The rEPPorter: activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions, May-June 2015

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May-June 2015


Europe is currently struggling to cope with a growing migrant crisis at its southern shores and seas. The increasing number of migrants produces big challenges for a lot of local and regional authorities in many parts of Europe. This dramatic situation requires a complex pan-European strategy which needs to be agreed on and applied now. This is pivotal primarily in order to save lives. But there is also the chance to establish whether and how a controlled migration flow might actively contribute to improving the European economy. Speaking of the European economy, I am particularly happy that we will have the chance for a lively debate during the June CoR plenary session with Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. His Investment Plan and the European Fund for Strategic Investments have been greatly supported by us during our vote on the plan in April. It is important that the Commission listens to the proposals and concerns of local and regional authorities, who are responsible for over half of total public investment in Europe these days. Our external meeting in Milan in May presents yet another opportunity for us to join the global debate on how to provide adequate investment and innovation to feed the planet.

The activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions

Digital Single Market for Europe

The European Commission has invited the European Parliament,

Council and relevant stakeholders to endorse its proposed

Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe, which was unveiled on 6 May by Commissioner Günther Oettinger. According to the communication, the aim of the strategy is to transform European society and ensure that Europe can face the future with confidence. “Nobody can argue with the objectives in the paper, but the crucial details will only be apparent in the forthcoming legislative proposals.” Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group in the CoR, said as

a reaction to the communication. “However, we must work quickly to ensure that markets deliver access to high-performance broadband in all the regions and cities of Europe. If we do not close the digital gap between urban and rural areas today, many businesses and citizens will be unable to profit from the undeniable opportunities that a Digital Single Market continued on page 2 presents.”

The Investment Plan and TTIP: cornerstones of regional, economic development “The regional economy goes hand in hand with regional politics. As such, regional politicians should be able to effectively defend regional, economic issues at the EU level.” EPP President Michael Schneider underlined during a meeting with representatives of the regional economy and the media in Graz on 4 May, following an invitation from Christian Buchmann, Minister of Economy of the Austrian province of Styria and ECON-chairman of the CoR. Together, they discussed

the Investment Plan and TTIP and delivered a generally positive assessment of the two initiatives: the elimination of trade and investment barriers in relations with the US and the new investment incentives in the EU offer great opportunities for the regional economy and therefore for growth and jobs in the regions. The President also highlighted the demand from the Committee of the Regions to give regional decision makers an appropriate role for both initiatives.

CoR calls for a comprehensive European response to the tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea The European Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External affairs (CIVEX) has welcomed the outcome of the extraordinary Summit on migration, but has expressed reservations on whether the decisions taken yesterday are far reaching enough. In a declaration calling for a “comprehensive European response” to the migrants crisis, CIVEX urges the EU and the

Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group in the CoR

Member States to examine the issue of rescue operations in international waters and to provide regional and local authorities with the necessary means to respond effectively to emergency situations. It also calls for a new approach to the European Neighbourhood Policy to strengthen the local dimension and address the root causes of migration. A resolution of the CoR will be adopted at the June Plenary Session as well as an opinion to be

adopted later in 2015 with leadership from the EPP shadow rapporteur Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ■ 22 May 2015 EPP-CoR Group meeting: “Societal innovation in food and energy, the way ahead for regional investment” Milan (Italy) ■ 3-4 June CoR Plenary Session

IN THIS ISSUE ■ Members on the Field ■ Digital Single Market for Europe ❚ Tearing down digital walls ❚ EPP Groups have to stick together

■ Members on the Field

■ External EPP Group Meeting in Milan ❚ Europe needs a robust, territorial dimension to its food systems

❚ Societal innovation in food and energy, the way ahead for regional investment

■ Leading EPP regions and cities: leading

❚ European Year for Development: CoR to

❚ The EU needs to translate its policies and

■ The next steps for Europe’s most ambitious


❚ CORLEAP makes formal contribution to Riga Summit

❚ Krakow hosts European Congress of Local Government ❚ Malopolska Educational Cloud

■ Giving young people a voice

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