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EPSA Career Week

It is a 7-day cycle of activities which gives students the opportunity to work on their CVs, Motivational Letters, have mock-up interviews attendvariousworkshopsandtrainingsforsoft skills and/or other competencies they would need to enter/develop their careers further, etc. EPSA Career Week 2023 will be held from 03.Aprilto09.April2023.Oneofthehighlights of this year's Career Week will be an online CareerFair.


EPSA Career Fair

Thestudentshavetheopportunitytomeetwith industry representatives, and learn more about therespectivecompaniesandtheopportunities theymighthave.EPSAorganisestwovariantsof Career Fair, an online one during Career Week, andaliveoneonEPSAEvents.

EPSA Career Page

It gives students information about the different pathwaysinpharmacyaftergraduationandhelps them bridge the gap between studentship and professionallife.

Career Page has been designed to provide insightsintothecoretasksandskillsrequiredfor eachpharmaceuticalarea,aswellasabetterand more thorough understanding of the daily work and challenges of a professional working in that specificfieldthroughtestimonials.

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