Epoch Health 7-3-2015

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B1 July 3–9, 2015



Beets help boost the immune system and energy levels.

These burgers are protein-packed with non-GMO organic tofu and pepita.

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Make Your Cookout Healthy With Beet−Tofu−Basil Burgers By Christine Beal Dunst & Stephanie Rapp ooking for something delicious and unprocessed to grill this weekend? This burger is for you. Vegan and glutenfree; antioxidant and proteinpacked goodness! We’ve made a few variations of vegan burgers over the years and finally came up with a version with the right consistency that we adore. These burgers are colorful, fresh, and savory. The perfect healthy option for summer gatherings and grilling. Kids love them too. Many vegan burgers fall apart because they don’t use eggs. We use chia seeds as our egg replacement and they work brilliantly. We are huge fans of chia seeds, which are packed with antioxidants, fiber, protein, and great for hydration. Beets have a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds like carotenoids, dietary fiber, vitamin C, B vitamin folate, magnesium, iron, and copper, just to name a few.

Beets help boost the immune system and energy levels, reduce cholesterol, help prevent cardiovascular disease, stimulate liver functions (detoxing!), and counteracts certain cancerous cell growths through its unique pigment agents. They boast such a wide range of health benefits, so eat up! These burgers are also protein-packed with non-GMO organic tofu and pepita, sunflower, and chia seeds. We also tossed in carrots for more of a nutritional bang. You can experiment with any combination of vegetables. We love adding peas too.

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RECIPE Beet-Tofu-Basil Burgers


Makes 7-9 burgers, depending on the size



. 6 cooked beets (we used Love Beets organic precooked beets to save time) . 1/2 cup of carrots (or any other vegetable of


your choice) 1/5 cups gluten-free oats 1 medium-sized onion 2 cloves garlic 1/4 cup raw pepitas 1/4 cup salted raw sunflower seeds 6 ounces firm tofu (we used organic, non-gmo, pre-baked, and readyto-eat Soy Boy tofu, or you can bake your own in a flavoring of your choice) 3 teaspoons chia seeds plus 4 tablespoons of water 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/5 handfuls of chopped fresh basil (use any herb(s) you have) Dash of cayenne pepper to your liking Himalayan Sea salt to your liking Lemon pepper to your liking


Mix chia seeds and water and let stand (approximately 5 minutes or more) while preparing the below.

Place cooked beets, carrots, heirloom tomatoes, beautiful onion, and garlic in blender arugula microgreens, and purand blend/pulse until chunky ple onions (any type of onion (you don’t want it to be works, we always opt for color). smooth). Add mixture to a The burgers are also great with large mixing bowl. Then add cabbage, avocado, sauerkraut, tofu to blender and blend until and kimchi. Add more Himalachunky (just a few seconds). yan Sea salt to your liking and Add to chopped mixture. a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add olive oil, chia mixture, Try serving on whole-grain seeds, rolled oats, and remain- or grilled sourdough bread, in ing ingredients to the large a lettuce wrap, or over a salad. mixing bowl and mix every- Make a batch and enjoy them thing well. all week in different ways. Set aside for about 30 minFor dressing possibilities, utes, so the oats can soak up consider ketchup, dijon musthe liquid. This, plus the chia tard, yogurt/mint, or cashew seed trick, is what holds your “cheese.” burgers together! If the mixture is still loose, add more Thank you Green Kitchen oats. Story for the inspiration. Eat, Roll mixture with your hands enjoy, and embody wellness! to form balls. Grill the burgers for a few minutes on either Christine Beal Dunst and side or pan-fry them in coco- Stephanie Rapp are the conut oil and flip. They should founders of Embody Wellness be golden brown and crispy Company, specializing in creon the outside. ating customizable holistic wellness and nutrition proTopping Options grams targeted at life’s most There are so many garnish important milestones: maroptions for these burgers. We riage, children, and career. enjoyed playing with colors For more information, visit and eating them with yellow EmbodyWellnessCompany.com


Health & Fitness

B2 July 3–9, 2015


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Amazing, Evidence−Based Benefits of Turmeric

By Chantelle Zakariasen urmeric is one of the most well-researched natural substances that we have access to. It is a root that has been used traditionally in the Indian medicine system of Ayurveda for thousands of years. Its active polyphenol, curcumin, has also been studied extensively, and the therapeutic properties of this food are absolutely jaw-dropping. Curcumin isn’t the only active medicinal compound in turmeric. Turmorones and curlone are other compounds that have antibacterial activity. Turmeric is also a nutritional

Turmeric is not a cure for cancer, but the research and studies are exciting and noteworthy. powerhouse with high levels of manganese and iron. It helps the body to digest fats, reduces gas and bloating, and has been shown to help in weight loss. Traditionally, turmeric has been used to treat conditions of the stomach like ulcers and inflammatory conditions. It’s also been used as an all-natural textile dye. There’s no downside to including turmeric in your diet, and the list of benefits continues to grow. So far there have been over 5,000 research studies done on turmeric, and that number grows as does people’s awareness about this nutritive substance. 1. Antioxidant When we think of antioxidants, pomegranates and blueberries come to mind, but turmeric is actually higher in antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables. Turmeric also raises the levels of glutathione, the body’s most abundant antioxidant. Aging is a completely natural process, but today in a fast-

paced, toxin-filled world, the process of aging is significantly sped up. Most of us consume plenty of free radicals from the environment—causing damage to our cells—and few sources of healthy antioxidants to combat this damage. Telomeres are the end-cap portion of each DNA strand. They shorten as we get older, and many researchers postulate that this is the main cause of aging. Preservation of telomere length results in preservation of youth and vitality and avoidance of common issues associated with aging. Curcumin has been shown to preserve telomere length. The polyphenol in turmeric that gives it that brilliant saffron hue is known as curcumin. This substance has been found to be anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. There aren’t many substances in this world that can make the claims that turmeric can. 2. Potential Cancer-Fighter Turmeric is not a cure for cancer, but the research and studies are exciting and noteworthy. Cancer stem cells are thought to be the root cause of cancer. If we could just find a way to target the stem cells, perhaps there would be hope? Well, don’t think twice, turmeric’s active polyphenol, curcumin, has been shown to directly and indirectly influence at least three self-renewal pathways in cancer stem cells. Curcumin also has the capacity to differentiate between healthy cells and cancer cells. A unique compound slightly different from isolated curcumin and known as liposomal curcumin has a positive effect on treating pancreatic cancer, one of the worst forms of cancer. (Most people are given a very short time to live in the final stages of this disease.) Employing this special compound can inhibit tumor growth by up to 42 percent. Rates of breast cancer are on the rise, and it’s now estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. The most aggressive and treatment-resistant form of breast cancer is called triple nega-

How to Use Turmeric There are many ways to incorporate the healing power of turmeric. A main ingredient in most curries, turmeric gives a beautiful burst of color but doesn’t offer much in the flavor domain. That being said, it’s a versatile substance that you can add to just about anything. Here are our top uses: In Ayurveda, turmeric is consumed in the classic drink “golden milk.” This milk is mixed with turmeric, black pepper (which increases absorption), and sometimes warming chai spices like cinnamon and clove. Another way to consume turmeric is to mix it with honey and add it to your tea or hot water. Some people looking for a higher concentration of the potent polyphenol curcumin opt for a supplement form, which is particularly useful for chronic disorders. 2 Add it to green smoothies. 2 Add it to soups, stews, and curries. 2 Use it to color foods yellow. 2 Make turmeric oil by mixing turmeric powder or freshly grated turmeric into a jar of your favorite oil. 2 Juice the fresh root. 2 Put it in salad dressings. tive breast cancer (TNBC). Researchers in one study on TNBC utilized curcumin and found it induced apoptosis (cell death) in these resilient cancer cells. Ar-tumerone, another compound found in turmeric, has been used to treat leukemia and shown to induce programmed cell death. No, this is not a cure for cancer, but the research and studies are exciting and noteworthy. See Turmeric on B4

Health & Fitness

B3 July 3–9, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com MAREKULIASZ/ISTOCK


Whey protein powder is a popular supplement, but quality varies tremendously.

Why You Should Try Whey By Conan Milner Epoch Times Staff When milk curdles in the initial stages of cheese-making, whey is the liquid that separates from the solid curd. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates used whey as a medicine to provide strength and vigor. Other dairy-loving cultures also saw whey’s value as a therapeutic food. Until recently, the dairy industry considered whey a waste product. But whey’s reputation changed dramatically in the late 1970s, when research by Dr. Gustavo Bounous at Canada’s McGill University revealed whey to have some very beneficial health properties. Bounous discovered that mice fed a whey concentrate saw improved immunity to disease. The star player in whey’s immune-boosting power was found to be an antioxidant called glutathione. In the 1980s, researchers discovered glutathione to be an essential component for cell development and for clearing toxins from the body.

The star player in whey’s immuneboosting power was found to be an antioxidant called glutathione. Glutathione is so important to health that a lack of it can lead to premature aging, heart disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, infertility, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, chronic fatigue, cancer, and other diseases. For those suffering from AIDS and other autoimmune diseases, glutathione is especially helpful in maintaining strong immunity. Getting Glutathione Glutathione is sometimes called the “mother” or “master” antioxidant because it helps the body utilize other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and carotenoids. In the past, a normal diet provided adequate levels of glutathione. Due to increased exposure to toxicity and stress, however, experts suggest we need much higher levels of glutathione than our ancestors ever did. If we ingest industrial chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, pollution, and other toxins, we require glutathione to remove these impurities from our system. This leaves even less glutathione available to support our immune function and strengthen our cell integrity. If glutathione levels dip too low, toxins remain stuck in the body, breeding con-

ditions ideal for disease. The body naturally produces glutathione on its own, but advanced age (over 40), a poor diet, and toxicity exposure compromise glutathione levels. Many foods encourage glutathione production, especially those high in sulfur, such as cruciferous vegetables (which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale) and animal foods (eggs, dairy, and organ meats). The herbs milk thistle, cardamom, cinnamon, and turmeric are also known to increase glutathione, as are foods high in selenium, such as Brazil nuts. Whey is considered a superior food for boosting glutathione levels because it contains all the amino acids necessary for production.

of whey sacrifices a lot of the good stuff and may also add some bad elements. The high heat extraction of most whey production destroys the glutathione precursors that give whey its therapeutic virtue. In 2010, Consumer Reports found significant levels of heavy metals in several whey powder products. The quality of the milk is another important consideration in the quality of the whey. Like other dairy products, seek whey made from organically raised, grass-fed cows, free of synthetic hormones and antibiotics. Most whey products focus primarily on protein, which can be helpful for athletes but doesn’t necessarily make it a health food. If you’re interested in boosting immunity and detoxification, look for cold-pressed products that aim to preserve glutathione precursors.

Which Whey? Whey is easy to make. Wrap a blob of plain yogurt in a cheese cloth and suspend it over a glass for several hours. WIKIMEDIA A cream cheeselike paste forms in the cloth bundle, and the glass collects the liquid whey. This probiotic beverage may be consumed straight from the glass or added to other foods to encourage fermentation or add a sour flavor. Whey protein powder undergoes considerably more refining to remove the fat, lactose, and carbs. What’s left is an easy-to-digest The most famous whey eater, “Little Miss product that is Muffet.” Painting by Sir John Everett Millais. very high in protein. Unlike the homemade yogurt whey, however, powders are rarely fermented, and lack any probiotic virtues. Fermented whey is naturally lactose-free. The quality of whey powders vary tremendously, and a little research and label reading is essential to choosing a good product. Some products contain artificial sweeteners and other chemicals, while other products contain additional protein sources, such as egg whites. Because whey powder is primarily marketed to athletes, a big selling point is often a high protein content—some boast up to 90 percent protein. But extra protein doesn’t necessarily make for a better product. A few of the top-selling whey protein companies are currently being sued for a practice called “protein spiking.” This involves bulking whey concentrates with cheaper amino acids so the manufacturer can claim a higher protein content on the label. They still call it whey, but it contains little therapeutic value. The industrial manufacture

Look for cold-pressed products that aim to preserve glutathione precursors.

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Health & Fitness

B4 July 3–9, 2015

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Amazing, Evidence−Based Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric continued from B2 3. Antibiotic Internally, antibiotics wipe out our essential gut flora, leaving us susceptible. This creates a vicious cycle of illness where the only thing that can cure us is the very thing making us sick. The best thing about utilizing the medicine of turmeric instead of relying on antibiotics is that it won’t harm the gut flora, and it comes with a bevy of other benefits. Another problem with overuse of antibiotics is that many bacteria have evolved to become completely resilient to the antibiotics. Curcumin has the capacity to resensitize infectious bacteria to conventional antibiotics. The implications of such a finding are profound. Of course there are cases where antibiotics are life-saving, but not when the bacteria have evolved to resist them. Curcumin extract has been found to be effective even against resilient pathogenic bacteria such as Acinetobacter baumannii. 4. Protects the Liver Our livers are under a lot of stress these days. It’s their job to filter toxins and protect us from ingested pol-

Curcumin has the capacity to resensitize infectious bacteria to conventional antibiotics. lutants. For anyone on any kind of drug, the burden on the liver is even greater. There have been many studies done on curcumin’s effect on the liver, and the results of these are promising. Turmeric also has glutathioneboosting capacity, and liver cells rely on glutathione to protect the liver against harmful free radicals. Curcumin kills liver cancer cells and tumors. In one case, a 6-monthold baby with liver disease was treated successfully with curcumin and monitored over the course of

six years. Turmeric can also protect and heal the livers of diabetics. 5. Healthy Heart Curcumin raises levels of HDL, the good cholesterol, which protects against heart disease and lowers triglycerides. The role of cholesterol is often misunderstood. Cholesterol in the form of HDL is very healthy and necessary for hormone production. A preparation of curcuminoids is a favorable alternative to the common cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor in its function to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. In one study, curcumin treatments also lowered the risk of heart attacks (MI) after coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) by more than 50 percent compared to the placebo. The study authors state: “We demonstrated that curcuminoids significantly decreased MI associated with CABG. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of curcuminoids may account for their cardioprotective effects shown in this study.” Curcumin has a cardioprotective effect comparable to the benefits obtained through regular exercise— not that you should use it to replace exercise, as there are other important benefits gained from exercise alone. 6. Treating and Preventing Diabetes Diabetes is a disease that we can conquer with the right tools and techniques. Turmeric is certainly one of them, along with a diet low in refined sugar and carbs and practices like juicing and exercise. There’s no reason why we should have such high levels of diabetes. In pre-diabetic patients, curcumin was shown to prevent development of Type 2 diabetes 100 percent over the course of a nine-month treatment There have been at least 30 studies done on the interaction and effects of turmeric for treating both Type 1 and 2 diabetes. One study showed curcumin’s potential to regenerate liver tissues of diabetic rats. 7. Anti-Inflammatory Modern pain medications like ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (non steroi-

dal anti-inflammatory drugs) aren’t a great long-term pain solution. They’re toxic to the liver and thought to contribute to thousands of deaths from heart disease annually. The good news is that recent trials show turmeric extract to be more effective at long-term pain management and with far fewer negative side effects. Inflammation is a natural mechanism brought forth because something has gone awry. Without this system to let us know we need to slow down, we would only continue to make the problem worse. Our inflammatory response wasn’t designed to be numbed by pain medication. When we use RECIPE painkillers, we 3 ripe avocados don’t get to the 1/3 cup raw honey root of the inflamor 12 pitted dates matory issue. Tur 1 teaspoon vanilla meric is effective extract at helping with 1 tablespoon raw the pain as well as organic coconut providing a longbutter or organic term solution that coconut milk addresses the root 1/2 cup raw cacao of the issue. powder The anti-inflammatory properPeel and pit avocados ties of turmeric and scoop into are truly astoundprocessor. Add ing. You won’t see remaining ingredients another substance and blend until smooth come close to this and creamy. To glam up one in its effectivethe presentation, garnish ness. If you delve with fresh berries and a deep to the root of sprig of mint. every single disease that exists, you will find one common factor throughout them all—inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful autoimmune condition afflicting millions of individuals. The usual treatment involves painkillers that only work to mask symptoms. Steroid injections are another treatment that has long-term negative side effects. In studies comparing treatment with turmeric extract curcumin to diclofenac sodium (a common NSAID drug), curcumin actually exceeded the NSAID in its efficacy. Curcumin also inhibits autoimmune disorders. Sufferers of various autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, pso-

riasis, and more can benefit from supplementing with curcumin on a daily basis. It works by regulating inflammatory cytokines and signalling pathways in immune cells. 8. Improve or Prevent Alzheimer’s, Dementia Why else, other than its cultural integration of turmeric, would India have the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s disease in the world? Multiple studies have now shown turmeric to have a regenerative effect on the brain, drastically improving symptoms from the all-too-common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s. Other forms of dementia can also be treated with turmeric. Curcuminoids have been shown to reverse physiological damage by restoring distorted neurites. One study even showed a pure curcumin supplement to drastically improve brain function in just one dose as compared to a placebo. There’s a new body of evidence pointing to inflammation being linked to other mental health problems aside from the well-known Alzheimer’s. Depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia also have a link, with brain inflammation being partially at fault. Antioxidants like turmeric have an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain as well as the body. Neurotoxicity is caused by oxidative stress, so ensuring an abundance of antioxidants is the sure-fire method for protecting the brain’s performance from decline. 9. Protection From Modern Pollution Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a harmful environmental pollutant leeched from common plastics and petroleum-based products. It’s a known carcinogen, yet it’s still present in high concentrations in our environment, and thus in our bodies. Curcumin has been found to reverse the toxic effects of BPA in the body and protect against breast cancer, commonly associated with high levels of BPA in the environment. Turmeric has a protective effect against a few other well-known environmental toxins as well. These include other carcinogenic petroleum-based pollutants like phthalates, which animal studies show to have an adverse effect on human reproductive development. Both BPA and phthalates have been shown to cause problems with thyroid function. Curcumin has been shown to improve phthalate-induced testicular damage in

animal studies. We’re all exposed to pesticides on a daily basis. Even if we eat 100 percent organic foods, we can’t help but live in a world saturated with Big Ag chemicals. It’s important to consume medicinal foods to help protect us from this environmental chemical warfare. Turmeric helps the cells to protect themselves by counteracting the oxidative stress responsible for the DNA damage caused by pesticides. 10. Acne Treatment Using a turmeric face mask regularly can help treat and prevent acne. Turmeric’s antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties help to ward off skin problems. It can also

Turmeric can protect and heal the livers of diabetics be useful in conditions like eczema and psoriasis for that reason. Make a paste with turmeric powder and lemon juice. Apply to the affected areas for 10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Indian brides often use a turmeric mask the night before their wedding to achieve glowing skin. 11. Treating Scalp Conditions Applying turmeric to the scalp can help alleviate conditions like dermatitis and alopecia. Fungal conditions can manifest as hair loss. Turmeric’s anti-fungal properties can relieve the problem as quickly as it started. Try combining turmeric with apple cider vinegar for double the effectiveness. 12. Naturally Whitens Teeth It may sound odd to whiten your teeth with something so yellow, but brushing with turmeric paste really does help to make your pearly whites more shiny. Simply mix some turmeric with your toothpaste and brush as usual. 13. Soothe Bug Bites and Burns Soothe itchy, sore bites and burns with turmeric powder mixed with aloe vera gel. The anti-inflammatory compounds work to relieve swelling and ease the pain. Chantelle Zakariasen is a health coach and student of integrative medicine. This article was originally published on RootAndSprouts.com

Health & Fitness

B5 July 3–9, 2015


Whole Grains Are Healthy, but What Are They Exactly? By Annie Wu Epoch Times Sta


hat’s in a healthy diet? Today many people would agree that eating whole grains is part of a nutritious meal. After all, quinoa, teff, amaranth, and freekeh are some of the latest grains to hit foodie stardom. Whole grains was also the top ingredient American consumers said they look for when buying packaged food, according to the International Food Information Council Foundation’s 2015 survey of consumer behavior and attitudes. Between 2008 and 2010, whole-grain consumption went up more than 23 percent in the United States, according to industry publication Milling & Baking News. It comes as good news, then, that a recent study confirmed that people who consume lots of whole grains have a lower risk of developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancers. They also tend to have better

digestive health and a lower body mass index, according to the survey published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society journal. The authors of the report recommend that these health benefits should be highlighted when promoting whole grains. But that task is somewhat complicated by lack of a standard definition for what is a whole grain or a whole-grain food product. By adopting a consistent definition, consumers can become better informed about their food purchases, while local governments can more easily create dietary recommendations that encourage people to eat more whole grains, the scientists added. The differences in definition lie in how much processing of the grains should be allowed and what proportion of the food product should contain whole grains in order for it to qualify as a “whole-grain food.â€? According to the recent study, most definitions agree that a whole grain should mean the entire seed of the plant remains intact: the bran, the germ, and

the endosperm. Refined grains, like white rice and the wheat used to make white bread, leave out the bran and germ, which contain much of the grain’s nutrients. But, a definition crafted by European scientists who took part in a project to come up with unified standards—called HEALTHGRAIN—gave more leeway, allowing up to 2 percent of the grain or 10 percent of the bran to be lost during processing. For processed foods labeled as made with whole grain, it’s not clear how much whole grain is actually in it. Food authorities in the United States and the European Union have not adopted regulations, so food companies are largely free to label their products as they wish. Still, in its dietary guidelines, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers something a whole-grain food product if at least 51 percent of its weight is made of whole-grain ingredients. The USDA recommends that at least half of all grains Americans eat should be whole grains. SANJAY KANOJIA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

An Indian farmer harvests wheat in a field near Allahabad on April 8, 2013.

For processed foods labeled as made with whole grain, it’s not clear how much whole grain is actually in it. But things get complicated when one looks at dry products like whole-wheat pasta: Should the weight proportion consider the amount of water a consumer would need to add in order to cook it? Or in the case of whole-grain breads that have a naturally high water content, should they be disqualified as whole-grain products? That’s why in 2012, a round table of American and European government policymakers, food researchers, and grain industry representatives got together to devise a better measurement of whole-grain intake: They decided that 8 grams of whole grain per 30 grams of product is a “nutritionally meaningful� amount. Now, the question is whether food companies will actually use this standard. In the absence of hard and fast rules, the U.S.-based consumer advocacy group Whole Grains Council (WGC) has taken things into their own hands. Working with food companies, the WGC has devised a labeling program to certify that a product contains at least 8 grams of whole grains per serving (a full serving is 16 grams). Products certified by the WGC contain a gold-yellow stamp on their packaging: either a “basic stamp,� indicating that it contains 8 grams per serving, or a “100% stamp,�

Stress Hormone Linked to Learning Delay in Toddlers By Monique Patenaude Little kids who live in stressful family situations often have too little or too much cortisol, a hormone that can have toxic effects on the brain. A study of 201 low-income mother-child pairs conducted at Mt. Hope Family Center in Rochester, New York, tracked the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in children at ages 2, 3, and 4. The findings show that specific forms of family adversity are linked to both elevated and low levels of cortisol in children. Kids with either elevated or low cortisol levels showed lower than average cognitive ability at age 4. “What we were interested in seeing is whether specific risk factors of children living in poverty might be related to children’s cortisol levels,â€? said lead author Jennifer Suor, a Ph.D candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Rochester. “Then we looked to see if the hormone levels are predictive of significant differences in the children’s ability to think.â€? Too Much or Too Little Cortisol The study, published in the journal Child Development, shows that children in lowincome, stressful home envi-

ronments—specifically homes with family instability and harsh and disengaged mothers—may have adverse levels of cortisol in their bodies, which has been linked to damaging effects on the structure and function of children’s brains. Understanding how cortisol affects the brain’s cognitive abilities, though, remains unclear. “The exact mechanisms through which too much or too little cortisol affects cognitive

recruit important cognitive resources like memory and the ability to reason. But it’s a problem when we have too much or too little cortisol.� Behind Before Kindergarten The children with family instability or harsh and emotionally distant caregivers at age 2 had elevated cortisol levels, while children with only family instability at age 2 had lower than average cortisol levels. “We were surprised to find

Children with family instability, or harsh, emotionally distant caregivers at age 2 had elevated cortisol levels. functioning aren’t fully understood,â€? said co-author Melissa L. Sturge-Apple, assistant professor of psychology. “Researchers hypothesize that too much cortisol can have toxic effects on parts of the brain that are important for cognitive functioning, and too little might hinder the body’s ability to recruit the biological resources necessary for optimal cognitive functioning.â€? Suor said moderate amounts of cortisol are ideal. “In the right amount it makes you rise to the occasion and it helps

that the children’s cortisol levels, which we test from a cheek swab, didn’t change—they remained relatively stable over the three years,� Suor said. Family instability includes frequent changes in care providers, household members, or residence. This kind of instability can reflect a general breakdown of a family’s ability to provide a predictable and stable environment for the child. “There are other environmental and biological factors that might contribute to children’s lower cognitive function-

ing. However, our research, as well as previous studies, has indicated that cortisol plays a role in cognitive functioning.â€? “We saw really significant disparities in the children’s cognitive abilities at age four—right before they enter kindergarten,â€? Suor said. “Some of these kids are already behind before they start kindergarten, and there is research that shows that they’re unlikely to catch up.â€? Prevention and intervention could help these at-risk children. “Our findings support the need for an investment in community-based interventions that can strengthen parent-child relationships and reduce family stress very early in a child’s life,â€? Suor said. “A lot of research that we’ve done at Mt. Hope shows that using preventative interventions can help moms parent their children in ways that may lead to improvements in their children’s cortisol.â€? Researchers at the University of Minnesota and Mt. Hope Family Center co-authored the study. The National Institute of Mental Health supported the work. This article was previously published by the University of Rochester. Republished via Futurity.org under Creative Commons License 4.0.

showing that all the grain ingredients in the product are whole grains. Since WGC started the stamp program in 2005, over 10,000 different products found in 44 countries around the world have the stamp on them, according to

the WGC’s website. Until more governments establish regulations for whole-grain labeling, the WGC’s stamp is your best indicator for whether a packaged food contains enough whole grains to keep you in a healthy diet.



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Health & Fitness

B6 July 3–9, 2015

www.TheEpochTimes.com WORKOUT OF THE WEEK

5 Exercises for Summer Fitness By Louis Coraggio


ach of the below exercises incorporates energetic breathing—inhaling through the nose when extending the spine and exhaling through the mouth when flexing the spine. Energetic breathing fuels the body with oxygen and activates the core muscles, allowing the body to work as one interconnected system.


Squat Into Reverse Lunge With Rotation Squats are considered a vital exercise for maintaining the strength and size of the legs and buttocks, as well as developing core strength. We use squats in our daily life, such as squatting in and out of a chair. As we age, an inability to squat can very negatively affect our quality of life. This exercise adds a reverse lunge with upper body rotation after each squat. This sequence will improve breathing, coordination, balance, core and leg strength.


1 Lunge Ankle Touch A lunge is single leg exercise that requires one leg to step forward, behind, or sideways, while the other leg remains stationary. This movement was necessary for survival during cave man days and is also needed in today’s daily activity. Lunging forward to catch a ball or pick something up requires balance, strength, and flexibility. This exercise will improve balance and leg strength and help the body move as one unit.

6 Inhale and lift arms above your head. 6 Exhale and lower hands to your chest, sit hips back into squat position. 6 Inhale and return to start position. 6 Exhale and step one leg back into reverse lunge. 6 From your torso turn to the left with elbows bent at your side. 6 Inhale and return to start position. 6 Repeat reverse lunge with rotation on the right side. 6 Repeat the squat and follow with a reverse lunge with rotation on each side.

6 Stand upright on a trampoline or on the floor with arms lifted above your head. 6 Exhale, step one leg back off the trampoline into a reverse lunge while lowering the arms in a jumping jack motion to touch the front ankle. 6 Inhale, lift arms above your head, and bring the leg back onto the trampoline, returning to the start position. 6 Repeat and alternate sides 10 times on each leg.

Swing Release The release technique is presently used in modern and postmodern dance as well as yoga and martial arts. Emphasis is placed on breath, skeletal alignment, joint articulation, ease of muscular tension, and the use of gravity and momentum to facilitate movement. This exercise will release tension in the body, create strong breathing, and increase the heart rate. Coordination, stamina, and body awareness will improve.

6 Inhale and lift both arms above your head. 6 Exhale and when swinging both arms behind your body, round your back and bend. 6 Inhale and lift arms above your head and return to start position. 6 To increase difficulty, add a small jump when you swing your arms behind you.

Squats are a vital exercise for maintaining the strength of the legs and buttocks.

6 Close Grip Push-Up The push-up is a bodyweight exercise performed by raising and lowering the body using the arms. Close grip push-ups target the chest and place more emphasis on triceps, shoulders, and deeper muscles. To perform

this close grip variation, place hands below the chest and keep the elbows pressed into the body at all times. A well-executed push-up keeps the hips, spine, and head in an upright, leveled position. The trick is to keep the abs engaged.


Health & Fitness

B7 July 3–9, 2015


4 Prone Runner Prone runner is a version of a plank exercise. This isometric core strength exercise involves maintaining a straight arm push-up position while adding an alternating knee-tochest running motion. Running enhances energy and increases circulation throughout the body. This exercise strengthens the abdominals, back, and shoulders.


Tai Chi Arm Rotation Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art form often referred to as the practice of “meditation in motion.” The slow, flowing movements in tai chi promote relaxation, stress relief, and conscious awareness of the present moment. Tai chi arm rotation will improve posture and increase chest, forearm, hand, shoulder, and hip mobility.

6 Inhale and lift your arms above your head. 6 In one exhale, bring the hands behind your head, sit hips back, keep knees pointed forward. 6 Turn torso to the left, open arms so they are in line with the shoulders. Point fingers up. Hold for two breaths. 6 Inhale and lift to return to start position. 6 Alternate sides 10 times on each side.

Jumping rope is an excellent aerobic activity that burns a high amount of calories. 6 Keep arms below your shoulders. 6 Point elbows toward your feet, squeezing shoulder blades into the body. 6 Exhale and slowly lower the hips, chest, and head in one motion. 6 Inhale and lift the head, chest, hips as one. Repeat.

6 Place your hands on the floor of a trampoline or on the ground. Keep the arms straight. 6 Step your feet back into plank position. 6 Keep your core tucked in and bring one knee to your chest. Alternate legs. 6 Work up to doing this for 45-60 seconds.


Simulated Jump Rope Jumping is a natural reflex that can be developed into an athletic skill and will always be essential to man’s survival. Jump roping dates back to ancient China; however, the Western versions probably originated from A.D. 1600 Egypt. Jumping rope is an excellent aerobic activity that burns a high amount of calories. 6 With elbows slightly bent begin circling arms back from your elbow. 6 Start taking small hop motions with a bend at the knee. 6 Continue for 60 seconds.

Louis Coraggio is an exercise physiologist, certified fitness trainer, and founder of trampoLEAN and Body Architect LLC. With over 15 years of experience, Louis is known for sparking new fitness trends that blend movement and science to maximize everyone’s workout. For more information, visit TrampoLEAN.nyc or BodyArch.com

Health & Fitness

B8 July 3–9, 2015


Celebrate Fourth of July With Strawberries ROCKY BOB/ISTOCK

By Andrea Nakayama While blueberries often get all the attention for their antioxidant and brain-boosting potential, strawberries should not be overlooked. Research has shown that daily consumption of strawberries showed improvement in shortterm memory among other things. Read on. Nutritional Benefits Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C, especially when allowed to ripen before being picked. This means a freshly harvested local berry is going to have a more profound nutritional profile than a commercial berry. Strawberries also contain a good amount of fiber (think about all those tiny seeds). Good for you and your heart. The pretty berry contains the flavonoids to help fight free radical damage. In fact, an article printed in ScienceDaily a few years ago stated that 37 strawberries a day “could keep not just one doctor away, but an entire fleet of them, including the neurologist, the endocrinologist, and maybe even the oncologist.” The flavonoids in the strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the activity of the enzyme called COX. This is the same enzyme blocked when you take aspirin or a NSAID. Yet strawberries support the health of your colon and heart. The micronutrient profile of the strawberry is even more impressive. You can expect to be consuming select B vitamins along with manganese and iron when you feast among the strawberry fields. Strawberries have been known to have a tranquilizing effect. Apparently this is why dental anesthesia and surgical gloves are often scented with strawberry.

Strawberry Facts However, strawberries are among the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen.” This means that they’re one of the top 12 fruits or vegetables loaded with pesticides and one that you should always buy organic. Consider this: There is no other commercial fruit more laden with agricultural chemicals. There are over 600 varieties of strawberries. I had no idea until I moved to the Northwest and ZHUDIFENG/ISTOCK

started sampling and planting my own. The shape, flavor, and season differ with the varieties, but all have that telltale strawberrylook and taste in some way or another—the red-pocked flesh, the heart-shaped body, and the green capped head. Strawberries don’t ripen after picking. You want to catch them at the right time for maximum flavor. Try not to leave them at room temperature or in sunlight for too long, which will cause them to deteriorate and spoil. Best plan? Pick and eat! To freeze strawberries: Gently wash and remove any that have acquired mold or mush. Remove stems or don’t. (I don’t.) Pat dry. Place berries on a cookie sheet and freeze in a single layer. Once frozen, berries can be stored in a freezer storage container of your choosing.

RECIPE Dairy-Free Strawberry ‘Mascarpone’ Tart This recipe is loaded with so much goodness that I’d say it’s fine for a weekend, holiday, breakfast, or brunch. It’s rich and decadent but not sickly sweet. The recipe we chose was adapted from one with its same name from Matthew Kenney’s

Strawberries have an impressive micronutrient profile.

book “Everyday Raw Desserts.”

Ingredients Crust 1 1 cup almonds, soaked for 2 hours 1 1 cup cashews, soaked for 2 hours 1 4 tablespoons coconut palm sugar 1 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon ’Mascarpone’ 1 2 cups macadamia nuts, soaked for 2 hours 1 1/2 cup water 1 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 1/3 cup yacon syrup 1 10 drops liquid lemon stevia 1 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast 1 1 teaspoon miso paste 1 Pinch sea salt Topping: Strawberries!


Grease a tart pan with coconut oil or ghee. Heat the oven to 300 F. Drain the nuts for the crust, pat dry, and pulse in a food processor until fine. Add remaining crust ingredients to the food processor and pulse until a well-blended

dough forms. Remove dough from the processor and press into the tart pan, careful to press evenly around the base and gently up the sides, creating a nice “container” for your filling. Bake the tart crust for 20–25 minutes. Allow to cool. To make the “mascarpone,” drain the nuts and add them to a high-speed blender or food processor with all the other ingredients. Blend until smooth and creamy. Scoop the filling into the cooled tart crust. Spread evenly on the base. Place strawberries on top of the filling, covering as much as you’d like for decorative and deliciousness factors. Cool in the fridge for at least one hour before serving. With a career born of a personal family health crisis, functional nutritionist Andrea Nakayama takes the idea of food as personalized medicine beyond a clinical practice. Her online programs at ReplenishPDX.com and HolisticNutritionLab. com guide her clients in taking ownership over their health. She may be contacted at Info@ReplenishPDX.com

7 Tips for a Good Daytime Snooze By Sara Novak While napping may seem like slacking, napping done right is actually good for both your brain and work performance. It leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, especially if it’s done methodically on a regular nap-time schedule. Daytime naps can be one way to treat sleep deprivation, said Sara C. Mednick, Ph.D., sleep expert and author of “Take a Nap! Change Your Life.” “You can get incredible benefits from 15 to 20 minutes of napping,” she wrote

on WebMd. “You reset the system and get a burst of alertness and increased motor performance. That’s what most people really need to stave off sleepiness and get an energy boost.” Check out these tips for napping success. 1. Keep It Short Napping for too long can leave you feeling groggy and more tired than before you napped. A power nap really is equivalent to 10 to 20 minutes. Nap no longer than 30 minutes. You can take longer naps on the weekend or when you don’t have to work, but don’t get too far off of your sleep schedule.

2. Avoid Napping Too Close to Bedtime It’s best to nap in the afternoon between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. but not too close to bedtime. If you nap too close to bedtime, you’ll wake back up and not be tired until later. Don’t eat such a large dinner that you snooze after dinner and then can’t fall asleep later. 3. Don’t Nap If You’re an Insomniac Methodical napping is effective but not if you have a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea. If you have a sleep disorder, you want to make sure that when it comes time for bed at

night, you’re as tired as you can possibly be. 4. Notice Dreaming If you dream during a short nap, that means that you’re sleepdeprived because that’s the final stage of sleep in roughly a 90-minute cycle. 5. Keep a Regular Nap Schedule Keep a regular nap schedule just as you would a regular bedtime. Being scheduled is the most effective way to nap. 6. Stay Warm Use a blanket to stay warm while you’re napping because

your body temperature drops while you snooze. It’s also easier to go to sleep when you’re warm and cozy. 7. Lights Out Just as at night, make sure that nap time is done in the dark if possible. Darkness reminds the body to relax and fall asleep. If you don’t have access to darkness, which can be more difficult in the afternoon, invest in some eye covers. Sara Novak specializes in writing on health and food policy. This article was originally published on NaturallySavvy.com

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