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In order to rightfully advocate for European pharmaceutical students’ interests and needs, it becomes crucial to ensure EPSA’s reputation and influence, especially in Brussels, where all the policy-making decisions happen. Because of this, not only EPSA but several student and professional partners as well as relevant stakeholders are based in the capital of Europe, highlighting the importance of intimate work betweentwoofourmainfocusareas,ExternalRelationsandEuropeanAffairs.

With the help of EPSA interns, we continuously nurture our relationships with European Institutions and key stakeholders of the pharmacy sector through live meetings, by attending their events and engaging with them on EPSA’s social media channels.ThisenablesustobothlobbyforEPSA’spositionsonhealthandeducation, butalsotoprovideadigitalenvironmentwhereEPSA’sMembersandtheprofessional networkwecollaboratewithcangettogether.


In the next pages, you will be able to find a complete list of all the associations we collaborate with to advocate for students' interests and to develop activities that helpthemdevelopcriticalskillsfortheirpersonalandprofessionalpath.

If your organisation would like to become an EPSA partner and help us achieve our mission, please do not hesitate to contact our President, our Vice President of ExternalRelationsorourVicePresidentofEuropeanAffairs.

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