Epoch Health 7-10-2015

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B1 July 10–16, 2015



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Heal Your Gut to Heal Depression By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff


or most of the 20th century, bacteria was the enemy. Once scientists identified microorganisms as the cause of infectious disease, every effort was made to thwart these invisible invaders. But in the last 20 years or so, scientists have developed a new respect for bacteria, and the paradigm is turning from a strategy of war, to one of co-existence. Science now considers a robust, diverse bacterial colony to be essential to good health. In a sense, we’re actually more bacteria than human. The human body contains 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells. Nearly all of our bacteria— about three pounds—lives in our gut. Scientists call this internal bacterial colony our microbiome.

One study found that fermented foods played a larger role in students’ mental state than regular exercise. Since the introduction of the microbiome concept, it’s become common knowledge that good digestion and a strong immune system requires a healthy bacterial colony. But research now suggests that the health of your gut also has a lot to do with the health of your brain. Clinical trials and animal models have previously shown some signs that probiotics may ease anxiety and depression. A study published May 23 in Psychiatry Research lends further support to this idea.

In the fall semester of 2014, about 700 students enrolled in William and Mary University’s Introduction to Psychology class were given a questionnaire about their diet, activity level, and mental state. Researchers found that those who ate more fermented foods were less likely to suffer from social anxiety. Regular exercise also played a role in students’ mental state, but not as much as fermented foods. The study concluded that fermented foods “may have a protective effect against social anxiety symptoms for those at higher genetic risk.” While additional research is needed, these results suggest that eating probiotic foods “may serve as a low-risk intervention for reducing social anxiety.” Based on the emerging picture, researchers urged psychiatry and public health officials to seriously consider the impact diet has on mental health. See Heal Your Gut on B2

Health & Fitness

B2 July 10–16, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com ISTOCK/ANTONIO DIAZ

Heal Your Gut to Heal Depression Heal Your Gut continued from B1

Ninety-five percent of the body’s serotonin is produced in the intestines.

Correction: The recipe in the article "Make Your Cookout Healthy With Beet-Tofu-Basil Burgers," published July 3 on B1, actually called for 1 1/2 cups oats and 1 1/2 handfuls chopped fresh basil. Epoch Times regrets the error.

Gut-Brain Connection According to Dr. Raphael Kellman, a New York City-based physician who specializes in treating the microbiome, there are incredibly intricate interconnections between the brain and the gut. He says the microbiome not only influences our mood, but it also has a lot to do with how the brain functions and develops over time. “The microbiome communicates with the brain through a number of mechanisms,” Kellman said. “These pathways include direct neurotransmitters that the microbiome produces. It communicates with the brain via the vagus nerve, and also via the endocrine system in the stress pathway—the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axis.” Current treatment for neurological disorders focus on direct changes to brain chemistry, tweaking levels of neuro-

transmitter chemicals in hopes of tuning in the right balance. But the future of mental health treatment may focus much more on the gut than the brain, and more on food than drugs. After all, 95 percent of the body’s serotonin is produced in the intestines. Microbiome Diet Kellman’s prescription for brain health begins with what you eat. His protocol is outlined in his book, “The Microbiome Diet.” As diets go, Kellman’s is fairly easy to follow. It doesn’t restrict calories, protein, fat, or carbs. The hardest part is the first few weeks when foods like sugar, dairy, and gluten get shelved in an effort to heal the gut wall. But Kellman claims that people don’t typically experience cravings. “People who go on this diet never feel like it’s really a diet,” he said. “They lose weight without the struggle. The fight is gone. It’s a much smoother path.”

Comfort Food Of course, Kellman’s diet strongly encourages traditionally fermented foods—such as pickles, yogurt, and sauerkraut— but it also focuses on foods and supplements with a special type of fiber called inulin. Inulin is found in many vegetables, such as asparagus, jicama, onions, and garlic. Herbal roots, such as chicory, dandelion, and burdock, contain even higher concentrations of this fiber. Inulin supplements are usually made from Jerusalem artichokes. You’ve heard of probiotics. Inulin is often referred to as a prebiotic. Unlike acidophilis supplements, which support a single strain of gut bacteria, inulin fiber feeds the hundreds of beneficial bacterial strains found in a healthy gut. And Kellman says it’s bacterial diversity that keeps the microbiome strong. “An unhealthy, less diverse microbiome can contribute towards systemic inflamma-

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tion,” Kellman said. “A lack of diversity can be a factor in autoimmune disorders, including lupus, arthritis, asthma, colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease.” While most people focus on probiotics to nourish their microbiome, Kellman says prebiotics are a better bet. Individual probiotic supplements can be used to target specific issues, but prebiotic supplements are good for general gut flora wellness. “I think most people are taking probiotics aimlessly, without a real understanding,” Kellman said. “They’re not getting a good bang for their buck. They’re better off with the prebiotics.” Those who suffer from bloating or gas may have a microbiome with too much of one kind of microorganism. Kellman has patients with candida (a gut overgrowth of yeast) or intestinal parasites take an additional step. Herbs such as oregano and

surrounding tissues. This produces generally superb results.

Dr. Lederman’s results are 90% cancer free. Two major hospitals for prostate cancer report 60%. Dr. Lederman’s results are 50% better. This is documented in the “Prostate Cancer” booklet available at no cost by calling (212) CHOICES. For prostate cancer, Dr. Lederman’s treatment shows superior results with better urinary and sexual life compared to surgery. Dr. Lederman’s team offers a variety of treatments including multiple precise beams directly to the prostate. Brachytherapy directly places treatment where the cancer is located in less than one hour — thus giving higher radiation doses to the cancer while minimizing exposure to normal, healthy

The overall treatment of seeds/Radiosurgery frame is delivered in about half the overall time of conformal radiation — which is a big convenience, although convenience is not the sole reason one seeks the best cancer care. It’s the results that count! Compare our results to conformal radiation in the above graph to see the difference a customized Radiosurgery approach can make. Example of Breast Cancer Treatment with Dr. Lederman: A 37-year-old woman with stage 4

breast cancer was treated with Radiosurgery and systemic treatment is in complete remission and just gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Radiosurgery protected her uterus and ovaries. She just had a complete PET-CT scan and remains in remission from stage 4 cancer! We all celebrated together, and we wish her and her family much

garlic help get aggressive microorganisms under control before fertilizing the colony. Brain Benefits A stronger microbiome means less inflammation, which means reduced risk of inflammatory brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. When it comes to treating mood disorders, foods that strengthen the microbiome work much differently than psychotropic drugs. “By improving the microbiome we can actually see positive changes in mood, cognitive function, and executive function,” Kellman said. “It’s not just eliminating the poor mood—the depression or anxiety—but it’s actually creating positive emotions and a positive mood. This feeling of optimism and empowerment is quite common on the microbiome diet. You don’t see that effect with the anti-depressants.”

good health and happiness! Example of Metastatic Colon Cancer Treatment with Dr. Lederman: A 74-year-old physician was di-

agnosed with metastatic colon cancer and received surgery along with extensive chemotherapy. Five years ago she nearly died from chemotherapy and its complications. Since then, she has chosen to only receive Radiosurgery for her stage 4 cancer. We’ve controlled her metastatic cancer for years allowing her to have an excellent quality of life, enjoyment with her family and even maintain her full-time job.

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Health & Fitness

B3 July 10–16, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com SPONSORED CONTENT

Got Low Back Pain? Here’s What You Can Do The first thing to do when your low back starts to hurt is relax— both your back and your mind. “The majority of back pain usually only lasts two to four weeks; 75–80 percent ... will resolve on its own in two to four weeks without any treatment, just rest,” said Dr. Damon Noto, a pain-management and rehabilitation specialist who focuses on non-invasive treatment methods. During the first couple weeks, applying ice can be helpful, and if the pain is severe, you might need an anti-inflammatory, Dr. Noto said. He advises if you feel pain, you can also try acupuncture or chiropractic care because both offer relatively gentle pain relief and help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Red Flags If your pain comes with the onset of weakness or numbness in your legs or feet, it raises the possibility that a nerve is involved, and Dr. Noto recommends you consult a doctor. If you notice a change in bladder control or you start experiencing balance difficulties, it could mean something is irritating your spinal cord, and you probably want to get an MRI to be safe. If there is no obvious cause of your low back pain (known as insidious onset), and you wake up in the middle of the night with pain that’s worse than during the day, this is another red flag. This kind of discomfort can indicate something more serious is going on that could involve the bone. For this type of pain, he said it’s often best to get an MRI and even some blood work.

Diet changes, nutritional supplements, and herbs are part of the first line of defense against low back pain. If you have insidious onset low back pain plus night sweats, this can indicate an infection, which may require injections or antibiotics to treat. And if your back pain lasts beyond four weeks, he said, then you should definitely go to your primary care doctor for a physical exam. Let the Body Heal Experience has shown Dr. Noto that given the right support, the body has great capacity to heal itself. At a young age, he watched his grandfather, who suffered from heart disease, rehabilitate himself through exercise



Dr. Damon Noto specializes in pain management and rehabilitation.

and diet. This made a “pretty longlasting impression on me,” Dr. Noto said, and ultimately lead him to specialize in physiatry, a field of medicine that focuses on helping people who’ve been injured return to health. In his practice now, Dr. Noto uses a variety of approaches: nutritional therapies, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, regenerative methods like platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, and encouragement and emotional support to help patients heal low back pain without surgery. A big key to effective treatment is making sure emotional issues are addressed, especially if pain has lasted over six months because studies show that depression and anxiety can make it a lot harder for the body to heal, he said. “It’s not something a patient should be ashamed of. Anybody who’s going through a chronic injury ... it gives you a lot of stress,” he added. On the physical side, diet changes, nutritional supplements, and herbs are part of his first line of defense against low back pain. Herbals like white willow bark, curcumin, and ginger are very good natural anti-inflammatories. He’s had patients come to him after experiencing back pain for over a year, and when he started them on herbal supplements, they were able to stop pharmaceuticals. “They were able to come off their prescription medication and were using the natural remedies instead, and felt [these were] just as effective,” Dr. Noto said. Choose Treatment With Care The first step in any treatment plan is to assess how serious your condition is. After assessment, Dr. Noto works out detailed personal treatment plans that connect patients with a network of physical therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers, nutritionists, and other acupuncturists. If this

level of treatment does not produce the desired results, he said patients can consider injectionbased treatments, which are a little more aggressive.

A big key to effective treatment is making sure emotional issues are addressed. For conditions that still don’t heal well, usually arthritis or traumatic injuries, Dr. Noto said treatments with stem cells and the blood plasma-based therapy PRP, are good options. These treatments are part of the emerging field of regenerative medicine, which uses growth factors to stimulate healing in the body. “It’s a good way to avoid surgery, especially in people with more advanced arthritis or degenerative conditions,” he said. And sometimes surgery is the most effective option. The key to treating low back— or any type of pain—according to Dr. Noto, is really to figure out what will work best for you. “Patients respond differently and resonate with different treatments,” he said. “My philosophy is always to do the least invasive thing to get the best results. So … I look for the most natural, least invasive methods to get that person back to optimal health.”

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There are a variety of ways to treat back pain without surgery, and people respond differently to different treatments.



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Health & Fitness

B4 July 10–16, 2015


After You Drink Juice, Slather on Sunscreen By David Orenstein hite people who drink orange juice or eat a lot of grapefruit should be sure to put on extra sunscreen for a few days. A new study suggests they may have a higher 25-year risk of developing malignant melanoma, a potentially lethal form of skin cancer. Citrus contains compounds called psoralens that can make skin more sensitive to light exposure. Those findings have been documented in studies and presented in anecdotes about limesqueezing bartenders with sunburned hands or kids with streaks of sunburn matching where a citrus-flavored Popsicle dripped down the chin. Extra Precautions For a new study published in the “Journal of Clinical Oncology,� researchers examined whether citrus consumption could pose a potential health risk. What they found in two large samples of more than 100,000 white men and women is that high consumption of grapefruit and to a lesser extent orange juice was associated with a somewhat higher risk of malignant melanoma. The results don’t mean that citrus consumption is harmful.

Instead, people who eat a lot of citrus might consider taking extra precautions against subsequent sunlight exposure, such as using high-SPF sunscreen and covering skin with protective clothing and broad-brimmed hats. Lead author Shaowei Wu, a postdoctoral researcher at Brown

Citrus contains compounds called psoralens that can make skin more sensitive to light exposure. University, and senior author Abrar Qureshi, chair of the dermatology department, discussed the findings with Brown University writer David Orenstein. How did you go about measuring this association and what were the main results? Wu: In two well-established U.S.based cohort studies with followup over 24–26 years, we demonstrated a consistent positive association between citrus consumption and risk of malignant



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melanoma, a potentially lethal form of skin cancer. The citrus fruits (that is, orange and grapefruit) examined in the study are the most consumed citrus fruits in the U.S. population (accounting for over 90 percent of the market). We used a validated questionnaire to collect information on consumption of citrus products and other food items. Melanoma was self-reported biennially and confirmed by pathological reports. We then used statistical analysis to estimate the risk of melanoma associated with dietary consumption, adjusting for other known melanoma risk factors and potential confounders. Those who consumed overall citrus 1.6 or more times per day had a 36 percent higher risk compared with those who consumed less than twice per week. This is an interesting finding and may be of importance to the public and clinical practice, given that consumption of citrus products is prevalent and citrus products are known to contain photoactive compounds (such as furocoumarins or psoralens). Why do you think grapefruit and orange juice had a significant association when oranges or grapefruit juice did not? Qureshi: The concentrations of the photoactive compounds vary in different parts of the fruit. It just so happens that in oranges the pulp is richer with these compounds. In grapefruits it’s the fibrous material that surrounds the pulp. Wu: There may be higher quantities of furocoumarins in fresh fruits with peel and pulp than in processed juices. Industrial processing may reduce the quantities of certain chemicals in processed foods, leading to the different associations with health outcomes for consumption of fresh and processed food items. For example, in our study fresh grapefruit showed a significant association with melanoma whereas grapefruit juice did not. However, the consumption level of the food also matters. Although orange juice contains lower levels of furocoumarins, its consumption level is very high in the population—several times higher than other citrus products, thereby explaining its less apparent but still significant association with melanoma risk. Why, in the first place, did you think citrus might have this association with cutaneous malignant melanoma?

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Wu: Both biological and epidemiologic studies have demonstrated

The authors of a recent study say you should still consume citrus but protect yourself well from the sun afterward. NEIL YOUNG/FLICKR/CC BYďšşSA 2.0

the photocarcinogenic properties of psoralens (a group of furocoumarins), naturally occurring chemicals rich in certain plants like citrus products. Specifically, both psoralen-initiated photochemotherapy for skin disorders and use of psoralencontaining commercial products have been associated with increased risk of malignant melanoma. However, whether the consumption of psoralen-rich foods (that is, citrus products) may be associated with an increased risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma has been unknown. Our results showed that consumption of psoralen-rich foods is associated with a modestly increased risk of malignant melanoma in both women and men. If oranges are otherwise healthy foods, do you have advice for people who eat a lot of citrus and spend a lot of time in the sun? Qureshi: This work does not indicate that we are concerned about citrus consumption. In fact citrus consumption is very important for vitamin C and other very healthy attributes. However, people need to be aware that when they are consuming certain fruits and vegetables that contain these photoactive compounds, they need to be more careful with their sun exposure the next few hours in particular and probably the next day or two. It’s just a matter of being careful with how much ultraviolet radiation they are getting postconsumption. These compounds have a halflife that is up to 48 to 72 hours in your system. You don’t realize it, but you are actually photo reac-

Citrus contains compounds called psoralens that can make skin more sensitive to light exposure.

The results don’t mean that citrus consumption is harmful. tive. Some people may notice that they burn more easily. By virtue of that photochemical reaction occurring in their cells, they are damaging DNA. The same guidelines [as usual in the sun] apply: Sunscreen of SPF 30 to 50 with what the FDA calls broad spectrum characteristics, which blocks both UVA and UVB radiation; photoprotective clothing in the right settings, especially midday, and broadbrimmed hats. What is needed in terms of further research? Qureshi: We were looking at one population of people. These were health professionals, although that’s an advantage because they are very good at reporting their behavior. Some of these results

may not apply to the U.S. population at large. The study needs to be replicated. Of course, we can’t do interventions where we’d subject people to sun plus psoralen intake. It’s not just citrus consumption where these photoactive compounds are found. They are found in other food substances as well. We’re developing further data sets and trying to better understand which other food types may be associated with a risk of skin cancer. We are also looking at other types of skin cancer, for example squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. Finally, the work we’re doing at the biologic level is trying to understand which particular types of these compounds are the causative agents in promoting the development of skin cancer. There is a lot more to come. Maybe we can find a way to remove it safely from orange juice. This article was originally published by Brown University. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0. GUNO1/ISTOCK


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Those who consumed overall citrus 1.6 or more times per day had a 36 percent higher risk compared with those who consumed less than twice per week.

Health & Fitness

B5 July 10–16, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com MARIDAV/ISTOCK

It is essential for urban planners and other policymakers to understand the relationship between exposure to nature and mental health.

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90 Minutes in Nature Really Change the Brain By Rob Jordan A new study finds quantifiable evidence that walking in nature could lead to a lower risk of depression. Specifically, the study found that people who walked for 90 minutes in a natural area, compared to participants who walked in a hightraffic urban setting, showed decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression.

City dwellers have a 20 percent higher risk of anxiety disorders and a 40 percent higher risk of mood disorders as compared to people in rural areas. “These results suggest that accessible natural areas may be vital for mental health in our rapidly urbanizing world,” said co-author Gretchen Daily, professor in environmental science and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. “Our findings can help inform the growing movement worldwide to make cities more livable and to make nature more accessible to all who live in them.” City Dwellers More than half of the world’s population lives in urban set-

tings, and this is forecast to rise to 70 percent within a few decades. Urbanization and disconnection from nature have grown dramatically, as have mental disorders such as depression. In fact, city dwellers have a 20 percent higher risk of anxiety disorders and a 40 percent higher risk of mood disorders as compared to people in rural areas. People born and raised in cities are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia. Is exposure to nature linked to mental health? If so, the researchers asked, what are nature’s impacts on emotion and mood? Can exposure to nature help buffer against depression? In Nature or by the Highway As reported in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,” two groups of participants walked for 90 minutes, one in a grassland area scattered with oak trees and shrubs, the other along a traffic-heavy four-lane roadway. Before and after, the researchers measured heart and respiration rates, performed brain scans, and had participants fill out questionnaires. The researchers found little difference in physiological conditions, but marked changes in the brain. Neural activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, a brain region active during rumination— repetitive thought focused on negative emotions—decreased among participants who walked in nature versus those who walked in an urban environment. “This finding is exciting because it demonstrates the impact of nature experience on an aspect of emotion regulation—something that may help explain how nature makes us feel better,” said lead author Gregory Brat-

man, a graduate student in Stanford’s Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, the Stanford Psychophysiology Lab, and the Center for Conservation Biology. “These findings are important because they are consistent with, but do not yet prove, a causal link between increasing urbanization and increased rates of mental illness,” said co-author James Gross, a professor of psychology at Stanford. It is essential for urban planners and other policymakers to understand the relationship between exposure to nature and mental health, the study’s authors wrote. “We want to explore what elements of nature—how much of it and what types of experiences—offer the greatest benefits,” Daily said. In a previous study, also led by Bratman, time in nature was found to have a positive effect on mood and aspects of cognitive function, including working memory, as well as a dampening effect on anxiety. The studies are part of a growing body of research exploring the connection between nature and human well-being. The Natural Capital Project, led by Daily, focuses on quantifying the value of natural resources to the public and predicting benefits from investments in nature. It is a joint venture of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund, and the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. This article was originally published by Stanford University. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.



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Health & Fitness

B6 July 10–16, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

Kettlebell Workout

for Beginners and Weight Loss building much muscle. Muscle is far more metabolically active than fat, and it needs more energy to live, so building muscle will keep you burning more fat. Kettlebell movements engage and build muscle in multiple muscle groups. Some kettlebell movements are also classified as ballistic, meaning they are

By Dasha Libin Anderson


ost people make the mistake of doing only aerobic, “cardio” type exercises for weight loss. They see results in the first few weeks and then cease to continue to see progress. Why? Because they’re not


of a higher intensity than other weightlifting motions. Ballistic movements can produce the same effect on the body as sprinting, running, or jumping (but with far less impact on the body and joints—when executed correctly). Here are some simple, and beginner-ready moves, that will enhance your mobility, strength,

and cardio-respiratory fitness.

feel challenged.

If You’re a Beginner Complete two sets of the exercises below. Spend one minute on each exercise with 30-second breaks in between. For exercises that are single sided, do one minute per side. Work with a weight that challenges you after 8–15 reps. You should

For Weight-Loss To make this basic workout sequence more challenging, add one minute of jumping jacks or running in place between each exercise. After two weeks of this workout, increase from two sets to three sets. After four weeks, increase from three to four sets.

2 **One-Hand Rack Postion

Squat Did you know that the squat burns massive calories and helps define the abs more than any mat-based ab motion you can do? Plus it activates the core and glutes and firms and strengthens the legs.

Grab the horizontal section of the kettlebell handle with one hand. Bring the kettlebell up to chest level, so the kettlebell hangs behind your hand, resting on your forearm. Hug your whole arm close to your body with elbows tucked above the hips. Your wrist should be straight, so there is a straight line from elbow to knuckles.

> Hold one kettlebell in the twohand rack position,* or hold two kettlebells on each side of the body as pictured. > As you inhale, pull yourself down with tension into a full squat. > Keep your back as flat as possible, torso erect, ears over shoulders, and kneecaps tracked over toes. > Your weight should be on your heels, not the front of the foot. > Toes should be pointed outward at an angle that feels natural. > Push the knees apart with the elbows to keep the glutes engaged properly. > On the exhale, stand up without leaning forward.

Kettlebell Windmill This is an amazing mobility and strength motion that will help loosen your knees and strengthen your obliques, legs, shoulders, and core. > Bring one kettlebell to the one-hand rack** position, then bring it overhead (as pictured). When the kettlebell is overhead, your wrist should be straight, not bent backward. > Rotate both of your feet 45-degrees to the left (away from the lifted arm). > Push your hips out to the right under the raised hand. > Keep both knees soft. > Fold at the waist and lower the torso down while keeping the kettlebell overhead. Keep your eyes on the kettlebell the entire time. > Lower down to the left as far as you can. It is not necessary to touch the floor. Your left arm should extend naturally down in front of the left leg with the palm facing out. > Return to standing.

Repeat for 1 minute.

*Two-Hand Rack Postion Grab the kettlebell from the horns (the two vertical sections of the handle), one in each hand. Bring the kettlebell up to the center of your chest. Hug it close to your body and keep your back strong and straight. Keep your wrists straight, so there is straight line from your elbows to knuckles.

Repeat for 1 minute then switch sides.


Health & Fitness www.TheEpochTimes.com

3 Kettlebell Halo This motion helps shoulder and back mobility and arm strength. It also defines and activates your abs. > Start off gripping the kettlebell by the horns (not the horizontal part of the handle). The base of the bell can be up or down. > Bring the kettlebell up just above your shoulders. > Begin to rotate the kettlebell around your head. > Make sure to keep the kettlebell close to the head throughout the full rotation. > Make sure the kettlebell is not over the head, but rotates directly around the head.

4 Half Get-Up This motion helps stabilize and strengthen your shoulders, core, and glutes, and helps strengthen your back. > To begin, lie down on your back with the kettlebell in your right hand and your right leg bent. > Your left leg and left arm should be straight and flat on the ground, positioned out at a 45-degree angle from your body. > Look at the kettlebell (not forward or down) as you do this exercise. > Lift the kettlebell so your right arm is straight. > Push yourself up to your left elbow. > Then push yourself up to your left hand. > Lift your body up by pushing your hips up to the sky. > Pause for a second, engaging your glutes and keeping your abdominals tight. > Continue back down through the same steps as when you came up. Repeat for one minute and then switch sides.

5 Reach Kick This will help you get your heart rate up and work on the mobility of your hips and hamstrings. > Start from a boxing stance with your lead leg forward and rear leg on the ball of your foot, 90-degrees behind. > Bring the rear leg straight up as if you were kicking a soccer ball. > Kick the leg up as high as you can and reach the opposite side arm to touch the foot. > Return the leg back to your stance. Kick for 1 minute and then switch legs. Dasha Libin Anderson is the creator of Kettlebell Kickboxing. If you like this, check out KettlebellKickboxing.com. Sign up for the KB community newsletter and get free ebooks and workouts, including your free “Belly Fat Book” and “Burn 500 Book.”

B7 July 10–16, 2015

B8 July 10–16, 2015

Health & Fitness www.TheEpochTimes.com JILL CHEN/ISTOCK

5 Daily Detox Tips to Supercharge Your Body


Simple ways to keep vital By Christine Beal Dunst & Stephanie Rapp


ere’s a little secret: You don’t need to go on a juice fast or extreme cleanse to detox your body. Here’s another secret: You can detox and still chew food! These simple steps will help you cleanse your body and embody wellness in a way that becomes your lifestyle, so you won’t need to go to extremes and live on spicy lemonade for three days. By incorporating these five tips into your every-

Greens are also loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins to keep your skin looking dewy, youthful, and glowing. day routine, you’ll be on your way to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. Make these into habits and let your body do the flushing out. Cleansing and detoxing ensures that your kidneys and liver are functioning properly. If they are not efficiently getting rid of waste, it results in buildup and inflammation in your body, two causes of disease and weight

gain. Some other benefits of detoxing your system include glowing skin, improved digestion (less bloat and constipation), weight loss, more energy, and better sleep. Sound good? We think so! 1. Drink More Water and Lemon Get into the habit of starting your day with a big glass of water with lemon right when you wake up. Lemon is detoxing and alkalizing, and it revs up your metabolism. Every function in our body runs on water, including elimination and cleansing. Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces throughout the day. (So if you weigh 140, aim for 8.75 8-ounce cups to make 70 ounces). Drink more if you are active or sweating. Water helps with healthy digestion, regularity, detoxification, mental clarity, energy, and satiety. Hungry? Dehydration often masks itself as hunger. Try drinking a glass of water before sticking your hand in the chip bag. Tip: For lemon water on the go, keep a bottle of doTerra’s therapeutic-grade lemon oil on hand to sprinkle into your water bottle. We always have it in our bag. 2. Eat More Greens Kale, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, swiss chard, collards, you name it! Dark, leafy greens are rich in chlorophyll, which purifies the blood and binds to toxins, excreting them from body. Greens are also loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins to keep your skin looking dewy, youthful, and glowing.

Try to eat or drink greens at every meal. For boosts, add liquid chlorophyll, chlorella, or spirulina (green and blue algae) to your blended drinks. 3. Homemade Detoxing Tonics Incorporate aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, ginger, or chia seeds into your day. For a tonic, simply combine 8 ounces hot or cold water, a squeeze of lemon, and one tablespoon of any of the above daily. We also toss them into our smoothies or teas. You can also combine some together for an extra supercharge. Get creative. Aloe vera juice is healing to the digestive tract, hydrating, and great for your skin. Apple cider vinegar is extremely cleansing and alkalizing.

Apple cider vinegar is extremely cleansing and alkalizing. Ginger is a powerful antiinflammatory agent, and chia is packed with antioxidants, fiber, and protein, and is great for hydration. You can also use these ingredients in dressings or soups. 4. Take a Daily Probiotic Probiotics are “good” bacteria that help reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

Get into the habit of starting your day with a big glass of lemon water.

Healthy bacteria will keep your entire system in balance so you can detox efficiently. They also increase your immunity. Around 70 percent of your immunity resides in your gut. We encourage you to incorporate more probiotic-rich, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, Greek yogurt, or tempeh. Or take a high-quality supplement and feel the changes. 5. Spice It Up Incorporate turmeric and cayenne into your cooking for anti-inflammatory benefits. Try making spiced roasted nuts or veggies or a superfood smoothie or your own spicy lemonade (combine lemon juice, hot or cold water, cayenne or turmeric, grated ginger, and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup). Turmeric and cayenne are also great in tonics, dressings, and sauces. Get sprinkling.

Finally, we can’t have a daily detox discussion without the mention of daily gratitude and rest. Be kind, compassionate, and loving toward yourself. Stress increases your levels of insulin and cortisol (infamous for promoting the accumulation of belly fat) and causes chronic inflammation. “Stress makes you fat. Relaxation makes you thin,” said Dr. Mark Hyman in the book “10-Day Detox Diet.” A little love and chill time can go a long way toward cleansing your body and looking fabulous. Relax and reset! Embody wellness. Embody change. Embody your best self. Christine Beal Dunst and Stephanie Rapp are the co-founders of Embody Wellness Company, specializing in creating customizable holistic wellness and nutrition programs targeted at life’s most important milestones: marriage, children, and career. For more information, visit EmbodyWellnessCompany.com

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