Newsletter #5, May 2015
Project no.: 539892-LLP-1-2013-1-SI-ERASMUS-EKA Grant Agreement no.: 2013-3750/001-001 Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme,Erasmus
Joining academia and business for new opportunities in creating ERGOnomic WORK places
A Word from the Editor P8 Tender Dear Readers, welcome to the 5th ERGO WORK e-newsletter! There has been a great deal of activity in the ERGO WORK project since our fourth Newsletter. The project ERGO WORK is growing in terms of impact and spread of culture and knowledge about ergonomics thanks to the valuable work of the partners. Pilot activities, namely Pilot projects at the companies, are fully under way in Poland and Slovenia; they are used to verify the impact of the teaching carried out in companies with working groups of students, professors, company staff and persons with disabilities and at the same time to collect the feedback of intermediate and final users. Their views and comments will be very useful to improve the contents, methods, techniques and tools of teaching and learning.
There have also been many dissemination activities through conferences across the partner countries - all reported below - and the group has updated the ERGO WORK website too. http// There are also a number of interesting conference activities coming up, where the ERGO WORK project will be represented. We are all looking forward to our next Partners meeting and the Final International Conference in Poland, later in 16th and 17th September, when we will present, analyze and discuss pilot results, our progress and next steps in the project to create ergonomic workplaces for people with disabilities (PWD). Wishing you an interesting read!
The project’s visibility and its connections are growing and have reached a level not expected in the early stages of the project: contacts, exchanges and professional collaborations with permanent non-European companies that help us think in new ways.
Dr Claudio Sdogati Senior Researcher Tender, IT