Plenary April 2016
Priorities of the EPP Group in the European Committee of the Regions
The European Capital of Innovation Award – iCapital
I am shocked by the attacks at Brussels Airport in Zaventem and the Maelbeek metro station in Brussels, which rocked the EU community on 22 March.
Our thoughts continue to be with the victims, their families and all those who are affected. We must stay united and work together to protect our core
EU Urban Agenda
With over 70% of the EU’s total population resident in urban areas, they account for the majority of the EU’s population today. More than just centres of population, towns and cities lie at the very heart of modern society. Following the adoption of the Riga Declaration last year, Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions underlined that «after 25 years of conferences, declarations and resolutions, it is time to make the EU Urban Agenda a reality». For Markku Markkula, President of the European Committee of the Regions, the EU Urban Agenda should be «a genuine cross-cutting anchoring of the
urban dimension in the EU decision-making process and not a specific EU strategy or programme». The CoR opinion is set to be adopted on 7 April and the Amsterdam Forum on the EU Urban Agenda, taking place on 30 May, will be a further opportunity to improve the urban dimension in EU policy making. The Forum will be held back to back to the informal meeting of Ministers responsible for urban matters, where the Pact of Amsterdam on the EU Urban Agenda is expected to be adopted. “In December 2015 the Commission made 371 million euro available for the Urban Innovative Actions, also called
values and guarantee the safety of our citizens because no country can handle this alone. Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group in the CoR the ‘city deals’. A breakthrough, as a result of the persistent desire of the European Committee of the Regions to create a better balance and synergy between policy for the regions and policy for the cities. It is now important to take this to the next level with the EU Urban Agenda. The Pact of Amsterdam will create a bottom-up approach where cities are empowered. The cities will have the possibility to express their ideas, their knowledge and their fears through partnerships on various themes in which representatives of the city, the Commission, the Member States, European organisations and other stakeholders participate.”
Lambert van Nistelrooij, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-president of the Urban Intergroup, NL/EPP
This award aims to recognise European cities, which are making major efforts to promote innovation and improving the quality of their citizens’ lives. With this second edition, Carlos Moedas, EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, wants to celebrate the European city that is building the best “innovation ecosystem”connecting citizens, public organisations, academia, and business with a view to helping the city scale up its efforts in this field. The nine cities shortlisted for the European Capital of Innovation Awards 2016 include: Amsterdam, Berlin, Eindhoven, Glasgow, Milano, Oxford, Paris, Torino and Vienna. The winner is due to be announced on 8 April.