The origins of L’École supérieure de ballet du Québec date back to the early 1950s. Ludmilla Chiriaeff, dancer, choreographer and dance teacher arrived in Montréal just as the very first French-language television network was launched. While Madame Chiriaeff lost no time in applying her talent and energy to Radio-Canada’s variety programs, she did not limit herself to the small screen. True to her pioneering spirit, she gave Québec society its first major classical dance company, establishing Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, and L’École supérieure, its first national establishment dedicated to professional dance training. In 1966, at the request of the Québec Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Madame Chiriaeff incorporated L’École supérieure.
In 1980, the two affiliated institutions moved to the Maison de la danse du Québec, located on Plateau Mont-Royal, in a major hub of artistic training. L’École supérieure established the Bibliothèque de la danse VincentWarren, which has become Canada’s leading dance documentation centre.
L’École supérieure remains, more than half a century after its founding by Mrs. Ludmilla Chiriaeff, the only francophone institution in North America that offers a world-class training in ballet.
We value ballet as an ever-evolving tradition. We believe it is important to nurture our students to develop their mind, spirit, and body in movement in order to respond to the demands of today’s dynamic and expressive dance creations.
As choreography becomes borderless, we also believe that dance artists must be trained to be versatile, creative, and motivated to push the boundaries of the past. Just as choreographers today draw on multiple disciplines to create dance, at L’École supérieure we optimize learning so that each student will be able to embark on a journey where their talent will best be served.
We strive to foster our students to emerge as complete artists who are engaged, invested, passionate, and stimulated. As they develop autonomy with a professional focus, our students become independent learners and the architects of their own bodies and their continuing evolution.
ANIK BISSONNETTE ARTISTIC DIRECTORPrincipal dancer of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens for close to 17 years, Anik Bissonnette has devoted her energies, since 2010, to communicate her knowledge to a new generation of dancers worthy of the finest dance companies in Québec, Canada and the world.
Today, L’École supérieure’s primary mission remains the professional training of classical dancers for Les Grands Ballets canadiens and other major dance companies around the world.LUDMILLA CHIRIAEFF, FOUNDER
PERFORMANCE (Interpretation)
Admission by audition only
Intermediary cycle Grade 7 to 9
Advanced cycle Grade 10 to 11
Superior cycle 1st-3rd year
Based on an assesment of qualifications
720 training hours, including practical internships
Admission by audition
Flexible program, in person or online including observation, theory and practice
Grade 5 to 6
Find all the information on our website: https://www.esbq.ca/en/performance/junior-cycle/
trained for Les Grands Ballets and other dance companies in Québec, Canada and around the world
for Recreational and / or Professional
The professional program in performance aims for the holistic development of students, incorporating morphological, psychological, artistic, technical and scholastic components. The artistic direction strives to combine the best elements of proven methods, while remaining on the lookout for the latest developments in the art of movement.
The professional program is subdivided into cycles that fairly reflect the evolution of the training program, that is to say, the requirements in term of time and commitment.
(Dance and Academic Pathway)
• Professional ballet training offered in conjunction with renowned academic partners.
• Obtain a secondary school diploma (SSD) issued by the Government of Québec and an attestation of studies in classical dance from L’École supérieure.
• Obtain a diploma of college studies (DCS) in classical dance-interpretation (561.BA.) issued by the Government of Québec and a graduate diploma in classical dance from L’École supérieure.
L’École supérieure de ballet du Québec believes that it is important to provide young men with solid technique, allowing them to develop the strength and precision needed to perform movements specific to them (jumps, lifts, etc.). For this reason, from the elementary level, boys take dynamic classes designed for highperformance athletes. In these classes, which are open exclusively to boys, students receive in-depth training in the specifically masculine aspects of classical technique, with a focus on vitality, endurance and action.
Possibility of a full bursary (see p. 17).
• Same professional training course exclusively in dance.
• Offers the possibility of taking correspondence courses.
• Leads to a Graduate Diploma in classical dance issued by L’École supérieure.
From the Intermediate Cycle, students embark on a dance-studies course and have the possibility to choose between the official curriculum or the dance-only curriculum.
To audition, potential students must meet requirements with regards to age (as of September 30, of the current year), health and aptitude for dance. Candidates from 11 to 20 years old and of all levels can audition for the Intermediate, Advanced or Superior cycles. However, the later a student enters the program, the stricter the technical requirements.
Consisting of L’École supérieure’s artistic director and teachers, the jury evaluates technique in classical ballet, in addition to coordination, flexibility, musicality, expressiveness, etc.
Fill the form on www.esbq.ca
Fees of $40
Add two photos in ballet attire
+ or or
JANUARY 29, 2023
Face All Candidates
Arms Against Body Grade 5 to 6 Candidates
Tendu in second Grade 7 to 9 Candidates
1re arabesque in profile Grade 10 and older Candidates
Dance leotard with pink tights, demi-pointe and pointe shoes (if applicable) and hair bun
White t-shirt, black shorts or tights and demi-pointe shoes
Video screening Auditions before a jury
20 02 min hours
Latecomers will not be admitted and parents cannot attend the audition.
Candidates who cannot come to the in-person audition can send a video.
Video audition (hyperlink) must be filmed with the camera at the body height and must include the following:
• Facing front: Simply stand, facing the camera, arms relaxed along the body.
• Profile position: As above, but stand sideways to the camera.
• Pointing feet: Sitting on the ground, profile to the camera, extend the legs in front of the body and point both feet.
• Flexing feet: Sitting on the ground, profile to the camera, extend the legs in front of the body and flex feet. The heels can lift off the ground.
• External rotation (turnout): Lying on the ground, on the back, put the legs in a demi plié position (the frog). Try not to arch the back. Repeat the same position while lying on the stomach.
• Back flexibility : Lying on the stomach, place both hands underneath the shoulders and push up with the arms only. The hips must stay on the ground.
• Flexibility: Sitting on the ground, profile to the camera, with legs extended in front, lean forward and if possible, touch the feet while keeping the legs straight.
• Exercises at the barre: pliés, tendus, grands battements, etc.
• Musicality and coordination: skip in a circle or in diagonal on a musical accompaniment.
• Artistry: perform a short choreography.
Perform a short ballet class with these elements:
• Barre (one side only)
• Centre: tendus, adage, pirouettes and jumps (small, medium and big allegro)
• Girls add one pointe exercise in the centre (preferably a pirouette exercise) and one variation, depending on the level.
Candidates retained after the first audition are required to participate in the entire summer intensive program
An open class and short presentations to parents are held on the last day of the summer intensive program.
For five weeks, candidates will experience the daily training they would receive at L’École supérieure, including:
2 weeks to get back in shape
June 26 to July 7
Half days of dance classes and health workshops. Morning classes for the Intermediate cycle students and afternoon classes for the Advanced and Superior cycles students.
3 intensive weeks
July 10 to 28
Full days of dance with special and diverse programming.
• Ballet ;
• Pointe Work ;
• Boys’ Technique ;
• Contemporary Dance ;
• Conditioning ;
• Classical, Neo-Classical and Contemporary Repertoire ;
• Health Workshops.
Participation in the health workshops is mandatory as well as the dance classes, as these learnings are an integral part of the school curriculum and are required to obtain the secondary school diploma (SSD).
Find all the information on our website : https://www.esbq.ca/en/performance/junior-cycle/
As of the Intermediate Cycle, the student enters the danse-étude program which allows students to combine learning dance and academic studies.
to Friday
Grade 8: classes on Saturday starting in January Grade 9: classes on Saturday from 10:45 to 13:00
In the Advanced Cycle, the student’s schedule allows them to concentrate exclusively on academic studies on Mondays and devote themselves entirely to dancing on Saturdays.
The Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie (PSNM), a private institution, is one of the top 5 high schools in Québec. Its partnership with L’École supérieure is unique, as there is no other partnership of this kind in Québec. From its historic architecture to modern spaces, from the heritage section to areas dedicated to technology, from concert halls to classrooms, the PSNM offers a stimulating learning environment.
• Ballet;
• Pointe Work;
• Boys’ Technique;
• Character Dance (Grade 7);
• Contemporary Dance (From Grade 8);
• Conditioning;
• Classical, Neo-Classical and Contemporary Repertoire.
• Ballet;
• Pointe Work;
• Boys’ Technique;
• Contemporary Dance ;
• Conditioning;
• Repertoire;
• Choreographic Workshop;
• Partnering.
Partner with L’École supérieure since 1979, the Cégep du Vieux Montréal is the only educational establishment in Québec that issues a college diploma in classical dance. This prominent school is known especially for the high quality of its many arts-based technical training programs.
The performance program provides a varied range of experiences in different professional contexts by allowing students to participate in major productions along with recognized artists and organizations, in the most prestigious venues of the city.
To ensure that every talented young person has the opportunity to pursue a career in dance, regardless of their financial situation, the Foundation of L’École supérieure offers annual student support scholarships. Thanks to the Student Bursary Fund, access to our high-level training is more readily available to young people from families with modest incomes or from remote areas.
Steps to apply for a bursary
- Obtain an application form from the Foundation at fondation@esbq.ca.
- This form must be completed by the person financially responsible for the student at the time of registration.
- All applications are then studied confidentially by the Foundation’s award committee.
- The amount allocated varies and can reach up to the total dance fees.
- The student who receives a support grant may be asked to contribute to activities organized by L’École supérieure and its foundation.
At L’École supérieure, the health of dancers is a priority in all activities carried out during their training. Our institution continually seeks ways to innovate with activities that improve the physical and psychological wellbeing of its students. They have access to workshops on mental preparation, nutrition and cooking classes that teach them how to deal with food issues and dispel the food-related myths prevalent on social networks. The head of Health Services guides and accompanies the students and their parents, working in partnership with professionals renowned for their expertise in the evaluation and treatment of athletes.
The Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie offers boarding 5 days a week from Sunday night to Friday morning.
Located on the first floor of the Maison de la danse du Québec Ludmilla-Chiriaeff, the library contains the largest specialized dance collection in Canada and one of the most oustanding in the world, with over 36,000 documents. The free subscription to the Bibliothèque de la danse Vincent-Warren is part of the Professional Division student privileges.
When students are admitted, they must complete their registration with both L’École supérieure and the academic partner corresponding to their level, if they choose the official curriculum. The fees displayed do not take into account the material and fees associated with certain activities that take place during the year. Additional fees may also be requested by our school partners. Please contact them for more details.
Upon receipt of their acceptance letter, foreign students can start the process to obtain a student’s permit. Foreign students must obtain the following documents:
• a Québec Acceptance Certificate for studies https://www.quebec.ca/en/education/studyquebec/temporary-selection-studies
• a study permit http://www.cic.gc.ca
• insurance in the event of accident. For additional information on the process for obtaining a visa, please contact the ManagerRegistrar’s Office and Student Services.
1 Payment of school fees is made directly to the partner school.
The Summer Intensive is mandatory for anyone admitted for the 2023-2024 school year and is therefore part of the full school year tuition. In the event of departure after the intensive course or before September 15, 2023, the Summer Intensive fees indicated in this guide will be retained.
CYCLES Accomodation
Intermediate and advanced 7 240$
Available only to students in the official curriculum. Financial assistance may be available from the Ministry of Education for housing and travel.
2 Fees subject to change. An ancillary fee of $350 to $950 also applies for the PSNM.
3 Fees for 2022-2023.
4 https://www.cvm.qc.ca/etudes-au-collegial/#frais-relies-aux-etudes
Eden Solomon
Élodie Scholtes-Labrecque
BALLETT ZÜRICH Cohen Aitchison-Dugas
BALLETT ZÜRICH compagnie Junior Quentin
Pier-Loup Lacour
Pierre-Émile Lemieux-Venne
A springboard to an international career.
Ève-Marie Dalcourt
- Danced with NEDERLANDS
- Rehearsal Assistant for Alexander
Ekman with OPÉRA DE PARIS and STAATSBALLET BERLIN, among others.
Nabor BUHNEN BERN Saskya Pauzé-Bégin © CARLOS QUEZADA © ANNE-SOPHIE HÉROUX © CHARLOTTE CAVALEIRO © SEBASTIEN LEHNER © GALEN HIGGINS © GREGORYBATARDONWith more than half a century’s tradition, L’École supérieure is an establishment committed to transmitting the necessary know-how to teach classical dance, both for recreational and / or professional students. In line with the reality of the working world, this program is also offered on a parttime basis.
• Initiation to the career;
• Principles of anatomy applied to the teaching of dance;
• Principles of dance psychopedagogy of dance;
• Music and dance teaching;
• Development of dance learning activities for dance;
• Teaching strategies;
• Evaluation in dance;
• Introduction to the work environment I & II;
• Interpretation of a program;
• Practical teaching workshop;
• Production of a show.
• A Dance Performance (561. BA) DCS in Classical Dance or equivalent or
• Professional experience as a dancer or
• Previous experience in dance teaching;
«Teaching allows me to share the extensive performing experience I acquired over the years as principal dancer with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, then with La La La Human Steps. However, in order to properly guide my students in their development, I felt that I needed more knowledge in areas such as anatomy, music and psychology. Today, I am better equipped to plan courses and develop exercises suited to the challenges my students face.»
• Have sufficient knowledge of written and spoken French.
• Résumé;
• Letter of intent;
• Letter of support from an employer
— Andrea Boardman, Graduate
Accompanying a ballet class is an art form that requires a great deal of training and experience. This expertise is accessible through our ballet accompanist course that includes observation, theory and practice.
Available in person or online, with a flexible schedule, this program is open to pianists from all over the world.
• Proficiency in classical or jazz piano or
• A college or university diploma or
• Previous experience in ballet accompaniment.
Selected candidates will be invited for a short audition and an interview.
• Introduction to ballet vocabulary;
• Definition of the musical structure of exercises;
• Strategies for communicating with ballet instructors;
• Organization of personal repertoire.
Music and dance are two arts that have a close connection with each other.
Youri de Wilde Manager - Registrar’s office and Student Services youri.dewilde@esbq.ca
Maison de la danse du Québec Ludmilla-Chiriaeff Laurier sortie Saint-Joseph 4816, rue Rivard
Montréal (Québec) H2J 2N6
T. 514 849-4929