanced gum (or periodontal) disease, plaque and bacteria accumulate deep under the gum line and cause the jawbone to deteriorate. Early warning signs include a sore and achy mouth, bleeding gums, and a bad smell, Dr. Schlesinger said. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly half of Americans over 30 have periodontal disease, but despite its prevalence, Dr. Schlesinger said, it’s often not diagnosed and many times goes untreated. Dr. Schlesinger recommends seeing a specialist for a diagnosis, which you can do without a referral. “Make sure you get checked, and if you need treatment, ask about using a laser,” he said. Why Lasers Are Better Treatments for advanced gum disease remove pathogenic bacteria from under the gum line. In some cases, a bone graft is recommended to regrow deteriorated bone. Traditional treatments start with a deep cleaning of the gums using ultrasonic or manual instruments. If the dentist finds pockets of bacteria that

are too deep, surgery is needed to cut back the gums and clean them out. This surgery requires anesthesia, stitches, sometimes antibiotics, and about two weeks for full recovery. Laser treatments are a lot more effective because the bendable fiber-optic tips can get into “little nooks and crannies where it’s very difficult to reach with traditional instruments,” and the surgeon can get the same results without having to cut the gums, Dr. Schlesinger said. “When you use a blade to cut away tissue, you’re going to indiscriminately also remove healthy tissue during the process. But the laser allows us to be much more precise,” he said. And unlike traditional equipment, lasers have the unique ability to vaporize diseased tissue and leave healthy tissue intact. “That’s because of the physics; it vaporizes away water, and diseased tissue has a higher water content than healthy tissue,” he explained. Lasers beams also kill bacteria on contact and cauterize blood vessels, so there is less bleeding and the surgeon can see what’s going on without having to peel the gums back so far. Surgery with lasers can be done with a lot less or no anesthesia, although Dr. Schlesinger prefers using the normal amount because sometimes teeth can be sensitive. Stitches are only needed in very severe cases, and patients can go back to work the same day as the procedure. Dr. Schlesinger has been using lasers since 2007 and now has two, one in his Midtown East office and the other in his Long Island office. He uses the Waterlase YSGG for gum surgery and any procedure that’s normally done with a scalpel or drill. His hygienists use a less powerful diode laser to supplement routine cleanings. And although the lasers look a lot like a drill, they sound and feel very different. For patients who cringe at the high-pitched whir of the dental drill, the purr of the laser motor makes for a less stressful experience. And lasers don’t vibrate the

mouth like drills do. “Since there is no contact of the fiber optics with tissue, there is no vibration or pressure when bone or tooth needs to be cut,” Dr. Schlesinger said. So Good, but Still So Few Lasers are not new in dentistry; hard tissue lasers have been approved by the FDA for almost 20 years and soft tissue lasers even longer. But despite their advantages, they are still not yet mainstream. This is partly because of the cost of the equipment—dentists need to spend tens of thousands of dollars for a good laser—and also because it’s not easy for dentists to be trained to use them, Dr. Schlesinger said. Laser treatments don’t cost patients any more than having procedures done more conventionally, however, since fees are based on what is done, not how it is done. Currently there are very limited courses available for dentists to learn how to use the Waterlase for periodontal treatment in the Northeastern United States, and dentists may have to travel as far as Florida or even California to learn to use it. Dr. Schlesinger, who has been certified by BIOLASE Inc. (the company that makes the Waterlase) to teach other dentists how to use it, is now working with a colleague to create a training course in New York. He hopes more accessible trainings will make laser dentistry the standard of care and ultimately reduce the “big fear factor” that arises when patients contemplate gum surgery— making them more likely to seek treatment.

Dr. Mark Schlesinger Manhattan Office 30 E. 60th St., Suite 703 New York, NY 10022 212-213-9333 Long Island Office 64 Division Ave., Suite 200 Levittown, NY 11756 917-292-8623 NYImplantDentistry.com NewYorkPeriodontics.com

Dr. David Borenstein

Dr. David Borenstein, MD, is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and founder of the New York Stem Cell Treatment Center at Manhattan Integrative Medicine. Dr. Borenstein has been published in the European Journal of Ultrasound, and served as a Chief Investigator for research on Spinal cord injuries. Practicing with a focus on intergrative modalities, Dr. Borenstein specializes in treatments such as prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP).

To learned more about Dr. Borenstein visit: www.NYStemCellCenter.com

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Health & Fitness

B4 May 8–14, 2015


Dementia: Don’t Panic, Investigate By Kerry Mills


o often I receive calls from clients concerned about a sudden behavioral change in a memory-impaired person. The clients’ first interpretation of the change is that dementia has advanced.� However, often the cause of the behavior change is the introduction of new medication or a change in the dosage of an existing one. Let me stress that the progressive stages of dementia do not normally advance suddenly. Progression occurs gradually over time. So, if you notice a sudden behavioral change in a loved one, it would be wise to consider all possible contributing factors and not conclude the worst-case scenario—a sudden progression of the disease. Just such an instance happened recently with a man I will call Arthur, who is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s. His situation unfolded like this: His

wonderful wife, Alice, regularly returns to her home country, in Europe, for a few weeks to see her family while Arthur stays home. This year, Arthur was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Alice had a decision to make: Should she take her trip or stay home with Arthur? Arthur and Alice have a son who lives with them, and he has been a great team member. Arthur is still working part time and attending church every week. Their daughter lives locally and stops in whenever she is needed. I encouraged Alice to take the trip, knowing that this might be her last opportunity to go home for quite some time. So, Alice went to Europe, and when she returned, Arthur had changed a great deal. He was sleeping all the time, had lost about 5 pounds, was not interested in doing anything (almost appeared depressed), and seemed disinterested in seeing his “dear old Alice.�

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When a behavioral change does occur, don’t panic.

What had happened? Alice called the doctor, who said, “I think the major change of your going away pushed him into the next stage of the disease.� What a blow! Alice’s guilt quotient went through the roof. She immediately regretted her visit home and felt terrible that she chose to do what she needed to do for herself instead of staying home and caring for her husband. I advised Alice that I didn’t think her being gone for a few weeks was the likely cause of Arthur’s lapse in behavior. It seemed to me that maybe there was more going on. I suggested that maybe Arthur had become a bit depressed because he missed her and within a few days, he might be better. I knew that they had been adjusting his medication before she left and asked if there were any changes made. I suggested she ask the doctors if any of the medications could have caused these changes in Arthur. As it turned out, Arthur had started a new medication just days before Alice went away. As soon as he stopped taking this medication, Arthur quickly reverted to his lovable self. There are a few lessons in this

As soon as he stopped taking this medication, Arthur quickly reverted to his lovable self.

event that are worth noting. If possible, avoid starting a new medication while the primary care partner is absent for an extended period of time. Expect that medication changes will very likely result in behavioral changes. A change in primary care partner should not be done abruptly. Instead, the new care partner should be merged into the environment slowly while the more familiar care partner is still a part of the scene. Once the loved one appears to be at ease with the new care partner, the more familiar care partner can exit the environment. Professionals need to be careful when offering opinions and reasons for changes in behavior, especially if the caregiver’s competency is called into question. When a behavioral change does occur, don’t panic. Instead, go through a checklist of what might be the cause. Here is a checklist I use in such instances and have found to be very helpful: ; Has there been any recent change in medication or dosage? ; Have there been any changes

to the environment? ; Might this person have a urinary tract infection? ; Has the daily routine been altered? ; Has there been a change in caregivers? ; Have there been new demands placed on the person? Today is the perfect time to improve your care-giving techniques in order to have more productive interaction with your loved one or a resident who is under your care. While occasional and erratic behavior is often a symptom of dementia, we should always investigate to determine if an environmental change is causing or contributing to the behavior. Let’s all work to reduce stress this spring. Kerry Mills, MPA, is an advocate for persons with dementia and an expert in best-care practices. She lectures around the world and co-authored the book “I Care,â€? which won the gold award in the 2014 National Mature Media Awards. For more information, visit EngagingAlzheimers.com

Surgery and Stem Cells Might Cure Spina Bifida MAURICIO LIMA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

By Karen Finney Combining a unique stem cell therapy with prenatal surgery may be a way to successfully treat the lower-limb paralysis associated with spina bifida, a congenital birth defect that occurs when the spinal cord does not close properly. “Prenatal surgery revolutionized spina bifida treatment by improving brain development, but it didn’t benefit motor function as much as we hoped,â€? said Diana Farmer, chair of the surgery department at the University of California, Davis, and senior author of the new study published in Stem Cells Translational Medicine. “We now think that when it’s augmented with stem cells, fetal surgery could actually be a cure,â€? said Aijun Wang, codirector of the UC Davis Surgical Bioengineering Laboratory. Permanent Shunts Farmer and Wang are the first to combine fetal surgery with a placental stem cell treatment to reduce the effects of spina bifida, which in children can range from barely noticeable to severe. The most common and disabling form of the disorder, called myelomeningocele, causes the spinal cord

Stem cell therapy may help treat the lower-limb paralysis associated with spina bifida.

to emerge through the back, often pulling brain tissue into the spinal column and causing cerebrospinal fluid to fill the interior of the brain. Permanent shunts are required to drain the extra fluid. Farmer was senior author of the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS), which showed that prenatal surgery could improve cognitive outcomes for the 1,500 children born each year in the

Six animals that received the stem cell treatment were able to walk without noticeable disability within a few hours following birth.

United States with the condition. A majority of treated children in the study, however, were unable to walk independently at 30 months of age. Walking Without Disability For the current research, lambs with myelomeningocele received fetal surgery to return exposed tissue to the spinal canal. See Stem Cells on B6

Health & Fitness

B5 May 8–14, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com SPONSORED CONTENT

Rotator Cuff Injury: Use Golf Swing, Tennis Serve to Recover N EW YORK—Personalizing care is key for orthopedic shoulder surgeon Dr. Francis Mendoza. If you love golf, he creates a recovery program that integrates swinging your club. If tennis is your thing, he’ll have you start with groundstrokes and progress to serves as your shoulder heals. If you’re a conductor or musician, Dr. Mendoza will incorporate use of your instrument during recovery. “There are a number of ways to integrate the activities people enjoy into their treatment program. To accomplish this, I rely on my engineering background combined with my extensive, medical knowledge of the shoulder,� he explained. Over 40 years ago, Dr. Mendoza left a career in aerospace engineering to pursue medicine. After he earned his doctor of medicine at Columbia University, he trained in orthopedic surgery and did a specialized fellowship in shoulder and elbow surgery at New York’s Presbyterian Hospital. When Dr. Mendoza opened his private practice, now in Midtown East, he decided not to be

part of any insurance network. “When you have pressures, like quotas of patients per hour to treat, unfortunately, something has to give,� he said. To this day, he remains an out-of-network physician in order to better serve his patients and personalize their care. Dr. Mendoza is also the director of shoulder and elbow sur-

Arthroscopic surgery has some big advantages over the open procedures. gery at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is a member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, an invitation-only organization of leading shoulder surgeons that has only 420 members worldwide. He also co-designed a shoulder replacement and now travels

throughout the United States and internationally to teach residents and practicing orthopedic surgeons the techniques of shoulder-replacement surgery. “I enjoy teaching surgeons with the hope that this will lead to better patient care,â€? he said.

Minimal or No Surgery Although he’s a surgeon, Dr. Mendoza said he’s keen to avoid surgery whenever possible. â€œMost shoulder conditions are treated successfully without surgery, so that’s another aspect that I enjoy,â€? he said. Rotator cuff injuries are the most common shoulder injuries Dr. Mendoza treats. These range from bursitis and tendinitis to rotator cuff tears with or without associated boney spurs. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that attach the ball of the humerus (upper arm) to the socket of the scapula (shoulder blade). Age, repetitive use, or trauma can cause it to tear, especially in people over 40. Symptoms of a tear include pain when lifting or lowering the arm, weakness, and loss of mobility. Depending on the severity of the tear and the patient’s needs,

rotator cuff tears can often be treated effectively with a combination of rest, use of a sling, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication or a cortisone injection. “Only if these don’t work, is surgery considered,� he said. “Most rotator cuff tears can be treated with arthroscopic surgery.�

The Less Cut the Better Surgery removes bone spurs and or inflamed tissues so the tendons have room to heal. If the rotator cuff is badly torn, a surgeon may also need to repair it. Arthroscopic surgery has some big advantages over the open procedures that Dr. Mendoza once learned in medical school. Open procedures require an incision that’s about two and a half inches in length. To reach the injured rotator cuff, a surgeon needs to carefully cut through the deltoid muscle and other layers of tissue. By contrast, arthroscopic surgery gets to the problem while avoiding “all the innocent tissue that would ordinarily have to be cut.â€? â€œSo there’s less blood loss, there’s less overall injury to the surrounding tissues, and the PHOTOINC/ISTOCK

patients can recover faster with much less discomfort,� Dr. Mendoza said. Arthroscopic surgery uses several pencil-size instruments to enter the shoulder via three to four small holes in the skin. One instrument—the arthroscope— is a camera that surgeons use to display the internal damage on an external TV monitor. Often a small motorized bur with a surrounding vacuum is used to shave off spurs and remove debris. Rotator cuff tears can generally be repaired with small anchors placed into the bone. Depending on the extent of the repair, patients often can start using their arm the following day for light activities. Recovery for open procedures begins with six weeks in a sling. With arthroscopic procedures, Dr. Mendoza’s patients are often back on the golf course or tennis court or in the gym in that time,


Dr. Francis X. Mendoza.

using the activities they love to help them heal. “By personalizing the patient’s care around their otherwise demanding life, their recovery becomes easier,� Dr. Mendoza said.

Francis Mendoza, M.D. 333 E. 56th St., OďŹƒce 1 New York, NY 10022 212-628-9600 FXMendozaMD.com

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NewYorkPainDoctor.com Dr. Francis Mendoza finds ways to integrate the activities people enjoy into their treatment programs.

Spring Pea Soup With Avocado and Mint By Christine Beal Dunst & Stephanie Rapp We adore spring-inspired soups that are light, simple, and sourced with quality ingredients. This is a refreshing, savory, and nutrientpacked, 15-minute, one-pot soup. Peas are high in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and micronutrients. Peas also have anti-inflammatory properties. Excess

inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer, and weight gain, among other conditions. Peas create a lovely base for the soup when paired with vegetable stock and coconut milk. Avocados may be our favorite go-to superfood. Avocados contain vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help regulate homocysteine levels. A high level of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. COURTESY OF EMBODY WELLNESS

Peas create a lovely, high-protein base for this light spring soup.

Avocados contain the healthy fats that your body needs to metabolize your food, and they help you glow with antioxidants that fight free radicals, boost the immune system, and slow the aging process. There are so many benefits. We can’t have a spring soup without enjoying the detoxing benefits of lemon. We added lemon into the recipe and also as a garnish to brighten the entire experience. Lemon also helps preserve the soup longer in your fridge. Enjoy the soup warm or cold the next day in a mason jar. To make the soup hearty for the family, we added brown rice and black beans, and it was delicious. Get creative. Recipe Use organic ingredients when possible. A 2 cups frozen peas A 2 cups vegetable stock A 2 cups coconut milk A 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


2 garlic cloves Handful of fresh mint 1 avocado Juice of half a lemon Himalayan sea salt to taste

In one pot, combine the peas, vegetable stock, coconut milk, olive oil, and garlic, and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes. Then add these ingredients into a high-speed blender. Add avocado, mint, lemon, and sea salt. Blend for 45 seconds. Garnish with fresh mint, olive oil, sunflower seeds, sea salt, fresh lemon (to your liking), and lemon zest. Sip, enjoy, and be well! Christine Beal Dunst and Stephanie Rapp are the founders of Embody Wellness Company, specializing in creating customizable holistic wellness and nutrition programs targeted at life’s most important milestones: marriage, children, and career. For more information, visit EmbodyWellnessCompany.com



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Health & Fitness

B6 May 8–14, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com AP PHOTO/JENNY KANE

Surgery and Stem Cells Might Cure Spina Bifida Stem Cells continued from B4 Human placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (PMSCs)—known for their neuroprotective qualities— were preserved in hydrogel and applied to the site of the lesion. A scaffold was placed on top to hold the hydrogel in place, followed by surgical closures to complete the repair. Six animals that received the stem cell treatment were able to walk without noticeable disability within a few hours following birth, while six control animals that received just the AP PHOTO/DONN JONES

hydrogel and scaffold were unable to stand. “We have taken a very important step in expanding what MOMS started,â€? Wang says. “Next we need to confirm the safety of the approach and determine optimal dosing.â€? The researchers will continue their efforts with funding from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. With additional evaluation and FDA approval, the new therapy could be tested in human clinical trials. “Fetal surgery provided hope that most children with spina bifida would be able to live without shunts,â€? Farmer says. “Now, we need to complete that process and find out if they can also live without wheelchairs.â€? Other researchers from UC Davis and from the University of California, San Francisco, are co-authors of the study. This article was originally published by the University of California–Davis. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

Daniel underwent fetal surgery in 1997 to repair a spine defect related to his spina bifida condition.

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Artificial sweeteners appear to change the bacteria in our intestines to favor the harmful bacteria that increase risk for diabetes and weight gain.

Diet Pepsi’s Change Not Sweet Enough By Gabe Mirkin he artificial sweetener in Diet Pepsi, aspartame, will be changed to two others, sucralose and acesulfame, in response to a 5 percent drop in sales in the United States last year. These artificial sweeteners have all been called safe by the Food and Drug Administration, but PepsiCo Inc. apparently believes that customer concerns about aspartame are hurting sales. Diet Coke also contains aspartame, and its sales dropped by more than 6 percent last year. Studies on Safety of Artificial Sweeteners Aspartame. Several studies show increased tumor growth in rats given dosages of aspartame equivalent to those in humans (European Journal of Oncology, July, 2005;10 and Annals of Oncology, 2004;15:1460-1465). However, more than 100 subsequent studies failed to associate tumors with aspartame. People with a genetic disorder called phenylketonuria should not take it because they lack the ability to break down byproducts of aspartame. Sucralose. Most studies show that it is safe even though an Italian animal study showed an association between sucralose and increased risk for leukemia. Acesulfame. More than 100 studies show it is safe, even though one study shows that it increases insulin secretion, which suggests that it could increase risk for weight gain and diabetes (Hormone and Metabolic Research). May Increase Risk for Weight Gain and Diabetes Artificial sweeteners appear to change the huge colony of bacteria in our intestines to favor the harmful bacteria that increase risk for diabetes and weight gain. Scientists fed 10-week-old mice drinks containing one of the following:



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A Saccharin (the sweetener in the pink packets of Sweet’N Low) A Sucralose (the yellow packets of Splenda) A Aspartame (the blue packets of Equal) A Table sugar A Plain water The amount of each given to the mice was equivalent to four diet sodas per day for a human. After one week, the mice fed diet drinks had higher than normal blood sugar levels in response to eating sugar, while those that drank sugared water or plain water did not. Saccharin, aspartame, and sucralose are chemically very different from each other, but they all caused the same abnormal rise in blood sugar. A high rise in blood sugar after eating sugar is called “glucose intolerance,� which is a marker for diabetes and increased risk for heart attacks.

Several studies show increased tumor growth in rats given aspartame. However, more than 100 subsequent studies failed to associate tumors with aspartame. The scientists then gave antibiotics (ciprofloxacin/metronidazole or vancomycin) to the mice who had been given artificial sweeteners and found that this prevented the high rises in blood sugar. This implied that changes in the intestinal bacteria had caused the rise in blood sugar because killing the changed bacteria (with the antibiotics) returned the mice to normal. Then they injected intestinal bacteria from saccharindrinking mice into mice who had never had saccharin, and the mice developed very high blood sugar levels after eating sugar. DNA tests showed that the transplanted bacteria now lived in their intestines and were causing the same high rise in blood sugar that occurred in the mice fed artificial sweetener. Similar Experiments on Humans The researchers then studied 381 people who were not dia-

betic and found that those who use artificial sweeteners regularly had a high incidence of high blood sugar levels after being fed sugar, and the bacteria in their intestines were also different from people who did not use artificial sweeteners. For six days they fed saccharin to seven people who had previously avoided artificial sweeteners, and four of them developed high blood sugar levels. Next they injected bacteria from humans fed saccharin into mice intestines, and the mice developed high blood sugar levels after being fed sugar. They showed that the intestines of the mice fed artificial sweeteners had increased amounts of short-chain fatty acids, which are readily absorbed into the bloodstream. This was the first study to show that intestinal bacteria are changed by artificial sweeteners. How Intestinal Bacteria Can Raise Blood Sugar Artificial sweeteners and many other carbohydrates in the food that you eat are not absorbed directly from your intestines. However, this study suggests that artificial sweeteners change your gut bacteria, and the new bacteria are able to break down non-absorbable chains of sugars and starches into short-chain fatty acids. Short-chain fatty acids are readily absorbed from your colon to provide extra calories from a wide variety of foods that

you eat. As you absorb more calories from carbohydrates than you normally do, your blood sugar will rise higher, and you are likely to gain weight and increase your risk for diabetes. Trillions of bacteria live in your intestines. You have more bacteria in your intestines than you have cells in your body. Research on gut bacteria is probably the hottest area of medical research today under the umbrella of the huge Human Microbiome Project funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). This study will undoubtedly be followed by hundreds of more detailed experiments to clarify the effects of artificial sweeteners on intestinal bacteria and whether they increase risk for diabetes and obesity. My Recommendations More research is needed, but I would not wait for future studies. I recommend avoiding regular use of artificial sweeteners. Drink water or unsweetened beverages and severely limit sugar-sweetened foods, except during prolonged exercise. Gabe Mirkin, M.D., has been a practicing physician for over 50 years. He is board-certified in sports medicine, allergy and immunology, pediatrics, and pediatric immunology. This article was originally published on DrMirkin.com. Subscribe to their free weekly Fitness & Health newsletter.Â

Health & Fitness

B7 May 8–14, 2015


Coconut Oil Pulling Superior to Chemicals for Oral Health By Sayer Ji A new study this year has proven for the first time that the oral use of coconut oil is effective in reducing plaque-related to gingivitis, a common form of inflammation in the gum tissue of the mouth that occurs in response to bacterial biofilms (known as plaque) adhering to the surfaces of the teeth. Gingivitis can lead to a more serious oral condition known as periodontal disease. Researchers decided to test the hypothesis that the increasingly common practice of “oil pulling or oil swishing therapy” is as effective for maintaining oral health today as has been believed for centuries. They published their report, “Effect of Coconut Oil in PlaqueRelated Gingivitis, a Preliminary Report,” in the Nigerian Medical Journal. Oil pulling, in fact, is a traditional therapy that stretches at least as far back as 1,500 years, when it was mentioned in the early Ayurvedic text the “Charaka Samhita.” Yet, traditional oil pulling was believed performed mainly with sesame oil. Available published studies also used sesame seed oil, not coconut. This study aimed to fill the data gap on coconut oil: “No studies have been done on the benefits of oil pulling using coconut oil to

Coconut oil is a well-known antimicrobial agent and may have direct antibacterial properties.

date. So a pilot study was planned to assess the effect of coconut oil pulling on plaque-induced gingivitis.” The study enrolled 60 subjects between 16–18 with plaqueinduced gingivitis. No control was used. Rather, “the study was designed to compare the baseline values and the post-intervention values in a single group performing coconut oil pulling in addition to their oral hygiene routine.” The subjects were measured for plaque and gingival indices at baseline (day 0), and then on days 1, 7, 15, and 30 after the oil pulling was started. The results were reported as follows: “The mean gingival index was 0.91 and the plaque index was 1.19 at baseline. In comparison to the baseline values, both the gingival and the plaque indices substantially reduced during the period of assessment. “There was a steady decline in both the plaque index and the gingival index values from day 7. The average gingival index score on day 30 was down to 0.401 (from .91), and the plaque index score was 0.385 (from 1.19).” The results were found to be statistically significant, indicating that coconut oil is an effective treatment for reducing gingivitis symptoms and plaque build-up on the teeth. How Does It Work? First, coconut oil is a well-known antimicrobial agent, and may have direct antibacterial properties due, in part, to its lauric acid content. Second, oil pulling results in the emulsification of coconut oil which greatly increases its surface area and once formed on the sur-


face of the teeth reduces plaque adhesion and bacterial aggregation, according to the study. Third, coconut oil produces a soap like substance when the saliva mixes with the oil (a process known as saponification). The is also why coconut is used in soap-making. According to the study, “The soaps produced with coconut oil can lather well and have an increased cleansing action. The lauric acid in the coconut oil can easily react with sodium hydroxide in saliva during oil pulling to form sodium laureate, the main constituent of soap which might be responsible for the cleansing action and decreased plaque accumulation.” Better Than Chemical Mouthwashes The most commonly used active ingredient in mouthwashes


are chlorhexidine, phenol (Listerine) and amine or stannous fluoride (Meridol), with chlorhexidine being the most effective at controlling plaque-induced gingivitis and inhibiting bacteria. The problem, however, with chemical mouthwashes is that they have significant, even irreversible, adverse side effects: “Chlorhexidine on long term use alters taste sensation and produces brown staining on the teeth which is very difficult to remove. “The mucous membranes and the tongue can also be affected and may be related to the precipitation of chromogenic dietary factors on to the teeth and mucous membranes. Staining is also associated with the of long term use of Phenol compound and stannous fluoride containing mouth washes.” In contradistinction, the researchers noted coconut oil

does not appear to carry these side effects: “In the present study there were no reported alterations in the taste or noticeable staining from coconut oil at the end of four weeks.” The study concluded: “Oil pulling has been proven to be an effective method in reducing plaque formation and plaque- induced gingivitis. This preliminary study shows that coconut oil is an easily usable, safe, and cost-effective agent with minimal side effects which can be used as an adjuvant in oral hygiene maintenance.” For more information on oil pulling, see our article “Oil Pulling: Ancient Secret for Optimal Health.”

Oil pulling is a traditional therapy that was done at least as far back as 1,500 years. Modern studies are now validating its benefits.

Sayer Ji is the founder of GreenMedInfo.com, where this article was originally published. Join the free GreenMedInfo.com newsletter.

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“ Pollen-laden Hornbeam blossom. Allergies happen when your immune system has a reaction to something it considers harmful (even if it isn’t) and in response produces antibodies.

Acupuncture Offers Allergy Relief By Jennifer Dubowsky Allergies are a common problem with symptoms ranging from the occasional sniffle to severe, life-threatening reactions. According to WebMD, 55 percent of the U.S. population tests positive to one or more allergens. So, if allergies are this common, what exactly are they? Allergies happen when your immune system has a reaction to something it considers harmful (even if it isn’t) and in response produces antibodies. Normally these antibodies help protect us from from infection and illness, but with an allergic reaction, the antibodies can cause many unpleasant symptoms, including inflammation of the sinuses, airway, skin, and digestive tract. People can be allergic to many things, including certain foods, pet dander, medications, pollen, mold, and insect bites. Chinese medicine techniques strengthen and bal-

Chinese medicine strengthens and balances your immune system and over time can greatly reduce allergic reactions. ance your immune system, so over time the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and cupping can greatly reduce allergic reactions. There are acupuncture points around the sinuses and elsewhere on the body that may provide almost immediate relief as well as offering cumulative benefits. Acupuncture opens the sinuses, relieves congestion, helps reduce inflammation, and resolves many digestive complaints, such as bloating, pain, and gas. Some common acupoints used to treat allergies include Yinxi-

ang/Large Intestine 20, which is located close to the nostrils; Hegu/Large Intestine 4, a wellknown point, is found on the hand between the thumb and index finger; and Zusanli/Stomach 36 is just below the knee on the lateral side of the shin bone. Researchers have been testing acupuncture’s effects for a while. In 2008, the American Journal of Epidemiology published the results of a large German study of 5,237 people. The patients who received acupuncture had significantly more improvement in their allergy symptoms than those who received routine care alone. Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc, practices acupuncture in Chicago. She earned her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of Illinois and Master of Science in oriental medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Colorado. She completed an internship at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing. For more information, visit TCM007.com


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8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of


Kefir with fresh fruit makes a delicious and healthy dessert.

By Joe Leech Kefir is all the rage in the natural health community. It is high in nutrients and probiotics and is incredibly beneficial for digestion and gut health. Many people consider it to be a healthier and more powerful version of yogurt. Here are eight health benefits of kefir that are supported by research. 1. Fantastic Source of Many Nutrients Kefir is a fermented drink, traditionally made using cow or goat milk. It is made by adding kefir “grains” to milk. These are not grains in the conventional sense but cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria that resemble a cauliflower in appearance. Over a period of 24 hours or so, the microorganisms in the kefir grains multiply and ferment the sugars in the milk, turning it into kefir. Then the grains are removed from the liquid and can be used again. So basically, kefir is the drink, but kefir grains are the “starter kit” that you use to produce the drink. Kefir originated from parts of Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia. The name is derived from the Turkish word “keyif,” which means “feeling good” after eating. The lactic acid bacteria turn the lactose in the milk into lactic acid, so kefir tastes sour like yogurt, but has a thinner consistency. A 6-ounce serving of milk kefir contains the following: D Protein: 6 grams. D Calcium: 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). D Phosphorus: 20 percent of the RDA. D Vitamin B12: 14 percent of the RDA. D Riboflavin (B2): 19 percent of the RDA. D Magnesium: 5 percent of the RDA. D A decent amount of vitamin D. This comes with about 100 calories, 7–8 grams of carbs, and 3–6 grams of fat, depending on the type of milk that is used. Kefir also contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds, including organic acids and peptides that contribute to its health benefits. Dairy-free versions of kefir can be made with coconut water, coconut milk, or other sweet liquids. These will not have the same nutrient profile

as dairy-based kefir. Bottom Line: Kefir is a fermented milk drink, cultured from kefir grains. It is a rich source of calcium, protein, and B-vitamins. 2. A More Powerful Probiotic Than Yogurt Some microorganisms can have beneficial effects on health when ingested. Known as probiotics, these microorganisms can influence health in numerous ways, including digestion, weight management, and mental health. Yogurt is the best known probiotic food in the Western diet, but kefir is actually a much more potent source. Kefir grains contain about 30 strains of bacteria and yeasts, making it a very rich and diverse probiotic source. Other fermented dairy products are made from far fewer strains and don’t contain any yeasts. Bottom Line: Kefir contains about 30 different microorganisms, making it a much more potent source of probiotics than other fermented dairy products. 3. Potent Antibacterial Properties Certain probiotics in kefir are believed to protect against infections. This includes the probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri, which is unique to kefir.

People with lactose intolerance can often eat kefir without problems. Studies show that this probiotic can inhibit the growth of various harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, Helicobacter Pylori, and E. coli. Kefiran, a type of carbohydrate present in kefir, also has antibacterial properties. Bottom Line: Kefir contains the probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri, and the carbohydrate kefiran, both of which can protect against harmful bacteria. 4. Improve Bone Health and Lower Risk of Osteoporosis Osteoporosis (“porous” bones) is characterized by deterioration of bone tissue and is a massive problem in Western countries. It is especially com-

mon among elderly women and dramatically raises the risk of fractures. Ensuring an adequate calcium intake is one of the most effective ways to improve bone health and slow the progression of osteoporosis. Kefir made from full-fat dairy is not only a great source of calcium, but also vitamin K2. This nutrient plays a central role in calcium metabo-

Dairy-free versions of kefir can be made with coconut water, coconut milk, or other sweet liquids. lism, and supplementing with it has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures by as much as 81 percent. Recent animal studies have shown that kefir can increase calcium absorption by bone cells. This leads to improved bone density, which should help prevent fractures. Bottom Line: Kefir made from dairy is an excellent source of calcium. In the case of full-fat dairy, it also contains vitamin K2. These nutrients have major benefits for bone health. 5. May Be Protective Against Cancer Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death. It occurs when there is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, such as a tumor. The probiotics in fermented dairy products are believed to inhibit tumor growth by reducing formation of carcinogenic compounds, as well as by stimulating the immune system. This protective role has been demonstrated in several test-tube studies. One study found that kefir extract reduced the number of human breast cancer cells by 56 percent, compared with only 14 percent for yogurt extract. However, take all of this with a grain of salt, as this is far from being proven in living, breathing humans. Bottom Line: Some testtube and animal studies have shown that kefir can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This has not been studied in people.

6. May Help With Digestive Problems Probiotics such as kefir can help restore the balance of friendly bacteria in the gut. This is why they are highly effective for many forms of diarrhea. There is also a lot of evidence that probiotics and probiotic foods can help with all sorts of digestive problems. This includes irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers caused by H. pylori infection, and various others. For this reason, kefir may be useful if you have problems with digestion. Bottom Line: Probiotics like kefir can treat several forms of diarrhea. They can also lead to major improvements in various digestive diseases. 7. Generally Well-Tolerated by the Lactose-Intolerant Regular dairy foods contain a natural sugar called lactose. Many people, especially adults, are unable to break down and digest lactose properly. This condition is called lactose intolerance. The lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy foods (like kefir and yogurt) turn the lactose into lactic acid, so these foods are much lower in lactose than milk. They also contain enzymes that can help break down the lactose even further. Because of this, kefir is generally well-tolerated by people with lactose intolerance, at least as compared to regular milk. Also keep in mind that it is possible to make kefir that is 100 percent lactose-free by using coconut water, fruit juice, or some other non-dairy fluid. Bottom Line: The lactic acid bacteria have already predigested the lactose in kefir. People with lactose intolerance can often eat kefir without problems. 8. May Improve Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Allergic reactions are caused by inflammatory responses against harmless environmental substances. People with an over-sensitive immune system are more prone to allergies, which can provoke conditions like asthma. In animal studies, kefir has been shown to suppress inflammatory responses related to allergy and asthma. Human studies are need to better explore these effects. 9. Easy to Make at Home The last one is not a health benefit, but important nonetheless. If you are unsure about the quality of store-bought kefir, then you can easily make

it at home yourself. You can buy kefir grains in some health food stores and supermarkets. It is also available on Amazon, with hundreds of reviews, testimonials, and tips from real customers. There are some good blog posts and videos on how to make kefir, but the process is very simple: D Put 1–2 tablespoons of kefir grains into a small jar. The more you use, the faster it will culture. D Add around 2 cups of milk, preferably organic or raw. Milk from grass-fed cows is healthiest. Leave 1 inch of room at the top of the jar. D You can add some full-fat cream if you want the kefir to be thicker. D Put the lid on and leave it for 12–36 hours at room temperature. That’s it.

In animal studies, kefir has been shown to suppress inflammatory responses related to allergy and asthma. Once it starts to look clumpy, it is ready. Then you gently strain out the liquid, which leaves behind the original kefir grains. Now put the grains in a new jar with some milk, and the process starts all over again. Combined with some fresh fruit, kefir makes one of the healthiest and tastiest desserts I have ever come across—delicious, nutritious, and highly sustainable. Joe Leech has a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. This article was originally published on AuthorityNutrition.com

Correction The story “Vegan Carrot Ginger Soup: Clean and Detoxing,” printed on April 24, was authored by Christine Beal Dunst and Stephanie Rapp. Epoch Times regrets the error.

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