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The World’s Fastest Jet Will Fly You From L.A. To Sydney in 6 Hours cost of $329 million, Boom will be recouping some of the costs with expensive tickets: about $6,600 for one of its 45 seats. :LWK WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI Ă€\LQJ IURP 6DQ )UDQFLVFR WR 7RN\R in only 5 hours — or New York to London in only 3 hours and 15 minutes — as soon as 2020, it seems likely those 45 seats will go fast. 5LJKW QRZ WKH IDVWHVW QRQVWRS Ă€LJKW IURP /RV $QJHOHV WR Sydney is 15 hours. The Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 aims to make it in a little over 6 hours — and it’s coming soon. Also called the “baby boom,â€? the XB-1 will be world’s fastest DQG KLJKHVW Ă€\LQJ MHW 2QFH LWÂśV LQ WKH DLU VDPH GD\ UHWXUQV on around 500 routes worldwide will be a reality. Boom just received $33 million in Series A funding from a group which includes The Spaceship Company of Virgin Galactic. This brings its grand total in raised funds to $41 PLOOLRQ HQRXJK WR ÂżQLVK DQG WHVW WKH MHW :LWK D EXLOGLQJ
WKH ;% ZLOO EH WKH ÂżUVW LQGHSHQGHQWO\ GHYHORSHG supersonic jet, and the fastest civil airplane ever made. At 1,451 miles per hour, it will travel 10 percent faster than WKH &RQFRUGH GLG ,W ZLOO DOVR Ă€\ KLJKHU DW DURXQG feet. This will give passengers a smoother, quieter ride. Every passenger also gets their way on the Baby Boom, because its two single-seat rows makes each seat both window and aisle. All the additions are nice, but frankly, they had us at “sameday returnsâ€? — and 6 hours instead of 15.
Major Breakthrough Could Enable Mass Produced $UWLĂ€FLDO %ORRG LQFUHGLEO\ LQHIÂżFLHQW 7KH\ ZRUNHG by taking stem cells, and then directly inducing them to form red blood cells. By doing this, they could
years on how to manufacture red blood cells to offer an alternative to donated blood to treat patients,� VDLG 3URIHVVRU 'DYH $QVWHH ZKR
create maybe 50,000 cells in one go, far short of the trillions typically
co-authored the study published in 1DWXUH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV Âł7KH ÂżUVW
needed for a blood transfusion. The newly developed technique, however, has created the world’s ÂżUVW LPPRUWDOL]HG HU\WKURLG FHOO line that can feasibly churn out a massive amount of red blood cells. ,Q IDFW WKH UHVHDUFKHUV UHSRUW WKDW they have already created liters of blood. They have managed to “trapâ€?
therapeutic use of a cultured red cell product is likely to be for patients with rare blood groups because suitable conventional red blood cell GRQDWLRQV FDQ EH GLI¿FXOW WR VRXUFH ´ As is always the case with early technologies, however, this new PHWKRG GRHV QRW FRPH FKHDS ,W LV far more expensive to create the
the stem cells in an early stage of their growth, in which they have effectively become immortal. From this, they can then induce samples
blood in this way, costing more than conventional blood donation does. This means that it is likely only to be used, at least initially, to produce
produce it. Scientists have been
of it to form the red blood cells
blood for those who have rare blood
DEOH WR FUHDWH DUWLÂżFLDO EORRG EHIRUH but these earlier methods have been
needed. “Scientists have been working for
types that are underrepresented in general blood banks.
A team of researchers from the University of Bristol and NHS Blood and Transplant made a major breakthrough in the process of mass producing red blood cells, in what could technically be an unlimited supply of the stuff. While they now have a biological way of achieving this, they next need the manufacturing technology on a large enough scale in order to mass
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7 Signs Of Liver Damage
HERE ARE 7 POSSIBLE SIGNS OF AN IMPAIRED LIVER: 1. FATIGUE Various research has concluded that chronic fatigue and exhaustion are the most common symptoms of liver damage. Medical professionals speculate that liver-related fatigue and exhaustion is a byproduct of neurochemical changes in the brain and hormonal imbalances. Exacerbating the feelings of fatigue and exhaustion are elevated levels of toxic byproducts in the blood, which an impaired liver cannot properly eliminate.
2. DRY OR IRRITATED SKIN ,UULWDWHG DQG LWFK\ VNLQ WKDW VHHPV WR SHUVLVW is another potential indication of liver damage. To be healthy, our skin requires PRLVWXUH YLD WUDQVPLVVLRQ RI ÀXLGV ZLWKLQ WKH ERG\ :KHQ WKLV ÀXLG LV QRW DGHTXDWHO\ supplied, it is not uncommon for the skin to take on a different appearance; this includes reddening of the hands or feet, yellowing of the mucous membranes (i.e., jaundice), or inexplicable spotting (dark or light) in certain areas.
3. ABDOMINAL PAIN ,I WKH OLYHU LV GDPDJHG LW LV FRPPRQ WR IHHO pain around the abdominal area. Patients often describe this pain as “stabbing� or “throbbing� – a symptom often relieved only through proper treatment of the underlying issue. Long-term use of some types of over-
A properly functioning liver is vital to our health. Among other things, the liver: Cleanses blood by metabolizing alcohol, drugs (prescription and recreational); and neutralizing poisonous substances. Manufactures essential body proteins, including those that prevent blood-clotting, open pathways for nutrient delivery to the blood, and proteins that ward off infection. Produces cholesterol; converting it into essential substances used by the body. Regulates energy supply by manufacturing, storing and delivering glucose to the body and brain. Regulates the balance of hormones, including those of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The potential causes of liver damage are numerous and include heredity (i.e., genetic predisposition), long-term liver diseases (ex: cirrhosis), and prolonged exposure to toxic substances. It is important to understand potential signs of liver damage in order to preserve our health and wellbeing.
the-counter (OTC) or prescription (Rx) medications can result in long-term liver damage. Those experiencing persistent abdominal pain of the stabbing or throbbing variety – and have used OTC or Rx medications for a substantial period – should visit a physician for evaluation.
4. NAUSEA OR VOMITING As mentioned prior, one of the liver’s primary functions is to detoxify and help expel any toxic substances from the body. :KHQ WKH OLYHUœV GHWR[L¿FDWLRQ IXQFWLRQ is impaired, a number of problems can surface, including sudden changes in normal digestion and metabolism. The liver is a large organ within the digestive system; therefore, any liverrelated condition can manifest into digestive problems. Nausea and vomiting frequently occur due to the accumulation of toxins that the liver cannot eradicate.
5. BRUISING Among the liver’s most important roles is to assist in the production of necessary SURWHLQ HQ]\PHV 2QH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ of protein enzymes helps to prevent blood clots. When this blood-clotting mechanism is impaired, changes to the skin’s appearance are common. Relatedly, according to the National ,QVWLWXWH RI 'LDEHWHV DQG 'LJHVWLYH DQG .LGQH\ 'LVHDVHV ³:KHQ WKH OLYHU VORZV the production of or stops producing the proteins needed for blood clotting, a
person will bruise or bleed easily.�
6. ABDOMINAL SWELLING /LYHU GDPDJH GLVUXSWV WKH QRUPDO Ă€RZ of blood to the organ, which increases pressure in the surrounding veins. These “surrounding veinsâ€? include those responsible for transporting blood from the spleen and intestines to the liver. 'LVUXSWLRQ RI WKLV SURFHVV FDXVHV EORRG pressure levels to spike – a condition known as portal hypertension. Portal hypertension causes the accumulation RI Ă€XLG DURXQG WKH DEGRPHQ D FRQGLWLRQ called ascites. Ascites may also arise from the liver’s inability to make other blood proteins.
7. JAUNDICE Liver problems can cause discoloration of the eyes and skin. This discoloration happens because of the buildup of a bile pigment called bilirubin, which cannot be properly be disposed of. Yellowish hueing of the skin or eyes is called jaundice. Aside from altering the eye’s appearance, jaundice can cause other symptoms including darkening of the urine, full-body itching, and FRJQLWLYH LPSDLUPHQW ,W LV ZLVH WR FRQVXOW with a medical professional if any of these symptoms persist. As with most medical conditions, the earlier that the underlying cause is determined, the more VWUHDPOLQHG DQG HI¿FLHQW DQ\ WUHDWPHQW
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How To Naturally Detox Nicotine From Your Body
Tobacco smoke contains a deadly mix of more than 7,000 chemicals; hundreds are harmful, and about 70 can cause cancer. Smoking increases the risk for serious health problems, many diseases, and death. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1. DRINK WATER. LOTS OF IT. 3XULÂżHG ZDWHU LV ZLWKRXW D GRXEW WKH PRVW SRZHUIXO ZD\ WR Ă€XVK WR[LQV IURP WKH ERG\ :DWHU DOVR consists of properties that seem to reduce nicotine cravings for many; unlike alcohol or nicotine, which often stimulates nicotine cravings. Consuming at least a half-gallon of water every day LV QRW RQO\ HIIHFWLYH DW Ă€XVKLQJ WR[LQV EXW LW DOVR provides the necessary energy to enable one to quit. A good idea is to purchase a large water bottle and NHHS LW ÂżOOHG %ULQJ WKH ERWWOH ZLWK \RX ZKHUHYHU \RX JR DQG \RXÂśOO QDWXUDOO\ ÂżQG \RXUVHOI UHDFKLQJ IRU some H2O. 2. CHANGE YOUR DIET. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help the body naturally rid itself of nicotine’s toxins. Also, consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables may ward off the weight gain that often occurs after quitting. Broccoli and spinach are both “superfoodsâ€? (nutrient-dense foods) high in folic acid, and vitamins C and B5. The former is depleted by nicotine use, and replenishment of this vital nutrient can ward off cravings. The latter strengthens the LPPXQH V\VWHP DLGLQJ LQ WKH GHWR[LÂżFDWLRQ SURFHVV
Nicotine in any form is a highly addictive substance found in tobacco. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more people are addicted to nicotine than any other drug, which may be as addictive as alcohol, cocaine, or heroin. Withdrawal symptoms, weight gain, and stress are the three main reasons people “light upâ€? again and again. Some people that smoke or dip chewing tobacco ÂżQG LW HDVLHU WR TXLW WKDQ RWKHUV EXW DQ\RQH FDQ VWRS using nicotine given the proper advice and guidance. Nobody should be disillusioned: abstaining from QLFRWLQH LV GLIÂżFXOW DQG RIWHQ UHTXLUHV QXPHURXV attempts. But it can be done. Contrary to popular belief, it is entirely possible to quit nicotine naturally.
3. EXERCISE *HW \RXU ERG\ PRYLQJ 'R VRPHWKLQJ DQ\WKLQJ for at least 30 minutes a day that requires some physical exertion. Exercise, of course, causes the ERG\ WR VZHDW ZKLFK H[SHGLWLRXVO\ GHWR[LÂżHV WKH body. Also, physical activity helps some people deal with the stress and agitation that often accompanies someone trying to quit nicotine. Finally, exercise serves as a great alternative when experiencing cravings. Perhaps just as important, exercise invokes the release of endorphins, and other feel-good chemicals in the brain. This effect often leads to being “addictedâ€? to exercise – a much healthier alternative that nicotine. 4. KEEP YOUR MIND OCCUPIED Here’s the thing: by not smoking – and, ideally, following the above-mentioned advice – your body will naturally detoxify and heal itself from past nicotine use. But the truth is that you’ll still experience cravings, and some of these episodes can be rather intense. Keeping your mind busy via work or play (preferably the latter) will help suppress some of the inevitable impulses to drink or dip tobacco.
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New solar-powered device makes water out of desert air Scientists have a new solution for bringing clean water to remote areas.
A team has created a solar-powered device that can produce drinking water out of air -- even in desert climates, according to the researchers from the 0DVVDFKXVHWWV ,QVWLWXWH RI 7HFKQRORJ\ and the University of California, Berkeley. , P PRVW H[FLWHG DERXW EHLQJ DEOH WR realize a functioning device in these remote areas and to be able to provide clean water to all the people who need it," Evelyn Wang, associate mechanical HQJLQHHULQJ SURIHVVRU DW 0,7 DQG FR DXWKRU RI WKH SDSHU ÂżUVW SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH journal "Science. While similar methods like atmospheric water generators already exist, the new project works in drier climates and uses less energy. 7KH QHZ GHYLFH ORRNV OLNH D ER[ ,QVLGH the box is a layer of a custom metalorganic framework (also called a MOF), which is essentially a material that acts as a sponge to capture as much water as possible when the box is open. Water can be collected from the air and rain. Once the water is captured, the box is
closed manually and exposed to the sun. The sun heats up the material so it releases water from its surface in the vapor phase. The vapor is then converted to the liquid phase with a condenser -- which can cool the vapor even in hot climates -- to create clean drinking water. ,W V FDSDEOH RI FROOHFWLQJ OLWHUV RI ZDWHU per kilogram of metal-organic framework WKDW LV XVHG ,W FDQ GR WKLV LQ DUHDV ZKHUH the humidity level is as low as 20%, compared to existing devices that work in 50% humidity. MOFs are one-, two- or three-dimensional compounds invented about 20 years ago by Berkeley professor Omar Yaghi, one of the researchers behind the new device. They are an extremely porous material and water molecules can easily attach to the framework. The MOF used in the new GHYLFH LV FDOOHG 02) ZKLFK ZDV ÂżUVW reported a few years ago. Right now, the new system is in the "proof of concept" phase to show it can work, Wang said. The key, she added, will be scaling up the prototype. The researchers
have developed the materials in a lab environment and now will have to make them in larger quantities -- which Wang said will reduce costs. Companies like German manufacturer BASF have produced large-scale quantities of MOFs previously, she noted. The prototype is currently the size of a VPDOO WLVVXH ER[ EXW WKH ÂżQDO SURGXFW LV expected to be about as big as a carry-on suitcase so it can produce enough water for a family of four. The researchers do not have a cost estimate yet, but they SODQ WR ZRUN ZLWK QRW IRU SURÂżWV DQG ORFDO governments in the developing world to distribute the device. ,W V GHVLJQHG IRU SODFHV WKDW DUH H[WUHPHO\ dry, but that still have a lot of sun, such DV 1RUWK $IULFD DQG ,QGLD :H FDQ GHSOR\ [the] devices in those types of regions, where all they need is this device and sun," Wang said. Two-thirds of the world's population is experiencing water shortages, according to the researchers.
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4 Things That Make You Attractive To Mosquitoes There is always one. That person who, no matter what, always comes back from spending a warm summer evening sitting outside covered in mosquito bites. While there is some evidence to suggest that people are really bad at knowing whether or not they are the unlucky ones, there are things that can increase your likelihood of getting bitten. Although there is lots of DQHFGRWDO HYLGHQFH IURP SHRSOH DERXW ZKDW LQĂ€XHQFHV WKH little critters to bite, from eating garlic to having “sweetâ€? blood, there are some aspects that have been proven by science to genuinely increase your chances. Blood Type Unfortunately, not all of the causes are something you can actually do something about. Take blood type, for example. One study has found that while those who have blood type O coursing through their veins are more likely to get a less than friendly visit from a mosquito than other blood types, they’re only more attractive to the insects when compared with those with blood type A. They found that a particular sugar found in blood type O was attractive to the mosquitoes, though once a mosquito has picked its target, it's unlikely blood type will make much difference. Carbon Dioxide Another thing that we all have to do is breathe, and this isn’t great if you’re trying to avoid the pesky little biters. When homing in on their target, all mosquito species will use something called a maxillary palp to sense the carbon dioxide you’re exhaling. Mixed with the host’s body odor and both molecules have been found WR LQGXFH D WDNH RII DQG VXVWDLQHG Ă€LJKW RI WKH LQVHFWV ,W LV IRU WKLV reason that people who breathe out more, including larger people and adults, tend to get bitten more than those who exhale less.
Lactic acid The pesky little insects are not only searching for carbon dioxide, they are also on the lookout for other markers too. One of these, it seems, is lactic acid. Research has shown that yellow fever PRVTXLWRHV DUH VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ PRUH DWWUDFWHG WR WKRVH ZKR KDYH more lactic acid on their skin, even making those who were less “attractiveâ€? to the insects more attractive. This, in addition to an increase in body temperature, could go some way to help explain why those who have just exercised seem more likely to get bitten. Pregnancy The previous cause could also be related to why it seems that pregnant women are more likely to receive itchy red bites. One study found that women in the late stages of pregnancy exhaled 21 percent more breath – including that crucial carbon dioxide – when compared to non-pregnant women. Another reason FRXOG EH UHODWHG WR WKH IDFW WKDW SUHJQDQF\ LQFUHDVHV EORRG Ă€RZ to the skin, which means that on average they run at around 0.7°C warmer than normal, making them easier for heat-seeking LQVHFWV WR ÂżQG
China’s One Belt One could be many trillions in investment in the 2020s
China’s ambitious One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative is likely to have “modest� short-term impact on total investment and overall economic growth in the vast region, says Oxford Economics. Launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013, OBOR aims to create an infrastructure network by building roads, ports and railway tracks along ancient trading routes that will span 65 countries
and connect some 60% of the global population. “While it’s hard to quantify the total number of projects and DPRXQW RI ÂżQDQFLQJ WKH &KLQD 'HYHORSPHQW %DQN DORQH KDV reserved US$890 billion (S$1.24 trillion) for over 900 projects, highlighting the magnitude of this undertaking,â€? says Oxford (FRQRPLFVÂś +H 7LDQMLH DQG /RXLV .XLMV LQ D UHVHDUFK EULHÂżQJ RQ April 27. 7KH $VLDQ 'HYHORSPHQW %DQN $'% HVWLPDWHV WKDW 2%25 would need an annual infrastructural investment of US$1.7 trillion until 2030. Excess capacity in China’s steel industry ranges from 250 to 450 million tonnes per year, while the economists estimate that total annual OBOR spending would only generate around 22 million tonnes of annual steel demand at current prices. The initiative is aimed at building roads, power plants and other infrastructure projects to promote trade and transportation, with funding needs expected to reach US$8 trillion through to 2020.
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Ʋdžƀƽ ůşƉŤ Ƣdžƫ Ļ žśĻƸƯŚ ƗƳ ƮƳśƙĻťƯŚ Ʈ ʽƼƁŤ šƳśƀƾƯŚ ƵőŞ ŶśƨťƘʦŚ ŶƾƁDž ŧdžŰ ņ ƲƼť džʽ ŞŸśŬ ƽ ƲƼťƳśƞƞƀƽ ƶƳ ŷDžŽŤ DŽťƯŚ ƮŘśƞƞƀƾƯŚ ƽ ƥŻƑƯŚ ƶƘ ŜśşƞƞƅƯŚ Ʈƫ ŧűşDž Ļ Ļ ƥśƑƷ ɶ ƶDžŻŴʢŚ ƗƳ ƺŤʩƳśƙŤ ǀưƘ ŜśŭDžʦśŞ ŻŨĻ œDž śƴƳ ƺƞƞƁƤƸŞ ƮŬŻʽ ƯŚ ƽŐ ŜśƅƯŚ šƨŨ ƶƳ ŷDžŽŤ šƳśƞƞƀƾƯŚ ƵŐ ŧdžŰ DŽƨdžƨŰ ŚŹƻ ƽ ņŻdžşƫ ƮƬƞƞƅŞ Ļ ʽ ƺưƍƤDž śƴŞ ŻũƫŐ ƱśƴťƻʦŚ ŝŭDž ŚŹƯ ņŻŴŎ ɷŔ ŻƉƘ ƶƳƽ ŻŴŎ ɷŔ ŝƙƄ ƶƳ ƢưťŵŤ šƳśƞƞƀƾƯŚ ſdžDžśƨƳ ƶƬƯ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ ǀťŰ ƽ šƧŚŷƉƯŚ ƽ ƮƴƙƯŚ
Ļ DŽťƯŚ šƑdžƁşƯŚ ƥŻƑƯŚ ƋƙŞ ƩśƸƻƽ šƳśƀƾƯŚƽ ƮƬƅƯŚ š džʽ ŞŸśŬ ŝƷśŬ ɷŔ ŻdžƬƤťƯŚ ƽ ƮƨƙƯŚ šdžʽ ŞŸśŬ ƾƻ ƽ ņƆśŵƄʤŚ ƗƳ ƮƳśƙĻťƯŚ ŷƸƘ ƵƽŻŴʢŚ ƥŻƤƯŚ ƓŰʩťƀƽ Śĵ ŷdžʽ Ŭ ƱśƴťƻʦŚ ƪdžưƘ Əƨƣ ņƪƯƾŰ ƶƳ ʀƘŐ ɶ šdžʽ ŞŸśŬ ƽ šƳśƀƽ ŻũƫŐ ƪưƙŭŤ
ʽ DŽűƈ ƩŷƁŬ ƮƙŬŚ źśdžťŴŔ ǀưƘ śĵ ƉDžŻŰ ƶƫ ƪƯŹƫ ņǃƾũƷŐ ŻƼƕƳ ɷŔ ŜśƅƯŚ ŻƼƕƳ ƮdžűDž ŷƧ ƭśũƴƯŚ Ʈdžşƀ šƌƾƴưƯ šşƫŚƾƳ ƵƾƬŤ ţƧƾƯŚ ŢŚŸ ɶ ƽ ɸƾŬź ƗŞśƐ DŽƑƙŤ ƽ ƪşƀśƸŤ ſŞʩƳ ƵŚƾƯŚ Ždžʽ ƴDž śƳ ƲƻŐ Ƶŕƣ ſƬƙƯŚ ǀưƘ ƮŞ ņ Əƨƣ ƺŬƾƯŚ ůƳʩƳ ɶ ŻƼƕŤ ʨ šƳśƀƾƯŚ ƵŐ ŧdžŰ džʽ ƉŵƄ ŠƾƧ ǀưƘ ƭŷŤ DŽťƯŚ ŢŚźśƄʦŚ śƴĻƷŔ ƺűƳʩƳ ſdžƯ ƮŬŻƯŚ ƪƸƀ ƶƳ ɹƫŐ ŻƼƕŤ ƪưƙŭŤ ƽŐ šƴDžŷƧ ţƁdžƯ ƽ DŽűƉƯŚ ŷƁŭƯŚ ƽ ņƺť ʽ ņśĵ ƍDžŐ śĵ džʽ ƌśDžź ƽ śĵ džʽ űƈ Śĵ ŻƼƕƳ ƪƁƤƸƯ ƮƙŬŚ šdžʽ ƉŵƅƯŚ ƽ ſƤƸĻ ƯśŞ šƨũƯŚ ŢśƳʩƘ ƭƽŐ ʽ ́ ũƳ ŷŭŤ ƶưƣ Ļ śĵ ƨşƯ śĵ ŨŷűťƳ ƶƫ ŻdžƜ ƽŐ ʀŴŷťĻ ƯŚ ŝşƞƞƁŞ ſƤƸťƯŚ Ʀdžƌ ƽŐ ƭŚŽƼƯśŞ ŜśƉƳ Ʋdžƞƞƀƽ ŜśƞƞƄ ʩ ŻŨĻ œDžƽ ņŠ ʽŶƾƴƯśŞ ƖśşƑƷŚ DŽƑƙŤ ǀťŰ ƪƯŸ ƽ śĵ ƀƾşƘ ƶƬŤ ʨ ƽ ƶDžŻŴʢŚ ƺŬƽ ɶ ƲƁťŞŚ ƮŬŻʽ ƯŚ šdžʽ ŞŸśŬ ƶƳ Żdžşƫ ōŽŬ Ƶŕƣ ſƬƙƯŚ ǀưƘ ņƮƨũƯŚ šƑƞƞƀƾťƳ ōśdžƞƞƄŐ Ɨƣź ǀưƘ źŶśƧ Ļ ƾʽ Ƨ śƼƁƬƙŤ ŦŷűťŤ ʨ ƪƯŹƫ ņ śĵ ƞƞƍDžŐ ƪűƳʩƳ ƽ ƪťdžʽ ƉŵƞƞƅƯ ƶDžŻŴʢŚ ŠŻƕƷ ǀưƘ Śĵ Żƞƞdžũƫ ƪƞƞƯŸ ōŚŹƜ ŜƾưƀŐ ƖśşĻŤŚ ƽ šdžʽ ƌśDžŻƯŚ ƶDžźśƴťƯŚ ōŚŶŐ ǀưƘ šşƔŚƾƴƯśƣ ņƺťűƈ ƽ ƺŤ Ļ ʽ ŢƾƉŞ ƲưĻ ƬťŤ ƵŐ ƭƽśŰ ƮŞ ņŚĵ ŷŬ śĵ ƍƤŵƸƳ ƪŤƾƈ ƵƾƬDž ƽŐ ƱżʩƯŚ ƶƳ ǀưƘŐ ŢƾƉŞ ƢƧŚƾƴƯŚ ƗƳ ƮƞƞƳśƙťĻ ƯŚ ǀưƘ ƪŤźŷƧ ƽ ƪƞƞƁƤƸŞ ƪťƨŨ ƶƳ ŷDžŽdžƞƞƀ šűƈ ŻũƫŐ ŠśƞƞdžŰ ƽ ʽ Ļ ƪƯƾŰ ƶƳ Əƀƽ šdžʽ ŞŸśŬ ŻũƫŐ ƪưƙŭdžƀ ƽ ŷdžʽ Ŭ ƮƬƅŞ ŠŶśDžż ƗşƑƯśŞ ƽ ƮƼƀŐ ƮƬƞƞƅŞ ƪŤśƴưƫ ƮƉŤ ǀťŰ ŷƼŬ ƵƽŶ ƵƽŻŴʢŚ ƺƙƴƞƞƁDž ƦŨŚƽ ƢưťŵƳ ɶ ƪťƼDžŷŞ šƘŻƞƞƀ ƽ ƪŤŚŹŞ ƪťƨŨ ƶƳ ŷƞƞDžŽŤ ŢśƳƾưƙƴƯŚ ƽ šƞƞ ̴ƳśƙƯŚ šƞƞƣŻƙƴƯŚ ƪdžƯŔ ƪƯƾŰ ƶƳ ŠŻƕƷ ƽ ƢƧŚƾƴƯŚ ƩŻƼƕƴŞ ƲťƻŚ www.mawdoo3.com ǀưƘ ŢŚźŚƾƁƁƫʦśŞ ƱśƴťƻʦŚ ŠŻũƬƣ ņƺdžƣ ƛƯśşƴƯŚ ƱśƴťƻʦŚ ŻƼƕƴƯśŞ ƱśƴťƻʦŚ DŽƸƙDž ʨ
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ƹśƤƅƯŚ ơśƤŬ ŝşƀ śƳ ņšdžʽ ƀśƁŰ ƲƁŭƯŚ ōśƍƘŐ ŻũƫŐ ƶƳ śĵ ƍDžŐ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ƋƙşƯ ƵśdžŰʤŚ ƋƙŞ ɶ śƞƞƼƌŻʽ ƙŤ ŷƸƘ ŚŹƼƯƽ ɷŔ ǃŶʽ œƞƞDž ƪƯŸ Ƶŕƞƞƣ ņšƞƞdžʽ ŬźśŵƯŚ ƮƞƞƳŚƾƙƯŚ ĵ Ļ ƮƫśƞƞƅƳ ŻƼƕŤ śƳ ŠŶśƞƞƘƽ ņśƼƣśƤŬƽ śƼƨ ƨƞƞƅŤ ōŚƾƼƯŚ ŷƨƤDž ŧdžŰ ņōśťƅƯŚ ƮƉƣ ƭʩŴ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ɷŔ ǃŶʽ œDž ǃŹƯŚ ŻƳʤŚ ņƺŞ ŠŶƾŬƾƴƯŚ šŞƾƐŻƯŚ Ļ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ƦƨƅŤ
śƼťŞƾƐź ƹśƤƅƯŚ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ŝdžƐŻŤ ƶƳ ƮưĻ ƨDž ǃŹƯŚ ŻƳʤŚ ņƲƤƯŚ ɶ šdžʽ ŞśƙưƯŚ ŢŚżŚŻƣʦŚ ƇƨƷ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ơśƤŬ ƶƘ šŭŤśƸƯŚ źśŨʢŚ ƱśƙƑƯŚ ƭƽśƸŤ ƽŐ ƱʩƬƯŚ ǀưƘ ŠźŷƨƯŚ ǀưƘ śĵ ƷśdžŰŐ ŻdžŨőťƯŚƽ ņƲƯʤśŞ žśƁŰʦŚ śĵ ƷśdžŰŐ ƖŚŷƉƯśŞ šŞśƈʦŚ ʀťƤƅƯŚ ŻƕƸƳ ǀưƘ ŻŨœƳƽ ūƘŽƳ ƦƨƅŤ źƾƼƔ www.mawdoo3.com
ƹśƤƅƯŚ ơśƤŬ ŜśşƀŐ Šźʽ śűƯŚƽ šűƯśƴƯŚ ŢʨƾƫőƴƯŚ ƭƽśƸŤ ƶƳ źśũƫʦŚ śƼŭdžʽ ƼŤƽ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ơśƤŬ ŝşʽ ƁDž ǃŹƯŚ Ő ʀƳśťdžƤŞ šdžƸƝƯŚ ƺƫŚƾƤƯŚ ƭƽśƸŤ ƶƳ źśũƫʦŚ ʀŴŷťƯŚ ƮDžźƾƯ ŢśťDžɹƫ ǀưƘ ǃƾƞƞťűŤ DŽťƯŚ ņŠźʽ śƍƯŚ ƵśƸƞƞƀʤŚ ʀŬśƙƳ ƖŚƾƷŐ ƋƙŞ ƭśƴƙťƞƞƀŚ ƱƾDžŶƾƉƯŚ ƮdžŞƽɹƯŚ ŢʨśƜ śƼťƘśƸƈ ɶ ƮŴŷDž DŽťƯŚ ƹśƤƅƯŚ ŻƴŰŐ ƖŚƾƷŐ ƋƙŞ ƭśƴƙťƀŚ ʽ ŠŶƽɹƯŚ ŷDžŷƄ ƽŐ ŠźŚŻűƯŚ ŷDžŷƄ ſƨƑưƯ ƽŐ ņơśŭƯŚ ōŚƾƼưƯ ƹśƤƅƯŚ Ɗ Żʽ ƙŤ ʽ ƵŚŷƨƣ ɷŔ Żʽ ƴťƁƳ ƮƬƞƞƅŞ ƹśƤƞƞƅƯŚ ƶƘ ŜśƙưƯŚ ŻŵşŤ ɷŔ ǃ ʽŶœDž ŧdžŰ ņƹśƤƞƞƅƯŚ ƦƙƯ
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ƗƴťŭƴƯŚƽ ŠŻƀʤŚ ƲƯśƘ šdžƷśƷʤŚƽ Š˹ źƾƉŞ ƵʨƽœƁƴƯŚ śƴƼƣ ƶDžŷƯŚƾƯŚ ǀưƘ šĵ DžŚŷŞ śƼƁdžƀőŤƽ ŠŻƀʤŚ šdžŞŻŤ ƦŤśƘ ƗƨDžƽ ƱŽưDž śƳ ŻdžƣƾŤ ƶƞƞƘ ƵʨƽœƞƞƁƴƯŚ śƴƻ ɸśťƯśŞƽ ņŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ ƹŹƻ ƶDžƾƬŤ ƶƘ ŠŻƞƞƄśşƳ ŠŻƀʤŚ ƱƾƼƤƳ ƦdžƨűťƯ ōśƸŞʤŚ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ˲ ŠśdžűƯŚ Ʈşƞƞƀ ɶ śĵ ƙƳ ƏşŤŻŤ DŽťƯŚ Żƞƞƀʻ ʨŚ ƶƳ šƘƾƴŭƳ ƶƞƞƘ ŠźśşƘ ƾƞƞƻ ƗƞƞƴťŭƴƯŚ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ŮśŭƸƣ ņƋƙşƯŚ ƲƼƍƙŞ ŢśŬśŰ šdžşưťƯ ƭśƴƘʤŚ ƵƾƫźśƞƞƅťDž ņšƤưťŵƴƯŚ ́ džŬ ŠŻƀʤŚ ōǀƅƸŤ śƳŷƸƙƣ ņśƻźƽŶ ɶ ŠŻƀʤŚ ŮśŭƷ ǀưƘ ŷƴťƙDž śĵ ƴưĻ ƙťƳƽ śĵ džƘŚƽ ʩ śĵ džŞśŭDžŔƽ śĵ DžƾƧ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ƵƾƬDž ņśĵ DžƾƧƽ Ļ ŢśƧʩƘ ƲƕƸŤ DŽťƯŚ šƞƞƴƕƷʤŚƽ ʀƷŚƾƨƯŚ ƶƳ š˹ ƘƾƴŭƴŞ ƱŽƞƞťưDž ƵŐ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ǀƞƞưƘ źƽŷŞ ʀƴŘśƨƯŚ ǀưƘƽ ņƿŻŴʤŚ ŢśƙƴťŭƴƯŚ ŶŚŻƣŐ ƶƳ ƲƻŻdžƜ ƗƳƽ śĵ ƙƳ ƺdžƣ ŶŚŻƣʤŚ źśƞƞƅťƷŚ ƗƸƴƯ ƲDžŻƬƯŚ ƃdžƙƯŚ Ʈşƞƞƀƽ šDžśƴűƯŚ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ŶŚŻƣʤ ŚƽŻƣƾDž ƵŐ ƲƞƞdžƕƸťƯŚ ƵśƳƾƨDž ƵŚŷƯŚƾƯśƣ ŋƲưĻ ƙťƯŚ ƶƳ ƲƼƷśƳŻŰ ŝşƁŞ ƽŐ ŻƨƤƯŚ ŝşƞƞƁŞ ŶśƞƞƁƤƯŚƽ šƴDžŻŭƯŚ ƗƳ ŚƾƑưťŵDž ǀťŰ ōśƸŞʤŚ ɹƬDž ƵŔ śƳ ƶƬƯƽ ƲƞƞdžưƙťƯŚƽ šdžŞɻƯŚ ɶ ɷƽʤŚ šƞƞƴƼƴƯśŞ ļ ƱƾƨDž śƳŷƸƘƽ ņŠ˹ ŷDžŷŬ ōśdžƄŐ ƵƾƴưĻ ƙťdžƀ ɸśťƯśŞƽ ƿŻŴʤŚ ŻƞƞƀʤŚ ōśƸŞŐ ƶƳ ƲƻŻdžƜ ʻ ķ ǃőŞ ƎʩťŴʨŚ ƶƳ ķ ƿŻŴŐ Ţśřƣ ơƾŴ ǃŐ ƩśƸƻ ƵƾƬDž ƶƯ ƹźƽŷŞ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ʽ ʽ www.mawdoo3.com
ŠŻƀʤŚ šƝƯ ŠŻƞƞƀʤśƣ ņƺƯ DŽƞƞƁdžŘŻƯŚ Ƶƾʽ ƬƴƯŚƽ ņƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ɶ ɷƽʤŚ šƞƞƸşưƯŚ DŽƞƞƻ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ ˱ Śƽ ŷdžʾ ƨƯŚ ţƨƤŤŚƽ ŚƾƤƯŏŤ ƶƴƳ žśƸƯŚ ƶƳ šƘƾƴŭƳ śĵ ŰʩƑƈŚ śƻśƸƙƳ śƴƸdžŞ ņŻƞƞƀʾ ʨ ƲƼdžƴűDž śƴƳ ʽ śĵ ƙƳ šƤưťŵƴƯŚ ŢśƐśƅƸƯŚ ƵƾƫźśƅťDžƽ ņš̴DžŷŘśƨƙƯŚƽ šdžʽ ƫƾưƁƯŚ ƲƻźśƬƣŐ DŽťƯŚ šưŘśƙƯŚ DŽƞƞƻ ƱʩƞƞƀʦŚ ɶ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚƽ šŰŚŻƯŚ Ʈşƞƞƀ ŻƣĻ ƾDžƽ ƗƴťŭƴƯŚ DŽƴűDžƽ ɶ šűƯśƉƯŚ šƞƞƸşưƯŚ ƵƾƞƞƬťƯ śƼƳŻʽ ƫ ɷśƞƞƙŤ ƺʏƯśƣ ŋšƞƞdžʽ ŬƽŽƯŚ šƑŞŚŻƯŚ ƶƞƞƳ Ƶƾʽ ƞƞƬťŤ śƴƻʩƫƽ ņǀũƷʤŚƽ ŻƫŹƯŚ ʀŬƽż ƮƬƄ ǀưƘ ƵśƞƞƁƷʦŚ ƮŬƽ ŽƘ Ʀưŵƣ ņƗƴťŭƴƯŚ ŜśŭƷʦ šdžʽ ŬƽŽƯŚ ƏŞŚź ţűŤ śĵ ƞƞƙƳ ƵśdžƨťưDžƽ ņš˹ DžŻƑƣ š˹ ƨDžŻƑŞ ŻŴʢŚ ɷŔ ŜŹƞƞŭƸDž ŠŻƀʤŚ ƶDžƾƬŤƽ ōśƸŞʤŚ ˲ DŽƻ ŠŚƾƸƯŚ ŠŻƀʤśƣ ŋŠŷťƴƴƯŚ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚƽ ņŠŚƾƸƯŚ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ Żƞƞƀʻ ʨŚ ƶƳ ƵśƘƾƷ ƩśƸƻ ķ ķ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ śƴƸdžŞ ņŷŰŚƽ ţdžŞ ɶ ƵƾƞƞƅdžƙDžƽ ōśƸŞʤŚƽ ƱʤŚƽ ŜʤŚ ƶƳ Ƶƾʽ ƞƞƬťŤ DŽƞƞťƯŚ ƲƻōśƸŞŐƽ ƱśƴƘʤŚƽ ƲƞƞƻōśƸŞŐƽ ƭŚƾŴʤŚƽ ōśƸŞʤŚƽ ƱʤŚƽ ŜʤŚ Ʈƴƞƞƅťƣ ŠŷƞƞťƴƴƯŚ ķ ņśĵ ƙƳ šƫɻƅƴƯŚ ŢśƐśƞƞƅƸƯŚ Ƶƾƞƞƀźśƴ̳Džƽ ņŷŰŚƽ ţdžŞ ɶ ƵƾƞƞƅdžƙDž ņŠŷŭƯŚƽ ŷŭƯŚƽ š̴DžŻƉƙƯŚ ŠśdžűƯŚ šƙdžşƐ ĸšŭdžťƷ ūDžźŷťƯśŞ ƊŚŻƨƷʨśŞ ŠŷťƴƴƯŚ ŠŻƀʤŚ ŢŐŷ̲ Şƽ Ļ ņśƼdžưƘ ŷƴťƙDž ƗƞƞƴťŭƴƯŚ Ƶʤ ŋšƞƞDžśƘŻƯŚƽ šDžśƸƙƯŚ ƶƞƞƳ ŻdžũƬƯŚ ɷŔ ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ Ūśƞƞťűĸ Ť Ļ ņƲƼƤdžƨũŤƽ ƱƾưƙƯŚƽ ŜŚŶʢŚ ƲƼƴdžưƙŤƽ ŠŷdžŬ š˹ ƨDžŻƑŞ ƲƼťdžŞŻŤ ƲťŤ ƵŐ ŝŭDž śƻŶŚŻƣőƣ śƴƫ ņšDžŶśƉťƧʨŚƽ šdžƘśƴťŬʨŚƽ šDžƾŞɻƯŚ ŢśƼŭƯŚ ƗdžƴŬ ƶƳ ƵƾƬDž ŠŻƞƞƀʤŚ źƽŷƣ ŶŚƾťƯŚƽ ƲŰŚɻƯŚ ŻƘśƅƳ ŶśŭDžŔƽ ņŠŷŰŚƾƯŚ ŠŻƀʤŚ ŶŚŻƣŐ ʀŞ ŢśƧʩƙƯŚ ƦdžŨƾŤ ŝŭDž ŷƨűƯŚƽ ƹŻƬƯśŞ ƲƞƞƁťŤ ŷƧ DŽťƯŚ šdžşưƞƞƁƯŚ ŻƘśƞƞƅƴƯŚ ƖŽƷƽ ņƲƼƸdžŞ śƴdžƣ ƢƞƞƐśƙťƯŚƽ
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sü s s:ŰŦŮŦ ~7` m ÆŨŰŦŮ³Ŧ g8 Ɓ ƮƬƯŚ Ʈƅƣ ņśťưƅƣ ŚŸŚƽ ņƮƬƯŚ ůŭƷ śťűŭƷ ŚŸŚ ņƃdžŭƯŚ ɶ ŠŶśdžƨƯśƫ ŢśƫŻƅƯŚ ŠźŚŶŚ ƢƔƾƴƯŚ ƵƾƬDž ƵŚ ƮƉűDž ƵśdžŰʨŚ ƶƳ Żdžũƫ ɶ ůŬśƸƯŚ ŻƞƞDžŷƴƯŚ ůşƉŤƽ ƵƾƬŤ DŽƫ ůŘśƉƷ DŽƻ śƳ ƽ ŠźŚŶʨŚ ƲưƘ ƾƻ śƳ ƾƞƞƻ śƞƞƴƣ ņƮƳʨŚ ŢśşdžŴ ŐŷşŤ ņǃźŚŶŚ ŝƉƸƳ ɷŚ ƺťdžƧŻŤ ƲťŤ ƵŚ ƭśŰ ƶƬƯƽ ņƺŤśşưƑťƳƽ ƺƈśƉťŴŚ ŶƽŷŰ ƶƴƌƽ ņƢƔƾƴƫ ƺƯśŭƳ ɶ śűŬśƷ ƮƉűDž ŷƧƽ ņDŽƙdžşƐ ōDŽƄ ŚŹƻƽ ņšƙƴƀ ƶƳ DŽƤdžƔƾƯŚ ƹŻƴƘ ƭŚƾƐ ƺşƁƫ śƳ ǀưƘƽ ņƺdžưƘ ŻŨœŤ Żdžşƫ šDžźŚŶŚ ōśƑŴŚ ŜśƬŤźŚ ɶ Śŷşdžƣ ƗdžƑťƁŤ Əƨƣ šưƧ ƶƬƯƽ ņʀƤƔƾƳ ŚƾƷƾƬdžƯ ƵƾűưƉDž ƶƳ Ʋƻ ƵƽŻdžũƬƣ ņŠźŚŶʨŚ ɶ ŠɹŵƯŚ šưƨƯ šdžƙƧŚƽ šŭdžťƸƫ ƵśdžŰʨŚ ƶƳ Żdžũƫ ɶ ņŶśƉťƧʨŚ šdžưƫ ƖƽŻƣ ƶƳ ōŽŭƫ ŠźŚŶʨŚ ƲƞƞưƘ žźŷŤ ŢśƙƳśŭƯŚ ƶƳ ŻdžũƬƯŚ ţűşƈŚ ƪƯŹƯƽ ņŚŷdžŬ śDžźŚŶŚ ůşƉťƯ ŮśƞƞŭƸƯŚ ƦưƞƞƁŤ
ǀƙƁŤ ņƲƯśƙƯŚ ɶ ŢśƫŻƞƞƅƯŚ ŢśDžɹƫ ţűşƈŚ ŷƨƣ ņƏdžƞƞƁşƯśŞ ſdžƯ ƲưƘ ƾƻƽ ņŚŻdžũƫ ƋƙşƯŚ śƴƼƍƙŞ ɶ ƵŚŻŨœDžƽ ņšƨdžŨƽ śƴƼťƧʩƙƣ ŠŶśdžƨƯśƫ ŢśƫŻƅƯŚ ɶ ŠźŚŶʨśƣ ņƲƼƯśƴƘŚ ƭśŭƳ ɶ ūŘśťƸƯŚ ƮƍƣŚ ǀưƘ ƭƾƉűưƯ ƲƼŤśƫŻƅƯ ƲƯśƙƯŚ ɶ ʀDžŚźŶʨŚ ƮƍƣŚ ŜśƑƨťƀʨ ƮƬƯŚ Ʈƅƣ ņśťưƅƣ ŚŸŚƽ ņƮƬƯŚ ůŭƷ śťűŭƷ ŚŸŚ ņƃdžŭƯŚ ɶ www.ts3a.com
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ﻫﻞ ﺳﺌﻤﺖ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ ﰲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨﴫ؟ إﻟﻴﻚ ﺑﻌﺾ اﻟﻨﺼﺎﺋﺢ ﺗﺘﻌﺪد اﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ اﻟﺘﻲ ميﻜﻦ أن ﻳﻘﻮم ﺑﻬﺎ اﻟﺸــﺨﺺ ﻟﻠﺘﺨﻠﺺ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ ﰲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨﴫ وﻟﻌﻞ أﺑﺮز ﻫﺬه اﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ رﻳﺎﺿﺔ اﳌﴚ إذ ﻳﻔﻴﺪ اﳌﴚ ﺑﺸــﻜﻞ ﻛﺒري ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺒﻄﻦ واﻟﺨﴫ واﳌﺆﺧﺮة وﻳﺴــﺎﻋﺪ ﻋﲆ ﺷﺪﻫﺎ .وﻳﻠﻌﺐ اﻟﺮﻗﺺ أﻳﻀﺎ دورا ﻣﻬام ﰲ ﺣﺮق اﻟﺴــﻌﺮات اﻟﺤﺮارﻳﺔ واﻟﺘﺨﻠﺺ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ ﰲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨﴫ إﱃ ﺟﺎﻧﺐ متﺎرﻳﻦ ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ ميﻜﻦ ﻟﻠﻔﺮد أن ﻳﻘﻮم ﺑﻬﺎ ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﻳﻮﻣﻲ ﻣﺜﻞ ﺣﺮﻛﺔ اﻟﺪراﺟﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﻳﻘﻮم ﺑﻬﺎ وﻫﻮ ﻣﺴــﺘﻠﻖ ﻋﲆ ﻇﻬﺮه أو ﻋﲆ اﻟﺪراﺟﺔ اﻟﺜﺎﺑﺘﺔ ومتﺎرﻳﻦ ﳌﺲ اﻟﻘﺪم اﻟﺘﻲ ميﻜﻦ أن ﻳﻘﻮم ﺑﻬﺎ وﻫﻮ واﻗﻒ أو ﻣﺴﺘﻠﻖ .ميﻜﻦ أﻳﻀﺎ أن ميﺎرس اﻟﻔﺮد رﻳﺎﺿﺔ اﻷﻳﺮوﺑﻴﻚ واﻟﻘﻔﺰ ﻋﲆ اﻟﺤﺒﻞ واﻟﻬﺮوﻟﺔ وﻏريﻫﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ اﻟﺘﻲ ميﻜﻦ اﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻴﻬﺎ ﻣﻦ ﻣﺪرب رﻳﺎﴈ.
ﻳﻮاﺟﻪ ﻋﺪد ﻛﺒري ﻣﻦ اﻟﻨﺎس ﺗﺮاﻛﻢ اﻟﺪﻫﻮن وﺑﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﰲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨــﴫ وﻗﺪ ﻳﺼﻌﺐ اﻟﺘﺨﻠﺺ ﻣﻦ ﻫﺬه اﻟﺪﻫﻮن ﻟﺬﻟﻚ ﻳﻠﺠﺄ اﻟﻌﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻷﺷﺨﺎص إﱃ اﺗﺒﺎع ﺣﻤﻴﺎت ﻏﺬاﺋﻴﺔ وإﱃ اﻟﻘﻴﺎم ﺑﺎﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ .ﻟﺬﻟﻚ ﺳﻨﺘﻌﺮف ﰲ ﻣﻘﺎﻟﻨﺎ اﻟﻴﻮم إﱃ أﺑﺮز متﺎرﻳﻦ اﻟﺨﴫ وإﱃ ﻧﺼﺎﺋﺢ أﺧﺮى ﻟﻠﺘﺨﻠﺺ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ ﰲ ﻫﺬه اﳌﻨﻄﻘﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺠﺴﻢ.
ﻧﺼﺎﺋﺢ أﺧﺮى ﳌﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨﴫ ﻻ ﻳﻜﻔﻲ أن ميﺎرس اﻟﻔﺮد اﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﻓﺤﺴﺐ ﻟﺤﺮق اﻟﺪﻫﻮن ﺑﻞ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ أﻳﻀﺎ اﺗﺒﺎع ﻧﻈﺎم ﻏﺬايئ ﺻﺤﻲ وﴍب ﻛﻤﻴﺎت ﻛﺒرية ﻣﻦ اﳌﺎء واﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﲆ ﺳﺎﻋﺎت ﻛﺎﻓﻴﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻨﻮم .وﻋﲆ اﻟﺸﺨﺺ أﻳﻀﺎ ﴍب اﻟﺸﺎي اﻷﺧﴬ اﻟﺬي ﻳﺴﺎﻋﺪ ﻋﲆ ﺣﺮق اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ وﺗﺠﻨﺐ اﻟﺴﻜﺮﻳﺎت واﳌﺄﻛﻮﻻت اﻟﻐﻨﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﺪﻫﻮن. ﺗﻜرث اﻟﻨﺼﺎﺋﺢ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺴﺎﻋﺪ ﻋﲆ ﺧﺴﺎرة اﻟﺪﻫﻮن اﳌﱰاﻛﻤﺔ ﰲ ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺔ اﻟﺨﴫ وميﻜﻦ ﻟﻠﻔﺮد ﰲ أي وﻗﺖ اﺳﺘﺸــﺎرة اﺧﺘﺼﺎﴆ اﻟﺘﻐﺬﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﲆ اﻟﺤﻤﻴﺔ اﻟﻐﺬاﺋﻴﺔ اﳌﻨﺎﺳــﺒﺔ واﺳﺘﺸﺎرة ﻣﺪريب اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻮل أﻳﻀﺎ ﻋﲆ اﳌﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘامرﻳﻦ اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ اﳌﻨﺎﺳﺒﺔ. www.albayan.ae
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śɆ ɅŭƷźśƷ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƃɆśƴƷ ţưƘ ŌţƁɇǭ iOS 14 źŶ ȗƷź Žşƀ
ƮƞƞǡŚ ņŷƞƞɆŚ ƹŷƷŚƾŴ ƢƞƞưťŵƳ źśƞƞşŴŚ źŶ ƺƞƞȋ ƺƞƞƷƾșƷśƴƻ ŶŻȋ ŻƞƞƅťƸƳ Śź iOS 14 ƮƳśƘ ƲťƞƞƁɇƀ ɅɆśƼƷ Ʉ ƺŵƞƞƁƷ źśɇƞƞƁŞ Ʉśƻ ɅȘȀɆƽ ɄŚźŚŶ ŷƞƞɆŷŬ ƮƞƞƳśƘ ƲťƞƞƁɇƀ ƶƞƞɆŚ ¯Ʊƾƻ° Ʉ ƺűƤƈ źŶ śƻ ţŭɆƽ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ŷƸƷśƳ ɄŶśɆż ƵŷƄ ŝŤŻƳ ɄŚŻŞ App Library ţɇưŞśƧ ņ Home
ţƀŚ ƮɇƴɆŚ ƽ ŻȘźƽŻƳ ƊŻƣ ƃɇǡ ǟŚ ɿɇƝŤ ƽ śƻ ǟŚ ƮƳśƘ ƲťƞƞƁɇƀ ƶɆŚ ŷƞƞɆŷŬ Ʉśƻ ɅȘȀɆƽ żŚ ŻƞƞșɆŶ ɅƞƞȌɆ źŶ Žşƀ śɆ ɅŭƷźśƷ ȗƷź ƺŞ Ȋǭƾȋ ɄŚ ƺƑƨƷ ƵŷƄ ŻƻśƔ ţƀŚ ƵƾƤɆŎ źŶ ŻșƅɆśƴƷ ɅɆʨśŞ ţƴƁƧ ŶƾŴ ƵƾƤɆŎ Ʉƽź ŻƞƞŞ Śź ŷƞƞɆŷŬ ƮƳśƘ ƲťƞƞƁɇƀ ƶɆŚ ŻƞƞȘŚ ƶɆŚ ƵŷƄ ŻƻśƔ ƵƾƸȋśŤ ƺȋ ţƀŚ ƶȌƴƳ ņŷɆŚ ƹŶŻȋ ŝƉƷ ŶƾŴ ƺŞ Śź śƴƞƞƄ ƺŬƾŤ ŻșƞƞƅɆśƴƷ ɄʨśŞ ţƴƞƞƁƧ źŶ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ źŶ ņƖƾƞƞƌƾƳ ƶɆŚ ƺƞƞŞ ƺŬƾŤ śŞ ŷƞƞƄśŞ ƹŶŻƞƞȋ ŝưŬ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ ƵŷƞƞƄ ŻƻśƔ ţưƘ ƺŞ ƺȋ ƲɆźŚŶ ŷƉƧ ƺƞƞƯśƨƳ ƲɆżŚŶʁŞ ƵƾƤɆŎ ŻșƅɆśƴƷ ɄʨśŞ źŶ ɅșƷź
iOS 14 źŶ ȗƷź ɅŭƷźśƷ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƵŷƄ ŻƻśƔ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƭśŰ źŶ śƴƄ ƺȋ ţƀŚ ƖƾƌƾƳ ƶɆŚ Ʉ ƹŷƸƻŶ ƵśƞƞƅƷ ņƵƾƤɆŎ śŞ ƵŶŻȋ źśȋ ƱśșƸƻ źŶ ŻșƞƞƅɆśƴƷ ɅɆʨśŞ ţƴƞƞƁƧ źŶ ȗƷź ɅŭƷźśƷ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƵŶŚŶ ƃɆśƴƷ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ ŷɇƸȋ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ Ʉɿƀ ƱśƷ ƺŞ ƮǡŚ ɅŤƾƈ źśɇťƀŶ żŚ śƴƄ ƺȋ ɅƷśƳż ņƭśũƳ ƵŚƾƸƘ ƺŞ ŷɇťƁƻ Śŷƈ Əşƌ ɄŚŻŞ ƺƷƾƴƷ ƵŚƾƸƘ ƺŞ ŶƾŴ ƵƾƤɆŎ ƵƾƣƽŻȌɇƳ ŷƄ ŷƻŚƾŴ ŻƻśƔ ŻșƅɆśƴƷ ɅɆʨśŞ ţƴƁƧ źŶ ȗƷź ɅŭƷźśƷ śƴƄ ƖʩƐŚ ƵƽŷŞ ƽ ƺƷśɇƤŵƳ Ţźƾƈ ƺŞ ɅǡŚ ƺȋ ţƀŚ ƖƾƌƾƳ ƶɆŚ Ʉ ƹŷƸƻŶ ƵśƅƷ ņŷɇƸȋ ɅƴƷ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƵƾƤɆŎ ƵƾƣƽŻȌɇƳ żŚ ƺȋ ɷśŰ źŶ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ ƵŷƄ ŻƻśƔ ţƀŚ ƵƾƤɆŎ ƵƾƣƽŻȌɇƳ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƭśŰ źŶ ƺȋ ɅŤźƾƈ źŶ ŷɆƾƄ ƗưƑƳ ţƞƞƀŚ ƵƾƣƽŻȌɇƳ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ƭśŰ źŶ ƺȋ ɅǡŚ żŚ Control Center ¯ƭɻƸȋ ŽȋŻƳ° ƺŞ ɼƣź śŞ ŷɇƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ śƴƞƞƄ ţƯśŰ ƶɆŚ źŶ ŷɇƸȋ ȉśǡ ŶƾŴ ƵƾƤɆŎ Ʉƽź żŚ Śź ƵŎ ƺȋ ŷɇƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ ņŷƸȋ ɅƳ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƹŚŻƴƻ ƶƤưŤ ƵƾƣƽŻȌɇƳ żŚ śƴƄ Ʉ ƹżśŬŚ ƵƽŷŞ ƽ źŻȌƳ Ţźƾƈ ƺŞ ǟŚ ȊɆ ȗƷź Žşƀ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƃɆśƴƷ ƺŞ ŷɇťƁƻ ŶƾŴ ƵƾƤɆŎ ʀŞźƽŶ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ƭśŰ źŶ śƴƄ ƺȋ ŷƻŶ ɅƳ ƖʩƐŚ śƴƞƞƄ ƺŞ Ʋƻ ȗƷź Žşƞƞƀ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƃɆśƴƷ ņȗƷź ɅŭƷźśƷ ƺƑƨƷ ƵŷƞƞƄ ŻƻśƔ ŷƸƷśƴƻ ƶɆŚ ņŷɆɿșŞ Śź ɅƞƞƁȌƘ ƺȋ ŷɆźŚŶ ŷƉƧ śɆ ŷɇƸȋ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ɄŻɆƾƉŤ Ʉśƻ žśƴŤ ƱśŭƷŚ ɄŚŻŞ FaceTime śɆ ǟśƞƞƁŤŚƽ ŷƸƷśƳ Ʉśƻ ǟŚ żŚ ƺȋ ɅƷśƳż ņƭśũƳ ƵŚƾƸƘ źŶ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ Ʋƻ ƹśșťƞƞƀŶ Ʌťƅǡ ʀŞźƽŶ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƵśƳż źŶ ņɅɆƾưŬ ʀŞźƽŶ ŻŞ ƹƽʩƘ ŷƞƞƄ ŷƻŚƾŴ ŻƻśƔ ŻșƞƞƅɆśƴƷ ɅɆʨśŞ ţƴƞƞƁƧ źŶ ȗƷź Žşƞƞƀ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ŷɇƄśŞ ƺťƄŚŶ ƵƾƤɆŎ Ʉśƻ ʀŞźƽŶ ɅƳśƴŤ ŻŞ ɄɻƅɇŞ ƭɻƸȋ ŷɇƷŚƾťŞ ƵŎ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ śŞ śŤ ņŷƄ ŷƻŚƾŴ ŻƻśƔ ŻșƅɆśƴƷ ɅɆʨśŞ ţƴƁƧ żŚ ɅŴŻŞ ƺȋ ţƀŚ ƖƾƌƾƳ ƶɆŚ Ʉ ƹŷƸƻŶ ƵśƅƷ ņŷɇƸȋ ɅƴƷ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ŶƾŴ ƵƾƤɆŎ Ʉśƻ ʀŞźƽŶ żŚ ȊɆ Ǭɇƻ żŚ ƺȋ ɷśŰ źŶ ȗƷź Žşƞƞƀ Ʉ ƺƑƨƷ ƶɆŚ ƵŷƞƞƄ ŻƻśƔ ŷɇƸȋ ɅɆśƀśƸƄ Śź śƻ ǟŚ ƶɆŚ ƭɻƸȋ ŽȋŻƳ ƺŞ ƺƙŬŚŻƳ śŞ ŷɇƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ śƴƄ ŷƸťƁƻ śƴƄ ƵƾƤɆŎ Ʉśƻ ʀŞźƽŶ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƭśŰ źŶ ƺƷśɇƤŵƳ źƾƐ ƺŞ śƻ ǟ Ś ƺŞ ŶźŚŶ ŷƉƧ ƮǡŚ ƺȋ ƲɆŶƾŞ ƖƾƌƾƳ ƶɆŚ ŷƻśƄ iOS 14 żŚ ɅɆśƴƷƽź śŞ ţƞƞƀŚ ƺťƞƞƄŚŶ Śź ɄŶśɆż źśɇƞƞƁŞ ŷɇȋśŤ ƃƷŚŻŞźśȋ ɅƈƾƉŴ ƲɆŻŰ ƓƤŰ ŻŞ ƹźŚƾƴƻ ƮǡŚ ŷƸȋ ƓƤŰ ƵƾƤɆŎ żŚ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ƵśƳż źŶ Śź ƵŚŻŞźśȋ ɅƈƾƉŴ ƲɆŻŰ ɄŚ ƹȀɆƽ ƮȌƄ www.ErtebatOman.com ISSUE 04
® sk_ ŦƁŰ
Ö³{ §Y ÕZÅ Ä¿Z ¿ |Ì ZÀ ] Y Ö¸ § ŽɇƷ ƱŶŻƳ ɄŚƾƻ ƽ ƭśŰ ŶƾƄ ɅƳ ŻŤŶŻƞƞƀ Śƾƻ ƽ ŷƞƞƅŴźŶ ɅƳ ƵśƴƞƞƀŎ źŶ ɻƴȋ ŜśťƣŎ ņŶƾƞƞƄ ɅƳ ŻŤ ƹśŤƾȋ śƻżƽź ɅťƧƽ źŚŷɇŞ ŜŚƾŴ żŚ Ʌťŵƞƞƀ ƺŞ śƻżƽź śƻ ƵŎ ţƞƞƀŚ ɄŷŬ źśɇƞƞƁŞ śƻ ɅƍƙŞ ɄŚŻŞ ŢŚɿɇƝŤ ƶɆŚ ŷƸȋ ɅƳ ɿƞƞɇƝŤ Ʌƞƞƴȋ ŶƾŴ ƺƷʨ źŶ ƶɆŚŻŞśƸŞ ŷƷźŚŶ ƆśŴ ɄśƻŚŹƜ ƽ ŜśťƣŎ ɄƽżźŎ śƻ ƵŎ ŷƸƸȋ ɅƳ ɷśűɇŞ ƽ ɅťƞƞƁƀ žśƁŰŚ ƽ ŷƷƾƞƞƄ ɅƳ ŷƀŻŞ ƹŚź żŚ źśƼŞ śŤ ŷƷƾƞƞƄ ɅƳ ƵśƼƸǡ żƽŻŞ ɹƳŚƾƷ ƽ ɹťȋŚ Ʉśƻ ƹśƳ źŶ ɻƅɇŞ ƺȋ ţƞƞƀŚ ɅưƉƣ ſŰ ȊɆ ɅťŰŚźśƷ ţƞƞƀŚ ɅưƉƣ ŢʨʩťŴŚ Ʉśƻ ƺƷśƞƞƅƷ śƼƸɆŚ ƺŞ ɅťŰŚźśƷ ŷƞƞƀŻŞ źśƼŞ ƮƉƣ ƺȋ ƶɆŚ śŤ ŷƸȋ ɅƳ Śŷɇǡ ƺƳŚŶŚ źƾƑƸɇƴƻ ƽ ŶƾƞƞƄ ɅƳ ƹśŤƾȋ śƻżƽź ƺȋ ɅƷśƳż ņŷƞƞƸȋ ɅƞƞƳ ƽ źśƼŞ ƮƉƣ ƖƽŻƄ śŤ ŶƾƄ ɅƳ ƖƽŻƄ ŽɇɆśǡ żŚ ɅƸƙɆ ŶźŚŶ ɅưƉƣ ɄƾșƯŚ ȊɆ ƽ ŶƾƞƞƄ ɅƳ ƹŶŚŶ żƽŻŞ ɅȘŶŻƞƞƁƣŚ ƮȌƞƞƄ ŷƸȋ ɅƳ Śŷɇǡ ƺƳŚŶŚ ƮȌƄ ʀƴƻ ƺŞ ƭśƞƞƀ Żƻ
ŻƤƀ śŞ ƹżźśşƳ ɄŚŻƞƞŞ ƹŚź ƶɆɻƼŞ ŷƞƞƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ ɅŞśťƣŎ ƦƞƞƐśƸƳ ƺŞ ɅƷśťƞƞƁƳż ɄśƻŻƤƞƞƀ ŷƄśŞ ɅưƉƣ ɅȘŶŻƁƣŚ ţŞśŨ ŜŚƾŴ ƺƳśƷŻŞ ŜŚƾŴ źŶ ƭʩťŴŚ ŶśƞƞŭɆŚ ŧƘśŞ ɅưƉƣ ɅťŰŚźśƷ ƽ ɅȘŶŻƞƞƁƣŚ ƺȋ ɅƞƞɆśŬ ƵŎ żŚ ŶŻȋ ŷƻŚƾŴ Śŷɇǡ ɄŶśɆż źśɇƁŞ ţɇƴƻŚ ƲƕƸƳ ŜŚƾŴ ƺƳśƷŻŞ ȊɆ ɼƄŚŶ ŶƾƄ ɅƳ ƺƷśŴ żŚ ɼƣź ƵƽɿŞ śŞ ƹżźśşƳ ɄŚŻŞ ŷɇƸȋ ſşŰ ƺƷśŴ ƮŴŚŶ Śź ƵśŤŶƾŴ ŶƾƄ ɅƳ ŧƘśŞ ɅȘŶŻƞƞƁƣŚ ŶƾŴ ƺɇŰƽź ƽ ɄǿŻƷŚ ƹźśŞƽŶ śŤ ŷɆƽŻŞ ƵƽɿŞ ƺƷśŴ żŚ ţƀŚ ɻƼŞ Śƾƻ ƽ ƭśŰ ƶɆŚ ŷɆźƽśɇŞ ţƀŶ ƺŞ Śź ƵśƳźŶ ƽ ƽźŚŶ ɅȘŶŻƁƣŚ ŷƌ ɄśƻƽźŚŶ żŚ ŷƷƾƄ ɅƳ ɅưƉƣ ɅȘŶŻƞƞƁƣŚ źśǭŶ ɅťƧƽ śƻ ɅưɇŴ ƵśťɆŚŻŞ ŷƸƷŚƾŤ ɅƞƞƳ śƻƽźŚŶ ƶɆŚ ƺȋ ŷƞƞɇƸȋ ɅƳ žśƞƞƁŰŚ ŻȘŚ ŷƸƸȋ ɅƳ ƹŶśƤťƞƞƀŚ ŷɇƸȋ ŢźƾƅƳ ȊƄŽǡ śŞ śƴťŰ ŷƸƄśŞ ŷɇƤƳ
żƽź ŢśƘśƀ ɻƅɇŞ źŶ ɅȘŶŻƁƣŚ žśƁŰŚ ɼƄŚŶ ŶƾŞ ƃŵŞ ŢŹƯ ƵśťɆŚŻŞ ʩşƧ ƺȋ ɅɆśƻŽɇǭ ƺŞ ƮɆśƴŤ ƱŷƘ ŶśɆż ŜŚƾŴ ʨƾƴƙƳ ŜŚƾŴ ŢśƘśƀ ƽ ƺƳśƷŻŞ źŶ ɿɇƝŤ ɷśŰ ɅŞ ƽ Ʋȋ ɄǿŻƷŚ ŽȋŻƴŤ źŶ ƮȌƅƳ ƵśɇƣŚŻƐŚ śŞ ƵŶŻȌƷ źŚŻƧŻŞ ƎśşŤźŚ ƽ ɅɆśƼƸŤ ƺŞ ƮɆśƴŤ ŜśťƣŎ źƾƷ ƺŞ ƮɆśƴŤ ŢŚźŷɇƻƾŞŻȋ żŚ źśƄŻƀ ɄśƻŚŹƜ ƺŞ ƮɆśƴŤ śƻźśȋ ƶɆŚ ŷɇƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ ŷɆŚ ƹŷƞƞƄ ɅưƉƣ ɅȘŶŻƁƣŚ źśǭŶ ŷɇƸȋ ɅƳ žśƞƞƁŰŚ ŻȘŚ ŷɇƻŶ ƱśŭƷŚ Śź ɅƷśƳźŶźƾƷ ŷɇƸȋ Ʌƙƀ ŷɆśŞ ƶɆŚŻŞśƸŞ ţƀŚ ƹŷƞƞƄ ŶśŭɆŚ źƾƷ Ŷƾşƴȋ ŻŨŚ źŶ ɅưƉƣ ɅȘŶŻƞƞƁƣŚ Ʉśƻ ƺşƙŬ żŚ ŷɇƷŚƾŤ ɅƳ ƵŎ ŻŞ ƹƽʩƘ ŷɆɹŞ ƹŻƼŞ ŜśťƣŎ źƾƷ żŚ śŤ ŷɆƽŻŞ ƵƽɿŞ ɻƅɇŞ ŷɇƸȋ ƹŶśƤťƀŚ ŽɇƷ ɅƷśƳźŶźƾƷ
ņŷɆŻŴ ŽȋŚŻƳ ņɅȌƄŽǡ ŽȋŚŻƳ ņśƻ ƵŚźƾťƀź ņśƻ ƹśșƄƽŻƣ źŶ ƹȀɆƽ Ţźƾƈ ƺŞ
ƎśşŤźŚ ƺɆŻƞƞƅƷ
ŶŶŻȘ ɅƳ ƗɆżƾŤ ƵśƴƘ ţƸƑưƀ ɅƈƾƉŴ Ʉśƻ žźŶŎ ƽ śƻ ȊƷśŞ
ƂŻɆŹǡ ƽ ţƞƞƀŚ ɅƷśƞƞƀź ƖʩƐŚ ƽ ɅŤśƝɇưşŤ ƺɆŻƞƞƅƷ ȊɆ śƣŻƈ ƎśşŤźŚ ƺưŭƳ ƺȋ ţƞƞƀŚ ŻȋŸ ƺŞ Ʊżʨ ɅưɇƯŶ ƺŬƾǮɇƻ ƺŞ ƺưŭƳ źŶ ǟśǭ ɄŚŻŞ ɅƧƾƨŰ ƽ ɅƨɇƨŰ ƆśŵƄŚ żŚ ɅŤśƳŷŴ ƽ ɅŤśƝɇưşŤ Ʉśƻ ɅƼȘ Ŏ ƱɻűƳ ƵśȘŷƸƷŚƾŴ ƺɇưȋ ƺŞ ŚŹƯ ņŷƄśŞ ɅƴƷ śƻ ƵŎ ţƯśƈŚ ƽ śƻ ɅƼȘŎ ţűƈ ŽɇƷ ƽ ŶŻȌưƴƘ ţűƈ ŷɇɆśŤ ŻŞ ƵśȘŷƸƻŶ ɅƼȘŎ śŞ ɅŤśƳŷŴ ƽ ɄźśŭŤ ƺƑŞŚź ƺƷƾȘ Żƻ ƱśŭƷŚ ƽ ŶśŭɆŚ ƺŞ ƮɆśƴŤ ƺȋ ɅɆśƻ ƵŎ ƺŞ ƆƾƉŵŞ ƽ ɅƍťƨƳ ƦɆŻƑŞ ƆƾƉŴ ƶɆŚ źŶ ɅƳŚŷƧŚ ƺƷƾȘŻƻ żŚ ƮşƧ ŶŶŻȘ ɅƳ ƺɇƈƾŤ Śĵ ŷɇȋŚ ŷƷźŚŶ Śź ƎśşŤźŚ ƺɆŻƅƷ źŶ ŷƸɆśƴƷ ŢźƾƞƞƅƳ ŶźƾƳ ƆƾƉŴ źŶ ƺƐƾŞŻƳ ɅƷƾƷśƧ ƗŬŚŻƳ ƽ ţɇŰʩƈ ŝŰśƈ ƵśƳżśƞƞƀ żŚ ƱʩƙťƞƞƀŚ śŞ
ƺɇưȋ ŶźŚŷƷ ƽ ƺťƄŚŷƷ ŶźŚƾƳ ƶɆŚ źŶ ɅťɇƯƾřƞƞƁƳ ƺƷƾșǮɇƻ ƎśşŤźŚ ƺɆŻƞƞƅƷ ņƥƾƣ ŮŻƞƞƅŞ ƺȋ ŷƸɆśƳŻƣ ƺŬƾŤ ƽ
ƽ ŝƯśƑƳ żŚ ɄźŚŶŻŞ ɅǢȋ ƽ ǟśǭ ƺƷƾȘ Żƻ ƽ ŷƞƞƄśŞ ɅƳ ƒƾƤűƳ ƎśşŤźŚ ţȋŻƞƞƄ ŻƞƞƄśƷ ɄŚŻŞ ƥƾƨŰ
ţƣŻȘ ŷƻŚƾŴ źŚŻƧ ɅƷƾƷśƧ ŶŻșɇǡ ţűŤ ƢưŵťƳ ƽ ƖƾƸƴƳ ŻƄśƷ żŚ żƾŭƳ ŹŴŚ ƵƽŷŞ ņśƻ ŮŻƐ
ƎśƞƞşŤźŚ šƞƞưŭƳ
Ʌƣ šưŭƴƯŚ ƹŹƞƞƻ ƮƞƞƞƞƞƞƞƤťűŤ
ƲƞƞťɆ ƽ LjǐLJǎ šƸƞƞƀ ŻƞƞDžŚɹƣ LjNj ɶ ņƭƽʨŚ śƞƞƻŶŷƘ śƻŶŷƘ ƶƞƞƳ ƺƘƾşƑƴƯŚ ƺƞƞɇƧźƾƯŚ ƺŵƞƞƁƸƯŚ ƗɆżƾŤ ŻŬśťƴƯŚ ƽ ƲƘśƑƴƯŚ ƮũƳ ƺƳśƙƯŚ ŽȋŚŻƴƯŚ Ʌƣ ņŚŹƻ Ʌƻ ƎśşŤźŚ ƺƞƞưŭƳ ƺɇşƑƯŚ ŽƞƞȋŚŻƴƯŚ ƽ ȉƾƞƞƸşƯŚ ƽ ŢśƼŭƯŚ ƶƞƞƳ źśƞƞƁƤťƀʨŚ ōśŬŻƯśƣ ņƺƞƞɇŘśƘŶ ƺƞƞưŭƳ ʀɇƨɇƨűƯŚ ʀƸưƙƴƯŚ ŢśƞƞƳŷŴ ƱŚŷŵťƞƞƀʨ šƉťŵƴƯŚ
ŚŹƻ ɶ šdžƯƽœƞƞƁƳ ǃŐ ƮƴűťŤ ʨ šưŭƴƯŚ ʀɇƧƾƨűƯŚ ƽ ŶŷƉƯŚ
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