E-newsletter #5

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Newsletter #5, May 2015

Project no.: 539892-LLP-1-2013-1-SI-ERASMUS-EKA Grant Agreement no.: 2013-3750/001-001 Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme,Erasmus

Joining academia and business for new opportunities in creating ERGOnomic WORK places

A Word from the Editor P8 Tender Dear Readers, welcome to the 5th ERGO WORK e-newsletter! There has been a great deal of activity in the ERGO WORK project since our fourth Newsletter. The project ERGO WORK is growing in terms of impact and spread of culture and knowledge about ergonomics thanks to the valuable work of the partners. Pilot activities, namely Pilot projects at the companies, are fully under way in Poland and Slovenia; they are used to verify the impact of the teaching carried out in companies with working groups of students, professors, company staff and persons with disabilities and at the same time to collect the feedback of intermediate and final users. Their views and comments will be very useful to improve the contents, methods, techniques and tools of teaching and learning.

There have also been many dissemination activities through conferences across the partner countries - all reported below - and the group has updated the ERGO WORK website too. http//www.ergo-work.eu There are also a number of interesting conference activities coming up, where the ERGO WORK project will be represented. We are all looking forward to our next Partners meeting and the Final International Conference in Poland, later in 16th and 17th September, when we will present, analyze and discuss pilot results, our progress and next steps in the project to create ergonomic workplaces for people with disabilities (PWD). Wishing you an interesting read!

The project’s visibility and its connections are growing and have reached a level not expected in the early stages of the project: contacts, exchanges and professional collaborations with permanent non-European companies that help us think in new ways.

Dr Claudio Sdogati Senior Researcher Tender, IT

ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

EU priorities: Equal employment opportunities for PWD The EU promotes the active inclusion and full participation of disabled people in society, in line with the EU human rights approach to disability issues. Disability is a rights issue and not a matter of discretion. This approach is also at the core of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) of December 2006, to which the EU is a signatory. The European Commission's European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, adopted in 2010, builds on the UNCRPD and takes into account the experience of the Disability Action Plan (2004-2010). Its objectives are pursued by actions in eight priority areas: 1.

Accessibility: make goods and services accessible to people with disabilities and promote the market of assistive devices.


Participation: ensure that people with disabilities enjoy all benefits of EU citizenship; remove barriers to equal participation in public life and leisure activities; promote the provision of quality community-based services.


Equality: combat discrimination based on disability and promote equal opportunities.


Employment: raise significantly the share of persons with disabilities working in the open labour market. They represent one-sixth of the EU's overall working-age population, but their employment rate is comparatively low.


Education and training: promote inclusive education and lifelong learning for students and pupils with disabilities. Equal access to quality education and lifelong learning enable disabled people to participate fully in society and improve their quality of life. The European Commission has launched several educational initiatives for disabled people. These include the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education as well as a specific study group on disability and lifelong learning.


Social protection: promote decent living conditions, combat poverty and social exclusion.


Health: promote equal access to health services and related facilities.


External action: promote the rights of people with disabilities in the EU enlargement and international development programmes.

The Commission also supports the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED), which provides the Commission with analysis of national situations, policies and data. ANED also manages the Online Tool that provides an overview of the key instruments in the Member States and the EU needed for the implementation of the UNCRPD. The creation of the Tool is one of the actions foreseen in the List of Actions (2010-2015) accompanying the European Disability Strategy. On November 2010 the European Commission as part of the “European Disability Strategy 2010-2020” published a “List of Actions for the period 2010-2015” that should be disseminated among stakeholders. Among its eight priority areas, we propose to concentrate attention on the fourth Priority Area, Employment:


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Table 1: Priority area 4: Employment

Specific objective Improve the employment situation of women and men with disabilities through recognition of their right to work including the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, Inclusive and Accessible. Key actions


Increase knowledge on employment situation of people with disabilities, identify challenges, propose remedies – Use of 2011 LFS ad hoc module on employment of people with disabilities to produce info


materials on the labour market situation of people with disabilities in Europe – Enhance cooperation with relevant third organisations (e.g. ILO, OECD, EUROFOUND)


– Explore possibility of stronger focus on women and men with disabilities in Commission


employment relevant publications Optimize the use of the new strategy for jobs and growth, "Europe 2020" for the benefit of people with disabilities – Ensure that the annual Europe 2020 assessment gives due consideration to the situation of


people with disabilities – Preparation of a disability specific indicator in the EMCO indicator sub-group


– Make use of the ESF, in accordance with Guideline 7, to promote labour market integration


of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Focus on what people can do and persuade potential employers with convincing arguments and support to employ people with disabilities – Involve Social Partners at EU level, with full involvement of SME representatives, to:


– Develop models of good practice on reasonable accommodation and good quality jobs – Provide employers and policy makers with information on positive measures – When reviewing relevant European employment legislation ensure its compliance with the


UNCRPD (working conditions and protection, working time, safety etc.) – Encourage employers to commit to Diversity policies in the workplace, in particular through


the signing of Diversity Charters – Highlight the scope for action that Member States enjoy in the area of promoting


employment and recruitment of persons with disabilities through the General Block Exemption Regulation and the Package on Services of General Economic Interest – Encourage social entrepreneurship with concrete actions to be rolled out in a "Social Business


Initiative" to support and accompany the development of socially innovative corporate projects within the single market


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Give special attention to difficulties of young people with disabilities in transition from education to employment and address intra job mobility including those working in sheltered workshops (access to and retention in employment) – Involvement of Public Employment Services (PES) at EU level


– E.g. by accessibility of actions and material, dialogue with temp and special agencies – Specific disability oriented seminar in the PES Peer review. – Identify and promote effective support structures


– Screening of national/Regional measures (e.g. quotas, social partnerships, cooperatives, supported employment, transport) – Analysis of the employment effects of informal and family care, with particular attention to gender issues Address the issue of quality of jobs, such as salaries, working hours and career advancement of people with disabilities – Promote labour market relevant training to people with disabilities through calls for


proposals in the Lifelong Learning Programme – Foster possibilities for self-employment opportunities for people with disabilities in context


of European Instruments (e.g. Microfinance Facility, European Social Fund). Fight prevailing disability benefit cultures and help to integrate persons with partial work capacity into the labour market, further develop active labour market policies and tackle benefit traps – Examine national Active Labour Markets Policies ALMPS and publish compendium of good


practice. The UN Convention is binding in its entirety on the EU institutions. Together with the other institutions, the Commission will screen the Convention to identify action needed within them, including recruitment of people with disabilities to the EU institutions and more accessible buildings, websites, ICT tools and documents.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities Finally, we propose to consider the UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities, and among its 50 Articles, we suggest the relevance of that one specifically dedicated to work and employment.

Article 27 - Work and employment 1. States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. States Parties shall safeguard and promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a disability during the course of employment, by taking appropriate steps, including through legislation, to, inter alia: a.


c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

Prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters concerning all forms of employment, including conditions of recruitment, hiring and employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and safe and healthy working conditions; Protect the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to just and favourable conditions of work, including equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work of equal value, safe and healthy working conditions, including protection from harassment, and the redress of grievances; Ensure that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights on an equal basis with others; Enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programmes, placement services and vocational and continuing training; Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the labour market, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining, maintaining and returning to employment; Promote opportunities for self-employment, entrepreneurship, the development of cooperatives and starting one’s own business; Employ persons with disabilities in the public sector; Promote the employment of persons with disabilities in the private sector through appropriate policies and measures, which may include affirmative action programmes, incentives and other measures; Ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities in the workplace; Promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market; Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programmes for persons with disabilities.

2. States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not held in slavery or in servitude, and are protected, on an equal basis with others, from forced or compulsory labour.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Ergonomics for disabled persons in a real working environment – Implementation of Pilot Projects in Slovenia In Slovenia there were two pilot projects planned, Pilot project 1 in cooperation with the two partner companies, OZARA d.o.o. and Kovinarstvo Bučar s.p., and Pilot project 2 in cooperation with OZARA d.o.o. and an associated partner Bodočnost Maribor d.o.o., a company for employment of disabled persons. Whereas Pilot project 1 has been finalised end of March 2015, Pilot project 2 is still in progress. It is our pleasure to hereby present first results of Analysis carried out by nine students in the period November 2014 – March 2015.


SEMINAR WORK 1: Ergonomic Workplace Design - Standardisation and Improvement of Work

The analysis to be summarised herein was done by two students, namely Saša Stojko and Niko Rojko, under-graduate students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor. The analysis consisted of: a) Analysis of working environment parameters such as light, temperature, humidity, air flow on one hand, and b) Analysis of the production process through time parameters. Main methods used were observation, measurements with special University equipment, calculations, interviews with involved employees and project staff, drawing sketches, presentation etc.

1.1.1. Analysis of the working environment parameters Table 2: Working environment basic parameters (after S. Stojko, N. Rojko, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

1. 2. 3. 4.

Parameter Temperature Humidity Air flow Light

Value 13,5°C (winter time) 52% low 170 / 248 / 470

Appropriateness Too low OK OK Sufficient

1.1.2. Analysis of the production process through time parameters The working process was divided into several phases (sawing different types of wooden planks and 10 assembly phases). For each of them there was a calculation of time made, assuming that workers’ effort was 100%. In Table 3 there is a summary of time calculations.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Figure 1: Pilot project 1 at OZARA d.o.o. – Production of a 6-meter wooden pallet (Source: OZARA d.o.o.)

Figure 2: Pilot project 1 at OZARA d.o.o. – Production of a 6-meter wooden pallet (Source: OZARA d.o.o.)

Total time of sawing

Total time of assembly

ts= tn (1+Kn Ko)= 215,85 (1+0,20 1,45) = 278,45 s ts=ti = 278,45 s t1= ti (1+Kd) = 278,45 (1+0,13) = 314,65 s

Σt= 64,72 min =3883,20 s ts= tn (1+Kn Ko)= 3883,20 (1+0,20 1,45) = 5009,33 s ts=ti = 5009,33 s t1= ti (1+Kd) = 5009,33 (1+0,13) = 5660,54 s = 94,3 min

Table 4: Working process time measurements (after S. Stojko, N. Rojko, 2015, Project report (PP1))

1.1.3. Findings and proposed improvements The two students working on the seminar work came to several findings and proposed the following improvements: Table 3: Ergonomic Workplace Desig – Summary of findings and proposed improvements (after S. Stojko, N. Rojko, 2015, Project report (PP1))

1. 2. 3.

Findings Temperature in the environment is very low (app. 13,5°C – winter time measurement). Waste deposit is being too far from the sawing position. Wooden planks are on the floor and for each piece the employee needs to bend to pick it up.

Proposed improvements Improved heating.

Wooden planks already cut on the saw are being again deposited on the floor, which causes another serious risk of bending when putting them down and again another when lifting them up for the next phase.

Stand for already cut wooden planks.

Container for waste deposit next to the sawing position. A stand for wooden planks next to the sawing position.

Another position of the saw/machine for easier maneuvering with material.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015


Working on the floor is not appropriate for a long period of time.

Turning table for assembly works (see Figure 3). A movable chair next to the turning table with an adjustable height.


6. 7.

Drilling holes and fixing small supporting planks is done manually without any support, only with a help of marks drawn on the wood. Work places are not adjusted to disabled people. The work process needs a lot of improvisation.

Cart for tools and accessories for assembly works. Holder for a drill and a drilling jig to guide the hand when drilling. See proposals above. See proposals above.

Figure 1: Production of a wooden pallet - proposed improvements; S. Stojko, N. Rojko, 2015, Project report (PP1)


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015


SEMINAR WORK 2: Ergonomic Workplace Design - OWAS Analysis

Ergonomic Workplace Analysis in Pilot project 1 was done also through OWAS analysis by Ema Komar, an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor. She observed body postures during the working process of a 6 meter long wooden pallet production. Her main theses were:  Each posture/body position that in time turns into forced position.  A person feels pleasant at work, when he or she is not cramped, can be relaxed and can choose to change body postures.  Forced postures appear mainly due to constructive deficiencies of machinery, equipment, tables, chairs and bad working approaches.  Each of the forced postures in long term causes injures, diseases or gives other unwanted consequences e.g.: o One way bending: formation of growths on the back causing pressure on the nerves, back pain etc. o Long term standing: high pressure in legs, varicose Veins, back pain etc. o Long term seating: indigestion, circulatory disorders, back pain etc. Main methods used were observation of the working process, video shooting, analysing data through OWAS methodology (Ovako Working Analysing System) and proposing improvements and necessary measures. With OWAS analysis a series of different postures and movements was observed, followed by a calculation of % and time spent for each of the movements. Finally the results were inserted in a scale which provides information about the necessity of measures e.g.:  Measures are not needed.  Measures are needed in a reasonable manner of time.  Measures are needed immediately.  Additional research is needed. Analysis consisted of analysis of three phases: a.) Analysis of movements and postures when carrying wooden planks to the saw b.) Analysis of movements and postures when drilling holes into wooden planks c.) Analysis of movements and postures when assembling wooden planks into a pallet Measurements were done in intervals of 3 seconds. The analysis was done assuming that the working process lasts 4 hours (240 minutes).


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

1.2.1. 4Analysis of movements and postures when carrying wooden planks to the saw

Figure 4: Body postures and their duration in % of observed process time (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 5: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 6: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

1.2.2. Analysis of movements and postures when drilling the wooden planks

Figure 7: Body postures and their duration in % of observed process time (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 8: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 9: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

1.2.3. Analysis of movements and postures when assembling the wooden planks into a pallet

Figure 10: Body postures and their duration in % of observed process time (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 11: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))

Figure 12: Body postures, their quantity, duration and necessity of measures (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

1.2.4. Findings and proposed improvements Table 5: Ergonomic Workplace Design – Summary of findings and proposed improvements (after E. Komar, 2015, Project Report (PP1))



Findings Quantity and frequency of bending for picking up and putting down wooden planks, tools etc., used in a process of production of a 6 meter long pallet.

The working surface in the process of drilling holes is extremely low. Although the employee is sitting, she needs to bend whenever she is drilling holes. The chair is fixed and causes frequent rotation and bending positions.


Activities for assembling of wooden planks are actually being carried out on the floor, which causes frequent and long lasting bending positions.

Proposed improvements High level transportation trolley for depositing and transporting wooden planks. High level shelves for planks and other tools, so that an employee doesn’t need to bend every time he or she needs to pick up a plank or a tool. Higher, preferably height adjustable desk for the sitting process of drilling holes. A swivel chair for employee to be able to turn on all sides, pick up the wooden plank, drill holes in it and put it down again. Desktop drill or a manual hanging drill for the process of drilling holes at a desk. Higher, preferably height adjustable working area, where the assembly activities are carried out. Transportation trolley for tools. Waste bin next to the working area for depositing waste wooden planks.


SEMINAR WORK 3: Ergonomic Product Design – Numeric Analysis of a Wooden pallet

Ergonomic Analysis of the Product observed in Pilot project 1 was done by Aleš Horvat and Martin Postružnik, under-graduate students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor. Their analysis was done in a great detail, taking into account several construction options of the 6 meter pallet. Herein we are presenting only basic findings. Their task was to perform a numerical conversion of the pallet, in order to determine whether the pallet is appropriately designed and, if is enough resistant to the load. To be able to come to the conclusion if the pallet is appropriately designed, we need to make a calculation of displacements and the resulting voltage. This voltage must be smaller than the threshold voltage which the material is still resistant to. In order to get suitable results, the study focused on 4 main analyses: a.) The pallet is placed on the floor, and burdened only by its own weight products (1200 kg) b.) The behaviour of pallets during transportation of products (1200 kg) by forklift c.) Stacking two pallets on top of another - for storage purposes d.) Stacking three pallets on top of another - for storage purposes Method used: Numeric analysis was carried out using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The whole method is based on a model which represents the geometry of the object prepared for analysis. The procedure involved the following steps:


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

   

Making a model (Software CATIA was used) Networking and carrying out simulations Determining material parameters (humidity / dryness, irregular growth marks, the fiber etc.) Analysis and calculations of displacements and the resulting voltage in the case of 4 versions of the basic model range in 4 different situations.

The calculation procedure is complex and presenting all its specifics and results is beyond the scope of this article, therefore the results are presented only in an illustrative way in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Comparison between results of numeric analysis of 4 different variations of a 6-meter pallet in 4 different situations (after A. Horvat, M. Postružnik, 2015, Project Report (PP1))


SEMINAR WORK 4: Mobility Analysis in the Working Environment

Mobility analysis of the working environment at OZARA, Service and Disability Company Ltd., where all involved disabled employees work, was done by a group of postgraduate students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, namely Gregor Salobir, Aleš Petek, Aleksander Pagon and Rok Dolinšek. There were two locations analysed: a.) OZARA d.o.o. headquarters with production and professional services (Location 1: MELJE) b.) OZARA d.o.o. carpentry workshop, where the production of a 6-meter long pallet was tested (Location 2: STUDENCI). As buildings on both locations have been built decades ago, accessibility for disabled persons is not ideal. But as OZARA d.o.o. is a company for vocational rehabilitation, employment, social inclusion and training of disabled persons, the company constantly takes measures to improve current situation according to the needs.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Actual findings of the group of students with a list of proposed improvements are presented in Table 6.



Findings Location 1 - MELJE: • Two floor building • The building is old and it’s not designed according to new construction legislation. • Production services area is in the ground floor, accessible for wheelchair users by a ramp and a stair lift. • The floor is in a bad condition with irregularities and small level differences • Door thresholds are a little bit too high, especially on the second floor. • Transition areas are loaded with transportation pallets and cases with sharp edges • Emergency area is not accessible for wheelchair users and others with heavy physical impairment. The stairway in the emergency area is too narrow. • Toilets for disabled in the second floor are missing. Location 2 - STUDENCI: • Ground floor building • The building is old and it’s not designed according to new construction legislation. • Inappropriate parking • Entrance in the building is narrow and has a high door threshold. Thresholds are not marked well enough. • The floor is in a bad condition. • In some areas there are very narrow hallways. • There are no vertical or horizontal signs for blind and visually impaired or intellectually and mentally impaired.

Proposed improvements Location 1 - MELJE: • Renovation of the floor due to irregularities and level differences. • Defining minimum clearance gauge of the hallways in production service area • Protection pads for sharp edges of pallets and cases. • Improving identified discrepancies at the emergency exit area. • Toilets for disabled on the second floor. • Contrasting colours to be used in all areas and in all signs, info boards etc. • Contrasting colours to be used to mark stairs on the stairway. • Optimisation of production process with reorganisation of some depositing areas and work places.

Location 2 - STUDENCI: • Parking area to be arranged. • Renovation of the floor and door thresholds due to irregularities and level differences. • Toilets for disabled to be arranged. • Contrasting colours to be used in all areas and contrasting signs to be added etc.

Table 6: Mobility at Work - Summary of findings and proposed improvements (after A. Pagon et. all., 2015, Project Report (PP1))


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Pilot Projects in Poland Since the previous Newsletter No 4 implementation of projects in Poland is continued in two project partner companies: Łuksja Sp. z o. o. and Medical and Diagnostic Center Ltd. and as well as in two associated companies: Asaj Sp. z o. o. and the Urząd Dozoru Technicznego (UDT). In the last 3 months several working sessions of both Multidisciplinary Groups took place and had brought the group closer to work out the final results, which are concepts of reorganization of five workplaces in terms of adapting the workplaces for the needs of persons with disabilities. Moreover, in 16-17 March 2015 the evaluation of PP was carried out by external evaluator from Slovenia. We have to mention that the implementation of PPs was carried out with some problems, such as: withdrawal of the students from the work in MG 1 and MG2, due to various private circumstances; delays in PP5 caused by some organizational problems, resignation of one of the management member of the project, who was also the researcher (employee of Siedlce University ) and the need to recruit and implementation of a new person into his place.

Pilot Project 3 (PP3) – MG1 Within PP3 the workplace of multi ply spreading and cutter machine operator and IT specialist workplace are researched. Till end of April, 17 sessions took place out of 24 planned for PP3. 12 sessions took place at the University and 5 sessions took place at Łuksja (P5). The subjects covered by the sessions carried out to date include inter alia: Work process analyses at Łuksja; Ergonomic Principles for Workplace Design; Workplace Ergonomics; Ergonomic Testing and Assessment; Anthropometry; legal basis of ergonomics and Occupational safety; Office Ergonomics; Characteristics of PWD in Working Environment; Understanding individual employees and their needs, The mobilty of PWDs. Topics expected in next sessions will include, inter alia: Management and organization of ergonomics; Ergonomic workplace design; Social inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace; Integration of people with disabilities into the workplace; Best practices of ergonomics.

Pilot Project 4 (PP4) - MG2 Within PP4 the workplace of Call Centre operator is researched. Until end of April, 17 sessions took place out of 26 planned for PP4. 12 sessions took place at the University and 5 sessions took place at Call Centre in Medical and Diagnostic Centre (P6). The subjects covered by the sessions carried out to date include inter alia: work process analyses at Call Centre; Ergonomic Principles for Workplace Design; Workplace Ergonomics; Ergonomic Testing and Assessment; Anthropometry; Occupational safety; Office Ergonomics; Characteristics of PWD in Working Environment; Understanding individual employees and their needs. Topics expected in next sessions will include, inter alia: Management and organization of ergonomics; Ergonomic workplace design; Mobility of PWD; Understanding the accessibility and logistic; Factors that affect accessibility, Vehicle Ergonomics; Best practices of ergonomics.

Pilot Project 5 (PP5) – MG1 Within PP5 the workplace of Sales Manager is researched. Until end of April, 7 sessions took place out of 14 planned for PP5. 5 sessions took place at the University and 2 sessions took place at Asaj (Associated Partner). The subjects covered by the sessions carried out to date include inter alia: work process analyses at Asaj; Ergonomic Principles for Workplace Design; Workplace Ergonomics; Ergonomic Testing and Assessment; Anthropometry; Occupational safety; Office Ergonomics; Characteristics of PWD in Working Environment; Understanding individual employees and their needs. Topics expected in next sessions will include, inter alia: Management and organization of ergonomics; Ergonomic workplace design; Mobility of PWD; Understanding the accessibility and logistic; Factors that affect accessibility, Vehicle Ergonomics; Best practices of ergonomics.


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Pilot Project 6 (PP6) – MG2 Within PP6 the workplace of an employee of Administration Department is researched. Until end of April, 9 sessions took place out of 14 planned for PP6. 6 sessions took place at the University and 3 sessions took place at UDT (Associated Partner). The subjects covered by the sessions carried out to date include inter alia: Work process analyses at UDT; Ergonomic Principles for Workplace Design; Workplace Ergonomics; Ergonomic Testing and Assessment; Anthropometry; legal basis of ergonomics and Occupational safety; Office Ergonomics; Characteristics of PWD in Working Environment; Understanding individual employees and their needs, The mobilty of PWDs. Topics expected in next sessions will include, inter alia: Management and organization of ergonomics; Ergonomic workplace design; Social inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace; Integration of people with disabilities into the workplace; Best practices of ergonomics.

Next steps within the Pilot Projects in the companies The next sessions under the PP3, PP4, PP5 and PP6 are planned for May and last sessions in June 2015. After the last sessions the final activities within WP5 will take place i.e. new work place design, introduction to New Work Places for PWDs, self- evaluation (SWOT) by the participants and Report on the Pilot Project.

Activity Reports Seminar for employers, 8th April 2015, Slovenia, Maribor On the 8th April 2015 members of OZARA's rehabilitation team participated in a one-day workshop »Workplace ergonomy« that was carried out within the framework of the ERGO WORK project. The lectures given by recognized experts were very interesting and were about ergonomy, anthropometry, universal design and the humanisation of work, as well as full specific information on employment opportunties for people with disabilities.

Figure 14: Seminar for employers, 8th April 2015, Slovenia

A workplace is a place where we spend one third of the day. Individuals who need adaptations because of their health conditions are able to access and integrate themselves within employment if a workplace is adequately adapted. If we want a workplace to be adequately adapted it is crucial to understand the different kinds of handicaps and/or problems connected with them. It is important to know the physical and mental limitations caused


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

by those handicaps. An adapted workplace is designed ergonomically and is, in most cases, individually designed according to the needs of the person. An adequately adapted workplace enables the employee to be safe, productive and efficient without any great effort. If a workplace is adapted adequately, it is safe for the employee and represents safe working conditions for everyone involved. For persons with disabilities adequate adaptation has a huge impact on their work efficiencies, overcoming limitations and improving their work ability. In this sense ergonomy is closely connected to economy because it improves different kinds of processes, enables more rational work and functioning of the society as a whole.

Fi gure 15: Seminar for employers, lecturer prof. dr. Majda Schmidt Krajnc, 8th April 2015, Slovenia

ERGO WORK – INFAD at "XXII INFAD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS", between 27-30 April 2015. University of Peloponnesse, Greece. The ERGO WORK project was presented during the “XXII INFAD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PSYCHOLOGY” held in Kalamata (Greece) and organized by the University of Peloponnesse and where the following ergonomic topics were addressed: Physical and cognitive ergonomics for disabled people and ergonomics in chronic diseases. PhD. Ana Sánchez, INFAD Project Manager, on the second day of the Congress, within the conference named “Analysis of needs for the ergonomic design implementation in companies and educational contexts, with special reference to disability”, presented the objectives, results of the project and dissemination activities to more than 150 participants who attended the event; amongst them university professors, psychologists, sociologists, doctors and other experts. The papers and communications presented at the Congress will be available in the upcoming publication of the INFAD’s Journal (http://infad.eu/RevistaINFAD/).

Figure 16: ERGO WORK presented at the “XXII INFAD International Congress” in Greece

Interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, March 2015, Poland On 27 March 2015 on live - interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences, Siedlce University, Professor J.S. Kardas, project manager of ERGO WORK Project was broadcast on Radio Podlasie24. In the interview about "Why do young people want to study far from home?" Prof. J.S. Kardas was talking about the ERGO WORK Project and its main goals and activities. (see the link - http://podlasie24.pl/wiadomosci/siedlce/dlaczego-mlodziez-chce-studiowac-daleko-od-domu-fea8.html


ERGOWORK Newsletter #5, May 2015

Article on “Ergonomic improvements in Łuksja, January 2015, Poland In January 2015 an article on: "Ergonomic improvements in Łuksja" was published in "Kuryer Uniwersytecki" No 70. The article describes the activities within the framework of the Multidisciplinary Group (MG1) of Pilot Projects ERGO WORK.

ERGO WORK Pilot Project presentations available to public on SlideShare In order to disseminate the presentations that students involved in Pilot Projects are carrying out, the ERGO WORK team has created an account on SlideShare. You can check now the updated presentations in the following link: http://es.slideshare.net/Ergo_Work

Upcoming meetings/Events 8th June 2015 – Seminar for entrepreneurs during the International Conference Management 2015 9th -11th June 2015, 8th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The session will take place at the United Nations Headquarters. The theme of this year's Conference is "Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the post-2015 development agenda". 27th -29th June 2015, Porto, Portugal. END 2015 – International Conference on Education and New Developments, on which Project ERGO WORK will be presented in frame of an article and speech titled “Creating Inclusive Workplaces for Persons With Disabilities as an Integral Element of Diversity Management«. 16th – 17th September 2015 in, Siedlce, Poland, at University of Siedlce, ERGO WORK Final Consortium Partner Meeting. 16th - 17th September 2015. In Siedlce, Poland, Faculty of Economics and Legal Sciences of Siedlce University (Partner 4) with cooperation of Łuksja (Partner 5) and Medical and Diagnostic Centre (Partner 6) will organize the Final International Conference of ERGO WORK project. Proceedings “Ergonomics – opportunity for new human jobs” will be published for the conference. A call for papers was launched in February. Until 15th May authors could submit the articles.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. For Other languages see: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/graphics/agencies/use-translation.pdf


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