Epoch Health 6-12-2015

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June 24–30, 12–18, 2015 B1 B1 October 2014

Health Fitness Treating Hidden Wounds—the Case for Putting Psychologists in

Trauma Programs

The emotional injuries from trauma can be as disabling as the physical injuries.

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By Kamela K. Scott & David Chesire

See Trauma on B2

Do we need more psychologists in ER rooms?



magine this: A 17-year-old girl has been shot in an apparent mall robbery. Her parents rush to the hospital only to be told they cannot see their daughter yet—the medical team is actively working to save her life. The unknown is terrifying, the waiting torturous.

Health & Fitness

B2 June 12–18, 2015


E.D. medication not working? Erectile dysfunction (E.D.) affects more than 30 million men in the U.S. It is especially common in men with diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, prostate cancer, prostate surgery, heart problems, and in past or current cigarette smokers. However, it is now possible to treat almost all men with E.D! E.D. undermines a man’s sexual confidence—but successful treatment can restore it! Many E.D. treatments are covered by most insurance and prescription plans. Attend a FREE seminar to educate men and their partners about approved E.D. treatment options. Free refreshments will be served, and partners are encouraged to attend. Featuring: Dr. Seth Cohen A board certified urologist who specializes in the treatment of E.D.

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Less than 10 trauma programs nationally routinely employ a psychologist as a member of the core trauma treatment team.

Treating Hidden Wounds—the Case for Putting Psychologists in Trauma Programs Trauma continued from B1 When they are finally allowed to enter the trauma center to see their daughter, they see 10–15 professionals, all gowned and gloved with masks on their faces, surrounding their daughter, each attending to a different task such as starting an IV, monitoring her vital signs, preparing to take bedside X-rays. Her parents just want to know if will she be OK. But this is exactly the information the treatment team is not able to provide, at least not yet. Nearly 2.5 million people a year are hospitalized because of a traumatic injury. When someone is taken to a trauma center or emergency room, they enter a chaotic place. They are surrounded by bright lights and blinking machines. Their clothes are cut off. Doctors and nurses wearing masks and sterile clothing crowd around, asking questions and giving them medications and examining their body. This assault to the senses is traumatic on its own, beyond the injuries that brought them to the hospital in the first place. And it not only affects the patient, but their family and friends as well, who are helpless to “make it all better.” And yet routine psychological care for victims of traumatic injuries and their families is not available at all hospitals. Exact numbers are hard to come by, but we know of less than 10 trauma programs nationally that routinely employ a psychologist as a member of the core trauma treatment team. Some trauma centers address the emotional needs of patients through pastoral care or social services, while others only call in a psychologist or psychiatrist for isolated cases such as suicide attempts or a loved one’s death. The emotional injuries from trauma can be as disabling as the physical injuries, so doesn’t it make sense to have psychologists routinely in trauma programs to look after their patients’ psychological well-being? Traumatic Injuries Don’t Just Leave Physical Scars Think about that 17-year-old girl and her parents. She needs intense care for her physical injuries. Her parents might need psychological support. And when that girl pulls through, she might need psychological care to cope with her injuries and recovery as well. Trauma centers are required to have surgeons, emergency medicine physicians, neurosurgeons, cardiovascular surgeons, and orthopedists on faculty. But psychologists are not on that list. While trauma centers are mandated to provide psychosocial support programs during the immediate recovery phase, what is not routine is ongoing psychological care for patients and families. Health care has been slow to acknowledge the invisible wounds trauma creates and the impact this has on emotional and physical recovery. How someone responds to these emotional demands is key to their overall

Psychological follow-up care provides a safety net for patients and families throughout the recovery process. recovery. Studies have shown that trauma survivors are at increased risk for many psychological issues including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. Indeed, as researchers on posttraumatic stress disorder have noted: “We may reduce the costs of trauma, both personal and social, by beginning to address the collateral social and psychological complications of injury with the same intensity as we approach the physical.” Such psychological wounds, the hidden suffering in trauma, must be recognized and treated. Trauma programs need to treat the whole person. That’s where psychologists come in. Putting Psychologists Within the Core Trauma Program As medical trauma psychologists on faculty for a very busy Level I Trauma Center and trauma program at the University of Florida (UF), we confront this all the time. Everyday we help patients and families manage the emotional burden of a traumatic injury and its aftermath. Most have never before experienced a trauma center or an intensive care unit except for what they have seen on television, and none of them planned to be here. Though some individuals arrive at the hospital seeking emergency care for psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia or major depressive disorder, these patients represent only a small number of the people whom we serve. Our primary patient population are people with traumatic physical injuries and their families. Our hospital [at the University of Florida], was first in the nation to hire a licensed psychologist as a full faculty member for its in-patient trauma program. Dr. Kamela Scott began developing the UF Psychological Services program back in 1995 after the hospital realized that trauma patients weren’t receiving the psychological care that they needed. In most medical trauma systems at the time, the emotional needs of patients and families either were not addressed at all or were only addressed on an asneeded basis. The idea behind the UF Psychological Services program is to treat psychological care as a routine and integral part of treatment for patients and families after trauma. Since then it’s grown—adding another full-time faculty psychologist and a post-doctoral fellow. We also train surgery residents

on medical ethics and decision making, effective communication with families, managing disruptive patients and families, and conflict resolution. The trauma team can call us to evaluate a patient, just like they might call a neurosurgeon or cardiovascular specialist. We might be asked to help a patient and family adjust to life after traumatic brain or spinal cord injury. Or it could mean intervention with victims of domestic violence or assault. Or we might provide support to families when the decision is made to end artificial life support for a loved one. Through this collaborative approach, the entire treatment team works together to help the patient recover from devastating injuries physically and psychologically and works to help people adjust to and cope with the overall effects of their injuries. And we also look after the needs of patients’ families. That might mean addressing their fears and concerns and offering guidance about how to support their loved one’s physical and emotional recovery. Care Doesn’t End When the Patients Goes Home We can’t view the impact of trauma in terms of physical injury alone. If we do, we miss an entire aspect of what it means to be human: emotion. Victims of motor vehicle crashes can become too anxious to get behind the wheel of a car again, and that might make them withdraw socially. Survivors of physical assault may fear walking the streets or into parking lots, which can make it hard to return to normal daily life. Someone with facial scarring or a loss of physical function due to injury may have problems with self-esteem. They see a different face in the mirror. He or she may be unable to return to work due to physical disability. Medical trauma psychologists, like us, serve as psychological case managers for life after discharge from the hospital. Time and again we have found that our patients simply don’t know what resources are available to help them or how to access those services. We can connect them to community mental health providers with expertise in various treatments needed, such as treatment for anxiety disorders, depression, or substance abuse. We can also link our patients to providers within their health insurance networks and to support groups close to home. Psychological follow-up care provides a safety net for patients and families throughout the recovery process to help them reach the ultimate goal of returning to function, physically and emotionally. Kamela K. Scott is an associate professor and director of psychological services and David Chesire is an associate professor and licensed psychologist, both with the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. This article was originally published on TheConversation.com

Health & Fitness

B3 June 12–18, 2015


Horse Sense & Skin Care

The biology of blood types likely influences the development of the nervous system.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency By Andrew Koenigsberg mergencies can be scary. Understanding what constitutes a dental emergency and knowing what steps to take can reduce the anxiety that accompanies emergencies. In general, it is preferable to see your regular dentist who has your records and knows your history. Emergency treatment tends to be more time-consuming and expensive and should be reserved for true emergency situations. Pain If it’s severe, see a dentist or go to the ER as soon as possible. If it’s moderate, and/or there is swelling around a tooth, call or see a dentist within a day. When it comes to dental pain, it can be difficult to decide what constitutes a true emergency that must be treated immediately versus a situation where pain medication may be adequate or a “wait and see” approach is warranted. If you have a regular dentist, you should call the office and describe your symptoms. They should be able to determine if you need to be seen immediately or can wait.

If you don’t have a regular dentist, then you have to decide on the urgency. If there is swelling, prolonged pain (more than a couple of minutes) with hot liquid or food, or significant pain when tapping the teeth together, you should find a local dentist or emergency facility. Swelling If it progresses to the face (beyond the gums), see a den-

It can be hard to distinguish a tooth infection from gum infection, as both can cause swelling and pain. tist or go to the ER as soon as possible. Swelling often indicates an infection. It can be hard to distinguish a tooth infection from gum infection, as both can cause swelling and pain. Tooth infection may be accompanied by sensitivity to hot or cold or pain on biting. If there is swelling, you should be seen by a dentist within 24 hours. Your personal dentist may

prescribe antibiotics and/ or pain medication over the phone; however, antibiotics can take 24 hours to work, so don’t expect immediate relief. If swelling is progressing, then you should be seen as soon as possible. If your own dentist can’t see you, and you can’t find a local dentist who is available, you should go to an emergency room. While rare, rapidly spreading infections can be life-threatening. Chips or Breaks If you’ve lost a crown or filling, or broken a tooth, see a dentist as soon as convenient. A common “emergency” is when part of a tooth or restoration chips, breaks, or comes loose. Often these are not true emergencies in that there is no infection or medical condition. Unless there is pain, these “emergencies” can usually wait a day or two until your dentist is available. Usually, these situations are not painful and will not further damage the tooth. However, if there is a sharp edge, it may cut the tongue or cheek, and if the piece missing is in front, it may not look good. Here, patients must decide if they want to seek emergency

care or wait until they can see their regular dentist. When a Tooth Is Knocked Out Preserve the tooth and get to a dentist or ER immediately. A true emergency situation is when teeth are knocked out. For an adult tooth, keep it moist at all times. If it is clean, you can try placing the tooth back in the socket without touching the root. If that’s not possible, place it in between your cheek and gums, in milk, or use a tooth preservation product that has the ADA Seal of Acceptance. Then, get to your dentist’s office right away. While emergencies can happen, prevention is best and the way to minimize them. Having regular checkups and following through on recommended treatment can prevent many emergencies. Dr. Andrew Koenigsberg has been in practice since 1980 and is a partner at Gallery57Dental. G57D is a showcase for Sirona, the world’s largest dental equipment manufacturer. The office is fully digital and has been featured in Modern Dentistry as a prototype of the dental office of the future.

Can Type O Blood Shield Us From Alzheimer’s? *KMO139/FLICKR/CC BYND 2.0

By Amy Pullan People with O type blood have more gray matter in their brain and may be more protected against conditions that cause cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s, than people with A, B, or AB blood types. For a new study, researchers analyzed 189 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans from healthy volunteers and calculated the volumes of gray matter within the brain and the differences among blood types. The findings, published in the Brain Research Bulletin, show that individuals with O blood have more gray matter in the posterior portion of the cerebellum. People with A, B, or AB blood have smaller gray matter volumes in temporal and limbic regions of the brain, including the left hippocampus, which is one of the earliest parts of the brain damaged by Alzheimer’s disease. More Protection Lower gray matter volume is normally seen in the brain as we age, but the differences are greater in people with blood types other

Ask any person who rides or cares for horses about one of the most challenging aspects of riding and horse care, and the response is always the same; Skincare. Internet bulletin boards and chat rooms are filled with people looking for recommendations on products that really work on chapped hands, sunburned faces or irritated skin due to heat, bug bites or poison ivy. Scientists at The F.C. Sturtevant have addressed these needs with the development of a new and exciting product, Columbia Healing Cream, a botanical based skin cream that protects and nourishes skin on all parts of the body. The F.C. Sturtevant Company is America’s oldest family owned skincare business and it has been a leading producer of skin care products since 1871, most notably Columbia Antiseptic Powder available at local pharmacies.

Columbia Healing Cream is a botanical based skin cream that evolved out of the Company’s extensive research in plant enzymes and the improved harvesting of active amino acids. The resulting product offers an entirely new way to approach the skin moisturization process. Columbia Healing Cream heals and restores healthy skin by stimulating the body’s natural hydration process. Ninety percent of all skin care products on the market remain mostly on the surface of the skin. Because Columbia Healing Cream is readily absorbed deep into the fourth layer of the skin, it promotes healing from within.” The Company sees far reaching benefits for this product, saying, Columbia Healing Cream is a breakthrough in skin care because the technology behind it is an improvement over the traditional “barrier” technology used in most other skin care products. Instead of remaining on the surface of the skin and possibly clogging the pores as other products can do, Columbia healing Cream is completely absorbed into the skin and helps improve skin hydration from the inside. It will also help reduce scarring from injury or acne, while supporting healthy skin as part of a daily regimen. Manufactured in the USA, Columbia Healing Cream offers relief to folks who suffer cracked hands and wind burned faces all winter and the constant exposure to the heat and sun of summer. Columbia Healing Cream and other fine products in the Columbia Skin Care line may be purchased at your local neighborhood pharmacy or online. If you can’t find these products at your favorite pharmacy, you can ask your pharmacist to order some for you. You will be glad you did.

The biology of blood types likely influences the development of the nervous system.

than O, researchers said. “The findings seem to indicate that people who have an O blood type are more protected against the diseases in which volumetric reduction is seen in temporal and mediotemporal regions of the brain like with Alzheimer’s disease for instance,” said research fellow Matteo De Marco. “However additional tests and further research are required as other biological mechanisms might be involved.” “What we know today is that a significant difference in volumes

Lower gray matter volume is normally seen in the brain as we age, but the differences are greater in people with blood types other than type O.

exists, and our findings confirm established clinical observations,” said Annalena Venneri, professor of neuroscience at the University of Sheffield. “In all likelihood the biology of blood types influences the development of the nervous system. We now have to understand how and why this occurs.” This article was originally published by the University of Sheffield in the U.K. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

For more information about Columbia Healing Cream and other Columbia Skin Care Products, visit their website at www.columbiaskincares.com. The Company may be reached at info@columbiapowder.com or by calling toll free 1-888-871-5661. You may also reach them by mail at The F.C. Sturtevant Company, P.O. Box 607, Bronxville, New York 10708.

Health & Fitness

B4 June 12–18, 2015


13 Evidence−Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil JOANNAWNUK/ISTOCK

By Sayer Ji


hile coconut oil has dragged itself out of the muck of vast misrepresentation over the past few years, it still rarely gets the appreciation it truly deserves. Not just a “good” saturated fat, coconut oil is an exceptional healing agent as well, with loads of useful health applications. The following are some of the benefits of “good” saturated fat. 1. Fat-Burning Ironic, isn’t it? A saturated fat that can accelerate the loss of midsection fat (the most dangerous kind). Well, there are now two solid human studies showing just two tablespoons a day (30 milliliters), in both men and women, is capable of reducing belly fat within one to three months. 2. Brain-Boosting A now famous study, published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, showed that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (most plentifully found in coconut oil) in 20 subjects with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment, resulted in significant increases in ketone bodies (within only 90 minutes after treatment) associated with measurable cognitive improvement in those with less severe cognitive dysfunction. 3. Clears Head Lice When combined with anise spray, coconut oil was found to be superior to the insecticide permethrin (0.43 percent).

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4. Heals Wounds Coconut has been used for wound healing since time immemorial. Three of the identified mechanisms behind these healing effects are its ability to accelerate re-epithelialization, improve antioxidant enzyme activity, and stimulate higher collagen cross-linking within the tissue being repaired. Coconut oil has even been shown to

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work synergistically with traditional treatments, such as silver sulfadiazine, to speed burn wound recovery. 5. NSAID Alternative Coconut oil has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and fever-reducing properties. 6. Anti-Ulcer Interestingly, coconut milk (which includes coconut oil components), has been shown to be as effective as the conventional drug sucralfate as an NSAID-associated anti-ulcer agent. 7. Anti-Fungal In 2004, 52 isolates of Candida species were exposed to coconut oil. The most notorious form, Candida albicans, was found to have the highest susceptibility. Researchers remarked, “Coconut oil should be used in the treatment of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species.” 8. Testosterone-Booster Coconut oil was found to reduce oxidative stress in the testes of rats, resulting in significantly higher levels of testosterone. 9. Reduces Swollen Prostate Coconut oil has been found to reduce testosterone-induced benign prostate growth in rats. 10. Improves Blood Lipids Coconut oil consist-

ently improves the LDL:HDL ratio in the blood of those who consume it. Given this effect, coconut oil can no longer be dismissed for being “that saturated fat that clogs the arteries.” 11. Improves Fat-Soluble Nutrient Absorption Coconut oil was recently found to be superior to safflower oil in enhancing tomato carotenoid absorption. 12. Good for Bone Health Coconut oil has been shown to reduce oxidative stress within the bone, which may prevent structural damage in osteoporotic bone. 13. Sunscreen Coconut oil has been shown to block out UV rays by 30 percent. Keep in mind that this is good, insofar as UVA rays are damaging to the skin, whereas UVB rays are highly beneficial (when exposure is moderate). Of course, when speaking about coconut oil, we are only looking at one part of the amazing coconut palm. Each component, including coconut hull fiber, coconut protein, and coconut water has experimentally confirmed therapeutic applications. Sayer Ji is the founder of GreenMedInfo.com, where this article was originally published. Join their free GreenMedInfo.com newsletter.

Acupuncture Can Reduce Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment By Jennifer Dubowsky

Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy (DIV) has successfully treated Herpes I and II, HIV, all forms of Hepatitis, Diabetic ulcers/ neuropathy, Dr. Howard Robins, D.P.M. Allergies, Chronic Fatigue, Candidiasis, MS, RA, Lyme Disease, Arthritis, Shingles, Acne, Psoriasis, HPV and now RSD/ CRPS just to name a few diseases and conditions.

Coconut oil offers a wealth of healing benefits.

Acupuncture is a wonderful complementary therapy for patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer, both during treatment and after. A diagnosis of breast cancer turns your world upside down, and the medical procedures used to combat the disease can produce difficult and painful side effects. In fact, some women discontinue treatment because of the side effects. However, not all treatment requires further suffering. Acupuncture can reduce pain, nausea, and fatigue, alleviate stress, and improve your quality of life, in addition to easing other side effects caused by harsh cancer treatments. Increasingly, researchers are studying acupuncture’s effectiveness at providing relief from various symptoms related to breast cancer and its treatment, including joint pain and stiffness, which is one common side effect of breast cancer treatment. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer provided additional evidence that acupuncture can be very beneficial to women undergo-

ing treatment for breast cancer. At the University of Pennsylvania, researchers conducted a randomized controlled eightweek study using electro-acu-

Acupuncture can reduce pain, nausea, and fatigue and alleviate stress, in addition to easing other side effects of cancer treatments.

the treatment due to the painful side effects. After 10 acupuncture treatments, patients had a 43 percent decrease in their pain. This is not the first study to show positive results when acupuncture is combined with cancer treatment. A similar study, published in 2010 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, also showed that acupuncture helped relieve pain and stiffness in breast cancer patients being treated with hormone therapies. Modern treatment of breast cancer offers the best combination of Eastern and Western medicine. These partnerships raise the standard of care for women who must use their resources to cope with their disease and its treatment.

puncture with postmenopausal breast cancer patients who were taking Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) and, as a result, experiencing joint pain. Aromatase inhibitors are a common hormonal therapy used to treat certain types of breast cancer. Unfortunately, as many as half of the patients taking AIs experience joint pain and about 20 percent will stop

Jennifer Dubowsky, LAc, practices acupuncture in Chicago. She earned her Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University of Illinois and Master of Science in oriental medicine from Southwest Acupuncture College in Colorado. She completed an internship at the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in Beijing. For more information, visit TCM007.com

Health & Fitness

B5 June 12–18, 2015


Healthy Aging: Find Your New Normal By Douglas Lord According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), only 13 percent of both male and female baby boomers (aged 46 years to 64 years) considered themselves to be in “excellent health.” Four in ten are obese while less than that (35 percent) report exercising regularly. And an overwhelming 75 percent have high blood pressure—more than double the generation before them. Is this the new normal for aging? As an integrative physician, I say no. Healthy aging does not include the symptoms most think inevitable, like weight gain, not getting a good night’s rest, and suffering from a reduced sex drive, fatigue, or anxiety. These symptoms can often be attributed to certain imbalances occurring within the body, including gastrointestinal, thyroid, estrogen and testosterone, adrenals, and others. But as symptom after symptom arises, some people keep piling on the medications to hide them. And despite their full medicine cabinets, these people do not necessarily feel any better than they did before. In fact, some feel worse from the side effects many prescriptions can cause. For example, people who are having trouble sleeping, feel tired throughout the day, and no

longer have any sex drive may seek separate medications for each individual symptom. They really should be looking at all three issues together and learning about what could be causing them. This is the case with the majority of clients I see. People experiencing fatigue and brain fog could actually have a severe sensitivity to certain foods, such as the dairy protein casein, or often a gluten sensitivity, and as such, have a gastrointestinal system that is out of whack and affecting their immune system and mental health. For others who may be having anxiety coupled with weight gain, their stress-regulating adrenal gland could have hormone levels that are off the charts, but easily addressed through a combination of natural supplements and integrated therapies, like massage and acupuncture. Integrated Approach Integrative medicine involves combining carefully selected standard medicine with holistic approaches to wellness that focus on the whole person. Holistic approaches help address the root cause, allowing people to finally get back to feeling their best. One client who had severe hip arthritis for years is now training for the next Olympics! Through advanced diagnostic testing, we were able to identify certain food allergies, including SQUAREDPIXELS/ISTOCK

gluten and casein, and with the help of nutrition counseling, she was able to adopt new dietary habits that eliminated most of her chronic pain. By also integrating hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV micronutrient therapy, massage, acupuncture, and chiropractic therapies, she has been able to improve her athletic performance overall and dramatically cut her post-workout recovery time. Some individuals who’d had Type 2 diabetes for years have come in looking to better manage their health. Through medical weight-loss programs, ongoing nutrition counseling, and natural supplements, these individuals have been able to work with their endocrinologists to come off their medications and now have their disease under control naturally. Other clients who had previously taken prescription statins for high cholesterol, which have a variety of known side effects including muscle pain and digestive problems, now have their cholesterol levels in check, thanks again to the integrated combination of a medical weight-loss program, nutrition counseling, natural supplements, and acupuncture. In addition, they have a better understanding of their health overall, thanks to a more in-depth look at their comprehensive risk profile through advanced diagnostic testing. So don’t accept feeling tired as par for the course when it comes to getting older. Don’t accept weight gain, trouble sleeping, fatigue, reduced sex drive, brain fog, or anxiety as normal. Look for an integrative wellness provider who will partner with you to create a holistic, personalized plan to get you back to feeling your best.


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Dr. Douglas Lord has more than 40 years of experience as an OB-GYN in the Washington, D.C., area and serves as medical director for Nava Health and Vitality Center (NavaCenter.com) with centers in D.C., Chevy Chase, and Columbia. We should have high expectations for aging gracefully.

Strengthen Quad Muscles to Help Your Knees By Gabe Mirkin Doctors have known for many years that having weak quad muscles (in the front of your upper legs) increases risk for damage to the cartilage in your knees. A study from Purdue University showed that strengthening these muscles slows down knee cartilage damage and may even improve knee function. The researchers placed 221 adults in their 60s and 70s either on a program of strengthening their muscles in their upper legs or just moving their knees in a series of range-of-motion exercises. The subjects exercised three times per week (twice at a fitness facility and once at home) for 12 weeks. This program was followed by a transition to home-based exercise for 12 months. Older people weaken natu-

Strength training stabilizes the muscles that support the knee and helps to prevent loss of cartilage with aging. rally with aging, but the rangeof-motion exercisers lost more strength than those who exercised against progressive resistance. The strength training helped retain joint space, signifying that this group had less loss of cartilage. The knee is like two sticks held together by four bands called ligaments. Strength training stabi-

lizes the muscles that support the knee and helps to prevent loss of cartilage with aging. People with knee pain should get a diagnosis from their doctors. Most will be advised to do exercises that strengthen the knee, such as pedaling a bicycle or performing knee strengthening exercises that involve bending and straightening the knees against resistance. People with knee pain should avoid exercises that jar the joints, such as jumping or running. Gabe Mirkin, M.D., has been a practicing physician for over 50 years. He is board-certified in sports medicine, allergy and immunology, pediatrics, and pediatric immunology. This article was originally published on DrMirkin.com. Subscribe to their free weekly Fitness & Health newsletter.

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Health & Fitness

B6 June 12–18, 2015


Stalking the Elusive Omega−3 Good sources of a hard-to-find fatty acid By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff


Eggs are a good source of omega-3, provided the hen has a good diet.

Chicken and Eggs Poultry tends to have more omega-6 than red meat and fish, but eggs can provide a good source of omega-3. However, eggs are another example of feed influencing fatty-acid composition. Eggs labeled “extra omega-3” come from hens fed omega-3 rich feed. One study found these eggs to have five times more omega-3 than those laid by hens on a conventional diet. Fish Oily, cold-water fish have long reigned as the gold standard for omega-3 foods. But just as with cows and chickens, the fish diet plays a large role. Farmraised, corn-fed fish have higher levels of omega-6, while fish fed omega-3 rich food have a healthier EFA ratio. Wild-caught fish tend to have higher concentrations of omega-3, but levels can vary based on the local food source. The major concern with fish is toxins. Salmon and other fish celebrated for their EFA content are often full of mercury, PCBs, and other harmful contaminants that are dumped into the oceans each year. Farm-raised

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fish often contain antibiotics and other chemicals. Lighten your toxic load by sticking with small fish at the bottom of the food chain, like sardines and anchovies, which have less toxic accumulation in their tissues. Big fish, like shark and swordfish, tend to have the most toxins. If you’re looking for a fish- oil supplement, consider a smaller creature.

Canola has more omega-3 than most vegetable oils. However, there is big debate among health experts about whether it is really all that good for us. Krill oil comes from a tiny crustacean that salmon eat to get more omega-3. However, side effects are similar to fish oil caps: digestive upset and fishy burps. Plant Sources Of all plant sources, flax and chia seed contain the most omega-3 by far, with more than double the amount of omega-6. Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts also have decent ratios. But keep in mind that vegetable sources of omega-3 have some important limitations. There are three main types of omega-3 necessary for good health: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Nearly all vegetable sources only contain the simplest form, ALA, but much of the health benefits come from the more complex forms. The body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but it takes a lot

to make a little, and nutrient deficiencies make this process more difficult. Research suggests that even otherwise healthy vegetarians lack sufficient DHA and EPA. People who don’t eat any animal products are advised to take an algae supplement or regularly consume seaweeds rich in DHA for optimal health. The DHA content of sea plants is much less than what is found in fish, but at least it’s something. Vegans more than anyone should strive to limit omega-6 consumption, due to their low intake of omega-3. Canola Oil Flax-seed oil is nutritious but delicate and must be protected from heat and light to prevent oxidation and rancidity. It’s great for salads, but not for cooking. Canola has been heavily promoted as a desirable cooking oil because of its high smoke point, attractive EFA ratio, high levels of monounsaturated fat, and low levels of saturated fat. Because of these qualities, canola is increasingly featured in many processed foods. Canola may have more omega-3 than most vegetable oils. However, there is big debate among health experts about whether canola is really all that good for us. Canola is a newcomer to the human diet. Canola seeds were developed in Canada in the 1970s by breeding out a toxic acid found in the easy-to-grow rapeseed (a relative of mustard). The quality of canola products vary widely. Some are coldpressed from organic seeds, while cheaper oils are made with genetically modified seeds, extracted with solvents, and preserved with chemical additives. Without chemical additives, canola oil spoils quickly, so be sure to keep it refrigerated. While it may not have as

Small fish, like sardines, are high in omega-3 and much less likely to contain toxins than larger fish.


Meat and Dairy In general, plant fats (from corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, and cottonseed oils) are higher in omega-6, while animal fats tend to have more omega-3. But the quality is only as good as what the animal eats. Cows fed mainly corn and soy produce

meat and milk with a higher concentration of omega-6. This is a big reason why more consumers are willing to shell out for grass-fed animal products. Grass, clover, and other prairie weeds provide livestock with more omega-3, which translates to significantly more in our diet as well. If greens give the cow omega3, think about what they can do for our own diet. Arugula, spinach, basil, watercress, and purslane are all excellent sources.


ssential fatty acids (EFAs) are vital to health. They help make hormones, build cell membranes, and prevent degenerative disease. The body can’t synthesize EFAs on its own, so it needs a food source to meet its needs. The foods to focus on are those rich in omega-3. All the other EFAs are necessary too, but ratio is key, and omega-3 are the hardest EFAs to come by. Omega-6s are plentiful by comparison, and most Americans get enough without even trying. The oils, shortening, and margarine found in most processed foods contribute substantially to our omega-6 intake. Evidence suggests we consume way too much omega-6, which makes the comparatively

little omega-3 we eat even harder to absorb. Yet research shows that greater concentrations of omega-3 prevents asthma, breast and colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis. Research suggests that omega-6 encourages inflammation, while omega-3 fatty acids cool it. The average American consumes about 15 to 30 times more omega-6 than omega-3. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends a goal of 10 to 1. For optimal health, shoot for at least 5 to 1—a balance closer to what our ancestors ate. Hardcore Paleo dieters aim for a ratio of 1 to 1. When planning meals, pay some mind to EFA ratios. EFAs compete for space in the body, so the less omega-6 you eat, the less omega-3 you’ll require.

much omega-3, olive oil is considered by many nutrition experts to be a healthier choice. And if you’re not afraid of saturated fat, grass-fed butter offers a superior cooking fat with much more omega-3 than canola. ELLICA_S/ISTOCK



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Flax seed is the best plant source of omega-3, but it comes with a big limitation. MIMOHE/ISTOCK

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Purslane and other greens are good vegetable sources of omega-3.

Health & Fitness

B7 June 12–18, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

Time Crunched? This Workout Is for You By Emma-Kate Stampton Universally most of us are time poor. But that doesn’t mean we can overlook the most important things in life like our health and well-being. The most important thing when it comes to working out is that it’s accessible and you actually do it. I have a 10-month-old baby and despite teaching classes in a health club, time to exercise has become a precious commodity. I am a firm believer that where there’s a will there’s a way. Keeping workouts short and simple is the key to staying fit, strong, and in shape. Also the less equipment needed, the more accessible the workout. All of my exercises require one very important piece of equipment: you! You can take my workouts on holidays with you or do them in the backyard, your bedroom, or living room. Anytime is a good time and anywhere is the perfect place. Even better, get your spouse, best friend, sister, or brother to join in. Okay, let’s get started.

Warm-Up 2 minutes. 8 Start running on the spot. Lift your knees up high and pump your arms. This will warm your body, increasing your mobility and helping to prevent injuries while exercising. Wide Squats This will work your hips, glutes, and thighs. 8 Start with your feet in a wide stance. Toes pointed diagonally out at 45 degrees. 8 Lower your hips toward the ground, keeping your knees wide.  8 Squat as deeply as you can then press back into an upright position. 8 At the top of each squat, squeeze your glutes together as tightly as possible. 8 Inhale as you lower, exhale as you lift. 8 For increased intensity, hold the last one and pulse 20 times. Do 3 sets of 20. Narrow Push-Up This targets your chest, shoulders, and arms. 8 Place your hands on the ground shoulder width apart.

8 Start on your knees and work up to doing them on your feet. 8 Lower your body to the ground. Your body should remain in a strong, straight position. 8 Press back to the start position. Keep your abs pulled in tight to protect your lower back from overworking. 8 Inhale to lower, exhale as you press up. 8 To increase intensity, hold the push-up at your lowest range for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 12. Plank Targets your entire abdominal area. 8 Start on your forearms and knees and work up to your feet. 8 Keep the weight evenly distributed between your upper and lower body. 8 Avoid arching your back. Engage your abs to ensure no lower back pain. 8 Keep your breath flowing throughout the whole minute Hold 3 times for 1 minute.  Swimming This will work your upper and middle back, glutes, and back of your thighs.

8 Lie face down and stretch your arms out like Superman. 8 Lift your right leg and left arm slightly higher than your body, and as you lower them, lift the opposite sides. 8 Keep switching sides slowly. Press your pubic bone toward the floor to lengthen your back and help switch on your abs. 8 Inhale as you lift, exhale as you lower. Do this 3 times for 30 seconds. Finish with some basic stretches to lengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility. Do these exercises in a circuit. Repeat the circuit three times or if you’re really short of time, do it twice. If you can only fit in one circuit, do it anyway. Remember, something is better than nothing. Aim to do this workout three times this week to increase your strength and energy levels.

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Emma-Kate Stampton certifies Pilates instructors and is a certified personal trainer. With 12 years of industry experience, she is passionate about sharing the gift of health and well-being. Emma-Kate is based in Brisbane, Australia.



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B8 June 12–18, 2015

Health & Fitness www.TheEpochTimes.com


Study Shows PRP Can Cure Hard-to-Treat Low Back Pain I

t’s a sign of a good study when the results surprise the researcher. Dr. Gregory Lutz was not sure what to expect four years ago when he initiated a doubleblind randomized controlled trial at the Hospital for Special Surgery to see whether platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy could help patients with chronic low back pain caused by torn discs. The study participants were a

PRP treatments use the person’s own blood platelets to stimulate a cascade of healing reactions. very hard-to-treat group: people who had suffered years of low back pain, had tried all the standard nonsurgical treatments, and were facing spinal fusion surgery as their last option. Of those who received PRP, 60 percent had significant improvements in terms of pain, function, and satisfaction. Some were cured. “Some people were 100 percent improved. … It’s truly a cure if you can get the tear to heal,” said Dr. Lutz, physiatristin-chief emeritus at the Hospital for Special Surgery, with practices on the Upper East Side and Princeton, New Jersey. Another surprise finding of the study was that PRP treatments worked very well for people who had two discs torn. In fact, these patients did better overall than those who had just one torn disc, the opposite of the results you’d get with spinal fusion, Dr. Lutz said. “In a fusion, one level does better than two levels. In this

procedure, two levels did better than one level, which is unusual, but speaks to the power of the treatment,” he said. This is the first study on PRP injections in the spine. Doctors have been hesitant to use PRP in the spine because they thought PRP might not be strong enough, Dr. Lutz said. “Most investigators are focusing on the use of stem cells, but we believe our results are equal or better. PRP therapy is easier to perform since it is just a blood draw, rather than having to aspirate cells from bone,” Dr. Lutz said. But now this study has clearly shown otherwise. Dr. Lutz has presented the findings at conferences nationally and internationally and plans to publish the research this year. He hopes further trials will soon replicate his results and create enough evidence to get insurance to cover treatments. Currently PRP therapy is sometimes covered for other uses, but not yet for damaged discs. Self-Healing PRP treatments use the person’s own blood platelets to stimulate a cascade of healing reactions. Platelets are our smallest blood cells. They initiate the healing process by clotting together on the scene of injury and calling stem cells to come to the area to create new tissue. The spine does not see much blood flow, so when a disk is torn platelets may not reach it, especially in older people. When PRP is injected into the gelatinous disc center, it naturally flows into the tear in the surrounding fibrous tissue, focusing the body’s regeneration response in the right place. “The beauty of it is that it’s really just harnessing your own innate ability to heal,” Dr. Lutz said, adding that he’s now done over 200 treatments and not had a single complication. “There are very few things in medicine that are as safe as injecting your own cells,” he said. Although PRP has been stud-


Some people were 100 percent improved. Dr. Gregory Lutz, physiatrist-in-chief emeritus, Hospital for Special Surgery

Dr. Gregory Lutz is pioneering platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatments for low back pain.

ied since the 1970s, it took until the 21st century for research and technology to make it possible to practice in an office setting. In the last several years, professional athletes like Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant brought it to popular attention by crediting PRP therapy with helping them heal from injuries. It All Started With a Horse Dr. Lutz, who treats many professional and college athletes, first encountered PRP when one of his horses went lame and a vet injected PRP. A couple weeks later, Dr. Lutz was impressed to see the horse galloping around again. Then an elderly patient with a torn Achilles tendon asked Dr. Lutz to try PRP. He did and was astounded to see the patient’s MRI a year later, which showed the tendon had healed completely. “I became a believer overnight because in my 20 years of practice this was the first time I had seen this,” he said. This, and other successes treating tendons with PRP, made Dr. Lutz think that torn spinal discs would also respond well because the part

of the disc that tears is made of the same collagen fibers as tendons. Treatment The whole procedure takes around 30 minutes. Two ounces of blood are drawn and while they spin in a centrifuge to separate the platelets, the doctor has time to give local anesthetic and prep the injection site. Then one injection and it’s done. Afterward, patients need bed rest that day and should plan to take it easy for the next two to three days. Maximum improvement is

seen around 6 to 12 weeks, at which point another treatment can be given if needed for better results, Dr. Lutz said. However, the majority of patients improve with just one injection. So for a fraction of the risk and cost of surgery, and with the likelihood of much better quality of life afterward, PRP and other biocellular therapies may be on track to change the standard of care for chronic low back pain. “I think in the years to come, regenerative treatments will offer cures to previously incurable conditions that often required surgery,” Dr. Lutz said.

Lutz Clinic

360 E. 72nd St. New York, NY 10021 212-606-1648

Princeton Office

389 Wall St. Research Park, Route 206 Princeton, NJ 08540 609-683-5500 LutzClinic.com


Get-Invited-Back Guacamole ALISAFAROV/ISTOCK

By Christine Beal Dunst & Stephanie Rapp Guacamole is easy to make, a crowd pleaser, great for your skin, nourishing for your body—what more could you ask for? This recipe is simple to make and always a hit. We make it whenever we entertain, especially for game nights, barbeques, picnics, and cocktail parties. Serve it out of a big bowl with chips or veggies or as a topping for your burger or taco. So, you might ask: Why do we love guacamole so much? Isn’t it high in fat? Well, yes, it is high in fat, and that is one of the main reasons we love it. The fat found in avocados has been shown to increase your body’s absorption of critical vitamins and minerals. For example, adding avocado to dishes with other veggies (like tomatoes) increases carotenoid absorption by up to six times. And the benefits don’t stop

The fat found in avocados has been shown to increase your body’s absorption of critical vitamins and minerals. there. Avocados also help convert some carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, into vitamin A. The fat in avocados is largely monounsaturated fat (68 percent), which aids in heart health and may lower the risk of heart disease and improve cholesterol levels. We like the sound of that. Avocados not only contain healthy and hard-working fats, but they are also high in almost all of the B vitamins (think energy), fiber, vitamin K, and antioxidant vitamins

E and C. They are also chock full of magnesium, potassium, copper, and more. Eat up! Tip: Make sure to scoop out all of the flesh, especially closest to the peel where the highest concentration of phytonutrients lives.

RECIPE $ 3 ripe avocados $ 2 plum tomatoes $ 1 small purple onion or 1/2 large purple onion $ 1 lime $ 1/2 teaspoon salt $ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder $ Optional: handful of parsley or cilantro, diced jalapeno, hot sauce Cut the avocados in half by running a sharp knife around the pit. Twist the two halves and separate. Squeeze the flesh of the avocados into a large bowl, getting all of the green goodness out, especially closest to the peel. Squeeze the juice of one lime into the bowl. Sprin-

Avocados also help convert some carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, into vitamin A.

kle in 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder. Add in 1/2 teaspoon salt. Mash the avocado mixture with a fork. Chop the tomatoes into 1/4-inch cubes and add to the bowl. Chop the onion into 1/4-inch cubes and add to the bowl. Optional: Add in chopped parsley or cilantro and jalapeno,

if using. Fold all of the ingredients together to combine evenly. Taste and add more salt or lime if needed. Scoop the guac into a serving bowl and garnish with chopped tomato, onion, and parsley. Sprinkle with hot sauce. Eat, enjoy, and embody wellness!

Christine Beal Dunst and Stephanie Rapp are the founders of Embody Wellness Company, specializing in creating customizable holistic wellness and nutrition programs targeted at life’s most important milestones: marriage, children, and career. For more information, visit EmbodyWellnessCompany.com

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