Epoch Health 7-17-2015

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B1 July 17–23, 2015

Health Fitness

Your Grudges May Be Killing You What science says about forgiveness

Chronic resentment can lead to higher blood pressure, increased tension and inflammation, and elevated cortisol levels.

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By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff


eligions teach us to turn the other cheek, but in practice, forgiveness may seem impossible. We may feel justified in our resentment, or believe it will protect us from getting hurt again, but experts say we pay a high price for long-held grudges. “You pay the piper later on this,” said Dr. Everett Worthington, author, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. “We get angry and stressed all the time, and we don’t notice those effects right away. But they will show

up eventually if we practice them for a long time.” Forgiveness is an idea that has primarily remained in the realm of religion. Despite Sigmund Freud’s voluminous writings on every other psychological subject, he never touched upon forgiveness. Freud’s predecessors also paid forgiveness little attention, but something happened in the 1980s that got psychologists to take a closer look. Since then, science has shown that chronic resentment can lead to higher blood pressure, increased tension and inflammation, and elevated cortisol levels, which disrupt nearly every bodily process. Worthington was one of the first researchers to turn the lens of sci-

ence on forgiveness, and the subject remains the focus of his work. He became interested in forgiveness doing marriage counseling in the early 1980s. A few years later, he published one of the first journal articles on forgiveness, examining its role in couples’ therapy. “One of my graduate students at that time got interested in the topic, and we started looking at it scientifically, and it took off,” he said. “In 1996, my mother got murdered, and that kind of put things to the test and really increased the attention I paid to forgiveness after that.” How to Forgive According to Worthington, one of the biggest stumbling blocks to achieving forgiveness is lacking a method

for doing so. “I think people don’t know how to forgive often, “he said. “They get a lot of encouragement to forgive. Many people think it’s a good thing to forgive. And you hear sermons, and you read magazine articles that it would be good for your health to forgive. “But people say, ‘Yeah, and it would be good if I could jump 20 feet in the air also, but I can’t do that.”‘ Although Worthington identifies as a Christian, he said that a person doesn’t require a belief in God to see the value in forgiveness. In fact, studies have shown that religion alone is often not enough to reach a place of forgiveness. See Forgiveness on B6


Health & Fitness

B2 July 17–23, 2015

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Orange Sunshine Smoothie By Derek Henry A nice cool, fruity, and refreshing smoothie can be just what the naturopathic doctor ordered on a hot summer day. Enjoy this healthy take on the orange creamsicle popsicle—in smoothie format. The purpose of this smoothie recipe is to make your taste buds scream in delight as you reminisce about the good ‘ole days of popsicles and summertime. Not only does it satisfy


Best Foods for Summer According to Chinese Medicine

By Lynn Jaffee




/ IS T







e all like to eat good food, and we all understand that certain foods enhance our health. In Chinese medicine, that concept is taken a step further, in that food is viewed as medicine you eat three times a day. In fact, there is a saying that you should first treat an illness with the proper foods, and if that doesn’t work, only then turn to acupuncture and herbs. Food therapy is an important and effective part of Chinese medicine, and for good reason— it’s inexpensive

and can be practiced at home. Healing with food is based on a number of principles, including choosing foods that are easily digested and appropriate to your particular health issues. In addition, foods are chosen for their specific actions (purging, drying, nourishing, and so on) and their temperature. During certain times of the year, the temperature of foods can make a difference in how you feel and your overall health. This is especially true during the hottest weather of the summer. When you think of the temperature of foods, you might think of how it feels in your mouth: Does it burn your tongue or is it so cold it gives you a headache? However, in Chinese medicine, foods also have an inherent temperature that when eaten can either warm or cool your body. Foods can be hot, warm, neutral, cool, or cold. Some obviously hot foods are ginger or chilies, which make you feel hot and sometimes even sweat. In general, though, the temperature of a food and


A noninvasive, highly effective, well-tolerated cancer treatment Imagine a plum in a breadbox. Now imagine that breadbox is your body and the plum is cancer. Standard radiation is forced by its nature to radiate large areas — such as the breadbox — to hit the plum. Radiosurgery is much more precise. It hits the cancer and this is exactly what Radiosurgery is designed to do. In fact, Dr. Lederman is first in America with Body Radiosurgery. Dr. Lederman is New York’s only Harvard trained trple-board-certified Radiation Oncologist. He is the first to perform Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery in the Western Hemisphere! What is Radiosurgery? Radiosurgery delivers focused treatment using multiple, finely contoured beams from many

different angles - all attacking the cancer. This minimizes radiation to healthy normal tissue while enhancing treatment to the cancer. Radiosurgery is non-invasive – with no cutting, no bleeding, no pins, no screws, no anesthesia, and no hospital stays with Dr. Lederman! Each Radiosurgery treatment lasts about 15 minutes, and is al-

your taste buds and memories, but it also delivers incredible nutrients without any harmful ingredients like added sugar or dairy. # # # # # #

Summer heat in Chinese medicine is a pathogen of hot and humid weather and makes you feel ‘blah,’ queasy, and tired.

a pathogen that occurs only in the hot and humid weather and is responsible for that “blah,” queasy, tired feeling you get during the hottest, most humid days of summer. So what should you eat this summer? Go for some cold foods like these:

its effect is subtle—but very real. Most of the foods that are harvested in the summer are cool in nature. By eating these summer foods, you are cooling your body and avoiding something called “summerheat.” Summerheat is considered

1. Cucumbers 2. Tomatoes 3. Melons 4. Rhubarb 5. Mung beans 6. Sprouts 7. Citrus fruits 8. Bananas 9. Dandelion leaves


Watermelon is a very cooling food, perfect for the hottest summer days.

Not only does it satisfy your taste buds, but it also delivers incredible nutrients.

ways performed as outpatient procedure at 1384 Broadway. For over two and a half decades, Dr. Lederman has tackled cancers that were often considered difficult to treat elsewhere. Included are cancers of all shapes, sizes, and in every part of the body, from head to toe - brain, neck, lung, melanoma, liver, gastrointestinal, abdominal, kidney, pancreas, spine, urological, sarcomas, prostate, breast, gynecological and more. Dr. Lederman is often able to perform Radiosurgery on new or recurrent, small or large, primary or metastatic cancers - even if prior chemotherapy, surgery or radiation didn’t work or isn’t tolerated. Example of Prostate Cancer Treatment with Dr. Lederman: Every year 240,000 men in the

United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Different physicians, technology and experience produce different results. For Gleason 7 cancer or PSA 10-20,

Cool foods (not quite as cold) include most fruits, spinach, summer squash, lettuce, and most greens, cabbage, bok choy, celery, and mint (make some mint iced tea). If you start to feel yucky on the hottest days of the year, eat watermelon. It’s cold in nature, packed with water, and perfect for summerheat. Yum! Lynn Jaffee is a licensed acupuncturist and the author of “Simple Steps: The Chinese Way to Better Health.” This article was originally published on AcupunctureTwinCities.com

surrounding tissues. This produces generally superb results.

Dr. Lederman’s results are 90% cancer free. Two major hospitals for prostate cancer report 60%. Dr. Lederman’s results are 50% better. This is documented in the “Prostate Cancer” booklet available at no cost by calling (212) CHOICES. For prostate cancer, Dr. Lederman’s treatment shows superior results with better urinary and sexual life compared to surgery. Dr. Lederman’s team offers a variety of treatments including multiple precise beams directly to the prostate. Brachytherapy directly places treatment where the cancer is located in less than one hour — thus giving higher radiation doses to the cancer while minimizing exposure to normal, healthy

The overall treatment of seeds/Radiosurgery frame is delivered in about half the overall time of conformal radiation — which is a big convenience, although convenience is not the sole reason one seeks the best cancer care. It’s the results that count! Compare our results to conformal radiation in the above graph to see the difference a customized Radiosurgery approach can make. Example of Breast Cancer Treatment with Dr. Lederman: A 37-year-old woman with stage 4

breast cancer was treated with Radiosurgery and systemic treatment is in complete remission and just gave birth to a healthy baby boy! Radiosurgery protected her uterus and ovaries. She just had a complete PET-CT scan and remains in remission from stage 4 cancer! We all celebrated together, and we wish her and her family much

RECIPE 3 medium-size oranges, peeled or juiced 4 ounces almond or coconut milk 4 ounces coconut water 4 ounces young coconut meat 1 cup ice Optional: 1 cup raw yogurt or dairy kefir

Peel oranges and add to good-quality blender (if you want more fiber) or put through juicer for a cleaner texture and then add to blender. Add remaining ingredients and top with pure water if necessary. Blend and add liquid or coconut meat to adjust texture to your preference. This smoothie is great to drink any time of the day. Or put it in popsicle trays if you want a healthy cold treat for the kids (including you)! Derek Henry is a holistic health coach for Healing the Body. For more information, visit HealingTheBody.ca

good health and happiness! Example of Metastatic Colon Cancer Treatment with Dr. Lederman: A 74-year-old physician was di-

agnosed with metastatic colon cancer and received surgery along with extensive chemotherapy. Five years ago she nearly died from chemotherapy and its complications. Since then, she has chosen to only receive Radiosurgery for her stage 4 cancer. We’ve controlled her metastatic cancer for years allowing her to have an excellent quality of life, enjoyment with her family and even maintain her full-time job.

For more information, and your free booklet on Brain Radiosurgery, Body Radiosurgery, Prostate Radiosurgery, plus a complimentary DVD! Call (212) CHOICES, or stop by Dr. Lederman’s office on 1384 Broadway, and you can visit us on the web at www.rsny.org Radiosurgery New York 1384 Broadway (Lower level) New York, NY 10018

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Health & Fitness

B3 July 17–23, 2015

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Low-level lasers induce healing by using light to create chemical changes in cells.


Dr. Jeffrey Adler demonstrates the Noveon NaiLaser, which treats toenail fungus, at his office in Midtown Manhattan on July 10.

Latest Generation of Lasers Zap

Toenail Fungus, Treat Foot Pain, Fight Fat Cells


aser treatment is a remarkable technology that is only getting better. In podiatry, lasers are being used to completely get rid of toenail fungus, eliminate chronic foot pain, and even assist with weight loss. The latest generation of lasers used for ugly and embarrassing fungal toenails have dramatically improved treatment. Not only is the procedure safe and quick—usually only requiring three 30-minute outpatient visits—it’s also extremely effective. Podiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Adler, who has been using lasers to get rid of fungal nails for over 20 years, said that the Noveon NaiLaser he uses now is 90 percent more effective than the old carbon dioxide lasers that vaporized tissues while releasing noxious fumes and causing patients considerable discomfort. The Noveon emits light instead of heat at wavelengths that lethally disrupt the DNA of fungus. The light doesn’t hurt human tissue, so patients feel no pain whatsoever. No side effects have been reported, and there is minimal to no recovery time, said Dr. Adler, who is the medical director of Adler Footcare. A few years ago, he did a study on the Noveon and found that about 90 percent of toenail fungus clears up with only one round of treatment. Dr. Adler advises sufferers that even if thick, yellow, infected nails don’t make you self-conscious or cause any pain, it’s still important to treat fungal infections; otherwise, they can eventually enter the bloodstream. Most people start seeing clear results as soon as the new nail begins to grow out. As an added bonus, they also have peace of mind by having nails that look nice again. Pain-Killing, InflammationReducing Laser A star among podiatric lasers is the Multiwave Locked System (MLS) laser. Dr. Adler said that if he could have only one piece of physical therapy equipment, it would be the MLS. “It’s an amazing, amazing device, the best piece of physical therapy equipment I’ve probably ever seen,” he said. “[It’s] able to turn off pain that has bedeviled patients for years, with usually two visits.” He highly recommends it for patients who have any kind of swelling prior to a foot operation, and he gives free treatments to all patients after surgery to reduce swelling and the chance of infection. Treatment with the MLS laser takes around 15 minutes

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and is absolutely painless, Dr. Adler said. The laser has preprogrammed settings with different frequencies and wavelengths and can emit either continuous or pulsing waves that specifically target different conditions. The MLS is a low-level laser. This type of laser induces healing by using light to create chemical changes in cells. The beam from low-level lasers stops nitric oxide from displacing oxygen in cells, a process that starts to happen when cells are stressed from disease, trauma, or regular aging. The displacement process ultimately leads to inflammation. The MLS laser also decreases inflammation and swelling, and can reduce scarring. Dr. Adler uses it to treat everything from open wounds and arthritis to tendon pain and pain in the arch of the foot. Weight-Loss Laser It might seem odd for a podiatry office to have a weight-loss laser, but Dr. Adler says that losing 5 or 10 pounds before a foot procedure improves healing time afterward because the foot has that much less weight to bear. Earlier this year, Dr. Adler bought the Strawberry laser, which he said helps most women drop a couple of dress sizes, and he can personally attest that it works. A couple weeks before giving a lecture in New Orleans in June, he found that the suit pants he bought in the fall would no longer button up. After three sessions with the Strawberry, they were easy to button. “They fit and weren’t tight,” he said. The Strawberry is also a lowlevel laser. It works by puncturing fat cells so they spill their contents, which are then excreted through the urine. Sessions with the Strawberry last around 30 minutes total and should be followed up with lots of water and either a jog or ses-

sion on a whole body vibration machine to stimulate the excretion of fat and fluids. Dr. Adler says eights sessions are optimal for most people. “It makes healing from any type of procedure that we do much easier.” And the results can be lasting if people follow them up with diet and exercise, he said. Veins, Scars, and Tattoos Before he got the Noveon, Dr. Adler got the LightPod Neo, which he found was not so effective for nail fungus, but was good for photofacials: treating skin discolorations, minor varicose veins, stretch marks, and scars—and removing tattoos. He now has a registered nurse on staff who specializes in these procedures. There are virtually no side effects with laser treatments, Dr. Adler said, but the big downside is cost, as most insurance won’t cover laser procedures. Adler Footcare uses creative solutions to make it possible for people to get the care they need. For example, the office accepts medical credit cards like CareCredit and SwipeMed, which give patients 6 to 18 months of interest-free credit. This way patients don’t have to pay all costs upfront. “We try to be like the Hard Rock Cafe of medicine: love all, treat all. We’ve never allowed money to stop us from treating people,” he said.



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Health & Fitness

B4 July 17–23, 2015

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On a molecular level, the damage to tissues caused by inflammation is the result of free radicals. Colorful fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants.

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Ways to Reverse Chronic Inflammation Naturally

By Zoltan Rona

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nflammation is a normal, natural, and complex series of chemical and cellular activities performed by the body in response to injury or abnormal stimulation caused by a physical, chemical, or biological agent. The inflammatory response (warmth, pain, redness, and swelling) is a desirable defense mechanism. The normal inflammatory response has an on/off switch. When the acute injury or abnormal stimulation is controlled, the switch is turned off. In chronic inflammation



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(arthritis, dermatitis, thyroiditis, psoriasis, and numerous other chronic health conditions), something has gone wrong with the off switch. Acute inflammation prevents the spread of damaging agents, disposes of cell debris, and sets the stage for tissue repair that returns the body to its original state. Chronic inflammation often leads to tissue destruction (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic bronchitis) and is now thought to be the most important factor in causing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as all autoimmune diseases. Inflammation can be triggered by improper diet or food choices, stress, man-made chemicals in air, food, water, cosmetics, and drugs, and pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Conventional medicine seems to acknowledge many of these causative agents, but its overwhelming “solutionâ€? is prescription drugs. While short-term use of steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) can be very effective, long-term use of any of these drugs (beyond a few weeks) can lead to life-threatening side effects (hemorrhage, osteoporosis, heart disease, and premature death). On a molecular level, the damage to tissues caused by inflammation is the result of free radicals, the highly unstable atoms or molecules possessing an unpaired electron that look to steal electrons from more stable molecules. Free radicals come from pesticides, microwave damage to our food, burnt foods, fried foods, rancid foods, irradiated foods, microbe-contaminated food, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, thousands of inhaled or transdermal chemicals, and preservatives. One defense against free radicals is antioxidants, a class of substances that can neutralize free radicals before they can cause any tissue damage. They prevent damage to our DNA. Antioxidants can be found in many foods, especially colorful fruits and vegetables. They go by names like lycopene, betacarotene, vitamins A, C, E, and bioflavonoids. In general, the foods containing these antioxidants are alkaline-forming, while more acid-forming foods (meats, dairy, most grains, especially gluten, sugar, and refined carbohydrates) are acid-forming and free radical-generating. Nutritionist Julie Daniluk’s book, “Meals That Heal Inflammation,â€? is one of the best of the books available that not only


Curcumin is a potent natural anti-inflammatory agent.

tells you what the best foods are for healing inflammation, but also gives you many practical suggestions for meals. 7 Anti-Inflammatory Supplements All antioxidant supplements are anti-inflammatory and all anti-inflammatory supplements are antioxidants. A good anti-inflammatory protocol is listed below. The severity of the inflammation involved dictates the number and dosages for all these supplements.

Acute inflammation prevents the spread of damaging agents, but chronic inflammation often leads to tissue destruction. > Multivitamin and Mineral. This would be the bare minimum to provide antioxidants; avoid multiples containing iron since too much iron can be pro-inflammatory. > B Complex Vitamins. These are essential for numerous beneficial effects for inflammation, especially in heart disease. > Vitamins A, C, D, K, and E Complex. All demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory activity in all inflammatory conditions. Deficiencies make inflammation worse. > Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone). This is a powerful antioxidant that is particularly useful for all cardiovascular problems including high blood pressure. CoQ10 is a must for anyone taking cardiac medications because most cardiac drugs destroy the body’s own production of CoQ10. CoQ10 has anti-cancer effects and is effective therapy for Parkinson’s disease. > Serrapeptase. Serrapeptase

is an enzyme derived from the silkworm and appears to be one of the most potent and effective of all the antiinflammatory enzymes. In high enough doses, serrapeptase is capable of dissolving atherosclerotic plaque. It can also dissolve a cancer cell’s protective coat thereby making virtually any chemotherapeutic remedy more effective. > Curcumin. Curcumin, from the spice turmeric, is a potent natural anti-inflammatory agent compared in efficacy as an anti-inflammatory agent to prescription corticosteroids. Research also indicates curcumin could be an effective natural anti-cancer agent. > Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA Fractions). From fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids are effective at suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokines without side effects. Ideally omega-3 fatty acids work best with high doses of vitamin D. EPA acts as a substrate for enzymes called cyclooxygenases and lipoxygenases. It competes with arachadonic acid (pro-inflammatory) for these enzymes. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids thus reduces inflammation because arachadonic acid derivatives (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes) are less active. The potency of these fish oils approximates those of NSAIDS (nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs) with negligible side effects. If you wish to start an antiinflammatory program of diet change and supplements, it’s highly recommended you see a natural health care provider to work with you on a personalized plan. Zoltan Rona, M.D., M.Sc., practices complementary and integrative medicine and is an expert in nutritional biochemistry and clinical nutrition. He is the author of 11 books on natural medicine. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com

Health & Fitness


B5 July 17–23, 2015



By Derek Henry hether you have been diagnosed with a digestive disease or not, chances are you are suffering from some type of intestinal distress. We have wandered a long ways away from clean, unprocessed, and live foods. The resulting deficiency has left our guts raw and inflamed—a precursor to all sorts of diseases (many of them autoimmune). In order to clean up the gut, we need some powerful foods to start repairing the damage, while we transition to a more gut-friendly whole foods diet. These are five foods that work miracles on digestive problems. 1. Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a special plant known as the “lily of the desert.” Although it has been historically used topically to treat open wounds, ulcers, burns, and infections, in recent years it has become popular due to the fact that it can also treat these types of conditions internally. Due to its very high enzymatic content; its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties; and the fact that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, aloe vera is a boon to anyone suffering from digestive complaints. It has been used successfully to treat a wide variety of conditions related to the gut, including these: A Ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other digestive disorders A Candida infections A Parasitic infections A Acid reflux A Constipation Be careful when choosing aloe vera, as some brands may contain preservatives, which are very harmful to the intestinal lining. 2. Bone Broth Bone broth is an excellent option for healing and sealing the gut, provided it is made from the carcasses of animals fed clean and nutritious diets. It is also easily digestible and contains many valuable nutrients to heal the gut. One of these nutrients is gel-

Stress in childhood may be a significant factor for women’s weight gain, a new study suggests. In fact, it may be even a bigger culprit than stress during adulthood. Neither childhood nor adult stress has any impact on weight gain for men. “These findings add to our understanding of how childhood stress is a more important driver of long-term weight gain than adult stress, and how such processes differ for men and women,” said Hui Liu, associate professor of sociology at Michigan State University. Rapid Weight Gain For a new study, published online in the journal “Social Science & Medicine,” researchers analyzed data from the Americans’ Changing Lives, a national survey in which participants were interviewed four times in a 15-year period. The study included 3,617 people (2,259 women and 1,358 men). Childhood stress was measured on a range of family-

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Mix a little ground flax seed with hot water, cinnamon and sweetener for a colon-healing tea.

atin, which protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract and also assists in the digestion of nutrients. It also contains high levels of the amino acids glycine and proline, which are very anti-inflammatory. 3. Coconut Kefir Coconut kefir (fermented coconut water), is a probiotic and enzyme-rich beverage that pro-

Bone broth is an excellent option for healing and sealing the gut. motes healthy bacterial balance and helps cleanse the liver. Coconut kefir will enhance hydration and recolonize your gut and mucous membranes with a wide variety of beneficial microflora. It also contains beneficial yeasts that seek out and destroy pathogenic yeasts in the body (like Candida) as well as helping clean, strengthen, and purify the intestinal wall, so it can become more resistant to dangerous pathogens like E. coli, salmonella, and parasites. Coconut kefir also helps assimilate nutrients in the gut and enhances the usage of certain trace minerals and B vitamins. 4. Flax Seed Tea Flax seed tea is excellent for healing the colon, especially

if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome or irritable bowel. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, and lignans, which create an anti-inflammatory and lubricating effect that are critical to regaining proper digestive health. This tea eliminates the problems associated with eating whole flax seeds (which do not digest properly), and is a bit easier to digest than flax meal. To make, simply pour 12 ounces of boiling water over a tablespoon of flaxseeds and let steep overnight. Drain and drink the liquid. 5. Red Cabbage Glutamine is a critical part of our digestive system and helps prevent and rebuild a leaky gut. Glutamine has been shown to be effective in people with ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. Red cabbage is considered the most dense vegetable form of L-glutamine. A great way to assimilate it is through juicing or fermenting. Try fermenting it and adding apple cider vinegar to it to create an abundance of enzymes and beneficial bacteria that allow amino acids and other nutrients to be more easily absorbed and used by the body. The biggest hurdle to healing the gut is recognizing problems before they become fullblown and extremely difficult to manage. Derek Henry is a holistic health coach for HealingTheBody.ca

Does Childhood Stress Make Women Gain Weight? By Andy Henion

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related stressors that occurred at age 16 or younger such as economic hardship, divorce, at least one parent with mental health problems, and never knowing one’s father. Adult stress included such factors as job loss, death of a significant

While women may cope with stress by eating more, men may withdraw or drink alcohol. other, and parental and careprovider stress. Women who experienced higher levels of childhood stress gained weight more rapidly than women who experienced less childhood stress. Change in body mass is a process that unfolds throughout life, Liu says, and childhood may be a critical period for establishing patterns that have

a long-term impact on women’s weight over time. While women may cope with stress by eating more, men may withdraw or drink alcohol. Gender may also help explain the difference. Depression is associated with emotion-driven eating and weight gain, and women are more likely than men to be depressed after adolescence. The findings highlight the need for treatment and policies designed to reduce stress in childhood. “Given the importance of body mass on health and disability, it’s important that we consider the sex-specific social contexts of early childhood in order to design effective clinical programs that prevent or treat obesity later in life,” Liu said. The National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development funded the work. This article was orignally published by Michigan State University. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

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Health & Fitness

B6 July 17–23, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com CAMARALENTA/ISTOCK

For someone with a serious condition, the ability to forgive and let go is important.

Your Grudges May Be Killing You What science says about forgiveness Forgiveness continued from B1 “If you think ‘it’s my duty to forgive because I’m under this religious obligation,’ well, it turns out you can forgive a little that way, but not a lot. The motivation of a religious duty doesn’t seem to be very effective in promoting much forgiveness,” he said. According to Worthington, the key to successfully forgiving is cultivating a sense of empathy, humility, and compassion. Studies have shown that forgiveness comes easier for people who are more interested in the betterment of the other person than in personal gain. Through his research and clinical experience, Worthington has developed a method for people to learn how to forgive. It’s called REACH: C R is for recall—remembering the hurt that was done to you as objectively as you can. C E is for empathize—trying to understand the viewpoint of the person who wronged you. C A is for altruism—thinking about a time you hurt someone and were forgiven, then offering the gift of forgiveness to the person who hurt you. C C is for committing—publicly forgiving the person who wronged you. C H is for holding on— not forgetting the hurt, but reminding yourself that you made the choice to forgive.

When schools adopt forgivenessawareness campaigns, just about everyone on campus sees positive benefits in mental and physical health.

The goal of REACH is to consider hurt feelings without blaming the other person or dwelling on the victimization caused by the injustice. Details are available in free Word documents on Worthington’s website. Worthington’s latest book, “Moving Forward: 6 Steps to Forgiving Yourself and Breaking Free from the Past,” offers further insight and strategies.

Forgive and Forget One of the difficulties researchers have found in studying forgiveness is determining an accurate definition. A lot of what people consider to be forgiveness is really something else. “Forgiveness is not the only way to deal with injustices that we experience. There are many ways,” Worthington said. “One is to just accept: ‘Hey, life happens. I’m moving on.’ Another is to excuse what was done or justify what was done or turn it over to God—‘I’m just going to let God zap them.’ Or, ‘I’ll turn it over to God because it’s not my problem.”‘ True forgiveness takes extra effort. “Forgiveness is not only that you stop holding the negative feelings against somebody, but in fact start seeing [him or her] as a valuable person again— as a person [who] is redeemable,” Worthington said. This notion of finding value in the other person is often at odds with our highly competitive and politically polarized culture. But Worthington believes that great changes could be made by actively promoting forgiveness-awareness. His recent research involves looking at forgiveness as a public health initiative. “What would happen if you went into a community, let’s say New York City, and you just have a public awareness-raising campaign so that you saturated the city with attention to forgiveness?” he said. “If there’s a strong dose-response relationship, the people who get exposed to a lot of this and take seriously that they want to forgive, can end up forgiving.” Such experiments have already taken place in universities. For schools that adopt these forgiveness-awareness campaigns, just about everyone on campus sees positive benefits in mental and physical health. Seek Support Science shows that holding a grudge can cause illness. But for someone already diagnosed with a serious condition, finding the ability to forgive and let go becomes even more important. According to Katherine Puckett, clinical social worker and national director of Mind-Body Medicine at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), patients benefit from under-

standing what they lose by holding on to anger. “When we’re under stress, there are really negative things that happen in the body,” Puckett said. “Our bodies perceive that stress as a threat to our survival. There’s a release of about 1,400 different chemicals that surge through the body when we’re in a stress response. When people are in a state of unforgiveness, where they’re having trouble letting go of resentment, they’re living in a state

Getting to the bottom of a grudge requires self-reflection to recognize the origin of negative feelings. where their hormones are out of whack, if you will.” According to Puckett, developing supportive relationships is one of the first steps in helping patients reach a place of forgiveness. “We want to be able to explain what we’re going through,” she said. “When there’s a lot of hurt and pain, it can be hard to learn to let go of that, especially without some help along the way.” Grudge Identification Getting to the bottom of a grudge requires self-reflection to recognize the origin of negative feelings. In their search for understanding, cancer patients may point to a variety of things to focus their blame upon, such as bad relationships, an abusive father, or a high-stress job. Identifying the source of the hurt is an important step to moving on. Many times, patients need help forgiving themselves. A big part of the forgiveness program at CTCA is getting patients to see the value of self-care. Puckett wants people to treat themselves with as much kindness as they would treat a best friend. “So often people feel they don’t deserve to be happy, or that they don’t deserve to be free of guilt or

resentment,” she said. “It’s just a different way of living for people. They haven’t experienced doing good things to take care of themselves. It’s a learning curve, but a very worthwhile one. It’s very fruitful, I think.” CTCA patient Dwayne Bratcher (57) said self-forgiveness played a big part in his healing process. When he was diagnosed with breast cancer, he was embarrassed to be suffering from a “women’s disease” and ashamed that he had smoked for over 20 years. Bratcher was also a self-described “workaholic.” Before coming to CTCA, he had saved up 970 hours’ worth of sick time. All he thought about was his job. “I had to forgive myself for not spending as much time with my family. Since I got cancer last year, it brought me and my family closer together,” he said. “I talk to my daughters every day now, whereas before the only thing I had on my mind was work.” Spiritual Support No longer embarrassed about his illness, Bratcher now participates in breast cancer walks and is very open to talking about it. “Once I forgave myself for being a man with breast cancer, I could talk to anybody,” he said. Bratcher considers his illness a wake-up call and said his cancer was a blessing in disguise. Much of his support comes from his church. “I had a whole church congregation praying for me that I get better. That helped me out tremendously,” he said. For those without a spiritual community, CTCA offers

According to author Dr. Everett Worthington, the key to successfully forgiving is cultivating a sense of empathy, humility, and compassion.

patient support from a non-denominational chaplain. According to Carl Williamson, manager of the pastoral care team at CTCA’s Midwestern Regional Medical Center, chaplains can give patients an opportunity to share their guilt, shame, and resentment without judgement. “Cancer patients often find it hard to forgive themselves because they’re going through this experience that’s causing a lot of financial and emotional stress on the family,” he said. “Because we provide support to them, they’re able to let out a lot of what they’ve been holding back.” Sometimes patients say they’re angry at God, but most of the time it’s a family issue. Whatever the problem, chaplains can serve as an advocate by communicating a patient’s particular needs to the rest of the care team, or they may simply keep secrets in confidence. “Recently one of our chaplains told me that a patient shared with him something that she never shared with anyone else,” Williamson said. “He alone knows what she’s going through.” Forgiveness is ultimately a decision, but it can take years of work to reach it. Some patients may never reach a place of forgiveness, but Puckett says it’s still important to hang in there with them. “It takes different people different amounts of time, and perhaps some people never fully get to the point of letting go or forgiving,” she said. “But if they feel support along the way, it’s going to ease whatever stress they’re experiencing.” CHRISTIANCHAN/ISTOCK

Health & Fitness www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

Sculpt and Tone With Kettlebells By Dasha Libin Anderson


hen your goal is to sculpt, use a kettlebell that’s heavy enough to challenge you. Many people don’t get the results they want because they use a kettlebell that’s too light. For this workout, do each exer-

cise for 1 minute followed by 20 seconds of rest. Then repeat the exercises a second time with only 15 seconds to rest between each minute of exercise. Repeat a third time with no rest between exercises. For an added challenge, sprint for two minutes at the end of the last exercise.

Lunge to Warrior This motion is like a double move because in addition to sculpting and strengthening your legs and glutes, you will activate and engage your core in order to maintain balance. Plus, simply holding a challenging-weight kettlebell will give your arms a great workout. Stand holding the kettlebell at chest level as pictured, feet hipwidth apart. 4 Step straight back with one foot. 4 Inhale and lower yourself until the back knee gently touches the ground. 4 Your front thigh should be

True High Pull This is a total body move that will get your heart rate up and help sculpt everything from your legs and glutes to your core and arms. 4 Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, kettlebell in both hands. 4 Sit back, bending your hips before your knees bend slightly (the hinge position). 4 Let the kettlebell hang and keep your shoulders and back straight. 4 Dip down a little bit into your hinge, engaging the glutes and using the momentum of the movement to lift the kettlebell straight up. 4 As you raise the kettlebell, be sure it’s following a straight path. Do not to swing it up. 4 When the kettlebell reaches chest level, begin to turn it over into a bottom-up position. Continue to bring the kettlebell overhead until your arms are fully extended and your legs straight. 4 Without pausing, drop the kettlebell back down, following the same straight path. Turn it top-up immediately after you pass chest level and start your hinge. Repeat in a steady and continuous motion for one minute.

Crescent Squat This move is a fun spin on your traditional lunge and squat. It’s ideal for activating and sculpting your glutes and legs and activating your core.

Side Sit-Up

4 Hold the kettlebell in the two-hand rack position (as pictured) with feet shoulder-width apart. 4 Take a large step back, crossing over to the side so your back foot lands outside your front foot. 4 Lower down onto your back knee. 4 Rise up and step back to your initial standing position.

This motion helps scult beautiful abs and obliques and improve ankle and knee mobility. Plus, if you do it right, you’ll feel your heart rate come up. 4 Kneel with your knees a comfortable distance apart. 4 Hold the kettlebell in the twohand rack position (as pictured). Keep it tight against your body throughout the entire exercise. 4 Sit back until your glutes touch your ankles then shift to one side so one glute rests on the floor beside your calf. 4 From here go directly back to kneeling.

Repeat on alternating sides for one minute.

Repeat, alternating sides or sticking to one side for one minute.


Dasha Libin Anderson is the creator of Kettlebell Kickboxing. If you like this, check out KettlebellKickboxing.com, sign up for the KB community newsletter, and get free ebooks and workouts, including your free “Belly Fat Book” and “Burn 500 Book.”

4 4

4 4

parallel to the floor, and your front knee should track over the toes. Keep your torso vertical. Exhale and return to standing. Press through the heel and bring the back leg up straight, tipping your torso forward at the same time so there is a straight line from your shoulders to your toes. Let the kettlebell hang and hold for breath. Come back up from the warrior to starting position.

Repeat for one minute, alternating sides.

B7 July 17–23, 2015

Health & Fitness

B8 July 17–23, 2015

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Recommended Supplements = Shillington’s Total Nutrition Formula: Perfect source of protein with vitamins and minerals. = Hemp Protein & Fiber Powder: Additional protein and a great fiber. = Arctic Cod Liver Oil: Get some vitamin D and omega3s for better muscle recovery. = Liquid Light: Mineralize the body and balance the pH while supporting vitamin bioavailability. = Bio-Gest: For anyone eating large amounts of meat at a time.

The Role of Supplements in Bodybuilding By Mathews McGarry n a nutshell, dietary supplements help us get all the necessary nutrients needed for building lean muscle mass. When combined with a good diet, they can improve our training performance and results. However, there are some big truths and even bigger lies about supplements. While experts agree that vitamin or mineral supplementation is beneficial in our diets, they also point out that they are supplements, not replacements, and that they should fill in the nutrient gaps, not take over our diet. Secondly, supplements are of little use if we don’t push hard in the gym. The same goes if we are feasting and overeating three times a day. In other words, we should make everything else right before supplements enter the scene. This includes regular training, proper diet, and enough recovery period and sleep.

Dietary Supplements Supplement Food Dietary supplements are not designed as a substitute for food. They simply cannot replace all the nutrients that whole foods contain. They can patch nutrient holes here and there, but the true power lies on the plate, not in the powder. There’s no doubt that whole foods are the best source of nutrients, as they contain phytochemicals, fibers, and other elements that contribute to good health. They simply cannot be simulated with a pill or a supplement powder. Supplements and Health Supplementation is a great way of boosting nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, which modern lifestyle and popular foods often fail to contain. In this case, vitamin and mineral supplements are helping the body alleviate nutrient deficiency and reduce the risk of chronic medical conditions. While it’s true that you can

Simple, Seasonal Detox Tips

build a good body based on proper diet like guys did back in the ‘50s, it’s much more timeconsuming, and it requires regular tours to the supermarket. For bodybuilders, supplements are the more convenient way of ingesting enough muscle-building nutrients.

When the body is healthy, bodybuilding is easier and much more beneficial for overall health. Fiber Fiber has many advantages in maintaining normal cholesterol levels. It regulates the amount of cholesterol our body absorbs from food. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are natu-

ral sources of fiber. And while, as always, it’s better to ingest fibers directly from food, we can enhance fiber intake by 25 to 30 grams of fiber from supplements. Psyllium husk, which is a common ingredient in fiber supplements, is known to reduce the level of bad LDL cholesterol while raising good HDL cholesterol. Creatine The role of creatine monohydrate supplements is to boost the creatine level in muscle tissue. The level of creatine phosphate in muscles is directly related to the amount of weight you can lift and your ability to perform shortterm maximum-strength reps. High-intensity anaerobic workout performance can be increased by creatine supplementation. Glutamine This amino acid makes up over 61 percent of the skeletal muscle. Its benefits include improving immune function, which is crucial for athletes in high-

The road to good health begins with small manageable steps. Each season presents a unique opportunity to gently support specific detox organs. But don't worry, juice fasts and starvation periods are not necessary.

intensity training. It was also shown that glutamine may prevent muscle catabolism. Glutamine supplements are believed to boost the amount of growth hormone levels.

Good diet and the right supplements can help you stay at your peak.

BCAA The group of branch chained amino acids (BCAA) consists of valine, leucine, and iso-leucine. These amino acids are compounds that your body cannot generate, so their level must be increased through diet and supplements like casein protein. Not only has BCAA supplementation shown better results in gaining strength and muscle mass, but it is also essential for energy production during workouts, while reducing post-exercise muscle soreness.

Other supplements commonly taken by body builders are typically acidic and toxic to the body, but the supplements mentioned above can be purchased from quality companies. I recommend you avoid bodybuilding supplements from bodybuilding companies. Also, when bodybuilding, be sure to eat an alkaline diet. No matter how much protein you feel you need, if you’re eating an acidic diet full of refined foods and factory-farmed meats, your body will stay sore longer. Speed up recovery time by eating a diet that is balanced with lots of produce and healthy fats. When the body is healthy, bodybuilding is easier and much more beneficial for overall health.

Note. Creatine is hard on the kidneys. There’s much debate about this, but it’s a fact. This is why creatine is known to cause flatulence. Do not take creatine if you have any kidney-related health issues.

Mathews McGarry graduated from the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences. He is a fitness advisor and passionate weightlifter. This article was originally published on OrganicLifestyleMagazine.com

Pure, whole foods, prepared the right way for each season, allow our bodies to relax and let go of accumulated toxins. Simple food-based cleanses are an easy way to gain and maintain vitality. These tips will get you started.

Epoch Times Staff

Each season presents a unique opportunity to support specific detox organs. Simple food-based cleanses are a good place to start.



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