Equi-Ads Scotland April 2015

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Scotland’s National Equestrian Magazine • Now in its 20th year


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April 2015

horsescotland Awards


dsor Royal Win e h t o t Tickets ow Horse Sh bine m Absor o fr r e p A Ham rth Boleswo o t s t e k Tic nal Internatio

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Equine Health • Management • Training

Feeding Youngstock

■ Key Worming ■ Ensuring you are prepared for your first foal ■ The Bitless Alternative


•Cross Country •Classical riding •Nutrition •Veterinary matters •Event Listings Products and much more besides...

20/03/2015 09:34

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20/03/2015 09:34

Canongate CanongateCadgers Cadgerspromise promiseaavery very Scottish Scottishand andenjoyable enjoyablefund fundraiser. raiser.

HorSeboxeS HorSeboxeS&&traIlerS traIlerS44- -55 beddIng beddIng55- -88

The Theevent eventisisbeing beingheld heldatatMurrayshall Murrayshall Hotel HotelininPerth Perthon onBurns BurnsNight, Night,Friday Friday Xxxxxxxxxx News & Views 25th 25thJanuary January2013. 2013.

feedIng feedIng55- -22 22 fIbre fIbre99


feedIng feedIngveteranS veteranS12 12- -22 22

Tannoch Stables top.........1, 5 The International competition............................. 3 horsescotland awards.......4, 5 Two Shetlands stolen............ 8 Feeding Youngstock............. 9 Key worming.......................16 Feeding newly weaned youngstock...........................20 Your first foal ................ 23, 28 The Bitless alternative ........24 Nutrition Focus ..................26 How to sit in the saddle ....32 Win tickets to Royal Windsor ....................40 Balcormo Races ..................41 Equido...................................42 Early start to event season.43 Tayside Dressage.................44 Straight from the horses mouth ...................................45 Results/Shows............... 46, 48

COPY DEADLINE 10th of the preceding month

Front cover: Aricia line mare. Photo courtesy of Waverley Stud.

Tickets Ticketsare are£30 £30and andtables tablessit sit10. 10.Please Please contact contactS.Arnold@bhs.org.uk S.Arnold@bhs.org.ukfor forany any information informationand andtotopurchase purchasetickets tickets

HorSe HorSebeHavIour beHavIour22 22 HealtH HealtHCare Care23 23––28, 28,45 45- -46 46 WormIng WormIng25 25 StrangleS StrangleS26 26 pHySIotHerapy pHySIotHerapy28 28 HolIdayS HolIdayS29 29 traInIng traInIng29, 29,46 46- -47 47

Contents Contents Apology Apology

SCHoolIng SCHoolIng29 29

SeCurIty SeCurIty30 30––32 32

fIeld fIeld&&Stable Stable30 30––36, 36,44 44 Livery Livery2,2,44 InSuranCe 31 – 33 InSuranCe 31 – 33 TraiLers TraiLers44- -55 taCk taCk&&turnout turnout34 34- -40, 40,47 47- -50 50 TransporT 55 TransporT Stand Standout out34 34 his year, Tannoch Bedding 7 Bedding 7 HorSey gadgetS 36 HorSey gadgetS 36 Stables Palacerigg North

Equi-Ads Equi-Adswould wouldlike liketotoapologise apologisefor for an anerror errorininthe theClover CloverHill HillxxCavalier Cavalier Royale Royalehorse horsefor forsale saleadvert advertby by Fiona FionaMacintyre Macintyreininthe theDecember December and has grown to become onewas of edition.The reason for edition.The reason forselling selling was the foremost equestrian businesses wrongly stated ininthis wrongly stated thisadvert. advert.

Equestrian Business of the Year Feeding 642 arenaS 42 Feeding 6--17 17 arenaS -43 43 by Horsescotland, the national organisation for all equestrian WHat’S on BLood/immuniTy suppLemenTs WHat’S on51 51- -52 52 BLood/immuniTy suppLemenTs activity and sports in Scotland. tranSport 52Stables was founded 3,tranSport - -14 3,12 12Tannoch 14 52 by Dawn Harrison 25 years ago

publication a new book called This now sold but horses Thishorse horseisisof now sold butfor for horses Tannoch which outlines the similar this please contact similartotoTails, thisone one please contact growth and the Fiona she always constant Fionaas as shedevelopment alwayshas hasaaof constant business these 25competition years. supply good quality supplyofofover good quality competition The Scottish Equestrian horses. Telephone Fiona horses. Telephone Fionaon on 07766832061 07766832061 (continued on page 5)



in Scotland. Next month sees the

Lanarkshire have voted Feed avaiLaBiLiTy &40 Feed avaiLaBiLiTy &CosT CosT CHrIStmaS gIftS -been CHrIStmaS gIftS40 -41 41 99

HeaLTH HeaLTHCare Care18 18- -25, 25,42 42- -43 43

Copy DeaDline Copy DeaDline new newyear yearresoLuTions resoLuTions18 18

Equi-Ads Equi-AdsDressage DressageSerie Seri I Ijust justwanted wantedtotosay sayaahuge hugethanks thanks totoboth bothEqui-Ads Equi-Adsfor fortheir theirkind kind sponsorship sponsorshipand andMuirmill Muirmillfor for running runningsuch suchan anenjoyable enjoyableseries. series. The Thequalifiers qualifierswere werewell wellrun runand and supported supportedand andititwas wasgreat greattotomake make new newfriends friendsand andwatch watcheveryone everyone improve improvefrom fromthe thefirst firstqualifier qualifiertoto the thefinal. final.The Theatmosphere atmospherewas waswarm warm and andwelcoming welcomingininaavenue venuewell wellworth worth supporting. supporting.The Thefinals finalswere wereaahigh high standard standardwith withgood goodperformances performances

for forallallthe thefinalists finalis have haveaamounted mountedp photographer photographertoto

Thank Thankyou youtotoeve ev the thejudges judgesand andww thanks thankstotoLaura Lauraw the thecompetitors competitorsi the theseries. series. I Ilook loo allallagain againininthe theNe N

Thank ThankYou, You,Lynn Lyn

10th 10thof ofthe thepreceding precedingmonth month Kissing Kissingspines spines20 20


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Mountains Mountains Animal Animal Sanctuary Sanctuary hit hit by by th th

Thieves Thieveshave havetargeted targetedone oneof ofScotland’s Scotland’slarges large for horses, ponies and donkeys for horses, ponies and donkeys Tayside TaysidePolice Policeare areinvestigating investigatingaabreakbreakininatatthe theMountains MountainsAnimal AnimalSanctuary, Sanctuary, near nearForfar. Forfar.They Theybelieve believethe theincident incident took tookplace placesometime sometimebetween between21:30 21:30on on Sunday, Sunday,99December Decemberand andMonday, Monday,10 10 December. December. ® Officers Officerssay sayaaquantity quantityofofmoney, money,along along with withgoods goodsand andmerchandise merchandisefrom fromthe the visitors visitorscentre, centre,was wasstolen. stolen. Police Policeare arekeen keentotohear hearfrom fromanyone anyone who whosaw sawanything anythingsuspicious suspiciousininthe the area. area.


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Keep Keep in in Touch! Touch! don’t don’tmiss missout out- -keep keepup uptoto date datewith withallallthe thelatest latestnews news and andevents eventsbybyfollowing followingususon on

April 2015 | 1

20/03/2015 09:34

Xxxxxxxxxx News

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ee County Vaulters Joanne and Hannah Eccles were invited to participate at the CHI Al Shaqab held in Doha, Qatar at the beginning of March. The CHI AL SHAQAB was launched in 2013. This was the first festival of its kind in the Middle East and Asia. The CHI AL SHAQAB is under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Al

We now have an extended range of rugs, head collars and tack room accessories available in store.

10-5pm, Except Thursday 10-6pm www.thefeedroom.co.uk


Don’t miss out - keep up-to-date with all the latest news and events by following us on Facebook http:www.facebook.com/pages/Equi-Ads-Ltd/114650251907111

Edinburgh, Lothians & Central Scotland Digital Radiography Video Endoscopy Personal Service Experienced Clinicians

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Thani and Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa Bint Hamad Al Thani. The event was also supported by Qatar Foundation. During the six-day CHI AL SHAQAB, several competitions took place, including Show Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, Vaulting and Endurance. The top vaulters from around the world attended the event. Following 3 days of competition, Joanne took first place vaulting in the female individual class vaulting on WH Bentley, lunged by John Eccles. 2nd place went to Anna Cavallaro (Italy) with Simone Jaiser ( Switzerland) finishing 3rd. This was the same order as at the World Equestrian Games in September.

Hannah Eccles finished in 5th place. Hannah and Joanne also competed in the Pas de deux class finishing in second place behind Lucas Wacha and Jasmine Lindner (Austria). Stefan Csandl and Theresa Thiel (Austria) were third.

John Millar returns to Ulster


arch will see the departure of a well-known character from equestrian and agricultural circles in Scotland. John Millar, from Houston, Renfrewshire will be returning to his native Northern Ireland for a variety of family reasons after living in Scotland for the past 27 years. John has been selling recycled woodfibre bedding to the agricultural market, and bedding and arena surfacing to the equestrian industry for the past 15 years, mostly with AW Jenkinson WoodWaste Ltd. of Bo’ness. He will be taking up a position with Stobart Biomass Products Ltd. (part of the Eddie Stobart Group of companies)to oversee the fuel supply for a new Biomass power station in Londonderry, as well as other associated Biomass projects within the Province. During his stay in Scotland, John has made many friends , on a personal as well as on a professional level, and I am sure all would join with Equi-Ads in wishing him well in his new career.

Eric Smiley XC Lessons over Flagged BE Course post Auchlishie BE in May F

or the second year running, BHS Scotland will be providing cross country lessons over the event course at Kirriemuir, this year we welcome eventing Olympian and word class trainer Eric Smiley FBHS. The training will take place on Sunday May 10th with an attempt to accommodate all four heights from BE 80 up to Novice. The course at Auchlishie incorporates, water, ditches, drops and a fairly demanding use of gradient, so this day is considered an worthwhile training session for those wanting to improve their own and their horses’ performance. There is an opportunity for registered instructors to shadow Eric, half day session will be allocated purely on a first come first served basis. Download booking form on www.bhsscotland.org.uk www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:34

Xxxxxxxxxx Results

The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies International Competition T

annoch Stables were the host of the International dressage & jumping competition on Saturday 21st February . The competition, organised by the Royal Dick Horse Society, annually invites participants from veterinary schools across the UK, Europe and North America. This year, teams travelled from Poland, Sweden, Norway, Dublin, Cambridge, Bristol, and London. The “International”, as it is fondly known, is an event fostering friendly competition between vet schools, and was hosted this year by Tannoch Stables in Cumbernauld, Scotland. 10 teams of 4 riders rode a dressage test and a course of jumps, judged by Helen Bowman & Linda Lucy. Each team was required to choose from 20 horses provided by Tannoch Stables to show off their equestrian skills & allowed just a 5 minute warm-up to get to know their chosen mount before competing in both disciplines. This is the first year that Tannoch Stables has hosted the International Competition Dawn Harrison, stables proprietor spoke of the success of the day saying ”I was very impressed with the standard of horsemanship shown from these riders, and especially proud of how our horses performed.” The Norwegian team showed their prowess by coming first in the overall team event, and showed great enthusiasm after the event posing for photographs and waving flags. The Overall Team results were as follows: 1. Norway 4. Cambridge A 2. Sweden A 5. Cambridge B 3. Edinburgh 6. Royal Veterinary College London There was success from the home team of Edinburgh Vets, with competition organiser Catherine Daniels coming first in the Individual Dressage riding Alice. Individual Dressage Results: 1. Catherine Daniels on Alice – Edinburgh Royal Dick School 2. Hannah Mandinger on Ted – Sweden 3. Moa Gustaffson on Fin – Norway Individual Showjumper Results: 1. Moa Gustaffson on Ginny – Norway 2. Katherine Eidsmo on Cooper – Edinburgh Royal Dick School 3. Meisha Micklewright on Ginny – Royal Veterinary College London To celebrate a day of camaraderie, riding, and good sportsmanship, the night of the International was concluded by a dinner and ceilidh in the beautiful city of Edinburgh. The Royal Dick Horse Society President, Catherine Daniels, and VicePresident, Brittany Veerasammy plan the event for almost a year with the aim of creating a competition where all unite to celebrate a passion for horses and equestrian sports. Brittany Veersammer said ”We consider ourselves lucky to share this opportunity with riders from around the world.

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April 2015 | 3

20/03/2015 09:35

Using gentle, non violent methods, I can explain the

you regain your confidence so that you can

EQUMay09-S.qxd 12:15 Page ance themselves andriding a state calm or se many variauations a certain23/4/09 amount of aggression once63 again enjoy your and of your horse. cause of misunderstandings and identify whether a the GB Para team on self trained horses. She has been a based,to learned develops. and However, in rically opposite is usedmisbehaviour to enableis fear/pain the animal put their neutral emotion For confidential misbehaviour or simply a re-education issue. member of the World Class program 2006 to 2008. domestication seems that some highly complex safety atExperienced, risk as they challenge personal ithypnotherapy Trained and Insured.a situaare struggling to find calm ThisBozena aggression is 0800 usually y adapt to a va- tion. Training Tel 01259 742283/0778 993the 8266 For more information telephone 07801 322001 Call on 07837 58 tem- equines Xxxxxxxxxx Awards Tack & Turnout pered by the underlying “fear” of injury balance and more and more horses are muli. and often prevents individuals in soci- being labelled as aggressive and danetyCommercial from coming to actual blows. In gerous, we must ask ourselves why this Training private individuals by following simple procedure (bear in is We to get up. Iforthe horse other words,thisthey may be angry but so. had forage available and split the cise himself in a controlled manner. We are horse to get purchase companies in all this is a 17.2hh one tonne horse who, hard feed into as many small feeds as pos- also careful to have paddocks that graduate is cast and is injured Transport TV mind you must they are also afraid and as discussed in We currently have a horse in training categories andcall the he horsescotland Annual Awards recognise and reward the unted in size from not much bigger than if he wants to leave a stable, would quite sible given throughout the day. owner and the vet for advice, but your pria round Forklift, Lorry Loader other articles, fear of is nature’s way of whocoaches, had beenvolunteers, labelled asperformers, very aggresTraining contribution Scotland’s equestrian (HIAB) SAFED, d larger areas easily go through a wall or closed door!). Don’t:-Be unreasonable by not allowing ority is still to get the horse into a position pen, to ½ an acre to 1 acre. In this way the saying “pay attention and take care”. sive and potentially dangerous and her clubs, equine breeders and equestrian business community. Tachographs Services rol of weeds We kept the box open onto a yard with a other horses to keep the injured animal where they are at least lying naturally and injured horse can be gradually conditioned Nominations were received from our Member Bodies, and after much ort, docks, Atview CTTS offer the scored complete of driving thusto enabling gainback theinto licence entitlement meet your full of thewegoings on. company. (some people become fixated not on to their backs. Thisrequirements. unnatural position the herd. Because ofyou the require ESTcourses 1975 ERIC GILLIE LTD deliberation, our Board therange nominees against the criteria decidebyyoutotobeing histles order to undertake on management the C1, C &ofC+E: Kept a horse stabled next door,preferably “their” stable and no one else can use training it. careful this injury the horse can cause untold damage to internal organs the winners. This led to very close competition as In all nominees were SCOTLAND’S SPECIALISED HORSE TRANSPORT fantastic. You first pass a vocational medical apply forobsessive a provisional licence the and category (forms available from our office). able to lean over themust wall and have contact Some yard ownersand can be equally and cause the animal to go into shock. The is now back inforwork being brought sured The deserving award winners werenoannounced the sparkling with the• hugely injured horse canmust goat into another’s into fullPerception fitness. He has You also pass box). a Theory back / Hazard test.not suffered longer a horse remains cast the more damRegularanimal. journeys throughout the and UK 05 506120 ceremony at theisregularly Westerwood Hotel & Golf Resort, 5held new custom built Oakley boxes Rotated•All the babysitter throughAfter two of Cumbernauld box restand we were creage is doneweekend until there courses. comes a point where any stress or upset about being confined including training carried out on modern full weeks size vehicles canon be tailored to the needs of the individuals Friday •with First class facilities Train in a stabling relaxing manner our own area and andhis learn the skills you require pass theuptest. out the 27 dayFebruary: various horses taking a making ative and use built aof“stable” outreversing of round pen owner is delighted that he has to gotsuccessfully the horse will not get and will have to be • Volunteer of the Year: Anne Logan Training on C1 above includes training if required extra • Experienced and grooms turn at keeping the injureddrivers horse company. panels. The and pen was no bigger thantachograph 14ft through his ordeal a happy at andnowell bal-cost. put to sleep. • Coach the Year: Amanda Saville ALLof HORSES MUST WITH A PASSPORTor clarification on licence categories, medicals and theory training please contact the office For TRAVEL further information (No owner willof object this and noOakden one by 14ft (the same size as his stable) but be- anced boy. It is absolutely essential that all yard own• Performer the to Year: Wills on 01506 633100 and ask for Jim or email us at enquiries@cttstraining.co.uk Family run business celebrating 30 years cause he was out in the open air, had 360 Sadly however this is not always the outwould mind letting other horses use“their” ers have a basic knowledge of first aid and • Equine Breeder of the Year: MFS Studfarm Inchmuir Road, Whitehill Industrial Estate, Bathgate, West 2EP Tel: 01506 633100 / 07971204694 www.cttstraining.co.uk come ifof things are done incorrectly. I cannot stable for a while as no one would want degrees view and could see theLothian other EH48 the dangers involved when dealing with • 33a Equestrian Business of the Year: Tannoch Stables Coach the Year: Amanda Saville Tel: 01573 430252 Fax: 01573 430210 www.ericgillie.co.uk stress their horse to suffer if they had a fracture.) horses in the field next to him he was happy. horses. They should have a suitable equine enough to those yard owners out nd construction • Club of the Year: Sports Driving Unlimited There was a injured final award presented to Jane Cepok for her separately by do BHS Scotland for all Ifthe the horse had a good This horse spent the next threehuge months there qualification. youhard are onwork a yardshe where the that they have a duty ofand carePony by Club gement. He will 62We •ensure April 2009 • special Equi-Ads contribution to disciplines of equestrianism. was putsand into both work roles. Jane is a hugely bed with highallbankings. (It helps if rider turned out this pennominated and at night law practise is more deserving in line with the they musther try to do alland theyvoluntary can to standard Denise Shawns International andinShe trainer is stabled available ing, harrowing deep recipient the 2015 Achievement Award. is an anti-cast strip around the wall and was perfectly happy and relaxed. ensure “don’ts”in our article than the“do’s”then an of animal makesLifetime a full recovery. so available for therefor flatwork training to improve your horse’s balance, Ronnie Young MBE, Chair ofstahorsescotland, summarised thetheawards just in case, or you can put bales of straw When it came to the point where he could quite simply you are putting life of your Horses that are stabled,especially if the ons and house ceremony when saying: and for performance the wall toability make it easier the be given for moreany spacediscipline. we could gradually in- ble is not big or the animal is confined (as horse at risk. The only way to make a poorly ore contact Al- around athletic “The horsescotland awards 2015 were a fantastic opportunity for horse to get up and of crease the sizearena of the pen a period of may run yardand change is to vote be the case incommunity box rest) canto easily be-together with your feet, if Denise hasminimise a 25mthebyrisk65m mirrored at over home the equestrian come celebrate Scotland’s want toare appear on the cover of the force being cast). time until it was full size and he could exer- come cast. This means that the horse rolls clients leaving then substantial equestrian success over the last 12 months. I wouldthey likewill to (5 mins from J4 M8 or J4 M9) or can travel to you. 2010 catalogue. over and gets trapped against a wall. This change thenight yard will to go out thank everyone who came along and made it aorreal to have remember andof isoffer a highly re- business. As a horse I would rather my serious sincerepredicament thanks to and ourcan sponsors Wades Print and owner our principal ‘Like last year, we are looking for RACTOR partner – the sport, as well as thesafe newthan sult in thesportscotland death of the horse. If anational horse is agency pay theforextra to have my horse someone who looks good on a horse, EQY Magazine for providing a photographer. found cast your absolute priority is to try to enjoys cut corners and risk losing my beloved aniONS riding and understands what Shires Equestrianwill are thrilled to to drive forward horsescotland continue a number of exciting illers Town & Country at Fordel, the event. The day was a great success right the horse. This can be done easily by mal. ANCE Shires is all about,’ explains Marcus announce theand launch of the 2010 programmes initiatives in the year ahead and will work closely with its Dalkeith held an open day to launch catering for the children with face painting two people with long lines or lunge SIONS Shires’ Sales & Marketing Cover Star competition invite lines toCridland, member bodies and keyand stakeholders put in place a world-class system new range of spring/summer stock on 15th and an Easter Egg Hunt and for the adults, looped around the front and legs and Director. TC ‘We of hadthe a great Cover Star anyone and everyone whoback isthat TEMPLETON TACK for Scottish equestrianism ensures the welfare horse.” Linda Scott, Strathdectyn, Rosemill, March. In attendance were the gentlemen discounts on clothing,feed promotions and gently pulling the horse over. Obviously do semi-final for the 2009 competition interested in appearing on the front Billy Bell, Chief Operating Officer of horsescotland, added:DD3 OPW ction Bridgefoot, Dundee andTel if the people who have of “Much Shires’ 2010 apply! involved in the re-launch of the Edinburgh added discounts throughout the store. not put yourof head near the legs theriders, horse drivers 01382 813553 of Mobile 07517 thecatalogue success oftoifour andnumber vaulters is down to607513 the email linda.scott35@btopenworld.com touch with us already about Riding of the Marches, in which R.H. Miller Through this we were able to donate isquality struggling (youcoaches should have hard hat been in of the and athe commitment ofwww.templetontack.co.uk the thousands of volunteers com the competition is create anything go Thebut Cover Starthrow competition, likeThe last on) you can a loop around a leg Town & Country are the main sponsors of money to Alzheimer’s and Comic Relief. whose efforts are invaluable. horsescotland awards thetoperfect we are in for another great one! Volunteer of the Year: Anne Logan year, is up of three phases. The One Stop easily (trymade practising this technique on a by,The We are really pleased to be hosting first phase invites everyone interested fence post). I am 5ft 2” and I can easily Tack Shop the selection day at Talland School in becoming the Shires 2010 cover right a 16.2hh horse myself, it does not re- of Equitation. It is a stunning venue star to fill in an application form. This Suppliers of all Master Saddler & SMS Qualified Saddle Fitter quire strength but technique,sometimes fabulous reputation for many can be downloaded from the website all with ahorse tack, rugs, you have to from do is your movenearest the quarters and we hats are really&pleased to or acquired Shiresfar reasons boots, feed enough stockist.away from the wall to allow the be working with the Talland team on

horsescotland Awards 2015 T



Shires Cover Star 2010 …the search is on!


Open day at R.H. Miller Town & Country


Donald McLellan

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20/03/2015 09:35 23/6/09 12:30:25

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innovation, drive and enthusiasm shown by a huge variety of Equestrian Businesses. The picture shows Dawn, on the left, with Tannoch Stables Manager Michelle Canney receiving the award.

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20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx News

Gentle Giant Rescue Horse put to Sleep

Emaciated Gracie May was found by the RSPCA in 2001 in a “horrific state”, living amid the carcasses of four other horses. The owner had attempted to set fire to the dead horses in an attempt to hide them. “She was extremely thin and had lost 90 percent of her body hair due to a chronic lice infestation,” said HorseWorld’s equine husbandry manager Joanne Vaughan. “She was emaciated to the point where the ribs, breast bone and pelvic area were extremely prominent.”


Armed rescue The charity believes the 17hh mare survived was because she was tall enough to reach leaves from surrounding trees. When the two charities attempted to rescue Gracie, the owner was so aggressive they had to call in armed police. He has since been prosecuted by the RSPCA. Gracie made a full recovery and was backed and rehomed on HorseWorld’s loan scheme. She weighed in at just under one tonne and was the most popular horse on the charity’s adoption scheme. She came back to HorseWorld due to lameness in her front legs, and was retired from ridden work in 2008.

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20/03/2015 09:09 09:35 18/03/2015

News Xxxxxxxxxx


07850 374 697


False identity Tyson and Bam Bam were residents at Holly’s Horse Haven in Omeath, County Louth in Ireland, where they had been rehabilitated and trained to help children with special needs. Over the summer the ponies were placed in a foster home in Cootehill, County Caven, to supposedly work with children from families dealing with suicide. “We were led to believe they were a recognised charity,” Elaine Duffy, co-founder of Holly’s, “The man came to us with all his credentials and paper work, and when we inspected the place there was a lovely barn with 30 acres of grazing.” However, following a concerned call from one of their welfare inspectors, the charity discovered the Shetlands had gone. 'Horrible circumstances' “We went to visit the ponies, but when we got there we were told they had been stolen a number of weeks ago,” Elaine said. “It hadn't been


reported to the garda [Irish police] or to us, though it states in the contract we must be informed at all times of where they are.” Both were rescued fives years ago by Holly’s from “horrible circumstances”. Tyson was so hungry he was eating wood pallets, while Bam Bam, who was a stallion at the time, had been dumped in a field of mares and had been repeatedly kicked. His eye was hanging out when Elaine found him. Luckily her daughter is a veterinary nurse and was able to put it back into the socket, just in time. Their vet then sewed it in, and incredibly the pony kept his sight. Lesson learnt Elaine is concerned that the ponies

might have been sold without her permission. “We never put up them up for fostering before as they were both in such a bad way when they came in, and it took so long to nurse them back to heath,” says Elaine. “They are part of our own disability programme here, but we have other ponies so thought we’d share them. “We gave them with trust and compassion, so in a way it’s our fault because we didn’t check the man’s criteria. There’s a lesson to be learnt from this – you have to check and double check again.” Get in touch Both Shetlands are seven years old – Tyson is chestnut and Bam Bam is a grey. They are microchipped and have passports. If you have any information you can email the charity or call Elaine on 00353 (0) 86 865 0360. “If you did buy one or both of them please get in touch,” said Elaine. "We do not blame you in any way, but we need to know their whereabouts."

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20/03/2015 09:35



Dr Derek Cuddeford, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh


he word youngstock is a “catchall” term that includes fillies, colts and geldings less than three years of age so in order to discuss the feeding of these animals we must consider the period from birth of the foal up to it developing into an adult at three. It is necessary to separate breed types within this grouping of youngstock since they are fed and managed very differently. Basically we must consider the “light” horses (Thoroughbreds/Arab horses, Half Arabs and Anglo Arabs, Quarter horses) as distinct from “heavy” (draft) horses, Warmbloods and ponies. Light horses are mostly bred and fed for either racing purposes or other high speed activities. Furthermore, these horses mature early and thus possess the potential for very rapid growth early in life. Thoroughbreds in particular foal outwith the natural breeding season whereas ponies, Warmbloods and draft types foal in late spring/ summer taking advantage of naturally available feed. They are slower to mature and the emphasis is not on achieving rapid growth. Thoroughbreds are probably the best example of light horses in the UK. Most young Thoroughbreds are reared with the objective of sending them to the Yearling Sales, held principally at Deauville (France), Keeneland (Kentucky), Goffs (Kildare) or Tattersalls (Newmarket) where they are bought with the purpose of putting them into training. They will be prepared for racing as two yearolds. Thereafter, if good enough, they will remain in training and race as three year-olds and beyond in the well-known classics on the flat or as steeplechasers where they take part in a different style of racing. A March-born foal will become a Yearling when it is just

over 9 months old compared to a January-born foal which will be nearly 12 months old since they are “aged” from the January in the year they are born. This disparity (~90kgs=18/20% of adult weight) confers a benefit to the Januaryborn foal in terms of physical development. Thus, not all Yearlings are equal in terms of chronology or physiology. Clearly this difference persists into the second year of life so that some two-year olds are not ready to race until towards the end of the season. It will be apparent from the foregoing that there is pressure to make sure that young Thoroughbreds are born early in the year and to grow as quickly as possible in order to hasten growth so that firstly, they sell well at the Yearling sales and secondly, that they mature quickly so that they can race sooner. Some recent Japanese research monitoring growth rates amongst Thoroughbred foals has emphasised the importance of two measurements: bodyweight and withers height to monitor development. Because foals respond to season in terms of growth rate (faster in summer, slower in winter) their birth date can have a significant impact on their individual growth curves. Thus nutritional needs will vary between foals according to when they were born as evidenced above by comparing the Januaryborn foal with those arriving in March. Based on this information it would be prudent to individualise feeding programmes for foals as far as possible to accommodate these differences and to plot their growth curves (weight/withers height) as a further guide to management. One can easily imagine the great difference between foals of different ages (weight/withers height) as they make the transition from winter to spring and thus the large differences in their nutritional needs at this critical time. Nursing Thoroughbred foals will grow at a rate of 1 to 1.5kg/day which is very fast, allowing these animals (in common with other light horses) to achieve 90% of their mature height by 12 months of age. Initially this growth will be supported by the mare in terms of the milk she produces and foals may consume 15 to 25% of their bodyweight in milk per day during their first week of life. The mature (continued on page 14)



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20/03/2015 09:41

Research keeps SPILLERS® HAPPY HOOF® ahead when it comes to feeding the laminitis prone Laminitis has been reported to affect up to one third of horses and ponies within some populations in the UK which is why SPILLERS® is working hard to improve our understanding of the factors that may be involved in increasing the risk of an individual horse or pony developing the condition. Through its work with the WALTHAM® International Laminitis and Obesity Research Consortia, SPILLERS® is conducting important research into many of the areas that are thought to be involved in the development of the condition and SPILLERS HAPPY HOOF® has been used successfully in many of these studies. To date the WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group, which provides the science behind the SPILLERS® brand, has conducted more than 20 research projects over the past 10 years, looking at all aspects of laminitis including investigating the role that obesity can play in the development of the condition. This work not only aims to build knowledge but also to give practical support to owners of susceptible animals. This year SPILLERS® is supporting two research programmes in the UK. One is looking at the effects of diet on the microflora in the hindgut of senior and obese horses. The other is trying to understand why some horses and ponies


are more at risk than others to pastureassociated laminitis. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that insulin dysregulation (a collective term used to describe high circulating blood insulin levels and/or an increased insulin response to a starch/ sugar load and/or insulin resistance) appears to be a component in the risk for laminitis. It is hoped that future studies will shed further light on the role of insulin. Clare Barfoot RNutr and the research and development manager at SPILLERS® explained: “We are determined to find out more about the role of insulin dysregulation in the development of laminitis as well as the other associated risks. Meanwhile we are excited to report that SPILLERS HAPPY HOOF® has been used successfully in many of our studies. This low calorie, high fibre feed has been proven in more than one project to show a low glycaemic and insulin response which will benefit those horses and ponies at risk from or prone to obesity and laminitis. This is something that very few, if any, feeds in the category have scientific proof of.” This is just one of the reasons SPILLERS HAPPY HOOF® remains at the forefront of feeding the laminitis prone. It’s a specially blended, low calorie, short-chop forage which contains all the vitamins and minerals your horse needs to stay in good health. Approved by The Laminitis Trust, it can be used as a bucket feed or as a replacement for hay and is specifically designed to extend eating time.

For friendly feeding advice contact the SPILLERS® Care-Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 email careline@spillers-feeds.com or visit www.spillers-feeds.com. Equi-Ads_APR_NAT_rev.indd 10 Equi-Ads_Apr_Spillers_Advertorial_FP.indd 1

SPILLERS® brings you the following tips to help reduce the risk of laminitis this spring • Act early - Don’t wait until your horse or pony is overweight or had his first episode of laminitis before you consider reducing the risk as part and parcel of your management routine. Once a horse or pony has had the condition they will become more prone to it and any damage may be impossible to rectify. • Consider the risk - If you have a native pony, cob or a good doer manage them as if they are already laminitic. This way you will be reducing their overall risk. Although we don’t fully understand the genetic component of laminitis it is highly likely that genetics play a significant role so don’t take any gambles. • Keep your horse slim - Being overweight or obese will risk your horse or pony’s risk of laminitis although the link may not be a direct one as thin ponies are susceptible too! Having a slim pony (condition score 4.5-5 on the 9 point scale) is healthier for many reasons so manage their diet and keep the exercise levels up. This will also help support a healthy metabolism.


• Manage grass intake - In most horses’ diets grass is the largest contributor of calories - in fact some ponies have been shown to eat 5% of their own bodyweight a day of the green stuff, given the chance. • Consider a grazing muzzle - Grazing muzzles have been shown to reduce intakes of grass by approximately 80%. Grazing muzzles should be correctly fitted, allow for drinking and not be used continually. • Analyse your forage - Have your forage analysed especially for water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and aim to choose forage with less than 10% WSC (on a dry matter basis). • Soak your hay - This will reduce the WSC. The longer you soak it the more WSC it should will lose but aim for at least three hours with overnight soaking leaching up to 50%. Although it is important to remember this may not be enough to make it safe - analysis is always required. For

20/03/2015 18/03/2015 09:42 09:26




For those prone to laminitis

Low levels of sugar and starch

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With biotin to support healthy hoof growth

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©MARS Horsecare UK Ltd 2015. ®MARS, SPILLERS and HAPPY HOOF are Registered Trademarks.

20/03/2015 09:42


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Lungeing, Long Reining and In-Hand Schooling S chooling the horse is not just about riding - many problems or misunderstandings between horse and rider can, and should be, sorted out on the ground before attempting to ride at all. This book (£19-99p) explains how to school your horse from the ground, starting with fundamental techniques, and gives progressive exercises to work through. It explains the importance of stretching work, how to establish a correct outline, and how to build strength and suppleness. Remedial work is also included to improve crookedness, unbalance, and stiffness, for example. Also covered is the use of training aids where necessary, and schooling over ground poles and cavaletti, as well as jumping the horse on the lunge. Observing your horse working without a rider gives you valuable insight as to the correctness of his paces, how his muscle development can be improved, and his general attitude and willingness. When your horse is moving beautifully on

his own, there is no reason why he cannot do the same with you in the saddle. CLAIRE LILLEY has been teaching riding for many years. She runs her own training centre in Melksham, Wiltshire, specialising in short-term courses for riders and their horses and unmounted workshops covering many aspects of horsemanship. She has written several books, published by J.A. Allen (including 200+ School Exercises with Poles, The Scales of Training Workbook, Stop, 6o, Turn and Dressage to Music). She has produced her own series of training programme DVDs and a range of lungeing equipment. ISBN 978-1908809-26-1

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he Bridle King safely stores bridles in style, with a perfectly curved top for kink free leather. Made with two genuine horse shoes, the quality steel construction is exceptional. The Bridle King is an eye-catching and functional feature for any tack room or yard. Available in either Stubbyfine coated in black (S2070C) or bright Zinc plated (S2070Z), the RRP is around £15. For more information please contact Abbey England on 01565 650343 or visit www.abbeyengland.com.

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Equi-Ads_APR_NAT_rev.indd 12


20/03/2015 09:42

Lo-Calorie nutritional support for the laminitis-prone & good-doers

BaiLeys Lo-CaL BaLanCer Low calorie - Low starch - Low sugar l Scientifically formulated for good-doers and those prone to laminitis l Provides those nutrients lacking in a forage-only diet l Contains quality protein to supply essential amino acids l Comprehensive hoof support package l With a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including Bioplex minerals and Sel-Plex organic selenium. Supports immunity, recovery & well-being l Feed on its own or with Baileys Light Chaff or Speedi-Beet for maximum chew time with minimal calories UNDER 13hh (up to 300kg)

eg. Shetlands, Section As etc 28p per day 225g per day (½ lb)

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Equi-Ads_APR_NAT_rev.indd 13

20/03/2015 09:42

Feeding (continued from page 9) height for Thoroughbreds can be assumed to be 162 cm for stallions and 160 cm for mares. By eighteen months of age Thoroughbreds have nearly achieved full height but only four-fifths of mature weight. What is crucial to these animals is that the bone is fully mineralised and able to carry the additonal musculature that develops with training. A study of nearly two thousand foals on a Thoroughbred stud in Canada showed that on average, foals gained 110 kg during the first 90 days after birth, 75 kg during the second 90 day period, 60 kg during the third 90 days and only 45 kg during the fourth 90 day period. Clearly, the greatest amount of bone elongation occurs during the first months of life emphasising the need for a balanced supply of nutrients. Because of the foals rapid growth and bone elongation these animals are susceptible to skeletal defects broadly known as Developmental Orthopaedic Disease (DOD) that includes a range of different conditions including physitis, angular deformities, osteochondrosis dissecans, malformation of the cervical vertebra (“wobblers”) and carpus. It would seem that these conditions are becoming more common and a number of different factors have been implicated including nutrition, heredity,

Equi-Ads_APR_NAT_rev.indd 14

exercise and conformation. Although inbreeding within the Thoroughbred industry may improve the chances of producing horses of high athletic ability, a consequence of this approach to breeding is that other less desirable traits may be concentrated in the offspring. It seems that the key to minimizing developmental problems is appropriate management-sounds simple but in reality requires a lot of effort. This does not mean making great changes to what is fed to the growing animals since almost all commercially produced diets (creep feed, youngstock cubes, yearling diets, etc) for these animals are usually of excellent quality. The goal has to be to regulate concentrate intake and to maintain the animals on a smooth growth curve with no decline in growth rate that might result in compensatory growth spurts. This requires the introduction of creep feed well before weaning, which usually takes place at 4 (~35% of mature size) to 6 (~46% of mature size) months of age, in order to maintain growth rate at, during and after weaning. Furthermore there is strong evidence to show that controlled exercise throughout the growth process enables the formation of healthy bones and joints. A “rule of thumb” guide to the amount of creep to feed is 450g per month of age. Maximum rates of gain are not

desirable in terms of bone quality as it may be compromised by too rapid growth. Table 1 provides average values for Thoroughbreds with an expected mature weight of 550kg. Nutrient content of the concentrate varies according to age. Initially milk replacer pellets may be fed that use whey as a protein source and contain ~20% protein overall. Over the period 1 month to 3 a creep feed containing ~18% protein based on soya would be appropriate. From 4 to 6 months a ~14% protein creep should be used. Obviously all of these feeds will be carefully balanced with respect to the absolute amounts and ratios of minerals and vitamins that are suitable for the different growth stages of the developing foal. In contrast to the January-born Thoroughbred foal, those horses and ponies (basically all non-TB

animals) that foal during the normal summer period will depend initially on their mother’s milk, gradually making the transition to a grass-only diet to meet all of their energy and nutrient needs. Natural weaning will normally take place when the foal is a year or more old or when the mare foals again. Providing mares and foals with good quality pasture will ensure adequate energy and nutrient intakes but if in doubt, it is always possible to supply a low volume concentrate that supplies just essential minerals and vitamins to guard against any deficiency. Essentially, those native animals and others kept outside are controlled by the seasons in terms of their growth rates. Foals born in the summer should have plenty of food to support good growth and to develop reserves to carry them overwinter. However, late-born foals

Table 1: Average bodyweights, daily gains and likely food intake at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 months of age based on published data. Age (months)






Weight (kg) (%mature wt)

156 (31%)

230 (46%)

300 350 470 (60%) (70%) (94%)

Daily gain (kg/day)






Milk (kg)


Hay (kg)






Concentrate (kg)






(continued on page 25)

20/03/2015 09:42


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20/03/2015 09:42




Ben Sturgeon, Bsc, BVM&S, Cert EP, MRCVS

with the Equine Premium range


urrently there are no new types or classes of wormer on the immediate horizon and the major conclusion of recent research was that “worm control programmes should be designed to be sustainable using presently available drugs.” Historically, a blanket zero tolerance approach was undertaken and potentially still has its place in some yards where horses come and go frequently and in a relatively uncontrolled fashion. However, the consensus now is to undertake a strategic or targeted approach utilising diagnostic tests such as faecal egg counts (FECs) and ELISA blood tests (for tapeworm diagnosis). This has not only proven to be cost effective, when compared to a blanket repeat worming protocol, but also reduces resistance, promotes horse health and provides information on herd and farm/yard field health.


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Worry about resistance? Previous blanket worming control, over frequent dosing and under-dosing have made wormer resistance a common finding. A fundamental and pivotal fact is that 80% of worms are only carried in 20% of horses. In other words, the vast majority of horses have low and in fact clinically insignificant numbers of worms. Additionally and importantly low numbers of worms in horses are not inherently unhealthy and faecal egg counts of up to 400 eggs per gram (200 in young or old) are not considered significant, so a zero tolerance attitude is wrong. Secondly, allowing horses to maintain this or a low level of worms, that are not exposed to treatment, reduces the incidence of resistance. This is called “refugia” and is paramount to avoiding future resistance by increasing the effectiveness of wormers. Worry about wormer? Much confusion lies at the heart of resistance with many owners basing their choice of wormer on brand name or colour of the box. Four major classes of wormer chemical exist: • Pyrantels (Strongid P, Pyratape P) • Praziquantel (Equitape) • Fenbendazole (Panacur) • Macrocyclic lactones of which

there are 2 subclasses Avermectins (IvermectinEraquell, Vectin, Noromectin, Eqvalan) Milbemycin (Moxidectin – Equest) And many products combine the various classes: • Praziquantel and Ivermectin (Equimax, Eqvalan Duo) • Praziquantel and Moxidectin (Equest Pramox) This need to become a professor of pharmacology leaves most with a headache. The important points are that: 1. Overuse of one group will result in resistance to that group 2. Overuse of similar compounds within the macocyclic lactones (i.e. avermectin and milbemycin) will result in emerging cross-resistance Importantly, any wormer chosen or implicated by a FEC should be based on the worm expected or indeed proven to be present. Hence, in the pasture season worms tend to be mature adult round worms, both and redworms rather than larval stages and use of an adultacide pyrantel, fenbendazole or less commonly recommended ivermectin (because of possible cross resistance). Compare this with winter where encysted small redworms are the major culprit so use of moxidectin usually with a tapeworm praziquantel (especially if ELISA bloods have not been performed) is recommended. Adopting this approach means that any wormer is used infrequently, that when used the wormer is appropriate for the targeted worm so achieving the balance between a healthy worm burden, worm challenge and refugia. What about the rest? Importantly this approach allows the identification of high egg shedding horses which may be due to a resistance problem, previous poor worm management common in young stock or even areas of the farm that are worm sick or have poor management (i.e. no poo picking policy or are in need of pasture management.) This somewhat holistic consideration means seasonality, yard history and yard management are encompassed giving a much greater level of information. (continued on page 31) www.equi-ads.com

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20/03/2015 09:42

News Xxxxxxxxxx

Great Condition for the New Season A

diet fuelled by slow release energy from fibre, highest quality nutrients, combined with regular exercise and training helps to produce good top line and great condition, that’s why thousands of owners regularly use Allen & Page’s Calm and Condition. With many owners reporting that their horses developed a fantastically glossy coat when fed Calm & Condition, it’s no wonder that once used it becomes a firm favourite. Part of the Barley & Molasses Free range, Calm & Condition is high in fibre, low in sugar and starch and contains linseed and soya oils, as well as vitamins and minerals for a balanced diet that promotes optimum condition. For more information visit www.allenandpage.com or call the nutritional advice line on 01362 822902.

New TopChop Sport


ew TopChop Sport is a blend of specially selected, hightemperature dried, British grasses and alfalfa. This very palatable chop is lightly coated with soya oil and is dustextracted. The formula was tested and developed at the Middle Park Equine Research Unit and has been approved by the nutritional team as suitable for all horses and ponies other than those prone to laminitis and that need to lose weight. It is ideal for horses and ponies needing a very palatable chop, perfect for fussy feeders including performance and racehorses. TopChop Sport is dust-extracted and hightemperature dried. These two procedures minimise potential mould, making the chop suitable for horses and ponies with respiratory problems. – 15kg £12.25.

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18 | April 2015

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20/03/2015 09:42

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*When compared to traditional diets with comparative energy levels

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20/03/2015 09:42


Feeding Newly Weaned Youngstock S

everal factors are very important when you are planning a feeding programme for a young horse. It is necessary to look at the nutrient requirements of your youngster, the feed nutrient content, the anatomical limitations of the young horses digestive system and the body changes involved with growth. Weanlings cannot be fed low energy, bulky feed because their digestive tracts are not large enough, instead products which offer concentrated sources of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals to help meet their nutrient requirements, like Rowen Barbary Stud Mix. By using a nutrient dense mix, which is balanced to provide the correct nutrient levels, it is possible to create the optimum dietary balance to promote skeletal development, and encourage consistent daily weight gain, reducing the risk of skeletal defects. The main concerns at this stage of the weanling’s development are the need to provide a concentrate ration to balance the forage given, and to ensure that the nutrient intake is sufficient for individual growth.

For any weanlings with a poor appetite ReadyMash Extra can be used to help create a smooth transition from milk to feed and forage. With its milk powders and glucose powders fed as a soft moist feed is particularly suited for those that struggle to chew and digest the more traditional coarse mix. Not all foals grow at the same rate as breed, sex, body condition and genetics can influence growth rate and therefore the level of nutrients required. Growth rates slow with increasing age, so fewer nutrients are required to support tissue growth. However the youngster still requires a balanced diet to maintain growth and development. Telephone 01948 880598 or visit rowenbarbary.co.uk today to get the latest feed advice to learn more.

Help for Headshakers


f your horse seems to be headshaking the first thing to do is rule out any physical cause that could be easily remedied, poor fitting tack or dental problems are common. Most true cases of headshaking are the result of central sensitisation at the trigeminal nerve. This is the major nerve which feeds sensory information from the facial area to the brain. Central sensitisation is a kind of over stimulation which means that even the tiniest stimuli can result in large nerve impulses, causing horses to headshake. Thus allergy, light, touch or even sound may trigger headshaking. While there is currently no cure for headshaking, your vet can discuss various management options. These include things like nose nets, avoiding the brightest part of the day and antihistamines to help with seasonal allergies. Supplementing magnesium has interesting potential and also gains a lot of anecdotal support. Magnesium depletion at the nerve is directly associated with the initiation and maintenance of central sensitisation. This occurs because magnesium resides in our NMDA receptors (found at the nerve endings) and plays a vital role in managing nerve impulses. When magnesium is lost from these sites, calcium is allowed to overload the nerve causing hypersensitivity. There is a need to better understand what initially triggers central sensitisation. In people there are many conditions which are known to cause damage to the nervous system resulting in central sensitisation; these include direct trauma, diabetes, tumours and shingles. Nupafeed MAHÂŽ is a unique pharmaceutical grade magnesium supplement which can be used to help reduce stress and support healthy nerve function in horses that headshake. MAHÂŽ has been scientifically developed to provide exceptional absorption, which is why it is so effective, and does not contain any ingredients which may have a compromising effect on performance. This means that you can freely adjust the feeding level to suit the needs of your horse. For more information or to purchase, please contact us: www.nupafeed.co.uk Tel: 01438 861 900 Email: info@nupafeed.net www.equi-ads.com

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20/03/2015 09:42

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20/03/2015 09:42

Feeding the Youngster the Morry Stud Way I OMEGA



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Ultimate Oil, a perfectly blended high quality oil for the optimum health, appearance and well-being of your horse • Contains a sustainable source of essential oils of Coconut, Rice Bran, Flax Seed and Sea Buck • 190+ bio-active nutrients and high ratios of Omegas 3, 6, 7 & 9 • Formulated for all leisure NEW and performance horses and ponies • Nourishes with essential fatty acids, minerals, antioxidants, and antibacterial nutrients • Relieves itching and encourages hair growth





Only ultimate products will do for the ultimate show horse… Vvivacious, now British National Champion and International Champion! Sire de Grugy Grade 1 Race Winner: Sandown 2013 Ascot 2014

f you want to start your horse or pony off on the right hoof, diet is crucial. Growing involves building body tissues, so it is important to support youngstock, as well as the stallion and pregnant or lactating mare, with a balance of nutrients through a healthy diet. Jane Steeples of Morry Stud breeds, produces and shows Mountain and Moorland ponies, Fells, Highlands and Welsh Section D’s and has found the perfect feeding routine to ensure peak health and performance... “We have tried different methods of feeding our youngstock and have found feeding Horslyx extremely successful,” she says. “Just weaned foals can arrive very stressed, timid, refusing to eat and under the weather. Most of the babies will eat hay but we have found giving them a Horslyx is a wonderful way of getting them started on hard feed. There is no waste and they can have constant access to them. They all love the taste and the most nervous and fussy eaters are soon tempted.” “We find that they relieve stress levels and reduce boredom, particularly in foals until they reach the stage that they can be safely turned out. Once they are out in the field they always have access to Horslyx to supplement the grazing with all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements they need to help produce happy healthy ponies for the show ring.” “We find the trickle feeding method kind on the gut and feel that it lessens the risk of feed related health issues and as they continue to access Horslyx throughout their training and development using the Mini Horslyx is so helpful for trailer training, introducing the vet and farrier and generally offering them a reward. Our whole show team is turned away for the winter with the 80kg Horslyx tubs and just good quality hay. They always come back in with healthy hooves, skin, coats, long healthy manes and feathers – which is all so important when showing Fell ponies.” Horslyx is the ideal solution to providing extra nutritional value in the diet of broodmares, stallions and youngstock, as the comprehensive and palatable lick helps to supplement the diet with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants, which are essential not just for healthy growth, but also fertility. Providing free access to Horslyx will also help to balance the deficiencies typically seen in modern day forage and grazing by supplying important nutrients including; magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine, cobalt, selenium and vitamin E, all of which help to support healthy growth, vitality and a strong immune system. Prices for Original, Garlic, Mobility and Respiratory Horslyx start at £10.75 and are available in 5kg, 15kg and 80kg tubs (Original, Garlic and Respiratory only). For more information visit www.horslyx.co.uk or telephone 01697 332 592.

"I’ve been using Ultimate Oil for several months now and am very pleased with it. I believe it provides my horses with many extra vitamins and nutrients required by training and this has manifested itself in improved performance and peak condition". Gary Moore Gary More Racing


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20/03/2015 09:42

Breeding Xxxxxxxxxx

Ensuring You are Prepared for Your First Foal Using only the very best bloodlines is key to success for Sara Longworth of Waverley Stud in Warwickshire when it comes to breeding talented future dressage champions. Here she provides advice on preparing for your first foal.


he birth of your first foal is undoubtedly one of the most exiting experiences for any horse owner, but this excitement can also be mixed with anxiety about what to expect and the outside chance that something could go wrong. As the owner of Waverley Stud I have seen many generations of foals born but I still find every new safe arrival a magical experience. Foaling is a natural process and most mares instinctively know what to do, but knowing that I am well prepared, with essential foaling supplies restocked, is key to my peace of mind. One month before foaling (we use an average gestation period of 342 days from the last date of covering for our calculations) our mares have a flu and tetanus vaccination. This allows some immunity to be passed to the foals, giving them protection for the first few months of life. At least three weeks before the due date we also make an appointment with our vet to unstitch any mares that have had a Caslick procedure – this is essential to prevent the mare from tearing and allow easy exit of the foal. (If you aren’t sure if your mare has a Caslick, then ask your vet to examine her at least three weeks before her due date so that appropriate action can be taken.) If you want to use an internal foal alarm (which we do not), it could be inserted by your vet at the same time.

New born foal Two or three days before the due date (or before, if it looks as though delivery will be early) we worm our mares to help prevent any eggs in the mare’s system from passing to the foal through her milk. (Always check the literature that comes with the wormer to establish that it is safe for use with pregnant mares.) By this time you will also have decided where you are going to foal your mare and where it will be turned out post foaling. We always foal our mares in the stable, but if you decide to foal your

mare outside it should be in a small paddock (so that the mare cannot take herself too far away – she will normally go to the most remote and quiet part of the field) and where there is a reliable means of artificial light in case of an emergency, as things can and do go wrong – and most foals are born after dark when it is quiet and peaceful. Any paddock should be free of obstacles and have secure fencing: post and rail is best, with the bottom rail close enough to the ground to prevent a foal rolling under it and, inadvertently, getting separated from its mother. And of course these safeguards hold true for the field you intend to use for your mare and foal after the birth. At Waverley Stud we have a number of large foaling boxes with CCTV cameras, electric light and fixed rubber floors (these are more hygienic than mats as no fluids can get underneath them and they help to cushion the inevitable tumbles of a newborn foal). The stables are thoroughly disinfected before each use. A foaling box must be larger in size than a standard stable and preferably square in shape to allow plenty of room around the mare when she goes down to foal. It should be free of sharp or projecting objects. We use a thick layer of straw as it helps to absorb birthing fluids, provides a soft landing for wobbly foals, and is non hazardous if the foal tries to eat it – it is amazing how many (continued on page 28)

Sometimes a change makes you realise what you have been missing Only the very best ingredients are used in Hickstead Horse Feeds, ensuring you peace of mind. Our horse feeds are available throughout the UK and Europe and are supported by an excellent infrastructure of high quality feed mills, logistic support and customer liaison.

Maybe it’s time to make a change? For more details about our horse feeds: visit: www.hicksteadhorsefeeds.co.uk Email: info@hicksteadhorsefeeds.co.uk Tel: 0845 0250 444 HicksteadHorseFeeds


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April 2015 | 23

20/03/2015 09:42

Tack Options Xxxxxxxxxx

Equine Products

The Bitless Alternative By Wendy Newing


- Horse Feeders - Hay Protectors - Drinking Bowls - Water Troughs - Tipping Wheelbarrows - Pony Houses

ollowing a severe injury to my horse’s tongue, which was nearly severed, I was left after her recovery with the realisation that I would never be able to use a bit in her mouth again. There are several types of bitless bridle available but my veterinary surgeon suggested that I try a Dr Cook Bitless Bridle, designed by Dr Robert Cook, a U.K. trained equine veterinary surgeon. It has been marketed in the U.S.A. since 1999. Another of his clients here in Devon was using one very successfully and praised it highly, so he suggested I might like to try one on my Lipizzaner mare, Saringa. She is a very sweet natured horse but a real hot blooded individual and strong. I have to admit that the thought of riding, especially on roads with no bit, filled me with apprehension but as it turned out these concerns were groundless. While I am not advocating going bitless for everyone this

solution for my problem has been successful. I also ride her in a Monty Roberts Dually Schooling Halter with the same amazing results. In fact I rode her out in her Dually, with reins attached to the training rings, long before I introduced her to the Dr Cook Bitless Bridle. Both methods suite her nature and anatomy incredibly well and I have to say that she goes freely and happily and shows no signs of discomfort, if anything she is much happier without a bit in her mouth. By means of a system of two loops, one over the poll and one over the nose, the bridle embraces the whole head. It provides communication by applying painless pressure across the poll, behind the ears which is a very sensitive region, down the side of the face, under the chin and across the nose. What is does not do is injure or frighten the horse in the way that a cold metal bit in the wrong hands can. Fitted properly it does not restrict the horses breathing and it is obvious from my horses attitude to life when

IN 3, 15 & 45 MUFFIN PACKS

24 | April 2015

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20/03/2015 09:43

Tack Options being ridden in either this bridle or her Dually that she enjoys the freedom while I enjoy still being in control. The aids are the same as with the bit method of control. I am a firm believer in riding with light sensitive hands whatever you use on your horse. I followed the advice for both the Dually and the bridle and schooled her in the confines of her paddock first. I have to say that initially I found steering a bit of an issue. Any subtle take-and-give of the inside hand when turning seemed to go unnoticed. Seat and leg aids are much more important when riding bitless, but we both improved as we became familiar with this new found freedom. Because the cross-under straps of the Bitless Bridle put pressure along the horse’s cheek, which may press against any sharp edges of teeth, it is best to have them checked out before using it for the first time. This was not a concern with the Dually Halter and as I said, she goes beautifully in both. Horses bolt because of fear or pain. By removing the bit one of the most common sources of pain is removed. I have heard many accounts of going bitless stopping problems with head-tossing when being ridden and for any horse with

Saringa wearing her Dr Cook Bitless Bridle

Saringa wearing her Dually Schooling Halter this problem it would certainly be worth trying. Saringa is very head and ear shy but she moves confidently, obediently and freely bitless.

Young Stock Formula


quimins’ Young Stock Formula supplement is a powdered, easy to feed supplement that has been created to support the young, growing horse through this lifestage. It contains a combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in addition to probiotics, prebiotics and Saccharomyces cerivisae to support the digestion of fibre. Young Stock Formula has been created to give the young horse the very best start in life, through providing the most advanced nutrition, using a formula that’s been thoroughly researched and developed. Available in 2kg and 4kg quantities. Prices start from £20.55. For more information see www.equimins.com, email sales@equimins.com or call 01548 531770.

(continued from page 14) may not grow sufficiently well to be able to survive their first winter and will die due to a combination of malnutrition and inclement weather. By the way, this can also be the fate of many Roe and Red Deer kids in their first winter. Those foals that survive the winter will grow very little over this period but once winter gives way to spring and summer their growth speeds up responding to the additional food energy that becomes available to them. This see-saw progression in development will continue until they are mature. Thus the growth www.equi-ads.com

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You will love our quote for your horse insurance

of these animals is significantly affected by season unlike that of the Thoroughbred. In conclusion, it is important to define the goals in feeding youngstock. The targets for liveweight gain and ultimate bodyweight determine the feeding programme. This is most critical for Thoroughbreds where there are welldefined aims (Yearling sales, etc) but for the remaining horse population, natural rhythms take over, usually with a better biological outcome! Apart from Warmbloods, not many ponies, draft horses, etc suffer from DOD………………………….!!!

Because we have people like Alice at SEIB, when she is not in the office helping you with your insurance, she is riding her horse Cabragh Lad and even competed at HOYS last year. If you love to have someone at the end of the phone that actually knows what you are talking about – call Alice or one of the team at SEIB. Look what can be included: Up to £5,000 per incident vets fee cover with choice of fixed excess – we can pay your vet direct 24 hour helpline for out of hours claims advice – manned by the SEIB team Illness/disease cover for horses up to 25 years of age providing the horse is insured with us prior to its 20th birthday

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www.seib.co.uk * Terms & Conditions apply. South Essex House, North Road, South Ockendon Essex RM15 5BE. South Essex Insurance Brokers Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

20/03/2015 09:43

Feeding Xxxxxxxxxx


This month, Keith Foster of Fine Fettle Feed shares his expertise...


n this feature, we invite experts to answer your burning questions - please email us at nutrition@equiads.com if you have an equine nutrition enquiry. (Your questions may be shortened to fit the available space.)

Q. I have heard that charcoal can benefit laminitis-prone horses - is this true and how does it help? A. Laminitis, while a multi-factorial condition, is linked to toxicity. As part of the laminitic process, blood vessels within the horse’s hoof constrict and dilate, thus inhibiting blood flow through the capillaries and leading to the accumulation of toxins within the bloodstream, and specifically within the hoof capsule. It is thought that the periods of increased blood flow to the foot lead to a higher concentration and greater exposure to trigger factors such as acids and toxins within the bloodstream. When the various laminitic factors occur, a chain of events leads to catastrophic changes to the bonds that link internals tissues to the hoof wall. However, it is possible to help prevent these changes. Natural charcoal is widely used to help keep horses’ metabolic systems healthy; it works by carrying oxygen into the horse’s system and adsorbing the toxins that have accumulated. For laminitic horses, or those prone to the condition, charcoal can be used on an ongoing basis to dispel toxins from the hoof capsule and elsewhere in the bloodstream. A consequence of this is that pH balance is restored. The feed additive Happy Tummy from Fine Fettle Feed consists entirely of 1specially-treated hardwood charcoal from Project2_Layout 1 07/08/2014 16:15 Page sustainable sources, and has a singular affinity for removing poisons. It has no medicinal properties, but simply binds itself to and removes toxins. In addition to benefitting laminitis-prone horses, it also addresses the causes of other See us at Total Confidence Live April 25th/26th

metabolic conditions such as gastric ulcers and tying-up, by removing toxins and intestinal gases. Q. Which herbs are good for horses? A. Many types of grass, herbs and some leaves are all part of a horse’s natural diet, plus a lot of quite ‘woody’, fibrous stems of hardy perennials. However in recent times, we’ve seen a dramatic decline in our semi-natural lowland grassland. Many former flower-rich hay meadows and pastures have now been replaced by lush green fields dominated by perennial rye grass. These lush swards are high in protein and fructan, a key contributor to laminitis. Meanwhile, constant cropping of land and the use of chemical fertilisers reduces the amount of micro-nutrients that healthy soils possess. So, our horses’ access to herbs has greatly diminished. In terms of recommending specific beneficial herbs, here are some of the main ones: • Hawthorn – blood pressure normaliser, heart tonic and heart-beat regulator. • Cleavers – rich in silica; increases production of white blood cells; has an antibiotic action. • Meadowsweet – analgesic, anti inflammatory and antacid properties. Helps address gastric ulceration. • Nettle – rich in Vitamin C and iron. Anti allergic; a circulatory stimulant. • Plantain – reduces inflammation of mucus membrane; antibiotic and cooling actions - may reduce overproduction of mucus in respiratory conditions. • Dandelion – the leaves are a natural diuretic, while the root is specific for the digestive system; a gentle laxative. Fine Fettle Feed has sourced a range of natural, organically grown herbs such as the above for their Full Spectrum herbal feed supplement. Racehorse trainer Scott Dixon is a fan of the blend for his string of performance equines, and says that quite apart from the benefits of the individual herbs as an additional source of nutrition, the fabulous smell aids palatability. “It ensures that even the most picky of eaters and those tired after a strenuous day and a long journey tuck in to their feeds with relish”. Visit www.finefettlefeed.com




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20/03/2015 09:43

Feeding • Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx

Pay less, get more with brand new Vetroflex Lifestages! A nimalife, the creators of Vetrofen and Vetroflex, have launched a new, innovative range of apple flavoured liquid supplements, in a new easy-to-pour grip bottle with an integrated measuring device, to complement the bestselling joint support formulation, Vetroflex Original. The unique range has been created to provide horse owners with comprehensive nutritional solutions to make everyday feeding simpler and more cost effective. With four, targeted formulations, the Vetroflex Lifestage range takes a more bio-individual approach to joint support supplements and offers a product to suit different equines at key stages of their life. In addition, the new range offers added value by providing a unique, ‘all in one’ approach to nutrition, with added ingredients to support not only joint health, but performance and vitality as well. One of the key ingredients in all four Vetroflex Lifestage formulations is the proprietary blend of collagen hydrolysate. This supplies a rich range of peptides that deliver amino acids that accumulate in the cartilage and other connective tissues with a positive impact on the synthesis of joint matrix compounds. Additional ingredients, such as Prebiotics (FOS), Antioxidants, Vitamins A, D3, E, K, C, Biotin, Methionine, Apple Cider

Vinegar, MSM, L-Carnitine can be found across the range. Vetroflex Growing is targeted at young horses in early training to support optimal bone and joint development, digestive health and hoof growth. Vetroflex Healthy is designed for all equines, and combines old and new philosophies for everyday value joint, hoof, digestive and muscle support. Vetroflex Senior has been formulated for older horses and combines joint, immune and respiratory support nutrients along with prebiotics and targeted amino acids. Vetroflex Intense is primarily for performance horses, or those needing additional support and can be used as a top up, providing additional nutritional support to the joints, muscles, digestive system and immunity, ahead of intense work and for quick recovery. The Vetroflex Lifestage range is free from banned substances and comes in 420ml and 900ml easyto-pour grip bottles. Prices start at just £12.99, or 83p per day, based on a horse weighing up to 600kg on a daily maintenance serve using a 900ml bottle. For more information tel: 0845 365 0050 to find your local Animalife Accredited Retailer or order online at www.animalife.co.uk (subject to delivery charges).

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April 2015 | 27

20/03/2015 09:43

Xxxxxxxxxx Breeding (continued from page 23) foals will try to eat the surface they are lying on within an hour or so of being born! However some experts advocate only the minimum of bedding, arguing that it helps the foal get to its feet sooner and aids balance once it is up. We set up our foaling kit in a big white Perspex container at the beginning of the season with items that will be required immediately after birth, and some that could be needed in case of emergency. It contains: • phone numbers for our vet on the lid of the box (all of us have the number in our mobile phones too) • a plentiful supply of sterile gloves for washing the mare and handling the placenta • scissors for cutting umbilical tape or tail wrap; or more seriously, in case of an emergency, for dealing with a red bag birth (where the placenta would need to be cut open), or, again in rare cases, for the need to cut the umbilical cord • canister of oxygen with nose cone, in case of red bag birth (we are also thinking of buying a full resuscitation device just in case a foal has difficulty breathing after birth) • umbilical tape or clamp, in case the umbilical cord needs tying off immediately after foaling • antiseptic spray to disinfect the umbilical stump and reduce possibility of bacterial infection • towels, to dry off and stimulate breathing in the new born foal • thermometer – for mare and new born foal • whole foal colostrum in case the mare doesn’t have any or does not produce enough • foal milk replacer in case the worst happens and the mare is lost • plastic bottle and rubber teat for feeding a foal • large container for milking the mare (in case the foal takes a long time to stand and suckle) • anti-septic spray for the umbilical cord enema (sodium phosphate type) to administer to a new born foal in • case of meconium impaction • If you don’t have good artificial light in the stable and in the yard, you will also need a strong torch or head light In a covered bucket, alongside the foaling kit, we also keep mild liquid soap for washing the udder and genital area of the mare prior to foaling, and an extra long tail bandage to keep the mare’s tail hair out of the way throughout proceedings. A head collar and lead rope always hang outside the stable door. Most of our mares tell us when foaling is imminent, with some habitually foaling before or after their due dates. Maiden mares are often late. A few days before, or even on the day itself, the udder swells (‘bags up’) and beads of colostrum begin to appear on the teat. The bulk of the foal moves backwards visibly towards the mare’s pelvis – this is particularly clear when viewed from above through the CCTV. Time to set up watch in front of the CCTV! If you don’t have CCTV you will



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Beginning to suckle have to keep checking. Before we had CCTV we used to rig up a camp bed in the box next door! Most, but not all, mares will exhibit disturbed behaviour immediately prior to foaling. They can walk the box, paw at the bedding, lie down and get up again. It is better not to interfere with your mare during delivery unless there is a problem. In my experience foaling usually occurs within 30 minutes of the waters breaking. Then the mare will lie on her side and stay down. Minutes later the foal’s feet appear, followed quickly by the nose and head. The shoulders can take a little longer to emerge, but from the moment the mare goes down and lies on her side, it is normal for the birthing process to take no more than fifteen minutes from beginning to end: and it is often much quicker than that! The mare and foal may then rest for a while following the birth before the bonding process begins. While this is happening I collect up and examine the afterbirth or placenta, laying it out on the concrete which is then scrubbed with Vircon. It should be complete and look like a baggy pair of trousers, with one ‘leg’ (the horn where the foetus grew) much bigger than the other. You should be able to identify the hole that the foal made during its birth. Even now, if I’m worried that I haven’t quite got a whole placenta, I ask my vet to check it. I then put it in a black plastic bag in a bucket where marauding wild life cannot reach it, ready for burning. The foal should start trying to get to its feet within about 30 minutes of birth – though again some are much quicker - and should be suckling within an hour to an hour and a half. There is nothing better than that noisy gurgling sucking sound as a reward for all your efforts! If it looks like it will take longer than this I tend to milk the mare and feed the colostrum to the foal in a bottle to ensure that it has the energy and health giving benefits of the mare’s colostrum beginning to go to work inside it. I do not use rugs after the birth for either mare or foal, even if it is cold, for fear of endangering a foal’s attempts to stand and its vital need to suckle. A good covering of straw over a recumbent foal, once it is dry, will keep it warm enough. My mares get a hot bran mash, with lots of molasses, after they have foaled. I think this is comforting for them, but also helps combat the tendency to colic that often accompanies foaling. Once all this is done, and I’m confident the foal can get to its feet and find milk without my help, I go to bed for a few hours. I then wake up 3 hours later and watch the CCTV to ensure the foal is suckling well. Finally, within 12 and 24 hours of birth, foals should have their blood tested to determine if they have received adequate passive transfer of antibodies from the mare’s colostrum. If the results are inadequate or even borderline the foal may need a plasma transfusion – this requirement is not unusual, and is especially common with older mares who may begin to run milk well before the birth, so losing all their colostrum. A healthy foal that has had a stress free birth will benefit from getting out in the paddock as soon as possible; this could be within the first 24 hours of birth. One of our mares however refuses to leave the stable for about 48 hours after a birth and she tells us when she’s ready to go out! If this is your first experience of foaling, make good use of the months leading up to the birth, to educate yourself on the birth process as much as possible. This knowledge could prove vital in recognising the early signs of something going wrong. It is also strongly recommended that you meet with your vet to determine what equipment and help is right for your foaling situation, to make sure you know when and how to use the equipment you have and to establish what signs or eventualities should trigger a call for emergency help. Most mares cope well with foaling without any help but it is always wise to be prepared, and in the excitement of live foaling, the organising and homework you do now will payoff handsomely. After all this is the moment you have been waiting and planning for, for some months, maybe years! To find out more about Waverley Stud, and their exceptional youngstock visit www.waverleystud.com or call Sara Longworth on (07770) 999755. www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:43

Competition • Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx

Caring for sore and tired muscles! A

bsorbine BotanicalsTM provides a relaxing reward for your horse by helping to calm and comfort tired muscles. The soothing aromatherapy of Botanicals comes in an economical concentrated Body Rinse and a convenient drip-free Massage Foam. Both forms are natural herbal products containing a blend of a dozen herbs and essential oils, including aloe vera and arnica. Chris Jacobi, General Manager, Equine Division told EquiAds, “We are delighted to launch the new Botanicals range in the UK. Our long heritage of developing horse care products, combined with the latest trends for natural herbal products, has enabled us to create these exciting new formulas and horses seem to love them!” Absorbine BotanicalsTM Body Rinse gently cools sore muscles and tendons when added to water for an after workout wash. The natural formula leaves the skin and coat conditioned with a healthy shine. It is super concentrated; just one 251ml bottle makes over 100 litres of the soothing wash. As with all Absorbine products, the Botanicals Body Rinse comes in sturdy easy-to-use packaging with a non-drip cap and handy hook to hang the bottle up easily. The bottle is even calibrated to indicate how much to use. W. F. Young Inc., launched Absorbine BotanicalsTM Natural Herbal Massage Foam and Body Rinse in the US in 2014 and the products are now available in the UK. www.absorbine.co.uk or find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ AbsorbineUK.



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Absorbine® Hamper featuring NEW BotanicalsTM Products


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ShowSheen 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner contains Pro-Vitamins to nourish the skin and strengthen hair. It deep cleans and conditions in one step leaving hair soft and manageable. (591ml)

ShowSheen Stain Remover and Whitener contains Oxi-Erasers to lift out stains. It simply sprays on and rinses off. (591ml) Limited Edition Absorbine Beach Towel for you or your horse.

For your chance to be one of the four lucky winners of this super Pamper Hamper from Absorbine just answer the following question: How many litres of body wash can be made with one bottle of Botanicals TM Body Rinse? www.equi-ads.com

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Hooflex® Natural Dressing promotes strong, healthy hoof growth with Tea Tree, Arnica and Comfrey to deep condition the hoof. (444ml Liquid) Horseman’s One Step® is a convenient leather cleaning and conditioning cream. Removes dirt, sweat, and salt and leaves no greasy residue. (15oz Cream) Visit www.absorbine.co.uk or find us on facebook www.facebook.com/AbsorbineUK Answers by email to kirsty@equiads.net or by post to Absorbine Comp; Equi-Ads Ltd., 126 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Notts NG10 4LS. Please include your telephone number. Closing date 30th April 2015. April 2015 | 29

20/03/2015 09:43



Products that really work! THE MAKERS OF:




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quine America Lamigard TRT Pellets are a highly effective supplement for horses and ponies and can be used at high levels in the short term, and at a maintenance level for long term health. Lamigard TRT will ensure your horses feet stay healthy all year round and will complement a careful feeding regime. Lamigard TRT contains powerful ingredients to help mop up excess free radicals which settle in the feet, supporting a healthy enzyme level within the hooves and providing nutrients to the internal sensitive structures, as well as promoting external hoof wall condition. Available in 454 gm (a two month supply at maintenance for an average pony) RRP £39.99 and 908 gm £69.99. Now also available in a 946ml solution RRP £24.99.


quine America LAMIGARD XXXtreme Paste provides powerful anti-oxidants to support the health of the feet, alongside targeted nutrition to encourage general health. LAMIGARD XXXtreme paste should be given over a 14 day period, a total of 5 oral pastes (servings can vary according to size of horse & pony) Follow up with Lamigard TRT Pellets or Lamigard TRT Solution to support a healthy enzyme level within the hooves and provide nutrients to the internal sensitive structures, as well as promoting external hoof wall condition. Lamigard XXXtreme Paste is available in a 60ml oral paste RRP £31.31. www.equine-america.co.uk Tel 01403 255809.

New Look, Same Great Taste


alisker Bay, the company behind the famous Likit brand, has acquired the licence to manufacture Stud Muffins. The company has wasted no time in giving the tasty treats a makeover, but while they have a brand new, modern look Stud Muffins are just as delicious as ever. Containing a host of natural ingredients, including linseed, fenugreek and whole grains, the wholesome treats will continue to be handmade with the utmost care to ensure that these scrummy snacks are as healthy as they are enjoyable. Stud Muffins come in a variety of pack sizes to suit every budget including new re-sealable bags for freshness. For further information visit www.studmuffins.co.uk or call 01655750523.

Ride Out with Rideline™


he Rideline™ boots from GRUBS are ideal for riding and stable work. The Rideline boots from Grub’s are designed for all weathers with the advanced technology that comes with every boot. Super-Dri lining with advanced 5.0 thermal engineering meaning they are breathable in warm conditions and insulating in very cold conditions, enabling a comfortable foot temperature whatever the time of year. The Outline equine sole provides safety and grip designed for the riding environment in and out of the saddle while the cupped arch supports the heel to help prevent the foot falling through the stirrup. They also incorporate the Hexzorb shock absorbing technology to help minimise shockwaves when dismounting and walking. The Rideline boots are also waterproof and have a super 100% stretch to fit most calves. Available in black and in UK sizes 4-8. They retail at around £86.00.


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20/03/2015 09:43

Xxxxxxxxxx News • Healthcare

PETPLAN SPONSOR SEVEN RIDERS P etplan Equine has announced sponsorship of seven riders in the UK from among 464 applicants who applied to be part of the programme. “We believe strongly in responsible horse ownership,” said Charlotte Collyer, senior marketing executive at Petplan Equine, “and that includes being able to provide the best care for your horse at all times. All of our seven selected riders have shown not only riding ability and determination, but also a sound approach to horse care including an appreciation of the value of insurance. They have experienced first-hand how important it is to have their horses adequately insured to cover the costs of vets’ fees and treatment when one of their horses has been injured or sick.” The seven riders include Hertfordshire equine veterinary surgeon Juliette Edmonds who was nominated for the Petplan Vet of the Year in 2014. “Insurance provides peace of mind that in an emergency there will be funds to help with vet fees or third party costs,” said Juliette. Jack Stancombe has worked for event rider Kathryn Harris for seven years. “I want my horses to have the very best care,” said the 24 year old from Gloucestershire, “and if they need treatment for injury or illness I know they well get the very best care and I won’t have to have the worry about struggling to pay the bills.” Amy Gilbert, from Cornwall who runs Biscovillack Spotted Sports Horse Stud , added: “I think when you’re insured, the confidence it instils in you as an owner gives you the chance to sit back and focus on the most important part which is getting your horse back to health, knowing you have the full financial support of your insurance company.” The seven riders selected are:

(continued from page 16) Additional points • Accurate dosing is essential and use of a weigh bridge or weigh tape should be adopted where possible. You can calculate approximate weights using girth (at the withers) and length (shoulder to buttock) measurements: weight (kg) = (girth x girth x length (cm))/11877. • Moxidectin is dangerous if eaten by dogs. • Ivermectins are dangerous to

cats, dogs and aquatic life • Foals should be wormed from 6 weeks but moxidectin should be avoided Conclusion The aim of a modern worming programme is to: • Reduce but not eradicate pasture contamination • Slow development of resistance • Provide individual animal information as well as field and population information • Be cost effective

• Rachael Jayne Barker, 30, an equine and canine sports practitioner from Nottingham who enjoys showing and side saddle • Lili Brooksby, 28, is a riding instructor and online dressage shop owner, from Rothley, Leicestershire and competes in affiliated dressage • Juliette Edmonds, 36, an equine veterinary surgeon from Royston, Hertfordshire who competes in affiliated eventing • Charlotte Edwards, 21, is a full time show jumper from Chalfont St Peter, Bucks • Amy Gilbert, 24, a part time sales assistant from St Austell, Cornwall who runs a breeding programme, the aim of which is to breed spotted sport horses. Amy competes in dressage, show jumping and eventing • Lorna Hogg, 35, local government officer from Inverurie, Aberdeenshire is a keen endurance rider • Jack Stancombe, 24, head groom/competition rider from Cirencester, Gloucestershire is pursuing a career as an event rider Further details about the riders and their horses can be found on the Petplan Equine website at www.petplanequine.co.uk/events/sponsoredriders-2015.asp and you will be able to follow their progress on www.facebook.com/PetplanEquineUK • Promote equine health Whilst not every yard should necessarily adopt the same programme with consideration of

your needs, the yard dynamics, type of horse and financial implications a sensible approach can always be found.

EQUINE VACANCIES • Harwood Eventing are looking for a working pupil. Call 01544 327583 • Stud groom required for 2015/16 season. Must have HGV licence. Suit couple. More information from williambryer@hotmail.com • Head groom for family yard with a team of three. Cambridge/ Newmarket area. Contact tim@rawbotswana.com • Area Sales manager required for South East England by Allen & Page. Ideally resident in Suffolk/Essex. More info from PA@ allenandpage.com • Writtle College require lecturer in equine science. Details on web site www.writtle.ac.uk • Riding instructor wanted in busy yard, includes schooling horses. 0l912 615544 • Horse and carriage driver required to work on Sark, CI. Call after 8pm 0148l 832342 Send your equestrian vacancies to Equi-Ads for quick response. Bob@equiads.net www.equi-ads.com

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April 2015 | 31

20/03/2015 09:44

Xxxxxxxxxx Training



ast month we looked at how to mount in a way which gives the least disturbance to the horse’s back. One of the main aspects of classical riding is consideration for the horse. The more pleasant we can make the experience for the horse; the more pleasant will be our experience of riding. How to sit in the saddle is of utmost importance, not only to our comfort and that of the horse, but sitting in a classical seat means that we are in good balance with the horse and therefore much safer. In addition to us being so much less likely to fall off, the horse will be able to perform under our weight with a lot more ease and beauty in his steps. The seat I am about to describe is the one to be adopted for what we term ‘flatwork’, i.e. not jumping or cross country riding; neither of which, as a beginner, you will be doing just yet. It is quite possible to adapt the flatwork seat in order to ride classically, in balance with the horse, over obstacles; but this is something to consider in the future.

Opening the Hips

After easing your weight gently into the saddle, it is essential that you open your hips as wide as possible. When you are new to riding, this is not always easy, especially if you are not accustomed to any type of stretching exercises, such as Yoga or something similar. There is a ligament in the human groin area which needs to be gradually stretched to enable flexibility and full opening of the hips. This ligament cannot be stretched suddenly or you will do yourself an injury. It would be extremely useful if you could practice some stretching exercises before your first riding lesson, but be prepared for some aches and pains in this area, as well as buttocks and inner thigh areas. It takes time to build up good flexibility and strength for riding, so be patient. Once you have opened your hips to the fullest extent you can comfortably manage, then relax your legs downwards, allowing your weight to fall into your heels. The Last Thing you want to emulate is a ‘chair seat’

One of the earliest written words, and a famous quotation, from 32 | April 2015

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a great riding master circa 400 BC (Xenophon ‘The Art of Horsemanship’) is “I do not approve of a seat which is as though the man were on a chair, but rather as though he were standing upright with his legs apart.” So sitting on a horse should not be at all like sitting on a chair, or in fact on anything else. It is helpful to think of it as sitting ‘into’ the saddle rather than ‘on it’. You need to have equal weight on each seat bone and a small amount of weight on the crutch area. This is a concept which has caused a lot of confusion over the years. The crutch area does not mean the pubic bone, but the crutch area encompasses the upper inner thighs, which should be in contact with the saddle and take a small amount of weight. It is helpful if you can contact the saddle with the front part of your inner thigh; if necessary rolling the excess flesh backwards. An Upright Torso

Your upper torso should be held erect, supported by your abdominal and lower back muscles. This support should come from toned muscles rather than tense ones. Again, building strong core muscles here is something which can be greatly helped by appropriate exercises before ever mounting a horse. As a beginner, try to think of sitting tall, with an expanded chest; lift your shoulders up back and down, allowing your elbows to rest on your side. Try to obtain this position without stiffness and tension and imagine being pulled up by the top of your head, which should be erect with the chin slightly pulled towards your chest, rather than poking your chin forwards. At The Spanish Riding School of Vienna they have a motto - ‘up the body, down the weight’, meaning that from the waist upwards you sit tall and from the waist down you allow your weight to flow down to your heels. If you can have a look at the way the riders of this school ride (there are plenty of photographs on the internet etc.) then this should give you inspiration. Keep your seat in the centre of the saddle, just behind the pommel

The best place for the rider to sit is

Classical Trainer Paul Belasik and rider Francis Peto demonstrate the stability of the classical seat - photo- Black Tent Photography www.blacktent.co.uk just behind the withers, where the horse’s back is at its strongest. This is just behind the pommel at the front of the saddle. The weakest part of the back is the loins, just behind the saddle. This is why it is important, not only for your own balance and stability, but for the horse’s sake, to keep a modicum of weight on the crutch area (as described earlier) and not to allow allow weight to tip back onto your buttocks, sliding to the back of the saddle. This latter scenario is likely to happen if you ‘collapse’ at the waist. That is if you fail to support yourself upwards with strong core muscles. Riders who ‘collapse’ at the waist are in dire risk of tipping out of the saddle over the horse’s shoulder and onto the ground given the slightest mishap, say if the horse should trip or suddenly stop. (See photo illustrating the stability of the classical seat). Your riding instructor should help you to adjust your stirrups to the correct length. As a beginner you will probably need them a little shorter than ideal, as you may lose them by inadvertently gripping upwards. Gripping with the legs, be it lower leg calf muscles or inner thigh muscles is something to be avoided if at all possible, as this will make your seat bounce upwards; making a fall much more likely. However, things do not always go to plan in the beginning, and if this happens in a moment of imbalance, you need to be able to keep your feet in the stirrups. As a general rule when looking at the rider from the side, there should be a straight line from the head, through the shoulders, hips and then heel; with a slight bend at the

knee. There should be no tension or gripping with the legs; rather a feeling of ‘draping’ the legs around the horse. The lower legs should contact the horse’s side with the inner calf muscles, rather than the rear calf muscles. This will require that your toes point forwards rather than outwards. This position is not easy to attain at first since it requires the ability to open the hips and as already mentioned, this may not be fully possible at first. The lowest part of your lower leg should be your heel, but do not force the heel down too hard or you will cause tension elsewhere and may end up rocking backwards on your seat bones. Keeping the correct muscles toned

Whilst you need to strive for toned and supportive (although not stiff or tense) abdominal and lower back muscles, it is important to avoid any tension in the buttock or inner thigh and calf muscles. These muscles should be kept soft and pliable in order to play their part in absorbing the movement of the horse. As previously mentioned, tension here will cause you to bounce, rather like a bouncing pogo stick, which is very unsafe and uncomfortable for you and the horse. To learn more about the classical seat, there are many good books (apart from my own) on the market, such as Sylvia Loch’s ‘The Classical Seat’ published by Horse & Rider & D.J. Murphy (Publishers) Ltd., and her Classical Seat series of videos, available from The Classical Seat Video Company – Tel: 01502 500272

Anne Wilson is a freelance classical riding trainer, based in Bedfordshire; trained with Sylvia Loch and holder of the Classical Riding Club Gold Award Certificate. Phone 01234 772401 or email: annewilsondressage@hotmail.co.uk www.classicalridingannewilson.com. See Anne’s book ‘Riding Revelations – Classical Training from the Beginning’ available from www.blacktent.co.uk www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:44

Xxxxxxxxxx Training • Bedding

Classical Horses by Wendy Newing


he classical system of riding and training horses, which deplores the use of force, reached its height in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. The dressage we know today evolved from training horses for the battlefield. In classical riding, sometimes called classical dressage, the rider is in perfect balance with the movements of the horse and the rider’s aids are so light and subtle as to be imperceptible to the observer. In its highest form horses are trained to a standard beyond advanced dressage. All types of horses are able to be trained by the classical method but the finest horses for the really advanced work, ‘The Airs Above The Ground’ are the Iberian breeds, the Lusitano of Portugal, the Spanish Horse and the famous Lipizzaner. This Austrian horse has Spanish origins which is why Austria’s renowned centre of equestrian excellence is called ‘The Spanish Riding School of Vienna’. Iberian horses are characterised by

compactness of frame, which makes their movements powerful, rounded and extremely lively. They are naturally collected, with shortened and elevated strides and gather themselves into a position of matchless balance. These horses also have wonderfully kind and gentle temperaments and being so athletic and intelligent are the perfect saddle horse. Classical riding at its most flamboyant and beautiful is seen when the riders literally ‘dance’ to music with their horses. The sight appeals to our human emotions on a very deep level and is appreciated enormously, even by the non-horsey observer. Pictured top right, the Lusitano stallion Eolitico is ridden by classical riding master Jorge Pereira and performs one of the ‘airs above the ground,’ levade. This horse was originally used for bullfighting, where his natural athleticism was to prove a lifesaver! In the picture below Jorge rides another ex-bullfighting stallion, in piaffe.

SPILLERS® chosen as official feed supplier


PILLERS® has been selected as the official feed supplier for Musketeer Event Management’s Horse Trials this year. They will be providing feed, free nutrition advice and a weighbridge service at Houghton International Horse Trials and the new Whitfield Horse Trials this year. They will also be fence sponsor at Burnham Market International Horse Trials. Sarah Kitson, SPILLERS® Brand Manager, told Equi-Ads: “lt’s an honour to have been chosen as the official feed supplier for these key

events, which complement our existing relationships with Badminton Horse Trials and Horse of the Year Show. We are the feed of choice for many top riders and look forward to meeting all the competitors, both amateur and professional during the eventing season.” SPILLERS® has a collection of more than 30 feeds to suit every type of horse or pony, including an assortment of complementary fibres and balancers, low energy mixes and cubes, competition and conditioning feeds and specialist breeding and racing products. For friendly feeding advice please telephone the SPILLERS® Care-Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or visit www.spillers-feeds.com.

Greenest bedding on the planet!


xfordshire-based The Green Bedding Company has launched a new bedding for horses, said to be the industry’s most eco-friendly. The company utilises entirely recycled cardboard, which is cleaned, shredded and dust extracted prior to hand-baling. It is virtually dust free, hence is ideal for equines prone to respiratory conditions, and creates a warm, springy and exceedingly cost-effective bedding base. The Green Bedding Company founder Simon Haigh says consumers will also be amazed by the price. “Because our product is 100% recycled, we can retail it from as low as £3.75 a bale, making it one of the cheapest baled bedding products around,” he states. This highly absorbent bedding has the industry’s most eco-friendly credentials, Simon believes. “GreenBed is biodegradable and 100% recycled from cardboard that is needlessly disposed of each year by businesses in our local region. We recycle these wasted products into carbon-neutral, costefficient bedding that is hand-baled, again reducing energy consumption, providing a highly absorbent, 100% recycled, spore-free solution,” Simon adds. GreenBed cardboard bedding drains fluids quickly away to the bottom of the bed, allowing the top layer to stay dry, meaning only the bottom layer needs removal, resulting in less waste and cost. The Green Bedding Company’s carbon footprint is tiny, compared to other bedding producers, which sufficiently impressed the organisers of the 2014 Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials to instate The Green Bedding Company as Official Bedding Supplier of the Trials. The bedding firm also sponsors event rider Izzy Taylor, who says GreenBed has revolutionised her mucking out. “It’s odourfree, simple to use and offers a clean, cosy bed,” Izzy states. GreenBed is available in single 84L bales, as well as half and full pallets. The company’s delivery structure maximises transportation and fuel efficiency. Nationwide delivery is available without compromising The Green Bedding Company’s carbon-neutral credentials. Orders are shipped within 3-5 days and free delivery is offered, with bulk purchasing recommended. Bedding may also be collected from the Upper Heyford-based storage facility. The firm would also like to hear from Oxfordshire-based companies, or those close to the M40, that can provide unwanted cardboard. Call 01869 233 588 to order, or shop online at www.thegreenbeddingcompany.co.uk www.equi-ads.com

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W W W. T H E G R E E N B E D D I N G C O M P A N Y. C O . U K April 2015 | 33

20/03/2015 09:44

Xxxxxxxxxx Training

HORSE BEHAVIOUR - Speaking the language part 30 A series by SUSAN McBANE explaining equestrian and scientific terminology in relation to equine behaviour and psychology, and its effects on horses and training. (This series is based on a glossary of equestrian and scientific terms presented in ‘Equitation Science’ by McGreevy and McLean, 2010, the standard work on the subject. The glossary definition is given in quotation marks, followed by Susan’s discussion.)

CONFLICT BEHAVIOUR: ‘A set of responses of varying duration that are usually characterised by hyperreactivity and arise largely through confusion. In equitation, confusions that result in conflict behaviours may be caused by application of simultaneous opposing signals (such as go and stop/slow/step-back) such that the horse is unable to offer any learned responses sufficiently and is forced to endure discomfort from relentless rein and leg pressures. Attempts to flee the aversive situation result in hyper-reactivity. In addition, the desired response to one or both cues diminishes. Conflict behaviours may also result from one signal eliciting two or more responses independently, such as using the reins to achieve vertical flexion independently of the stop/ slow/step-back response, or using a single rein to bend the neck of the horse independently of its previously conditioned turn response. Similarly, conflict behaviour may result from incorrect negative reinforcement, such as the reinforcement of inconsistent responses, incorrect responses, no removal of pressure or no shaping of responses. Often referred to as evasions and resistances.’ Hyper-reactivity/hyper-reactive behaviour: A state of arousal (excitement/fear) brought on by a situation that the horse perceives as a threat to his comfort or safety. ‘Stress hormones’ circulate in the horse’s body as part of his instinctive flightor-fight response. The horse will be very tense with a raised heart rate and have a ‘hollow’ posture, with head up, eyes wide and nostrils flared, ready to gallop away. His leg movements will be rapid with short strides and, if restrained, he will ‘paddle’ and swing around as he tries to escape.

34 | April 2015

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He may shy, nap/run backwards, buck, rear or bolt. Because conflict behaviours relate to the horse’s safety, structures in his brain set off a chain of hormonal responses which gear up his body for flight (or fight if necessary) so that he can protect himself against whatever is distressing him. The horse has little or no control over this procedure but quickly learns these behaviours, and they can be very difficult to eradicate. Negative reinforcement is the removal or subtraction (hence ‘negative’) of something unpleasant such as pressure from leg, whip or bit, to reward the correct response to an aid. The word ‘reinforcement’ is used because correct, well-timed negative reinforcement strengthens (reinforces) the likelihood of that response to that aid happening again. Shaping is the progressive, step-bystep training of a horse towards a ‘goal’ behaviour set by the trainer, such as standing still, half-pass or loading into transport. Failure to progress the training in very small steps, each building on the previous one in a rational way, is likely to result in conflict behaviours due to the trainer rushing the process, and/or not making it clear to the horse.

Evasions and resistances, such as the behaviours mentioned above, are self-defensive actions taken by the horse to relieve his discomfort, pain or fear. Because of the predominance of domineering attitudes and training practices in much conventional and traditional equestrianism, such words were/are used to imply some kind of wickedness, laziness, stupidity, unwillingness, stubbornness and the like on the part of the horse. In fact, evasions and resistances are triggered by whatever we are asking, demanding or doing to the horse causing him, perhaps unknown to us, discomfort, pain or fear. Probably the two most common causes of conflict behaviour are applying opposing aids at the same time and incorrect use of negative reinforcement, so let’s see what is involved. OPPOSING AIDS Regular readers of my articles cannot but be aware of the futility and unfairness of giving conflicting aids such as ‘go’ with the legs’ and ‘stop’ or ‘slow down’ with the hands/bit at the same moment, yet this sort of thing is actually taught as ‘the thing to do’ almost everywhere where lessons are given. Of course, no animal, or human, can do two opposing things at the same time, so if we can’t do so how can we expect a horse to do it? And how dare we punish him when he fails to accomplish something impossible? The problem is that somewhere in the dim and distant past of equestrianism, before the 1950s, anyway, which I imagine is the dim and distant past to most of EquiAds’ readers or, more likely, actually outside their experience, someone went a bit overboard (which seems to be a human failing) with the idea of keeping a pleasant, light contact on the bit and thought of keeping the horse on his job, or rather up to his bit, by almost constantly using their legs to make him maintain the contact. In nearly every school of equestrian thought that I know of, horses are taught in their earliest days of training (being ‘broken in’, ‘started’, ‘backed’ or, in Equitation Science (ES) terms, put through their Foundation Training) that pressure on their sides means ‘go forward’ and pressure on both sides of their mouths means ‘stop’. They are intelligent creatures and pick this up fairly smartly. They also work out that pressure on one side of the mouth (a pull on the rein, in our terms) means ‘turn this way’.

So, the horse can go, stop and turn. Pretty soon, he is asked to slow down by the identical aid which he thinks means ‘stop’, yet the pressure on his sides is also telling him to keep going. At this point, he must start to get a bit worried, but this is how it is from then on in most cases. If the rider keeps a light, hand-holding contact on the bit – just in touch with no unrelenting pressure as such – the horse can probably cope and start to look to the bit for guidance. However, if the contact amounts to pressure sufficient to pull back the corners of the horse’s mouth, this, obviously, is telling him to stop or slow down all the time. If he does so, the pressure on his sides increases and tells him not to do that but to go on. The rider might, indeed, be trying to keep the horse going ‘forward’ actively, or might be ‘riding him up to the contact’ because ‘that’s what we do’. Faulty ideas spread through any culture like wildfire if people perceive them as being easier, quicker or more effective than what they did previously, even if they don’t make sense. You can see where this is all leading, and how it infiltrates a horse’s training until he accepts it as the norm and has to find some other way of deciding what the rider wants. It’s miraculous that so many of them manage to do this. However, apart from this being extremely unfair to the horse, it results in both the leg and bit aids ceasing to be light and immediately obeyed. The horse can become dull to the leg and heavy in hand, so the rider/trainer resorts to using spurs strongly (and not always smooth, blunt ones), heavy whip strokes, harsher bits, sawing and jabbing on the horse’s mouth, cranking up the noseband so he cannot ‘evade the bit’ by opening his mouth to relieve himself of the pain, and so on – almost anything that will make the horse obey. Depending on his temperament, the horse might slog on and try to endure it, or he might understandably resort to conflict behaviours. The only people who might blame him for this are those who do not understand how horses learn, are not ‘thinking’ riders willing to educate themselves and keep up to date, and do not try to see things from the horse’s point of view. NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT From the negative reinforcement angle, it clearly does not exist in the above scenario. As a simple example of negative reinforcement, imagine (continued on page 38) www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:44

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Poor horn quality

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20/03/2015 09:44

Competition Xxxxxxxxxx • News



‘Dead’ racehorse wins Point to Point!


Equi-Ads have teamed up with the organisers to offer five readers the chance of winning a pair of tickets to this fantastic event. The four days combine great shopping with top-level competition and demonstrations from leading experts, for a fun-filled, action packed event. Held on June 18 to 21 at Bolesworth Castle, Cheshire, this great day out promises to deliver in so many ways. You can be confident you’ll catch leading international riders, watch top class competition and see many spectacular performances, as well as experiencing fantastic shopping and entertainment. Watch the excitement unfold during the CSI**** International, held in the magnificent main arena complete with its own moat. See the Eventing Grand Prix, test leading event riders to their limits or join in the the fun of the Pony Club games. Enjoy the elegance of the Dressage competition or watch the exhilarating Puissance. Set in beautiful surrounds the show offers something for everyone. From camel racing to a world champion jet skier doing demonstrations on the lake, Zorbing to bird of prey displays, you will be amazed and enchanted by the variety on offer. Explore all the show provides in the wide ranging shopping village where you can enjoy the delights of the fine food pavilion and fashion marquee. To be in with your chance of winning a pair of Bolesworth International adult tickets, answer the question below: How many days does Bolesworth International run for? Please email your answer to: kirsty@equiads.net or post it with your name, address and telephone number to Bolesworth International Competition, Equi-Ads Ltd.,126 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Notts. NG10 4LS. Entries must be received by 30th April 2015

To book your tickets for Bolesworth International or for more information go to


36 | April 2015

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IFE wasn’t exactly Oscar Flyer trained by Carolyn Woods and flying for racehorse ridden by Sam Welton Oscar Flyer when he ended up at a Devon abbatoir but fortune favoured the handsome bay who was thankfully bought in the nick of time. And the faith shown by the Welton family recently paid dividends when he won on his first outing with them at South Durham Hunt Farmers Point to Point at Mordon. Now eight-years-old Oscar had a tendon injury which put paid to his training at his previous yard and he was destined to be sold at Exeter Horse Sales some 18 months ago. It is definitely a family affair with Oscar Flyer trained by Carolyn Woods, ridden by her partner Sam Welton and owned by his parents Val and Keith. The dream success couldn’t have come at a better time with Carolyn also due to give birth and many around her were cautious of the celebrations getting too exciting after the win. Said Carolyn: “Oscar was taken to the sales but failed to sell so we approached the abbatoir owner to see if we could buy him. He wanted a home for him rather than him going for meat as he is such a lovely horse in his prime so the deal was done. “He cost £280 and we are so pleased his first race was us was a winning one,” added the North Yorkshire-based trainer. “When we first bought him he went on box rest for two months before having a year turned away. He has come back in great shape and his legs are now strong and healthy. “It was only a maiden race but it was so fantastic for everyone. Not only are his legs tough and strong he also looks in fantastic race fitness with TopSpec Racing Feed Balancer and TopSpec Turbo forming his daily feed regime. “Bringing a racehorse back from injury and turning him into a winner is a fantastic feeling – it couldn’t be better,” added Carolyn. For more information visit www.topspec.com or call the TopSpec Nutritional Helpline on 01845 565030.

Is your horse lonely and stressed? A

recent study published in Physiology and Behaviour suggests that traditional stables are not necessarily good for your horse. Kelly Yarnell from Nottingham Trent University said "Inadequate housing design potentially causes stress and and negative consequences on the health and well-being of horses despite the fact it can be easily addressed by introducing windows or shared areas. The study argues that horses are healthiest and happiest when in the paddock. Lee Hackett (British Horse Society) said "This is a really interesting study and one we should definitely use to inform the way we keep horses". "We have long championed that horses should not be kept alone and that stables should be designed to allow visual, and if possible, physical contact. They are herd animals and are not well suited to solitary living.


20/03/2015 09:44



I am looking to buy a new horse and see in some adverts horses are sold with a saddle and bridle, do you think that is a benefit or should it be avoided? Answer:

The Society of Master Saddlers replies: Although at first glance it can appear like a ‘bargain’ to buy a horse with tack it may not always be a positive. Obviously the most important aspect to find out is, if you like the horse enough to want to buy it, does the tack really fit as well as it should. Don’t automatically assume that the saddle fits - although there is no excuse today for using ill-fitting tack, the seller may not have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to correct saddle fitting and they could simply be using a saddle they already had when they bought the horse in the first place. Unfortunately a buyer caught in this type of situation often tends to be fairly novice and may simply assume the deal they are getting is a good one! There may be situations where the seller blatantly takes advantage of a first-time buyer and in these cases The Society of Master Saddlers would encourage those new to horse ownership to take a more experienced person with them. As well as making sure the saddle and bridle fit correctly, also take the time to make sure the tack is in good condition. Over the years there have been many instances where a Society of Master Saddlers, Qualified Saddle

Fitter has been to check the saddle for owners of a new horse or pony and come away very disillusioned. It can often be the case that the new owner was thrilled to bits when the seller informed them they were providing the tack as well to help them out. But in many instances the tack can be scratched and very well worn, with even some of the stitching loose and the girth being used too long. Similar instances include stirrup leathers not being a pair and saddle flocking that has become flat, hard and lumpy. Such cases definitely put a different perspective to the saying ’never look a gift horse in the mouth’! The stories often involve dishonesty and a certain stretching of the truth but problems can also occur even when a seller’s intentions are totally honest. In an ideal situation it is sensible to have all tack, and the fitting, checked by a Society of Master Saddlers’ qualified fitter – but they will obviously expect to charge a fee. What happens if the saddle and/ or the bridle don’t fit – or need substantial repairs? These are extra costs that won’t have been expected, and therefore considered, at the time of the purchase! Buying a horse or pony ‘complete with tack’ often represents good value and can be hassle-free – but it is a purchase that should never be entered into on the assumption that everything will be alright. Information about the Society of Master Saddlers can be found on the website: www.mastersaddlers. co.uk or telephone 01449 711642.

NEXT MONTH The impact of obesity Nursing the severe lami-case Hooves/laminitis Training aids Walkers/treadmills PLUS competitions, news and much more besides... COPY DEADLINE 10TH APRIL EDITORIAL TO BOB@EQUIADS.NET www.equi-ads.com

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20/03/2015 09:44

Training Xxxxxxxxxx (continued from page 34) riding along in walk on your horse with a light but present contact on the bit, your legs hanging down his sides touching but not pressuring them. You decide you want to trot so you give him a squeeze with your legs, making sure you do not increase your bit pressure, which would cancel out the squeeze if strong enough. You keep your contact the same, bearing in mind that, because of the horse’s naturally changed and stiller head carriage in trot, the reins will feel a little looser, so you might need to take them up to restore your light-butpresent contact. As soon as the horse trots you stop squeezing (‘subtracting the aid’) and keep your legs in touch without actual pressure as you trot along. (You don’t stop your leg aid till he does trot, otherwise you will reward him for not trotting. Doing that is one example of faulty negative reinforcement.) You have correctly applied negative reinforcement. Your horse has understood what you wanted and is trotting for you. The whole, simple process was easy, understandable and not unpleasant, therefore you have correctly reinforced (strengthened) the likelihood of his obeying your squeeze the next time you apply it. He will probably do so straight away, confident in his action. If he did find the squeeze a little unpleasant, your immediate removal of it as soon as he trotted has taught him what to do to stop the squeeze in future. You have reinforced the aid and the result. (The reason for ceasing your aid and (see later in article) giving a reward immediately, within a second or two at most, is so that the horse can link or associate his action (in this case trotting) with your aid, and your pleasant reward. He needs to experience them very close together or his brain will not make the connection.) You are also not making the common error of riding him up to a significant bit pressure. You are keeping your light but present contact via the bit on his tongue and lips. Therefore, when you want to apply a little more pressure on the bit to ask

him to slow down, he will be able to feel it as a message from you. He will also be able to tell from your body and seat whether he is to keep trotting but slower or come down to walk. You can reinforce his good deeds even better by getting him used to hearing ‘good boy’ or whatever you choose, in a pleased, identical tone immediately he obeys, followed within one second by a rub on the side of his withers. The ‘good boy’ tells him the rub is coming, and the rub itself is the main ‘gift’ for him, similar to mutual grooming in horses, which makes him feel good by lowering his heart rate and inducing relaxation. Pats and thumps, however, mean ‘get lost’ in horse language (like bites and kicks) so are not what you meant at all and not likely to reinforce the desired response in future, and delighted shrieks of ‘good boy’ are very unpleasant (horses being such quiet animals by nature) and can even be frightening. Conflict behaviours here we come. The above is a very simple description of negative reinforcement but I hope it helps to perhaps clarify things. OTHER TRIGGERS Of course, conflict behaviours can be caused by any distressing situation the horse may find himself in. Anything at all that makes him uncomfortable, gives him pain or causes him fear will of course make him want to get out of the situation in any way he can. Horses are not stupid and they obviously understand when they cannot escape. If they can they will flee (the flight response) but if they can’t they will fight, and a panicking, frightened horse is extremely dangerous to himself and anyone nearby. If poor riding and training and bad care and management are the norm, many horses, depending on their temperament, will cease to go into defence mode (which is what conflict behaviours indicate) and become resigned, dull, withdrawn and, more and more experts believe, depressed. This state is widely believed to show a ‘nice, quiet horse’ but in fact is the

‘‘IT’S A REAL ‘LIGHTBULB’ READ!’’ said a subscriber about TRACKING-UP magazine published by In our new issue: THINK FOR YOURSELF, Lesley Skipper: LOOSE SCHOOLING, Anne Wilson: A NEW TEST FOR TAPEWORM, David Booth: COPING WITH FEAR AND DISTRESS, Susan McBane: EVERY ONE UNIQUE, Lesley Skipper: SCHOOLING WITH JOY, Sylvia Loch: A LOGICAL, NEW TRAINING SCALE, Dr. Andrew McLean: IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS, Margaret Aspinall: HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG?, Lesley Skipper: plus Gastric Ulcers; Military Equitation and Dressage, pt 4; Judging Grand Prix Dressage, part 3; Xenophon, the man and his legacy; books and more


Tracking-up is a non-profit, quarterly magazine. Printed copies are £5.27 per issue or £18.98 for a 4-issue subscription. Digital copies are £4.00 per issue or £14 for a 4-issue subscription. Clearly print your name and address (and email for digital) plus ‘TUA26’, on the back of your cheque payable to ‘Tracking-up’ and post it to Anne Wilson, Park End House, Robins Folly, Thurleigh, Beds., MK44 2EQ.

38 | April 2015

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Issue 26 – February 2015

New Horse & Pony Cubes and Mix


OR horses and ponies in light to medium work new Equerry Horse & Pony Cubes and Mix provide the ideal option. Helping to maintain condition and offering a medium energy level, the cubes and mix include a high fibre formula to support a healthy digestive system. Good levels of protein for muscle tone and development are included while oil promotes a shiny coat. Equerry Horse & Pony Cubes and Mix have added vitamins and minerals including magnesium for all round health and vitality. 20kg bag – Horse & Pony Cubes £9.95 / Horse & Pony Mix £10.95. For more information contact Equerry Horse Feeds on 01845 565640 or visit www.equerryhorsefeeds.com

result of the horse having given up, having learned that he is powerless to change things. It is known as ‘learned helplessness’. If it happened to a human it would be regarded by our society as abuse. Unfortunately, not many people in the horse world regard it as abuse yet, other than behavioural experts, some vets., psychologists and the like, but it is, and it is very common. Just a few of the situations which can cause conflict behaviours are: badly fitting and adjusted tack which can cause real pain, and the same goes for rugs and other items a horse may have to wear; bad riding which the horse cannot understand; being overfaced in his work such as by being worked too hard and too long, or being asked to perform movements or jump obstacles which he simply cannot manage; bad handling which, again, confuses and frightens horses, especially when the people involved start to get rough with the horse (‘punishment for being naughty’) whom they have caused to ‘misbehave’ and whom they probably now cannot control because the horse associates them with discomfort, pain and fear; and finally, conflict behaviours can surface simply because a horse does not feel content or even safe in his lifestyle, is in a permanent state of anxiety and very near the borderline of fleeing or fighting.

on riding tuition brought about by our blame-and-claim culture which, in turn, has spawned the probably necessary rigours of health and safety requirements and expensive insurance. But all is not lost! There is a better way to go and you can find it by following up the contacts given in the next paragraph. They could well open up for you a completely new (and partially old) type of horse world which is more fulfilling for people and safer and happier for horses.

CHANGES FOR THE WORSE I have no choice but to lay the blame for the apparent increase in equine conflict behaviours on two changes in the horse world over the past few decades. One is the increasingly pervading attitude in the horse world of autocratic dominance over horses as opposed to seeking much more of a partnership. This is partly due to the second change which is the decreasing standards of riding and real horse knowledge and committed caring, compared with a few decades ago. It’s true that we have fewer good riding schools left because of our economy and the damaging effects

SUSAN McBANE has an HNC in Equine Science and Management, is a Classical Riding Club listed trainer and Gold Award holder, co-founder of the Equine Behaviour Forum and a Practitioner Member of the International Society for Equitation Science. Author of 44 books, she is a co-publisher of ‘Tracking-up’ (see advert this issue). For lessons and clinics in and near Lancashire, ring 01254 705487 or email horses@ susanmcbane.com

LEARN MORE AT: The Australian Equine Behaviour Centre (www. aebc.org.au), EquiSci (www. equitationscience.co.uk), the International Society for Equitation Science (www.equitationscience. com), the Classical Riding Club (www.classicalriding.co.uk), and the Equine Behaviour Forum (www. equinebehaviourforum.org.uk). Also, follow up the links and publications on each site. (The Equine Behaviour Forum published the full glossary in its magazine, ‘Equine Behaviour’. A hard copy costs £3.50 and a digital copy (include your email address) costs £2.50. Please make your cheque payable to ‘Equine Behaviour Forum’ and send it to the Editor, Dr Alison Averis, 6 Stonelaws Cottages, East Linton, East Lothian, EH40 3DX.)


20/03/2015 09:44

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20/03/2015 09:44

Competition Xxxxxxxxxx • Feeding



Equi-Ads has teamed up with Alltech to give away two pairs of tickets to The Royal Windsor Horse Show, where Alltech are proud sponsors of the CSI 3* Alltech Grand Prix for The Kingdom of Bahrain Trophy.

Robert Whitaker & Catwalk- Wnner's of The Grand Prix for The Kingdom of Bahrain Trophy at Royal Windsor Horse Show in 2014

The Royal Windsor Horse Show is the UK’s largest outdoor show with international competitions in four different disciplines, set in the beautiful surroundings of Windsor Castle. The tickets up for grabs are for Saturday May 16th, where the lucky winners will get to enjoy top class show jumping from an international field, the excitement of the Land Rover International Driving Marathon, the legendary Shetland Pony Grand National and displays including the impressive musical drive from The Household Cavalry. Members’ badges will also be included to allow you to sample the atmosphere of the Members Enclosure. Situated alongside the Royal Enclosure, the Members Enclosure enjoys views over the Main Castle Arena, with a seated lawned area, a Members Restaurant, Bar and Café and Members Seating. The Royal Windsor Horse Show takes place from 13th – 17th May. To Enter simply answer the following question: What is the name of the trophy that Alltech sponsor at the show?



pring can be an important season for horse owners, with the competition season getting underway and the change in weather, which should allow many horses to be turned out. Adjustments may need to be made to feeding regimes to allow for changes in work and daily routine. Whatever the time of year, though, good quality forage should always provide the basis of any equine diet. HorseHage offers four varieties of dust-free bagged forage, with an option to suit all types of horses and ponies, from laminitics, which can safely be fed the Timothy and High Fibre varieties, to performance horses in hard work which require the optimum levels of protein provided by the Ryegrass or Alfalfa HorseHage. Chaffs, such as Mollichaff, can help to bulk out the hard feed and by stimulating the production of saliva and slowing the passage of food through the gut, can help to promote good digestion and will satisfy a stabled horse’s psychological need to chew. There are several varieties and one that is very popular for the show season is Mollichaff ShowShine - a cherry-flavoured, high oil chaff.for the ultimate in show condition. The range also includes three complete fibre feeds for horses and ponies, which can be an economical choice for many owners in today’s financial climate as when fed in the recommended amounts, only additional forage is required. These complete feeds – Mollichaff Calmer, Condition and HoofKind - are carefully balanced and contain all the minerals and vitamins needed. HoofKind is ideal for laminitics – a condition that can be very prevalent in the Spring. For further information and advice on feeding contact the HorseHage Helpline on 01803 527257 or visit www.horsehage.co.uk

Easter break in Ireland W

aiting to be explored, Castle Leslie Estate is located in County Monaghan in Ireland, within 1,000 acres of undulating Irish countryside. It is dotted with ancient woodlands and glittering lakes, offering an idyllic setting for riding, as well as many other outdoor activities. Castle Leslie Estate is proud to be one of Europe’s finest equestrian playgrounds, offering truly memorable horse riding holiday experiences for riding enthusiasts of all levels. Guests can enjoy three night's luxurious accommodation in The Castle or The Lodge which includes a hearty Irish breakfast each morning and a sumptuous dinner in the 2 AA Rosette award winning Snaffles Restaurant on two selected evenings. In addition, this package includes a one hour hack around the Estate each day. From £323 per person at The Lodge and from £359 per person at The Castle. So don't delay; book your getaway today! For further information or to book, visit the website at www.castleleslie.com or to speak to a member of the team: Tel: +353 (0) 47 88 100.

To have the chance of winning, please email your answer to: kirsty@equiads.net or post it with your name, address and telephone number to Alltech Competition, Equi-Ads Ltd.,126 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Notts. NG10 4LS. Entries must be received by 24th April 2015 All travel and accommodation arrangements are the responsibility of the winner. The tickets are for Saturday May 16 only. Dress code applies to the members’ enclosure, details of which can be found on the Royal Windsor Horse Show website - www.rwhs.co.uk. Entrants must be 18 years and over.

Alltech has developed the LIFEFORCE Range of all-natural daily digestive aid supplements. These products are designed to benefit horses at every stage of life, from breeding stock to pleasure and performance animals.

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20/03/2015 09:44

Xxxxxxxxxx Events

Balcormo Races – Fife Point To Point the local roads will be well signposted on the day. For a bit more information look up on the Web either Balcormo Races or The Fife Point- to-Point and read there the current outstanding Point-toPoint jockey Tom Hamilton’s blog. Having read that you’ll soon realise that while it is a sport there is a consuming desire by those taking part to WIN. So………….Don’t miss it. It will cost £10 per person to enter and this includes a free Racecard,children under 15 are free. Friends of the Fife P2P will of course sail in. They have already attended to their Entry Fee

Darwhilling Livery, Waterside


he Fife Point-to-Point, often known as Balcormo Races, is nearly here again. Still going strong after 80 years. It will take place on Saturday, 25th April at Balcormo Racecourse - Fife’s only Racecourse. The first Horse Race (of six) will be at 2.00pm. However before that there will be two terrifically exciting Pony Races for young aspiring jockeys starting at 1.00pm. Don’t miss them! Last year we had a wonderfully successful meeting with the six races attracting 37 runners putting “winner finding” at a premium so that racegoers could successfully raid the Bookies. We expect more of the same this year with possibly even more horses in the melting pot to encourage “punters” to “Bash the Bookies”. But it is not just “Bookie Bashing” that’s the aim: there is much, much more for a marvellous day out. Bars, Classic Car enclosure, Fun Fair and of course a bouncy castle for the children, and many other trade stands. However almost above all it consists of a large group of friendly people, many of whom have oceans of goodies in the boots of their cars to entertain their friends. Equally no one needs to go hungry or thirsty as there are a variety of eating and watering holes situated all around, including a hog roast, burger van, baked potatoes, ice cream, hot drinks and lots more. This year Balcormo Races are introducing a new category of racegoer. These privileged people will be known as “Friends of the Fife P2P” and will receive their own badge and parking area. Our Lead Sponsor is Pentland Landrover who have a dealership based in Cupar. We are hugely grateful to them as we are to our other major Sponsors, Albert Bartlett, Carat (PR gurus) and Subaru who sponsor the Restricted Race which is one of a series of races around the UK which will enable horses to compete in the final at Stratford Racecourse on the 29th May for a prize of £10,000 to the winner. As I write the whole landscape on and around Balcormo is, with thanks to landowners Rae Grieve and Sir Nicholas Gilmour being transformed into a spectacular and also very neat and tidy racecourse with all the assistance received from the many helpers. As a result of some adjustments to the Car Parking arrangement viewing of the riveting racing this year will be even better. Where is Balcormo I am often asked? It lies due North up the hill and about three miles out of Lundin Links which itself is three miles east of Leven,

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April 2015 | 41

20/03/2015 09:35

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Teaching Horses to Cope with Traffic Melanie Hook has written about the need to train our horses to be safe and sensible on the road.


wish people would take more responsibility for training their horses for today’s roads. As harness horse trainers, we teach young horses to be safe, confident and happy in traffic. It seems many carriage drivers try to avoid traffic, rather than training their horses better. We even encounter other harness trainers who don’t believe in training horses for traffic. But we all know vehicles can be found in fields (combine harvesters, scrambler bikes and so on), and not everyone has the luxury of their own manege, fields, or access to off-road tracks. When we’re out driving, motorists will sometimes beep their horns in greeting; sometimes out of ignorance. Part of our training for harness horses involves me driving past with the horn blaring. In our opinion, if horses have experienced it during training, they are prepared should it occur later on in their driven career. I’ve seen a driving horse bolt

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XC Lesson: Venue & Date TBC

42 | April 2015

Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 42


Course Walk: Day & Time TBC

because a car driver was crawling along parallel to the horse’s quarters, brushing the hedge on the side of the road and making a noise. The driver assumed it was their speed that caused the horse to spook and so pulled out even wider, exacerbating the problem and causing the runaway. You can’t say to a motorist “You passed too wide and too slow!” when this is what we tell them to do. There are organisations that offer road safety training, however these are mainly focused on the human rather than the horse itself. I agree that there are inconsiderate car drivers just as there are inconsiderate cyclists, carriage drivers, riders, shop assistants and bank managers. Regardless of how polite you are, there will always be someone who is rude for no reason even if they do know better. I’m not saying we should stop educating motorists that horses are unpredictable and to pass wide and slow. We don’t want to encourage drivers to act recklessly - not only for our sake, but for that of other road users. But we should look at improving our horse’s behaviour too. The sad truth is that the less people drive on the roads, the less motorists accept us as “road users”. This means they are more likely to get frustrated when they do see us on the road. I believe we should all strive for the highest possible standards, not only in competing, but in driving out on the roads.” Melanie

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20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx News

Early start to event season! By Olivia Wilmot


ince the last time the horses work has increased and I think my fitness has improved! I had more Horse Scotland training - two days back to back dressage lessons and physio sessions. Doesn't sound too hard but it was! I felt broken afterwards (think actually I had a bug as I was in my bed for a day and was actually sick which was not good). The physio on the first day was quite nice - mostly massage and stretching, but day two was exercises some of which look so easy but when you try to do them they're not! Both Axil and Zebedee went well at the training day. I have to ride Axil first at things like this as he's not quite so bouncy / flashy on the flat so I find I'm much tougher and expect more from him if I ride Zebedee first. I also took them both plus Sting (the ex race horse) to another dressage show. Sting is really improving so I'm looking forward to getting him out this year. Axil is improving but dressage isn't really his love! But he did manage to score an eight for a flying change so I was very happy! Here's hoping for a few more like that! Zebedee was good especially as it was his first show since last March. I've had a trip down to Ian's for lessons too which was good, definitely a wake up call especially for me and Axil. We were doing jumping and turning exercises that required a lot of fast reaction times! Safe to say at the beginning we were not so fast but by the end we were just about there! Then I did it on Zeb and he was like an old pro and showed Axil up! Zebedee has been feeling brill so I'm excited to get him out very soon. The weather here has been so rubbish and inconsistent one minute it's sunny next it's raining then it's snowing then it's sunny again so it had been pretty tough trying to get the horses worked enough. We had a wee trip down to the beach - it was blowing a gale and snowy but actually the best thing to do in that kind of weather as I wouldn't have got anything out of Axil riding him in the school and I definitely wouldn't have been safe hacking him. We have just been to Oasby our first event of the year. We had a very early start to get there (3am is not a time to be getting out of bed!) but it was worthwhile as Zebedee felt great and won his open novice section finishing on his dressage score of 29 so a great way to start the season. Axil was feeling incredibly excited to be at his first event of the year and tried to buck me off ! Luckily he settled down and he finished 10th in his open intermediate section so I was really pleased with both and looking forward to the next few events.

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April 2015 | 43

20/03/2015 09:35

beginning regular physiotherapy sessions Paddy’s canter has really improved. Out hacking he now offers canter willingly, his preferred pace before physiotherapy was always trot. In September 2012 we attempted our first Novice BD class where he gained over 64% and his first three affilliated Problems our speciality! WATER Problems our points, physiotherapy clearly having Problems our speciality! Problems our speciality! speciality! Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; Problems speciality! improved his canter work.” Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; Springs; Boreholes; Springs; Boreholes;

WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER Problems our speciality! WATER WATER Stream Collection; Roof Water Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; Springs; Boreholes; Stream Collection; Roof Springs; Boreholes; Problems our speciality! Stream Collection; Roof Water Water WATER Stream Collection; Roof Water Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; WATER Problems our speciality! Stream Collection; Roof Water Collection; Roof Water Get your own! WATER Maeve Grant, Chartered Veterinary Springs; Boreholes; Stream Collection; Roof Water Get your own! Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; WATER Get your own! Get your own! Stream Collection; Roof Water Springs; Boreholes; Problems our speciality! Physiotherapist. Springs; Boreholes; Stream Collection; Roof Water Get own! Get your your own! Problems our speciality!

adopted a

r months after this picture osture has a neutral pelvic spine has

Send Equi-Ads your show results at sandi@equiads.net

Xxxxxxxxxx Results



Taking the Intro first and second placings was thirteen year old Ailsa Appleton, judged by Anna Sive Problems our speciality! with the score of 66.09% Ailsa and Get your own! Stream Collection; Roof Water Problems our speciality! Springs; Boreholes; Stream Collection; Roof Water Get your own! BScStream Hons Physiotherapy, PgDip Collection; Roof Water Springs; Boreholes; Get your own! Springs; Boreholes; her new ride 13yr Old Connemara Stream Collection; Roof Water Get your own! Springs; Boreholes; Get your own! Stream Collection; Roof Water Veterinary Physiotherapy, MCSP, Get your own! Stream Collection; Roof cross Tizer. This was their first Stream Collection; Roof Water Water Get your own! SEWAGE ACPAT Cat A.your SEWAGE Get your own! own! Get competition. Ailsa Added “ I was a SEWAGE Get your own!work? Does your system SEWAGE Does your system work? Tel: 07815839790 SEWAGE Does your system work? Does your system work? SEWAGE Does your system work? bit nervous as it was our first outing Percolation Tests Does your system work? Percolation Tests SEWAGE E-mail: maevegrant@yahoo.co.uk Does your system work? Percolation Tests SEWAGE Percolation Tests Percolation Tests Does yourfor system work? SEWAGE Layouts new builds together but as soon as we were in Percolation Tests Layouts for new builds SEWAGE your system work? Percolation Tests Web:Does www.animalphysioplus.com Layouts for new builds Does your system work? Layouts for new builds SEWAGE Layouts for new builds Percolation Tests Does your system work? All systems serviced Layouts for new builds SEWAGE the arena it all just seemed to flow All systems serviced Does your system work? Percolation Tests Layouts for new builds Facebook: Maeve Grant – Animal All systems serviced SEWAGE Percolation Tests All systems serviced Does your system work? All systems serviced Layouts for new builds SEWAGE Percolation Tests We have 40 years experience All systems serviced Ailsa We have 40 years experience into place. Riding Oxgang Troy, Percolation Tests Layouts for new builds Does your system work? All systems serviced We have 40 years experience Does your system work? Layouts for new builds We have 40 years experience We have 40 experience Percolation Tests All systems serviced Does your system work? new builds WeLayouts have 40for years experience CALL THE WATERMAN Layouts for new builds All systems serviced Percolation Tests a 10hh Standard Black Shetland We have 40 years experience CALL THE WATERMAN Percolation Tests All systems serviced Layouts for new builds CALL THE WATERMAN CALL THE WATERMAN We Layouts have 40 for years experience Percolation Tests All systems serviced new builds 01360 860575 All systems serviced We have 40 years experience CALL THE WATERMAN 01360 860575 Layouts for new builds owned by Hannah Burns, she also CALL THE WATERMAN We have 40 years experience 01360 860575 All systems serviced 01360 860575 01360 860575 Layouts for new builds We have 40 years experience CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548339 We have 40 years experience All systems serviced 01360 860575 07787 548339 CALL THE WATERMAN All systems serviced 01360 860575 took second place with the score of 07787 548339 07787 548339 We have 40 years experience CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548339 All systems serviced 01360 860575 CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548340 We have 40 years years experience 07787 548339 07787 548340 CALL THE WATERMAN 01360 860575 We have 40 experience 548339 07787 548340 07787 548340 64.35%. 01360 860575 07787 548340 We have 40 years experience CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548339 01360 860575 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk 07787 548340 CALL THE WATERMAN Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk 01360 860575 548339 07787 548340 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548339 Abbie Clark from Forfar gained Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk 01360 860575 548340 CALL THE WATERMAN 07787 548339 ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk ALL COVERED 548339 07787 548340 01360 860575 ALLSCOTLAND SCOTLAND COVERED Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk ALL SCOTLAND COVERED 01360 860575 07787 548340 ALL SCOTLAND COVERED 548339 the highest score in the Prelim 4 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk 01360 860575 07787 548340 Based in Stirlingshire ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Based in Stirlingshire 07787 548340 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk 548339 Based Stirlingshire ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Based in 07787 548339 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Based in Stirlingshire Stirlingshire 07787 548340 with 67.27% Juggling schooling, ALL SCOTLAND COVERED 548339 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Based inStirlingshire Stirlingshire 07787 548340 Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Based in 07787 548340 ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Based in Stirlingshire 07787 548340 6th year advance higher prelims and ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Based in Stirlingshire Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Based in Stirlingshire ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Normanmcknight-MCK@hotmail.co.uk Based in a new ride the transition between Based in Stirlingshire Stirlingshire ALL SCOTLAND COVERED ALL SCOTLAND COVERED Based in Stirlingshire ALL SCOTLAND COVERED pony and horse was more tasking Based in Stirlingshire Based Based in in Stirlingshire Stirlingshire than expected, it required time to Bedding • Feeding learn to sit the big canter and accept extravagant trot paces. Having recently purchased a very green and inexperienced 16.1hh British warm blood mare, they have spent the Winter training on suppleness and working through her back and relaxation. Attending Tayside dressage group unaffiliated dressage during this time the small friendly is now available for work in the Edinburgh, Lothians and East Lothian areas. environment was ideal for her first Reliable and prompt, all types shod and all farriery undertaken. set of competitions. Now looking For more information and bookings telephone 07858 478465 forward to the season ahead with camps and competitions further www.farrieredinburgh.com afield on the horizon. Having established a bond and partnership C S PADDOCK SERVICES C S PADDOCK SERVICES between horse and rider we aspire Pasture Maintenance people Pasture Maintenance people to affiliate soon and be selected for Paddock Cleaning the BYRDS squad once again. The Over Seeding Rolling Arenas Harrowed andPaddock Graded Cleaning pair is aiming to qualify for the “Pooh Picking” Spraying Rolling Over Seeding Topdressing Harrowing Topping ToppingTopping Harrowing regionals in the near future. Lizzie Spraying “PoohTopdressing Picking” Spraying Rolling Over Seeding Topdressing Harrowing For all Enquiries and aa free no obligation quotes please contact: contact: Foote was very the win in the novice For all Enquiries and free no obligation quote please For all Enquiries and a free no obligation quotes please contact: C SS PADDOCK SERVICES 24 with her 14yr old 15.2 Irish TBx C PADDOCK SERVICES C S PADDOCK SERVICES 07796682168 682168or or01506 015068454312 845312 07796 Connemara. Lizzie was so happy 07796 682168 or 01506 845312 Email: cspaddockservices@btinternet.com Email:cspaddockservices@btinternet.com with winning the novice as they Email:cspaddockservices@btinternet.com haven’t competed since November. Working Throughout Central Scotland Working Throughout Central Scotland Alicia Beveridge scored the second highest score in the Prelim 4 with 65.91% on veteran horse COVERING SCOTLAND AND And nORTHERn EnGLAnd COvERInG SCOTLAnd JAMES SPY NORTHERN ENGLAND & WELL EqUIPPEd InSUREd Fiddlers Creek owned by Lady INSURED CALm, qUIET APPROACH TO ALL TyPES OF HORSES WELL EQUIPPED Ogilvy-Wedderburn of Silvie Estate. CALM, QUIET APPROACH TO ALL For further details please contact: Since joining TDG their scores TYPES OF HORSES have been on the rise and have been For further details please contact: JAMES SPY successful in all the Winter League Bsc (Hons) equine Dental science BSc (Hons) Equine Dental Science Competitions. They are trained BeVa/BVDaAPPROVED appROVeD memBeR OF BaeDT BEVA/BVDA by Hannah Burns and have been MEMBER OF BAEDT bitten by the dressage bug. Shonagh 07796 jspy-eds@hotmail.co.uk 4444 31 EQUINE DENTAL Robb won the Prelim 12 on another jspy-eds@hotmail.co.uk veteran horse Platinum Crackers, SERVICES www.equinedentalservices-scotland.co.uk www.equinedentalservices-scotland.co.uk they qualified for the Scottish February 2013 | 43 Veteran Dressage Finals. Lady Ogilvy-Wedderburn and her young Show Cob Angus Peroni also scored their personal best Prelim 4. 25/01/2013 13:27 Committee member Jacqui Murdoch and her six year old IDx Toby took second place in both the novice tests with scores of 65.19% and 63.65. Her daughter, seven year old Caroline Murdoch was third in the Intro A. 17yr Fiona Forbes had a very successful day. Winning both ayside Dressage group held their third Winter League Competition at Easter Rattray Farm. The competition was heavily supported with forty one tests being ridden. The judges Hannah Burns, Anna Sive and Marie Graham remarked at the high standard of tests being ridden.



Registered Farrier

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07796 4444 31

44 | April 2015

Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 44


the Novice 30 and Elementary 42. Weartic (Alfie) is a 10 year old 15.2 Dutch Warmblood by Atlantic VDL and Flair Z and has great showjumping bloodlines and that’s what he was successfully doing when I got him 2 years ago. Initially the plan was to focus on showjumping but currently they are focusing on dressage. “He’s a very special wee horse and I’m really excited to see how much more we can achieve”. They are aiming to continue working on their scores at Elementary at the present time. Anne Johnson, a regular trainer for Tayside Dressage Group, and her Warmblood Rufus topped the bill in both the Medium and Advanced Medium classes. The next TDG competition in on the 14th of March and is the last of their Winter League Competitions. After this they have an Open Trophy Competition on the 18th of April at Auchlishie Eventing, Kirriemuir. On the 11th of March the Group is hosted a Demo by Mathew Burnett, a professional dressage trainer and Grand Prix rider competing at international level, at Easter Rattray Farm. www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx Healthcare

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth By Kathy Carter W

e scour the equestrian world for news and views on nutrition and veterinary matters, to give you the latest information.

Two Cruising stallions have been cloned We have reported on the cloning of horses previously in Equiads, so were interested to read about the recent announcement that TWO equine clones of the great Irish stallion Cruising, who jumped on numerous Nations’ Cups for Ireland, will be available in 2015 for breeding purposes. The McCann family of Hartwell Stud in Co Kildare, who bred and owned the world-renowned show jumping sire, had DNA samples taken from the horse, who died last September at the age of 29. They now have two Cruising clones – Cruising Arish and Cruising Encore. This represents the first time a horse has been cloned in Ireland. While the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) allow clones to compete in its competitions, the practice is seen by some people as contentious. Yoga for horses A dressage trainer has come up with a suggestion to help horses with kissing spines, by strengthening the horse’s core muscles to improve engagement by using yoga-style ridden stretches. Visconte Simon Cocozza, based in France, states that weak equine core muscles make it impossible for the horse to work with ‘core fluidity’. The Multifidus System of ‘core’ muscles needs to be strong to keep the gaps between the spinal processes open when carrying the rider, he maintains. Cocozza has come up with a series of stretches and ridden movements based on yoga poses that could help the horse. They include the ‘Leg yield ‘Triangle’ stretch, whereby the horse drops his head to the inside to stretch ‘long and low’, while riding a leg yield. The full article can be read online at horsetalk. co.nz - search for ‘kissing spine’ and the excellent article ‘How to help your horse kiss ‘Kissing Spine’ goodbye’ comes Can we apply the concepts of yoga to help prevent up. kissing spines in horses? New joint treatment could help equine osteo-arthritis A relatively new veterinary therapy called ‘IRAP therapy’ is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment of joint conditions in horses. IRAP (Interlukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein) relies upon the production of autologous serum (serum from the same animal that the treatment is intended for) - it harnesses the anti-inflammatory

properties of the horse’s own blood cells, so damaged tissues in the limbs are encouraged to heal. A blood sample from the horse is incubated and treated, before red blood cells are separated from the serum and then injected into the site of injury at regular intervals. Studies on IRAP performed in Colorado State University in America showed that treated horses demonstrated reduced lameness, improved joint histology (cellular make up) and a tendency towards cartilage preservation. It is being marketed predominantly for inflammation to the joint lining, and mild to moderate equine osteoarthritis, a condition said to be Many equine lamenesses are attributed to 60% of equine lameness. attributable to osteo-arthritis, which is IRAP is available in the UK. relatively common in working horses.

High fibre diet is best, to reduce risk factors for colic and ulceration Kentucky Equine Research reports that horses eating high-energy forage tend to have better populations of gut bacteria than horses on high-starch diets, e.g. those whose diets contain a higher level of carbohydrates. It isn’t just about the amount of bacteria present - there tend to be fewer species of undesirable gut bacteria identified in horses kept on a high-forage diet. Dr. Kathleen Crandell, equine nutritionist with Kentucky Equine Research, says: “Feeding a high level of carbohydraterich grain can lead to changes in the type and number of gut bacteria in horses. These changes in feeding can impact the pH of the horse’s gastrointestinal tract, increasing the risk for colic, laminitis, and ulceration. Whenever possible, equine diets should be based on high-quality forage, with grain included only as necessary to provide additional energy for the Whenever possible, equine diets should horse’s level of performance.” be based on high-quality forage.

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April 2015 | 45

20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx Results

Inchcoonans Comp & Livery Yard


ig thanks to all who attended today's Dressage show. We were lucky with the weather all day and the favourable conditions certainly seemed to help the competitors as there were some fabulous tests in both arenas. Well done to those who were in the placing and to our Winter 2014/2015 League Winners who were Intro – Shonagh Lawson riding Firefly of Craigieloch, Prelim – Lindsay Graham riding Teddy, Novice – Pollyanna Smith riding Cookie.

Results from British Dressage and Unaffiliated Dressage - Sunday 15th March 2015 Intro B Unaffiliated 1st

Shonagh Lawson – Firefly of Craigieloch 75.43%


Emma Boulton – Sally 68.48%

3rd Rachel Thomas – Hector of Formerk 68.26% 4th Adrienne Taylor – Fuzz Buzz 68.26% 5th Debrorah Deveny – Guinness 66.52% 6th Lorna MacKechinie – Charlie 65.43% Prelim 7 Unaffiliated 1st Neil Calvert – Diamond 79.0% 2nd Susan Kirkwood – Canti 77.0%

George Babes Large selection of horses for sale. Riding ponies to Experienced showjumper/eventers. Young horses broken and unbroken. Excellent trial facilities.


Scotlands Premier Equestrian Facility

Tuesday 14 April Cross Countr y Clinic Sarah Houlden Sunday 17 May Grass Sickness Fund Hunter Trials Tuesday 19 May David Gatherer Clinic


07768495961 Long and short term livery available including holiday livery. Your horse deserves the best, let us train him while you are away. Liveries and horse/ponies for schooling have extensive use of cross country, all weather flood light arena, lunge pen, Monarch horse walker.

Enquiries to Sarah Houlden www.strathearneventing.co.uk (Perth) Phone: 01738 840263 Email: enquiries@strathearneventing.co.uk

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46 | April 2015

Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 46


Louise Andrew – Midnight Blue Diamond 77.0%

4th Elaine McDonald – Wizzard 75.0% 5th Terri Lindley Hurrell – Ultra Special 74.75% 6th Laura Collins – Hadise 71.75% Prelim 7 Affiliated 1st Sarah Fish – The fortune Teller 78.25 2nd Angela MacKenzie - Belair LS 71.0% 3rd Shona Brearly – SD Rockstar 68.75% 4th Adrienne Taylor – Fuzz Buzz 60.25% Prelim 14 Unaffiliated 1st Elaine McDonald – Wizzard 70.63% 2nd Lesley Parker – Drew Destiny 67.92% 3rd Laura Collins – Donna Doni B 67.71% 4th Louise Andrew - Midnight Blue Diamond 67.50% 5th Terri Lindley Hurrell – Ultra Special 66.88% 6th Fiona Kerr – Dorraigh 66.67% Prelim 14 Affiliated 1st Jane Gilchrist – Vicander 79.17% 2nd Sheena Melvin – Miss Schufro 68.75% 3rd Shona Brearley – Sd Rockstar 65.83% 4th Angela MacKenzie - Belair LS 65.42% 5th Sarah Fish – The fortune Teller 65.30% Novice 27 Unaffiliated 1st Laura Collins – Donna Doni B 72.14% 2nd Neil Calvert – Diamond 68.04% 3rd Bev Ferguson – Piper 62.66 % 4th Pollyanna Smith – Cookie 62.32% 5th Gemma Stewart – Kendra 61.43% Novice 27 Restricted 1st Julia Robertson – Balhagarty Little Diamond 65.54% 2nd Alwyn McLain – Excellent 64.11% 3rd Georgie Chalmers Grey – Eduaro 63.11% 4th Wallace Johnston - Beez Neez 58.93% Novice 27 Open 1st Elizabeth Leslie – Two Tone 76.79% 2nd Shelagh Stevens – Balhagarty Midget Gem 68.04% 3rd Elizabeth Leslie – Crime Scene 64.11% Novice 34 Unaffiliated 1st Pollyanna Smith – Cookie 67.5% 2nd Lesley Parker – Drew Destiny 67.92% Novice 34 Restricted 1st Alwyn McLain – Excellent 69.17% 2nd Georgie Chalmers Grey – Eduaro 67.5% 3rd Sheena Melvin – Miss Schufro 66.25% 4th Liz Campbell – Urbian 64.17% Novice 34 Open 1st Elizabeth Leslie – Two Tone 77.29% 2nd Shelagh Stevens – Balhagarty Midget Gem 71.25% 3rd Elizabeth Leslie – Crime Scene 68.13% Elementary 44 Restricted 1st Helen Sinclair – No Name 72.2% 2nd Shelagh Stevens – Balhagarty Midget Gem 71.4% 3rd Rebecca Chalmers – Millhorne Ellie 70.4% 4th Suzanne Cargill - Ellie Et 69.6% Elementary 44 Open 1st Alice Kate Clark – Trowan Monty 65.2% Elementary 49 Restricted 1st Rebecca Chalmers – Millhorne Ellie 72.67% 2nd Suzanne Cargill - Ellie Et 68.83% 3rd Helen Sinclair – No Name 72.2% 4th Liz Campbell – Urbian 62.83% Elementary 49 Open 1st

Alice Kate Clark – Trowan Monty 68.33%


20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx Results

Easterton Equine Activities Club

Proud to be Scotland’s National Equestrian Centre

2 miles from Gleneagles

LIVERY SPACES NOW AVAILABLE (Full or DIY) Small friendly yard, on site experienced supervision. Barn stabling & horses turned out in small numbers.

British Showjumping Category Two SNEC 01/03/15


British Novice / 0.90m Bronze League Open (Novice) 1

Bengarys Romeo

Lisa Hiddleston

Lisa Hiddleston



Balou Fair

Julie Mcclelland

Julie Mcclelland



Rehy Volunteer

Douglas Edward

Douglas Edward



Miami Boy Cruiser

Hugh Paterson

Mischa Irving



Cookie De Reve

John Aird

Nicholas Williams



Oxmountain Cruz

Douglas Edward

Douglas Edward


Kathryn coaching a 7 year old on Gizmo

Cavaliers Kingdom

Sarah Williamson

Sarah Williamson


Donnadoni B

Laura Collins

Laura Collins


Jersey Beech

Mischa Irving

Mischa Irving


01764 682268 mob. 07831 382704



Dalry, Ayrshire

British Novice / 0.90m Bronze League Open (Open) 1

PLEASE NOTE NEW WEBSITE: www.eastertonequine.com On site excellent Coaching, various Clinics & Competitions. Some hacking on farm & Strathallan Moor

Saturday 27 June 2015

Cross Country, Showjumping, Showing

Discovery / 1.00m Bronze League Open (Discovery) 1

Sissi S

Jenna Brown

Jenna Brown



Jersey Beech

Mischa Irving

Mischa Irving




Ailsa Black

Ailsa Black



Cookie De Reve

John Aird

Nicholas Williams



Oxmountain Cruz

Douglas Edward

Douglas Edward



Donnadoni B

Laura Collins

Laura Collins

For schedules and info: Email: judith_reid85@hotmail.com Call: 07855 375 362


Almond Riding Club

Discovery / 1.00m Bronze League Open (Open) 1

Patsy Ii

Sophia Ramsoy

Sophia Ramsoy



Mr Cochise

Karen Holt

Karen Holt



Millfield Bemused

Kathleen Hamilton

Kathleen Hamilton



Ard Pharaoh

Shona Robertson Brogan Alex Robertson



Sanda Trenchard

Sanda Trenchard


Warrenstown Missie

James Brogan

Hayley Brogan

Open Showing Show Sunday 7th June 2015 Indoors at SNEC Classes for everyone

For schedule and online entry see: www.almondridingclub.org.uk

1.05m Bronze League Open Competition 1

Ce Ilonka Vh Meyerhof

Jodie Crawford

Jodie Crawford




Aimee Gardiner

Aimee Gardiner



El Diviro

Debra Dunlop

Rachel Kane



Something Special

Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott




www.glenbraeridingclub.co.uk Enquiries to Heather Macgowan at h.macgowan@nhs.net or 07738733533

Enquiries 07789 843201


Sanda Trenchard

Sanda Trenchard


6= Debertha

Stephen Lohoar

Brittany Kriegstein


6= Floorludine S

Tracey Devine

Nicholas Williams


Sunday 5th April – Open Easter Unaffiliated SJ Show at Ovenstone Equine – clear rounds and classes from 65cm-1.05m. Indoor warm up and compete outside on a surface. Children in the morning and adults in the afternoon. Entries on the day. Sunday 12th April – Open Spring Unaffiliated Dressage Show at Ovenstone Equine. Intro to Elementary. Adults only. Entries close 6/4/15.

Newcomers / 1.10m Open (Newcomers) 1

Elektra Viii

Mischa Irving

Mischa Irving




Allana Irving

Mischa Irving



Drumconnick Verdi

Angela Mckillop

Martin Arnott



Indy Iv

Janet Black

Ailsa Black



Montys Bay

Stanley Brash

Lea Brash


6= Debertha

Stephen Lohoar

Brittany Kriegstein


6= Dante Iii

Stephen Lohoar

Stephen Lohoar


6= Dietarina

Georgina Turner

Lucy Guild


6= Millfield Bemused

Kathleen Hamilton

Kathleen Hamilton


6= Zeldzaam

Douglas Duffin

Kelly Connor


Saturday 16th May – Open Showing Show at Balcormo Mains, by Leven. In hand, WH, ridden and style jumping rings.

More details and schedules from www.nefrc.org.uk

Alyth & District Agricultural Show Saturday 27th June 2015 Bogles Field, Essendy Road, Blairgowrie, PH10 6QU



James Brogan

Nicholas Williams



Bora Bora Van Het Kroonhof

Gillian Paterson

Lucy Guild



Corraghoe Down

Christine Bilsland

Hayley Bilsland



Flash Steel

Eilidh Whiteford

Eilidh Whiteford


Clydesdale – In-hand/Ridden – Harness classes – Shetland – Highland M&M Open/Novice /LR/FR and Part Bred In-hand Show ponies/Hunter Ponies - Ridden Show ponies In Hand/Ridden Arabs – Veteran - Coloured Hunters-Riding Horse-Sports Horse & Cob - Local classes – Novelty classes Novice Show Pony, Show Hunter Pony, ISRT and any other Breed BSPS WHP/M&M WHP & Working Hunter.


Fa Hills Little Missi

Shona Robertson Brogan Hayley Brogan

Qualifiers for BSPS, VHS Scottish Final Direct Qualifier, TSR, BHS, CHAPS (UK) & Blair Castle. BSPS Pre Olympia Qualifier for Highland Ponies

Newcomers / 1.10m Open (Open)

1.15m Silver League Open Competition 1

Mira Iv

Douglas Crawford

Jodie Crawford



Quattro 27

Jim Wilmer

Emerson Sender



Telstar O

Douglas Crawford

Jodie Crawford



Alister Gatherum

Alister Gatherum


Immilton Vant Heike

Julie Jamieson

David Grant


Wkd Cosmopolitan

Anne Thompson

Morgan Thompson

Entries SAE for schedules to: Secretary - Gail Robertson, Carsie close Mains Farm, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, PH10 6QR, email: secretary@alythshow.co.uk or www.alythshow.co.uk 27th May 2015 Late Entries taken on the day at double the entry fee 7

Foxhunter inc. RHS Foxhunter Qualifier


Laura Templeton

Laura Templeton

Nat. 1.30m Open inc. RHS Young Masters Qualifier



Alister Gatherum

Alister Gatherum



Bora Bora Van Het Kroonhof

Gillian Paterson

Lucy Guild



Bailande Van De Kapel

Kelly Connor

Kelly Connor



Amaretto Vi

David Kerr

Nicola Mcarthur




Douglas Duffin

Kelly Connor



Her L’Amour

Martin Arnott

Martin Arnott


M2 Cruise

Gillian Donnell

Gillian Donnell



Titi D Oase

Lucy Guild

Lucy Guild



William Christie

Martin Arnott



William Christie

Martin Arnott


Omar Sheriff Z

William Downie

Laura Templeton


Van De Bay Girl

Jim Wilmer

Emerson Sender


Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 47


April 2015 | 47

20/03/2015 09:35

Xxxxxxxxxx What’s On April Events

Gilmerton Horse Show 14th June 2015


David Harland Clinic


Veteran Dressage Championships


Open Rally with Carol Stanley


Open Rally with Carol Stanley


SJ Clear Round


SJ Unaffil


Arena Eventing


David Harland Clinic


Working Hunter Clear Round


Working Hunter


BD & Unaffil


Jane Gilchrist Clinic


Friday night SJ


BS Pony Show RHS Qualifiers


BS Pony Show RHS Qualifiers


David Harland Clinic


SJ Clear Round

Classes- Showing, RC, PC, WH, M&M, S/J, Arabs and many more. Late entries on the day Send SAE to Drum RDA, Drum Estate, Gilmerton, Edinburgh, EH17 8RX Or download from www.drumrda.org.uk Charity No. SC005973

Drum Horse Show 17th May 2015 Classes- Showing, RC, PC, WH, M&M, S/J, Arabs and many more. Late entries on the day Send SAE to Drum RDA, Drum Estate, Gilmerton, Edinburgh, EH17 8RX

Between Perth & Dundee Go to website for more details and schedules Tel: 01821 641185 www.inchcoonansequestrian.co.uk

Or download from www.drumrda.org.uk


Horse Riding with Confidence Scotland

Charity No. SC005973

Expert help with all your confidence issues

Lynnholm, Dalry, Ayrshire

Saturday 16 May 2015

Showjumping, Showing, Working Hunter, M&M For schedules and info: Email: judith_reid85@hotmail.com Call: 07855 375 362


For riders at all levels and in all disciplines Using hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP to help you to achieve your aims and fulfil your potential. Contact: Jane Brindley BSc DHP(NC) MNRHP PNLP

Tel:01259 742283 Mob:0778 993 8266 www.jbhypnotherapy.co.uk

Edinburgh & District Riding Club Sunday 5th April

Wednesday 22nd April

Open Dressage Show incl. Area 1 qualifer tests

"Through the Judges Eye" with Phyllis Beatie - EDRC Members ONLY

Thursday 9th April Open Area 1 SJ Training with

Open Spring Showing Show

Sunday 26th April

David Harland, hosted by EDRC

Sunday 31st May Open Show Jumping Show

All of the above events are at Stobs Farm, Gorebridge EH23 4NJ

Schedules available from www.edrc.org Online entries available at http://clubentries.co.uk/edinrc


Do check with the organisers to make sure an event has not been cancelled. WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST

David Harland SJ Clinic Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross Unaff Evening SJ The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Aberdeenshire Showjumping Schooling Night Scottish National Equestrian Centre, Lothians FRIDAY APRIL 3RD

Unaffiliated Dressage Rowallan Activity Centre, Ayrshire SATURDAY APRIL 4TH

Scottish Veterans Dressage Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross Dressage Affiliated and Unaffiliated The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Aberdeenshire Bs Cat 2 Scottish National Equestrian Centre, Lothians SUNDAY APRIL 5TH

Carol Robertson - Psychosensory Training Sheila Bowden Clinic LUCINDA GREEN DEMO 7.30pm LUCINDA GREEN CLINIC (8.30- 5.30) Sheila Bowden Clinic Karon Carson Clinic Unaffiliated Dressage Competition Louisa Milne Home Clinic JENNIE LORISTON- CLARKE CLINIC & DEMO 7.30pm JENNIE LORISTON- CLARKE CLINIC David Harland Clinic TOPSPEC ,BSJA CLUB SHOW, Unaffiliated Showjumping Competition

www.rockroseequestrian.com 48 | April 2015

Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 48

Tel: 07793 804 587


Andrew Hamilton Clinic Scottish National Equestrian Centre, Lothians 5 Day Equestrian Stunt Holiday Riders Of The Storm, Perthshire TUESDAY APRIL 14TH

Trick Riding Camp Riders Of The Storm, Perthshire WEDNESDAY APRIL 15TH

David Harland SJ Clinic Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross Unaff Evening SJ The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Perth & Kinross Junior British Show Jumping Rowallan Activity Centre, Ayrshire THURSDAY APRIL 16TH

Working Hunter Clear Rounds Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross FRIDAY APRIL 17TH

Senior Bs- Cat 2 Rowallan Activity Centre, Ayrshire

Mixed Monthly Unaff SJ The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Aberdeenshire

Working Hunter Show Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross

Rally Day With Carol Stanley Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross


Cabin Spring Showing Extravaganza The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Aberdeenshire

Lucinda Green Demo Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian

Dalkeith Horse Trials (1) British Eventing, Lothians


BD and Unaffiliated Dressage Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross

Andrew Hamilton SJ Clinic The Cabin Equestrian Centre Aberdeenshire


1st 3rd 6th 7th 8th 9th 12th 15th 21st 22nd 23rd 26th

Unaffiliated Dressage Competition Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian

Rally Day With Carol Stanley Inchcoonans Equestrian Perth & Kinross

Lucinda Green Clinic Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian

April Events


Combined Training Rowallan Activity Centre, Ayrshire

Showjumping Schooling Night Scottish National Equestrian Centre, Lothians THURSDAY APRIL 9TH

David Harland SJ Clinic Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross FRIDAY APRIL 10TH

British Showjumping Juniors The Cabin Equestrian Centre, Aberdeenshire SATURDAY APRIL 11TH

SJ Show Including Trailblazers Inchcoonans Equestrian, Perth & Kinross Unaffiliated Rowallan Activity Centre, Ayrshire




BHS Riding and Road Safety Training and Test Gleneagles Equestrian School, Perth & Kinross Jane Gilchrist Clinic Inchcoonans Equestrian Perth & Kinross Jennie Loriston-Clarke Clinic & Demo Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian WEDNESDAY APRIL 22ND

Jennie Loriston-Clarke Clinic Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian SUNDAY APRIL 26TH

TOPSPEC ,BSJA Club Show, Unaffiliated Showjumping Competition Rockrose Equestrian Sports Centre, East Lothian www.equi-ads.com

20/03/2015 09:35

The Equine Health, Management and Training Magazine

SOME FACTS: • The equestrian sports industry contributes £228 million each year to the Scottish economy (not including the horse racing industry) • Approximately 200,000 people ride, drive or vault on horses in Scotland every week • Scottish riders have represented the UK at all levels from junior to senior, and been part of gold medal winning teams at the Olympics • World and European level on five occasions in the last three years • There are some 500 Scottish riding clubs and schools • More than 27,500 Scots are members of equestrian organisations • Around 3,500 people participate in equestrian competitions each week • There are around 100,000 horses in Scotland

Advertise in Scotland’s established equine magazine Call 01159 461 146 Send your editorial to: bob@equiads.net

Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 49

20/03/2015 09:35

Rockies’ range of mineralised salt licks provides Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised saltsalt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides horses that don’t require a bucketfeed (or don’t horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t need their full ration) with a simple anddon’t cost need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a a simple a simple simple and and and cost cost cost effective way of acquiring vitamins, minerals and effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and trace elements. trace trace trace elements. elements. Rockies’ range ofelements. mineralised salt licks provides Here some topsalt products forprovides winter… Rockies’ range ofmineralised mineralised salt licks provides Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofare of mineralised of mineralised salt licks salt licks provides licks provides horses that don’t require aproducts bucketfeed (or don’t Here Here Here are are some are some some top top top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides Health Licks are available in five delicious horses horses horses that that don’t don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t horses that don’t require a bucketfeed (or need their full ration) with a simple and cost don’t flavours Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available in in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t (carrot, apple, cherry, mint and garlic) and sized to fit need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a simple a simple a simple and and cost and cost cost effective way offull acquiring need their ration)vitamins, with aminerals simple and anddon’t cost (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized to to fit to fit fit effective effective effective way way of way acquiring of acquiring of acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a simple a simple a simple and and and cost cost cost into a 2kg holder. They contain salt and a range of trace elements. effective way of acquiring vitamins, minerals and into into a into 2kg a 2kg a holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain salt salt and salt and a and range a range a range of of of trace trace elements. trace elements. elements. Rockies’ range of mineralised salt licks provides effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and minerals selected for horses. MagnaCalm contains trace elements. Here are some top products forvitamins, winter… Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains horses that don’t require a bucketfeed (or don’t trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. Here Here Here are are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… Health Licks are available in five delicious bioavailable magnesium and isflavours designed tocontains counter Here are some top products horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require afor bucketfeed awinter… bucketfeed aflavours bucketfeed (ortoand (or don’t (or don’t don’t Health Health Health Licks Licks are Licks are available are available available in in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to counter to counter counter need their full ration) with a simple cost (carrot, apple, cherry, mint and garlic) and sized to fit deficiency, which hasinfor been linked toflavours hypertension, Here Here Here areare some are some some toptop products top products products for winter… for winter… winter… Health Licks are available five delicious need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a a simple a simple simple and and and cost cost cost (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint and mint and garlic) and garlic) garlic) andbeen and sized and sized to sized fit to to fit to to fit deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been linked linked linked to hypertension, hypertension, hypertension, into a 2kg holder. They contain salt and a range of effective way of acquiring vitamins, minerals and Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks arecan are available are available available inand in fivein five delicious five delicious delicious flavours which cause behavioural issues. It’sflavours aflavours great way of (carrot, apple, cherry, mint garlic) and sized to fit intointo a into 2kg a 2kg a holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and a and range a range a range of of of effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and minerals selected for horses. MagnaCalm contains which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s asized It’s great a to great a to great way of way of of trace elements. (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and to fit fit fitway providing horses that don’t receive asized bucket feed with into aselected 2kg holder. They contain salt and acounter range oflicks minerals minerals minerals selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains Rockies’ range of mineralised salt provides bioavailable magnesium and is designed to trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed with feed with with into into ainto 2kg a Rockies’ 2kg holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and acounter and range acounter range acounter range of oflicks oflicks aamagnesium calorie free source ofdesigned magnesium. Here are some top products for winter… minerals selected for horses. MagnaCalm contains Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt provides provides provides bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is is designed to to to deficiency, which has been linked to hypertension, horses that don’t require a bucketfeed (or don’t aHere calorie aField calorie aare calorie free free source free source source of of magnesium. magnesium. magnesium. Here Here are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… minerals minerals minerals selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains &selected Stable Block isof cost effective and great fordon’t deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, Health Licks are available in delicious flavours bioavailable magnesium and isIt’s designed to counter horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require afive bucketfeed a bucketfeed a acontains bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t which can cause behavioural issues. ahypertension, great way of need their full ration) with simple and cost Field Field Field & & Stable & Stable Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost effective cost effective effective and and great and great great for for Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available in in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to to counter to counter counter which which which can(carrot, can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s abucket great It’s a great a way great way of way of of groups oftheir horses and ponies who live out. It’s packed apple, cherry, mint and garlic) and sized to fitfor providing horses that don’t receive aIt’s feed with deficiency, which has been linked to hypertension, need need need their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a a simple a simple simple and and and cost cost cost effective way of acquiring vitamins, minerals and groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized to to fit to fit fit providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t receive don’t receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed with feed with with deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, a calorie free source of magnesium. full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It’s ideal which can cause behavioural issues. It’s a great way of into a 2kg holder. They contain salt and a range of effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and MINERALISED SALT LICKS elements. a calorie aField calorie ainto calorie free free source free source source of magnesium. of of magnesium. full full of full vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s aand great It’s aelements. great great way way way ofof of3p into aStable into 2kg atrace 2kg aholder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain salt salt and aaelements. and range afrom range a of range of of & Block ismagnesium. cost effective and great for for the multi horse owner, and costs just per providing horses that don’t receive asalt bucket feed with minerals selected for horses. MagnaCalm contains MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. Field Field Field & providing Stable & & Stable Block Block Block ismulti cost issome cost is effective cost effective effective and and and great great for for for The greatest range on earth groups ofStable horses and ponies who live It’s packed Here are top products for winter… for for the for the multi the multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p perper providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive aout. bucket aisgreat bucket adesigned bucket feed feed with feed with minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains aminerals calorie free source ofto magnesium. day per horse use. bioavailable magnesium and towith counter The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earth groups groups groups of horses of horses of horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed Here Here Here are are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It’s ideal calorie aField calorie aday calorie free source free source source oftomagnesium magnesium. ofuse. magnesium. ofuse. magnesium. Health Licks are available five delicious flavours day per day per horse per horse horse tois tocost use. bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium and and isand designed is indesigned isand designed to to counter to counter counter &free Stable Block effective great for MINERALISED SALT LICKS fullafull which has been linked to hypertension, of full vitamins, of deficiency, vitamins, ofmulti vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace elements. trace elements. elements. It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available inIt’s in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours for the horse owner, and costs from just 3p per To findMINERALISED out more about Rockies’ range of licks, go to... Field Field Field & Stable & Stable & Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost effective cost effective effective and and great and great great for for for MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS (carrot, apple, cherry, mint and garlic) and sized fit deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, groups of horses and ponies who live out. It’s packed The greatest range on earth for for which can cause behavioural issues. It’s3p aand great way ofto theof for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs from costs from just from just 3p just 3p per per per day per horse to use. ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of licks, of licks, licks, go go go to... to... to... (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and sized and sized sized to to fit to fit fit groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range on on earth on earth earth into a 2kg holder. They contain salt and a range of which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s a It’s great a great a great way way of way of of full ofper vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It’s ideal www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025 dayday per day per horse horse horse to use. to use. tohorses use. providing that don’t receive asalt bucket feed with MINERALISED SALT LICKS into into a into 2kg a 2kg a holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain salt and salt and a and range a range a range of of of fullfull offull vitamins, of or vitamins, ofmulti vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 minerals selected for horses. contains To find out more about Rockies’ range of licks, to... providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a 595025 bucket aMagnaCalm bucket a bucket feed feed with feed with with for the horse owner, and costs from just 3p per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS a go calorie free source offor magnesium. The greatest range on earth minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains ToTo find To find find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofof licks, of licks, licks, go go to... go to... to... for for the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p per per bioavailable magnesium and is designed to counter a calorie aField calorie a horse calorie free free source source of of magnesium. magnesium. magnesium. per tosource use. www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025 &free Stable Block isof cost effective and great forcounter The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earth day bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to to counter to counter day per day per horse per horse horse to use. to use. to use. www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk orday or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 which has been linked togreat hypertension, Field Field Field &deficiency, &Stable Stable Block Block Block is ponies iscost iscosteffective cost effective effective and and and great great forforfor groups of&Stable horses and who livelinked out. It’s packed To find out more about Rockies’ range of licks, go to... deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked toIt’s tohypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, which can cause behavioural issues. It’s a great way of groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. out. It’s packed It’s packed packed full of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. ideal ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, go go to... go to... to... which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’saIt’s aIt’s It’s great aIt’s great aIt’s great way way of way of of MINERALISED SALT LICKS www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025 providing horses that don’t receive bucket feed with full full of full vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s ideal ideal ideal for the multi horse owner, and costs from just 3pfeed per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed with feed with The greatest range on earth forfor amulti calorie free source of and magnesium. the for the the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and costs and costs costs from from from justjust 3p just 3p per 3p perper with per horse to use. The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earth day aday calorie aField calorie ahorse calorie free free source of of magnesium. magnesium. magnesium. &free Block isof cost effective and great for dayday per per horse per horse toStable use. tosource use. tosource use. Field Field Field & & Stable & Stable Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost effective cost effective effective andgreat and great forforfor To find out more about Rockies’ range of licks, go ofto... groups horses and ponies who liveand out. It’sgreat packed ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, go go go to... to... to... groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed full call of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It’s ideal www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or 01606 595025 MINERALISED SALT LICKS full full of full vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk oror or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 for the multi horse owner, and costs from just 3p per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS The greatest range on earth forfor the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p per per The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earth day per horse to use. dayday per day per horse per horse horse to use. to use. to use.


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To find out more about Rockies’ range of licks, go to... ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, gogogo to... to... to...

www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025 www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk ororor call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 Equi_Ads_APR_SCOTS_rev.indd 50

20/03/2015 09:35

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