Note to all Saudi Cup 2025 Owners and Trainers,
As you know, our Veterinary team will provide necessary medical services and procedures free of charge, but consumables will be billed to the owner/trainer This includes consumables used for emergency surgeries, which would need to be approved and covered by the owner/trainer
Detailed invoices will be supplied to the trainer post treatment. Payment can be made at any �me during your stay, but full payment must be completed prior to the horse’s departure Payment channels include bank transfer to our account, in cash, or by credit or debit card.

Veterinary insurance:
With regards to all procedures, we are aware your horses may be covered by a comprehensive veterinary insurance: in order to assist you in recovering any expenses, we advise contac�ng your insurance provider to make them aware of your horse travelling to Riyadh, KSA to ensure appropriate cover is in place.
Suggested ques�ons to ask your insurance provider:
1. Life-Threatening Condi�ons: If the policy provides coverage for medical expenses incurred due to life-threatening condi�ons – which condi�ons and treatment op�ons are included? The policy could be limited to colic, fractures, pneumonia, severe trauma, organ failure, and/or other cri�cal illnesses. Please ensure you have a clear list of condi�ons and procedures covered and the required tests/samples to be submited in case of a loss of use and/or mortality claim.
2. Hospitaliza�on: Are expenses limited to hospitaliza�on or do they include medical procedures, surgical interven�ons, medica�ons, nursing �me and specialist consulta�ons
3. Emergency Medical Transporta�on: Does your coverage include expenses for emergency transporta�on services such as hiring of a specialized ambulance or air fares – should these be necessary for the reloca�on to a facility where treatment of life-threatening condi�ons under set condi�ons can occur? (for example if a specific facility has to be used, that does not include the equine hospital in Riyadh).
4. Are there any exclusions to the policy? Such as expenses related to pre-exis�ng condi�ons, self-inflicted injuries, treatments provided by foreign veterinarians, etc.
5. Claim Process: make sure you are aware of the claim process should an Insurance claim be sought – no�fica�on, pre-approval of treatment, documenta�on, payment (direct from insurance provider or reimbursement) etc.
This document serves as general informa�on to assist you in the event an insurance claim has to be made. The Equine Hospital does not take any financial responsibility for unpaid or refused claims. Please refer to your policy document for specific terms, condi�ons, limita�ons, and exclusions.