Plenary in Focus: December 2015

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December 2015

Priorities of the EPP Group in the European Committee of the Regions

Migration and the integration of refugees: A local and regional perspective Just four days after the EUTurkey summit, which aims to stem the migration flow, Donald Tusk, President of the European Council will address the CoR Plenary Session on the measures and challenges for local and regional authorities when it comes to

dealing with refugees. Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, will also join the debate alongside Kashetu Kyenge, MEP. Despite the European Agenda on Migration being published by the European Commission on 23 April, the EPP Group in the CoR argues that not enough is being done to support regions and cities on the ground. Specifically the CoR is calling for more resources, both at the national and EU level, so that local and regional authorities can provide for the sustainable reception and integration of asylum-seekers and refugees in the long term. During the debate, local and regional politicians are expected to speak out on the uneven burden placed on some regions and countries following the migration crisis, the move from crisis mode to a longer-term and more sustainable approach, as requested by Roberta Metsola, MEP in the June Plenary Session. ■

Commission work programme 2016 and the path towards better regulation

Each year the European Commission adopts a work programme that sets out the list of priority actions that it aims to take over the following twelve months. Frans Timmermans, 1st Vice President of the European Commission, will attend the CoR Plenary Session on 3 December to present this work programme, which is entitled “No time for business as usual” and is focussed on the ten political priorities set out by Jean-Claude Juncker at the beginning of his mandate. The reduced work programme also falls in line with the Commission’s objective of delivering better regulation. This was also a main topic for Vice-President Timmerman’s

Priorities for EU regions and cities Other highlights around the CoR December Plenary Session include a CoR conference entitled Connecting Regions and Cities: Making the Digital Single Market work for Europe. This has been a priority for the EPP Group with Helma KuhnTheis leading the CoR’s work in this field. Alin Nica will

participate in the conference to underline the opportunities for regions and cities. A debate with Jean-Claude Frécon will also take place during the second day of the Plenary Session on cooperation with the Congress of local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe. This includes the participation of CoR

members in local and regional election observation missions, such as the local elections in Ukraine where Arnoldas Abramavius took part. Last but not least, the Europe 2020 steering committee will meet on 4 December. ■

intervention at the CoR’s 7th Subsidiarity Conference on 17 November in the Flemish Parliament. He argued that subsidiarity must start at the local level and that it is the time to change the mind-set of EU policy-making to focus more on the musts. He also used the occasion to praise the Dutch provinces for their information on the bottlenecks of European legislation. Wim Van de Donk will also highlight this work during his intervention at the Plenary debate, on behalf of the EPP Group. Following the debate, the CoR will adopt a resolution putting forward its proposals and expectations from the European Commission for the next twelve months. ■

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