The Bulletin - Issue 49 Dec 2018

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Issue 49 Dec 2018

The official newsletter of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia Ltd

Making a Difference Three reports from the community front line

Talking Teeth Full report from the DHAA Symposium 2018

Make Australia Proud With ISDH 2019 bringing the dental hygiene world to our shores it’s our chance to shine – get involved!

STATE ROUND-UP Find out what’s happening in your local area

More effective caries protection 1,2

than regular* fluoride toothpaste

NeutraFluor 5000 Plus – high strength fluoride toothpaste 5000 ppm F

• One step concentrated fluoride treatment in place of regular fluoride toothpaste ensures good patient compliance

• Proven effectiveness in prevention of root caries


and white spot lesions2

References: 1. Baysan A. et al, “Reversal of primary root caries using dentrifices containing 5,000 and 1,100 ppm fluoride” Caries Res. 2001; 35: 41-46 2. Sonesson M. et al. Effectiveness of high-fluoride toothpaste on enamel demineralization during orthodontic treatment – a multicenter randomized controlled trial. to read Eur J Othod. 2014 Dec; 36 (6): 678- 682 *regular toothpaste with fluoride content up to 1500ppm Note: Not for use in patients with known allergies or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of NeutraFluor 5000. Allergic reactions have been rarely reported with the use of fluoride toothpastes. Dosage and directions: Use daily in place of a regular toothpaste. Apply a thin ribbon to soft small toothbrush. Brush teeth thoroughly for 2 minutes and then spit out. For best results, refrain from eating, drinking or rinsing for 30 minutes. NeutraFluor 5000 Plus contains 1.1% neutral sodium fluoride. For individuals at high risk of caries. Not for use in children under 10 years. Children 10-16 years should use with adult supervision. Refer to full information leaflet before recommending. Supplied by Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd, Sydney NSW 2000 / Colgate-Palmolive Ltd, 45 Knights Road, Lower Hutt, NZ. (Free call) 1800 802 307 (Australia) or 0800 441 740 (NZ)

03 3

Helping others is a blessing we all share


ACCORDING TO THE Foundation for Young Australians, the average Aussie teenager will have 17 different jobs, and five careers, in their lifetime. For our new graduates this could be an alarming statistic, having just completed a vigorous training course and about to embark on a new career, only to realise that the numbers say most will be retraining within 9-10 years. Why are we now likely to make so many career changes? Well it appears that as many as 70% of Australians are completely disengaged with their job, according to recent Gallup research. For many people their job becomes routine and monotonous, going through the motions day after day, minds occupied by the length of our to-do list and everything else that needs to be done, focused on the end of the day, week, year. Also, many of us are spending our working life striving toward that next ‘thing’ that will make us happy, and not living in the present moment. A Chinese Proverb tells us:

04 News

If you want happiness for an hour - take a nap. If you want happiness for a day - go fishing. If you want happiness for a month - get married. If you want happiness for a year - inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime - help others.

The DHAA name-change debate continues; announcing the inaugural winners of the DHAA Oral Health Awards; plus Rant!

12 Chalky Teeth Campaign We find out what’s going on with the D3G initiative.


14 Make Australia proud

ISDH is coming to Brisbane and we need to LEAD.

18 Symposium 2018 Report Find out what went on.

20 Healthy mouth and body The build up for World Oral Health Day begins.

22 Making a Difference Three COHP reports

28 Living above the line?

There are many pros and cons to working in the oral health industry. I wont attempt to list them all here, but one of the major benefits is that we get to help people. Every day. Every patient. And while the patients benefit, so do we. So, to all the new grads starting out in your career, and to all the long-term dental hygienists, dental therapists, and oral health therapists, take a moment to reflect on how you have helped someone today and feel happy about it! From all of us here at the DHAA we would like to wish a very merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of our members and their families. We look forward to seeing you all safe and well in the New Year.

Your self-perception can say so much about you.

30 Vaping not smoking

Discover what it means when your patient ‘vapes’

32 Different Strokes

Three student’s stories.

36 Volunteer for good

Helping out the beautiful people of Timor-Leste.

30 State of the Nation

Cheryl Dey DHAA National President

Your local round-ups.

Key Contacts CEO Mel Hayes CONTACT




The Bulletin is an official publication of the DHAA Ltd. Contributions to The Bulletin do not necessarily represent the views of the DHAA Ltd. All materials in this publication may be readily used for non-commercial purposes. The Bulletin is designed and published by




The jury is still out The industry relevance of the current name of our association is under scrutiny and consideration. DHAA or not DHAA that is still the question. by Melanie Hayes, CEO


s communicated in the last edition of the Bulletin, the DHAA Board of Directors is exploring the name of the association and whether it truly reflects the membership and our mission. Following consideration by our Directors, State and Territory Chairs and past Presidents, the DHAA decided to raise this issue in an open forum at CPD events around the country. It is extremely important to the Board that the members have an opportunity to voice their positive feedback and concerns about a potential name change. A range of positive and negative outcomes have been identified by the members, plus many questions for the Board to consider. There is support for retaining the DHAA name, given the profession of dental hygiene is recognised globally, our name has earned respect in the sector and that OHTs are deciding to join us regardless of the name. However, there was also significant support for being more inclusive of our OHT members and being more reflective of the changing profession. The other issue raised at various forums was that a name change may blur the lines between the DHAA and ADOHTA, and whether it was worth visiting the option of merging the two associations and then deciding as a collective on the most appropriate name. We also conducted an electronic survey at Symposium to gauge interest in potential names for the association, with some 120 delegates completing this at the DHAA booth. While over 78% were in favour of the name change, preferences were quite varied. The favoured option was the Australian Oral Health Association (33%), with less popular options including the Australian Association for Dental Hygiene and Oral Health (20%) and Allied Oral Health Professionals Association (20%). The DHAA does not have a definitive timeline on this process; changing the name should not be a rushed decision and the Board will take its time to carefully consider all of the feedback received. There was robust discussion at the October Board meeting and the next step in our consultation will be to survey the entire membership in January 2019, and review the findings at the February Board meeting. n

“ A range of positive and negative outcomes have been identified by the members, plus many questions for the Board to consider�


Fun, facts and feedback The recent DHAA attendance at WA Children’s Week provided positive outcomes for all ONCE AGAIN WE ran a very successful oral health promotion for Meerilinga Family Fun Day to celebrate WA Children’s Week. The combined volunteer efforts of five DHAA members and nine Curtin University students gave parents and children a fun and relaxed dental education experience and for parents with concerns the opportunity for oral health screening for their children. This year the organisers gave us more space for our stand so more people could access our activities without having to wait, except for oral screening. We estimate at least 400 families attended our stand by the number of Colgate gift packs given to those who completed our activities. Parents also responded to the DHAA public survey to comment about their dental hygienist or oral health therapist experiences and support the DBA scope of practice reform to be considered at the next COAG meeting. Feedback responses were forwarded to state and federal health ministers. It was evident from the interactions and feedback from families that our preventive focus on oral health was valued and considered relevant to all ages. The event also provides DHAA WA the opportunity to give OHT students the experience of providing oral health education at community level, outside the general dental practice environment. Despite the majority of these students offering to volunteer again next year it will be more efficient if we have a few more committee and/or DHAA WA members so that we can better manage the growing number of parents seeking one to one information and advice. All volunteers received a certificate of appreciation as thanks for their services. Wendy Wright

6 Four of the ‘fab’ five (L-R) Cathryn Carboon, Tabitha Acret, Alison Taylor, Tina Pezzaniti

FOR MANY YEARS we have given awards for service to the association, however this year the DHAA decided it was time to start recognising the achievement of our members in all areas of the profession. After receiving many high-quality nominations, the DHAA recognised the successful award recipients in a special ceremony at the DHAA Symposium 2018. The Oral Health Awards were presented across five categories: n Excellence in Higher Education n Community Service n Commitment to Clinical Excellence n Leadership n Service to the Association These recipients are truly inspiring and hope their achievements will encourage you to aspire for an award next year!

Award for Community Service

Winner’s Circle Meet the five lucky winners of the first-ever DHAA Oral Health Awards Story by Melanie Hayes


Cathryn Carboon CURRENT ROLE

Program Manager for the Carevan Foundation Sun Smiles Program THERE WERE NO surprises that Cathryn was presented with this award. Her nomination outlined her tireless involvement in community service activities for over a decade, including ‘Dental Dreaming’ an Indigenous oral health promotion project in partnership with Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative’s Wanya Oral Health Centre, the “Filling the Gap” Dental Program at Wuchopperen Aboriginal Health Service and the Carevan Foundation’s Sun Smiles program. Cathryn was praised for her ongoing long-term commitment to volunteer community service, which has inspired

and motivated many other hygienists, and is admired by many more.

Award for Excellence in Higher Education RECIPIENT

Tina Pezzaniti CURRENT ROLE

Lecturer for the Advanced Diploma in Oral Health at TAFE SA TINA WAS NOMINATED as she goes “above and beyond” for her students, and is always happy to spend extra time with a student explaining or reviewing things until they understand. Her nomination praised her calm approach to any situation, and her ability to provide further information in a rationale, clear and easy to understand

manner, which is especially helpful for those who have seen things done differently in private practice before undertaking study. Tina’s extensive clinical knowledge of both instrumentation techniques and preventative materials is admired by students, given she is willing and open to sharing this knowledge at any opportunity.

Award for Leadership RECIPIENT

Tabitha Acret CURRENT ROLE

DHAA Vice-President TABITHA’S NOMINATION OUTLINED how as National CPD Chair she provides leadership to the state chairs, helping


Leah Hobbs

them to provide top quality presentations and guest speakers and providing valuable face-to-face collaboration for streamlining events. Her nomination praised her ability to provide leadership despite the time difference across the country, and juggling many other roles and tasks behind the scenes. A focus on supporting new graduates and students is also appreciated. Tabitha’s work ethic, energy and positivity is admired by many, and this provides valuable leadership for our Association.

Commitment to Clinical Excellence Award RECIPIENT


Advanced Oral Health Therapist for Metro South Oral Health in Queensland LEAH’S NOMINATION OUTLINED her commitment to developing the skills and knowledge of your team at Metro South Oral Health, in particular ensuring that they utilised their full scope of practice. Undertaking an audit of clinical records

through the use of clinical indicators from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards has ensured that positive clinical outcomes are being monitored and achieved. Leahs involvement in training Oral Health Therapists is admired, with upskilling, mentoring and support to incorporate periodontal treatment for eligible adults and stainless steel crowns as the gold standard in paediatric dentistry benefiting not only the patients, but the practitioners too.

Award for Service to the Association RECIPIENT

Alison Taylor ALISON WAS RECOGNISED for her continued and significant contribution to the DHAA. For many years, Ali has volunteered her time and taken on a number of important roles with the DHAA, including being a past South Australian Branch President, National Councillor, Director, and most recently the Chair of our 2017 National Symposium (SA17). Notable achievements during her time on the Board of Directors, include managing the Community Oral Health Project Grants and development of the Dental Hygienist/Oral Health Therapist in your Practice Resource. Ali’s involvement in the management and organisation of the 2017 National Symposium is admired by the Board, with this event attracting over 500 delegates from around Australia. Delegates, speakers and exhibitors provided overwhelmingly positive feedback on the professionalism of this event, which is a credit to Ali and her leadership on this project. n

Good Sports Both oral health and dentistry students came together to participate in a fiercely competitive La Trobe BOHDS sports tournament THIS WAS A competition to remember, involving five weeks, five sports, five teams and five year levels. The sports played were netball, volleyball, dodgeball, basketball and ultimate frisbee, with each game placing the two top teams even closer in rank. Students were all competing for the highest prize which was a group dinner worth $150. When the finals came around, we celebrated with over 50 people participatiing – either spectating or playing. We would like to thank the generous support of the DHAA who provided a KFC and sushi feast for all the competitors, in addition to covering the costs of court hire and grand prize dinner. In the end, the winning team was ‘Whitewalkers’ with ‘BDA’ finishing in second place. We cannot wait for the 2019 sports competition to see who will tak home the BOHDS Cup! Vicky Le


The lost power of the toothbrush With the recent update to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety we look at how we can make a difference as oral health professionals by Marcy Patsanza


efore we begin may I stress that this article is focused on the power of the toothbrush rather than the increasing trend ofpowered toothbrushes. Having worked in an aged care facility for the past two years, one of the more common setbacks has been that the toothbrush has lost its power. A dishearteningly large number of residents in the facilities attend their three or four monthly recall appointments with significant amounts of food debris, high levels of plaque and heavy calculus. This is a plain and simple indication that their toothbrush has not been a its role in their mouths. The power of the toothbrush to reduce plaque biofilm –

which has a role in initiating periodontitis in patients at risk – has undoubtedly been neglected. This is unmerited for our ageing population as we are aware of research indicating links of poor oral hygiene to systemic health. The elderly tend to reach a point where they have limited dexterity and/or cognition making it challenging for them to independently complete their oral care in the most effective manner. It is at this point they require some assistance. It is however, unfortunately a challenge to receive this help as staff are often said to be time poor. The challenge at hand remains at addressing that oral care fits in on the priority list of the daily care routine allocated within this certain time.

9 It is encouraging to note the recent Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety which was established on 8 October, 2018, by the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Some articles have featured, amongst other concerns, the need to prioritise oral care within the daily care routine being currently delivered. The commissioners are required to provide an interim report by 31 October, 2019 and a final report by 30 April, 2020. While we await this motion to go through, as dental professionals let us not wait passively but rather proactively. It is often said that “do unto others as you would like them to do unto to you” but in this context in which the receiver is not in a position to reciprocate, take it as an opportunity to sow a seed of how you would appreciate one to treat you given you may one day need a hand!

“ The elderly tend to reach a point where they have limited dexterity and/or cognition making it challenging for them to independently complete their oral care” It only takes a two minute brush to make a difference. Perhaps you might consider making a voluntary visit to an aged care facility to provide some basic instruction to the staff and educate them on the highly essential need for effective toothbrushing. Do not limit your knowledge to the dental clinic setup, be proactive, play a part in warming hearts in aged care. Chances are that you probably reside in close proximity to an aged care facility As a dental hygienist, try not to be complacent with your valued skills, do your part! More information regarding the Royal Commission update can be accessed on their website.



Unnecessary fillings wreck a ‘virgin mouth’ By Danielle Gibbens


here seems to be some confusion surrounding the procedure we fondly call the fissure sealant. As the name suggests, it involves sealing a fissure with a glass ionomor or composite resin. Simple stuff really. You’ll easily find the fissure sealant code under the ‘preventative’ section of your ADA code bible as it starts with a #1. All sarcasm aside (actually that’s not true #sorrynotsorry) the procedure of a fissure sealant is one I hold dear to my heart. As a hygiene-only practitioner it is an opportunity to step out of the scaling nook and do some caries prevention – outside of giving giving oral hygiene instructions. I am well within my scope performing this procedure. Not only was I educated on it as a part of my degree, but there is no restorative component to it. When a fissure sealant is being performed there is no bur to enamel action occurring - that, my friends, is what we call a restoration or as our patients say ‘a filling’. Recently I found out that my sister had eight “fissure sealants” where the practitioner “cleaned out the grooves” with the drill and then placed the fissure sealant. I discovered this when she told me she felt like there was a ‘ledge’ on the ‘fissure sealant’. Overhangs aside, my sister was lied to and her health fund fraudulently claimed from by a dental professional. A fissure can be widened with a bur,

it can even be prepped with a bur but it cannot be ‘cleaned’ with a bur. When a bur is used it is ‘restorative’ which makes it a treatment starting with a #5 not a #1. I can hear you yelling that sticky fissures need opening! I’m not arguing against this treatment, however if you have a sticky fissure either watch it or restore it! Don’t claim opening a fissure as a preventative procedure which is designed to prevent caries and keep a tooth intact, because that is fundamentally the opposite of what is occurring. You are not keeping the tooth intact and you’re inadvertently preventing caries. The old practice of removing the fissures and filling them is gone due to the risk of cusp fracture, and the lifelong maintenance required for restorative treatments. By taking a bur to the fissure, you compromise the tooth and it can never be the same tooth again. What kills me is being the person that had to tell my sister (who had a virgin mouth) that she had unwittingly allowed a professional to cut her teeth and actually place eight fillings. I hated having to inform her that she will forever need those now open fissures filled with dental material, meaning that she has a lifetime of cost associated with the maintenance of her eight new occlusal/buccal fillings. Getting to 29 years of age with no fillings is an achievement, so to say she was gutted is an understatement. n Rant! Is supplied by independent contributors and is not an expression of the views of the Dental Hygienists Association of Australia.


The continuing battle to combat chalky teeth The catch-up with the D3 Group and find out what’s going on with its ‘Chalky Teeth Campaign’ by Professor Mike Hubbard


ecent happenings with The D3 Group have opened new opportunities for dental hygienists to learn the latest about “D3s” (Developmental Dental Defects or DDD) while supporting a groundbreaking initiative targeting social good. What is D3G and the Chalky Teeth Campaign? You may already know the answer to this question, not least because DHAA has endorsed D3G’s “online

encyclopedia” ( since 2015 and subsequently supported the Chalky Teeth Campaign financially. It’s suffice to say that The D3 Group (D3G) is officially a cross-sector translational network aiming to provide “better understanding and care of people with chalky teeth/ D3s” – in our case, “cross-sector” means we involve all stakeholders (dental, medical, science, public health, industry, public) and “translational” means we strive to convert (“translate”) scientific findings into social good. For example, in a bid

to improve public-friendliness of this complex topic, we’ve adopted the “chalky teeth” colloquialism to cover all D3s and introduced “chalky molars” as a simple way of discussing Molar Hypomineralisation and enamel opacities (“chalky spots”). By highlighting that one-in-six children worldwide have Molar Hypomin –putting many at a 10-fold elevated risk of decay – the Chalky Teeth Campaign educates about the likely preventability of this prevalent condition and consequent need for well-funded research.

11 What’s new at D3G? Four major advances happened over the past year and together these are shaping D3G into an international movement that’s generating unprecedented social impacts. 1 Subscription membership. This new opportunity provides participants several benefits (most notably an educational newsletter and CPD) whilst enabling them to “give back” a small contribution towards the charitable operation of D3G. 2 Academic publications. Having successfully road-tested D3G’s translational innovations (e.g. “chalky” terminology) on the public and practitioners, these were “reverse translated” into academia via two “call to arms” publications (available free from D3G’s homepage) – thanks to widespread exposure in highly regarded journals, these articles have elicited wonderful responses including what follows. 3 Internationalisation. After 10 years development across Australia and New Zealand, D3G was opened to other countries and over 100 people from 31 countries have since signed up as “International Friends”. 4 Social good actions. Given D3G’s mission to help people, several “social impact” features were added to provide a footing that is both humanitarian and quantifiable – so anyone can “pay it forward” to sponsor D3G memberships in undeveloped countries or see at a glance how much D3G’s resources are being used.

Unsurprisingly, many more exciting advances are in store and will be implemented once resourcing (membership) grows. What’s in it for Oral Health Professionals? There’s lots of good on offer here, as recognised by executives from DHAA and other oral health professional organisations who’ve worked with D3G

to increase awareness of the key role oral health professionalsw play in “D3 land”. For example, while we all know oral health pofessionals represent the biggest frontline for detecting and dealing with Molar Hypomin problems, this fact is often disregarded elsewhere across dentistry and public health. Fortunately there have been some wonderful exceptions, such as gifting of our celebrated children’s storybook (“Sam’s story”) to numerous OHPs by Australasian dental organisations and practitioners. Naturally these advances and future

2 Get ‘Sam’s Story’ for your practice or as a gift for needy kids – LINK 3 Educate yourself using D3G’s vast offerings and then share this knowledge 4 Refer others to D3G and the Chalky Teeth Campaign using our colourful business cards

Through these convenient and funfilled avenues, you can take pride not only from keeping yourself at the leadingedge of D3 happenings but also from the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping society too.

Meet ‘Sam’ the very engaging face for the Chalky Teeth Campaign

opportunities carry a responsibility for OHPs to be well-informed about D3s and proactive about spreading the word too. The “D3 family” is proud to have many OHPs in its midst (see membership-map.html) – obviously we’d like to welcome many more if we’re to change the D3-world as we all wish! Pleasingly, other OHP organisations (ADOHTA, NZDHA, NZDOHTA, IFDH) are also behind D3G, opening the door to a united voice led by “D3ers Down Under”.

Want to learn more? The Chalky Teeth Campaign has been very thoroughly thought out and is well-supported. If your intersted to find out more then there are some handy online resources that are wellworth a read; nD 3G’s online education resource and network – LINK nT he Chalky Teeth Campaign – LINK nD 3G’s social impact: – LINK n“ Chalky teeth” terminology – LINK n“ Molar Hypomin” D3G-style – LINK

How can we participate? While there are many ways to participate in D3G, we’d like to highlight the following; 1 Join D3G and keep up with the latest D3 happenings for only $50pa – LINK

nR ead and purchase Sam’s Story – LINK

For all enquiries please contact: Prof. Mike Hubbard, D3G Founder/Director at


It’s our time to


The International Symposium on Dental Hygiene is returning to Australia in 2019, with the theme of LEAD – Leadership, Empowerment, Advances and Diversity. We look at why you shouldn’t miss this rare opportunity to get involved in a global event on home soil. Story by Melanie Hayes


he DHAA are thrilled to welcome the global dental hygiene community to Brisbane next year, as we are hosting the 2019 International Symposium on Dental Hygiene (ISDH)! This event, held every three years, is an opportunity for the global oral health community to come together and learn, network and have some fun! For those of you that have never experienced an International Symposium, this is an event not to be missed. I have had the privilege of attending the past three ISDH meetings in some amazing parts of the world: Glasgow, Scotland in 2010, Capetown, South Africa in 2013, and Basel, Switzerland in 2016. Not only is it an opportunity to hear from world renowned speakers, but there is a comradery among the various nations attending that cannot be experienced elsewhere. I have made lifelong friends all around the globe through attending the ISDH.


The Location Why Brisbane, you might ask? The ISDH is traditionally held in the months of June-August, and Brisbane is a sub-tropical capital city with a perfect year round climate for international delegates. Brisbane has excellent domestic and international air access, has a relaxed and friendly vibe coupled with a world-class infrastructure. The Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre is one of the world’s leading convention centres – voted top three in the world on three occasions. It is Australia’s most awarded Convention Centre, with technologically advanced and flexible meeting spaces and outstanding food and beverage options. The convention precinct in Southbank is a unique area with a focus on the arts, culture and entertainment; a riverside city oasis with an inner-city beach, gardens and rainforest, plus a range of over 35 eateries and public picnic areas. It is within walking distance to the Brisbane CBD with it’s myriad of accommodation

“ Not only is it an opportunity to hear from world renowned speakers, but there is a comradery among the various nations attending that cannot be experienced elsewhere” options and with the City Cat ferry providing easy access this is a jewel of a venue to showcase our country.

The Program The program is one unlike any before, with five concurrent streams offering a range of sessions to suit all interests of the delegates. The opening plenary aims to be novel and thought-provoking, with four dental hygienists weaving together a story and prompting delegates to consider “Are you a lamp, a lifeboat, or a ladder?”


Anh Do will present as the Saturday morning plenary

15 Equally exciting is the Saturday morning plenary, with Vietnamese-born Australian author, actor, comedian, and artist Anh Do joining us. In addition to the plenary session, we will be offering streams based on our “LEAD” theme, including Leadership, Empowerment, Advances and Diversity. The full program includes over 14 hours of CPD, and is available to view already at https://www. Each ISDH commences with an official opening ceremony, where we will showcase Australia and the conference ahead. We look forward to engaging with delegates through an interactive indigenous experience, and officially welcoming our global colleagues through the traditional flag ceremony. It’s certainly impressive to see some 30 nations represented on the stage, waving their flags proudly! The traditional Australian experience wil continue later that evening at the Welcome Reception, with music and wildlife displays, among our exhibition.

“ Our exhibition will be the thriving hub of the symposium, with industry promoting their latest products and technologies to an estimated 1500 delegates” Speaking of which – our exhibition will be the thriving hub of the symposium, with industry promoting their latest products and technologies to an estimated 1500 delegates. Exhibition spaces are almost sold out – so if you are dental company looking to be involved with this unmissable event, you had better be quick! The Gala Dinner will be held on, a brand-spanking new venue right on the Brisbane River. This is a great opportunity to network with new-found friends, and I’m already looking forward to showing our international colleagues how Australian dental hygienists throw a party (I definitely feel the Nutbush coming on!). We hope you will join us in welcoming our international colleagues to Australia for the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene. There are so many reasons to mark this unmissable event in your diaries! Early bird rates are now available, and there is the option of a payment plan if that helps you manage your budget. n

ISDH: Don’t just take our word for it!

Hear from two members who have been before and are definitely going again! Expanding your horizons

ATTENDING AN INTERNATIONAL Symposium is one of the most exciting experiences you can have. Getting to meet and network with overseas visitors can gain you long-term friendships with an expansion of both working and personal ideals. Being able to get to know how different countries are trained then utilise their skills is just one of many things to discuss. International speakers are always of a high standard and can give different outlooks to subjects that we haven’t yet considered. Being a visitor in Madrid for the 2004 Symposium, was of great benefit as we were able to combine travel of different countries both before and after the Symposium. Sydney was also of value, being on home ground, and found being a host was just as enjoyable. I highly recommend attending the Brisbane ISDH and have already registered! Chris Corner

Inspiring and welcoming I CONSIDER MYSELF lucky enough to have attended two international symposia during my career. My first was 1992 in The Hague, Netherlands. I was SA President and along with Sue Aldenhoven AM – the national president at that time – we represented Australia as delegates to the HOD Business Meeting held prior to the symposium. It was truly inspiring being surrounded by so many professional colleagues. Everyone was so warm and welcoming it really felt like an international family. My next ISDH was 2001 in Sydney. I was proud to attend as hosting nation, however, I was in early pregnancy with my son and that was the weekend my jeans decided not to fit! Despite this minor setback, it was again an amazing time to celebrate our growing profession with international colleagues. Australia are fortunate enough to once again host the ISDH in Brisbane 2019. I will be attending with bells on and so look forward to what looks like a great program and the opportunity to reconnect with international friends. Michelle Kuss

Visit the ISDH website today and register




The DHAA Symposium 2018 went off with a bang and over 400 delegates had a total dental hygiene experience Story by Margaret Galvin


t was that time of year again in mid-October when hundreds of oral health professionals descend on an Australian city for some serious learning. This year over 400 delegates from around the country packed their tropical attire to spend a few days in sultry Cairns, Far North Queensland. With over 20 CPD points up for grabs, the DHAA Symposium this year was jam-packed with workshops and lectures covering subjects ranging from pericementitis, owning your own practice, and patient stress management. The Symposium kicked off a little earlier this year with a workshop on the Wednesday afternoon to provide practitioners an opportunity to refresh their oral local anaesthetic skills. A worthwhile workshop inclusion for those of us who rarely have the chance to give local anaesthetic. Thursday morning saw people attending workshops that provided practical skills and advice to not only enhance a patient’s experience in the dental chair, but to also keep the practitioner relaxed, strong, and injury-free. This was achieved through workshops that included ‘Pilates;’ ‘Ergonomics and Wellness in the Clinic;’ The Mouth and Body Connection;’ and ‘Delivering Clinical Excellence in an Everchanging World – A Journey of Motivation, Understanding and Implementation.’ The Main Program was opened with a moving and informative Welcome to Country. These ceremonies, though small in length of time, give a big sense of place by providing a brief history

“ Thursday morning saw people attending workshops that provided practical skills and advice to not only enhance a patient’s experience in the dental chair, but to also keep the practitioner relaxed, strong, and injury-free”


18 of the area and the people that came before us. The rest of Thursday afternoon was spent learning from experts covering a wide range of topics. Professor Ann Spolarich spoke about caring for patients with special needs in geriatrics. She gave us practical advice and tips about how to set up a practice so it is easy for our older patients to manoeuvre about the clinic, and advised us as to what we should keep an eye out for oral health wise for those patients. This was followed by Tabitha Acret providing us information on the gold standard of preventative care treatment. Tabitha’s genuine passion for the evidence-based Guided Biofilm Therapy has no doubt inspired her fellow oral health practitioners to reassess their current practices so patients have the best outcomes for their oral health issues. Thursday was not all about the well-being of the patient. The well-being of the practitioner was also covered. Kerry Stingel had the whole room stretching and limbering up on the Thursday afternoon. Her tips on how to prevent strain on our bodies was welcome advice, and I have a feeling most practitioners now carry out a few extra stretches between patients in order to ease any muscle tension. After a short refreshment break Mary Mowbray, from across the ditch, spoke of her journey to becoming a dental practice owner. I know there are a few DHs and OHTs who own their practices, but hopefully a few more were inspired by Mary and they got the small push they needed to take the plunge. Thursday closed with a Welcome Reception where people caught up with friends and colleagues, and also perused the more than 30 exhibitor stalls. Friday morning started with an interesting lecture from Professor Anne Spolarich about increasing patient engagement (an ever-present battle for oral health professionals) and the efficacy of oral health educational interventions to change behaviour were discussed. A quick break was followed by an eye-opening lecture from Mary Mowbray about pericementitis. I personally had not read or heard much about this particular oral health issue, but now I am more heedful when checking the tissue health around implants. Friday morning finished with Professor Spolarich enlightening the assembled delegates about dental considerations with dietary supplements. Anecdotally, with an increased interest in, and intake of dietary supplements, Professor Spolarich’s lecture was timely and informative. During lunch, delegates had the opportunity to take part in a ‘lunch and learn’ with the passionate and inspiring Margie Steffens. Margie’s knowledge regarding oral health and aged care is always well imparted, and very much appreciated by all those fortunate enough to attend her talks. After lunch, Katrina Murphy from KMIR spent time answering the tricky audience questions about industrial relation issues. Katrina has been with the DHAA for many years, and on the rare occasion when she doesn’t know the answer straight away, Katrina will find out the information relevant to the person, the issue, and the State or Territory or Australia. It is great that the DHAA has Katrina on our team.

“ Drinks and canapes by the water, followed by a sit-down meal, fun group pictures in the photo booth, and a number of dance-offs on the dancefloor… what more could one ask for?” Just before an afternoon tea break, inspirational Cairns local Grant ‘Scooter’ Patterson motivated the audience to achieve more by sharing his amazing story about growing up with Diastrophic dysplasia and competing in the 2012 Summer Paralympics. Later that evening, Scooter also inspired people on the dancefloor at the Gala Dinner. But more about that later. Friday afternoon was finished with an in-depth update on dental pain management now that codeine is prescription only, presented by Associate Professor Geraldine Moses. Associate Professor Moses also gave an update on anticoagulants. Friday night saw people don their elegantly tropical attire to attend the Tropical Elegance Gala Dinner. Gala dinners at the DHAA Symposiums are always filled with delectable locally sourced food and drinks, friends and colleagues, and a dancefloor that is usually burnt up by the end of the night. The Cairns Gala Dinner was no exception. Drinks and canapes by the water, followed by a sit-down meal, fun group pictures in


the photo booth, and a number of dance-offs on the dancefloor… what more could one ask for? The Saturday morning was quite ‘the morning after the night before’. Thankfully Professor Spolarich gained the audience’s interest with a presentation about caring for medically complex patients. This was followed by a 2-part comprehensive presentation by Mary Mowbray about patient stress management and TMD, and the morning was rounded out with and update on oral cancer and precancerous pathology by Professor Camile Farah. Having pictures along with descriptions of various pathology is a good visual so practitioners can truly know and understand what to look for when carrying out an oral cancer check on a patient. The afternoon also tackled some sobering issues including domestic violence and medical emergencies. Dr Felicity Croker’s presentation gave the gathered delegates a heads-up as to what to look for when dealing with the aforementioned issues. Attentiveness to the state of the patient, compassion, and being non-judgemental seemed to be the order of the day. Professor Farah returned with more information about oral cancer and precancerous pathology, and Professor Neil Meredith finished the day with an informative lecture about implants and prosthodontics. Some other highlights from the Symposium include the generous door prizes donated by various sponsors (and me finally winning one after attending symposiums for the past four years), the quality posters showcasing the research and

skills of some very talented colleagues, and the Inaugural Oral Health Awards. A most hearty thanks to the organisers of the Cairns Symposium, the invited speakers, the sponsors, and the attending delegates that help make these events successful. Next year the DHAA is going international. Oral health professionals are travelling from across the globe to attend the 2019 International Symposium of Dental Hygiene. We are all lucky enough to be heading to Brisbane, QLD for which promises to be an information-packed learning extravaganza. Start booking your Symposium tickets, sorting your travel buddies, and organising your extracurricular activities for August 15-17, 2019. I look forward to seeing you there. n


Healthy Mouth. Healthy Body.

21 World Oral Health Day provides us with the tools to motivate our patients to more than just ‘floss’. All it takes is to get involved. by Marcy Patsanza


s oral health professionals we are renowned for encouraging our patients to floss, however one has to admit that the biggest dental confession the patient seems to always have at their recall appointment is: “Sorry, I haven’t been flossing”. While it is true that flossing together with good toothbrushing plays a role in reducing plaque biofilm, it is crucial to ask whether this is the main oral health concern at play.

mouth is a mirror to the body and how it reflects overall health. It is therefore crucial for the patient to be aware that besides an inability to maintain a “good flossing routine”, a healthy mouth generally reflects a healthy body! While debriding that tenacious interproximal calculus, it might be a good time for us as oral health professionals to address some pressing oral concerns which may eventually get the patient more motivated to do more than just trying to floss! The mouth is a gateway to our bodies and research has proven that dental health can offer clues about the status of a person’s overall health, such as revealing nutritional deficiencies and other signs of systemic diseases. The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has a policy clearly stating that there is an increasing body of evidence demonstrating links between oral and systemic disease. It states that research has focused on the influence of periodontal disease on diabetes mellitus, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Associations with other diseases such as dementia, chronic kidney disease and certain forms of cancer have also since been reported. This year, the campaign focused on educating the patient on the mouth and body connection but 2019 is the year to put things into action! Still under the ‘Say Ahh’ umbrella campaign, the theme this year is ‘Act on Mouth Health‘. The aim being to motivate patients to manage their own oral health. As oral health professionals , let us start challenging society by taking better care of their oral cavities. Let us go beyond saving smiles and instead let us proactively aim at saving lives as a whole! Be encouraged to go beyond the floss talk with your patient, not just on World Oral Health Day but every day. Stay challenged to raise awareness of the importance of good oral health. Are you doing your part? It is said that for one to evaluate their value in society

“ Be proactive this World Oral Health Day, play your part and be sure to let us know how you did it” World Oral Health Day (WOHD), which is celebrated annually on the 20 March, is the largest global awareness campaign on oral health. Launched by FDI World Dental Federation in 2007, there is a focus on a theme each year that provides an opportunity for all of us to act on reducing the oral disease burden globally. In 2018, the FDI launched a three-year campaign strategy for World Oral Health Day (WOHD) under the theme “Say Ahh”, a phrase often used by oral health professionals during examinations to initiate the patient to open their mouth. This paved a platform to highlight how the

they ought to constantly ask what it is they are popularly known for? Oral health professionals of Australia, I pose to you this question: What are you popularly known for? Hopefully it’s not just as the flossing police! Be proactive this World Oral Health Day, play your part and be sure to let us know how you did it. Complacency robs the future of its potential and right now – as preventive oral health practitioners – we have a good chance to mould the future of oral health awareness in Australia! Let us not be complacent. Join the DHAA family for World Oral Health Day dinner meetings which have been organised across Australia and perhaps on this day, share a story with a fellow hygienist of how you are playing your part. More information on how to get involved in the WOHD campaign can be found on the official FDI World Federation website. A complete starter campaign toolkit can be accessed from the WOHD website. n

Fun WOHD Fact

Why is World Oral Health Day celebrated on the 20th of March? ESTABLISHED IN THE spirit of FDI founder Dr Charles Godon whose ambition was to improve the oral health of populations. The aim was to reflect that: • Seniors must have a total of 20 natural teeth at the end of their life to be considered healthy • Children should have 20 teeth • Healthy adults should have a total of 32 teeth and zero cavities This information expressed on a numerical basis can be translated as 3/20 hence March 20th!


Reports on some exciting Community Oral Health Projects

happening around the country

Making a difference How you perceive yourself can affect how you deal with everyday challenges Story by Lyn Carman


Dental Longevity Aged care staff training and education

Jack Angove

IN RESIDENTIAL AGED Care Facilities (RACFs) across Australia, residents are often plagued by cavities, gum disease and cracked teeth, in part because their mouths are not kept clean. While residents now require more dental care than in the past, nursing staff are rarely prepared to provide it. Staff are swamped with other tasks and brushing their teeth often falls to the bottom of the to-do list every time. Even when care is available, few staff members are trained to cope with the rising numbers of residents with dementia who resist routine dental hygiene. Dental Longevity’s aim was to improve the level of dental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of nursing staff, and increase awareness of their expanding role in oral hygiene care delivery for dependant residents in RACFs. The project was facilitated by Jack Angove

(OHT) and the team at Kooringal Dental, Wagga Wagga, and supported by a DHAA Community Oral Health Projects Grant. Out of eighteen RACFs contacted in the Riverina NSW, six participated in this project. The program was based on health promotion philosophy delivered through presentations and demonstrations. Quantitative pre and post-questionnaires were administered to all nursing staff. The knowledge, attitudes and behaviours were compared to assess the general impact. Qualitative data was obtained from postintervention feedback and follow-up. “Jack delivered an informative, engaging and very relevant presentation.


I spoke to staff after Jack’s visit and received excellent feedback and everyone learnt something new to put into practice…..We welcome Jack back at Baptist Care at any stage to deliver more education”. Erin McPherson, Education Coordinator at Baptist Care. The data and feedback from the intervention showed that the program was well received and increased the nursing staff’s dental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours therefore increasing the opportunity for staff to improve oral health outcomes of their residents. The project contacted numerous RACFs, but only ended up working with six who now make oral health a priority. As a way forward, private dental practices could team up with their local RACF’s, allowing residents to benefit from general dental oversight, necessary preventive treatment and improved continuity of care. This in turn would lead to increasing employment opportunities for OHTs and dental hygienists in the private sector. Dental Longevity’s pilot study is phase one of what will be a longer term project, making a real difference and having positive impact on residents’ residing in RACFs.

Community Empowerment

Jinky Marsh IT WAS ENCOURAGING to learn that DHAA has been supporting its members in implementing community oral health projects and programs through grants since 2005. It was much more surprising and at the same time challenging to be selected as one of its three 2018

recipients among a number of high quality applications from various states. Community engagement has always been a personal commitment of mine, to express my gratitude of having good health from age 19 and being presented with a wide range of opportunities from year 1999 when I emigrated to Australia from the Philippines. I started conducting oral health promotion sessions in various community groups since finishing a Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Oral Health Education). Having the support of DHAA this year and while on maternity leave at the time of the oral health project timeline, the promotion’s reach extended to wider community groups. It was empowering, enriching and satisfying to be able to implement community oral health projects from actual planning, budgeting, liaising, broadcasting or promoting in print and radio, translating oral health messages, presenting and conducting oral health promotion sessions and dental health week competitions. The grant received was utilised for a dental health week competition in association with Upper North Shore community radio Triple H 100.1FM, particularly through its Filipino program Radio Tagumpay in which I have been a volunteer radio presenter since 2015. There were seven winners from various age groups who listed three ways to keep the mouth healthy: two primary school aged children, a teenager, an adult, two mothers with children under five and an older adult. A similar competition was organised at Our Lady of Rosary Primary School in Waitara for all year levels, except for all Year 2 students who participated in the oral health promotion session conducted. Two student entries were selected as winners in each year level, with the winners announced at the school assembly. The oral health promotion focused on the “five ways to a healthy mouth” with reference to NSW Department of Health Little Smiles Dental Health Resource Package for Child Care

“ It was empowering, enriching and satisfying to be able to implement community oral health projects” Professionals. Delivery strategies were in the forms of role-playing, illustrations, interactive learning, music and character entertainment (tooth fairy) during the oral health gift giving sessions. The same oral health promotions were conducted for the Little Angels Playgroup Asquith, Pinoy (Filipino) Community Cultural Class in Central Coast, Hornsby Kuring-gai Multiple Birth Association of Australia and the Ponds Special School. Similar to Radio Tagumpay, each of the community organisations have known me for a number years through past and present associations and memberships. Favourable feedback from the Little Angels Playgroup led to additional oral health promotion session to a Spanish playgroup, Wahroonga Hispanitos. Health promotion efforts promote


Jinky Marsh getting down to the kid’s level

interventions and comprehensive approach to the promotion of health (Kumar & Preetha, 2012). The Sydney Local Health District for instance, with its NSW Little Smiles program aims to increase awareness in prevention, early intervention of oral health diseases and improvement of oral hygiene (SLHD, 2014). Community engagement, on the other hand, is essential to health and well-being as non-participation can have adverse consequences on them (AIFS, 2016). DHAA support for oral health promotions and projects through the Community Oral Health Project Grants opened up exciting opportunities for me and helped built lasting relationships with the participating organisations. The DHAA support likewise bolstered my functional capabilities to meaningfully participate in the community. I look forward to developing new community oral health projects using fast evolving media such as virtual, augmented and mixed realities for 21st century children. I also hope to provide mobile oral health preventive services within the scope of practice of a dental

hygienist for special need people e.g. older Australians and children with disabilities. I continually dedicate my community engagement to my family who has always been my inspiration. References: Kumar, S. and Preetha, G.S. (2012). Health promotion: An effective tool for global health. Indian Journal of Community Medicine. 37 (1):5-12. doi: [10.4103/09700218.94009]; Sydney Local Health District. (2014). Oral health promotion. Retrieved from oralhelth/promotion.html Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2016). Community engagement: A key strategy for improving outcomes for Australian families. CFCA Paper No. 39. Retrieved from publications/community-engagement/ why-why-community-engagementimportant “Tagumpay” is a Filipino word for success. Radio Tagumpay goes with the philosophy that success is not just what one accomplishes but what one encourages others to achieve.

Big smiles in the park

Cathy Vaughn

BY THE AGE of six approximately half of Queensland’s Children have experienced dental disease (Queensland Health, 1997). Egger, Spark and Lawson (1990) state that health promotion programs that incorporate community participation and intersectoral collaboration are more likely to be successful due to the sustainability of the Program. The purpose of the project, Big Smiles in the Park, was to provide an opportunity for oral health staff to have local community engagement with parents and carers of the zero to five age group. It was decided


by the Townsville Oral Health Promotion Group to take the health promotion to the people, so it was decided that the event would be held at a local playground in Dan Gleeson Memorial Gardens. The goals of this project were to have increased staff participation in community health promotion activities, an increase in community interaction with oral health staff, and a focus on the target group and their carers in promoting the learning of holistic oral health messages. Flyers advertising the event were distributed to all day care centres and kindys in Townsville. The date was picked in August to coincide with Dental Health Month. The project involved many activities tailored to the target group that involved intersectoral collaboration with other health departments such as Child Health Services, students from JCU Dental School, Barrier Reef TAFE Childcare Students attended to help and other government departments such as the Townsville City Council and Townsville City Libraries. Other resources were made available from the Queensland Cancer Council. including Sid the Seagull Stickers and Parent Information Pamphlets about Sun Safety. There were many activities for the children to experience all tailored around the healthy lifestyle choices messages. The message was also reinforced with a Dame Edna 2 and 5 Game, where the children had to identify the foods that they could toss through Dame Edna’s wide mouth. A jumping- castle, toss a tooth game and sack races were present at the event to promote physical activity. Face painting was provided to promote the sun-safe message including Sid the Seagull stickers and parent information pamphlets about sun safety. There was a water station to promote the drinking of water for good oral health and general health. Apple slinkies and cheese station was there to promote health food choices and to make food preparation fun. The importance of toothbrushing was

“ The star attraction was Mr Toothy who was two JCU dental students taking turns to play the part.” reinforced by our Tooth Fairy Treasure Hunt and by the Dress up Like a Dentist Activity, where the children got to dress up in the dentist coat, glasses and gloves, they also danced to the toothbrushing songs from the Wiggles CD. The importance of looking after your teeth was also reinforced with the Glitter Art Activity, where the children got creative with cut out teeth and glitter and then they got to take their masterpieces home afterwards. Story Time was another way of getting the children and their carers to learn about how important the teeth are with a bit of fun as well. One of our oral health therapists was reading tooth related stories to the children. A parent information table and display were present to help any parents or carers with information about oral health or accessing

oral health services. This activity was also used to do a survey of the event to determine parent demographics, how people found out about the event and what they enjoyed and if we could make any improvements. A raffle was there for the encouragement of anyone who took the time to do the survey and was drawn at the end of the event. A passport was developed to encourage the children to participate in as many activities as possible with stamps available at each activity. This was a valuable way of determining how many attended the event as they were handed out to people as they entered the event. The star attraction was Mr Toothy who was two JCU Dental Students taking turns to play the part. Oral health staff wore coloured polo shirts with the DHAA logo on them to promote the DHAA. This also showed us as a cohesive group and made us recognisable to the public. The DHAA logo was on display at our information display and was also present on our flyer advertising the event. WIN news attended taking film footage and interviewing dental staff on the purpose of the event. Jasmine from the Townsville Hospital Publicity Department attended and interviewed parents and staff as well as took some photos of the event. A fun day was had by all and the feedback for parents and carers was very positive. Feedback from staff suggested that it was a very enjoyable and successful outdoor activity. I would like to thank the DHAA for making this grant available for Community Oral Health Projects. Without this grant the project would not have been as successful. n References: Egger, G, Spark, R, Lawson, J 1990. Health Promotion Strategies and Methods, p94. Queensland Health. 1997. Oral Health Statistics as in Lloyd, J., Farmiloe, and B. 1999.Oral Health promotion for Early Childhood Centres. Pilot Project Summary. Queensland Health(b).


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Are you living above or below the line? How you perceive yourself can affect how you deal with everyday challenges Story by Lyn Carman


re you the type of person who is the cause of the things that happen in your life, or are you at the effect of things that happen to you? We are either at the effect side of the equation or at the cause side. We are either causing something to happen or we are experiencing the effects. Even doing nothing is an action. The question is which side of the line are you living? Are you living above the line, at cause, or below the line, at effect? At any given moment you are either living above the line or below the line. This is also known as ‘Results’ versus ‘Reasons’. What I mean by this is, if someone believes they are not at cause for anything in their life, even though they haven’t looked for a job and they spend all their time blaming others for their “bad luck” they are going to experience a certain type of world. Compare this experience to someone who believes that they are at cause. They will find a way to work. They won’t blame, they will take responsibility. They will be proactive in changing the circumstance of their life. There is no right or wrong here, but which side is more empowering? People who go through life on the effect side of the equation have reasons. They will be able to tell you why they are not successful. “It was my ex, my parents held me back, I didn’t get the breaks I deserved, the market, the school I went to, bad timing, my boss…” There is constant blame, justifications and denial. As a

result, they are always angry, and hold resentment against these people. They believe they are victims who have no choice. Maybe all of that is true. However, the question I have is: How satisfying is living a life like this able to be? How much joy, courage, love, empowerment or resourcefulness can someone feel if they live with their stories, with all their reasons of why they can’t.

Right or happy. What’s your preference? The first step is to ‘calibrate’ your understanding of above and below the line reactions by drawing on your own experiences. Start by remembering a situation for example, when you are in the car, driving along happily, when from out of nowhere someone cuts dangerously in front of you. You are forced to brake quickly to avoid an accident. How would you react? Like most people you would probably react in one of the traditional ways: a heavy hand on the horn, a tirade of abuse, the flashing of headlights, or all three of the above. This typical reaction to a typical situation is a classic example of what we call an automatic response. It’s’ a ‘default’ behaviour. We don’t consciously think about honking, swearing or flashing headlights – we just do it. Every day we face similar situations where we simply react, and our response to being challenged or criticised is defensiveness, denial, blame or justification. It is possible to change your

“ When someone cuts you off in heavy traffic and instead of hitting the horn you are able to silently let the situation slide with no more than a wry grin. Once you can do this, you are on your way to increased emotional health and better working relationships”


‘automatic below the line’ responses to situations. This is the ‘line of choice’ between the default, ‘automatic at effect’ responses, to challenging situations and the more emotionally healthy option of a thoughtful and constructive response to them, ‘at cause’. We say that automatic responses are ‘below the line’ while constructive responses are ‘above the line’.

Notice that I use the word ‘choice’ here. For ultimately there is a personal choice to be made between operating above or below the line, even though it may not feel like it as our hand hits the horn or the excuses start flowing. The second step in training yourself to operate ‘above the line’ is to become more aware of your emotions as things are unfolding around you, rather than after the event. In other words, your aim is to be increasingly ‘present’, or ‘in the moment’. The acid test - When someone cuts you

off in heavy traffic and instead of hitting the horn you are able to silently let the situation slide with no more than a wry grin. Once you can do this, you are on your way to increased emotional health and better working relationships. The only thing preventing you from achieving what you want are the beliefs you form and the stories you tell yourself. Living below the line, the grass is indeed greener on the other side. By choosing to live above the line, we embrace 100% responsibility. It’s a simple yet powerful belief that we create everything that happens in our life. Successful people have this “crazy” belief – you are the cause of all effects in your life. That statement can cause people to push back or react with emotional intensity. Again whatever you choose, when you live above the line, it’s your own creating. Perhaps this whole idea of living at cause isn’t true. Perhaps some things are out of our control. Even in that case, the only question you should care about is this: Does believing in this theory empower me? Does believing in above the line thinking improve the quality of my life? People who go through life on the cause side of equation have results that speak. You embrace ownership and responsibility, which gives you the maximum power to create the life you want. n


Not smoking... ...just vaping What it means when a patient tells you they don’t ‘smoke’ but they do ‘vape’? Story by Margaret Galvin

FOR THE PURPOSE of ease, for this article I’ll use the term ‘e-cigs’ to encompass electronic cigarettes, vaporisers, e-pipes, and e-cigars. Do you smoke? It’s a question asked of our patients when they fill out their medical histories and, if you’re anything like me, you will ask about any previous smoking history. I used to leave it at that and tailor my smoking cessation advice depending on the person’s answers. This has, however, changed in recent years. I bumped into an old workmate of mine (let’s call him ‘Kris’) and we were discussing his smoking habits (he had quit previously on multiple occasions). Kris told me when he is asked if he smokes, he now says, ‘No.’ He now ‘vapes’ and according to Kris, that doesn’t count as ‘smoking.’ I looked at him in admiration, because who doesn’t love an answer that is deceitfully true? Kris, who was not lying when he answered the ‘do you smoke?’ question, had caused me to query my approach to smokers, e-cig users, and general inhalers of all things vaporised. I was going to have to approach the ‘do you smoke?’ question in a more rounded manner, so as to include the e-cig users. But first, I had to find out more about what people were using, how they were using it, and what they were inhaling into their lungs via their oral cavity.

Vaping explained When it comes to the actual device used to vaporise the liquid, there are a variety of shapes and sizes people can

choose from. Some devices resemble conventional cigarettes, cigars or pipes whereas others may look like items such as pens, memory sticks, and larger cylindrical or rectangular devices.

They can have a ‘tank’ type design and adjustable power settings, but the basic parts of an e-cig are the mouthpiece, a heating element, and the battery. An e-liquid is placed into the e-cig, a small amount is heated, and the user inhales the vapour. E-liquids can contain nicotine or be nicotine-free. In Australia, the most commonly-sold type is nicotine-free as nicotine is illegal to buy, possess or use without a licence or authorisation. It


is possible to import nicotine for use in an e-cig if people are able to comply with the Therapeutic Goods Personal Importation Scheme which, among other things, requires a medical prescription. Nicotine is a known carcinogen. It promotes tumour growth in lung, gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and breast cancer. From a dental point of view nicotine contributes to periodontal disease, gingival recession, dry mouth, and bruxism. But even nicotine-free e-liquids can have some serious side effects. Early studies of vaping and the effects on the body are troubling. Short-term data shows vaping impacts the health of your lungs and DNA; damages your blood cells; increases your risk of heart disease; and negatively impacts your immune system. E-cigs can expose the user and bystanders to harmful

toxins and chemicals such as propylene glycol; glycerine; diethylene glycol; acetone (as found in some nail polish removers); formaldehyde; acetaldehyde; and acrolein, which all can cause adverse health effects. People can also be exposed to lead, chromium, and nickel which come from actual parts of the e-cig like the heating coil. This is why vaping is only allowed in areas where smoking is permitted. In short, vaping has some serious side effects and should not be considered a ‘safe’ alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes or as an aid to quitting smoking. Currently there is not enough clinical evidence to show the use of e-cigs helps a smoker to quit. The Therapeutic Goods Administration has not approved e-cigs as a nicotine replacement therapy to help smokers to quit. Companies are not even allowed to advertise e-cigs as a product that helps people to quit smoking. And as I keep telling my patients,

“ Short-term data shows vaping impacts the health of your lungs and DNA; damages your blood cells; increases your risk of heart disease; and negatively impacts your immune system.”

anecdotal evidence of quitting smoking by vaping is not the same as clinical evidence. So, what can we do with this information, and how can we help our patients to quit vaping? I started by adjusting my questioning of a patient at the beginning of the appointment. If a person has quit smoking in the past 5-10 years, I will ask if they vape. If they answer in the affirmative, I will then ask if they use an e-liquid with or without nicotine. I then supply them with the legal information about importing nicotine products. From there, it is very similar to helping them quit smoking. Gauge their willingness to quit. Help them set an end date. Discuss other evidencebased nicotine containing quitting aides (patches, gum), and non-nicotine quitting aides (websites or the Quit Line). Help them to quit by working with them at their pace. My former workmate, Kris, did me a service by telling me about his ‘nonsmoking’ habits. Kris’ deceitful truth caused me to reflect on my current smoking cessation advice practices and thanks to him, my current and future patients are benefitting from a more informed hygienist. n

Find out more If you would like more information regarding e-cigs, each State Government Health website has some great information and advice you can pass on to your patients. The above article’s information was retrieved from the following websites on 13 November 2018: n a n i n d n h




We hear from three students with differing tales of why they’re loving their oral health studies

First-year experiences as an oral health graduate Ali Sarwari AS THE FIRST year of studies the Advanced Diploma of Oral Health (Dental Hygiene) (ADOH) at TAFE SA draws to a close, I’ve been reflecting on where I started and all of the experiences, skills, knowledge and friendships I have gained in such a short period of time. The first week was nerve-racking and exciting; we were introduced to our modern facilities including the TAFE SA dental clinic, our campus and the simulation clinic at the University of Adelaide. The simulation clinic along with the interactive learning has been fantastic for learning, developing and practicing my clinical skills.

State-of-the-art training facilities

Human Anatomy & Physiology applied to the head and neck has been my favourite subject this year – how the human body works is fascinating. Plus, simulated assessments were based on how I would manage patients using my knowledge of anatomy and physiology in the clinic. I found this really prepared me when taking medical histories and being able to explain how I would manage these patients to the tutors in clinic.

At the start of term three, I was faced with seeing my first ever patient. In preparation for this session, I was by far the most nervous, yet excited I had ever been. I spent the time planning the course of my first clinic session and running different scenarios in my head to ensure the appointment would be effective. When I welcomed my first patient through the door, all of my stress and nervousness went away. It was all due


to the supportive learning environment from amazing tutors and peers. First year has been awesome in terms of developing friendships I feel will last last a lifetime. There are incredible peers in our group that I learn from as well as the amazing lecturers and tutors at our state-of-the-art facilities. I’m really looking forward to our next chapter in the ADOH second year program.

Just keep swimming Zoe Stapley Student Leader THREE THINGS LEAD to my choice of degree; nature, nurture and love of dental office fish tanks. From a very young age I knew I wanted to be part of a caring profession and I always assumed I would train to be a doctor or a teacher. I had always gone to the dentist for my yearly check-up but had never thought much about it other than about how wary I was of the tooth-brushing model (a frog with teeth) – scared he would bite me if I got it wrong. In Year 9 I started to think about what I should do after high school and a volunteer trip to Menindee in rural NSW cemented me in the dental profession. At the time (in 2014) the community had a dental team fly in every three months to perform what was essentially relief of pain appointments. Serving a large community, there was little to no opportunity for preventative services and with the nearest large centre, Broken Hill, over an hour away, many families were unable to make the trip. As an annoyingly inquisitive 15-year-old, I bombarded the clinic guide with all my questions, trying to understand how I could become part of something that was so obviously needed and appreciated by the community. At this point, you may be wondering – ‘how are fish tanks relevant to this?’ Fish have always been part of my life, one of

“E ven when care is available, few staff members are trained to cope with the rising numbers of residents with dementia who resist routine dental hygiene” Jack Angove

Zoe Stapley and her fellow students

“ Two years later I’m reflecting on what has been one of the best choices I ever made and the experiences that have gone with it” my earliest memories is feeding the tiger fish with my dad in our home in Scotland. We have always bonded over fish and try and go fishing every holiday, it’s a great chance to relax and remind him how I am the superior fisherman in the family. Very simply put, in what other profession can you have a fish tank at your place of work? Over the next three years at high school I developed my love for chemistry, human biology and ancient history (possibly less useful in this profession) and considered my options for higher education. Originally from Scotland, I knew I wanted to move away from home in Sydney for my university experience and after visiting the University of Adelaide (UoA) with my parents, I knew this was the place for me.

Two years later I’m reflecting on what has been one of the best choices I ever made and the experiences that have gone with it. From first year test on tooth identification where my hands where shaking too much to hold the tooth still to identify it, to seeing my first patient, and now about to start a week of activities to transition into the third and final year of this degree. I never imagined there was so much to learn about teeth? This year has been exhilarating, treating patients and being able to apply all the studying has been fantastic as well as building positive relationships with patients, from an amazing 9-year-old bringing in his favourite toy to show after a difficult course of care, to the adults feeling comfortable to show their teeth again. The stand out of this profession has to be the amazing people I have met. I have never come across a group of people so dedicated to their field and so willing to share and lift each other up. The tutors in the UoA Oral Health Program are phenomenal, they go above and beyond to build a positive, constructive environment and


Disclosing Torch

th flashlight shows any residual

sing solution in the toothpaste shing techniques. Nicole Collins is certainly no dummy messy tablets/rinses.

gums. their knowledge and clinical skills are

something I can only dream of at this uoride.

point, with a perfect rubber dam on in 30 seconds. My fellow students have been amazing too, friendships built over giving our first blocks to each other, supporting each other through a difficult week and celebrating milestones. I couldn’t have asked for a better environment to learn in and continue to develop my skills. I can’t wait for the challenges of placement next year and treating patients full time. Hope you have had a fantastic 2018 too and wishing you all the best for the year ahead. .

“ I never knew that building on so many years of knowledge would further teach me, that you never will know everything and that no matter how old you are, there is always time to learn”

After a long career in dentistry and that moment I knew my life would change accumulating a lot of knowledge along forever. the way, I knew that dentistry was a I was now embarking on a journey love that would never disappear. that had been a passion since I went on However, it wasn’t as challenging as it work experience in year 10 as a dental was in previous years. It was then that assistant. I always knew it would be I decided I either needed to find a new challenging. I never knew that building profession to love or take it one step on so many years of knowledge would further and become a clinician myself. further teach me, that you never will So, I took the jump and applied through know everything and that no matter how VTAC to become an oral health therapist. old you are, there is always time to learn. Many factors went through my mind I am currently finishing up my second when deciding on this life changing year and know that I still have so much choice. I’m old, how will I go from working more to learn about dentistry, patient full-time, to a full-time student without management and how to be the best money, how will I keep up with younger clinician possible. For those of you reading Nicole Collins Student leader students and the list went on. Knowing this that are DA’s, receptionists or practice CURRENTLY I HAVE been involved in how competitive the course is, I never managers thinking there must be more, dentistry for almost 23 years. I started thought in a million years that I would there is. If you love your job but want as a dental assistant when I was 18, be accepted. I still remember opening the more, do it. Doing this course will never be choosing this as my career. Further email from VTAC saying I had received a regret and I guarantee if you make the years past and I progressed to do dental an early offer for Oral Health Therapy at choice to jump, you might be writing an reception and practice management. Charles Sturt University, Holmesglen. In Ph: 02 6568 3773article like this next. n

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TIMOR-LESTE Lyn Carman describes the challenges and ultimate personal satisfaction of her volunteer experience at the Klibur Domin support project

IN JULY 2018 I was on my way to Klibur Domin, Timor-Leste to challenge myself with a trip I had often considered and yet until now hadn’t taken action on. Many colleagues had participated in volunteer programs across various developing countries and I knew it was something I would like to do; travelling to a different country, experiencing their culture and being somewhere that there was limited or no dental services for those in real need. Klibur Domin ( is a non-profit organisation in Timor-Leste, which relieves the suffering of Timorese people who are sick, disabled or destitute, without discrimination. It is located in Tibar, 17km from the capital Dili. In 2017 Dr John Denton along with Dr Ian Ridley (Mt Gambier Rotarian) and a couple of

technically-minded individuals went on the first visit to Klibur Domin to see if the space that had been earmarked for a dental clinic was viable. Since then there have been four working trips and the clinic is now open five days-a-week and offers basic care for the community. When Dr John Denton, mentor and long time friend, invited me to become involved in the clinic I jumped at the the opportunity and the planning for my first trip began. Along with dental assistant Jodie Billinger, John and myself, each with 20kg of donations and 7kg carry-on luggage for our own personal stuff, we flew to Darwin from Adelaide, and from Darwin a 75-minute flight and we arrived in Dili to be greeted by Joaquim Soares, Director of Klibur Domin, and Rotary International leader Patricia. The volunteer accommodation at

Klibur Domin catered for everything we needed and was much more than we had imagined from this very poor country. We had expected to ‘bucket’ shower yet we arrived to running hot water and western-style toilets – with either flush or use of a ‘mandi’, or small water scoop. Each of us had our own room and shower/toilet, our beds were comfortable, clean and complete with mosquito nets. In addition the kitchen at the facility provided us with delicious meals. Klibur Domin provides for their volunteers very well and we are very grateful for their hospitality. After witnessing the terrible events that followed the Referendum in East Timor in September 1999, the RyderCheshire Foundation in Australia took on the running of the facility. Rotary International became involved later and sent volunteers to help with the


“ We provided screening, education and toothbrushes/ paste to the beautiful little ones of TimorLeste on our daily travels to the primary schools in the area” rebuilding and we became involved through our connection with Rotary Mt Gambier. The clinic is has been well set up in just a short time, with two simple chairs, suction unit, and cart with drills and ultrasonics. The instruments we require are mostly available through being brought over from Australia by volunteers, and generous donations. There are now

three local ‘dental nurses’ at the clinic – in Australia they would be called therapists – who provide care for the community. Most of the treatment provided is emergency care, extractions, simple restorations and, very importantly, oral health education. We also provided screening, education and toothbrushes/ paste to the beautiful little ones of TimorLeste on our daily travels to the primary schools in the area. We saw our role as collaborators, as humble mentors to the wonderful young clinicians in the clinic. We were also there to learn more about the local culture and their specific needs for their community when it comes to oral health – sharing our knowledge, experience and building the reputation of the local clinicians in the eyes of the community while sharing collegiality between our two countries.

We were grateful and overjoyed by the generosity of Piksters, Erskine Dental, City Dental Adelaide, and HSH who donated, toothbrushes, toothpaste, instruments, and other supplies on our ‘wish’ list, it was very humbling and greatly appreciated. As was the generosity of the many people who donated to Jodie’s crowd funding site, enabling us to purchase LA, which cannot be purchased in the country, and a fridge in which to store it. Toursim is in its infancy in Timor-Leste and we made sure we took time-out to travel around the country a little and see some of the pristine coral reefs and eco-resort ‘Barry’s’ on the island of Arturo, beautiful mountain views from Ballibo and and the beach café’s in Liquiçá. I have recently returned from the first Timor-Leste Oral Health Conference run by Malik Timor Aust, which was held in Darwin. Many volunteer dental groups (NGOs) are working in Timor-Leste and we look towards having the opportunity to work with better communication and outcomes for the community by utilising an even more coordinated approach. Volunteering in Timor-Leste was a wonderful yet challenging experience for me. I had to the opportunity to meet some beautiful people, stretch myself, challenge some paradigms, learn, share, experience and still have some rest and relaxation. We are planning for 2019 and beyond and if you would like to receive information on how you, or your practice, can get involved, please email me at Timor-Leste you have my heart! n

A full state-by-state run-down of Association happenings around the country


“ I would like to thank the awesome support of the ACT CPD committee for their patience, assistance and participation in organising our continuing professional development”

Images from the great CPD events we’ve held this year in ACT

AS 2018 DRAWS to a close and my tenure as the ACT Chair comes to an end, I would like to thank the awesome support of the ACT CPD committee for their patience, assistance and participation in organising our continuing professional development and to all the members who have attended these events. We started 2018 with a very successful handson workshop with EMS Airflow technology. This was followed by the “Risky Business” full day event in June and more recently our dinner meeting in October. The year have finished with a half day event on the 1 December at the beautiful Arboretum in Canberra. The October dinner meeting was kindly sponsored by OralB and our guest speaker was Professor Jane

Dahlstrom, Oral Pathologist. Her engaging presentation covered two topics. The first being “Pigmented Lesions in the Oral Cavity”, with a take home message that differential diagnosis for pigmented lesions may include traumatic, reactive, neoplastic and systemic pathologies. That these lesions may also be a clue to an underlying systemic disease, syndrome or drug reaction. Most importantly that communication with referring clinicians is vital. In her second presentation Professor Dahlstrom discussed the “Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Infection and Head and Neck Cancer”. The HPV infection is associated with mainly oropharyngeal cancer and the incidence of this cancer in Australia has increased from 20.2% (1987-1995) to

63.5% (2006-2010). This form of head and neck cancer occurs in younger individuals and more commonly in males, even though these individuals don’t have more traditional risk factors such as smoking. Although cancer related to HPV has a better prognosis than other head and neck cancers, it is hoped that the Gardasil vaccination will result in a decrease in HPV related head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Out and about in Canberra, we had one of our local hygienist’s, Susie Melrose being invited to deliver an Oral Health Education session to the kindergarten students at Charles Weston Primary School. The timing was perfect as Susie was fortunate enough to win Cathryn Carboon’s book “Who is the Tooth Fairy’s Best Friend” at the ACT Risky Business CPD Day. She

39 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit

provided a great interactive oral health opening with a demo on manual and electric brushing techniques and some simple diet and drink suggestions. She finished with reading Cath’s book which created an explosion of questions, the hardest question being “where does the tooth fairy put all the teeth”. Any suggestions on the answer can go to Susie when you see her next, so she can be more prepared to answer this question if it crops up again. Please mark these 2019 CPD dates in your diaries:


20 March World Oral Health Day Dinner meeting. 6 April Half day event. 11 October Full day event 29 November End of year celebration.

These events will all be listed on the DHAA website and Eventbrite as details, speakers and venues are confirmed. Another exciting and eventful year ahead, especially with the International Symposium being held in Brisbane on the 15-17 August. To wrap up, I wish you and your families a safe, happy holiday season; and thanks again for all your support over the last two years. Madellyn Kennedy ACT State Chair

“ Focus this year has been attempting to reconnect with our members at a grassroots level.”

IT’S A WRAP! 2018 is almost done already and what a year for the DHAA. So many wonderful events and progress made on the scope of practice review and my first year as Victorian Chair. During the year, I was honoured to make many connections, especially at our Christmas in July event in Mornington. My focus this year has been attempting to reconnect with our members at a grassroots level. It was a busy first year for me, both on a professional and personal level – like many of you, I went back to work after baby number two – who is a now a walking, talking tantrum throwing toddler! Among our committee we have also shared some exciting news during 2018: Ron Knevel, our Director, completed his PHD. Aimee Mills, our CPD extraordinaire, celebrated the first birthday of her baby girl, Evelyn. Lauren Hogan has decided to leave us for some lovely UK weather in the new year. Hillary Ho will be joining us on the CPD team in 2019 and Desi Bolado, our communication officer is getting married – she is very recently engaged with the most gorgeous sparkler weighing down her left hand! We would also like to

formally welcome and congratulate our new colleagues to the OHT profession. Students from La Trobe Bendigo, Charles Sturt and Melbourne universities, who have recently completed their final exams, will be busy applying for registrations and seeking employment. For 2019, after receiving much feedback – please keep it coming – we have settled on a CPD plan for 2019. To kick off, we will have a World Oral Health Day dinner meeting on 20 March at the Kent Hotel. 1 June at La Trobe Bendigo will be a hands-on program with dual workshops running across airflow, Hall Technique, GC and instrumentation. Our members asked for practical courses and we will deliver – so hope to see you there! We recently finished up our year with our annual half day event at Kooyong Tennis Club, where we were fortunate to have a wonderful line up of speakers, such as our very own Melosh Naicker, Mark Gussy from La Trobe Bendigo and Ben Keith from AHPRA. I trust that you have also had a wonderful 2018 and seasons greetings to you and your family. Sarah Laing Victoria State Chair

40 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit


“ Planning is in full swing for a jampacked 2019/2020 with a variety of CPD events on offer ”

FROM ALL AT DHAA Qld we’d like to that you all for a wonderful 2018. This year we have brought you a variety of full day, half day and hands-on CPD events as well as access to some wonderful member benefits. Planning is in full swing for a jam-packed 2019/2020 with a variety of CPD events on offer. We will be hosting a World Oral Health Day Dinner on 20 March – tickets are limited so get in quick. We have a wonderful speech pathologist speaking about dry mouth management. April takes us to SeaWorld for a full-day conference bringing together a multidisciplinary look at dental needs over the life of a human - from paedodontics to geriatrics and everything inbetween. Brisbane will be hosting ISDH in August 2019. Make sure you register early to catch the best rate! I’d like to thank all of the volunteers who have assisted throughout the year, without your help our events couldn’t go ahead. If you’d like to join our committee and get involved please email us at, we’d love to welcome you to the team. Aneta Zielinski Queensland State Chair

Northern Territory

“ We are hoping to build on our growing collection of ‘firsts’ again next year with our first hands-on CPD event”

2018 WAS A great year for the DHAA NT branch! This year we held our first full-day CPD event, our first study club and also shared a study club with the ADA. We are hoping to build on our growing collection of ‘firsts’ again next year with our first hands-on CPD event with GC planned in March. We will also be holding our full day event again along with a dinner to celebrate World Oral Health Day. We appreciate the support from our local members and the members who travelled interstate to attend our events this year. We hope to see you at the planned events in the new year and if you have any suggestions for future CPD please contact us at anytime, we value feedback and are always looking ways to improve our local offerings. We hope you have had a great 2018 and look forward to seeing you in 2019! Tabitha Acret Vice-President DHAA Ltd

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Western Australia

“ I would like to extend a big thank you to two of our long-standing committee members that will be retiring from their positions at the end of 2018”

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DHAA members must be congratulated on their continual support over the last few months with their attendance to CPD and voluntary events! I would like to extend a big thank you to two of our long-standing committee members that will be retiring from their positions at the end of 2018. Thank you to Simone Mayne for over eight years of contributing to DHAA especially her dedication, expertise and support with organising all the CPD events and sourcing venues, catering, quotes and many other jobs that Simone had tirelessly accomplished. On behalf of all the committee in WA we wish Simone well in her future endeavours and spending more time with her family. Our Communications Officer Bonnie Boudreau will also be moving on for 2019 after many years of dedication to her role of membership, contact for members and organising appreciation certificates plus many more jobs that she voluntarily came on board to help DHAA with. Again on behalf of the WA Committee we thank and wish Bonnie well for the future.

DHAA WA end of year celebrations at The George were well-attended

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped Wendy Wright at the yearly WA Children’s Week at Whiteman Park on 21 October. Once again a very successful and busy day and a big thank you to all those that helped August 6-10 Dental Health Week. Watch out for next year’s call for volunteers as we are always requesting help for many events. Thank you to everyone that attended the End of Year celebration on Saturday 17 November at The George. The two speakers Donna Lawrence from St John’s Ambulance and Joanna Granich from Telethon

Institute, presented their topics “Mental Health for Dental Health” and “Looking at Autism Spectrum Disorder through a Dental Lens”. It was agreed that these topics are very relevant to us as clinicians, how we approach our patients with these conditions and how it affects our clinical outcomes. Looking after our own mental health is of utmost importance, always contact Lifeline if you or someone near to you is suffering from depression In 2019 members do we have a year for you! 20 March is World Oral Health Day and we have Dr Jilen Patel speaking to us at a dinner meeting at the

For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit

New South Wales

Pagoda Como about Silver Diammine Fluoride and Hall Techniques. This will be a popular event so register early and check the website and Eventbrite for more information. Please mark these planned CPD event dates in your calendars for 2019:: 5 April Full day of speakers, with the venue to be confirmed 11 May GC Hands On Workshop “Don’t just watch it, protect it!” Paulette Smith Dental Therapist with a focus on preventative dentistry and oral health education. 1 June Career Development Workshop with Dr Melanie Hayes. Where will you be in

5-10 years time? Melanie will let you discover your true potential with this workshop on where to after Dental Hygiene. 15-18 August International Symposium of Dental Hygiene in Brisbane. DONT MISS IT! 4 October Hands-On Perio Course in collaboration with the Australian Periodontal Society WA at OHCWA Nedlands.

From all of us at DHAA WA committee we wish you a safe, enjoyable and merry Christmas and see you all in the New Year Aileen Lewis Western Australia State Chair

“W e have had to opportunity to do some amazing things and support amazing charities along the way, thank you to everyone who contributed to the fun.”

FROM THE COMMITTEE members of the DHAA NSW we would like to congratulate each and every student in the graduating class of 2018. After three years of hard work, welcome to the profession and we hope you find it fulfilling and rewarding. We wish you all the best and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any career advice or guidance. Reflecting on this year, we have had to opportunity to do some amazing things and support amazing charities along the way, thank you to everyone who contributed to the fun. Approaching silly season, I hope everyone takes the time to relax and enjoy time with your families over the Christmas break. A loud and proud shout out to DHAA NSW committee members who put in countless hours volunteering. You guys are amazing and we make a great team! Looking forward to an awesome 2019! Jacqueline Biggar NSW State Chair


South Australia

“ Conversation regarding the DHAA name change proposal was also opened up and some healthy robust discussion took place. ”

AT THE TIME of writing this report, in Adelaide we had a day of 36° a few days ago and today is like the middle of winter with rain, wind, hail and feels like 1°, so as the saying says remember as we head into the summer months: Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. Since our last State of the Nation report, we have been busy with events such our annual full-day Professional Development Day and National AGM at the iconic Adelaide Town Hall which was well attended with 102 attendees! Despite being a very chilly room for the day with air-conditioning issues, the magnificence of the building was not lost on the majority of those attending. We had a wonderful range of speakers and interests with keynote speaker Professor David Manton who flew in for the day from the University of Melbourne. A wonderful cocktail hour after the event was spent catching up with friends, debriefing the day and having a laugh. Thank to our wonderful sponsors and industry trade partners Oral

B, City Dental, Colgate and 3M for the generous support. The National AGM went ahead without a hitch with DHAA President Cheryl Dey leading proceedings. Conversation regarding the DHAA name change proposal was also opened up and some healthy robust discussion took place. This process will take time and everyone will have a chance to have their views heard. The National Symposium The iconic Adelaide Town Hall was a befitting venue for our full day of professional development

in Cairns was a wonderful event for those who made the trip North and the National Board meeting held on the Sunday saw a new Board positions declared, with our very own SA Director and Treasurer now officially National President, Cheryl Dey. We congratulate Cheryl on her role and know she will provide fabulous

leadership and drive for our Association during her term. Our final event for the year will be Christmas Brunch at The Highway, which is always a relaxed Sunday morning catching up with colleagues and celebrating the year. I had the pleasure of attending the ADOH (Dental Hygiene) Graduation

45 For all the latest info on DHAA events near you please visit


Ceremony, with our latest cohort of fabulous Dental Hygienists putting the last two years behind them and moving into their next phase of life. Congratulations to all the new graduates both ADOH and BOH, we look forward to seeing you at events in 2019. Thank you to everyone who completed the national

survey. This information will help us to plan for 2019 and give you more of what you ask for. I also love to hear from members directly. If you have any suggestions or ideas for our events or adding value to our membership or if you would like to be involved in the organisation or get involved in our fabulous committee please email me chairsa@ “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”- Walt Disney And now we look to welcome the new year. One that is full of things that have never been. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you and your loved ones. Lyn Carman South Australia State Chair

“ 2019 is already looking like a busy year with March having two CPD events planned and in the diary”

HELLO TO ALL of our current members. As the recently elected Tasmanian Director it was extremely pleasing to see so many fellow Tasmanian members atthe DHAA Symposium 2018 in Cairns. 2019 is already looking like a busy year with March having two CPD events planned and in the diary. I am looking forward to enjoying the GC Surface protection workshop event and also the World Oral Health Day dinner meeting on 20 March that is still in the planning stages – more updates to follow. We in Tasmania have an enormous thank you to extend to Tabitha Acret our National Vice-President for organising our current events all the way from the Northern Territory. It would be so special to source any enthusiastic members down here in Tassie to take on the role of Tasmanian Chair. I’m looking forward to seeing all of our local members in 2019 and please contact me if you have any DHAA queries. Until then I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Alyson McKinlay Tasmania Director


DHAA Year Planner - 2019

The CPD Events calendar is filling up. Full details at




2 Mar ’19

DHAA Tas Hands on surface protection workshop

The Old Woolstore Apartment Hotel, Hobart

20 Mar ’19

DHAA Vic World Oral Health Day Dinner

Kent Hotel, Carlton North

20 Mar ’19

DHAA Qld World Oral Health Day Dinner

Clovely Estate, Brisbane

20 Mar ’19

DHAA WA World Oral Health Day Dinner

The Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como

20 Mar ’19

DHAA SA World Oral Health Day Supper

Venue TBA

20 Mar ’19

DHAA NT World Oral Health Day Study Club

Darwin Sailing Club, Fannie Bay

20 Mar ’19

DHAA NSW World Oral Health Day Dinner

Venue TBA

23 Mar ’19

DHAA NT Hand on surface protection workshop

Venue TBA

5 Apr ’19

DHAA WA 'Prevention is better than cure' Full Day

Venue TBA

6 Apr ’19

DHAA NSW Hunter Valley Full Day

Oaks Cypress Lakes Resort, Pokolbin

13 Apr ’19

DHAA Qld Sea World Full Day

Sea World Resort Conference Centre, Main Beach


25 May ’19

DHAA SA Destination Victor Harbour

Waterside Retaurant Whalers Inn, Victor Harbor


21 Jun ’19

DHAA SA Mid-Year Dinner

Adelaide Oval, North Adelaide

22 Jun ’19

DHAA NT- Darwin Full Day

Sky City Darwin, Darwin City

22 Jun ’19

DHAA NSW Sydney Full Day

Venue TBA


15-18 Aug ’19

International Symposium on Dental Hygiene

Brisbane Convention Centre


26 Oct ’19

DHAA NT - Alice Springs Half Day

Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, Alice Springs

October ’20

DHAA National Symposium


June ’21

DHAA National Symposium







OCT 2021


Key to the state colours n ACT


n NT

n Qld

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